NP-SL Remains the Foremost Oil Marketing Company in the Nation

By Amin Kef Sesay

If today we are talking of successful business establishments in this country, definitely the National Petroleum-Sierra Leone Limited will be mentioned among the first category. Indeed, this is no exaggeration or there is no gainsaying to maintain that stance, when cognisance is seriously taken of how the company originated, the challenges it has weathered over the years and the status it has now attained.

With their end of service benefits being paid by the then British Petroleum Company, thirty-five (35) Sierra Leoneans, who were former employees of that company decided to come together and invest by setting up what is today the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd), the leading petroleum importing and marketing company in the whole country. The selflessness, the passion to succeed and sheer commitment on the part of the shareholders of the company have all contributed in one way or the other to catapult the company to the enviable position it today occupies  within the business landscape of this country.

The name NP is synonymous with 1st For Customer Care as one major thing the company is well renowned for is paying unfettered attention and doing everything reasonable to give ultimate satisfaction to its numerous customers. Mindful of the fact that without giving their best they will definitely lose customers and wanting to attract new ones ,the shareholders of the company, its Board of Directors and Management teams over the years have all ensured that qualitative petroleum products are made available for vehicular use as well as office and domestic consumption. Satisfaction is not only provided through giving qualitative products but the timely availability of these products which many could easily access.

Optimal satisfaction is also derived when customers do have the confidence that they are getting value for money. In other words, when they have trust that they are dealing with a very transparent company such gives them the courage to stay glue to that company. With the installation of calibrated pumping machines at its Filling Stations which have the capacity to pump the exact quantity of fuel that customers request for and at the same time displaying the prices gives the feeling that they are really getting back what they pay for. This trust is more built by the encouraging manner the company’s pump-attendants deal with customers.

When it comes to the implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy, then we can rate NP-SL as one company that has been excellently rolling it out to the letter. From origin, the shareholders of the company made it a laid down policy to give preference, in terms of employment, to Sierra Leoneans except in situations when the expertise to carry out a task could not be sourced locally. This indigenous posture has made it possible for Sierra Leoneans to be gainfully employed by the company putting them at vantage positions to take care of personal and family responsibilities.

With regards rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, NP-SL Ltd does not joke in doing so and as a matter of fact it has contributed to the resilience of other key institutions. One major boost that the company gave recently to the National Fire Force (NFF) was facilitating the construction of a water facility for its Kissy Branch costing millions of Leones. The facility has a kva generation that helps pump water into fire engines meant for usage in extinguishing fire outbreak within Greater Freetown. When cognisance is taken of how it is sometimes difficult to fetch water in Freetown it will dawn that the water facility, which gets water from underneath the earth surface, is very significant to the work that the NFF is doing.

To make it easy to access fuel, petrol or diesel, at Filling Stations the use of NP Smart Card was introduced. With this Card, a particular customer could procure fuel without exchanging tangible cash as long as the card contains money. The customer determines how much he needs which is exactly what will be deducted and the balance will remain. This convenient way of transacting business guarantees security of not losing cash or for it not to be stolen. Besides, it removes the tendency on the part of drivers to cheat when purchasing fuel.

Still with the objective of giving their customers the best, the company came with NP Gas which is now a household name. This cooking device is said to be very environmental friendly as it is less hazardous to health, is portable, easy to refill with gas that could be secured from the company’s dealers and very quick in terms of performance. Many have attested that it is worth trying and having.

The mere fact that NP-SL is successful, as evident in the opening of branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia truly tells of a result-oriented company. These branches are vibrantly thriving offering qualitative and outstanding services to people in those countries.

As a matter of fact in all these countries that the company is operating it is timely paying taxes to the Governments thereby contributing to the revenue baskets of these nations. These taxes form part of the revenue which Governments in turn use to fund various development projects.

To crown it all, NP SL Ltd is truly contributing to the socio-economic developments of all the countries it is operating and by extension  greatly bettering lives.


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