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Christians, Muslims Question Ban on Congregation Worship

Minister of Social Welfare Baindu Dasama

By Amin Kef Sesay

Christians, Muslims and other religious denominations have viewed with a dim light the declaration by the Ministry of Social Welfare that Churches, Mosques and others that worship in congregations must henceforth suspend all services.

It is the opinion of many that the Ministry’s pronouncement is a bit high-handed, as the President in his proclamation stated that people can congregate but not above 100.

Some have opined that since the proclamations do not have the approval of Parliamentarians, they do not have the force of law but are discretionary. Others maintain that the Government has no right, no power to proscribe the people’s right to assembly and worship that are enshrined in the 1991 constitution.

Others argue that they see no reason why the Government should be in a panic mode when the corona virus has not entered the country. “We cannot take God out of the equation if we are to successfully ward off the virus,” a man of God said, “The more we pray together as one, the more God will answer to us,” he added.

He quoted Psalm 127:1 – “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”

As far as he is concerned, the hygiene measures should go along with congregational worship because God has said that wherever two or three are gathered in His name, there His spirit is.

Furthermore, those who oppose the ban on congregational worship argue that unlike the Ebola virus, there is no evidence that it is a virus that is transmitted by touch.

Parliament Holds Special Session on Corona Virus Preparedness

Parliament of Sierra Leone

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Responding to summons by Parliament, the Deputy Ministers of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Amara Jambai, Internal Affairs, Lahai Lawrence Leema, Finance, Dr. Patricia Laverly and the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Sahr Lamina as well as the Central Bank Governor, Professor Kallon on Thursday 19th March 2020 briefed Hon. Members of Parliament on the state of preparedness of the country relative to the deadly coronavirus pandemic in light of health, security and the economy.

In his introductory statement, the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation said stringent measures are being put in place to prevent or contain the pandemic should the country has any case. He told Members of Parliament that the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with the Office of the President as well as other related bodies have strategized an integrated plan to prevent or forestall any outbreak.

“All the strategies that are being used by countries affected by coronavirus emanated from Sierra Leone during the course of the Ebola outbreak,” he revealed and added that “We have one of the best contact tracing and surveillance”.  He went on to say that they are currently applying management and guided quarantine for travellers coming into Sierra Leone. “We are trying case management and prevention,” he emphasized. He informed MPs that Sierra Leone has 3 laboratories and 370 test kits and if any outbreak surfaces, 20,000 kits could be brought in within 24hrs.

In light of the preparedness, the Deputy Minister told MPs that 34 Military Hospital has 30 beds for patients, that they are working on a special budget for that unit. “Before the outbreak of Ebola, we do not have epidemiologists, but today we have 176,”he disclosed pointing out that in terms of budgeting, Le120 Billion would be used for prevention and over Le500 Billion would be needed in case there is an outbreak. He also said that 183 people are being quarantined and at least Le1 Billion is being budgeted weekly to pass on knowledge to the general citizenry to observe the precautionary measures and protocols by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

He used the platform to advise MPs and the citizenry to exercise patience, conform and comply with regulatory measures and not to politicize the process.

On her part, the Deputy Minister of Finance explained the economic measures relative to the importation of essential goods and services, and direct trade with affected countries. “The supply of goods could link to a drastic decrease,” she informed. She noted that domestic goods could be affected and the coronavirus could have huge impacts on importation, tourism and foreign exchange.

Further, she highlighted the mitigating measures that are relative to the weekly budgeting of Le1 Billion for prevention and the World and African Development Banks support to the health sector among others.

In preparedness for the coronavirus, the Bank Governor said they have set up a monetary facility committee intended to lower monetary policy rate, create special credit facility for essential goods and services on concessional interest to be administered by commercial banks and provision for liquidation. He told MPs that whether the country has a case or not there is going to be an impact on the economy.

Giving an update in light of preparedness, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs said the general internal security situation is calm and quiet. “There is nothing regarding the breakdown of law and order,” he assured MPs. He disclosed that the country’s borders are under water-tight security, pointing out that even though President Bio has invoked MAC-P at Lungi International Airport, but the police are still in charge of security. He said immigration officers are ensuring that all travellers are properly screened. He used the opportunity to inform MPs about unfounded information on coronavirus in social media relative to the presumption of cyber laws that would punish criminals and also revealed that if the situation becomes abnormal, Section 29 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone will be invoked by a declaration of a State of Emergency.

Briefing the House, the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Tamba Lamina said his Ministry has been collaborating with other MDAs to share information on the coronavirus in light of organizing workshops for Paramount Chiefs and other local authorities  about the coronavirus. He added that all the by-laws made by the local authorities during the Ebola outbreak are being activated. He assured MPs that other modalities including awareness raising, training, attitudinal and behavioral change are useful tools to prevent and contain the coronavirus.

The leader of NGC, Hon. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella expressed appreciation for the briefing and encouraged the Ministers and the Bank Governor to be more proactive to avert the deadly coronavirus from entering the country.

Acting Leader of C4C, Hon. Saa Bhendu pleaded with the frontline officials to be more vigilant and responsive in their preventive approach against the coronavirus.

The Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, Hon. Chernor Bah commended the Speaker of Parliament for allowing a special session to take place on the enhanced preparedness to prevent and contain the coronavirus and thanked the Ministers and Bank Governor for briefing the representatives of the people on same. However, he raised a question on the current conduct of registration by the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) amidst the fears of the deadly coronavirus.

In concluding the debate, the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis said the Government of President Bio is very serious about the situation in light of its commitments and preventive regulations and protocols against the coronavirus. “The Government is ready to fight the coronavirus or covid-19, without politicizing it,”he asserted. He also called on colleague MPs to work with the authorities to educate the general public on the coronavirus.

“Efforts to Prevent Corona Virus will Become Successful if we put our trust in God…” – Bishop J. Archibald Cole

President of Pentecostal Fellowship in Sierra Leone, Bishop J. Archibald Cole

By Amin Kef Sesay

Following a release from the Ministry of Social Welfare on Friday 20th March, 2020 strongly advising that with immediate effect all religious prayers, with special reference to Sunday Services, Friday Juma Prayers and Saturday Seven Days Adventist Prayers, be suspended until further notice, many people have considered this move by the Ministry as very untimely saying since the country  has not recorded any case as of now and that His Excellency had not instituted any state of Emergency as by law then such a measure must not be instituted and enforced.

According to the General Overseer of the New Life Ministries International and President of Pentecostal Fellowship in Sierra Leone, Bishop J. Archibald Cole,  political leaders best efforts can only be successful if they put their trust in God saying he is concerned and maybe apprehensive that in all that is seen to be done, no prominent place has been given to God and to prayers, adding that the scriptures admonished us: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain”. Psalms 127:1 (KJV).

He therefore admonished authorities to take note that even the superpowers who thought that they had all things under control have been brought to their knees. The Man of God said it is time to acknowledge the Lord and to ensure that they truly trust in Him and Him alone.

He said he is looking forward to prayers at the State House, prayers by the Task Force and prayers by Health Workers, Prayers all over etc.

He stated that the Body of Christ may be feeling bad by now as a result of the Press Release issued by the Ministry of Social Welfare with regards banning all Church Services on Sunday as negative as it may sound but urged them to comply.

“I am aware of the seeming imbalance of the Press Release, because the Friday Muslim prayers were already in progress, thereby appearing as if it is unfair. The church is a law-abiding, peaceful and a compliant institution. While it may appear that more clarification may be needed concerning the sudden change from the 100 people in public gathering to a complete ban on religious gathering, it is still my opinion that all of these actions are in good faith, until proven otherwise,” he noted.

He assured his humble Men of God that they shall dialogue with the appropriate authorities for clarification and specification where and when necessary, lamenting that as a church, they should be conscious that the church buildings may be closed but the church cannot be closed and they can continue to pray and call upon the name of the Lord, and continue to serve the altar of Jehovah in buildings or out of buildings. He noted that no authority can really stop the Body of Christ from praying and calling on the Name of the Lord saying they should all comport themselves as children of the most High God.

“Fellow members of the clergy, I humbly appeal to you all to show utmost maturity when communicating to your congregations. Once again, my suggestion is that we must all comply and complain later if we feel any ambiguity or abnormality in the dealings with the church. Let me conclude by making this Apostolic Declaration, Beloved, coronavirus is not your portion,” he underscored.


Protect the Home of our National Animals

By Ethel Sillah

Clean water and fresh air comes from the forest. Sierra Leone’s water catchment areas are protected and preserved by forests. Yet, we cut them down. The forest is home to all sort of amazing species of animals and plants. The country’s rich biodiversity is being destroyed at an alarming rate. We are reluctant to acknowledge the imbalance that will occur when humans tamper with the fragile ecosystem leaving the environment prone to disasters.

Furthermore, we fail to realize how intricately humans and forests are linked. It is no doubt that humans rely on the forests for its valuable resources for survival.  We cannot combat climate change neglecting forest protection and preservation. The forest serves as food baskets and can play an important role to alleviate poverty in a country. As Sierra Leoneans, we aimlessly target short term gains from the forests other than focusing on its long and lasting benefits such as security, economic, health and social.

The International Day of Forests came into being on 21st March, 2012 to raise awareness on the importance of forests regardless of the type. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Forests and Biodiversity”.

Sierra Leone once had about 90 % of forest cover but could hardly boast of 50 % now. Sierra Leone has about 5 % of its forest cover the majority lost to deforestation, construction, mining and other human activities. In February 2019, the chimpanzee was declared the National Animal of Sierra Leone. This means that there is the need for massive forest restoration and stringent laws to protect the forest and to a large extent the declaration of more well-protected national reserve or parks. Again, without enforcement these laws could be seen as ‘white elephants’. Communities, individuals and the Government must be ready to protect our forests and rich biodiversity.

Take a walk along the Western Area Peninsular and you will be shocked at the on-going rapid destruction of forests for construction. We cannot sit back and wait for a reoccurrence of the August 14th landslide and flooding to remind us of the actions we need to take to correct past mistakes as a result of negligence. Bush meat consumption continues to rise in many parts of the country damaging the biodiversity. Chimpanzees are hunted and killed in the past two months and the hunters go away with impunity.

Orphan baby chimps end up in human homes as pets reducing the number of chimpanzees. The number of chimpanzees living outside of protected areas are so many and they need urgent protection. The question is–how can we celebrate our National Animals when their lives and homes are in constant danger? We can no longer boast entirely of owning lions in the country as a result of hunting, poaching and deforestation. This unfortunate path should no longer be taken in the case of our National Animals – the chimpanzees.

The world is faced with a pandemic that could also be traced to wildlife. There is a number of wildlife that harbours the corona-19 virus such as snakes, pangolin and bats. Fauna and flora continues to maintain a balance ecosystem all over the world. And the theory of nature could come into place when humans tamper with either the fauna or flora of a given place. Not only that animals and plants disappear from the face of the earth, humans will be left to live in a fragile ecosystem that could no longer support life.

Nature will hold the human race responsible if we fail to act now!

Deputy Youth Minister Champions Coronavirus Campaign

Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Lusine Kallon

By Edward Vamboi

The Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Lusine Kallon, recently led a campaign to sensitize young people on abstinence and the need to continue regular hand washing. He made this move in the wake of a broadcast by the President, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio on the Government’s preparedness to fight the deadly Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).

In the company of journalists, Western Area District Youth Council Chairman and some senior staff of the Ministry of Youth Affairs. Lusine Kallon engaged traditional leaders; Members of Parliament; Councilors; Religious leaders; School authorities and youth based organizations in Moyamba District. In as much as the country has not reported a single case, the sensitization and awareness raising campaign on the Coronavirus, according to the Deputy Minister, will not only be limited to the South but the entire Eastern province of Sierra Leone.

He said the Coronavirus disease started in Wuhan province of China and killed over 250 Chinese before being declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. He said WHO has further described it as an emergency pandemic because it has quickly spread across the globe by infecting hundreds of thousands of people.  He also told the people of Moyamba that Coronavirus is real and deadly and spread through body contacts, hand shaking, coughing or sneezing in the air but the real symptom emerges within the 14 days incubation period. He therefore warned that the people should desist from those traditional practices of sharing pleasantries through hugging and hand shaking as a preventive measure to fight the disease in the country.

He said there is currently no vaccine to cure the viral disease but adhering to preventive measures being put in place by the Government will protect citizens from being infected by the virus.

According to the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Sierra Leone is not fully safe because neighboring countries such as Guinea and Liberia have reported cases.

“Despite this scaring news, I am joining the President to allay your fears and say no need to panic,” Hon. Kallon asserted but strongly admonished them to desist from what he called, “Pepper Doctor” and encouraged them to promptly report cases or any case similar to Coronavirus disease. He also announced the toll free number, 117 which is free and always susceptible to response from medical practitioners.

He encouraged them to start regular hand washing and restrict themselves from public gatherings.

The Western Area District Youth Council Chairman, Tejan Kellah, said he was happy to be part of the campaign as young people are always vulnerable when it comes to crisis. He called on young people to support the Government as President Bio values the life of every Sierra Leonean devoid of regional or ethnic backgrounds.

The campaign targeted 14 Chiefdoms where traditional leaders were encouraged to enforce the Presidential directives and urged to prescribe punitive action for defaulters.

On his part, the District Youth Council Chairman, Joseph Mbogba, said to enforce the Presidential directives, they are going to close all “loomas” (public markets) and institute the use of regular hand washing in all public places. He commended the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs for being steadfast to reinvigorate the campaign across the region.

He assured that they will deploy energetic youths in all border crossing points to strengthen their surveillance and enforcement of President Bio’s directives to fight the disease.

NCD Presents 2019-2020 Work Plan to Ministry of Planning

By Fatmata Jengbe         

At the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development  on Tower Hill in Freetown, the National Commission for Democracy (NCD) recently paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai, at his office.

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce themselves to the Minister and to share information on the Commission’s activities and challenges so far; and also discuss possible opportunities for future collaboration with the Ministry and ways to coordinate donor support on their behalf.

In his statement, the NCD Chairman, Dr. Abubakarr Kargbo, who noted the importance of the Ministry in the development process of the country; stated that since 1994, when the institution was established, it continues to play a key role in the democratization of the country, but due to the lack of resources in recent years, the NCD has lurked a bit in executing its core function to engineer the promotion of democracy, good governance, patriotism, national development and the exercise of civic rights and responsibilities.

Dr. Kargbo said the Commission is fully committed to work in promoting the President Bio-led Agenda, Human Capital Development and ensuring that service delivery to the people remains an effective component of the Government’s agenda.

Welcoming the delegation, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai expressed his gratitude for the visit. He said such engagement provided the platform for exchange of information and best practices.

Dr. Kai-Kai said over the years, the NCD had demonstrated astute leadership in the execution of their programs promoting democratic good governance, which the country needed. He noted the sentiments and direction of the Commission in their lack of support, but stated the proliferation of Commissions with overlapping functions. He said Government was moving robustly to rationalize overlapping Commissions and to streamline the institutional landscape.

“We need a very strong institutional and governance base; and institutions guarding that space are critical for national development. The NCD fits well in the MTNDP (2019-2023) and as a Ministry we would discuss with possible partners for support to help the institution rise up to its mandate”

He urged the Commission to work with dedication and commitment as they join the Ministry in ensuring that the year 2020, becomes the year of delivery, delivery and delivery.

In the presence of the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Robert Chakanda and the Development Secretary, Peter Sam-Kpakra, the Chairman, on behalf of the Commission presented its 2019-2020 work plan, which included the institutions strategic objectives and deliverables for 2020.


Health Minister Commends Chinese Embassy for donating Medical Equipment

Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone ,H.E. Hu Zhangliang & Minister of Health Alpha Wurie

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone ,H.E. Hu Zhangliang, handed over a batch of most needed medical materials, plus one 50 kw generator, donated by the Chinese Embassy and the Chinese community in Sierra Leone to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation on March 19th, 2020. The Minister of Health and Sanitation ,Dr. Alpha Wurie, Chief Medical Officer Mr. Samba and representatives from  the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, heads of China-Sierra Leone friendship organizations, heads of the three Chinese Medical Teams in Sierra Leone and newsmen and newswomen from the fourth estate graced the event.

In his statement, Ambassador Hu averred that under the staunch leadership of H.E. President Xi Jinping, China has effectively kept the COVID-19 pandemic under control and things are turning better in China. He said that though COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not necessarily mean that it originated from China. He stressed that characterizing the pandemic as “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus” is unacceptable, immoral and ill-intentioned. He emphasized that the donation is a show of strong solidarity and genuine friendship between China and Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Hu commended H.E. President Julius Maada Bio and his Government for exerting strong leadership to keep COVID-19 away from Sierra Leone. He said despite all the challenges at home, China will continue to share experience with and provide necessary assistance to Sierra Leone within her capacity.

Hon. Minister Wurie thanked China for the prompt support at this crucial moment. He said that a friend in need is a friend in deed. He stated that China is always among the first to extend a helping hand to Sierra Leone when need arises. The Hon. Minister emphasized that the medical materials donated by China would significantly enhance Sierra Leone’s capacity of prevention and control of COVID-19. President of Sierra Leone-China Friendship Society, Dr. Joe Conteh shared the same feeling.

The donated items include 500 sets of protective gowns, 500 N95 masks, 1,000 surgical masks, 1,000 pairs of medical gloves, 200 medical goggles and one 50 kw generator. In addition to this, the Chinese has urgently equipped the Chinese CDC experts and military expert group working in Sierra Leone with testing kits which enables them to conduct 1,000 person-time COVID-19 testing altogether.

cross section of items denoted by the Chinese Embassy

Coronavirus Threat… Central Bank Applies Counter Inflationary Measures

Bank Governor Kelfala Kallon

By Amin Kef Sesay

Along with the fear that corona, which many of our uneducated brothers and sisters pronounce wrongly may enter the country, comes the Central Bank Governor’s fear that if the appropriate monetary measures are not put in place,  the virus’ ripple effects, as unfortunately happened to the country from Ebola would be inflationary and destructive of the Government’s efforts to stabilize the economy and gradually roll back poverty.

From our past experiences, we know that if inflation goes beyond a moderate rate, it can create disastrous situations for an economy. Therefore, it should be under control.

Thus, as the statutory corporation tasked constitutionally with the promotion and maintenance of macroeconomic stability and supporting the general economic policy of the Government, Bank of Sierra Leone foresees the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) causing a major global recession that it says is bound to have huge negative impacts on small open economies like Sierra Leone.

It is not easy to control inflation by using a particular measure or instrument. In view of the above, the leadership of the Bank has decided to put measures in place to maintain macroeconomic stability in the face of these expected challenges.

The Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has agreed on policy measures that are necessary to soften the potentially adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nation’s economy. They are to:

  1. Lower the Monetary Policy Rate by 150 basis points from 16.5 percent to 15 percent.
  • Standing Lending Facility is 19.0 percent
  1. Create a Le500 Billion Special Credit Facility to Finance the Production, Procurement and Distribution of Essential Goods and Services.

The MPC agreed for the BSL to create a Special Credit Facility to the tune of Le500 billion to support the production, procurement and distribution of essential goods and services. This will be a concessionary interest-rate Facility that will be channeled through the commercial banks.

  1. Support to the Private Sector for the Importation of Essential Commodities.

The BSL will provide foreign exchange resources to ensure the importation of essential commodities. The list of commodities that qualify for this support will be published in due course.

  1. Liquidity Support to the Banking Sector.

To ease any tightness in liquidity in the financial market, the MPC decided to extend the reserve requirement maintenance period for commercial banks from 14 days to 28 days. This will be complemented by an active participation in the secondary market by the BSL.

Finally, BSL will continue to closely monitor domestic and external developments and stand ready to take all necessary monetary policy measures to promote economic growth and maintain price and financial system stability.

It is important to know that the Government of a country takes several measures and formulates policies to control economic activities. Monetary policy is one of the most commonly used measures taken by the Government to control inflation. Changing the Reserve ratio, as the BSL has done, involves increase or decrease in reserve ratios by the central bank to reduce the credit creation capacity of commercial banks.

For example, when the central bank needs to reduce the credit creation capacity of commercial banks, it increases Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR). As a result, commercial banks need to keep a large amount of cash as reserve from their total deposits with the central bank. This would further reduce the lending capacity of commercial banks. Consequently, the investment by individuals in an economy would also reduce.

Apart from monetary policy, the Government also uses fiscal measures to control inflation. The two main components of fiscal policy are Government revenue and Government expenditure. In fiscal policy, the Government controls inflation either by reducing private spending or by decreasing Government expenditure or by using both.

It reduces private spending by increasing taxes on private businesses. When private spending is more, the Government reduces its expenditure to control inflation. However, in present scenario, reducing Government expenditure is not possible because there may be certain on-going projects for social welfare that cannot be postponed.

Besides this, the Government expenditures are essential for other areas, such as defense, health, education, law and order. In such a case, reducing private spending is more preferable rather than decreasing Government expenditure. When the Government reduces private spending by increasing taxes, individuals decrease their total expenditure.


Sovula Emerges as new IGP

Ambrose Michael Sovula, Inspector- General of Police 

By Edward Vamboi

The Thirteenth Report of its Committee on Appointments and the Public Service in Parliament, chaired by the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis on Friday 20th March 2020 debated and approved with unanimity the Thirteenth Report of its Committee on Appointments and the Public Service.

The following presidential nominees were approved by Parliament:

  1. Ambrose Michael Sovula, Inspector- General of Police
  2. Dr. Bondi Gevao, Executive Chairman, Board of Directors, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  3. Dr. Abdul Jalloh, Member, National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency
  4. Mr. Zainu Deen Karim, Member, Board of Directors Sierra Leone Local Agency and
  5. Lt. Col. (Rtd) Samuel Erasmus Tucker, Member, National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency

Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu, the Speaker of Parliament, after approval called on the nominees to use their knowledge and experience to do well in their new appointments; adding they were qualified for the positions they had been nominated to by President Bio. He called on the newly approved Police Boss to change public perception and mindset about the police force.

Seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon Mathew S. Nyuma applauded the President for appointing fine Sierra Leoneans to high positions of trust. He referred to Sovula “as a sincere, dedicated and hardworking police officer who has served Sierra Leone to the best of his ability”. He also called on the new IGP to change the narrative regarding the perception of the public on the behaviour of the police.

Hon. Abdul Kargbo of APC praised the personalities of the nominees and said he has no scintilla of doubt on his mind that they were going to perform beyond expectations. He called for total independence and impartial conduct of the police force; whilst recalling how he was recently manhandled by the police. He pleaded with the police to be fair in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

In his contribution, Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh of SLPP recalled how he was beaten by police officers during the immediate past government. He commended the appointment of the new IGP; adding that he is the best person appointed to serve in that capacity based on his experience and wealth of knowledge.

In his contribution, Hon. Kandeh Yumkella, Leader of NGC called on the new IGP to avoid issues relating to politics and to focus on the transformation of the police. He recognized the efforts of late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah to building a credible police force to enhance good governance in the country.

Rounding up the debate, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Chernor Bah commended the Speaker of Parliament for his patience towards upholding the dignity of the House. He applauded the EPA’s appointee and encouraged him to work with the team of EPA officers in moving and shaping the environment for the good of the country; whilst endorsing all the nominees as fit and qualified to serve in high offices of State. On police brutality, he recalled an incident when APC MPs were removed from the Well of Parliament; adding they would forgive, they would never forget.

In concluding the debate, the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis applauded the nominees; saying that issues around drug laws and enforcement should be taken very seriously in the interest of the nation. He called on the newly appointed Police Boss to depoliticize the police force; whilst encouraging him to work diligently so as to effectively deliver on his new appointment.

As coronavirus infiltrates West Africa… Govt. Heightens Precautionary Measures

Julius Maada Bio

By Theresa Kef Sesay

The Government has in the last few days issued a raft of “Corona Enhanced Measures” to prepare for any case of infection. It could be recalled that the nation recovered from a disturbing 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak with 14,124 infections and 3,956 confirmed deaths.

The measures include suspension of overseas travel by Government officials, a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people, military deployment at airport and land borders, a ban on all sporting events, quarantine for all passengers coming from countries with over 200 cases, and frequent hand washing.

A Japanese family was recently denied entry into Sierra Leone after authorities were notified that one of them was coughing on board a Kenya Airways flight and appeared symptomatic. Airlines have been notified to stop flights to the country, effective 21 March, except emergency medical flights.

Prof. Alpha Wurie, the Minister of Health stated recently: “There is vigilance but not fear.” The Minster noted that before the Covid-19 outbreak, Sierra Leone was one of only two countries in Africa with facilities to test for the virus: a P3-Lab built by the Chinese during the Ebola outbreak.

He revealed that 3 testing sites have been set up with the capacity to do 40 tests a day and a well-equipped, 30-bed isolation unit at the 34 Military Hospital. If need be, Wurie said, a 100-bed isolation centre can be quickly set up at the China Friendship Hospital in Jui.

Chinese Ambassador Hu Zhangliang announced that Beijing was donating 1,000 testing kits, 1,000 surgical masks, 1,000 medical gloves, 500 N95 respirators, 500 sets of protective gowns, 200 medical goggles, and a 50kva generator.

Jacob Saffa , the Minister of Finance stated that economic growth would drop to 3.8 percent – down from forecasts of 5.1 percent. The effects will be wide-reaching with job cuts already seen in the tourism industry.

Saffa said Sierra Leone has sufficient reserves of imports that could sustain the country for 100 days without any support. He further stated that authorities are in discussions with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to see what relief was available to them.

The Finance Minister furthered that they will be looking at tax breaks, tax deferments and other measures to help businesses survive.

During a State House Press Conference, President Bio told journalists: “At this time we do not see reason for panic or lock down. But things can change very fast and we will respond to these rapid changes robustly, up to declaring a state of emergency, to protect public health and safety.”