TRIBUTE Momoh Konte: A Towering Personality that Touched Many Lives Gone Too Soon

By Amin Kef Sesay

I was left in a state of total disbelief and shock when, on Sunday afternoon, the 5th July 2020, I received a phone call, breaking the dreadful news of the death of Momoh Konte, commonly known as CEO or Chairman, as it was unfolded that he died alongside two other strong personalities, Saio Marah and Nfagie Alakuma Conteh in a gruesome vehicular road accident on their way to Freetown from his home town of Kabala in the Koinadugu District.

From where I was sitting at home, silently weeping, I started having vivid reflections and recollections on my mind of someone whom have impressed me a lot and have great respect for. For the rest of the day and up to this moment of putting this piece together I am in a sombre mood; deep down in my heart I know a “Cotton Tree” has fallen. The country has, indeed, lost a true son of the soil.

I came to know the now late Momoh Konte years back when I was introduced to him. We had a warm handshake, chatted a little on various issues and since then the friendship we forged became very tight. By then he was the Chairman of the country’s telecommunications regulator, the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) and indeed he was such a busy man. However, from time to time we will chat over phone, he will draw my attention to news items that he had interest in. I vividly recall, on certain occasions when I would call him to tell him of something negative that has been written against NATCOM or his very personality, stating my willingness to react in order to set the record straight.

“As far as I know it is nothing to worry about as there are no facts in all what have been said,” he will just brush it aside. At other times he will give the go ahead but that is after persuading him that an end must be put to such erroneous articles or telling him that people will believe in the baseless allegations on the basis of “silence means consent”. He will patiently explained the whole incident or situation to give me the facts and true situation, believing that he is guiding me. CEO will never forget to call and say Thanks for any effort made on his behalf; such was the grateful personality he was. But as far as I know the late man he just too believed in making as many friends as possible rather than hurting people; not the vindictive type of person.

Momoh Konte was the “Journalists’ Friend”, maybe as I later presumed because he likes reading a lot. He had the knack of striking good relationships with members of the Fourth Estate and whenever he thinks it is relevant he will extend assistances to ensure that practicing journalists keep flouting amidst the rising tide of economic hardship. But equally so he loved being surrounded by these his friends to discuss national issues, mainly politics, well because he was interested in it as well as football.

One thing I would always remember this great man for is his desire to help the less privileged in society. This, he manifested on many occasions, as I was made to understand. He financially supported the educational pursuits of many young boys and girls and provided various forms of humanitarian supports that positively impacted lives. This was one man whose love for his people of Koinadugu District cannot be matched. Nearly in every two weeks he will travel to meet his people. As the “Journalists’ Friend” whenever he wanted to commission most of the development projects that he personally funded, including the construction of school buildings, the ultra-modern clock tower, donations all in Koinadugu District, he would invite a battery of journalists to witness or grace those occasions.

We, journalists, fondly look forward to such trips because they were always full of fun and the receptions given were per excellence. This generous personality, who has now gone like a candle in the wind, never put on airs; we ate, on various occasions from the same plate and cracked jokes together without any form of ‘barrier’.  He was just an easy going personality.

Momoh Kemoh Konte was the APC Chairman of the Koinadugu District up to his demise. He did a lot in the name of the party, brought succour to many lives, families and individuals not necessarily members of the APC party, residents of Koinadugu district but people from different backgrounds and stations in life.

He was President and Chief Executive Officer of Transtech International, a global business management, information technology and economic consulting firm headquartered in Sierra Leone, with offices in, Liberia, Ghana, Gambia and the Ivory Coast. In addition to managing his consulting practice, he served as Chairman and Commissioner of the National Telecommunication Commission (NATCOM) of Sierra Leone.

He made tremendous contributions to the development of West Africa in various sectors including but not limited to information technology, education, philanthropy, corporate governance, ICT consultancy, civil society, democratic governance and tolerance and development of entrepreneurship.

The late man was a Ph.D. candidate in Leadership and Public Management, Walden University –Minnesota, USA, Certificate holder in Investment Banking and Stock Leadership, Penn Jersey Executive Session Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and he also attained a B.A in Economics at Howard University in Washington, DC, and a Master’s in Economics from the University of Toledo, Ohio.

He had tremendous experience in a multiplicity of interrelated disciplines in the fields of Economics, Business Administration, and Information Technology.

As a towering personality and contributor to  national development , Momoh Konte’s effort were profoundly noted for his monumental leadership in the fight against Ebola, especially in the Northern part of Sierra Leone; creation of employment for youth empowerment and personal contribution, and support for young people furthering their education both in and out of Sierra Leone.

Today, ‘our’ Father, Uncle, Big Brother and Mentor is no more as the cold hands of death has clutched him from us. We will miss this Great Personality for too long as the vacuum that he has left in the absence of his presence and in our minds will not be easy to fill. We take solace that he is in the bosom of the Almighty.

You have gone but would never be forgotten . Sleep well, CEO, Chairman and Rest in Perfect Peace. Adieu!!!

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The Calabash Newspaper The Calabash Newspaper
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