PWD Youth Organization Addresses Drug Abuse & Reveals Injustice Over Land

PWD Area Youth Development Organization.jpg

By Alvin Lansana Kargbo

In a recent engagement with the Press, on the 26th April, 2024, the PWD Area Youth Development Organization in Kissy, Freetown, revealed its confrontation with the dual challenges of drug abuse and land right violation.

Mohamed Badamasi Cole, the Secretary General of the organization dilated on the pressing issue of narcotics abuse particularly focusing on the synthetic drug known as ‘Kush,’ which, according to him, has been inflicting substantial harm on the youthful population of that community.

The PWD Area Youth Development Organization, a registered community-based service group, reiterated its dedication to combating drug abuse through a multifaceted approach. This includes providing intelligence to local authorities, conducting youth sensitization activities and offering vocational training opportunities.

He informed that, however, their efforts have encountered a significant setback due to a land dispute that has left them without a crucial training space.

The Secretary General of the organization, Mohamed Badamasi Cole, further revealed that for over three decades the organization was utilizing a parcel of land at Ferry Junction, operating a youth training workshop that imparted skills such as welding and carpentry.

He continued that in 2015 they solidified their right to the property by obtaining ownership through a conveyance.

The organization’s Secretary General lamented that, however, on January 6th, 2024, their workshop was forcibly demolished allegedly by an Indian businessman with the assistance of officials of the Ministry of Lands.

Mohamed Badamasi Cole also highlighted that despite pursuing legal avenues, including obtaining an ex-parte injunction against the defendant, the organization is now finding itself without a training space that has resulted in numerous youths being left unemployed and disengaged. He condemned the actions of Government officials involved in the demolition exercise asserting that they had acted in clear violation of the law and due process.

Demanding accountability from the authorities responsible for the breach of their rights, he called on the Government to promptly restore their land right and to rectify the damage already done.

He said despite this setback, the organization remains resolute in its commitment to defending the rights of the community’s youth and ensuring that justice prevails.

The press conference not only brought attention to the critical issue of drug abuse but also highlighted the broader systemic challenges facing youth organizations in securing their land rights.

As the community awaits a resolution, the PWD Area Youth Development Organization remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice and the betterment of the youth in their community.


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