NASSIT Engages Parliamentary Oversight Committee to Bridge Communication Gaps

National Action for Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT).jpg

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In an effort to foster synergy and address key communication gaps regarding its operations, the National Action for Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) has on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 organized a day-long seminar for Members of Parliament from the Oversight Committee on Employment, Labour, and Social Security. The seminar, themed: “Understanding Social Security, Employment, Labour Issues; the Role of Stakeholders,” was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Aberdeen, Freetown.

The seminar aimed to enhance the understanding of social security, employment and labour issues among Parliamentary Oversight Committee members.

In his address, Mohamed Gondie, Deputy Director of Administration at NASSIT, emphasized the critical importance of the initiative in fostering effective communication and collaboration between NASSIT and the lawmakers. He underscored that such initiatives are pivotal in ensuring that legislative frameworks and policies are aligned with the operational realities and strategic goals of NASSIT.

By enhancing this collaborative relationship, NASSIT can better serve the public, improve the efficiency of social security systems and ensure that the legislative body is well-informed about the challenges and advancements within NASSIT.

Mohamed Gondie further noted that ongoing dialogue and cooperation are essential for the continuous improvement of social security services, ultimately benefiting the entire nation.

Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara, Chairperson of the Labour, Employment and Social Security Committee, underscored the seminar’s significance, highlighting its role in strengthening the understanding and cooperation between lawmakers and NASSIT.

She emphasized that oversight members should not be perceived merely as enforcers but as crucial supporters and collaborators in the implementation of laws and policies.

Hon. Rebecca Kamara commended the NASSIT scheme for its substantial benefits to the public noting that such seminars are vital for ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned in their efforts to enhance social security and labor systems.

She also stressed the importance of continuous engagement and education for lawmakers to effectively advocate for and support initiatives that improve the welfare of the citizens.

The Chairperson also called for a more proactive approach in addressing the challenges within the social security framework, ensuring that the benefits of the NASSIT scheme reach all segments of society efficiently and equitably.

Fatmata Mustapha, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Employment and Labour, delivered a prepared statement on behalf of the Minister, emphasizing the foundational importance of social security in fostering a just and equitable society. She underscored the moral obligation of public officials to prioritize the welfare of the people, particularly in matters concerning social security and labor policies.

The Permanent Secretary further emphasized the pivotal role of the seminar in fostering closer collaboration between NASSIT and the parliamentary committee. By enhancing understanding and communication channels, such initiatives are instrumental in ensuring the effective implementation of social security policies and the protection of workers’ rights, she asserted.

Additionally, Fatmata Mustapha stressed the need for ongoing dialogue and cooperation between Government agencies and legislative bodies to address emerging challenges and uphold the principles of social justice and fairness. She reiterated the commitment of the Ministry of Employment and Labour to work closely with NASSIT and other stakeholders to safeguard the interests of workers and promote inclusive social security initiatives.

The seminar provided a platform for detailed discussions on various aspects of social security, employment and labour issues. It also served as an opportunity for the Parliamentary Oversight Committee members to gain a deeper understanding of NASSIT’s operations thereby enhancing their capacity to support and oversee the implementation of relevant laws and policies effectively.

Through this initiative, NASSIT aims to build a more robust partnership with the Parliamentary Committee, ensuring that social security schemes are implemented efficiently and transparently, ultimately benefiting the people of Sierra Leone.



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