Orange Foundation, Technology Ministry Commences  Distribution of  Digital Kits to 20 Primary Schools

Orange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Basic Senior Secondary Education
Orange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Basic Senior Secondary Education

A transformative initiative was marked as Orange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Basic Senior Secondary Education, commences the distribution of digital school kits to 20 primary schools nationwide.

This initiative, aimed at enhancing digital literacy among young learners, aligns with the Government’s Big Five agenda, specifically focusing on Pillar 2: Nurturing Skills for the 21st Century, and Pillar 5: Investing in Technology and Infrastructure.

The distribution kicked off in Kangama and Koindu, reflecting Orange SL’s commitment to supporting education through access to Information Communication, Technology (ICT). Each school kit includes essential tools such as laptop computers, smart projectors, Raspberry Pi units, power banks, JBL Bluetooth speakers, Android tablets, and more. Solar panel kits are also provided for schools without electricity.

Sekou Amadou Bah, CEO of Orange SL, emphasized the importance of digital literacy in primary education, stating, “This initiative is a significant step towards enhancing digital literacy for pupils and resonates with Orange’s commitment to supporting Education.”

Since its inception in 2022/23, Orange has already donated 20 kits to primary schools, benefiting over 3,000 pupils. This year alone, more than 600 pupils across the country will benefit from these kits. The first phase includes schools like Roman Catholic Primary School in Koindu and Kailahun District Education Committee Primary School in Kangama, East Kailahun.

Minister Salima Monorma Bah of the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation, together with Sekou Amadou Bah, will oversee the first phase distribution, with plans for additional donations to be made to other primary schools in the coming months.

The initiative, which began in 2022/23, has seen Orange already donating 20 kits to 20 schools thereby providing access to more than 3000 pupils in primary schools. This year, over 600 pupils will benefit from these kits.

Orange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Basic Senior Secondary Education
Orange Foundation, in partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Basic Senior Secondary Education

Participating Schools for this first phase:

1. Roman Catholic Primary School, Koindu, East, Kailahun
2. Kailahun District Education Committee Primary School, Kangama, East, Kailahun

School kits:

● Laptop Computer & Charger
● Smart Projector & Screen
● Raspberry Pie & Charger
● Power Bank
● JBL Bluetooth Speaker
● Android Tablets
● Padlock
● Power Extension
● SD Cards
● Headphones
● USB Bracelets
● Solar Panel Kit (for schools without electricity)

This collaborative effort signifies a pivotal moment in equipping the next generation with the necessary tools to thrive in today’s digital age.




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