By A. Kamara & N. Assad (Purposeful)
Since before colonial times, our foremothers have used the tools available to them to make safe and dignified decisions about when and how they had children. Colonial powers enshrined into law a ban on many of these practices. And, even as the medical technology existed to make these decisions safely, we are still left with the residue of colonial control of the family planning choices of women in Sierra Leone. Even 63 years post-independence, many in our society hold on feverishly to these external controls of our society. Apparently, the West jumps and some of our leaders say, “How high?”. Case in point: the Inter-Religious Council and their close-minded opposition to the Safe Motherhood Bill.
In the latest debate on the Safe Motherhood Bill, the Inter-Religious Council takes its cues and talking points from far-right religious extremism in the United States. Money and messaging are pouring into our country that mirrors word-for-word the rhetoric in the U.S. The western far-right religious agenda is to infiltrate important policy debates in countries like Sierra Leone to strengthen their global power. In the Inter-Religious Council’s desire to win the approval of these extremists, they choose to ignore many important facts.
They ignore that 3-5 women die every day from pregnancy and childbirth complications, with unsafe abortions accounting for 10% of maternal deaths.. They seem to believe that the lives of our most desperate aunties, sisters, daughters and mothers are the price we must all pay for this agenda– as if our lives are meaningless and disposable. The opposition to this bill has chosen this position rather than face the reality at hand.
They ignore the stifling poverty that so many Sierra Leoneans face. For many families, the ability to decide whether to have another child can mean extending poverty into yet another generation. Women know this and should be able to make these important decisions for their children and the generations that follow.
They ignore that Sierra Leone is a religiously tolerant country. We are skeptical of the push of any one version of religion shaping the policies and practices of our Government who must be accountable to all.
They ignore that we are a practical and compassionate country. These same forces have created contentious and cruel public debate in their own countries that ignores the suffering of half of their population and that offers no real solutions to the challenges women face.
They ignore that abortions will continue to happen as they always have. This is not an issue of abortion but of safe abortion and reproductive care and whether desperate women deserve to die because of the decisions they feel they must make.
Rather than act as the handmaidens of religious extremists in the United States and distribute inaccurate images of fetuses, we implore them to take seriously the true realities of Sierra Leone and address the hardships faced by the women in their congregations. We call on them to prioritize the well-being of Sierra Leonean women. We implore them to hear directly from women and hear their cries for safety in motherhood and beyond. We ask that they disavow the resources and influence of far-right religious extremists and focus on how we can improve the health of women and children here.
The Safe Motherhood Bill is an opportunity to shape Sierra Leone for Sierra Leoneans of all faiths. Sierra Leoneans deserve an Inter-Religious Council that does not ignore our suffering but works closely with political leaders to shape compassionate policy that cares for both men and women.