Sustainable Communities Network Commences Computer Literacy Training for 28 Youths in Cole Farm Community

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By Ibrahim Bakarr Kamara

In pursuit of its mission to foster self-reliance among young individuals through technological proficiency, Sustainable Communities Network (SCN) has commenced a three-month computer literacy training programme for twenty-eight youths in  the Cole Farm Community, in the Western Area of Freetown, at no cost. The course comprises Digital Literacy programs, Introduction to ICT, Cyber Security Awareness and more.

Peter Joseph Menjor, the Director of Development at SCN, stated that the initiative aims to complement the Government’s efforts in human capital development and empower young people in the Cole Farm Community and its environs. He mentioned that the initiative aligns with one of the thematic areas of the organization and the Digital Platform Centre (DPC) at their headquarters revealing how it is a self-funded project by members of the organization to ensure that young people are well-equipped and ready for future employment.

He assured the Cole Farm Community members present at the event of SCN’s commitment to empowering young people and communities in the country. He added that the DPC is well-equipped with full Internet access, Desktops, and well-grounded committed tutors for effective service delivery.
“The three-month course is a pilot project for the entire DPC project, and each beneficiary will receive a certificate of completion with the National Council for Technical Vocational and Other Awards (NCTVA) and SCN stamps for future employment,” Menjor said.

“Prior to the kick-start of the Digital Platform Centre (DPC), SCN had embarked on cleaning exercises, a football gala, and recently partnered with Youth in Actions Against Drugs in combating drug addiction among young people in Sierra Leone,” Ibrahim Sillah, the Chairman of Cole Farm Youth Organization stated.

He noted that SCN’s initiative demonstrate compassion for humanity and provide a solution to stem youth unemployment in the Cole Farm Community and the country at large. He encouraged the trainees to take their courses seriously.

Speaking on behalf of her fellow trainees, Theresa Taylor, expressed her profound appreciation to Sustainable Communities Network (SCN) for their commendable gesture. She described the course as a step towards the twenty-first century and will help broaden their knowledge in technology, enhancing learning opportunities in the future.

Taylor called on the Government and other organizations to support SCN’s efforts in promoting computer literacy in the country.



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