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Audit Service Sierra Leone Throws Light on Audit Processes

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) on the 3rd February 2020 in a bid to inform the general public as a way of continuing its public education explained the various stages involved in the audit process.

It underscored that the  public must understand that at every stage of the audit, the client is given ample opportunity to provide supporting documents which may include payment vouchers, receipts, goods received notes, store issues vouchers, bank deposit slips, authorisation letters, to name a few.

The institution notes that apart from real-time and special audits, all other audits are done in arrears; that is three months or more after the end of the financial year.

Against such a backdrop, ASSL pointed out that it would be expected therefore that the transactions would have been completed and appropriate supporting documents filed, long before the audit process begins.

It reveals how there are three main stages in an audit: Planning, Execution and Reporting.

The Planning stage starts with an audit engagement letter signed by the auditors and the client. This letter details expectations from both sides and is signed and acknowledged by both parties before the audit starts.

The signed engagement letter is accompanied by a list of documents which the client is required to prepare for review by the auditors. From this point on, the client has the opportunity to produce and provide for the auditors, all relevant documents relating to the audit.

The Execution stage starts with an audit entrance meeting. At this stage also frank discussions are held as to the expectations of both parties and emphasis is again placed on submission of appropriate supporting documents.

ASSL says the audit fieldwork is then kick-started with auditors usually situated in the client’s premises. As the work progresses, written queries are raised for the attention of the client. Where the responses to such queries are satisfactory, these issues are not reported. Unresolved queries find their way into the draft management letter (ML).

The audit execution stage is climaxed by an exit meeting where the draft ML is submitted to the client for discussion and where issues not cleared during the audit execution could be cleared. The final stage is the reporting stage. Here the Client responds to the issues reported in the draft ML.

There is an additional step unique to the public sector where the client’s responses to the draft ML are further verified and the verification report is signed by the ASSL and the client.  Issues that have been resolved and verified as resolved are not reported in the final ML.

Only issues which have been acknowledged as unresolved by the client and those which the client may claim to have resolved but which could not be verified by the auditors are incorporated into the final report submitted to the client. The final report is later summarised and included in the AG’s annual report to Parliament.

Surprisingly, clients who have failed to submit appropriate supporting document during the audit suddenly provide such documents to Parliament or Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) after the publication of the AG’s report.

According to the institution, the questions to be asked are these: why are documents only being submitted at this point? Where were they all this time?. Why were they not submitted during the various stages of the audit process?. It must be noted that the burden of proof rests with the client/auditee.

The auditors have adequate but limited time to spend on any assignment and failure to cooperate and submit documents on request will only lead to matters being reported as outstanding.

In line with this, all MDAs are requested to give the fullest cooperation including provision of all relevant and reliable audit evidences to justify receipt and use of public funds.

The ASSL will continue to carry out its mandate of being the guardian of Sierra Leone’s Economic Security.


Ebola Case Comes up in ECOWAS Court on February 6

By Amin Kef Sesay

The ECOWAS Court, sitting in Abuja, Nigeria will again conduct a hearing in the case filed by Ebola survivors and the local NGO CARL-SL against the Government of Sierra Leone (GOSL). The matter, which was filed against the Government in 2017, alleges that the mismanagement and possible loss of Ebola funds, as documented in the report of the Auditor General in 2015, led to the violation of the rights to life and health of Sierra Leoneans.

This is the first time that citizens have taken legal action against the Government based on the findings of the Auditor General. If heard to conclusion, it will be a major development in establishing a nexus between corruption or mismanagement of public funds and corruption. The Applicants in the case argue that by failing to dedicate the maximum needed resources to the Ebola response, failing to comply with various accounting and procurement procedures, and by failing to conduct effective investigations into the mismanagement of Ebola funds, the Government is in violation of its human rights obligations under various international covenants.

These include the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Sierra Leone is a party to all of these conventions. The plaintiffs are seeking damages and other remedies for Ebola survivors.

The 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone recorded over 14,000 confirmed cases of infections and almost 4000 deaths. Many of these included healthcare workers. While many of the over 14,000 infected persons survived, they continue to deal with life-changing challenges relating to their physical and psychological wellbeing.

The case itself was inherited by the Government of President Julius Maada Bio, having being filed during the life of the previous Government of President Ernest Bai Koroma. The present Government had earlier indicated its plan to settle the matter out of court, something that the Government Transition Team recommended in its report of July 2018. It has therefore come as a surprise to many that the Attorney General and Minister of Justice has chosen to submit a defense to this action—effectively going against Government’s originally stated position, as well as defending allegations of corruption under the previous APC regime.

When the matter comes up before the ECOWAS Court on Feb. 6, the parties will provide an update to the court on the status of settlement talks, as well as to understand why the Government has changed its position on the matter. The Court will also hear other motions that have been filed by the plaintiffs including one that requests the court to hold its hearings in Sierra Leone as well as an application to summon expert witnesses. The Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors (SLAES), the umbrella organization for Ebola survivors is also seeking to be joined as a party to the matter.

Pres Bio Woos 30 South African Investors to Explore Opportunities in Mining & Electricity Supply

By Sam Pratt

In Cape Town, South Africa on Tuesday 4 February 2020 President Dr Julius Maada Bio ended the first set of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the Africa Mining Indaba, first discussing with a senior adviser to President Cyril Ramaphosa of a visit of 30 investors to Sierra Leone.

Jeffrey Thamsanqa Radebe from the Government of the Republic of South Africa, who conveyed their plans to organise a delegation of investors to the resource-rich West African nation as soon as they get a date from Freetown, told President Bio that the potential partners would be interested in small grid power, off-grid power and large scale mining.

Mr Radebe, who served as Minister in the Presidency from 2014 to 2018 after having worked as Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development from 2009 to 2014, said to help them finalise the team, they would need to know about projects in those areas of interest and what the country’s policy around private-public partnership was.

The President also met Jeff Couch, Director at the Orion Resources Partners, a global alternative investment management firm with approximately US$6.0 billion assets under management – private equity, hedge fund and merchant services.

“We have accepted this meeting to better understand the investment opportunities within the Sierra Leone mining sector. Our specific interest is in base and precious metal opportunities,” he said.

Later the founder of Genesis Energy Holdings, with integrated operations across the industry value-chain of oil, gas and power in South Africa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea Bissau, Benin and others, also said it was great meeting the President.

Akinwole Omoboriowo II, a UK trained specialist in electricity prices and modelling, said they look forward to opportunities in developing power plants that utilise numerous fossil fuels such as gas, diesel, HFO and renewable fuel sources such as hydro.

It should be noted that the meetings are coming after President Bio delivered the keynote address at the Indaba Mining 2020, the world’s largest mining investment event taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, and emphasised that Sierra Leone now needed trustworthy mining partners.

Finance Ministry Praised for Restoring Financial Credibility &Donor Confidence

Jacob Jusu Saffa

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The presence in this country of high powered delegations from both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and soon to be followed by the presence of the President of the African Development Bank, Mr Akinwumi Adesine, speaks volumes about the high credibility and confidence bestowed upon the Ministry of Finance and the Minister himself, Jacob Jusu Saffa and other Executives of the Finance Ministry who are all working as a team to lift this country’s economy from the bottom.

All of them are highly impressed with the work of the Finance Ministry and are therefore showing it openly that this country is one ripe enough to do business with.

For the first time in the history of Sierra Leone has such a gesture being expressed so openly to this country for meeting set targets of the said organizations which have all expressed satisfaction with the way the financial aspects of this country are being run.
Under this New Direction, Revenue Collection is on the increase and the debt burden of this country is been reduced dramatically.
Even though the opposition is trying to make it look like “de gron dry”, the long and short term policies of this Government will soon put the economy back on track.

The Finance Act of 2020 is one that did attract commendations from both the Parliament of Sierra Leone and the said organizations.
The Act itself contains provisions that alter and introduce a new tax regime and also explains how funds are raised for projections in the budget as it must precede the passing of the budget.
The Act itself enhances economic prudence and fosters growth improvement.
Minister of Finance Mr JJ Saffa who is a Governor at the ADB, played an integral role in the capital budget increase of the annual budget of the ADB.

His thorough brinkmanship was to move the ADB to give support to women in agriculture and in the water development sector.
Before the passing off away of the past regime, the IMF, World Bank and the ADB, all vamoosed from this country due to poor economic management by the Koroma regime but now under the President Bio New Direction, all of them are back to work as partners with the Bio led Government.


Will Some Ministers Survive Reshuffle After Integrity Score Card? – Jacob Prince Macauley

Economist Prince Jacob Macauley

By Foday Moriba Conteh

It goes without saying that HE President Bio wants the best from those he appointed as Ministers in his Cabinet and it is also an established fact that the first Gentleman’s axe will soon fall on those who are underperforming. President Bio has promised to keep his promise to citizens and so he cannot allow any Minister to slow him down in his strides which is all the more reason why he will not waste any time to reshuffle his Cabinet.

The upcoming Integrity Score Card will definitely be a pointer to the performance of the Ministers in President Bio’s Cabinet.
Economist Prince Jacob Macauley has taken pains and time to prepare this Score Card which was prepared in good faith and with no bias at all.
In his preparation of the Score Card, Mr Macauley sent enumerators to every single Ministry to assess their respective performances and the integrity of those who head them.

The Ministry of Local Government was thoroughly assessed and a lot of things were discovered which will be in the Score Card. There are still problems in Provincial Towns bordering on the activities of secret societies and all that.

The Monthly Cleaning Saturdays will also be assessed.
Questions are to be answered as to how much development has the Ministry of Development brought to this country since the Ministers were appointed by President Bio.

There is talk about tourists flooding this country with more and more expected during the course of the year but what are amiss in the Ministry of Tourism? The Integrity Score Card will make those abundantly clear.
The Internal Affairs Ministry is mandated to uphold law and order in the country but the people are still complaining that there has been an upsurge in violent crimes. What has the Internal Affairs Ministry being doing to address violent crimes?

Citizens have been crying foul about the buses already ordered by the Ministry of Transport which earlier were said to be 200 in number but only 100 have been delivered so far. Where are the rest?

He noted that the Health Ministry under Dr Alpha Wurie has been facing teething challenges since President Bio took office with no respite. It is as if the Health Ministry is set to remain a baby forever not going for solid foods, adding that the operations of the Health Ministry will be examined by the Score Card, the relationship between the Minister and other senior members of that Ministry and the way the supply of drugs are going on, will all be laid bare.

The Economist again said that the Education Ministries, both Basic and Tertiary, appear to be laden with endless problems. With the Chinese rice saga, Free Education Textbooks problems and Fourah Bay College now on strike, there is need for thorough assessments of both. He noted that the people of this country had high hopes that the Trade Ministry will be in a position to address the problem of the rise in prices of local commodities but there seems to be lethargy in that Ministry with prices spiralling as if we are going down a bottomless pit.

The upcoming Integrity Score Card shall be like no other but it will rather act as a guide to citizens to properly understand the activities of the various Ministries and to judge the Government as a whole.

Angels to Angels Continues to Empower the Young Generation

Cross Section of Participants in a group work discussions

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In their quest to promote the development of children in Sierra Leone, Angels to Angels Sierra Leone (A2A), a US based non-profit organization developed by a group of visionary women with the aim of improving educational opportunities for girls in Sierra Leone, has continued to manifest its commitment to empower the young generation of leaders in Sierra Leone.

The organization on Sunday 2nd February 2020 organized a one day empowerment training for secondary school pupils at Biz Bazaar in Freetown.

National Coordinator, Angels to Angels Sierra Leone, Saidu Sankoh, disclosed to this medium that as an organization one of their aims is to ensure they empower and support less privileged children in Sierra Leone.

He noted that the organization during the past 10 years has empowered and supported less privileged children in Sierra Leone, adding that currently the organization is supporting over 100 Girls nationwide, and that during their 10 years celebration the organization donated school items worth millions of Leones to 100 Girls across the country in 46 different schools in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Tombo and Makeni. These items includes Text and Exercise Books, Uniforms, Bags of Rice etc.

He noted that the organization is striving to help break the cycle of poverty through education which provides opportunities for a better future for girls, and they seek to empower girls by providing them with educational scholarships which they have been doing for the past years.

He admonished the girls to make good use of the scholarship opportunity as many other children want such an opportunity, underscoring how education is the key to success and they should take their studies serious, adding that with education they will achieve their dreams and become great people in society.

Fatmata Conteh, one of the beneficiaries expressed deepest appreciation to the organization for the empowerment training adding that such a training will enhance their development as girls. She assured the organization that they will put into practice what they have learnt and also replicate them in their communities.

She called on the Government of Sierra Leone and other humanitarian organizations to support Angels to Angels Sierra Leone as they have manifested their commitment in the development of girls in the country.

She ended by admonishing participants to ensure that  they act as change makers in their different communities further enjoining them to make good use of the opportunity been given to them, adding that other girls in Sierra Leone are really challenged in terms of accessing education but said they have been fortunate to have such a support.

Participants in a picture pose after the training
Participants on Sessions

Memunatu Pratt takes Tourism to Another Level

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt

By Amin Kef Sesay

It has been well established that tourism is a major driver of economic development as it has the potential of generating the much needed revenue which Government requires to undertake various development programmes. The tourism sector in this country suffered a major setback as a result of the outbreak of the 11 year senseless war that affected every facet of life in the country. Besides, those in authoritative positions who should have positively influenced the sector to make it more relevant to the country’s development failed to do so effectively for one reason or the other leaving such an important area to deteriorate over time. However, today it is a different story as we have started to see positive signs of growth within that sector which if maintained, developed and sustained will bring forth fruitful dividends.

The proactive Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt, has vividly demonstrated the dogged determination to rebrand the tourism sector in the country. Since she was appointed by President Julius Maada Bio as Minister of Tourism she has proven her mettle even to the consternation of her former critics.

Due to commitment, patriotism and hard work she has been able to turn around a once moribund sector to one that is thriving.  Evident in her selfless service to man and country there is presently 300 tourists from Denmark. The share number of the tourists is very amazing reminiscent of the 80s when tourism was at its peak. Many have attributed this to the continuous marketing and rebranding process of the country’s touristic potentials by the Minister, other officials of the Ministry and the National Tourist Board.

Prior to this recent development other major achievements which could be attributed to the Minister’s tireless efforts include but not limited to:

  1. The launch of the Enhanced Integrated Tourism Framework Project.

Recently the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs launched the Enhanced Integrated Tourism Framework a project that is a Trade-Related Assistance for Least Developed Countries with the objective of supporting these countries to better integrate into the global trading system and to make trade a driver for development of countries, one of which is Sierra Leone. According to the project aims and objectives: Sierra Leone met the bench marks as indicated that all EIF Countries that have finalized and validated the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) and its Action Matrix are eligible for Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Trust Fund (TF) funding for the Tier 2 project. Sierra Leone amongst many other countries was one that qualified to commence Tier 2 which is aimed at assisting in the implementation of priority projects identified in the DTIS Action Matrix.

  1. The launch of the first National Tourism Census Report

On Monday 13 January 2020, the Ministry in collaboration with Statistics Sierra Leone also launched the first National Tourism Census Report, an event that took place at the Miatta Conference Hall at Brookfields in Freetown. The launch of the National Tourism Census will help the Ministry to physically map out the country’s tourism master plan through geospatial data in order to know what are available in the country which will provide the fundamental basis for the initialization of tourism development and promotion in any country.

During her statement the Ministry stated how this is the first time, since the aftermath of the civil conflict in Sierra Leone, that a comprehensive census of tourism, cultural sites and related establishments was undertaken, noting that such has provided an insight and understanding of the vast array of the natural, cultural and historical resources of the country furthering how the census effectively identified all touristic and cultural assets as well as establishments in the country.

  1. Hosting of the Freetown Forum on Women Entrepreneurship on Tourism

In order to celebrate women’s empowerment through Tourism Entrepreneurship and enhance the development of women in the tourism sector in Sierra Leone the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in partnership with the World Bank, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on Thursday 28th November, 2019 hosted the Freetown Forum on Women Entrepreneurship on Tourism at Bintumani Conference Centre Freetown.

Participants witness the first ever Freetown Forum on Women’s Empowerment in Tourism for Sierra Leone which opened the space that Tourism is a tool to empower women in various aspects and how it has the potential to assist women acquire increasing power and control over national, natural and cultural resources through economic, educational and political empowerment.

Dr. Memunatu Pratt in delivering her statement at the event stated that the purpose of the event is to enhance and continue to build on the institutional strategies and activities of their work in mainstreaming gender and promoting gender parity, addressing gender stereotyping, poor education and skills, leadership and disparity between men and women in accessing capital, financial inclusion and decent work in the tourism sector. She added that this also builds on the two fundamental frameworks of Women in Development, Women and Development and the existing Gender and Development frameworks

She noted that promoting gender equality and women empowerment in tourism matters for two reasons: firstly, the Government of Sierra Leone and international organizations are committed to it through the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and secondly, the implementation of the strategic actions of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Hosted a Public Lecture on the theme: “Sustainable Destination Development and Management for Sierra Leone”

The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with the National Tourist Board, on Wednesday 14th August 2019, hosted a renowned Tourism Researcher, Prof. Fergus Maclaren, Principal at MAC-DUFF Tourism, Heritage and Planning, Ottawa, Canada on a public lecture on the theme ‘Sustainable Destination Development and Management for Sierra Leone’ geared towards improving the promotion and marketing of Sierra Leone as an attractive tourist destination, at the Bintumani Hotel Aberdeen.

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt, said that Prof. Fergus Maclaren’s public lecture will help improve the tourism sector in the country. Amidst the challenges inherited, she maintained that the Government rates Tourism as one of the top priorities alongside agriculture and fisheries, adding that the President is passionate about tourism and wants to see the industry revamped and serve as a boost to the economy of the country.

“Over the years the focus of Sierra Leone has been on mining of diamonds and gold. Yes, we accept that we are having revenue from those sectors, but we have found out that the Tourism sector should have been one of the areas that could have responded to things like youth unemployment, skills development, private sector development, trade and investment and developing our basic culture of patriotism and national cohesion. These are the things we have realized,” she added. She also pointed out that they are going to work with the private sector to rebrand the country’s tourism sector.

  1. Launch of Visa on Arrival

During the visit of the renowned tourism Researcher, Prof. Fergus Maclaren, Principal at MAC-DUFF Tourism, Heritage and Planning, Ottawa, Canada he disclosed that access to Lungi International Airport is one of the big challenges faced by the tourism sector in the country.

The Minister, out of her wisdom was able to lobby with other stakeholders in order to launch the Visa on Arrival which has today opened up space for direct foreign investment in the country.

This medium was informed that in March 2020 about 250 thousand tourists will jet into the country which again will bring about attendant benefits for the nation in diverse ways.

Without any form of exaggeration it is very certain that with the commitment and passion so far demonstrated to make the Tourism sector really meaningful to the country the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt has proven that she is indeed very capable, enthusiastic to resuscitate a very important aspect of the country’s economy and if sustained the more the merrier.


NAS & Partners Frown at Mandatory HIV Testing for School Children

Proprietor Providence International High School

By Theresa Kef Sesay

In a Press Statement released by the National HIV/ AIDS Secretariat on the 31st January 2020 relating to mandatory HIV testing of school children in Freetown, the Secretariat, National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) and its Partners made it categorically clear that reports of mandatory HIV testing in a co-educational school in Freetown is totally contrary to Section 28 of the 2011 National HIV and AIDS Act of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

It furthered how NAS and its partners received frantic calls from parents of children who were subjected to compulsory HIV testing on diverse dates in 2019 and 2020.  According to the Statement parents explained that a certain Proprietor of a private school in Freetown (Providence International High School) designed a form and compulsorily solicited HIV testing for its pupils contrary to the Act.

“HIV testing is a voluntary and confidential test conducted by health care workers. The school as an educational institution soliciting compulsory HIV testing, is not only contravening the law, but also abusing the rights of these children,” it continues adding that they  are therefore calling on all parents and guardians to work with the Sierra Leone Police as the matter is under investigation for necessary charges to be brought to court.

The Statement also states that NAS and its partners are mindful of the obligation of the Government of Sierra Leone to the UN and the International Conventions and Protocols on the Right of the Child to which Sierra Leone is a signatory. In that light the Secretariat and partners are imploring the public to report all such matters to relevant Government authorities and the Police, for necessary action to be taken whenever they are privy to such information.

“We therefore call on the Sierra Leone Police who are investigating the issue to accelerate the investigations and prosecution of the school proprietors, authorities, and medical testing laboratories as this matter will affect the lives and work of people living with HIV and their families, health care workers, the international community, donors and the efforts put in place by the Government of Sierra Leone to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 in Sierra Leone,” it also pointed out.

NAS, NACP and its partners are reminding stakeholders and the general public that HIV testing in Sierra Leone is Voluntary, Confidential and Free as stipulated in the 2011 National HIV and AIDS Act of the Republic of Sierra Leone.  They are also calling on the media and all involved to ensure the protection of the rights of the concerned families and pupils is guaranteed.

The statement ended by maintaining that “We Are Stronger Together in the Fight Against Stigma and Discrimination.” It further reiterates that subject to the 2011 National HIV and AIDS Act no person shall compel another person to undergo an HIV test

(2) No person shall compel another person to undergo an HIV test as a precondition for and the continued enjoyment of –

  • (a) employment;
  • (b) marriage
  • (c) admission into any educational institution;
  • (d) entry into or travel out of the country; or
  • (e) the provision of healthcare, insurance cover or any other services

(3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offense.


Stats SL Hosts NEC Acting Boss & Senior Management

Acting Chief Electoral Commissioner and Chairman of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Mr Edmond Sylvester Alpha & Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL Prof Osman Sankoh (Mallam O) and their staffs

By Amin Kef Sesay

 On 28 January 2020 the Acting Chief Electoral Commissioner and Chairman of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Mr Edmond Sylvester Alpha and his senior management team paid a courtesy call on Stats SL at Tower Hill, Freetown.

Executive Secretary of NEC, Mr Williams Davies, indicated that the main reason for the engagement was to reaffirm Stats SL’s critical partnership to NEC and to encourage a continuation of the existing collaboration between the two institutions. He intimated that NEC is in transition as the substantive Chief Electoral Commissioner, Mr Mohamed Nfa Alie Conteh is on terminal/end of tenure leave as his tenure ends on the 11th of February 2020. He was then pleased to introduce Mr Edmond Alpha who was appointed to act as Chief Electoral Officer and Chairman by His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

In his statement, acting NEC Chief Electoral Commissioner, Edmond Alpha reiterated that NEC’s collaboration with Stats SL dates back to 2005 and is still on. The Commission recognizes the role Stats SL has played over the years in rendering technical expertise, assistance and capacity building to NEC. He gave an example of Stats SL supporting NEC in the boundary delimitation exercise. With NEC’s last electoral cycle which ended in 2019, a new one might require boundary delimitation again, hence need for renewed collaboration. There are also plans to strengthen the Geographic Information System (GIS) Lab.

Responding, the Statistician General and CEO of Stats SL Prof Osman Sankoh (Mallam O) welcomed the visiting NEC team and congratulated Mr Alpha on his recognition by the President. He wished him success during his tenure.

The SG then stressed that his institution has a strong team that can deliver support to NEC. He seized the opportunity to thank NEC for their own support to Stats SL especially in loaning vehicles to them when necessary.

The DSG Andrew Johnny said that he was particularly delighted for the meeting and alluded that Stats SL would be ready to help in capacity building of NEC as it had been doing over the years. He mentioned that the working relationship has to be cordial. The DSG cited an example when NEC recently contacted Stats SL concerning a boundary conflict and Stats SL was able to provide the technical expertise required.

The Director of Censuses and GIS Mr Abdulai Brima underscored Stats SL willingness to continue to work together with NEC and welcomed the need for a technical committee to work on further details.

The mutual agreement of having an MOU for action that will define and guide the working relationship between the two institutions climaxed the meeting.

To boost Tourism… Water Supply Restored at Lumley-Aberdeen Beach

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Tourism and Guma Valley Water Company, with support from the Ministry of Finance, are collectively implementing the Lumley-Aberdeen Beach Road Project which is partly aimed at improving the water supply situation to businesses along the beach road and help to boost the tourism sector in the country.

The Lumley to Aberdeen beach road is one of the most beautiful tourist hotspots in Freetown, with lots of hotels, pubs, clubs and guest houses located on the strip. The number of foreign tourists and locals attracted to the area is on the rise. However, this area has been experiencing low or no water supply along its entire stretch over the last four years and this has led to some businesses constructing boreholes on their properties.

However, as is usually the case for locations so close to the ocean, large volume extraction of water from the boreholes results in saline intrusion in most cases, and water with high saline content is dangerous for human consumption.

The project, including the laying of a 4.6 Km pipeline from the Freetown Gulf Club to the Family Kingdom, started late November 2019, and is nearly complete.

The pipeline was commissioned last week, and service connections to the businesses has also commenced. With water supply now available along the entire stretch of the Lumley to Aberdeen Beach Road, Guma is encouraging business premises in the area to reconnect water supply to their facilities for improved business atmosphere. It is expected that the completion of the water supply project will lead to an increase in job creation for youths and women in Freetown, and reinforce the image of Freetown as a tourist destination.

The project, which cost Le 2.9 billion Leones, was funded by the Government of Sierra Leone and Guma Valley Water Company. The second phase of the project will install an elevated water storage reservoir for the beach road, and probably the rest of Aberdeen, to return Aberdeen to 24/7 water supply, and also install a water booster station that will create adequate water pressures throughout the water distribution system.