Amadu Wurie Sowe in hiding, Sierra Leone Police Launches Anti-gay Crackdown

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Amadu Wurie Sowe

By Karifa Thoronka

In a press release issued by the Sierra Leone police in October 2023 announcing the arrest of an advocate, Amadu Wurie Sowe of Kassirie Community, Samu Chiefdom, Kambia District for practicing gay have attracted many citizens going in search of Amadu, as majority of Sierra Leoneans are against the crime.

According to a resident of Kambia District, who identified himself as Foday and a friend of Amadu, the latter had been very secretive about his sexual orientation since they were early teenagers until Amadu was caught having anal sex with his male partner called Samuel on Tuesday 10th October, 2023 by his father, who is part of religious leaders in the district, at their residence around Kassirie, Samu Chiefdom, Kambia District.

Whiles narrating to the press, Foday noted that Amadu’s father who could not bear the shock of what he had seen decided to alert Amadu’s mom and stepmother as he shouted in apparent defiance and disgust. He adding that it was a battle between Amadu’s family and the Islamic Leaders in the Community in Kambia for Amadu to be killed by stoning him to death or beating him to death as it is against Islamic beliefs. They were on this argument when the Kambia Police came and arrested Amadu for committing an offence against the Person Act 1861 Section 61” which says Male same-sex sexual activity whether in public or private is illegal and it’s imprisonment for life; Amadu was then detained for his alleged sexual offence.

‘’Few days in police cell the community people came to know that Amadu has then fled the residence to seek refuge in another country’’ says Foday. According to eye witness, a Catholic Philanthropist identified as Reverend Christopher (Rev. Chris) is reported to have rescued Amadu by providing funds to flee the country in order to save his life having learnt of the numerous physical attacks on persons practicing and engaging same-sex sexual activity in the country. Foday further explained that after several threats to Amadu’s life from unknown persons who feel strongly about gays in the community, as their sexual orientation is believed to cross the boundaries of tradition and societal decency.

To compound Amadu’s situation Foday went on revealing that Amadu’s father has disowned him for what they said is bringing the name of the family to disrepute. Media Investigation prove that during a door-to-door headhunt for Amadu, youth and angry community members ransacked Amadu’s house both in the village and in Freetown and that of his Mother’s place, leaving all his belongings and those of his mother’s property all stolen.

Like Amadu, many have been lucky to escape to other countries while others have been unlucky to fall in the net of group of people who have taken as a pastime to physically attack and harm persons indulged in same sex. To date, the whereabouts of Amadu reportedly remains unknown since his father exposed him some months ago.


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