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Sierra Leon Tourism Ministry Updates Media on Activities

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, the Minister, Dr. Memunatu Pratt

By Amin Kef Sesay – 6th August 2019

At a press conference held in the conference room of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, the Minister, Dr. Memunatu Pratt and team updated the media on the progress made so far in rebranding the country’s tourism in a bid to attract more tourists.

Speaking during the meeting, Dr. Memunatu Pratt said that she is impressed and pleased with the turn out of the media at the meeting, adding that in the business of Tourism, the Press plays a vital role in disseminating the facts about the touristic sites and rich heritage of the country. Tourism, she maintained is all about marketing and this has been their drive in the past months, which created the need for the numerous travels undertaken by the Ministry.

She furthered that upon assuming office as minister, she took time to review all the work done by her predecessor and saw the need to embark on a rebranding of the industry so as to woo tourists to the various tourist attractions the country offers. During their travels they had fruitful discussions with various tourist stakeholders in several parts of the world.

Madam Pratt further explained that tourism involves international and domestic tourism. On the domestic area, several moves have been made to engage line ministries and agencies on the development of the sector. The ministry of energy was engaged on the provision of electricity to the Lumley beach area and she is proud to disclose that certain sections on the beach now have electricity from the national grid and moves are on the way to provide the beach with solar powered lights to illuminate the beach at night.

In the area of security, they are working with the Sierra Leone Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for regular patrol teams on the beach. Her engagement with the Aviation authority in the country has resulted in the reduction of ticket prices and the possibility of visitors getting visa on arrival at the airport. Government, she maintained has through the Ministry of Finance removed the tax on tickets, thus the high cost of traveling will be reduced and more people encouraged to come to Sierra Leone.

She noted that the low cost of air ticket has made other countries attractive to tourists. This development in her ministry will therefore encourage more tourists coming into the country and possibly encourage investment on various aspects of the industry like transportation and other businesses.

Minister Pratt further disclosed that Lumley Beach will soon be declared an entertainment zone and will give opportunity to the entertainment industry to thrive. In this regard they are looking at the possibility of levying fees for access to the Lumley beach area during weekends. What is collected from this toll will be used to pay for the cleaning of the beach front, which is littered with plastic and even medical waste.

She averred that climate change and environmental issues affect the Tourist industry as sea weeds will show. Her ministry will be taking giant steps to decentralise its offices across the country and staff will be posted there. This she described as having tourism at the local level.

On the International front, Madam Pratt maintained that Sierra Leone is now represented at the level of the UNWTO. Their visits to several parts in the world have resulted in the World Bank ready to fund development projects of the industry.

In this regard, the Bank funded their trip to Finland to learn more about how tourism works in those countries and to see what they can replicate in the country to develop the industry. With a beam, the country’s Tourist Iron Lady then disclosed that frantic efforts have been made to improve the infrastructure of the ministry of which the conference room in which the meeting was taking place is a testimony, adding that plans are on the way to construct a building at the back of the compound to accommodate more staff. She officially launched the opening of the refurbished conference room.

Fatmata Abe-Osagie, General Manager of the National Tourist Board, in her contribution also buttressed the ministers take on the travels done by various officials of the ministry. This she maintained is part of the rebranding of the country and the touristic attractions the country has. Successes have been recorded from those trips as it brought some 30 travel journalists to the country to assess it touristic capacity and further resulted in the visit of 8 African Americans who traced their DNA to Sierra Leone and eventually culminating in the handing over of Sierra Leonean passports to all of them by President Bio.

Sierra Leone is now being captured in top international magazines with positive news. Their tour in Canada resulted in interest in capacity building of the industry. The country now has the 1st tourism Traveltainment magazine, which was published in February, adding that they now have a website promoting current information about Sierra Leone Tourism with huge following, a new Tourism App and the 1st Tourism information office at the museum.

Madam Abe-Osagie further disclosed that collaboration with Photographers Union resulted in a National Photographers Trade Fair promoting the country’s culture and in collaboration with the Agriculture Ministry also resulted in the hosting of the 1st Agro- Tourism and Culture in kabala.

Director of Culture in the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Mr. Jalloh, said that the ministry has reviewed its act and drafted another one which has received cabinet approval and is at the Law Officers Department for final drafting and will be tabled in parliament by the minister for enactment and will replace the Monument and Relics Act and eventually culminate in the establishment of a National Heritage Commission and also another bill on entertainment which will also see the establishment of the National Entertainment Commission. He further disclosed that work has been done in Bonthe resulting in the restoration of the clock tower at Bonthe.

That part of the country, he averred, has a lot of tourist attraction, as it is at Bonthe that the first European church mission was set up in the country, the UBC mission and the Church of England is found there, another first in the country. He also stated that the historic and original building of PZ is also there.

Plans are on the way for the development of relics at Bunce Island, where the first slave port, where professional slaves exited for sale abroad is located and other ruins. A jetty is presently being built at Bunce to facilitate access to the Island. He stressed that need for capacity building of Sierra Leonean craftsmen as renowned sculptors like Marco and son are now dead, so as to keep the knowledge through the ages.

With funding from Action Aid and the World Bank there are plans to construct the first ever National Performing Arts gallery at Aberdeen and an agreement with Bollore to build cinema hall, performing stage for the mobile theatre for artists to launch albums and this will mean leaving the National Stadium for purely sporting activities. The Action Aid funding will provide for the construction of a 600 capacity hall and a smaller one too in Bo for performing arts and they are poised to construct an eco-tourism site in Kabala with funding from the World Bank.

The meeting was climaxed by a question and answer session and the official declaration of the refurbished conference open by the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs.

Sierra Leone Tourism Minister Takes Lead in Cleaning Lumley Beach

Dr. Memunatu B. Pratt

By Amin Kef Sesay – 6th August 2019

One of the most outstanding ministers in President Bio’s led government of New Direction, Dr. Memunatu B. Pratt who happens to be the former Head of Department for Peace and Conflict Studies at FBC and now the current Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs was with her fellow Sierra Leoneans as a pace setter to clear the beach from seaweed and plastics that is destroying the beauty of the environment.

She is calling on all Sierra Leoneans to join hands in keeping the beaches and its environment clean and attractive, as she desperately works to give the tourism sector a new facelift to attract tourists from all over the world.

“Sierra Leone is blessed with natural beaches and lots of tourist attraction areas,” she said.

When speaking to ordinary people and the press at the beach the minister stated that her ministry has the responsibility to keep the beach and its environs clean being that these areas are of touristic attraction, adding that there are very big challenges facing the maintenance of a clean beach and this has to do with waste management. This is adversely affecting the beach, she stressed.

Dr. Pratt stated that the sad story is that when people from the east, west and central of Freetown throw away their garbage into the sea, these are brought to the beach by the waves and that most people use the rivers and waterways to empty their toilets, which also end up on the beach.

She said that as a government they have been doing their very best to ensure they do what is needed to be done when it comes to cleaning and making the beaches very attractive to tourists.

She continued that even though these are the challenges all over the world, there is the need to address this waste problem. Some 100 youths were called to join in that exercise as the ministry lacked the man power to clean the beaches and the resources to buy tools and pay workers.

She said that the main challenge is that of plastic bags and plastic containers that big factories and small scale industries are using to package their products ranging from drinks, water etc.

Dr. Pratt said that her ministry intends to meet with the Ministry of Trade and those big factories and small scale industries so that they will put modalities in place for them to help in the cleaning of such places, as there are policies all over the world that cover how they are supposed to pay for their waste and support waste management activities.

Another challenge she highlighted is the beach traders that are illegally selling around the beach areas without paying anything to the ministry or the tourist board and are not making any effort to clean the area in which they trade around the beach. She continued that all those traders that are trading illegally, especially around the Family Kingdom area, should leave those places, as the ministry and the Member of Parliament of that constituency have provided for them a special place to do their business.

The minister encouraged all Sierra Leoneans to take care of their garbage as their attitude towards waste management could help in the improvement of tourism in the country.


As Forex Crisis Deepens Poverty: Sierra Leone Not Benefitting from its Mineral Resources

Amin Kef

By Amin Kef Sesay – 6th August 2019

We can surmise that whilst they mined and exported, African Minerals and London Mining combined took away some billions dollars’ worth of iron ore out of this country.

At the same time, we can surmise that Sierra Rutile, Sieromco and Vimetco have also cumulatively, since the 1970s, taken away billions of dollars’ worth of ore out of this country. We can say the same thing about Koidu Holdings which mines kimberlite diamonds in Koidu.

Of course, diamonds and gold have been intensively mined and exported out of this country since the 1950s. Yet what is very dismaying is that minus the rest of the country having never visibly benefited from the proceeds of these minerals (as all our development activities to date have been financed by either borrowing or aid), when you go to the parts of the country where these minerals were extracted from, all you see are signs of exploitation, environmental degradation and socioeconomic decadence – no electricity, no water, no good schools, no good health facilities, no good roads, no industries – nothing to show for decades of economic extraction by foreign owned mining companies.

It is not very hard to find out why. Africa’s political economy is deeply ingrained with its history of the exploitation and mismanagement of its mineral and natural resources.

With minor exceptions, Africa does not consume or add significant value to the minerals that it has in abundance.  Rather, we are net exporters of raw materials that fuel prosperity and development in other regions. Africa is largely seen as a price taker rather than a price-maker, with a marginal role in international trade.

The question that arises therefore is why the continent continues to struggle with limited economic transformation, low or no resource rents and scarce employment. Africa’s share of windfall earnings from mining has been miniscule, compared to what mining companies have realized.

Indeed, most African countries got very little from mining revenues due to generous tax holidays given to mining companies. The conclusion from this situation is that the current resource-for-development model is not working to bring about equity or boost development in minerals rich African countries like Sierra Leone.

As such, the African Mining Vision, jointly developed by the AU, ECA, ADB and other UN agencies was adopted by the African Union Heads of States in 2009. The Vision advocates for “transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development”.

At the core of the African Mining Vision is the realization that Africa’s mineral resources can be better utilized to address the continents social and economic needs; the focus on environmental and social sustainability, the advantages of regional and international integration with attendance hard and soft infrastructure challenges, the emphasis of building of backward, forward and sideward linkages from the core mining sector and equitable principles of fairness in benefit sharing and use of resource revenues.

To achieve the high aspirations of this vision, Africa needs to get back to the fundamentals and rectify some of the initial problems that have continued to plague the management of the continent’s natural resources.

At the fore of this endeavor is the capacity of governments to get the best deals for their countries during contract negotiations. Capacity deficits have also been identified in critical areas of auditing, monitoring, regulation and improving resource exploitation regimes. In DRC, a government committee reviewed 61 mining deals over a decade up to 2006 and found none acceptable. It recommended renegotiating 39 and canceling 22.

International processes such as the Kimberly Process for diamonds and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (EITI) for other minerals, though with their own weaknesses, have contributed to improving transparency and accountability in contract negotiation processes from the production side whilst the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and other similar acts have also created avenues for fair play within the international circles.



Africell Sierra Leone Reaffirms Relationship with OPIC

By John Konte – 6th August 2019

Africell Holding Limited (“Africell”) on Tuesday 6th August, 2019 reaffirmed its $100 million financing agreement with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (“OPIC”), the U.S. government agency that finances and supports investment by American businesses in emerging markets.

At a specially convened meeting held at the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone and in the presence of H.E. Maria E. Brewer, U.S. Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Africell confirmed that the financing will be used to expand the availability, reach and quality of communications and associated value-added services across Africell’s operations in The Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda.

As part of the U.S. Government’s commitment, H.E. Maria Brewer highlighted the longstanding support of the USA to Sierra Leone across different sectors. She pointed out that: “the solid partnerships between the U.S. Embassy and the private sector, exemplified by this agreement with Africell, will lead to stronger relationships and fruitful development.”

Mr. Ziad Dalloul, Founder and Chairman of Africell stated“Africell is at the forefront of the evolving landscape of African communications, data and technology enabled services and together with OPIC and our other stakeholders we are continuously investing in new solutions which drive development and improve our customers’ experience. We are the leading telecommunications and data operator in Sierra Leone and we intend to sustain and enrich this leadership position with the support of the OPIC funding”.

About Africell

Africell was established in 2001 and is one of the fastest-growing mobile telecommunications operators in Africa with a focus and skillset tailored for operations in frontier markets. Africell has established itself as the market’s leading operator in The Gambia and in Sierra Leone and is rapidly growing operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda. Today, Africell’s total number of active subscribers is approximately 14 million.

About OPIC

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a self-sustaining U.S. Government agency that helps American businesses invest in emerging markets. Established in 1971, OPIC provides businesses with the tools to manage the risks associated with foreign direct investment, fosters economic development in emerging market countries, and advances U.S. foreign policy and national security priorities. OPIC helps American businesses gain footholds in new markets, catalysis new revenues and contributes to jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC fulfils its mission by providing businesses with financing, political risk insurance, advocacy and by partnering with private equity investment fund managers.

OPIC services are available to new and expanding businesses planning to invest in more than 160 countries worldwide. Because OPIC charges market-based fees for its products, it operates on a self-sustaining basis at no net cost to taxpayers. All OPIC projects must adhere to best international practices and cannot cause job loss in the United States.

Sierra Leone Must Wake Up From Slumber

Mohamed Fadlu Bah

By Mohamed Fadlu Bah – 6th August 2019

In contemporary Sierra Leone, development in health, import and export, education and technology industrialization deforestation are all challenges.

Sierra Leone is amongst the countries with the fastest growing incidences of malaria, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis coupled with other diseases like typhoid, lassa fever and many other diseases that have ravaged different communities in the country.

Reeling from the scars of war, political instability, suffered from problems of refugees; internal and externally displaced people and had also witnessed corruption, tribalism, sectionalism and political oppression, the country depends heavily on the importation of food and her population lives below the minimum recommended diet by the World Health Organization. Thousands of its citizens cannot afford the normal 3 course meal a day. The absence of farming at a large scale to provide food for the nation has added to its woes. If the country is to grow and the economy boosted, robust action should be taken to improve on agriculture to increase yield and provide enough food that can be exported to fetch much needed foreign exchange. There is also the need to attract investors who could invest in mining and process the raw materials in the country rather than take them out.

With the low level of industrialization, Sierra Leone remains an importer of primary commodities and an exporter of its natural resources which are then processed and sold back to the country at exorbitant prices.

It is only now that the country is giving priority to education by bringing the free quality education. Our education is backward in that we now have students coming from the university without being able to write and speak simple English Language. Our school system is nothing to write home about as most students and teachers/lecturers are deeply engaged in corruption.

And with a low level of industrialization, Africa remains an importer of primary commodities.

NaCSA Sierra Leone Gets 20M Euro to Change Lives

NACSA Commissioner, Abubakarr Kokofele

By John Marrah – 6th August 2019

On Friday 2nd August 2019, at Charlotte Street in Freetown, the NACSA Commissioner, Abubakarr Kokofele stated that his institution is working on a project to help communities develop their lives.

He added that the project is set to construct community markets, roads, health centers, water wells etc. through the Ministry of Development and that NACSA is also working with local authorities like the district councils in various communities across the country.

“We want to make chiefdom headquarter towns attractive so that people don’t move from place to place for developmental activities. We will also engage market women and establish micro credit so as to ease financial stress” he said

He added that the Islamic Development Bank is strongly supporting this project and different stakeholders and ministries are going to be engaged so as to ease the burden.

The Deputy Commissioner, Isata Max Kyne, stated that NACSA strongly depends on stakeholders for continuous development in the country and that they are very grateful so far for their support, adding that this project is also co-founded by the government of Sierra Leone. She furthered that this timely engagement meeting was called to get all the different stakeholders to put all hands on deck for a better Sierra Leone.

“We have benefited so much over the years through collaborations, we also call on you all as critical stakeholders for action implementation in different locations in the country so that we will avoid duplications and more coordination” she said.

She said that the GPC 1 and 2 attracted so much donor funds and that the GPC 1 which was implemented from 2006 to 2014 attracted donor funds of 11 million euro in addition to government counterpart funding, and the GPC 2 which was from 2014 to 2018 attracted donor funds of 12.3 million euro and also with government counterpart funding. She added that this GPC 3 will start in 2019 and roll on to 2023 and that has attracted donor funding of 20 million euro plus, and the agreement was signed in January by the finance minister and the German government. She ended by saying that the whole essence of the GPC program is to maintain peace so that communities will be at peace with basic facilities in different communities.

The Programs Manager GPC Project, Salifu Mansaray said that they have worked with Falaba and communities closer to Falaba to construct roads to connect communities and they did it in connection with the community stakeholders. He added that the roads were roughly estimated for 11 billion Leones.

“We are also working on the employment scheme for youths in these different communities both during the construction and after the construction in Falaba and its different communities. Also NACSA has presented the budget and the maps showing the different communities to the bank and we are waiting for their immediate response after which the project will kick off in January 2020” he said.

He ended that Koinadugu to Sansangbala will also be included and other different communities so as to ease economic relationship among the different communities around that end and they are happy that all other stakeholders have signed to the necessary documents.


Traveling Ban Placed on Ministers, Deputies Etc. in Sierra Leone

President Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay – 6th August 2019

Ministers, Deputy Ministers and other Government officials will no longer be able to travel out of the country without first seeking presidential permission.

This is according to a memo from the presidency, dated August 1 and directed to Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), said all Ministers, Ministers of State and other Government officials are only allowed to travel for occasions relating to Statutory engagements.

The statement signed by the Secretary to the President, Dr. Julius Sandi, said in any event an official is required to travel for Statutory engagement they must get the approval of the president.

“Participation at Statutory meetings must be cleared with his Excellency the President on the submission of a concurrence for the use of public funds,” the statement reads in part.

Although it didn’t provide any explanation for the decision, the statement will be highly welcomed by many Sierra Leoneans disgruntled with the state of affairs under the administration led by a president who campaigned to cut down on spending.

It is widely believed that many officials are in the habit of traveling to pocket more per diem allowances.

But there are many other Sierra Leoneans who are not likely to be moved by this, given that the president has been accused of being the most widely travelled Sierra Leonean president.

President Julius Maada Bio, as opposition leader, criticized his predecessor for his frequent travels, which he promised to cut down on. But former President Ernest Bai Koroma’s supporters say the new president has travelled to more places in less than two years than the number of travels Koroma made in the entirety of his first term of five years.


NP-Sierra Leone: 100% Supportive of Local Content Policy  

By Amin Kef Sesay – 6th August 2019

When we talk of steady, effective implementation of Local Content Policy, the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) stands tall as it is truly the only 100% indigenous company that employs 100% Sierra Leoneans as workers. This is one of the factors which have made the company a success story.

In addition, NP-SL by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents make it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that the synergy that runs through management, staff and board members of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) company is the reason why the company is contributing greatly to improving the lives of its workers and their dependents and also contributing to the company’s growth and the socio-economic development of the country at large.

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone (NP-SL) is on record for having a capable and competent managerial team of Sierra Leoneans at the helm of affairs, which from time to time comes up with good initiatives, always ensuring that those initiatives are effusively, effectively implemented to create value for money.

It is also on record that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited, apart from it being lauded for being one of Sierra Leone’s biggest tax payers, is also being lauded for its invaluable contributions towards building the country’s economy.

As a petroleum business entity, NP is proud of having filling stations in various parts of the country apart from it being vibrantly functioning in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia.

This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various jobs to residents in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level.

Since it was established by 35 Sierra Leoneans, who bought shares from the Government years back, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the center-piece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region.

Asking those who really know NP, the feedback you get indicate that around its commitment to customer care, NP strongly believes that it must prioritized the offer of total satisfaction.

The selfless commitment of the shareholders have made it possible for the company to empower many Sierra Leoneans and at the same time put it at a vantage position to continue to open more filling stations across the country.

NP has maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers’ right across the sub-region where it exists and most consumers have confessed that they are realizing optimum satisfaction in dealing with NP.

The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, the Petroleum Directorate, has also lauded NP in recent time for its efficient service delivery in its areas of operation.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans affordable NP Gas Cookers of various sizes, which are safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas cookers could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country and the very gas is also sold to replenish those that have been used.

The company’s result-oriented managerial team will definitely and sustainably continue to put NP at the top.

NP-SL Ltd. is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

It can therefore be justifiably asserted that the National Petroleum Limited is the country’s reliable fuel provider as it always ensures that its stockpile is always at an appreciable level.

NP has received numerous awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Various tests to determine quality and standard indicate that consumers of National Petroleum-SL products say they have never had cause to grumble about the products.

It should be noted that customer care is one key element to the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easily and conveniently.

The public’s recognition of the invaluable contributions of NP, both to its numerous customers across the country and to national development, has seen it bag meritorious awards from different national and international organizations.

The company always ensures that petroleum products are always available, thereby preventing shortage that could create shocks in many quarters. The level of confidence which overseas business partners have reposed in the company has made it possible for it to enter into payment agreements thereby keeping the demand and supply chain open and running.

In addition, the company sells the best cooking gas that is available in hundreds of outlets across the country, thereby contributing to creating cleaner environments, thus aiding the work of EPA.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm.

MMCET Sierra Leone Plants 1,000 Trees to Protect Goderich Campus

The Acting Vice Principal, Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, with the nurseries at the planting site

By Brima Sannoh – 4th August 2019

The Acting Vice Principal of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCET), polytechnic (MMCET), Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, staff and students, in collaboration with the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) on Friday 1st August 2019 planted over 200 fruit trees like mangoes and plum around the Goderich campus. This is in addition to the 800 trees earlier planted totalling 1,000.

Among others, Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, who is also Director of Studies, enlightened that the college’s administration had put modalities in place to plant new trees to replace the old ones that have been cut down and advanced reasons why they were cut down, one of which is the huge amounts spent to repair the buildings as a result of the damage caused by the extension of the roots underground affecting the foundations of the buildings, pavements, gutters and the branches that fall on the buildings.

Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh continued that the college has planted over 1,000 trees with plans to plant another 10,000 or even more highlighting the dangers of climate change which he underlined is real affirming that quality education is government’s flagship program, the reason the college administration installed CCTV cameras on campus in addition to establishing the Police Post to ensure that students do not spy or engage in other examination malpractices as well as to provide adequate security for especially the female hostels and the entire campus.

Earlier, Mr. Bockarie Sillah, a lecturer in the English Language Department, who welcomed all to the ceremony, revealed that the college started planting trees last year and would continue to do so and recalled last week when the administration decided to cut down some trees due to the fact that their roots were affecting the foundations of some of the buildings while the branches damaged them costing the administration millions to repair reiterating that some of the trees were cut down for the CCTV camera to have a clear view.

The Communication and Education Officer of the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone, Mariama Kamara revealed that the event is a national issue and advised all to take care of the trees.

The President of the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL), Charles Showers recalled last year when they partnered with the college and some pupils to plant trees on the college’s campus and admonished all to monitor and take care of the trees stressing that the trees must not be left unattended.

According to Mr. Showers, with the trees, the college would serve as a research centre and study area for students, encouraged all to tender the plants informing that he is very passionate about the environment, that human beings give out carbon dioxide while trees inhale oxygen reiterating that human beings cannot do without trees and underscored the advantages of trees including serving as windbreakers, fruits, formation of rain in addition to playing a great role in the lives of human beings.

The President of the MMCET Students Union, Mr. Anthony During observed that trees beautify the environment, provide shade, cool breeze and a conducive learning environment, commended CSSL for the initiative and appealed to all to replicate tree planting in their respective communities to protect the environment.

The program was chaired by the college’s Estate Officer, Mr. Paul Samba, who apologized for the unavoidable absence of the Acting Principal, Dr. Philip John Kanu, while the Senior Warden of Students, Mrs. Batilo Sandy, who rendered the vote of thanks, reiterated that the relevance of trees cannot be overstated.

The highpoint of the event was the planting of the trees by the Acting Vice Principal, staff and students of the college and officials of CSSL.




NPPA Sierra Leone Trains 125 MDAs On Procurement

By Alim Jalloh – 4 August 2019

The National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) is the statutory institution primary charged with the responsibility of regulating all public procurement processes undertaken by public institutions in the country.

In a view to empower and capacitate Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as Local Councils across the country, in order ensure that Procurement Officers and Procurement Authorities are well positioned to effectively, efficiently and transparently undertake or conduct procurement activities the Authority decided to conduct training sessions.

According to the indefatigable and optimistic-forward looking Chief Executive Officer of NPPA, Ibrahim Brima Swarray, the training sessions are targeting beneficiaries in all in the regions in the country starting with those in Freetown.

He disclosed that the training started on Monday 29 July 2019 and will be cascaded subsequently in the provinces.

CEO Swarray underscored that the NPPA does not only play its traditional role of regulating procurement process but also serves as adviser to Government in providing guidance as to whether or not certain procurement plans or requests must be endorsed, honoured or not.

“This is very strategic because it is assumed that 70% of Government’s revenue generated from taxes and donor support are primarily spent on procurement of goods, services and works. It therefore makes sense that the Government should be properly informed before action is taken in order to get value for money,” he highlighted, adding that for effective advice to transpire there must be dependable and reliable data which is why they decided to embark on getting reliable statistical data on procurement.

He noted that through data that is meticulously collected they could be able to determine the top 10 public institutions, contractors, suppliers that have done exceptionally well in terms of procurement within a specified period of time as well as those items that Government spends the highest amount of money on.

He said in the past Government used to spend up 6 to 7 million Leones only on papers, billions to purchase computers which, according to him, should not be the case. Making reference to himself, he said, he is currently using the computer that his predecessor was using highlighting that as long as a gadget is working there is no reason for it be changed for a new one on a quarterly basis terming such as wastage.

The charismatic NPPA Boss anchored that if we want to see more of Direct Foreign Investment then it is necessary for data to be uploaded regularly which, with the click of a mouse, will give indications of the country’s budget and other relevant information saying such will create the pathway for more investors to flow in.

The Director of Capacity Building at NPPA, Mr. Allieu M. Moigboi, intimated that procurement reporting through Standard Procurement Forms (SPFs) is a must for all procurement practitioners. “Recent monitoring proved that a good number of procurement officers are not grounded in the applicability of and utilization of the SPFs,” he revealed adding that to achieve EU benchmark indicators the Authority, in collaboration with the Procurement Directorate in the Ministry of Finance, thought it fit to organize series of training sessions for procurement practitioners in the various MDAs and Local Councils on procurement planning and other related issues.

Dilating on the rationale of the training session, Mr. Moigboi said the Authority would want to ensure that the expenditures on the procurement of goods, works and services by governing entities must be properly planned and implemented.

“Besides, the Government would want to know the total procurement expenditure on the various categories of procurement yearly including the methods of procurement,” he posited.

The Director of Capacity Building further stated that they are training 2 participants from 125 institutions in Freetown totalling 250 beneficiaries. The Training in Freetown ended on Friday 2nd August 2019.

The next points for the training sessions will be Bo, then Makeni and Kenema where they will target all Local Councils and MDAs. He said the facilitators of the training sessions are from NPPA and the Ministry of Finance. He said invitations have been sent out to all MDAs and Local Councils.

Throwing light on the difference between Procurement Officers and Procurement Committees, he said the former deals with technical evaluation and the latter either accepts or disapproves requests or recommendations forwarded by the former.

Sounding the views of some Heads of MDAs and Local Councils they expressed appreciation for the good initiative taken by NPPA maintaining that it is a step in the right direction.

Lamin Bangura, Procurement Officer at the Sierra Leone Library Board expressed his thanks to the NPPA and stating that this is the most advanced training he has undertaken.

Mr. Labour, Procurement Officer from Sierra Leone Safety Authority (SLSRA) revealed that the training has exposed them to new procurement software that will help them on their daily procurement activities in their various MDAs.