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NP is Poised to Offer the Best in Petroleum Products

Shareholders and Management of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) have expressed dogged determination to continue to import and market qualitative petroleum products in this New Year and whenever it is possible to expand further in order to reach far and wide. This disclosure was made during a recent engagement with this medium.

By all estimation the company has to a certain extent being a very successful petroleum marketing entity that assiduously continues to ascend the slippery ladder within the economic landscape of this country. The meteoric rise of NP should not come as any big surprise to anyone as it epitomizes the crystallization of determination, hard work and sheer entrepreneurial skills on the part of Sierra Leoneans who formed the company and the capable managerial teams that have been steering the affairs of the 100% indigenously owned outfit. Its continuous ascendancy is indeed a clear manifestation of dogged commitment by all those who are associated with it to succeed.

If there is one outstanding feature which makes the company to be quickly identified then that could be its innate passion to give maximum care and attention to its numerous customers. The company’s shareholders and management do not joke with Customer Care as it is prioritized in all the company’s transactions. This could sound very simplistic when looked at from the face value but for NP; its thorough and cautious implementation is very close to their heart and indeed such is paying fruitful dividends. This is all the more reason why it has Customer Service Numbers through which customers in particular and the wider public could make enquires.

Of course it really makes sense that availing customers with qualitative petroleum products, dealing with them respectfully , negotiating win-win deals will all contribute in retaining customers as well as wooing new ones. With all amount of certainty it could be safely concluded that NP has mastered that business technique, deepening it and is working well to which many have attested.

It has been established by development specialists that proper implementation of the Local Content Policy is indeed a very important cog that should be in the wheel of the engine to thrust growth. One business entity that is strictly adhering to enhance the Local Content Policy in this country is NP. The shareholders and Management of the company have made it a matter of policy to get in its employ indigenes and even in cases where expatriates are engaged, local members of staff are given the opportunity to understudy them so that at the end of the day they will imbibe the necessary skills to take over. This is very advantageous in the sense that it helps in providing jobs and to develop a crop of competent individuals which the country needs in its development interventions.

Cooking is an inevitable aspect of human life, whether for domestic and commercial purposes. Man depends on food for survival, individuals invest in food businesses and the like. Very mindful of the hazardous effects of depleting the environment, using traditional means of cooking, here specifically talking about making use of wood, charcoal, the company deemed it prudent to introduce NP-Gas which is very fast to ignite, quick to perform, safe and highly convenient. NP Gas, which is in different sizable cylinders could be accessed at the company’s filling stations and authorized dealers.

The company has high profiled customers with tight schedules who may have limited time to always wait in queues in order to purchase petroleum products. Besides, some people are not used to have huge cash in their possession but prefer using smart cards. For these reasons the company went the extra mile to introduce NP Smart Card which customers, those who can afford it, could use to purchase petroleum products. From what was so far gathered all the customers who are using NP Smart Card are well satisfied doing so saying it is very convenient further praising NP for rolling out that initiative.

The viability of NP could be measured by its expansionist achievements both within the country and in the West African sub-region as is evident with the opening of branches in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia. For a hundred percent indigenously owned company to go to such a level of spreading its tentacles is actually commendable and worthy of praise. As far as we know the branches in all those countries are doing extremely well although there are inevitable challenges which it has been surmounting.

One thing which cannot be challenged is the fact that NP, not only here in Sierra Leone but in other places where it is functioning, is greatly contributing to revenue accumulation when we think of its timely payment of taxes which Governments are using to fund various development projects.

Regardless, of all the teething challenges that stand in the way of NP, one of which is the depreciation of the Leone to the Dollar, as the company purchases petroleum products in dollars, yet still the company is navigating its way through murky economic waters.

Without mincing the truth, NP’s ascendancy is really breath-taking and highly impressive.

Pres. Bio Looks Back & Promises Sierra Leoneans on New Year’s Day

President, Julius Maada Bio

In his New Year’s Speech to the nation on New Year’s Day His Excellency, the President, Julius Maada Bio retrospectively looked back at the strides his Government has made so far since it took over State Governance, the challenges they inherited, the achievements they have scored and the plans they are poised to roll out in 2020 towards translating manifestoes promises into tangible realities on the ground to foster development.

The President first thanked God for preserving us all through 2019.  He said his Government he is heading came into 2019 shackled with high domestic and foreign debt repayments, unfavourable mining lease agreements, low domestic productivity, high youth unemployment, high inflation, and currency depreciation further noting that throughout the year, our confidence and optimism as a nation were shaken by mild economic turbulence and unavoidable shocks we inherited.

He highlighted that typically, Sierra Leoneans have made light of  the situation with the usual humorous jibes, “the gron dry,” but in 2019, they launched the medium term national development plan, increased domestic revenue mobilisation by streamlining and automating revenue collection and deposit processes, clarified and reduced the tax and duty burden on businesses, made it easier to establish and run a business including providing aftercare at the highest levels, and provided more support for small to medium enterprises. He furthered that as a Government they did such with the firm belief that private enterprise is the engine for economic expansion.

“We go into 2020 as a country at peace with falling crime rates, lower prison populations, and no security threat,” he stated with pride.

The President told the nation that at Bintumani 3, Sierra Leoneans suggested ways to further lower tensions and establish a permanent infrastructure for peace.

He dilated on how they have moved to repeal criminal libel laws that successive governments had used to suppress free speech maintaining that they continue to open up civic spaces and encourage citizens to speak up and make our democracy stronger and better.

“In spite of the cynicism about foreign travel, we have, through those travels transformed the reputation and image of Sierra Leone abroad by comprehensively telling our friends and partners who we really are and where we are taking our nation. And they have watched our unrelenting and determined fight against corruption and pass the MCC’s “Control of Corruption” with very high scores,” he highlighted.

The President said they have watched the crack down on fraud and waste and reformed public institutions and practices pointing out how the IMF, EU, DFID, World Bank and our international partners have all expressed confidence in what they were  doing and they have re-engaged fully.

He underscored how they have actively promoted business in Sierra Leone through various investment conferences saying the fisheries, tourism, and agricultural sectors are set for significant foreign private sector investments in the near future zeroing that they are focused on rice-sufficiency, cash crop production, and agricultural value-chain addition.

“As we go into 2020, two million children, especially, girls have access to free quality education, free teaching and learning materials, expanded healthcare services, school buses, and free school feeding in some areas,” he intimated going further to say that they have intensified a national campaign against early child marriage, introduced robust enforcement and tougher sentencing guidelines for rape, sexual and gender-based violence and rape.

President Bio said teenage pregnancy, menstrual health and hygiene are no longer taboo topics as women are at the centre of our country’s future development and security and the Government has recruited more women into the armed forces than at any time in our country’s history.

“We are investing heavily in STEM disciplines especially for girls and through the Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation, we are harnessing the power of data and technology to support governance, business, healthcare, education, and agriculture,” he said in his speech.

The 1st Gentleman of the nation told the nation how recently they launched the first drone corridor in West Africa and the first block-chain-based national digital identify platform that will improve financial inclusion among other benefits.

“Soon, we will convene a national forum on the future of education. We do so mindful of our national development priorities and goals and knowing that for our children to lead and participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the global economy, they must be equipped with a 21st century education,” he promised.

President Bio stated that we enter 2020 in a Sierra Leone where mothers in labour and critically ill-cases can now be rushed into a nearby hospital or community health centre by an ambulance they can call toll-free from the comfort of their homes.

He assured that they will continue work on lowering maternal mortality rates, expanding primary healthcare, training and recruiting more healthcare workers, and refurbishing or building new health centres all over the country also informing how in 2020, the Government will turn the sod for the construction of an ultramodern diagnostic health Centre using funds recovered from corrupt officials as seed money.

“Our public sanitation and waste disposal investments have yielded public health benefits. We enter 2020 with a renewed commitment to fighting climate change while improving clean energy access in off-grid rural areas and tackling energy poverty through the nearly-complete regional grid and other new initiatives. We enter 2020 with extensive judicial reforms that have led to more access to justice,” he guaranteed.

His Excellency mentioned in his speech that the Government’s social protection programmes continue to support vulnerable families and they have launched a $50 million urban-mobility project.

He went on to say they are also rehabilitating key trunk roads from Kailahun to Freetown and building new bridges nationwide promising that big impact and high-value infrastructural projects will commence this year.

The President said their youth empowerment projects and the Government’s support for sports development (especially the Sierra Leone Premier League) have been very significant and despite the baseless cynicism and mindless partisanship, he calls for relentless optimism and hard work to develop the nation.

“If you share my belief that we can make Sierra Leone a better place, I urge you to share the responsibility with me for doing so with a firm commitment to make, act, be the change you want to see. Happy New Year everybody,” he concluded.





António Guterres Catapults Zainab Bangura to UN Director-General

Zainab Hawa Bangura

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, on 30 December 2019 announced the appointment of Zainab Hawa Bangura of Sierra Leone as Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON).

António Guterres went further to extend his appreciation and gratitude to Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), who will continue to serve as Acting Director-General until Ms. Bangura assumes this position.

Ms. Bangura, a relentless advocate for conflict resolution and reconciliation, and human rights champion, was most recently Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict from 2012 to 2017.  She began her United Nations career in the United Nations Mission in Liberia, where she was responsible for the management of the largest civilian component of the Mission, including promoting capacity-building of government institutions and community reconciliation.

She was Minister of Health and Sanitation (2010-2012) and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (2007-2010) for the Government of Sierra Leone.  Ms. Bangura has also served as Executive Director of the National Accountability Groups as well as Coordinator and Co-founder of the Campaign for Good Governance.

She holds a bachelor’s degree from Fourah Bay College in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and advanced diplomas in insurance management from the University of London and Nottingham University.

Samura Kamara Blasts Government

Dr Samura Kamara

Leading opposition figure, Dr Samura Kamara has taken a swipe on the current SLPP led Government, headed by President Julius Maada Bio for what he termed as running the country on the “storm of misinformation and inexactness”.

Dr. Samura Kamara, the main challenger of Bio in the 2018 elections, was quoted as lamenting that the policies and governance style of the administration had divided the country, weakened its fledgling democracy and consequently fend off potential investors.

According to Kamara, the Government is relying on misinformation to continue on a path of blaming its predecessor for its failure.

Kamara, who ran under the ticket of the then ruling All People’s Congress (APC), said the current problem of the country is that the Government is not just headed by people who could not understand and appreciate much earlier the rigours and challenges of governance, but a political leadership that would not listen to wise counsel and holds on to ‘winner-takes-all’ as the only instrument of governing a State.

“They would tell you that they inherited a broken, battered and the worst economy since independence. This is certainly not true,” Kamara said in a statement widely circulated on social media as part of his New Year message.

He said it is an “unacceptable insult” to the intelligence of Sierra Leoneans, who witnessed the revival of the country’s economy that was devastated by the 11-year civil war, adding that the current administration’s claim of inheriting a poor economy amounted to a denial of the negative impacts on an economy also “devastated by a lethal Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, by unprecedented floods and mudslides, and by unavoidable external economic shocks”.

Kamara, an economist, spent much of his career in the banking and finance sector, starting off at the Central Bank of Sierra Leone where he rose to the position of Governor. He also served as Financial Secretary, and in Cabinet as Foreign and Finance Minister. He also worked with the International Monetary Fund.

Kamara was the last Foreign Affairs Minister under the administration of former President Ernest Bai Koroma, when he was hand-picked in controversial circumstances to lead the APC in the 2018 polls.

Bio, a former military Head of State himself and long -time presidential hopeful, defeated Kamara in a run off. But the then incumbent APC disputed the outcome of the poll it said had been rigged with the help of foreign Governments. Kamara is widely expected to run for the presidency in 2023.


To Renew or Not… Chief Electoral Commissioner’s Position Hangs on the Balance

Mohamed N’Fa Allie Conteh

The position of Chief Electoral Commissioner is such a very sensitive one considering the fact that he is Head of the National Electoral Commission, the institution that is constitutionally mandated to conduct all public elections in the country. According to constitutional provisions, the sitting Head of State has the sole prerogative to appoint a new Chief Electoral Commissioner but such an appointment is subject to Parliamentary Approval.

Currently there is a school of thought which believes that the fate of the head of Sierra Leone’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) has been thrown into doubt with an alleged appointment of an Acting Chief Electoral Commissioner after the substantive holder went on terminal leave.

Mohamed N’Fa Allie Conteh’s leave is scheduled to end in February in 2020 which also marks the end of his first term in office. He will require his contract to be renewed by the President for him to continue.

Before he left, Mr Conteh wrote to the presidency, informing it of the expiry of his tenure. It was said that the response of State House was leaked on social media indicating that someone was appointed as Chairman in an Acting capacity prompting members of the public to start to interpret the intention of the SLPP led Government in different.

It must be noted that the Chief Electoral Commissioner can serve not more than two terms of five years each. Conteh was appointed by former President Ernest Bai Koroma. He presided over the Presidential election that brought Bio to power in 2018.

Some are expressing surprise that his term will not be renewed.

But a government spokesman on Thursday rejected suggestions about the president’s intention.

Information Minister, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, said whatever decision President Julius Maada Bio would take, would be done in line with constitutional provision.

“This president respects democracy. N’Fa Allie still remains the NEC Chairman. His terminal leave will end soon – February,” Swaray said in a radio interview. But he declined to comment on the possibility of him coming.

“The president will respect the law, but whether he (Conteh) comes or not will be a matter for another day,” he said.



Presidential Pardon Liberates Prison Beauty Queen & 533 Others

Ms Sia Kembe

In an unprecedented development the winner of Sierra Leone’s first ever prison beauty contest has been granted a presidential pardon Ms Sia Kembe, 20, was among over 500 prisoners earmarked for release as part of a presidential clemency to mark the New Year, this medium learnt.

On New Year’s Day, the list released by the Sierra Leone Correctional Service (SLCS) entails the statistics of the inmate to be released and the center in which they are serving their sentences. The 507 male inmates and 27 female inmates were drawn from 20 prison and detention facilities across the country.

Officials said the move is a continuation of a tradition that is based on a constitutional provision giving the President the power to forgive prisoners on festive occasions.

Lesely Cole-Showers, a spokesman for the SLCS, said the practice is not to release the names of the inmates but he confirmed that Ms Kembe was part of those currently being processed for release as part of the clemency.

Ms Kembe was sentenced to five years for Manslaughter. She was serving her term in the Southern Bo district. She came to the limelight in November when she participated in the maiden edition of the Miss Correctional. She emerged winner in the contest that included nine other inmates drawn from female correctional facilities across the country.

Kembe, who was jailed for the killing of her husband, was 20 months into her term.

As enshrined in the Constitution of Sierra Leone gives the Head of State has the ceremonial mandate to exercise the Prerogative of Mercy on special occasions, one of which is New Year’s Day, by ordering the release of certain incarcerated persons. On the 1st of January 2020 a total of five hundred and thirty-four (534) incarcerated inmates were set free from various detention centres in the country. Attached is a breakdown of prisoners that were freed by Presidential Pardon:

Presidential Pardon Statistics


Freetown Male Centre (Pademba Road) = 211

Freetown Female Centre = 20

Freetown Male Reintegration Centre (Former Special Court) = 29

Pre- Trial Detention and Simulation Centre (Waterloo) = 33

Bo Male Centre = 09

Bonthe Centre = 03

Moyamba Centre = 15

Pujehun Centre= 13

Mattru Jong Centre = 11

Kenema Male Centre = 18

Kenema Female Centre = 03

Kailahun Centre = 09

Sefadu Centre = 11

Makeni Male Centre = 23

Magburaka Centre = 15

Mafanta Centre = 46

Kambia Centre = 17

Kabala Centre = 11

Port Loko Centre = 26

Approved School (Juvenile) = 11

Total: 534



Hon. Musa Bendugu ‘Orders’ Manhandling & Beating of SLBC, Hamzas Radio & The Calabash Journalists

Hon. Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh, commonly known as Musa Bendugu

The current sitting Member of Parliament of Constituency 056, Sambaia Chiefdom, in the Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone, Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh, commonly known as Musa Bendugu, now stands accused of ordering the attack and beating of three journalists in the chiefdom. The three journalists are Ibrahim Mansaray aka Hebro of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) based in Makeni, Abdul M Jalloh of Hamzas Radio Station in Makeni and Foday Moriba Conteh of The Calabash Newspaper in two separate incidents. It must be noted that the two narrowly escaped from the Chiefdom on the 24th December 2019 and Foday was seriously beaten with his properties carted away from him on the 4th January 2020 while he was carrying out a special assignment for his news medium.

The whole episode started on the 24th December, 2019 when a Community Based Civil Society Organization, Put Sambaia Chiefdom First, whose membership comprise some young people hailing from that part of the country and very keen to see the materialization of positive developments geared towards improving the standards of living of residents convened a meeting in the chiefdom to chart the way forward with regards progress.

According to thorough investigations conducted by this medium, on that fateful day (24th December 2019), the well-attended meeting was in progress when all of a sudden some violent youths, said to have been sent by the Member of Parliament, Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh, descended on the scene and rudely disrupted the whole meeting, physically manhandling most of those in attendance including the Founder of the Community Based Civil Society Organization, Abu Bakarr D S Jalloh. The latter was seriously beaten in the full view of Regent Chief and other authorities.

The two journalists; one from the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) based in Makeni, Ibrahim Mansaray aka Hebro and another, Abdul M Jalloh of Hamzas Radio Station (Makeni) were violently chased and narrowly escaped death.

Founder of the organization ,Abu Bakarr, sustained injuries and bodily pain after he was rescued from the clutches of his assailants, who are purportedly Karifa Thoronka aka ‘Fine Money’, Foray Musa Jalloh aka Banja (son of the sitting Member of Parliament), Yusuf Conteh, Abu Mohamed Sesay aka Borbor Abu, (who is accused of destroying the banner of the CSO and even burnt it), Bockarie Musa Jalloh (another son of Hon. Musa), Momodu Kamara, Ibrahim G Koroma aka Selleh Borbor and Osman Koroma aka Konday.

In a snap interview with the Founder of the Community Based Organisation (CBO), Put Sambaia Chiefdom First, Abu Bakarr D S Jalloh, he disclosed that as a young man from that part of the country, he decided to establish the organization with the key objective of promoting equal access to social justice and development devoid of any political affiliation or attachment. He furthered that at the moment there is heightened political intimidation and harassment within that chiefdom, that have instilled fear among residents to freely exercise their inalienable fundamental human rights. “It is against this backdrop that we decided to come together to restore sanity and foster development in the chiefdom,” Bakarr underscored, pointing out that what transpired on the 24th December 2019 is a clear manifestation of the rising level of political harassment that have engulfed the whole chiefdom.

He continued that the incident was reported at the Police Station, was issued a medical form, went for medical examination and returned the form to the Police Station only to be told that he should report the matter to the Legal Aid Board.

He pointed out that they are against using violence to attain their objective, stating that even when he was attacked, certain people wanted to react and also after the incident some wanted to retaliate, but as a peaceful individual he advised them not to go that far.

Bakarr disclosed that the community residents are yearning for a suitable market place, a befitting Court Barray, Community Centre and other basic amenities. He lamented that monies collected from the exploitation of the chiefdom’s endowed natural resources by authorities have not been judiciously used for development purposes by the chiefdom authorities, including the Member of Parliament, stressing that they are determined to change that narrative.

What has baffled many is why the Police should refer the complainant to the Legal Aid Board instead of inviting the perpetrators and the Member of Parliament for interrogation.

It could be recalled that the sitting Member of Parliament, Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh commonly known as, Musa Bendugu, is one the aspirants for the Paramount Chieftaincy election slated to take place on the 22nd February 2020 after declaration would have taken place at the National Electoral Commission (NEC) on the 8th February 2020. However, many have alleged that he is disliked and very unpopular because of his violent tendencies, partiality, selfishness, greed for power and lack of transparency. It was further disclosed that because of his inadequacies, Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh has resorted to the use of violent tactics to suppress anybody or group perceived to stand in his way, as well as anyone demanding accountability from him relating to how the chiefdom funds were and are still expended.

When this medium contacted Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Jalloh in order to get his own side in this saga, he retorted that he cannot comment until after the New Year holiday.

Since for the sake of fairness we are ready and willing to publish the MP’s own side, the Proprietor of The Calabash Newspaper called the Member of Parliament for the second time on the 4th January 2020 to know whether he is ready to grant us an interview. He invited us to meet him at the chiefdom and therefore decided to send one of its ace reporters, Foday Moriba Conteh, to engage the Member of Parliament.

It was there and then that hell got loose for Foday as he was mercilessly beaten and his properties including a large amount of money in his possession carted away. He was later rescued by the Police who took him to the Police Station. The Member of Parliament then went to the station and told the Police that Foday must be detained as an impostor. Up to the time of going to Press, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) and the Police have been alerted. Frantic moves are now underway for his release.

As we continue to monitor the situation, more on this human interest story in subsequent editions…    



AWOL’s National Achievement Awards Of Excellence

Attested by many, 29th December 2019 was a spectacular nite at the  state-of-the-art Bintumani Conference Centre at Aberdeen, West End of Freetown, as individuals from all walks of life, including holiday-makers from the diaspora, converged to witness what turned out to be a never to be forgotten Awards Ceremony that was organized or packaged by the most patriotic national social organization that has so far emerged in this country, the All Works of Life (AWOL) under its current dynamic and result-oriented Chairman, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jnr, who also happens to be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Africa Young Voices (AYV) Media Empire.

In an atmosphere that was really very lively, one could hear the popping up of champagne, clattering of glass tumblers, wishes of belated Merry Christmas, a prosperous New Year and sounds of laughter coming from various angles out of shared jokes.

The sexy ways certain ladies were dressed in attires with very attractive contours were inevitably very eye catching, the smell of expensive perfume with sweet fragrance filled the air, all adding to the pomp and pageantry that characterized the auspicious event.

Jokes cracked by one of our local comedians, ‘Richie Obama’, made the nite a very interesting one, sending people laughing their sides out, not to talk of the tantalizing and melodious Salone musical tracks in the background and the thrilling cultural performances that inevitably provoked bodily movements.

Contributing to make it so special, unique and setting it apart from all other former awards ceremonies organized by AWOL was  the display of local products by indigenous entrepreneurs and vendors, which availed all the attendees the opportunity  to have a feel of these products and decide whether to go for them or not. And all what they displayed were truly breath-taking.

The highpoint of the event was when the Chairman of AWOL, Anthony Navo Jr, took the podium to deliver a very moving statement around the theme of the Awards Ceremony, which was, “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development”.

He first commended all for attending the program, further giving a synopsis of how AWOL started from a humble background in 2001 by a group of young Sierra Leoneans from various walks of life, saying some of them were returning from the Diaspora to contribute to the post-conflict recovery efforts and he was fortunate to be part of the team, leading efforts for the founding of AWOL.

He praised Ambassador Moseray Fadika of blessed memory for joining the team, underscoring how due to his leadership abilities and passion to contribute to society, the late Ambassador Fadika became the Chairman of AWOL.

“Ambassador Fadika was a man of vision. He led AWOL to its official launching in 2001 as a Community Based Organisation at the British Council Hall, Tower Hill, Freetown under the distinguished patronage of the late President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Alhaji Ahmed Tejan Kabbah,” he expressed gratitude, “especially for the support provided by the former President”.

He further stated that since 2002, AWOL has been presenting awards to a wide range of citizens and institutions, starting from the market women, farmers, young people to outstanding public and private sector institutions.

Ambassador Navo maintained that they have also bestowed posthumous awards to deserving Sierra Leoneans who have made exemplary contributions to nation building; for example, the late Medical Doctor, who died after being infected with Lassa Fever from one of the patients he was treating.

“The AWOL awards ceremony has remained an annual event and continues to grow every year, as a leading National Achievement Awards. Madam First Lady, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen; tonight is our 14th awards ceremony, and we consider this a milestone for not only AWOL, but for the Government and People of Sierra Leone,” he revealed, adding that they have always maintained that AWOL is owned by the People of Sierra Leone.

“We the membership running the organisation are just custodians. We have a duty to maintain transparency, accountability and integrity of this national awards scheme and ensure it continues to be relevant and fit for purpose,” he anchored.

He revealed that AWOL was founded on the principle of nationalism and patriotism, and the ideology of selflessness. “In line with these, AWOL periodically engages vulnerable communities in an effort to address social issues and complement Government’s effort in nation building,” he highlighted.

The AWOL Chairman stressed that it is important to note that AWOL is non-political, saying it is demonstrated by their long standing relationship with successive Governments.
He said they were there for former President Dr Alhaji Ahmed Tejan Kabbah and his Government to contribute to nation building.

“We were there for former President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma to contribute to nation building, and tonight we are also here with President Dr Julius Maada Bio’s government to continue with our efforts in nation building.  We are here to support the people of Sierra Leone and the government of the day, POLITICS ASIDE,” he registered.

“At AWOL, our political party is Sierra Leone.
Our colours are the GREEN, WHITE AND BLUE.
Our Motto is PUT SALONE FOS,” he stated, provoking a round of applause from the audience.

Another round of applause followed when the Chairman of AWOL cited that, “We run an awards scheme that does not have money value attached to it, but carries immense respect and goodwill because it is endorsed by the Government and People of Sierra Leone. We have structures and processes that are not only transparent and credible, but also highly participatory. They may not be perfect, but the fact that they exist and are working, gives credence and respect to our awards. We continue to look forward to your valuable suggestions on how we could build on our achievements,” he enjoined.

Highlighting some of the development interventions that AWOL has made; he mentioned how 15 years ago, AWOL donated an X-ray machine worth about USD80, 000 to the X-ray Department at Connaught Hospital in Freetown, supported people and communities affected by disasters, including providing humanitarian support to Fogbo village, in the Koya Rural District, where fire gutted about 48 houses and rendered more than 500 people homeless in 2010.

He also mentioned that AWOL was part of the fight against Ebola and donated food and relief items countrywide, that the organization was also part of the efforts to rescue and support victims of the mudslide and flooding in Freetown and donated the sum of Le100 million to the Government of Sierra Leone.

“AWOL is the pride of Sierra Leone and we are happy to have been able to contribute to the successful celebration of our country’s 50th Independence Anniversary and other national celebrations,” he said with pride.

“AWOL continues to provide scholarships to deserving pupils and students across the country,” he said, adding that they support Feeding programme for school children across the country on the Day of the African Child annually and how the organization is working on the completion of its Gondama school project, which will be named after their late godfather, Amb. Moseray Gibril Fadika.

He underscored that the consistency and successes they have achieved as an organization is as a result of their collective belief in the ideology of their organization and the support of their partners.

“Today, we have AWOL Chapters in the Diaspora promoting the good cause and contributing to development back home,” he intimated. He admonished those who will be recipients of the AWOL prestigious awards to serve as agents of change and to do more in 2020 as well as also encouraging those who were nominated, but could not make it, to take courage and step up in the New Year.

The AWOL Chairman promised that they will continue to complement Government’s national development interventions. He wished all the recipients and all present a Happy and Prosperous 2020.

On his part the Secretary General of AWOL and President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), Ahmed Sahid Nasrallah, congratulated Kadija Bangura, AYV TV, SLBC Radio and Sierra Eye Magazine for being proud recipients of the prestigious National Achievement Awards, 2019.

He said 2019 is rounding up with huge achievements for SLAJ, stating how apart from the advancement SLAJ is  making with the repeal of the criminal libel law, the year is ending with honours for journalists in institutions which many are proud of and celebrate.

On behalf of the Executive and entire membership of SLAJ he congratulated Musa Mewa Esq, Asmaa James and Amadu Lamrana Bah.

Receiving one of the prestigious awards from AWOL, the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Bio, thanked the organizers for appreciating her strides to raise awareness on combating sexual and domestic violence through her “Hands Off Our Girls” campaign.

She said education is the best gift to give a child, adding how they will not relent to broaden the space for the Girl Child so that they could be nurtured well to prepare them for the future. She dedicated the award to all those who are championing the liberation of women from SGBV.

Other speakers including the Minister of Tourism, Dr. Memunatu Pratt and Dr. Fatu Taqi of the 50/50 Women’s Movement delivered incisive statements during the occasion.
Various Awards were presented to personalities and institutions in different categories for outstanding performances towards national development and cohesion during 2019, amidst cheers and congratulations.

AWOL National Achievements Awards 2019 Winners

Category: Academic Institution of the Year 2019 (Tertiary)

Winner: Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM)

Category: Academic Institution of the Year 2019 (Secondary)

Winner: Providence International High School

Category: Academic Institution of the Year 2019 (Primary)

Winner: Gateway Preparatory Primary School

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (NPSE)

Winner: Esther Sia Menjor (Leone Preparatory Primary School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2019 (NPSE)

Winner: Russel Affuah (The International School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (BECE)

Winner: Hooke Johan Harmonette D (Providence Int. Snr High School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (BECE)

Winner: Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (BECE)

Winner: Khadijatu Jalloh (Annie Walsh Memorial School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2019 (BECE)

Winner: Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2019 (BECE)

Winner: Umu B. Koroma (Modern High School)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (WASSE)

Winner: Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch.)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2018 (WASSE)

Winner: Abdulai S. Turay (Dele-Peddle Int. High)

Category: Young Achiever of the Year 2019 (WASSE)

Winner: Aiah Gbakima (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch.) 

Category: Sport Personality of the year 2019

Winner: John Keister

Category: Ministry of the Year 2019

Winner: Ministry of Information and Communications

Category: Parastatal of the Year 2019

Winner: National Revenue Authority

Category: Parliamentarian of the Year 2019

Winner: Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh

Category: Media Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Female)

Winner: Kadija Bangura

Category: Media Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Male)

Winner: Amadu Lamrana Bah

Category: Print Media House of the Year 2019

Winner: Sierra Eye Magazine

Category: Radio Media House of the Year 2019

Winner: SLBC Radio

Category: Television Media House of the Year 2019

Winner: AYV TV

Category: Legal Practitioner of the Year 2019

Winner: Musa Mewa Esq.

Category: Medical Practitioner of the Year 2019

Winner: Dr. Aiah Lebbie

Category: Public Servant of the Year 2019

Winner: Francis Ben Kaifala

Category: Farmer of the Year 2019

Winner: Jam Jay Enterprise

Category: Petty Trader of the Year 2019

Winner: Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Kroo town Road)

Category: Artist of the Year 2019 (Fine Art)

Winner: King Dus Art

Category: Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Comedy)

Winner: Desmond Benya

Category: Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Movie)

Winner: Desmond Finnie

Category: Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Music)

Winner: Benjamin Menelik George aka Drizilik

Category: Fire Officer of the Year 2019

Winner: Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)

Category: Correctional Service Officer of the Year 2019

Winner: Rev. Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay

Category: Police Officer of the Year 2019

Winner: Mrs. Juliette Kumba Kondeh

Category: Military Officer of the Year 2019

Winner: Lt. Col. Roland Robin Gbondo

Category: Fashion Designer of the Year

Winner: Madam Wokie

Category: Banking Institution of the Year

Winner: Ecobank SL

Category: Indigenous Business of the Year

Winner: Gento Group

Category: CBO/CSO of the Year

Winner: CARL-SL

Category: Hospitality House of the Year

Winner: Lagoonda

Category: Humanitarian of the Year

Winner: Sick Pikin Project

Category: Tele-Communications Company of the Year

Winner: Africell SL

Special Recognition Award 2019 for Outstanding Contribution towards protecting our Gilrs through her Black Friday Movement

Winner: Asmaa James

Special Recognition Award 2019 for the ‘Hands Off Our Girls’ initiative

Winner: Her Excellency The First Lady Madam Fatima Maada Bio

Secret Society Members Vow To Kill Abu Bakar Mansaray 

Abu Bakar Mansaray

By Edward Vamboi

It has emerged last night that members of the poro secret society in Masiaka town, Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko district, North of Sierra Leone have vowed to drastically deal with Abu Bakar Mansaray for escaping from the initiation exercise on the night of 25th December 2019.

The Town Chief of Shongo, Pa Rok Kamara said Abu Bakar’s former friend Ibrahim Koroma invited him to his Village to enjoy the festive period which he accepted not knowing that he has included Abu Bakar’s name for initiation into the secret society without his consent and approval.

The Chief said on December 24th 2019, several young people including Abu Bakar visited the village for the festive celebration.

“In the early hours of Christmas day, December 25th over thirty young people including Abu Bakar were assembled in one place and taken to two different shrines inside the thick forest for the initiation process against their will. Abu Bakar who wept bitterly said he was not interested to be initiated but the members threatened to deal with him if he persists,” the Chief said.

The Principal of the only Senior Secondary School in the community and also senior member of the poro secret society, Ahmed Tunkara said Abu Bakar had no way to escape the initiation because of the tight security provided by some local militia in the thick forest.  He said the first batch of twelve gallant people were taken to the thick forest but only seven fortunately returned while the remaining five died in the initiation exercise.

The second batch which included Abu Bakar also went to the same bush to do the initiation. He said Abu Bakar told the people that he wanted to ease himself and was allowed to go ahead at the back of the farm hut.

He said Abu Bakar used the opportunity to escape in the thick forest for days, which prompted the elders to dispatch some able bodied men to go in search of him.

He said society members searched for him  in the thick bush for weeks but could not see him.

“We have declared a man hunt for Abu Bakar Mansaray. The society members want him dead or alive.  We will deal with him for escaping  from the initiation exercise.  We will teach him a lesson for others to know that no matter what one does,  he will never escape from us,” a senior member of the poro society Pa Yamba Sesay said in the presence of irate youths.

A hunter from Mathoir Village Pa Alimamy Turay who later rescued Abu bakar said the escapee had horrible experience while in the thick forest for two weeks. Mr. Turay said he kept Abu Bakar for days in his hut before finally taken him to his home town, some twenty five miles away.

Sources in Masiaka town revealed that after realizing that Abu Bakar has resurfaced in his home town, his former friend Ibrahim Koroma who had earlier betrayed him connived with the society people again to hold Abu Bakar to penalize him for abandoning the initiation without the consent and approval of the society elders.

This latest development puts the life of Abu Bakar at risk as angry youths were moving from one village to the other searching for him.

It was as a result of the pressure from the society members that prompted Abu Bakar to leave his community for an unknown destination and since then his whereabouts remains unknown.

Abu Bakar Mansaray (4th) from right and other being conveyed for the initiation exercise

At Correctional Centre… African Vision USA Offers Food/Message To Female & Male Inmates

On Friday 27th December 2019, members of the African Vision Organisation, based in the United States of America visited inmates at the Female Correctional Centre at New England Ville in Freetown and delivered the Christian gospel and food items to them as part of their vision to reach the vulnerable and needy during this festive season and make them feel as part of society and cared for.

Speaking to the inmates, who are classed into various categories, namely: those already convicted and serving time; those awaiting trials (remand) and those already attending trials, the President of the Organisation, Mrs Warrah George, disclosed that they are a charitable, Christian based organisation formed in the USA. She told them that she had a calling from God to visit the correctional facility, give succour to the needy and less privileged and vulnerable children. She admonished them to hold fast to God and turn from their wicked way, underscoring that their presence in the facility may be as a result of some mistakes done in life and does not mean that God has forsaken them, but rather that the Almighty is mindful of them as he loves everyone and wants people to come to him and enjoy the life he offers them. She encouraged them to put their hope and trust in Jesus.

Madam Warrah George read from the book of Isaiah Chapter 61 from the first verse, stressing that we have all in one way or another deviated from the path of God and He is determined to bring us back to his fold. She encouraged the inmates to show love to each other and resist all that is evil. She further encouraged those who will be discharged to turn from their old ways and embrace God’s path, and to those who are yet to continue their term, she told them to have hope and not to give up in life.

Similar message was given to some 99 inmates (male) at the reintegration section in the facility and prayers were said for them for the remission of sins and a change in their lives for the better. They were admonished to stay away from same sex, which is the common temptation experienced in male correctional facilities. The organisation then distributed food items to every inmate: 61 in the female section and 99 in the male reintegration section.

Vice President of the organisation, Mr Thomas George told journalists that African Vision Organisation was formed by an American Lady, Valerie Jones, whose passion for Africa motivated her to galvanise interested people to form the group. She later handed over the organisation to Mr and Mrs Thomas George. Since that moment, they have been holding the fort and are determined to work in Sierra Leone, especially as they are from Sierra Leone. Their presence at the Correctional facility, Madam George said, is a dream come true, as it focuses on bringing the gospel to Africa. She intimated that they will be visiting the Children’s Hospital Cottage at Fourah Bay Road and will be meeting with vulnerable people like beggars, homeless and street kids and youths.

The ceremony was climaxed by the distribution of food among the inmates and group photo of the organisation’s membership.