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To Stop The Spread Of Covid19…. Alphajor Barrie and Tarlabasi Solidarity Association Donate To Africans

Mr. Dauda Kargbo, Mr Mohamed Mr. Alphajor Barrie, Mr. Yasid and Mr. Abdul Kargbo

By ALusine Samuel Kargbo (ASK) Istanbul

Turkey announced its first case of the novel coronavirus on Wednesday 11th of March 2020, while stressing that all precautionary measures should be taken. The pandemic which has caused major dislocations all over the world is affecting every aspect of life.

Since this pandemic started in Turkey, communities especially the African communities have been affected as some Africans have been forced to stay home for three to four weeks now without jobs not to talk of even accessing food, pay bills.

Mr. Alphajor Barrie is a Sierra Leonean, based in Turkey. He is a business man and a philanthropist that owns a cargo and a restaurant in Istanbul. He is always there to see that Africans are given the treatment they deserve in terms of shelter and medical facilities.

Mr. Alphajor Barrie was contacted by some Africans who for three weeks now have no job, food .Mr. Barrie in return has engaged some NGOs to come to the aid of Africans. The Tarlabasi Solidarity Association (TSA) responded to the call of Mr. Alphajor Barrie.

On Thursday 9th of April 2020, Mr. Barrie and the Tarlabasi Solidarity Association (TSA) started supplying masks, shopping cards, gloves and hand sanitizers to Africans resident in Turkey. Before one receives  a donation his/her temperature must be checked in order to ascertain whether the individual is positive or negative..

In another development, Alie Yayah, another Sierra Leonean based in Turkey who is a University students in Istanbul, also engaged some NGOs for support. They also responded by giving a donation to all Sierra Leoneans.



The Importance of National Unity in a Crisis Time Like This

By Amin Kef Sesay

Let us start this commentary with a big “thank you” to all the opposition members of Parliament and their political parties for rallying strongly behind the Government of President Bio in the fight against the corona virus disease in what is clearly a clear demonstration of the true spirit of nationhood.

In times of national crisis, such as the eleven years war that we experienced or the Ebola disease five years ago, the notion of unity is no stranger to States far and wide, let alone Sierra Leone.

Ethnic, cultural and economic strains that compromise national unity have long been engrained into our country’s post-colonial history. In light of that, efforts to bridge this ethnic divide since independence reflects the wide-spread recognition of the need for national unity in the fight against the corona virus disease.

That “we can be heroes” spirit has been ignited in the country again, only this time in earnest. As the coronavirus crisis unfolds, it’s crucial to remember we are stronger together.

The past weeks show that there remain things about which we can nearly all agree: among them the selflessness of the medical staff on whom we all depend, and the capacity for decency and kindness in communities up and down the land.

Since the emergency was declared, we have proved as a nation that we still at heart have more in common than that which divides us. There is justified fear of what may come. We can feel the anxiety in the voices of our isolated parents and grandparents; we might sense it in ourselves. Even so, much has already been taken on board.

Parents have taken up the challenges of home-schooling, teenagers have forgone social lives and weddings have been shelved, house moves postponed. The monumental shift in national behaviour has so far been brought about not by sanctions and fines but by common sense and fellow feeling.

As this crisis unfolds, we don’t need to unplug our memory of the short-sighted negligence of provision made in the past in the name of austerity. Now, more than ever, a Government that was elected playing fast and loose with figures must be held to its promises.

The weeks and months ahead will be less a political drama than a struggle waged in millions of individual lives up and down the land. It will be more quickly over if we hold in mind that, at our best, we remain all in it together.

National unity is the strength that binds and inspires the people of our country. Thus in reality, its protection, peace, independence and sovereignty are directly dependant on and relative to a nation’s pride, patriotism, and social cohesion also known as unity.

Integrity in the fight against corona is not dependent on social cohesion, but a nation’s cultural morals and Government ethics, which ultimately adds to or subtracts from the nation’s social unity/cohesion.

Thus, national unity defined as solidarity within citizens of a nation, with minimum sectorial practices and close adherence to law and order is very central and critical to a successful fight against corona, as happened with ending the RUF; as happened with ending the Ebola outbreak.

National unity in this sense does not imply homogeneity. It advocates rather, a “community of communities” which respects diversity and shared values, experiences and geographical relativity. To reiterate, national unity is essential in maintaining a harmonious and functional society at a crisis time like this.

Consequently, national unity now and subsequently societal stability is what will contribute to nation-building which principally revolves around economic developments which leads to elevated standards of living; and if channeled efficiently – decreased poverty rate and income disparity, benefiting the populace as a whole.

To conclude, beyond the current health emergency that we face, national unity is crucial for the growth of Sierra Leone in terms of guaranteeing societal stability and spurring economic growth for the betterment of the people.

Good governance, correct information and mass sensitization at all levels of society play an integral role in fostering this unity by equipping individuals with an educated and objective perspective on intercultural interaction, helping the nation to effectively and effortlessly navigate through the waters of diversity.



Hon. Sidi Tunis Appeals for all Hands on Deck to Fight COVID-19

Honourable Sidi Mohamed Tunis

By Abdul Malik Bangura

In his Easter message of solidarity from the Office of Leader of Government Business in Parliament Honourable Sidie Mohamed Tunis, called on all MPs to work collectively to save lives amidst the current Coronavirus Outbreak in the Sierra Leone.

Honourable Sidie Mohamed Tunis is the Speaker of the Regional Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Leader of Government Business representing the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament and MP for Constituency 101 in the Southern Provincial district of Pujehun.

Honourable Tunis, in his message dated and signed on Sunday 12th April 2020, said that he was overwhelmed with joy that majority of the MPs in Sierra Leone have taken the lead “under very difficult circumstances, to ensure that the pandemic comes to a speedy end.” He added: “I feel personally honoured that this is happening under my leadership. I feel deeply gratified by the actions you have taken in your constituencies that translate the emergency into action and to sensitize your constituents about the grave importance of adhering and respecting the dictates of the emergency, more particularly in ensuring that COVID-19 does not devastate the country.”

Meanwhile, Honourable Tunis, further commented on the letter from the Chairman and Leader of his SLPP alleging that Honourable Tunis has been removed as Leader of Government Business in Parliament. He said, “I have always been a great respecter of the decisions of the Party hierarchy, especially when done in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Party Constitution.” Hence he said:  “I will in this regard implore all SLPP MPs that while we await the final formal announcement of any decision concerning our Leadership in Parliament, to remain completely calm and focus on the overriding objectives of eliminating COVID-19 from the shores of Sierra Leone.”

In addition, to his colleagues leaders of various political parties in the House of Parliament, Honourable Tunis encouraged them to continue talking to their members as always “to put the nation first and to kick Coronavirus out of our beloved country,” adding that as leaders they are aware that “this is not the time to score political points but a time to unite behind His Excellency the President for the wellbeing of the People of the nation.”

COVID-19 Fund Gets another Le1 Billion Boost from Seawright Mining Company

Seawright Mining Company Human Resource Manager Josephine Sia Konomanyi presenting the one billion Leones Cheque to the interim Chairman, Retired Brigadier Hassan Kellie Conteh

By Joenal Sesay

As a way of contributing towards the fight against the deadly coronavirus, Seawright Mining Company on the 9th April 2020 presented a cheque of One Billion Leones to the Interim National Coordinator for COVID-19 Response..

The One Billion Leones cheque was presented to Retired Brigadier Kelli Conteh at the Forecourt of the Emergency Operation Centre at Cockerill in Freetown.

Presenting the donation on behalf of Seawright Mining Company, the Chief Operations Officer, Chaurura Tichaona Saul ,said even though the company is still on its exploration stage they thought it fit to support the Government at this time due to the impact and danger caused by COVID-19.

He revealed that as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility they saw it fit that they chip in to help in the fight against the virus in the country. Saul said they were extremely humbled to donate the said amount to the Government and people of Sierra Leone to support the strides the Government has made in putting in place preventive measures in curtailing the spread of the Coronavirus.

He disclosed that the donation would provide significant and much needed support to Sierra Leone by supplying relief materials, critical health care items and financial support to the Government through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee set up by President Bio to contain the virus.

Seawright Mining Company Human Resource Manager Josephine Sia Konomanyi, expressed delight that their Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Alfred Seawright, thought it fit to contribute towards the fight against COVID-19 as the country does not have proper medical facilities in saving lives.

She called on other mining companies, NGO’s and other well-meaning organizations to come on board to help in the fight because they could only win if they do it together.

She said that what they expected at the end of the day is for the Government to utilize the money for its intended purpose which can help save lives and for the virus not to spread in the country.

Receiving the cheque of one billion Leones from Seawright Mining Company Human Resource Manager, Josephine Sia Konomanyi, the Interim Chairman, Retired Brigadier Hassan Kellie Conteh on behalf of the EOC expressed appreciation to Seawright Mining Company for such a gesture. He said the donation came at the right time as the center is currently working on other strategies to expand on their response.

He therefore assured them that the donated amount will be used for the intended purpose to impact their response.

This is not the first national intervention of Seawright Mining Company. The company donated over $20,000,000 (Twenty Thousand Dollars) KVA Generators, $15,000,000 Tents, assorted soap and bags of rice during the Mudslide and Flooding in Freetown in 2014 to the Office of National Security (ONS) among other goodwill gestures in their operational areas and beyond.


“Sierra Leone Must Implement a Smart Lockdown…”   – Prince Jacob Macauley Asserts

Economist Prince Jacob Macauley

By Foday Moriba Conteh

As Sierra Leone enters Day 4 of a national inter-district lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and with the economy taking a slight beating amid the lockdown, Economist Prince Jacob Macauley said that he has come up with a smart lockdown plan – that would work similar to economic stability plans – that save lives and livelihoods.

Economist Prince Jacob Macauley said the Government Policy Unit has been working tirelessly with healthcare and financial experts, policy specialists, and its shadow cabinet to devise a sustainable and flexible Smart Lockdown to supplement Government’s coronavirus response effort.

They planned to submit the Smart Lockdown working paper which can be updated and amended by President Bio.

“Managing Covid-19 will require a marathon, not a sprint.  Realistically, Sierra Leone may have to contain the coronavirus right up until a vaccine is widely available in 18-24 months’ time.  We must hope for a shorter period but plan pragmatically for a long one. In addition to this, Sierra Leone was already in rebuilding its economy before the coronavirus hit.  Under a hard lockdown we are heading towards an economic depression,” Macauley said.

He said it was going to be very hard to fund an adequate health response over that time period, while also bridging poor households and small businesses to the other side.

“Therefore, we need to contain this virus over the coming months and beyond in such a way that as many of us as possible can get back to work…We believe that it is a false choice to distinguish between a loss of lives and a loss of livelihoods.  Given that economically active citizens pay for our food, hospitals, and doctors, an economic collapse as the result of a continued hard lockdown will also equate to a loss of life. Sierra Leone needs a strategy to balance the containment of Covid-19 and the containment of the economic fallout as a result of the lockdown, addressing the twin threat to Sierra Leone lives: the spread of infection and grinding economic recession,” the renowned Economist maintained.

He said Sierra Leone need a phased and flexible approach to ease the lockdown while ensuring that the country contains the spread of the coronavirus as Covid-19 will not simply disappear once the lockdown is lifted.

“Sierra Leone cannot afford a hard lockdown. The economic repercussions of a hard and extended lockdown will be disastrous for the Sierra Leone economy, and thousands of taxpaying citizens will emerge from it unemployed as a result. Furthermore, Sierra Leone  does not have the fiscal space necessary to accommodate the severe assault a hard lockdown will unleash on our economy,” Macauley said.

 How will the Smart Lockdown work?

The Economist’s Smart Lockdown functions similarly to an energy supply or the different stages of water restrictions previously seen during the Freetown drought.

In addition to the introduction of the Smart Lockdown, Economist Macauley’s Covid-19 strategy for managing lives and livelihoods includes:

* Moving between lockdown stages (different specified stages of economic and social activity) in response to what the data is telling us e.g. about new daily infections and hospital capacity.

* Massive rollout of testing, tracking, tracing, and treatment coupled with transparent reporting of data.

* Massive build of healthcare capacity coupled with transparent reporting of progress data.

* Enabling and strict enforcement of the wearing of protective face masks in all public areas.

* The roll out of a comprehensive public education campaign: hygiene, diagnosis, handling. This includes health protocols for public spaces and workplaces;

* Assistance to the high-risk group to continue isolating where possible.

* Strict border control.

* Bold economic stimulus/relief package

* Sweeping reforms in Government and to our economy.

Indeed, it is very rational to have a Smart Lock Down in place than a Hard Lock Down as espoused by the Economist taking into consideration the fragility of the country’s economy.


Advance Plan of Lands Minister Makes Social Distancing Natural

Minister of Lands, Dr. Dennis Sandy

By Edward Vanboi

If anything, the Minister of Lands Dr. Dennis Sandy could best be described as either a prophet or a seer and more so a man with foresight and vision required of any good leader.

This vision of the Lands Minister has sprouted to something that could save many lives especially under the strain of the current COVID-19 pandemic which is plaguing the whole world at this moment causing great loss of lives in every continent of the globe.

One of the precautions that Government has been stressing on to deter the spread of the Virus is social distancing which means working with others while at the same time maintaining certain amount of distance between each other.

The Ministry of Lands’ mandate involves much surveying of Government and private property in cases where there are disputes between land owners. Surveys involve many hands who work closely but that was before Dr. Sandy came to that Ministerial position at the Ministry of Lands.

Dr. Sandy’s innovation of introducing aerial drone system of surveys has made social distancing child’s play for the Ministry of Lands. The Prophet has made it simple and hands free with just a few hands to survey large portions of land without any interaction among peoples.

The Ministry of Lands is the only Ministry in the country that could boast of completing a very tasking assignment while at the same time observing perfect social distancing.

Dr. Sandy who is rated among the top 6 Cabinet Ministers in the President Bio Government by the Integrity Score Card has always displayed discipline in everything he does and this innovation with the use of drones, is just one of those and his boss, HE President Bio will be highly pleased with him.

Miss Central 2019 Takes Coronavirus Awareness to Sackville Street & Brookfields

Miss Central 2019/2020, Evelyn Isatu John

By Foday Moriba Conteh

To access communities with the objective of spreading preventive messages against the coronavirus, one of Sierra Leone’s most outstanding beauty contestants who also doubles as the winner of Miss Central 2019/2020, Evelyn Isatu John, has embarked on community awareness raising campaign using messages against the coronavirus and also distributed food items to the aged at Sackville Street & Brookfields respectively.

Speaking to this medium in an interview, Miss Central 2019/2020, Evelyn Isatu John, disclosed that coronavirus is a deadly virus and the country needs collectiveness in order to curtail the spread of the virus, furthering that her awareness campaign is geared towards complementing the efforts of the Government in its strides towards scaling up the fight against the virus maintaining how it is only by doing so that the common enemy could be defeated.

She then went into detail to explain the various measures that should be taken to prevent the disease, which include: hand washing, avoiding body contacts, avoid hand shaking, use face masks etc. She also admonished residents that in the event of persistent coughing, uncommon fever, extreme fatigue and difficulty in breathing, residents should call 117 for emergency response

She admonished them to adhere to all the precautionary measures that the Government and its partners have put in place, also underscoring that it is only when strict adherence is maintained that we could stay safe.

She stated that the gesture is a clear manifestation that she cares for her Fans and non-fans and that she is determined to stand by the side of the people of this country during good and bad times. She ended by expressing appreciation to BJO Amara Association and Miss Central Limited  for their tremendous support they rendered to her in order to make this event a success.

Mariama Kallon, a beneficiary residing at Sackville Street  expressed gratitude to Miss Central 2019/2020 for taking the coronavirus awareness raising to their community which she termed as not only important but also timely.

She urged residents to adhere to these messages and make good use of them further assuring her that they will ensure that all what they have learnt will be put into practice.

John Kamara, who also benefited from the donation, also thanked Evelyn Isatu John for the gesture which he described as a timely intervention.

ECOWAS Youth Council Takes Coronavirus Awareness Campaign to Gbalamuya

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a bid to complement the efforts of the Government to reach out to communities with preventive messages against the coronavirus, the ECOWAS Youth Council Sierra Leone Chapter on Friday 11th April 2020 concluded a 2 days outreach sensitization on the causes and prevention of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) at Gbalamuya, a border community closer to Guinea in the Kambia District in line with their “Beyond Borders Sensitization Tour”.

In his address, President of ECOWAS Youth Council Sierra Leone Chapter, Amb Sheku Foryor, threw light on the establishment and operations of the organization further disclosing that it is a platform that gives young people the chance to discuss issues that affect their wellbeing for the attention Government

He also noted that the role of youth in the border areas vis-à-vis scaling up the fight against Covid-19 is very pivotal.

He noted that during the Ebola outbreak young people played critical roles in the fight against the outbreak, adding that the current sensitization drive is carried out as a way of complementing Government’s effort in the fight against CoVID-19 also highlighting that border communities are at high risk further calling on residents to adhere to precautionary measures.

On his part, the Chairman of the Kambia District Youth Council, Mohamed Alim Kamara, expressed appreciation to members of the ECOWAS Youth Council for taking the coronavirus awareness campaign to their district, saying it is timely. He encouraged all to observe the necessary personal hygiene messages that have been explained to them and to adhere to the directives of the Government. He also admonished them to follow the process of hand washing demonstrated to them as such will help to keep them alive and protect them from contracting the coronavirus.

He enjoined the people of Gbalamuya to take heed of the messages that have been given to them by the team, more especially young people who are mostly agents of smuggling around porous border areas, to adhere to other messages like early referral to the health Centre or calling of the 117 when someone falls sick.

Mariatu Sankoh, on behalf of the women of Gbalamuya, also expressed delight for the inspirational and encouraging messages from her peers about the consequences of contracting the coronavirus and the importance of taking ownership of the fight. She urged her colleagues to make good use of the messages.

In appreciation, the Customs Supervisor of the National Revenue Authority hailed the team at the Gbalamuya Customs Post and told members of the team that the entity is a joint border monitoring unit between Sierra Leone and Guinea. He also emphasized that they are working assiduously to ensure that the closure of the border is maintained as announced by Government.

Orange SL Offers Pupils & Students Free Educational Online Access

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Orange Sierra Leone in its commitment to give support to the educational sector, evident in its various interventions has on 4 April 2020 in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Education launched free zero rated educational portals to schools and universities countrywide during the Coronavirus period. This move was undertaken to fill in the vacuum that has been created within the educational sector as the global pandemic has made it very precarious for pupils and students to be together in one place as one of the key preventive measures of keeping the virus from spreading is to avoid large crowds or convergence.

It is indeed a known fact that schools and colleges are currently indefinitely closed which is why Orange SL and the Ministry of Basic and Senior Education thought it fit to offer FREE browsing on several learning sites such as the Ministry of Education Online Classroom, Wikipedia, Khan Academy Open2Study and many more.

“Amidst the robust precautionary measures implemented by the Government in mitigating further spread of the Coronavirus outbreak in Sierra Leone, Orange Sierra Leone stands in solidarity with the Nation during this very difficult time and commits to Support the Government in the fight against this Global Pandemic,” Orange Sierra Leone CEO, Aminata Kane intimated adding further how the Company remains committed to providing quality, efficient and viable telecommunications service to complement the Government’s effort and to meet the growing demand of its valued customers at this critical time.

She said with these facilities accessible to all, student and pupils in Sierra Leone can now access many listed education sites and materials for free by visiting: http://www.orange.sl/personal/1/101/orange-education-2986.html

Additional Links to be Zero Rated


https://www.ibm.com/it-infrastructure/z/education/master-the-mainframe https://my15.digitalexperience.ibm.com/b73a5759-c6a6-4033-ab6b-d9d4f9a6d65b/dxsites/151914d1-03d2-48fe-97d9-d21166848e65/home https://www.ibm.com/skills/students/






Links from the Law Society Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone – MTHE Approval






The company is also supporting local communities through donation of Personal Protective Equipment and it was made known that coordinating with the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Company has zero rated the following sites, Ministry of Information and Communication http://www.mic.gov.sl, World Health Organization https://www.who.int/, and the Center for Disease and Control Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/ , to ensure customers get FREE access to accurate and correct information on the precautions against Coronavirus.

Furthermore, Orange SL in partnership with the Ministry of Information and Communications is currently undertaking an intensive and robust sensitization on the prevention and awareness of Coronavirus to the last village by ensuring that;

  • The Company’s digital platforms are updated on a daily basis with accurate tips update on the coronavirus,
  • The dissemination of reminder SMS at least once a day to all our customers to ensure precautionary actions are followed.
  • The development and circulation of short videos in our local languages on the precautionary measures of the disease.
  • The creation of a caller ring back tone in Krio aimed at educating customers about coroner virus as well as sensitizing customers on its preventive measures.

Furthermore, the Management of the company places importance on mobile financial services claiming that such could not be over emphasized during this period. In that light the company is encouraging cashless transactions via Orange Money for the purchase of voice & data bundles as well as payment of utility bills as it not only guarantees ease of doing business but ensures safety from the transmission of the virus through cash.

Management of the telecommunications entity assures all of Orange Sierra Leone’s commitment to provide uninterrupted, high quality telecommunication services during this period and is encouraging all to be cautious and to adhere to all Government directives and health guidelines to prevent further spread of the virus in Sierra Leone.

NP-SL is Resilient in its Petroleum Marketing Strides

By Amin Kef Sesay

With regards the importation and marketing of high grade petroleum products, including petrol, diesel, gas and lubricants one of which is the widely utilized Castrol oil, the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is said to be right on top of situation. The company is highly specialized in the transaction of these products, having numerous customers in every nook and cranny of the country which is continually and exponentially increasing. The Shareholders of the company and its various Management teams, over the years, have ensured that timely arrangements are made in order to avail its customers, right across the country, the much desired petroleum products.

However, one outstanding attribute which the company is noted for is its positive customer care stance. The owners of the company take this very serious out of the strong conviction that business will not positively grow well and expand if the concerns and needs of customers are not properly addressed. As a pro-customer company it is against such a backdrop that it was decided by the owners and Management of the company to import highly sophisticated calibrated pumping machines which are highly capable of pumping the exact quantity of fuel ,displaying quantity and price simultaneously.

These machines brought and continue to bring immense satisfaction to customers as it marked a departure from those days when rickety and manually driven machines were used, creating suspicions of being cheated by pump attendants at Filling Stations. It has been proven that individuals always feel satisfied when they are sure of getting value for money and it is that feeling which the calibrated pumping machines give.

“The company indeed proved its mettle when it brought in these machines as they do match one of the international standards of any modern efficient petroleum marketing outfit. It gives you the exact quantity demanded for, is electronically controlled and creates a win-win situation for the dealer and purchaser,” a Petroleum engineer, Solomon Tengbeh, intimated this medium during a fact finding assignment.

It was also mentioned by Lawyer Ismail Timbo that in addition to the transparent manner in which petroleum products are marketed the courteous ways in which the pump attendants treat customers is highly professional and exceptional further maintaining how NP-SL is a trusted company that operates in an orderly way and has a well-disciplined staff with incisive business etiquette.

Still within the realm of optimizing customer care and more so in order to simplify business transactions it introduced the NP Smart Card with the catchy phrase of  Fuel on Your Smart Card. Customers are at liberty to purchase petroleum products, especially petrol and diesel, using the NP Smart Card as long as they have money in it. An individual can conveniently purchase petrol or diesel with this card inasmuch as he or she has money within that card. Whenever a purchase is made with NP Smart Card the amount of money is debited and when it is top-up the amount in the card is credited. This is one of the safest ways of conducting business transactions as it prevents individuals the hassle of having to intermittently withdraw monies from their bank accounts as that could be time consuming. As a matter of fact in this modern age, financial transactions are conducted without making use of physical cash and this is advantageous in the sense that it enhances safety. This is more so true for big entities, like construction companies, which purchase large or huge quantities of fuel to last over time.

“NP Smart Card is now trending as everyday more and more people as well as entities are accessing and also using it,” Momohjah Koroma, an entrepreneur living in Kenema city informed one of our reporters adding that he is recommending it as a major conduit to procure petroleum products.

In terms of effective implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), NP-SL is said to be doing well. The company has supported many worthy causes, in some cases complementing the efforts of Government, in fostering development programmes. Just recently, NP-SL made available to the Government and People of Sierra Leone, one billion Leones as its support to help prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus and to help contain it. This was indeed no mean gesture considering the seriousness of the health pandemic, especially as the country is said to have reported 11 cases and the negative economic dislocations it is creating around the world. Such a gesture has been described as very timely with calls for other corporate institutions to give, in their own little ways, their support to Government underscoring that no support should be considered too small.

Still within its CSR portfolio, the petroleum marketing company financed the construction of a water facility for the National Fire Force, Kissy Branch. The state of the art water facility, powered by a kva generator it also donated, is capable of pumping a considerable amount of water into fire engines ,a move that is currently assisting the Force greatly in its fire extinguishing operations  and knowing how unfriendly fire disasters could be, the offer has been considered as a big boost to the NFF.

To again give its customers the best device for cooking purposes, the shareholders and Management thought it fit to introduce NP Gas which is manufactured in different cylinder sizes and powered by gas which is marketed by the company. According to a thorough investigation mounted by this medium it was uncovered that NP Gas is environmentally friendly, very portable and safe for domestic use. They could be secured at the company’s different Filling Stations right across the country.

Commendably, the company has set an exemplary niche by going the extra-mile to establish branches in neighboring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where all its state of the art outfits are doing extremely well, employing local indigenes and paying huge taxes to the host Governments.

The company stands tall for effectively adhering to the country’s local content policy as it has doggedly implemented a policy of restricting employment opportunities to Sierra Leoneans, making it a truly indigenous company except in rare situations where individuals with the required expertise could only be sourced externally to perform a specialized task. This has helped in reducing poverty and enhancing skills through staff training programs.

Indisputably, NP-SL Ltd is a living testimony of how selflessness on the part of serious like-minded people could transform a mere ambition into a towering enterprise that is capable of positively impacting on socio-economic development and transform lives for the better. In all those directions, the result-oriented petroleum business entity has bagged a lot of commendations. And from the pace it is going, though there are challenges to be surmounted, it however seems that such a resilience will be unstoppable because as far as the Shareholders and Management are concerned it is the sky that is the limit.