Milla Group, Real Value Foods SL Commission 6 Compartment Toilet Building at Grafton Community

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

During a snap but a very impressive event convened on the 3rd April, 2024 by Milla Group and Real Value Foods SL Ltd within the Grafton Community, in the Western Rural District, a six compartment standard toilet facility was commissioned, mainly geared towards improving sanitation for the community residents.

Key residents of the Grafton Community that were present included  Councilors,  Mohammed Lamin Kamara and  Alusine, the Headman -Harrray Bangura , the Community Chairman – Foday Fofanah, the Chairlady- Ejiatu Sesay , the Section Chief -Pa Kabia, the Youth Leader – Ibrahim Albert Gandi, Madam Isatu Bah, David Fofanah and Kadie Nabieu.

Present on the part of the companies were Lamin Koroma and Mr. Ghandi with Rajesh Hemnani unavoidably joining the gathering during the tail-end of the programme.

In his statement, during the occasion, the Environmental Lead Consultant of ECOSYS SL Limited, Anthony Toban Davies, who also doubles as an official of Real Value Foods, a component of Milla Group, that is engaged in the manufacturing of sausages, intimated that the programme was geared towards the implementation of a compliance obligation by the two companies in terms of facilitating development under their Corporate Social Responsibility. He said the environmental laws of the country mandate them to fulfill such an obligation within the Grafton Community as it is one of their operational locations saying they had been doing so in past years.

According to him they have assisted the Grafton Community with sustainable toilet facilities for the past three years now revealing how in 2017, through their collaborative efforts, that is Milla Group and Real Value Foods, they pulled financial resources together, constructed and commissioned a four room toilet facility built within the Grafton Market.

He continued by informing that such was replicated in 2023 with the commissioning of a six compartment toilet facility saying the programme which has again brought them together is to witness the handing over of another standard six compartment toilet facility stressing that all the facilities that they have offered the community are constructed to be very sustainable.

Anthony Toban Davies, also pointed out that both Milla Group and Real Value Foods want to assure the Government that, as good corporate citizens, they will continue to comply with statutory obligations that mandate them to give back to communities where they operate. He praised the residents of Grafton for their hospitality and wishing that the existing relationship that exists among them will continue to blossom as well as expressing optimism for the improvement of the economy so that they will continue to do more for the community.

He ended by maintaining that they are committed to set examples that will serve as pointers which other industries operating within the Grafton Community will emulate underscoring how it is important to implement sustainable projects that will positively impact the beneficiaries and even benefit generations yet unborn.

On behalf of the community residents, the Headman of Grafton ,Harrray Bangura, expressed profound thanks and gratitude to Milla Group and Real Value Foods for the gesture describing it as not only timely but very significant in improving sanitation within the Grafton Community. He praised the two companies for the respect that they have been showing to the community residents and also promised that they will make good use of the toilet facility.


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