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To discuss the way forward on repeal of criminal libel law… Parliament hosts SLAJ Today

By Amin Kef Sesay

It has been a long and tortuous journey over the years since media practitioners have been clamouring for Part V of the 1965 Public Order Act which criminalizes libel to be repealed. Past Executive bodies of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) have taken bold steps in that direction but either serious efforts were not put to make it happen or the then Governments in power were not really ready for such to transpire.

With the ascendancy to the presidency, His Excellency the President Julius Maada Bio and his Government have so far demonstrated genuine commitment to ensure that the repeal process goes on unfettered until ultimately the obnoxious aspect, Part V, is finally expunged.

Fruitful engagements have taken place between the Government ,on the one hand and media practitioners on the other hand all geared towards coming up with good initiatives that would fit in after slashing off of the so-called obnoxious aspect which has been deemed inimical to Press Freedom.

It must be noted that the Public Order Act of 1965 in Sierra Leone is an Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to public order. Part V of the act deals with laws relating to Defamatory and Seditions Libel. This particular law in Sierra Leone criminalises the offence of defamation, and has thus prompted various media activists to criticize its existence.

Under this law journalists have suffered incarceration for alleged libellous violations said to infringe on the fundamental liberty of innocent people. As time went by, the hue and cry by the Fourth Estate became louder and deafening.

Optimism became hyper high when during the Presidential cocktail while President Bio was romancing with the media he again registered his Government’s determination to ensure that the process is completed.

Many journalists breathe a sigh of relief when it was understood that the repeal process has reached Cabinet level where it was discussed lengthily and as per protocol sent to Parliament to be debated and after probable amendments could have been made, send it to the President for his assent before it becomes law. According to the Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, Parliament has graciously offered an avenue for him in collaboration with the media to make a presentation to the Committee of the whole House in a bid to convince them to fast-track the repeal process.

Somehow, journalists were a bit disappointed when Parliamentarians failed to deliberate the said repeal as scheduled on the 17th December 2019 but postponed the deliberation to the 18th December 2019. The anxiety among journalists is understandable in the light of the fact that for too long they have been yearning for the day when their dream will become true.

Many say, in modern democratic societies, remedies for defamation are civil and not criminal. Hence, making defamation a criminal offence becomes a violation of Section 25 (1) of Act No 6 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone, which reference specifically the fundamental human right to freedom of Expression.

In other words, instead of criminalising libel, after the repeal, civil adjudication of libel-related matters will take precedence and the truth will once more become a defence. Put in other words, there will be no vacuum in the absence of Part V and journalists will not just go about freely to say libellous things against innocent persons as there will be a law in place to safeguard liberties.

Media practitioners are expecting that since President Bio and Cabinet are in favour of the repeal, as law makers, Parliamentarians will fine tune it and give it the maximum support it deserves before it reaches the President’s desk.

For now it is repeal all the way as we say goodbye to 2019 and ready to say welcome to 2020.

RAIC Honours Stats SL for Proactive Disclosure

By Foday Moriba Conteh

One of the most important State institutions that is contributing positively towards churning out reliable data to be used for various purposes, Statistics Sierra Leone has bagged the top proactive disclosure of information compliance award (Gold) for being the only MDA to proactively disclose all information as stipulated in the Right to Access Information Act of 2013 and also to have fulfilled all 22 disclosure benchmarks well in time.

The award which was held at the Atlantic Lumley hotel on Tuesday 10th December 2019, and organized by the Right to Access Information Commission(RAIC), attracted representatives from the media, civil society, m
Ministries , Departments and Agencies and other national and international partners.

Speaking at the symposium and awards ceremony on the commemoration of the 71st  Anniversary of Human Rights Day, the Right to Access Information Commissioner, Dr  Ibrahim Seaga-Shaw said that the award ceremony was meant to recognize institutions who had gone  a long way in meeting key requirements in the proactive disclosure  of information indicators for which awards were given in the gold, silver and bronze categories whilst some certificates were presented to institutions who had being working hard to comply. He cited the public disclosure award as the highest award amongst the lot of awards to be handed out.

He furthered that, of all the institutions, only Stats SL was able to fulfill all the 22 classes of information in the proactive publication scheme. In that vein, the proactive disclosure compliance award (GOLD) therefore went to Stats SL for being the public authority that did not only meet the first deadline of 1st march 2019 but also fulfilled all minimum classes of information that should be proactively disclosed as stipulated under the RAI act of 2013, with Environment Protection Agency picking up the silver award and the bronze award going to the National Youth Commission

The Statistician-General, Prof Osman Sankoh in his remarks, thanked his indefatigable Stats SL Team and especially senior data scientist, Clementina Akran and other officers in the Data Science division, who he said had toiled to ensure that they proactively disclose all information that was requested

He therefore pledged Stats SL’s unflinching commitment to continuing towards the same vein just as it had been doing in providing Credible Data for National Development under his leadership

Other awardees at the event included the Sierra Leone Police who won an award for Access to Information, Ministry of Information and Communication and the Government Printing Department amongst others.

Climate Change Challenges Championed by MPs & UNECA

By Abu Bakarr Kargbo

Parliamentarians have taken the lead in addressing Climate Change challenges in their country. This decision was made at a training workshop held on 12th and 13th December 2019 at Parliamentary Committee Room Number One where important topics surrounding climate information services where discussed.

The workshop is developed to build the capacities of Sierra Leone Policy Makers on key decision making a portfolio in the legislature, and all sectors of governance within Regional Economic Communities and other regional bodies. It is designed to strengthen the skills of decision-makers in understanding the importance of Climate Information Services.

The workshop is hosted for Members of Parliament as a partnership between the Parliament of Sierra Leone and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It is aimed at establishing a long-lasting relationship between UNECA and the Sierra Leone Parliament in order to foster collaboration between the two institutions. The Workshop is designed to build the capacity of Members of Parliament in the use of Climate Information for planning and decision making; and it focused on engaging with MPs on the overview on Climate Services in Africa, with particular reference to the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 11 and 13 and the Paris Agreement.

Delivering the welcome addressing, Sierra Leone’s Clerk of Parliament Hon. Umar Paran Trawelly described issuers of capacity building as core in parliament especially in areas like Climate Change. The workshop, he said is timely because climate change is deeply affecting Sierra Leone. As legislators, the Clerk pointed out that they need the required skills and information to get quality legislation on climate change.

UNECA’s Representative, Frank Rutabingwa described climate change issues as very important in the economic development of African countries. “We can address the impact of global warming and keep it at bay. Sectors like energy and water are all affected by climate change,” he said and added that lots of lives have been lost in Africa as a result of climate change and it has cost the conti9nent billions of dollars.

Rutabingwa warned the climate change impact will increase should action not taken to address it.

In his statement, the Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Dixon Rogers underscored the importance of climate change inform, action in planning for a nation’s development and added that they will do their best as lawmakers to get the best information to addressing climate change challenges in Sierra Leone. “We cannot go on with development if we do not address climate change issues as a country,” he said and cited an example to the current hot temperature in the harmattan. “We are calling on the organizers to empower Members of Parliament to take the message to our constituents,” he said.

This was supported by the Acting Leader of Opposition, Hon. Ibrahim Ben Kargbo who called for MPs to be capacitated to enable them to take the lead in addressing climate change challenges. Hon. Kargbo narrated the effect of climate in the country relating to the August 14, 2017 mudslide disaster, noting further that climate change strongly affected the poor and added it needed to be addressed for the development of the African continent.

The former Member of Parliament, Hon. Rosaline Jariatu Smith who championed the workshop called for the need to improve understanding and get timely information, climate predictions and use climate information to serve societies better particularly in the face of climate change

“Understanding climate information will have an effect on long term planning in the sense that effective climate service will facilitate climate-smart decision that will reduce the impact of climate-related disaster, improve food security, health outcome and enhance water resource management,” she said and added that an understanding of climate information is essential in making informed and appropriate plans to deal with climate-related impacts through adaptation, risk reduction, and development actions, particularly as the future looks increasing uncertain.

The overall objective, she said was for them as members of parliament who attended the training in Ethiopia to train colleague Members of Parliament in various Parliament on Climate information and Climate information Services. “I wish on behalf of the Hon. Speaker and Members of the Sierra Leone Parliament to thank the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa for their support to Members of Parliament for this training session and I look forward to varying fruitful deliberations here the next two days,” the former MP remarked.

The workshop succeeded in putting into context the physical structure of Climate Information and Services and provided a comprehensive analysis of what needs to be done within the African continent, by mainstreaming Climate Information into legislations, plans and policies.

Deputy Youth Minister Admonishes Young People To Embrace Volunteerism

Deputy Minister Kallon certifying graduate corps at the YWCA hall in Freetown

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a new development ,the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Hon. Lusine Kallon, has called on young Sierra Leoneans to imbibe the spirit of volunteerism as a way of contributing to nation building.  He was speaking at the YWCA old hall whilst certifying two hundred graduate corps during the launching of the National Youth Service (NYS) maiden magazine and website.

Two hundred young graduate corps who had served their communities for one successful year have also been certified to climax the end of their service.

See full speech below

Today we are convened here to certify 200 brave and patriotic youth corps who have fulfilled their national service to our beloved country. Like others who went through similar training before, these brave young men and women have prepared themselves for various tasks ahead. As a deputy minister representing my ministry and the youths of our country, we are proud of you and therefore say congratulations to all of you for this first step in your career path.

We are gathered here today to accomplish two things; firstly to award certificates to the 200 Youth Corps, and secondly to officially launch the Youth Service Magazine. Never had such an occasion taken place in the history of this country. Together we are making history. This gathering calls for praises and celebrations as our exceptional leaders will be receiving their certificates. In restoring their vows and commitment to our humble cause as Sierra Leoneans, I ask my patriotic youths to repeat this pledge after me.

“I pledge not to ask anymore what Sierra Leone has done for me, but rather to ask what I can do for my motherland, Sierra Leone.”

Thank you all for repeating that pledge after me.

The youth are our natural resources. The energy, skills and time that can be harnessed to support national socioeconomic and political development through volunteerism opportunities can lead to great things. As our President relies on human capital development in building our country for a prosperous future, these fine gentlemen and women have proven beyond reasonable doubts that they are reliable partners in that drive. Be rest assured this government will do everything to get the best from the youths who have chosen to be partners in development.

In such opportunities, the youths find a rare chance to make a difference in the lives of their fellow citizens. The National Youth Service strongly advocates and encourages all stakeholders to undertake strategic actions to embed the culture of volunteerism among the youths. It is only by doing so that youths shall become self-dependent thereby contributing to national development.

Our government shall:

-Involve the youth in activities that promote volunteerism and community service while developing their sense of patriotism and nationalism and promotion of national values.

-Cultivate national values among the youths and build their capacities to enable them to participate in leadership and community service.

-We must ensure that we utilize their potential and contribute towards achieving sustainable economic development in the country because we are a hub for all developmental projects.

Under the New Direction, Youth issues are no longer a talk shop but collaboration and cooperation. Since taking office, the achievements of this government in changing the narratives for a better future speak for themselves. A lot has been achieved and there is still more work to be done.

This act here today indicates the government of H.E. President Julius Maada Bio is focused on achieving greatness by fulfilling pledges in the “People’s Manifesto”. It is a clear proof of his commitment towards Youth Empowerment and Human Capital Development.

Due to the breakdown of the social fabric as a result of the outbreak of the civil war, a large percentage of families were left displaced and destitute. Street families have continued to increase in our cities and towns. From street boys and girls, we now have street youths and families. These are the people who live and work in the streets, many of them due to homelessness. The street youth are especially vulnerable as they lack protection, supervision or direction from responsible adults.

That is why HE has mandated us to review the NYS ACT to capture and re-integrate the rehabilitation of street youths within the various communities. By so doing, the family unit will be strengthened and fortified which will reduce the rate of lawlessness in the society. From this country’s inception, the dreams of our founding fathers were that it is only through National Cohesion, Nationalism, and Patriotism Sierra Leone we would have united and sustainable development. Part of that dream is a reality here today.

For all the achievements so far (including this one today) and plans for the immediate future, we say thanks to HE President Julius Maada Bio for making the dream of our Founding Fathers possible.

I am the change that I would like to see in my community and country. The youths have the potential to make the difference and uplift others to enjoy the fruits of our skills and education.

I thank you all

Long Live Sierra Leone

Long Live The Youth Of Sierra Leone


Diaspora Focus Awards Head of IOM

By Alfred Fornah

Alhaji Sanusi Tejan Savage the Head of Office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Sierra Leone,  has received an award from Diaspora Focus in respect of his pragmatic support to human capital development.

According to the International Director/ CEO of Diaspora Focus, Dr. Emmanuel J.M. Stafford, Mr. Savage was recognized for his outstanding contribution towards youth empowerment and capacity building; citing his leadership role at the IOM Office in developing and implementing projects including capacity building programs and employment opportunities for youth, strengthening Sierra Leone health care sector through diaspora engagement, successful reintegration programs for returned migrants among others

He noted that with Mr Savage at the helm of affairs, IOM has done a lot of good work with regards migration and diaspora related issues in the country.

While receiving the award, Mr Savage thanked Diaspora Focus for finding him worthy of this award and assured them of his continued contribution towards the development of Sierra Leone.

“I am pleased to receive the award, and I will like to dedicate this award to the staff of IOM Sierra Leone for their hard work and commitment towards migration issues in the country”, he added.

Meanwhile, Diaspora Focus is an organization formed in the United Kingdom to advance the cause and welfare of Africans living abroad and returning home to better integrate and contribute meaningfully to their communities and societies. The organization is also registered in Sierra Leone geared towards holistic development.

ECOWAS Court Ruling gives Hope to Pregnant Girls

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Amnesty International West and Central Africa Acting Deputy Director Campaigns Marta Colomer, said while responding to news that the regional Economic Community of West African States’ (ECOWAS) Community Court of Justice has rejected a ban imposed by Sierra Leone’s government preventing pregnant girls from sitting exams and attending mainstream school,  said:

“Today’s ruling is a landmark moment for the thousands of girls who have been excluded from school, and whose right to access education without discrimination has been violated for the past four years because of this inherently discriminatory ban.

“It is also a glimmer of hope for all those girls who if pregnant in the future will not be punished by being forced to leave school and not being able to sit exams.

“This also delivers a clear message to other African governments who have similar bans, such as Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea, or may be contemplating them, that they should follow this ground-breaking ruling and take steps to allow pregnant girls access to education in line with their own human rights obligations.

“Authorities in Sierra Leone must now implement this judgment without delay.”


The regional Economic Community of West African States’ (ECOWAS) Court of Justice sitting in Abuja (Nigeria) has rejected the 2015 government of Sierra Leone’s ban on pregnant girls from sitting exams and attending mainstream school.

The Court found that the policy barring pregnant school girls from attending mainstream schools amounted to discrimination against pregnant school girls in Sierra Leone, and breached provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ rights and other international law instruments to which Sierra Leone is a party. It ordered the policy to be revoked with immediate effect.

On 17 May 2017, a Sierra Leonean NGO (WAVES) in partnership with Equality Now and IHRDA, filed a case before the ECOWAS Court to challenge the ban. In June 2019, Amnesty International intervened as an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”).

The organisation has documented how the ban, imposed in 2015 by the then Minister of Education following the Ebola crisis, put the rights of thousands of girls under threat. It is not clear how many girls are affected by the ban. Official figures suggest three thousand, but experts mapping the situation indicate that the true figure is far higher.

Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea should follow the lead of a growing number of African governments which have adopted laws and policies that protect adolescent girls’ right to stay in school during pregnancy, demonstrating that an alternative approach is possible.

Global & National Human Dev. Reports 2019 Launched by MoPED

By Fatmata Jengbe

Dr. Francis Kai-Kai, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, on the 13 December 2019 presided over the national launch of both the Global and National Development Reports 2019 at the Conference room of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (MoPED) at NAO Building, Tower Hill in Freetown.

The launch, which was jointly organised by the Government of Sierra Leone, through the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) marks the 4th National Development Report (NHDR) titled: ”Building Resilience for Sustainable Development”, following the launch of the Global Human Development Report (GHDR) 2019 titled: ”Beyond incomes, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in Human Development in the 21st century” on 9th December 2019 in Bogotá, Columbia.

Welcoming the audience, the Acting Development Secretary, Umaru Andrew Conteh, MoPED thanked the UNDP for facilitating the launch, including other partners and stakeholders for their participation; noting that it demonstrates their commitment to improving the Human Capital Development of Sierra Leone.

Speaking to the audience, the UN Resident Coordinator, Sunil Saigal congratulated the Government of Sierra Leone and the UNDP on the launch of the Reports. He said the focus of the plan, which is to build human capital across the world was an important Indictor.

Mr. Saigal said it was important to note Sierra Leone’s improvement on the ranking of the Human Development Index 2019 from 184 to 181 out of 189 countries that were assessed. He encouraged authorities to do a close    analysis on the reasons of the ranking and identify and build on what has worked.

In his statement, Samuel Doe, the UNDP Resident Representative said this year’s global report was the first of a new generation of human development reports that aims to drive local, national and global conversation on the future of sustainable development, advancing progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

He said the National Report is Sierra Leone’s attempt to better understand how factors such as inequality, climate change among others can undermine a society’s resilience and what measures should the country take to reverse the trends.

“Even in the face of several human tragedies and financial resource constraints, the country has demonstrated resilience that defines a pathway to build on the country’s strengths and minimise vulnerabilities” Mr. Doe ended

In two separate presentations, first, the UNDP’s National Economist, Milton Korseh-Hindowa gave an overview of the findings and recommendations of the Global Human Development Report 2019. Whilst, the Director of Planning, Policy and Research, Dr. Sheka Bangura, MoPED elaborated on the National Human Development Report  2019, where he noted that the NHDR was informed by experiences of the Ebola crisis and the crash in the Iron Ore prices in 2014/15.

In his keynote address, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai thanked the United Nations for consistently demonstrating determination to support least developed countries to transform into prosperous and advanced nations. He said both the Global and National HDR Reports 2019 are topical for Sierra Leone, and for the Government of Rtd. Brigadier Dr. Julius Maada Bio, in particular; noting that they are all crucial to the Government’s determination to transform Sierra Leone from a state  of fragility into a resilient nation, promoting sustainable development.

“We are committed to change the landscape and narrative of our poverty and human development estimates within the framework of our current Medium Term National Development Plan (2019-2023). The Government has accelerated critical steps towards achieving resilience and sustainable development. These include a renewed focus on decentralised development that prioritises rural areas and the effective coordination of delivering services to the people”, the Minister said

Simultaneously launching the Global and Sierra Leone’s 4th National Human Development Reports 2019, the Minister registered his confidence that going forward, Sierra Leone will do better in developing credible statistical systems and also the implementation  of the MTNDP (2019-2023).

Other dignitaries in attendance included the Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Robert Chakanda, the Statistician-General, Prof. Osman Sankoh, the Deputy UN Resident Coordinator, Rokya Yedieng among many others.

During Presidential Press Cocktail… SLAJ Romances with President Bio

President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) Ahmed Sahid Nassralla & President Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay

It was a spectacular gathering at the Radisson Blu on 13 December 2019 where members of the Fourth Estate socially hob-nob with His Excellency the President Dr. Julius Maada Bio during this year’s Presidential Media Cocktail. The atmosphere was one full of social interaction, fun, gossip and laughter laced by discussions of all sorts.

In his address during the event His Excellency President Maada Bio expressed appreciation to the media landscape, adding that it is no secret that the media has played a great role in the strengthening of the country’s democracy and especially the electronic media which has contributed tremendously to the development of the country through addressing issues of national concerns and accountability.

He further disclosed that his campaign promise to repeal Part V of the criminal libel law which use to be a dream has been translated into reality. He applauded the Minister of Information for his tremendous work he has been doing to ensure the achievement of the repeal process.

He called on SLAJ to increase their engagement with Parliament and together Sierra Leone will become a press free State.

He urged SLAJ to call on its members to practice responsibly practices increase collaboration and operation with the Independent Media Commission (IMC).

On his part, the President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) Ahmed Sahid Nassralla alias De Monk started off by thanking God Almighty saying it is so refreshing to see so many smiling journalists in the presence of the esteemed host, His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

He said as a matter of fact, it is an informal/social meeting between the first arm of government- THE EXECUTIVE- the CABINET, and the fourth arm- THE FOURTH ESTATE- the MEDIA.

De Monk argued that few African leaders, if any at all, have the bravery to romance with their local media as our President has been doing since he became President. And when you consider the backdrop against which he was elected, it is even more daring.

He highlighted how the Minister of Information and Communications, whom he described as the Idiomatic Squealer, was apt in his description of His Excellency: “He was the most vilified and most castigated flag bearer in the political history of Sierra Leone. He literally went to hell and back with reckless journalism”.

He noted that President Bio has demonstrated he is a firm believer in free press furthering how Bio has convinced his Cabinet to approve a repeal of the obnoxious criminal libel law. “And for the purpose of this meeting, at least at this level, there is no criminal libel law: it has been repealed. So we are free to say (and write) whatever we feel and he’ll not budge a bit,” he jokingly postulated eliciting a round of applause.

He said we can get away with so many things:

Like describing His Excellency as the FLYING PRESIDENT; ‘e nor de o, e don travel’; Bio airlines. Some media houses even went further to allege that our President likes to travel so much that he would call his colleague Presidents around the world inquiring if they had upcoming programs which he would like to attend.

“We can even send a text message to the jovial, accommodating but no-nonsense Chief Minister cross-checking information, including whether the President’s next trip to the UN will include 50 journalists, and we will expect to get a prompt response, “ he euphemistically stated sending the audience into a fit of laughter.

“Your Excellency, it is that time of the year when we are supposed to spread the news of good tidings, peace and hand out some gifts. Please do not misinterpret my words; I did not just say that we should expect gifts from the President. I believe we have been given the best gift already for this year, which is a Cabinet approval and a further commitment to repeal the criminal libel law,” he dramatically stated going further to reiterate that “De gron is still dry” and waiting on the Minister of Finance for the “bread and butter” he promised in the 2020 budget, but underscoring that since it is not yet 2020 they will hold their peace.

He welcomed the indefatigable First Lady and commend her for the ‘Hands Off our Girls’ campaign.

De Monk said : “We in SLAJ believe that the level of rape and violence against women and girls in Sierra Leone is shameful. Madam First Lady let me as President of SLAJ, and on behalf of all journalists, pledge here today that we will continue to do our utmost to support your campaign against rape, early child marriage and violence against women and girls, with all the resources and expertise at our disposal. We will continue to provide the platform for a healthy discourse and we will amplify the messages of dignity and hope for our women and girls.

However, Madam First Lady, I have been asked by some men, not journalists, to solicit your active support here today to help them launch a campaign of their own.”

Making it laughable the SLAJ Prezo said : “Your campaign aims to protect girls. Madam, the proposed campaign by men is meant to target only young ladies, not girls. It is a December campaign which is highly gender sensitive. This is the festive season and as we continue to wait on the Finance Minister for the bread and butter to reach our breakfast tables, please help the men launch the “Hands Off Our Pockets” campaign.”

He said lest he forget, he feels on top of the moon to inform her that five of their members, including a woman, have just got their PhDs in mass communication. They now have Dr. Williette James, Dr. Isaac Massaquoi, Dr. Tonya Musa, Dr. Abdul Rahman Swarray and Dr. Francis Sowa.

“We know you have issues with some PhD holders, but I can assure you that this crop of SLAJ academic doctors are very solid and they are available to help you deliver on your national campaign, particularly Dr. Williette James,” he said with pride.

“Your Excellency, with your permission Sir, we want to pay special tribute to the Honourable Vice President and to thank him for so ably deputising you as the key note speaker at our last Triennial General Meeting. Sir, even we who have been in the media all our lives were quite impressed at his analysis of “media poverty and poverty of the media”. He was blunt, incisive and above all very honest. Can we have a round of applause for the Vice President please.

Indeed, we now know that there are people in this Government who properly understand the situation of the media and who are ready to honestly work with us to find a solution to our problems and help the media regain its lost glory and position itself firmly as an agent of national development. Mr. Vice President Sir we thank you again.

However, Mr. Vice President as an elder brother, this is just a piece of advice from a young admirer. The next time you want to worship please come to my church, I can assure you that if you meet Samura Kamara there, there will be no commotion. President Bio can attest to that.

But Mr. Vice President, we have a little score to settle. The last time we met, at the launch of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, you responded to my argument on the FAILED STATE. I had no opportunity to reply. There was no VAR. And so it was one zero against SLAJ. Tonite, I will take the opportunity to equalise and I know you will not respond as you are not on today’s program to make a statement. Mr. Vice President, the Failed State may not be as bold or as glaring today as it was postulated in the 1990s and early 2000s. This is because it has metamorphosed into splinter groups or cabals, but equally undermining the efficient functioning of the legitimate State, making it unable to deliver on its mandate. These splinters are found in every sphere of governance and the private and non-governmental sectors. So until we meet again, Sir, it’s 1-1 on aggregate.”

He said on a more serious note, he wants to again thank the host, President Bio for his commitment to repeal the criminal and seditious libel laws and for his continued tolerance and support to the media.

“And to your two able lieutenants at the Ministry of Information and Communications who are living up to the task of delivering on your Excellency’s commitment to a free and responsible media, I say thank you. I make this commendation in the face of real challenges on both sides. The President has told us that there are still a number of people who have issues with the repeal, but like a brave soldier leading his troop of Cabinet ministers, he has decided to soldier on regardless of the concerns,” he said.

Monk pointed out that he believes as the Bible says in Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much will be required …” He said the great expectation is that journalists will be more factual, ethical and responsible in their reporting saying a few of their colleagues have to move away from character assassination and baseless rumours and focus more on development oriented stories with a view to helping our nation move forward.

“As journalists, some of us think that our job is just to criticize, criticize, criticize. However, we should not criticize to ensure the government fails. Our criticism should be honest and in good faith, to help government succeed. We have a responsibility to the State. We have a duty to help government make the right decisions,” he admonished.

He furthered that we should help government’s development efforts, including the FQE, to succeed by monitoring its implementation across the country and report areas where it is succeeding; where there are gaps and challenges, we report these too while also presenting suggestions on how these can be addressed. Where we suspect corruption, we expose it with facts.

He maintained how this is the kind of media he envisages in the post-repeal era when the media wants change and will get it.

De Monk said in order to ensure the media behaves responsibly in this period leading up to the repeal of Part 5 of the Public Order Act and thereafter, SLAJ commits to holding its members to account.

He said in that vein, it is their pleasure to inform the President, that they are in the process of strengthening the SLAJ Disciplinary Committee which will be tasked with the responsibility of monitoring their members and enforcing the SLAJ Code of Ethics.

The climax of his statement was when the SLAJ President said he feels very honoured to have been given the great task, as President of SLAJ, to officially announce the list of Press Attaché appointees to serve in various Embassies and High Commissions across the world.

He, however, deflated the suspense he has created when he said, “I wish to respectfully decline the honour and crave your indulgence, Mr. President, to return this huge responsibility to you sir.”

Those who were present include Asma James who chaired the event, Yusuf Keketoma Sandy Press Secretary, Ahmed Sahid Nassralla President SLAJ, George Khoyama IMC Chairman, Mohamed Rado Swaray Minister of Information, Fatima Bio First Lady, President Bio, Dr Abass Bundu Speaker of Parliament, JJ Saffa Minister of Finance etc.

Non-Accountable Imprest slashed by Parliament

By Brima Sannoh

Following public outcry and President Bio’s refusal to assent to Section 42 of The Finance Act of 2020 relating to a non-accountable imprest for the President, Vice President and the Speaker of Parliament regarding overseas traveling a motion had been moved and voted on by the Parliament of Sierra Leone for expunging Section 42 of The Finance Act, 2020.

Against this backdrop, the much talked about Section has been expunged; relative to the assent copy of the said Act.

The Finance Act is responsible for the imposition and alterations of taxes for servicing The Appropriation Act for the development of Sierra Leone. The motion was moved and seconded respectively by Hon. Hindolo M. Gevao and Hon. Daniel B Koroma.

It could be recalled that when it was laid before Parliament by the Minister of Finance ,Jacob Jusu Saffa, the bill faced serious criticisms and the President refused to append his signature because it was very controversial as there was no provision of a ceiling to the imprest which the President, Vice President and the Speaker of Parliament are entitled to some saying it will leave room for corruption to transpire.

Its removal has been seen by others to be in the good interest of financial discipline, accountability and good governance.

Lives & Institutions to be Inspired by AWOL Come December 29

By Amin Kef Sesay

It is an indisputable fact that lives and institutions will be inspired and transformed in the wake of the 2019 National Achievements Awards organized by the All Walks of Life (AWOL) slated to take place at the Bintumani International Centre at Aberdeen in Freetown on the 29th December 2019.

Indeed, for an individual or institution to be recognized, appreciated and awarded for doing something very exceptional within the year could be a source from which inspiration is drawn to do more. It could also serve as a springboard to emulate the exemplary footsteps others have taken to meaningfully make meaningful impacts on the lives of others.

For now the All Walks of Life (AWOL) organization is working assiduously behind the scenes to stage its annual event ceremony geared towards recognizing and appreciating the good works of individuals and institutions during 2019. Awards to be dished out are slated for different categories.  As of now the organization is in top gear to host its annual Awards Ceremony which many are eagerly looking forward to with expectations that their nominees will bag one of its prestigious awards , adding another feather to their caps for being honorably recognized for outstanding contributions to humanity and nation building.  This is a day many are waiting for to be part of the crème de la crème of society in a relaxed social atmosphere that will be full of glitz, good music, food, exuding an ambience of life worth living.

Indeed, as usual, in the immediate wake of the event indisputably tongues will be left wagging as to whether indeed a particular personality or institution truly deserves to be awarded. But that is natural as we sometimes disagree to agree. But one thing that is really obvious is that AWOL prides itself on selflessness and integrity which is why its award programmes have always been characterized by fairness. It is not AWOL that determines who should be a recipient of an award as a voting process is currently ongoing for people to vote their consciences for nominated personalities and institutions whom they truly believe should be recognized for their immense contributions to humanity and nation-building. You are at liberty to vote now by using 2713 short code to SMS via Africell for an individual or institution whom one believes must clinch the covetous 2019 award.

In just about three weeks from now, to be specific on the 29th December 2019, all roads will be leading  to the Bintumani International Conference Centre where at 7pm the highly regarded All Walks of Life (AWOL) will commence its programme of dishing out its annual prestigious 2019 awards to deserving personalities and institutions in various categories.

Already,  the Technical and Organizing Committees of the All Walks of Life (AWOL) as both are working doggedly behind the scenes to put all the necessary arrangements together to stage a non-forgettable awards ceremony which will be laced with intriguing moments of fun, laughter, good music, food and drinks. It goes without saying that the after –awards nite feeling will for a long time definitely linger on the minds of many that will take them into a brand new 2020. From all indications and judging from the nominations that have been done for the different categories it seems that this Awards Ceremony is going to be the Mother of all AWOL Awards Ceremonies but as some have already maintained that is yet to be determined. However, what for now is really certain is that AWOL has etched a name in history for doing BIG THINGS and this time round there will to be an exception nor is it going to be the last as we have been hinted.

In order to reiterate the message loud and clear the widely acclaimed National Achievements Awards (NAAs) will be dished out to deserving individuals and institutions on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre starting at 7pm with the theme “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development” under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio.

As it had been over the years it is planned to be an unforgettable ceremony that will be laced with pomp and pageantry bringing together under one roof the crème de la crème of society to socialize. It is going to be a nite of fun, jokes and laughter; a moment that will be lively when the spotlight will shine on individuals and institutions that have been recognized for their exemplary contributions to nation building and as such bestowed prestigious awards for their efforts.

Already, on the 22nd November 2019, the launch of the National Achievement Awards was done at the Radisson Blu Hotel and it was graced by individuals from various walks of life including the Chief Minister who on that day described AWOL as an organization which has as its aim and objective to celebrate ‘change-makers’ whom he referred to as those people who are doing their utmost in their little corners to put Sierra Leone first and set bright examples for others to emulate.

During the occasion the President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr informed the audience that AWOL was formed 20 years ago to serve the country in a distinct fashion. He added that coming from an 11 year war, as young people, they decided to form a group with a distinct mission to recognize distinguished Sierra Leoneans, as well as to complement and serve as an auxiliary to government and this they have been doing successfully since the founding of AWOL.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization, which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.

One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and which is part of its constitution is the fact that no individual member is bigger than the organization. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:
AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolizes her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering State institutions.

From all indications, it is going to be an unforgettable nite that will linger in the minds of many here and abroad.

Below is the list of nominees that could be voted for by sending a text message on Africell line to 2713:



– Njala


– Dele-Peddle International School
– Sierra Leone Grammar School
– Providence International High School


– Gateway Preparatory Primary School
– International Primary School
– Modern Elementary School

– Menjor, Esther Sia (Leone Preparatory Prim. School)

– Hooke Johan Harmonette D. (Providence Int. Snr High, F/Town)
– Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Jalloh Khadijatu (Annie Walsh Memorial Sch., F/Town)


– Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch., F/Town)
– Turay Abdulai S. (Dele-Peddle Int. High, F/Town)

– Russell Affuah (The International School Ltd., Prim)

– Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Koroma Umu B. (Modern High, F/Town)


– Gbakima Aiah (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)


– Mohamed Buya Turay
– John Keister
– National Swimming Team


– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– Ministry of Tourism and Culture
– Ministry of Information and Communications

– Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
– National Revenue Authority (NRA)
– Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL)

– Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella
– Hon. Abdul Kargbo
– Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh


– Awoko
– Sierra Eye Magazine
– Standard Times

– Radio Democracy 98.1 FM
– SLBC Radio
– Kiss 104 FM

– Star TV

– Stella Bangura (AYV TV)
– Zainab Joaque (Awoko Newspaper)
– Khadija Bangura (98.1)

– Amadu Lamrana Bah (AYV TV)
– Mohamed Asmieu Bah (SLBC TV)
– Kemo Cham (Politico Newspaper)


– Rozay Sokota
– Arkman


– Desmond Finnie
– Henrietta Mbawah
– Phebean Swill

– Desmond Beinya
– Kindo Armani
– Richie Obama

– King Dus Art
– Alusine Conteh
– Cyril Oronto-Cole


    – Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB)
    – Ecobank SL
    – Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

    – Union Trust Bank (UTB)
    – Gento Group
    – NP-SL


    – Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha
    – Dr. Francis Lansana
    – Dr. Aiah Lebbie


    – Sick Pikin Project
    – Pikin Bizness
    – Melqosh Mission


    – Musa Mewa Esq
    – Ibrahim Fayia Sawaneh Esq
    – Joan Bull Esq.



    – Brig Gen Victor Samba
    – Lt Col Roland Robin Gbondo

    – Mr Francis Musa Hazeley (Chief Supt of Police)
    – Mrs Juliette Kumba Kondoh (Supt of Police)
    – Mr Edward Tamba Keimbay (Asst Supt of Police)

    – Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)
    – Abu Bakarr Fofanah (Sub Officer)
    – Adebayo Williams (Sub officer)

    – Mohamed Santigie Turay (Director of Corrections)
    – Rev Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay (Chief Supt of Corrections)
    – Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Manley (Chief Supt of Corrections)


    32. FARMER OF THE YEAR 2019

    – Kabia Farm
    – Jam Jay Enterprise
    – Madam Haja Sundu Marrah


    33. CSO/CBO OF THE YEAR 2019
    – Campaign for Good Governance
    – CARL- SL
    – CHIRDI- SL


    – The Place- Tokeh
    – Radisson Blu
    – Lagoonda


    – Madam Wokie
    – Hudsons
    – J & F Fashion


    –  Isatu (Plasas Seller, Aberdeen Market)
    – Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Krootown Road)
    – Sarian Karimu (Shenge Market, Bo)


    – Lara Taylor-Pearce (ASSL)
    – Francis Ben Keifala (ACC)
    – Micheala Mackay (CAC)


    – Orange SL
    – Africell SL

Vote now for individuals and institutions you are convinced deserve the prestigious AWOL Awards.