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EU Comes up With Global Response to fight Coronavirus Pandemic

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 7th April 2020, the European Commission of the European Union(EU)in Brussels issued a Press Release in which it stated the Commission and the High Representative have set out plans for a robust and targeted EU response to support partner countries’ efforts in tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Release, the EU’s collective action will focus on addressing the immediate health crisis and resulting humanitarian needs, strengthening partner countries’ health, water and sanitation systems and their research and preparedness capacities to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, as well as mitigating the socioeconomic impact.

It furthered that to underpin those actions, the EU will secure financial support to partner countries amounting to more than €15.6 billion from existing external action resources. “Together with our partners, we are making sure that the substantial EU funding already allocated to them is targeted to help them deal with the impact of coronavirus,” it maintained.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, commented:“The virus knows no borders. This global challenge needs strong international cooperation. The European Union is working tirelessly to fight the pandemic. We all know that only together we can stop the worldwide spread of the coronavirus. To that end, the EU will soon convene a virtual pledging event to help mobilize the necessary funding and support the World Health Organization to assist the most vulnerable countries.”

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell, added: “The coronavirus pandemic requires united, global action in response. The European Union and its Member States are playing their part in tackling this health crisis and its severe consequences – at home and abroad. While we are doing everything we can to provide support of our citizens, we also need to assist our partners in our direct neighbourhood and beyond to address the impact it will have on their livelihoods, stability and security, as their problems are our problems. This is a global fight that we will either win or lose together. Cooperation and joint efforts at the international level and multilateral solutions are the way forward, for a true global agenda for the future.

Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, explained:”As long as the coronavirus threatens lives somewhere, we are not safe. This is the core of international cooperation and partnerships. We need to work together in order to tackle our shared challenges. Today the European Commission steps up and leads with this significant global response package of more than €15.6 billion the joint work with our partners, particularly in Africa, for a safer future for us all.”

With regards Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner, Olivér Várhelyi, said: “As part of our global response to the coronavirus pandemic we are redirecting over €3.8 billion of foreseen funds for the Western Balkans and our immediate neighbours to the East and to the South, to where their real needs are today: for urgent response to the health crisis, to strengthen the health systems and to mitigate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic. We share a continent and we can only succeed together.

Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, warned: “We are facing what could become the biggest humanitarian crisis in decades. The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the most fragile countries, migrants and the most vulnerable people is likely to be dramatic. This is particularly the case in the confined and often insalubrious setting of refugee and internally displaced people camps. That is why we need to respond vigorously to the public health emergency, make sure humanitarian actors continue to have access to carry out their life-saving assistance and support transport and logistic for key humanitarian operations.

The EU’s response follows a ‘Team Europe’ approach, aimed at saving lives by providing quick and targeted support to their partners to face the pandemic. It combines resources from the EU,its Member States and financial institutions, in particular the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to support partner countries and address their short-term needs, as well as the longer-term structural impacts on societies and the economy. The first Team Europe packages are already being implemented in the immediate neighbourhood: the Western Balkans, in the East and to the South.

The releases added that the EU, as global actor and major contributor to the international aid system, will promote a coordinated multilateral response, in partnership with the United Nations, International Financial Institutions, as well as the G7 and the G20.

It said the European Union will continue to adapt its response to the evolving situation and focus on the most affected countries in need of health support, such as countries in Africa, the Neighbourhood, the Western Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa, parts of Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Besides, it stresses that the EU’s response will focus on the most vulnerable people, including migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and their host communities and integrate its strategic objectives set out in the Green Deal and the Digital Agenda.

The EU Release stated that from the overall package of €15.6 billion, €3.25 billion are channelled to Africa, including €1.19 billion for the Northern African neighbourhood countries.

“The EU is securing in total €3.07 billion for the whole neighbourhood – €2.1 billion for the South and €962 million for the Eastern Partner countries – and €800 million for the Western Balkans and Turkey.

In addition, the overall package includes another €1.42 billion in guarantees for Africa and the neighbourhood from the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD).

The EU will support Asia and the Pacific with €1.22 billion, another €291 million will go for the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific region, €918 million to support our partners in Latin America and the Caribbean and €111 million to support Oversees Countries and Territories,” it pointed out.

Delivering the EU global response package in practice

€502 million for Emergency response actions focused amongst others, on:

  • Providing immediate support to the Response Plans of the World Health Organisation and the United Nations, as well as to the appeal of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to boost emergency preparedness and response in countries with weaker health systems and those dealing with humanitarian crises;
  • Providing immediate humanitarian support in affected countries, in particular in health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and logistics;
  • Supporting increased production in Europe of personal protective equipment and medical devices to meet urgent needs in Europe and in partner countries;
  • Organising the supply of in-kind assistance to affected countries through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism;
  • Providing guarantee and liquidity provisions to local banks via International Financial Institutions and European Development Finance Institutions, supported by the European Fund for Sustainable Development;
  • Supporting global efforts to combat export restrictions and ensure supply chains remain intact, notably for essential medical supplies and pharmaceuticals;
  • Associating the Western Balkans to EU initiatives such as the Joint Procurement Agreement for medical equipment and the European rapid alert system for communicable diseases. Countries negotiating their accession can also apply for the EU Solidarity Fund.

€2.8 billion to support research, health and water systems, the EU is, amongst others:

  • Supporting partner countries in building resilient, responsive health and social protection systems;
  • Supporting communication and awareness efforts on basic protective measures and hygiene advice to prevent the spread;
  • Allowing some EU funding from global health initiatives like the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) and the Global Financial Facility to be used to respond to the coronavirus, while ensuring continuation of vital health programmes;
  • Supporting further research on diagnostics, treatment and prevention, and once a vaccine is available, fast-tracking approval and subsidizing vaccines and their delivery in vulnerable countries;
  • Supporting experts training, epidemiological surveillance and strengthening regional health organisations in Africa, Latin American and the Caribbean and Asia and the Pacific;
  • Welcoming candidate countries in the Western Balkans to the EU’s Health Security Committee and reflecting how best to associate potential candidates;
  • Supporting equal access to health systems for migrants, refugees and host communities.

€12.28 billion to address the economic and social consequences, the EU is amongst other:

  • Providing direct budget support and concessional financing for partner countries to adopt reforms for socio-economic development and poverty reduction, and measures to protect workers during the crisis;
  • Mobilising macro-financial assistance for Western Balkan and neighbouring countries with the International Monetary Fund (IMF);
  • Supporting the private sector, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the self-employed, via guarantees, liquidity provisions and technical assistance and further reorient guarantees from the European Fund for Sustainable Development towards short-term risk-sharing on loans;
  • Providing public sector loans from the European Investment Bank, notably for healthcare equipment and supplies;
  • Working with international organizations and European companies to build strong and resilient value chains in strategic sectors and ensure labour rights and corporate social responsibility;
  • Promoting forms of debt relief considered by the IMF in affected countries.

Alfred Palo Conteh to stands trial at High Court

Alfred Paolo Conteh

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Following preliminary investigation by the magistrate court in the treason trial between the State and Rtd. Major Alfred Palo Conteh, the matter will now be heard on 23 April at the High Court of Sierra Leone before Justice Momoja Stevens in Freetown.

Sources closed to the Defense Team have intimated this press that Sierra Leone could see one of the best legal brains battle on a treason trial for a very long time in its legal history.

That the defense team has been boosted by the former Vice President of Sierra Leone, former Chief Justice of the Republic of Belize and Octogenarian Lawyer, Dr  Abdulai O Conteh, former Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court, ACC Commissioner  and Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara (JFK)

That Melron Nicol – Wilson, former Defence Counsel and Case Manager at Special Court for Sierra Leone and Ombudsman and Lansana Dumbuya, Former Defense Counsel at Special Court for Sierra Leone and International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda will also join Ady Macaulay Former ACC commissioner and Lawyer Wara Serry Kamal for the Defense Counsel.

Speaking to this press, former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Joseph Kamara said that they are still discussing the defense team for the accused. “We are presenting a strong team and I believe the team will be led by the most senior lawyer and if Dr Abdulai O Conteh is in town, he may lead the team but if I am given the opportunity, I will lead the team,” Kamara stated.

However, this press was informed that Dr. Abdulai O Conteh is in town but cannot independently confirm whether he is in town for the matter.

Meanwhile, it is believed that the State will be represented by the Attorney – General and Minister of Justice Dr Princilla Schwartz as lead counsel supported by the Director of Public Prosecution Easmond Ngaqui , Adrian fisher and Veteran Prosecutor Soyei

Civil Service Undergoes Shake Up

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a latest development, President Julius Maada Bio has approved the postings and transfers of some Permanent Secretaries while others have also been asked to proceed on vacation leave. In a circular dated 9th April, 2020 and signed by John Sumailah, the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Civil Service, he informed the Permanent Secretaries of the Presidential approval with immediate effect.

In the Ministry of Finance, Solomon S. Thomas is now the Acting Deputy Financial Secretary and Brima M. Sowa has been transferred to the Ministry of Transport and Aviation as Permanent Secretary.
J.T Kanu is the new Permanent Secretary at the Mines and Mineral Resources Ministry, T.B Lansana has been transferred to the Local Government and Rural Development Ministry and Mani Koroma has been asked to proceed on vacation leave.

Augustine Sheku of the Ministry of Information and Communications has been replaced by Morie Momoh and Sheku is to take over as Permanent Secretary at the Trade and Industry Ministry.
Reginald Thomas is the new Permanent Secretary at the Water Resources Ministry and Tamba Gbetuwa has been transferred to the Ministry of Energy.

Brima S.T. Kebbie who was the Permanent Secretary at the Transport and Aviation Ministry is now the Executive Secretary to the Local Government Commission and Mariatu Browne has been transferred.

The circular reportedly mandated those affected by the postings to ensure that handing over and taking over are completed without any further delay.


Trust for Finance Minister Yields Dividends

Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Minister of Finance, Mr. Jacob Jusu Saffa, is excelling in that Ministry after major world organizations like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the African Development Bank, have laid their trusts in him and are working with him even during this period of COVID-19 when other world economies are collapsing. Even under the strain of the COVID-19, all three organizations are disbursing funds in accordance with earlier agreements signed with the able Finance Minister who is very skilled at international negotiations.

Since Mr. Saffa was appointed into that office by HE Dr. Julius Maada Bio, he has stoutly proved himself as the best Finance Minister this country has ever had. Many people have in the past described the Finance Ministry as a poisoned chalice as most former Ministers never survived there for long but Mr. Saffa has survived two years.

The evident reason for this is because since he took up the office he has been able to put this country’s economy on the right path to create growth and reduce unemployment both of which have been a challenge for this country.

Below are some of the few impressive achievements that the Minister of Finance has made with a very short period of time:

The African Development Bank, President Dr. Akinwumi Adesine and his able lieutenant, Madam Kenyeh Barlay who is the Executive Director of the ADB, recently paid a visit to this country to further negotiations and discussions with the Finance Minister on macroeconomic reforms, sector programme interventions and support to private sector initiatives. Mr Saffa has pushed the ADB to pledge a whooping amount to help Sierra Leone defeat the scourge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The AfDB recently approved a $10 billion COVID-19 response facility aimed at assisting the continent to confront the pandemic, from in addition to ongoing AfDB support, Sierra Leone is expected to benefit.
Hon Saffa has pushed the ADB to pledge funds to help Sierra Leone in its health sector and macro policy response to  COVID-19 pandemic.

The AfDB joins other multilateral from the International Monetary Fund to the World Bank in providing emergency funding to developing and low-income countries across the world which have been battered by the pandemic.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a press statement on Friday 3rd April 2020 approved the disbursement of another 21.13 million dollar budget support to the Government of Sierra Leone under the current Extended Credit Facility programme.

The approval came after the completion of the Fund second review of the country’s performance under the 172.1 million dollar programme that was signed in November 2018. This will enable the IMF to immediately disburse 21.13 million dollars, bringing total
disbursements under the arrangement to about US$63.39 million dollars.
This programme aims to create fiscal space for development needs by strengthening revenue mobilization, containing current spending and improving the efficiency of public investment.

In his statement, the  Acting Chairman and First Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Geoffrey Okamoto, said Sierra Leone has been making steady progress under the Fund Fund-supported program and that the authorities have demonstrated a firm commitment to their reform agenda. He furthered that while the program’s medium medium-term goals remain appropriate to enable future growth and development, the onset of the global COVID19 pandemic poses significant short  term risks. He suggested that combating the economic fallout of the crisis and protecting the health and wellbeing of Sierra Leoneans should be the immediate priority.

He commended the Government for the progress made so far in mobilizing domestic revenue and prudent execution of budgeted expenditures. This, he said, has stabilized domestic borrowing needs and allowed inflation pressures to ease.
He called on the authorities in Sierra Leone to prioritize additional spending to help cushion the impact of COVID19 especially in the critical and uncertain period ahead. He reaffirmed the Fund’s commitment to work closely with the Government to help address the priority health and economic needs to combat the fallout of the COVID19 pandemic.

Responding to this development, Minister of Finance Jacob Jusu Saffa expressed his delight and pride that the reforms of the Government of President Julius Maada Bio under the New Direction are receiving international commendation. “It is in the interest of Sierra Leone to have an economic programme with the IMF and also to be on track meeting economic benchmarks and reforms of the programme,” he said.

The Minister further stated that this disbursement will give Government the space to spend on key priorities of Government more so the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the world. He said this is also a clear indication of the trust and confidence development partners and the international community has for the leadership of HE President Julius Maada Bio and the SLPP led Government.
It could be recalled that prior to the 2018 elections, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other development partners suspended their programmes (Funds) to the Government of Sierra Leone because the then APC Government failed to keep to the then Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Programme which led to the suspension of the Fund’s programme in Sierra Leone. But with the astute leadership of the Hon. Minister of Finance Jacob Jusu Saffa, Sierra Leone was able to get a new programme with the IMF which was the catalyst for other development partner’s interventions.

According to the IMF, since coming to office in early 2018, the Government implemented key reforms and launched a new National Development Plan with a strong emphasis on investing in education, infrastructure and improving governance. Growth stabilized at 3.5
percent in 2018 before picking up to an estimated 5.1percent in 2019, on the back of a broad broad-based recovery of economic activity. At the same time, inflation moderated to under 14percent by end-2019.

Chinese Embassy Clears the Air

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Sierra Leone has on Friday 10th April, 2020 in a press statement reacted or cleared the air over social media reports about unfortunate occurrences bordering on maltreatment of Sierra Leonean citizens in China.

The release noted that the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Sierra Leone has taken note of certain video clips making the rounds on social media about some unfortunate occurrences involving Sierra Leone citizens in China and expressed regret thereof, adding that China and Sierra Leone are time-tested friends and that these two countries always stand together through thick and thin and are jointly combating COVID-19 at the moment.

The Embassy stated that when COVID-19 broke out in China, H.E. President Julius Maada Bio, the Parliament and friends from all walks of life in Sierra Leone expressed full solidarity with China, to which the Chinese side highly appreciated and that when Sierra Leone was making robust preparation for the prevention of the pandemic, especially after it registered imported cases, the Chinese Government and people rushed to provide support and donated 3 batches of urgently needed essential medical supplies to Sierra Leone, which greatly helped Sierra Leone in enhancing its capability of battling with the pandemic. It affirmed that the Embassy therefore has full confidence in the bilateral friendship.

The Chinese went further to say that currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the world and China itself has made huge sacrifices in bringing it under control stating how they are under enormous pressure to prevent the COVID-19 from coming back from out of the country and its resurgence within.

He noted that China has a population of 1.4 billion and if the COVID-19 could not be completely contained, it would be catastrophic to China and the whole world and that the stringent measures China has taken is the key to its early success and also an important guarantee to prevent future spread of the virus. He emphasized that everyone in China including foreign nationals are required to follow relevant preventive measures in accordance with laws and regulations, adding that the Chinese Government is putting a high premium on the health and security of foreign nationals in China.

“During the difficult times in fighting against COVID-19, 3,000-odd African students in Wuhan stayed safe and sound except one case(later cured and discharged from hospital), which could be attributed to the stringent measures taken by the Chinese authorities and the close cooperation of the students themselves. The Chinese stated that the Embassy would like to express sincere appreciation to Sierra Leonean friends in China for their understanding and cooperation in that regard,” the release disclosed.

They maintained that during the prevailing occurrences there may be more of misunderstanding and that China rejects differential treatment in terms of fighting the virus and practices zero tolerance for discrimination.

“It is true that due to the introduction of prevention and control measures by Guangzhou local authorities, inconvenience will ensue. The Chinese Government has taken these occurrences seriously and instructed relevant local authorities to try to strike a proper balance between taking necessary preventive measures and taking care of the legitimate concerns of the parties concerned,” they lamented.

The Embassy maintains that the Chinese side believes that the Sierra Leonean friends in China would comply with the public health regulations, just as the Chinese nationals in Sierra Leone should go by the rules and regulations here and that the Chinese Government, already in closely communication with the Sierra Leonean Embassy in China, will address the relevant issues well. It furthered that it is hoped that there will be mutual understanding and rational interpretation of the relevant events.

Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to China, HE Ernest M. Ndomahina dilating on this controversial issue stated that the recent unfortunate development in Guangdong Province involving some of the country’s compatriots has been brought to the attention of the Embassy of Sierra Leone in Beijing.

In that regard, he said the Embassy wished to inform all compatriots as follows: That since the 9 April 2020 the Ambassador and staff have been in constant touch with the Guangzhou City Foreign Affairs Office (GCFAO) and GCFAO has assured Sierra Leoneans are safety and wellbeing.

He also stated that representatives of African Ambassadors have met with the Director General, Africa Affairs Division at the Ministry of Foreign in Beijing and stated in very strong terms, their concern and condemnation of the disturbing and humiliating experiences their citizens have been subjected to.

“They reminded the Director General that African countries have been supportive of the People’s Republic of China in its fight against the pandemic especially in the early stages when the country was the epicentre of the outbreak,” he pointed out adding that the Ambassador and staff have been in constant communication with the undermentioned 14 compatriots who were moved from their apartments to hotels for compulsory quarantine.

He said the Embassy is monitoring the situation and wishes to report that our citizens are cooperating with the municipal authorities as they serve their 14-day mandatory quarantine.


Africa Chamber of Commerce to Drive Economic Growth in Sierra Leone

Personal Assistant to the President, Guinea Ambassador and African Chamber of Commerce CEO, Mr Baki Baliu

Amin Kef Sesay

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in developing countries has had positive impacts on the lives of people and their economies. Growth potential is at times thwarted by bureaucratic bottlenecks that snail-paces the economic drive and political will to translate the development aspirations of the Government, in this case the SLPP Led Government, as prescribed in the country’s National Development Plan.

African Chamber of Commerce, being an international development consortium has decided to pilot a development crusade in Sierra Leone; the aim is to increase a country’s productive capacity and change the structural pattern of its output, trade and employment. It will facilitate the creation of economic viability through the expansion of capabilities and reduction of extreme poverty and hence facilitate economic growth and sustained expansion in viable productive potentials.

The development drive to use Kosovo and Balkan’s investment portfolio was hatched by a team of development optimists, geared towards accelerating economic growth and sustainable development in both developing and developed countries. The team is made up of proactive and innovative agents of development, in the persons of Ibrahim Camara, Norbert Schmid, Vollker Neuschutzer, Baki Baliu, Dirk Hoffmann and Hysni Baliu

The dream of the African Chamber of Commerce is to negate the Foreign Direct Investment paradox. Factually, Africa’s experience on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) presents a paradox. However, the African Chamber of Commerce will ensure that FDI becomes a major source of financing economic diversification in Africa, specifically Sierra Leone.

However, notwithstanding the hidden diabolic agenda of domestic intermediaries and self centred administrative cabal that normally frustrate investment initiatives in the country, just for the personal benefits, African Chamber of Commerce from Kosovo and Balkanski Centar DOO under the stewardship of Mr Baki Baliu has therefore taken the challenge to change the narrative; spurred to facilitate the emergence of massive investments in Africa, specifically in Sierra Leone.

African Chamber of Commerce is an international Investment Consultant that advices, attracts and influences multinational corporations to invest in Africa. It is specialized in varied professional and other related focus areas of interventions; viz, community financing development, construction and Infrastructure development, large scale mechanized mining, low cost housing development, recycling and renewable energy; Import and Export; and general merchandise.

It promotes Africa’s natural resources endowment exploitation and also escalates her needs gap in terms of social and economic imbalance, which therefore attracts multinational interventions in the form of foreign Direct Foreign Investment initiatives.

Evidently, notwithstanding its investment revolution in Africa ( Guinea, Liberia, Chad, Cameroon and Congo), African Chamber of Commerce also operates in countries like, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Russia, which investments have accelerated economic growth and hugely impacted their economies and the people.

To further diversify its interest globally, African Chamber of Commerce development lens has now focused its investment attractions and interventions to Sierra Leone, which seems to have the potential and propensity for steady economic progression and tangible economic growth and development.

This is however dependent on the correlative alignment of African Chamber of Commerce portfolio with the country’s medium and long term development plan, which needs huge outlays of Direct Foreign Investments.

As it is, the current state of the country’s economy needs a robust strategic drive with result –oriented development portfolios that can cushion the burden of inflationary spiral, economic imbalance, externalities of funding support and socio-economic disparity.

African Chamber of Commerce is to transfer the “development surplus” of Kosovo-Balkan to Africa and specifically the Mano river Union (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea), which reality is hugely dependent on the political will and bureaucratic flexibilities.

The policy objective of African Chamber of Commerce is performance driven; actualized by effective management initiatives and efficient resource mobilization that accelerate growth, evidenced by tangible economic indicators for sustainable development

In this regard, African Chamber of Commerce therefore hopes that the Government of Sierra Leone will promote an open door policy with flexible administrative protocols that provides a conducive environment to promote viable investment outlays that can benefit current and future generations.

This can be fully enhanced by bilateral trade and investment policies and diplomatic relationships which will create a bond of economic cooperation to benefit the two nations.

African Chamber of Commerce CEO Mr Baki Baliu, Austria Ambassador, Mr Isa Kosumi and Dr Brien Pienkowski, CEO International legal Law
Director, Trapca Mining, Michael Haschke TUV NOID, Germany, Dr Allen Mencin, Director Gold Mining, Professor Peter Moser, Montana University and CEO African Chamber of Commerce Mr Baki Baliu

45 NCTVA Staff Receive COVID-19 Prevention Training from GIZ

Cross section of participants at the training

By Edward Vamboi

Forty-five (45) staff of the National Council for Technical Vocational and other Academic Awards (NCTVA) on Thursday 9th April 2020 received training, with support from the European Union (EU), from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GIZ, the implementing partner). The training was based on the preventive measures of the global corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 and took place at the NCTVA headquarters on A. J. Momoh Street, Tower Hill in Freetown.

Lectures during the training were based on the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines with practical demonstrations.The lead facilitator, Ms. Maryam Darwich, Managing Director of Afriqia HR Solutions gave a background about the 2019 corona virus which she enlightened is a new virus that can make people sick, that the signs and symptoms include fever, tiredness and cough, that sickness from the corona virus can range from not too serious to very serious and even death underscoring that for most people the sickness is not too serious.

The lead facilitator continued that the corona virus can spread from person to person and advised participants to always crosscheck information about the pandemic with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and the World Health Organization (WHO).

On the preventive measures of the corona virus, she highlighted regular hand washing with soap and clean water, use of hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol-based) when there is no water, no touching of eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, that one should cough or sneeze into his/her upper arm or sleeve, avoid close contact with any person who is coughing, sneezing or having a fever, avoid hand shaking by using other non-contact ways of greeting, avoid physical contact, keep a safe distance from others at public gatherings as well as to regularly disinfect surfaces with alcohol-based disinfectant or detergent.

She further appealed to always call 117 when people experience signs and symptoms like fever, tiredness and cough, ensure that they tell  health workers if they know someone who has travelled to another country in the last 14 days stressing that getting early treatment will help one’s family, friends and community from getting the sickness and reiterated that getting early treatment can protect and save lives.

Ms. Maryam Darwich also discussed the latest global COVID-19 statistics, warned against prank calls and the new prevention guidelines recently announced by Government to stem the transmission chain.

Highlights of the interactive training were when each participant was asked to explain his/her expectation at the end of the training to which some responded that they would cascade the training to their families and communities, that they are now more aware about COVID-19, that they would strictly abide by the preventive measures.

Distribution of soap and leaflets on the corona virus with sources of reference like the World Health Organization (WHO) to participants climaxed the well-attended training that was divided into three batches of 15 participants each.

GIZ is dedicated to building a future worth building around the world. GIZ has been working in Sierra Leone since 1963 with more than 100 national and international personnel now working in projects implemented together with its Sierra Leone partners funded by the German Government. GIZ is currently based and implementing projects in Freetown, Koinadugu, Kono and Kailahun Districts and through its partners in many other Districts within Sierra Leone.

SLAJ Strongly Condemns State Sanctioned Brutality of Journalists

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On the 10th April 2020, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) accused the Government of presiding over State sanctioned brutality against journalists and called for an end to it. SLAJ said that it is concerned about the inhumane treatment of two colleague journalists and called for the security forces to call their personnel to order.

One of the incidents involved a journalist, Fayia Amara Fayia, who was allegedly beaten by personnel of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and the National Police. The alleged incident which occurred in the eastern Kenema District was reportedly sanctioned by the Head of the Kenema District Council (KDC).

According to eye-witnesses, the incident happened in the full view of the Commanding Officer of the RSLAF 2nd Battalion in Kenema, Major Kamanda and the Kenema District Council Chairman, Mohamed ‘O’Level’ Sesay, who all seemed to support the action of the military personnel.

After his beating, Fayia was taken to the Kenema Police Station. Journalists in the township trooped to the Police station and demanded their colleague be taken to hospital as he was in a very bad shape. Fayia was then admitted at the Kenema Government Hospital in handcuffs. At the hospital, he was instantly put on a wheelchair as a result of the injuries he sustained.

On Saturday, 4th April, 2020, Fayia was whisked off to the Kenema Police Station on the pretext of only to obtain statement from him, but was held in custody afterwards. He spent the entire national lockdown under detention despite his deteriorating health condition.

On Wednesday, 8th April, 2020 the Police charged Fayia with three counts of disorderly behavior and obstruction of security services.

On Thursday, 9th April, 2020, Fayia appeared at the Kenema Magistrate Court No. 1, where he reportedly collapsed. He was subsequently granted bail in the sum of Le30 million plus two sureties; and the matter adjourned to 15th April, 2020.

In another incident, report from SLAJ Regional Executive North say Police at the Mena Police Station, five of them, mob beat journalist Stanley Sahr Jimmy, Station Manager of Wusum Radio 88.5FM in Makeni on Sunday, 5th April, 2020 at about 10:45pm. The journalist reportedly went to the police station to report an alleged break-in into his radio station. While making his report, an argument reportedly erupted between him and some of the Police Officers which allegedly resulted to his beating. He was forcefully dispossessed of his phones.

Jimmy reportedly sustained injuries to his lower abdomen, mouth and left eye. A medical report has been tendered to the CDIID while he is responding to treatment.

The umbrella body ,SLAJ, vehemently condemned the actions of the RSLAF and SLP personnel and urged both the Chief of Defence Staff (RSLAF) and Inspector General of Police to seriously look into the matter and ensure the alleged culprits are brought to book.

“This kind of attitude by our security forces is uncalled for and is worrying. Our security forces seem to have no other means of dealing with journalists other than physically assaulting them. It seems as if a key element of their training is how to beat journalists. The list of police/military assault on journalists is long. I say to security officials, if you want to fight go start a war with Liberia or Guinea; leave journalists to do their work. We are not punching bags. It’s a shame that our security forces seem to have no clue about the role of the media in our democracy. This has to stop! Enough is enough!” vehemently said SLAJ President, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla.

SLAJ has said it is closely monitoring the situation and will ensure that the journalist gets a fair trial in court, gets proper medical attention and will not rest until the alleged culprits face justice.

SLAJ, through its Regional Executive East, is making a formal complaint to the Police against Major Fofana and Co, and the Kenema District Council Chairman.

Meanwhile, SLAJ continues to call on journalists across the country to abide by the measures put in place by the authorities to combat COVID-19 and to be very cautious and self-protective during this crisis period.


In Sierra Leone… Does The Law Permit Beating Of Journalists?


By Amin Kef Sesay

UNESCO celebrates World Press Freedom Day every year on 3rd May during which the Guillermo Cano Prize is attributed to honor the work of an individual or an organization defending or promoting freedom of expression, without which we can hardly talk about transparency and accountability in Government.

UNESCO developed the Journalists Safety Indicators (JSI) to “pinpoint significant matters that show or impact upon the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity”. These indicators map the key features that can help assess safety of journalists and determine whether adequate follow-up is given to crimes committed against them.

The safety of journalists and their role in promoting inclusive and sustainable societies has been recognized by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Goal 16 outlines the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective and inclusive institutions at all levels.

In this vein, His Excellency President Bio should be mindful that the human rights record of his New Direction Government, which is tied to aid and other forms of international assistance, is not sullied by frequent reports of beating, harassment and imprisonment of journalists in the performance of their duty of holding Government officials accountable in the spirit of transparency. As such, there is call on his Government to guarantee the safety of journalists whilst performing their duties and to be courageous enough to allow the law to take its course when the rights of journalists are violated by members and agents of Government.

From the beating of two female journalists by presidential bodyguards at the National Stadium, to the brutal beating of Fayia Amara in Kenema very recently by alleged State security personnel, it is time to break the cycle of violence, oppression and intimidation of journalists if democracy, which means Government of the people, by the people, for the people, is to take firm hold in our governance culture. Fundamental to this is the safety and freedom of journalists to do their work without fear of harm.

Safety of journalists is the ability for journalists and media professionals to receive; produce and share information without facing physical or moral threats.

Notoriously, during the RUF war, journalists faced violence and intimidation for exercising their fundamental right to freedom of expression. In a democracy, freedom of expression which is central to the work of the journalist must be guaranteed and protected by the State at all cost, not violated or tampered with.

What is appalling is that recently, there seems to be a growing trend of impunity for crimes against journalists.

Its root cause has to be attributed to lack of political will to pursue investigations, in addition to inadequate legal frameworks, a weak judicial system, lack of resources allocated to law enforcement, negligence, and corruption.

Meanwhile, there are several international legal instruments that the Government must respect that support the creation of an enabling environment for the safety of journalists. These include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Geneva Conventions; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Resolution 2005/81; the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1738 (2006).

Contributing To The Fight Against Coronavirus… Sierra Leone Brewery Donates Hygiene Items To Wellington & Calaba Town Communities

By Amin Kef Sesay

In keeping with its desire to see a healthy Sierra Leone and as partner in development with the Government, Sierra Leone’s leading producer of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) donated a consignment of hygiene items to the Members of Parliament of Constituency 114 and 115, and Councillors for Wards 404, 405 and 406, at a ceremony held at the company’s compound, at the Wellington Industrial Estate on Friday 10th April 2020.

Present at the ceremony were; Laurent Bukasa, Managing Director SLBL, Albert Ojo Collier, Corporate Relations Manager SLBL, Deputy Mayor of Freetown, Osman Koroma, Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah, MP of Constituency 115, Foday Kamara representing Hon. Unpha Koroma MP of Constituency 114, Councilor Luckyn Mordings Mansaray and Councillor Mohamed Tholley.

Addressing his audience, Laurent Bukasa re-echoed the words of the World Health Organization’s Director General that the Coronavirus, now termed COVID-19, has ravaged the whole world with some very few exceptions, stressing that the virus is at the country’s doorstep, as there are now cases recorded by the Emergency Operations Centre of Sierra Leone.

He however stated that in all preventive and containment protocols issued by the WHO and the Government of Sierra Leone, as well as all other affected nations around the world, is the maintenance of hygiene procedures, which include hand washing, social distancing etc.

In this regard, SLBL have thought it fit to provide the communities in their immediate neighborhood (Wellington and Calaba Town) with hygiene items to help foster compliance with these health protocols stipulated by the Government and ensure the safety of their fellow humans.

He told the MPs and Councillors that in compliance with the directives of the Government to maintain social distancing and avoid gathering, the company decided to deliver the various items to the representatives of the people, who will eventually ensure that the necessary action is taken to get community residents to use the items for their safety.

Laurent Bukasa stressed that citizens should strive to ensure that COVID-19 does not pass through them by observing all hygiene protocols.

“Go out there and tell the people that ‘COVID-19 / CORONAVIRUS WILL NOT PASS THROUGH ME’ and let us all keep our communities safe and free from the deadly pandemic,” he said.

He further maintained that SLBL will continue to partner with the Government to ensure that the virus is kicked out of the country. This action, which he described as a modest donation is part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, saying it is desirous to see a healthy Sierra Leone, reminding them that SLBL is always ready to support the country in development and in crisis.

“We once again stress that as we continue to be partners for growth and development in the country, we will always remain relevant to our corporate social responsibility strategy to support our local communities in their development as well as in times of crisis and need,” Laurent Bukasa maintained.

Receiving the donation on behalf of his Constituency, Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah, expressed appreciation for the gesture and assured the Management of SLBL that the communities will utilize the items in every location within the Constituencies to create the right signal and enforce improved hygiene conditions.

In his closing remarks, Albert Ojo Collier, the Corporate Affairs Manager and Company Secretary of SLBL said that the hygiene items presented, which included Milla Handwashing Machines, veronica buckets, disposable hand towels /tissue paper, Cartoons of Handwashing Soap and Containers of Sanitizers with 70% alcohol, should be distributed to the communities and deployed to assist in the fight.

He further informed all that due to the present situation and restrictions, SLBL has strengthened the take home and home delivery supply chains and hope that individuals will still enjoy SLBL products in a safe way.

Sierra Leone Brewery Limited planted its roots in the field of manufacturing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to consumers over 58 years ago. It has continuously expanded its product range through innovation to meet customer satisfaction at all levels, thereby not only establishing a contractual relationship with its stakeholders but building relationships that are lasting and rewarding to the country and contributing positively to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

With marked investment in equipment and human resource development, their products have been certified and approved according to local and international standards. With a variety of products like Star Beer, Mutzig Premium Beer, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, Salone beer, Trenk Energy Drink and Maltina Non-Alcoholic, as well as the marketing of Heineken Beer, Strong Bow Cider, Fayrouz malt and none alcoholic drink, Royal Club and Climax Energy Drink, SLBL caters for all consumers.