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NP-SL is Moving with the Pace of Usain Bolt

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited is growing by leaps and bounds moving with the pace of Usain Bolt. The company’s ability to accomplish such could be attributed to good entrepreneurial policies and implementation. The leading petroleum marketing company has successfully grappled with challenges it had been encumbered with although it is still looking forward to payments of outstanding loans that public and private institutions owe it.

Indeed this is serious! It has been identified as a prime factor that has been responsible for the collapse of certain institutions. Outstanding debts obviously affect the capital bases of business entities and if sound financial maneuvering and alternative steps are not taken or injected then the outcome could be catastrophic.

Though all is not that too rosy, however, resiliently the shareholders and managers are doing all their best to always ensure that petroleum products are available which has made it possible for shortages not to occur for long periods of time that have the tendency of bringing human activities to a grinding halt. The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited has weathered that situation which should have long sent it to the doldrums.

The name NP-SL Ltd is synonymous with 1st For Customer Care as one major thing the company is well renowned for is paying unfettered attention and doing everything reasonable to give ultimate satisfaction to its numerous customers. Mindful of the fact that without giving their best they will definitely lose customers and wanting to attract new ones ,the shareholders of the company, its Board of Directors and Management teams over the years have all ensured that qualitative petroleum products are made available for vehicular use as well as office and domestic consumption. Satisfaction is not only provided through giving qualitative products but the timely availability of these products which many could easily access.

Optimal satisfaction is also derived when customers do have the confidence that they are getting value for money. In other words, when they have trust that they are dealing with a very transparent company such gives them the courage to stay glue to that company. With the installation of calibrated pumping machines at its Filling Stations which have the capacity to pump the exact quantity of fuel that customers request for and at the same time displaying the prices gives the feeling that they are really getting back what they pay for. This trust is more built by the encouraging manner the company’s pump-attendants deal with customers.

When it comes to the implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy, then we can rate NP-SL as one company that has been excellently rolling it out to the letter. From origin, the shareholders of the company made it a laid down policy to give preference, in terms of employment, to Sierra Leoneans except in situations when the expertise to carry out a task could not be sourced locally. This indigenous posture has made it possible for Sierra Leoneans to be gainfully employed by the company putting them at vantage positions to take care of personal and family responsibilities.

With regards rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, NP-SL Ltd does not joke in doing so and as a matter of fact it has contributed to the resilience of other key institutions. One major boost that the company gave recently to the National Fire Force (NFF) was facilitating the construction of a water facility for its Kissy Branch costing millions of Leones. The facility has a kva generation that helps pump water into fire engines meant for usage in extinguishing fire outbreak within Greater Freetown. When cognizance is taken of how it is sometimes difficult to fetch water in Freetown it will dawn that the water facility, which gets water from underneath the earth surface, is very significant to the work that the NFF is doing.

To make it easy to access fuel, petrol or diesel, at Filling Stations the use of NP Smart Card was introduced. With this Card, a particular customer could procure fuel without exchanging tangible cash as long as the card contains money. The customer determines how much he needs which is exactly what will be deducted and the balance will remain. This convenient way of transacting business guarantees security of not losing cash or for it not to be stolen. Besides, it removes the tendency on the part of drivers to cheat when purchasing fuel.

Still with the objective of giving their customers the best, the company came with NP Gas which is now a household name. This cooking device is said to be very environmental friendly as it is less hazardous to health, is portable, easy to refill with gas that could be secured from the company’s dealers and very quick in terms of performance. Many have attested that it is worth trying and having.

The mere fact that NP-SL is successful, as evident in the opening of branches in neighboring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia truly tells of a result-oriented company. These branches are vibrantly thriving offering qualitative and outstanding services to people in those countries.

As a matter of fact in all these countries that the company is operating it is timely paying taxes to the Governments thereby contributing to the revenue baskets of these nations. These taxes form part of the revenue which Governments in turn use to fund various development projects.

To crown it all, NP SL Ltd is truly contributing to the socio-economic developments of all the countries it is operating and by extension greatly bettering lives.


Members of the Public Blast NATCOM

Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Mohamed Rado Swarray

By Edward Vamboi

The public and some patriotic civil society organizations have reacted angrily to NATCOM’s directive to telecommunications companies operating in the country to set the FLOOR and CAP at which voice services should be traded.

The telecommunications regulator made this move over the weekend when it informed Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Civil Society Organizations and the general public that Section 532 of the Telecommunications Act of 2006 as amended mandates it to set the FLOOR and CAP at which voice services should be traded.

These concerned individuals accuse NATCOM of seeking the interest of cell phone companies instead of the masses who are undergoing harsh economic conditions highlighting that evil only thrives when good men/women do nothing about it or when they keep silence.

The NATCOM public notice adds that Section 22 of the 2020 Public Finance Act states that any fee or promotional call or data use that exceeds 10% of the total billable and unbillable calls and data use as provided for in the second schedule to the Goods and Services Tax 2009 shall be charged at the existing fair market price of Le650 per minute or the applicable rate from time to time for both voice and data use.

According to the NATCOM press release, being cognizance of the implications of its actions and non-action, has made tremendous efforts in positioning itself as a reliable and trustworthy entity in taking decisions that will positively impact the general citizenship and the nation’s economy at large.

As a regulator, the release adds, “our decision to set the floor is of immense benefit to consumers and the nation at large”. Over the years, various algorithmic permutations have been made to ensure that telecommunication users enjoy satisfactory services while simultaneously ensuring that MNOs provide their services in the best interest of consumers. Let it be clearly known here that NATCOM has not come up with new regulations at all and equally too has not increase tariffs at all. All NATCOM is doing is to follow the dictates of the Telecommunications Act of 2006 as amended in conformity with the Finance Act 2020.

However, the public has reacted angrily to the decision by NATCOM by publicly expressing dissatisfaction and anger over the new arrangement.

The renowned civil society think tank, Native Consortium and Research Center (NCRC) has in a letter dated 5th March 2020 addressed to the Director General of NATCOM, described the decision by NATCOM to force QCELL to increase its voice and data tariff from Le200.00-590.00 per minute as “toxic, exploitative and unpatriotic.”

With economic justice and consumer protection as its signature, the Consortium recalled instituting a class action against mobile companies and NATCOM over increment in the cost of tariff and that the matter is still awaiting summary judgment.

The Consortium enlightens, “your correspondence requesting QCELL to increase its tariff to a floor rate of Le590.00 per minute so as to be at parity with the other companies is not only tantamount to a complete breach of the anti-competition laws but can also be seen as a mere exploitation of the average consumers within the framework of the free market economy. Consequently, we are requesting your institution to desist forthwith and discontinue your unlawful, toxic and unpatriotic conduct. Failure to do so shall leave us with no option but to institute a court action, compelling NATCOM to do the same.”

The interesting thing is that even SIERRATEL, a kind parastatal, is also strongly against this price fixing. For example, QCELL is doing on net at 200 and SIERRATEL 400.

One thing that is so certain is that some of the telecommunications companies are in Sierra Leone to cater for the interests of the masses.

According to the public, AFRICEL money and Orange money are helping to enhance various transactions and most people this medium talked with praised the efficiency of those systems. They noted that it is making life somehow convenient for them.

The people vouched that AFRICEL and Orange are progressive business entities that have rolled out a lot of programmes that are of immense benefits to the vast majority of the public.




Orange SL Continues to Boost Education Nationwide

By Fatmata Jengbe

Just within few months in this year (2020) the country’s leading telecommunications company, Orange Sierra Leone, has rolled out various projects geared towards enhancing the standard of education in the country and more especially to give a thorough boost to the Free Quality Education initiative that was launched by the SLPP Government under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio currently benefitting pupils in primary and secondary public schools.

The projects are also aimed at bringing communication closer to the doorsteps of many at affordable rates as well as in fulfillment of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility some of which are complementing Government’s development interventions.

The latest of these projects that the company recently launched is the Super Coders Scratch Project. This latest project is aimed at helping children make their own interactive Stories, Animations, Games, Music, and Art. Scratch has large collections or Libraries of cool graphics and fun sounds to play around with, which enables children to solve real life social issues through coding and animation.

Commendably, the company in partnership with the Ministry of Basic Secondary School Education, ST Foundation Bridge the Digital Divide-Sierra Leone on Wednesday 19th February 2020 first commissioned the Super Coders Project at the Annie Walsh Memorial Secondary School in the East End of Freetown and on Monday 21st February 2020 they also unveiled the Super Coders Scratch Program at the Albert Academy on Berry Street.

During the commissioning of the project the Chief Executive Officer of Orange Sierra Leone, Aminata Kane Ndiaye, disclosed that Orange, being a multi service provider and a responsible corporate citizen places emphasis on corporate social investment.

She furthered, “Orange in partnership with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) designed five projects. One of such projects is the Super Coders Scratch Program in which Orange in partnership with ST Foundation intends to introduce ICT training on basic coding for children in 100 Secondary Schools with existing ICT labs over a period of five years.”

Orange, mindful of not limiting itself to the implementation of the Super Coders Scratch Program in Freetown also decided to take the project to the provinces. On Tuesday 25th February 2020 they launched the Super Coders Project at the Harford Secondary School for Girls in the Moyamba District.

In addition on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th February 2020 the company also launched the Super Coders Project at the Ahmadiyya Secondary School and the Methodist Secondary School respectively within the Kenema District. It was also launched, on Friday 28th February 2020 at the Kolenten Junior Secondary School in Kambia District.

With the heightened determination to simplify communications and make pupils and students to have increased access to the internet for educational purpose, on Tuesday 25th February 2020, Orange SL launched the Spak Bundle Project otherwise known as Student Pack at the St. Joseph Convent Secondary School compound in Freetown.

During the launch the Mass Marketing and Bundle Executive Project Leader –Student Pack, Orange SL, Sheik Omaru Jalloh disclosed that the project is specifically meant for school going children and those attending tertiary institutions, furthering that as an institution they carried out a perception survey which was conducted in January 2019 in order to identify the problems associated with students trying to access the internet.

He revealed that they thought it fit to officially unveil the students’ pack offer so that students all across the country could benefit from it. He stated that they furthered how pupils and students in both schools and tertiary institutions will have the opportunity to enjoy cheaper data bundles at affordable prices for internet browsing.

It could be recalled that Orange Sierra Leone, being the foremost telecommunications company operating in the country committed itself towards giving assistance to the Government’s Free Quality Education Programme since August 2018 when the company unveiled its free quality education packages as part of rolling out the company’s corporate social responsibility. The company pledged $1.5 Million material assistance to Free Quality Education Program.

It is on record that in 2019 Orange Sierra Leone, collaborating with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education launched and rolled out sanitary pads to secondary school going pupils which came to an end on the 4th November, 2019 after dishing out two thousand (2000) menstrual hygiene packs to twenty targeted schools across the Western urban and rural areas.

The distribution process started at the Government Technical Secondary School in the West End of Freetown through to Vine Memorial, Rokel, Model, Tombo, Peninsula, Municipal, Ahmadiyya, St. Helena, Independence, FAWE Waterloo, Laura Dove, Murray Town Army and Services Juba Secondary schools, amongst others. Each of the twenty schools that were visited received one hundred packs with the items handed over to the school authorities.

Orange-SL will also roll-out an Open Class Room program that will enable 300 free certifying digital courses, 10-20 Hours on-line work where 500 teaches will benefit in five years.

Orange-SL, in this same year will launch and roll out Solar Kits for school children in the rural areas of which 1,000 solar pack kits will be distributed over a five year period to 200 villages without grid to be covered per year saying they will install them in local libraries/community centers/schools etc. in which 100,000 people are expected to benefit from.

So far Orange SL has really demonstrated that it is a true development partner and is very passionate about enhancing the standard of education in the country. It could be safely concluded that if within the shortest period in this year Orange SL has launched these two important projects which will impact positively on the education of pupils and students then it is certain that the company is committed to completely fulfil its pledge and at the same time take communication to a higher level.



Youths Vow To Kill Ibrahim Kamara For Being Gay

Ibrahim Kamara escapes after Irate youths vowed to kill him for practicing gay

By Alfred Lamin Conteh

One successful business man Ibrahim Kamara of No: 12 Mahei Boima Road, Bo Town, South of Sierra Leone,  is reported to be on the run after Irate youths vowed to kill him for practicing gay related activities in the township.

Ibrahim is the only son among the three children of his parents, Mr. Abass Kamara and Mrs. Kadiatu Koroma.

Sources say Ibrahim entered the Bo Government Secondary School after he passed the National Primary School Examination (NPSE) in May 2015. Ibrahim’s father who was a very successful business man died after a short illness and Ibrahim was handed over to his Uncle who is the Chief Iman of the Central Mosque in Bo Town.

The source said Ibrahim met a colleague Mohamed Tom Kargbo who is working for the school administration as a senior student.

Mohamed according to report persuaded Ibrahim to join the Christian faith which he rejected on the grounds that his family came from an Islamic background.

Because of Mohamed’s tremendous support to Ibrahim in the school, the latter accepted to convert to the Christianity which did not go down well with his family.

The source said few weeks later, Mohamed inducted Ibrahim to gay activities.  An elder in the family, Pa Alimamy Kamara said Ibrahim became highly interested in the gay work to the annoyance of his family.

He said after completing his Junior Secondary School, he returned home and started doing business.

The successful business man later met with a Reverend Father of the Catholic Church who also introduced him to Christianity.

On December 25th 2019, Ibrahim met with Father Patrick in a night club where they discussed gay activities.

On February 25th 2020, Ibrahim’s Uncle woke him for the early morning prayers only to meet Ibrahim and Revernd Father naked and romancing inside the room which prompted his Uncle to shout loud.

“An unspecified number of youths stormed the room and forcefully opened the door.

The irate youths manhandled Ibrahim and Father Patrick until they became unconscious, Community Youth Leader Foday Mansaray. He said the injured people were rushed to the Ahmadiyya Hospital where they were given first aid treatment and later admitted at the Bo Government Hospital for medical attention.

Ibrahim according to report, escaped from his sick bed to an unknown destination for fear of his life as the irate youths were demanding his head for practicing gay in the Community contrary to national, religious and traditional laws governing the country.

Family members have expressed serious concern about the safety of their son.


Call for Tender-Bread for the World (EWDE)

The Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development/ Bread for the World is an organization for development cooperation of the Protestant regional churches, their diaconal charities and free churches in Germany. The Organisation provides help for self-help for the work of church, church-related and secular partner organisations. Altogether, more than 1300 projects are supported in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The work focuses on food security, the promotion of education and health, the strengthening of democracy, respect for human rights, equality between men and women and the preservation of creation.

We are looking for consultants offering consultancy and support services for partner organisations in Sierra Leone and Liberia. The purpose of this contract is to support (through consultancy, training, coaching, and other forms of capacity building) approximately 25  non-governmental organisations and church-based partner organisations of the Client in Sierra Leone and Liberia. The consultancy and support services to be provided are designed to strengthen the capacities of partner organisations in the areas of financial management (Lot 1) and outcome-and-impact-oriented planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) (Lot 2) in order to meet the Client’s funding requirements.

The procurement documents, including the letter of tender, are available for download under https://bfdw.de/scsslelbr

The tender must be submitted in writing by 30.03.2020, 12:00 UTC +2 (Europe/ Berlin) to the following email address: SCS_SLE-LBR@ewde.de. The tender must be received electronically at the above email address by the time and date above.

For more information about our organisation and our work, visit our website at https://www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de/en/bread-for-the-world/.


Corona Virus could Wreck Sierra Leone if…

Dr. Manal Ghazzawi

By Dr. Manal Ghazzawi

FREETOWN, 10th March, 2020 – Will the novel corona virus otherwise named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) come to Sierra Leone? Indeed, this is a question all of us might be asking ourselves in our beloved mama Salone. As it is called the novel virus, it is a new virus that we are learning about every day through rigorous studies, and through different cases that infected patients present with.

Initially, when we heard of Corona virus, we understood that the virus is being transmitted at a faster rate because of its long incubation period i.e. spreading or shedding the virus while an infected person is in the asymptomatic stage. Later, as the disease is becoming alarmingly pandemic, we learnt that the main driver of transmissibility is not its long incubation period. Confusing, right? Many public health specialists are yet to find out more about transmissibility and the disease’s severity.

Sierra Leoneans are like “Oh, this virus seems to be scarier than the Ebola virus disease (EVD)”. No, it is not, far from it. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the case fatality rate (CFR) of EVD is 50% and has varied from 25% to 90% in past outbreaks. On the other hand, the CFR of that of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) is only about 3.4%. Let us imagine if the EVD had started in China, it would have definitely become a pandemic catastrophe that might have wiped out mankind. We have learnt that the COVID-19 presentation is mild and children are hardly being affected compared to adults, in fact, children are being infected from adults that are sick. However, there is a higher mortality rate among elderly or adults with prior existing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cancer and heart diseases or any condition that makes your immune system compromised.

There are lots of myths going around about the virus such as it not being able to survive in hot weather, well the answer is ‘We do not know”, there is a lot to be known and studied about this virus. Most of us would have known that the SARS- CoV-2 is genetically related to that of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which is also a corona virus that emerged in Saudi Arabia in 2012.  David Heymann at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who led the global response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, points out that the MERS corona virus emerged in Saudi Arabia when it was very hot. “These viruses can certainly spread during high temperature seasons,” he says. Hence, let us not be complacent and assume that the virus may not be imported. Let us not forget that viruses undergo mutation, which is already the case with SARS-COV-2, in which there are 2 strains that have been detected in China, the L and S, the former being more aggressive and more prevalent.

Having the virus in sub-Saharan Africa or Sierra Leone might pose lots of challenges due to poor health infrastructure and an ill prepared response capacity.

However, there are lots of lessons learnt from the Ebola outbreak and the Ministry of Health is trying to put things in place. Now that the disease is pandemic, there is a lot that we can learn from China and other countries that have been affected and already developed mitigating strategies. WHO, CDC and others has come up with many guidelines that public health specialists, health care workers and the community can implement. One of these guidelines that Sierra Leone currently falls into are the following preventive and preparedness strategies:

  • Activate the highest level of emergency response mechanisms.
  • Test National Preparedness Plans
  • Non-pharmaceutical measure
  • Rapid detection
  • Large scale case isolation
  • Respiratory support capacities
  • Rigorous contact tracing and management in national COVID-19 readiness and response plans and capacities.
  • Enhance surveillance systems.
  • Enhance rigorous application of infection prevention and control (IPC) measures in healthcare facilities, especially emergency departments and out-patient clinics.
  • Training of Health Care Workers on IPC and patient care
  • Assess population knowledge about COVID-19, adjust national health promotional materials and activities and engage clinical champions to communicate with the media.

If the ministry of health can confidently answer yes to the above then we are good to go. If not and preparedness is poor, the response will also be poor, and it will cost many lives of Sierra Leoneans. That is the saddest truth. I can attest that Sierra Leoneans here and abroad are scared of what might happen to us if COVID-19 gets imported into Sierra Leone simply due to our fragile health system. We will be glad if the Government succeeds in changing our perception for us to trust the health system and be proud of being heroes in curbing this pandemic disease.

However, with all that has been said, community engagement is key, government cannot do this on its own. Each one of us can be a pioneer in each of our communities, where we can make use some of these guidelines and teach our people about basic handwashing techniques and the importance of adhering to respiratory etiquettes i.e. sneezing or coughing into your bent elbow or a tissue to protect others. Simply the use of soap and water after every contact or touching a possibly contaminated object is key in preventing you from being infected, and of course not to touch our face, especially our eyes, mouth or nose. Also let not uninfected individuals waste essential resources like masks that should be reserved for use in the hospital by caregivers and those that become sick with respiratory illnesses. The virus is not airborne, hence the use of masks by healthy individuals is deemed unnecessary. Most of all stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your health care provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Be empowered, let’s protect ourselves and stay informed, God protect us all.

Dr. Manal Ghazzawi is a Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, Chief Executive Officer of CitiGlobe and founder of KnowHep Foundation. 


Sierra Leone and the European Union Hold Dialogue on Investment Issues and Reinforce Governance Partnership


Freetown; Sierra Leone: The Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the European Union met at Statehouse in Freetown on 5th March, 2020 for the second Sierra Leone-EU Political Dialogue since the government of President Julius Maada Bio took office.

The EU political dialogue with the Government of Sierra Leone is guided by Article 8 of the Cotonou Partnership Agreements with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States, which outlines the modalities for a regular, comprehensive, balanced and deep political dialogue at the highest level on a broad range of topics.  The dialogue was held between Members of the Government of Sierra Leone, led by H.E. President Julius Maada Bio, and the EU Heads of Mission, led by the Head of EU Delegation to Sierra Leone, Ambassador Tom Vens, and a group of European investors, led by Aminata Kane Ndiaye, CEO of Orange Sierra Leone.

The dialogue allowed a constructive engagement on how to improve the business climate in order to stimulate investment, economic growth, job creation and revenue generation.

The Government of Sierra Leone and the European Union Delegation noted that the main European companies in Sierra Leone contribute about USD 64,500,000 to the Government’s revenue, 4500 direct jobs, 67,000 indirect jobs and USD 530,650,000 investments in the last years, with projected further investments of USD 212,625,000 in the next 5 years.

The Government presented progress made in implementing the recommendations of the Electoral Observer Missions for the 2018 General Elections, the Constitutional Review Process, the repeal of Criminal Libel Law and the abolition of the death penalty.

The EU acknowledged that the Government of Sierra Leone is grappling with several challenges since taking over the administration of the Country and applauded the measures taken by the Government so far to increase revenue generation and accountability. The Government and the EU committed to continued structured engagement that addresses concerns and opportunities on the side of Government and investors alike going forward.

The Government of Sierra Leone recognises the EU is a stable and reliable economic partner of Sierra Leone and that 40 EU investors are operating in Sierra Leone, with a proven track record of compliance with government policies and regulations and with high social and environmental standards.

On the side of the Government  in this second dialogue engagement were present other senior members of the administration including Chief Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Minister of Informational and Communications, Advisers to the President, and the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development,  while  H.E Lesley Ní Bhriain, Ambassador of Ireland, and H.E. Horst Gruner, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany formed the EU side.


IOM Acclaims Unprecedented Human Trafficking Convictions in Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Sierra Leone High Court has for the first time, convicted people of human trafficking, sentencing two women to lengthy jail terms earlier this month, a move hailed as a significant blow to those who engage in this modern-day form of slavery.

“These convictions and sentencing are historic wins for young Sierra Leoneans who have been abused by unscrupulous traffickers,” said Sanusi Savage, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Head of Office in Sierra Leone.

Convicted of both trafficking and money laundering, the women received sentences of 20- and eight years respectively on 11 February in Freetown. The West African country passed anti-trafficking legislation in 2005, but until now had registered no convictions.

Each year, thousands of Sierra Leoneans – including children – are trafficked for forced labour or sexual exploitation in and outside Sierra Leone. Many go on the so-called ‘Temple Run’ to escape poverty, falling victim to traffickers who demand as much as USD 2,500 for fake educational or employment opportunities.

When they come home, some victims go into hiding, ashamed and afraid to face their families and communities who, in some cases they defrauded to pay for their journeys.

Cases of human trafficking rely heavily on victim testimonies, but these are sometimes difficult to access because victims are afraid to come forward or are pressured not to.

As a result, most of the cases are dropped and traffickers are never convicted.

Since October 2018, IOM has supported the country’s Anti-Trafficking Taskforce to strengthen the identification and screening of victims of trafficking, and to increase their access to protection services and justice.

The Organization supported the training of 103 Government officials on investigating and prosecuting cases of human trafficking and worked on awareness-raising efforts with 116 civil society and media organizations.

Last year, IOM supported the decentralisation of National Anti-Trafficking Task Force in 14 of Sierra Leone’s districts to increase victims’ and potential victims’ access to information, protection and justice mechanisms, and avoid procedural delays related to prosecuting traffickers.

IOM’s counter-trafficking activities in Sierra Leone are implemented in the framework of the Africa Regional Migration Programme funded by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).

Mufti Menk Praises Sierra Leoneans for being Religious Tolerant

By Fatmata Jengbe

At the National Stadium on the 6 March 2020 renowned Zimbabwean Islamic Scholar, Mufti Menk, in his message on “Building Bridges”, commended Sierra Leoneans for maintaining religious tolerance.

In his opening address, His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio, told thousands of people who converged on the Siaka Stevens Stadium in Freetown that the huge turnout at the event was a signal of how religiously tolerant Sierra Leoneans were. He said that the topic “Building Bridges” was in line with his vision to build a peaceful and united nation, adding that his presence was a manifestation of the importance of peace in nation building.

Delivering his sermon, Mufti Menk said that he was thankful to the Government and people of Sierra Leone for the welcome and courtesies since his arrival, adding that that was a manifestation of the love of Sierra Leoneans. He said since his arrival he had seen love, peaceful coexistence and respect for other peoples’ faith.

He also used the occasion to commend the Government for the introduction of the monthly cleaning exercise, which was responsible for the clean state of the country, adding that with the level of cleanliness Sierra Leone could be a shining example around the world.

He commended the First Lady, Fatima Maada Bio, for her efforts in bringing him into the country and for the introduction of the Free Sanitary Pads that would cater for girls and assured that he would use his voice around the world to support the initiative.  He also frowned at the misuse of social media and encouraged Sierra Leoneans to use it as a tool to promote peace and development.

Before the his appearance at the stadium the popular Islamic Scholar, Mufti Menk met with President Bio State House on Thursday 5 March 2020 where he was presented by the First Lady Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio who said President Bio had given all the support to ensure the safe arrival the cleric and his delegation into the country and also commended the President for his support to the Islamic cause in the country.

Mufti Menk thanked the people of Sierra Lone for the wonderful welcome accorded him and his delegation, saying that it had been overwhelming. He commended the First Lady for facilitating the move and also noted that his idea was to pray and empower the nation in a way it would project growth and success.

“I firmly believe in ‘Building Bridges’, wherein people of different faiths learn to respect each other and respect their rights to believe in whatever religion they have chosen. We have the ‘Building Bridges’ tour wherein we can educate people to live in harmony and peace no matter their affiliations. We have heard some of the great causes that the President stands for and we hope that we can somehow support some of them by the will of the Almighty Allah,” he said.

In his response, President Bio, on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone, welcomed Menk and his delegation. He said that Sierra Leone is proud of its heritage as a religiously tolerant nation, adding that the visit of the popular scholar is a reaffirmation of the country’s level of tolerance.

“We have enjoyed quite a lot of tolerance and we are very proud of it. We want to continue to promote it. So, you are actually helping us do what we are so proud of. We need deep voices like yours to promote positive messages. We have placed priority in investing in human beings so that we can have a solid foundation for development,” he said.

Top Intellectuals Set to Dissect the New Direction’s Economic Policies

Economist Prince Jacob Macauley

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone’s top and most renowned Economist in the land, Prince Jacob Macauley, has been invited by SierraEye Magazine to speak at a debate which theme is entitled: “This House Believes that the Economic Policies of the New Direction are the right direction towards a Sustainable and Sound Economic Environment” which is slated to take place on the 27th March at Radisson Blu hotel.

Macauley, who has become famous with his Score Cards and Integrity Score Cards that he use to assess the performances of MDAs, will be among other respected economists that have been chosen to speak on the theme.

Economist Macauley has been in the economic and humanitarian field for so long now which will enable him to look at the country’s situation from the economic and humanitarian aspects.

He has a rich CV, having worked as a Consultant for Adam Smith International, Crown Agent, Athena Infonomics, IMF, World Bank and AFDB for years in his career.

As an economist he knows the problems that the country’s economy is currently facing and on many occasions on radio and television and in his writings, proffered solutions towards solving them.

In the debating area, Mr Macauley is known for coming up with highly brilliant ideas.