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Abdul Karim Tarawallg on the run for being gay

Abdul Karim Tarawallg
Abdul Karim Tarawallg, on the run for fear of his life

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Report reaching this medium last night indicates that one Abdul Karim Tarawallg is presently in a state of dilemma after his only Uncle drove him out of the house.

The whole problem started after Tarawallg lost two of his parents Jusufu Tarawallg and Memunatu Tarawallg and his only sister died in a gruesome road accident along the Freetown Makeni highway on the 14th February 2019.

A senior member of the family Ishmael Tarawallg told journalists that after the funeral arrangements, Abdul Karim’s Uncle drove him out of his late father’s house. Abdul became homeless for a month as nobody was ready to accommodate him.

He said on the 7th April 2019, Abdul Karim explained his plight to one man of God Victor Johnson at the Holy Cross Parish Church who later agreed to house Abdul Karim for a while.

He said Abdul Karim never knew that Johnson was a gay activist.

He said during their interaction, both fell in love contrary to the laws governing the nation. The law states that anyone arrested, charged to court, and found guilty of gay-related activities will be sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor. Such practice in the country is completely forbidden.

The Women’s Leader Aminata Kamara said after irate youths realized that both men are practicing gay, they stormed their Magazine Cut residence on the early hours of the 25fh of May 2019. She said the two guys were mercilessly manhandled by the irate youths until they became unconscious. She said the police had to intervene and later took them to a nearby hospital for urgent medical attention due to their deteriorating health conditions.

While at the hospital, family sources say, Abdul Karim, regained consciousness two days later while Johnson died as a result of the heavy pains inflicted on him.

A nurse at the Sarolla Hospital at Kissy, Mohamed Conteh said Abdul Karim later left the hospital after rumors went around that the angry mobs were threatening to attack the hospital to kill Abdul Karim for practicing gay.

The police officers investigating the matter urged the nurses to speedily treat Abdul Karim as he is wanted for questioning in connection with the alleged gay matter.

Abdul Karim who hails from a religious background angered his family over the issue, stressing that he has brought shame to the family for which punitive measures must be taken against him.

The nurse said she was shocked to learn the following morning of the disappearance of Abdul Karim from the hospital. Abdul Karim was later spotted at the border town of Kambia and since then his whereabouts remains unknown. Family members have expressed serious concern about his safety and well-being.




Abdul Karim Tarawallg on the run for being gay

Abdul Karim Tarawallg
Abdul Karim Tarawallg, on the run for fear of his life

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Report reaching this medium last night indicates that one Abdul Karim Tarawallg is presently in a state of dilemma after his only Uncle drove him out of the house.

The whole problem started after Tarawallg lost two of his parents Jusufu Tarawallg and Memunatu Tarawallg and his only sister died in a gruesome road accident along the Freetown Makeni highway on the 14th February 2019.

A senior member of the family Ishmael Tarawallg told journalists that after the funeral arrangements, Abdul Karim’s Uncle drove him out of his late father’s house. Abdul became homeless for a month as nobody was ready to accommodate him.

He said on the 7th April 2019, Abdul Karim explained his plight to one man of God Victor Johnson at the Holy Cross Parish Church who later agreed to house Abdul Karim for a while.

He said Abdul Karim never knew that Johnson was a gay activist.

He said during their interaction, both fell in love contrary to the laws governing the nation. The law states that anyone arrested, charged to court, and found guilty of gay-related activities will be sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor. Such practice in the country is completely forbidden.

The Women’s Leader Aminata Kamara said after irate youths realized that both men are practicing gay, they stormed their Magazine Cut residence in the early hours of the 25fh May 2019. She said the two guys were mercilessly manhandled by the irate youths until they became unconscious. She said the police had to intervene and later took them to a nearby hospital for urgent medical attention due to their deteriorating health conditions.

While at the hospital, family sources say, Abdul Karim, regained consciousness two days later while Johnson died as a result of the heavy pains inflicted on him.

A nurse at the Sarolla Hospital at Kissy, Mohamed Conteh said Abdul Karim later left the hospital after rumours went around that the angry mobs were threatening to attack the hospital to kill Abdul Karim for practicing gay.

The police officers investigating the matter urged the nurses to speedily treat Abdul Karim as he is wanted for questioning in connection with the alleged gay matter.

Abdul Karim who hails from a religious background angered his family over the issue, stressing that he has brought shame to the family for which punitive measures must be taken against him.

The nurse said she was shocked to learn the following morning of the disappearance of Abdul Karim from the hospital. Abdul Karim was later spotted at the border town of Kambia and since then his whereabouts remains unknown. Family members have expressed serious concern about his safety and well-being.

Threat to Life and Public Safety….. Aruna Bangura’s forceful initiation raises public safety concern in Sierra Leone

Aruna Bangura

By Taimu Thulla

Report from Makeni, Bombali District, Northern part of Sierra Leone has intimated this medium that some members of the ‘Poro Secret Society’ within the district are said to have declared ”Operation Kidnap Mission’’ whilst searching for one Aruna Bangura whose name was ticked for a forceful initiation into their secret bush.

The incident which was filed by our northern correspondent and as well fact checked and crosschecked was echoed by a research done by one organization who stated that the incident of repeated forceful initiation into secret society in 2019 alone has become a cause for concern.

Bangura who was said to have rejected the proposal as a religious man and in lieu of his fear that he might not come back alive as it has happened to others in the past, got the society men angry when it was recently revealed that it is only him who the ‘poro devil’ has ticked for the initiation ceremony. Poro Society is one among many secret societies in Sierra Leone that have mystic powers to the extent that majority of the masses are afraid of them whenever they are in operations.

Family sources disclosed that Bangura was ticked to be their next candidate based on the society’s doctrine that if the leader dies, his eldest son must succeed him. In March 2019, Bangura lost his father and just after his burial, issues of the late man’s successor came up. Bangura was said to have been first approached by his uncle who himself is a member of the society. He was reported to have resisted the call for him to be initiated into the ‘poro society’ and had bitter argument with his uncle. This according to family sources angered the uncle who was left with no option than to bring it to the fore of the society.

Times SL also gathered that Bangura’s refusal and reluctance to join the society created more problem for him to the extent that his safety became a concern to his siblings and friends.

A close friend of Bangura told our northern correspondent that on the night that the society men abducted him, he had to escaped from the society bush when the celebration was on going for his initiation ceremony. His friend said they only came to know about it when members of the society stormed the house pelting stones and sticks on the doors and windows with the loud cry of the poro devil.

He said the society men were shouting in temne opoh dinneh meaning he has escaped. So when he heard them saying such he knew straight that his friend must have maneuvered from the society bush. He said the incident happened at a time when residents within the township had all gone into their houses after got the news that the ‘poro devil’ will come out on the very night.

In their tradition, whenever the ‘poro devil’ comes out anyone spotted will not come back alive with the exception of only those who are members of the society. Therefore, it has become a tradition and customs to the people to always stay in-doors so as to be safe.

Explaining further, Bangura’s close friend disclosed to Times SL Newspaper that when the ‘poro society men‘ arrived, ”they unleashed and displayed their traditional and supernatural powers resulting in serious threats to people within the community. Anything they met outside like goats, sheep and other creatures were taken away.

Bangura’s whereabouts remained unknown though the search place on his head is still in force. The possibility of having a replacement for him according to investigation is not visible because the society men have made it openly that their new candidate who should satisfy the desire of their master is Aruna Bangura.

However, though concern have been raised by civil society organizations over the rampart invasion of secret societies into towns and districts right across the country, the government is still unable to handle the situation as most of the government authorities are alleged to be members of the said secret societies who themselves have been used to protect and cover their evil deeds.

Some among the government authorities have also been accused of taking undue advantage of their secret society to commits acts of ritual murder and that many a time there have been reported cases of dead bodies discovered with missing parts. The ‘poro secret society’, it is believe has part of its traditions to tear and disfigure human flesh which they usually used as part of their sacrifice.

Therefore, the 1945 Universal Declaration of the United Nations Convention on the Rights to life and Movement is not followed to the latter as there are reported cases of such forceful initiation in the country.

Bangura’s case is one among many in Sierra Leone who have been suffering in silence but unable to get protection as a result of the influence commanded by members of the societies

Sierra Leone News: Statistics Sierra Leone: Key Achievements

Professor Osman Sankoh, Statistician General, Statistics Sierra Leone

Stats SL’s Key Achievements
Period: April 2018 – March 2019
Management with new Statistician General

  • Strengthened collaboration with global development partners
    o Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) – support for research activities
    o Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) and the Africa Regional Data Cube (ARDC).
    o UNFPA, World Bank, USAID, Global Fund, CDC, UNICEF, UNDP, and DFID – support for SLIHS, MICS 6 launch, DHS, Capacity Strengthening activities
    o Chinese Embassy and JICA – Capacity strengthening and training
    o Made the National Statistical System (NSS) one of three components of the proposed World Bank’s Statistics Project for Stats SL.
    o UN Women – raised planning grant to develop a Project for the compilation of Gender Statistics including Gender-Based Violence.
    o AfDB funded consultants for mid-term review of National Strategy for the Development of Statistics II and study tours by Stats SL staff, five each to national statistics offices in Uganda and Rwanda.
    o IMF maintained technical support to Stats SL.
  • Successfully partnered with organisations across Sierra Leone to bring better information about Sierra Leone
    o Successfully advocated to the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to make the NSS an integral part of the Mid-Term National Development Plan, ensuring better decision making for Sierra Leone. Worked closely with MoPED on SDG tracking and reporting.
    o The Immigration Department to provide training on migration policy and data collection on migration statistics.
    o Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education – to collect data for the National School Census
    o Ministry of Health and Sanitation – both to implement the DHS and to implement the Public Health Surveillance Systems survey
    o National Commission for Democracy – to produce the State of Democracy Report
    o National HIV/AIDS Secretariat – supporting the DHS data collection activities
    o Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation – provided data and technical support for DSTI’s spatial analyses projects.
    o The Sierra Leone Police to produce key statistics on crime, traffic management, and road safety data analysis.
    o Ministry of Tourism and Culture – Conducted national census for spatial and attribute data collection of tourist and cultural sites.
    o National Revenue Authority – Joint proposal with NRA funded with Le6bn to conduct a rental property census.
    o Ministry of Finance – Worked with the research department on research capacity and data analysis and participated in relevant meetings.
    o Research Department, Bank of Sierra Leone – supported the Bank with data and participated in relevant meetings.
    o National Civil Registration Authority – participated in the biometric verification of Government workers and worked closely together in various areas of mutual interest.
    o National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) Social Safety Net (SSN) Qualitative Assessment study funded by the World Bank implemented.
  • Worked to make Sierra Leone a leader among low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in ensuring full transparency of data and development and in using data to ensure achievements targeting the SDGs. This will help Sierra Leone collaborate with countries across the Global South and North and help sustain our development path.
    o Developed and submitted Stats SL Proactive Disclosure Scheme as requested by the 2013 RAI Act, which made Stats SL one of the few NSOs in Africa to implement a Publication Scheme proactively.
    o Helped Sierra Leone move upwards (from position 122 in 2018 to 86 in 2019) in the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) 2018/19, by demonstrating Sierra Leone’s commitment to the coverage and openness of official statistics to help identify gaps, promote open data policies, improve access and encourage dialogue among National Statistical offices (NSOs) and data users in 178 countries, including almost all OECD countries.
    o Collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the Right to Access Information Commission (RAIC) to address data gaps for SDG Goals 13 and 14 on Climate change and Environment.
    o Strengthened Stats SL’s international reputation and visibility by presenting the situation of multidimensional child poverty in Sierra Leone at the UN Statistical Commission in New York.
    o Won Stats SL a permanent membership of the Expert Group on Measuring Violence against Children in New York, further garnishing Stats SL’s international reputation
    o Cemented Stats SL’s international reputation and visibility at the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, when Stats SL’s work in conducting verbal autopsies for under-five’s was presented at the Maternal and Child Epidemiology Estimation Group Meeting.
  • Ensured technical expertise available and supported the collection of essential routine data about Sierra Leone
    o Consumer Price Index (CPI) monthly data
    o Producer Price Index (PPI) data
    o Business Confidence Survey
    o Foreign Trade data. We process trade data from customs ASCUDA++ using EUROTRACE Software. We work with stakeholders to harmonize the system of trade data compilation in the country
    o Agriculture data
    o National Accounts data
    o Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by production, expenditure and income approaches. Using the SNA-93 to compile GDP and other aggregates. We compiled and disseminated the final figures for 2017 in September 2018. GDP in line with the ICP-Africa Project of the AfDB
    o Implemented Hep B Household Listing exercise
    o Technical and Logistical support provided for the DHS Household Listing exercise
    o Reproduction of enumeration areas (EA), AO and other map specifications for Stats SL and external clients for data collection, research and planning.
  • Launched new initiatives and completed others to collect better data and strengthen development across Sierra Leone
    o Commenced the four-year COMSA project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which seeks to undertake mortality surveillance in Sierra Leone using a Sample Registration System (SRS).
    o Successfully launched, nationally the 2017 Sierra Leone Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Report, which was the first of the sixth round of MICS surveys to be conducted globally, clearly placing Sierra Leone as a global leader in the current data landscape.
    o Successfully completed the data collection for the Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS) 2018 that produces poverty figures for Sierra Leone.
    o Contributed to the development of the new Multidimensional Poverty Index for Sierra Leone, funded by UNDP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.
  • Ensured essential transparency for Stats SL, to make it a leader amongst LMICs
    o Provided effective, transparent and accountable Leadership to Management and Staff in the executive of Stats SL operations.
    o Developed processes of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) across Stats SL.
    o Worked closely with the Chairman of the Statistics Council and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development to regain institutional credibility and visibility.
    o Compiled and submitted on time Stats SL Annual Report to the parliamentary committee on development and economic planning and to the Cabinet Secretary.
    o Completed first, second and third quarterly 2018 financial year (FY) internal audit.
    o Increased effectiveness and transparency of procurement processes through strengthening of the procurement committee.
    o Introduced an integrity management committee (IMC) that works with Anti-Corruption Commission
    o Ensured more efficient management of the institution’s assets
    o Submitted Annual Financial Report for 2017 and 2018 to Accountant General and Auditor General.
    o Submitted financial reports for all projects and activities undertaken in 2017 and 2018 to the relevant stakeholders especially development partners.
    o Undertook financial management activities for all GosL funded activities as well as those funded by development partners
    o Prepared and submitted on time Stats SL Annual budget FY 2017 and 2018 and took part in the bilateral budget discussions.
    o Discussed with the Appropriation Committee of Parliament for the approval of Stats SL budget.
    o Submitted requests for all funds due Stats SL to Ministry of Finance and other development partners.
    o Supported internal audit processes and implemented internal audit recommendations.
  • Strengthened Capacity at Stats SL, in Freetown and in offices across Sierra Leone
    o Training of eighteen (18) staff for the hepatitis B household listing exercise using electronic hand held devices (phone).
    o Training of sixty (60) Stats SL staff for the DHS household listing exercise using tablets.
    o Monitored the 2018 SLIHS data entry clerks in data capture at district level
    o Trained data entry staff on Developing CS Pro dictionary
    o Designed data capture template for Cash Transfer Survey
    o Trained field staff and Monitored 2018 DHS listing exercise
    o Facilitated the training of forty (40) staff of the family support unit (FSU) from the Sierra Leone police force on Data management by Stats SL.
    o Facilitated the training of staff from the procurement, finance and internal audit departments on World Bank procurement issues in October 2018
    o Coordinated the five-day Stats SL Regional internal training programme on STATA statistical software for 22 Stats SL district staff in Bo city from 4th -8th march 2019
    o Coordinated the two day Stats SL Regional internal training programme on vehicular regulations and maintenance for 4 Stats SL drivers in Bo city from 4th -5th march 2019.
    o Started the refurbishment of the HQ building to create a conducive work environment.

Source: Statistics Sierra Leone


Sierra Leone News: VP assures implementation of Peace Conference resolutions

Sierra Leone’s Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

Sierra Leone’s Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh has assured of the Government’s commitment to fully implementing the outcome of the just concluded National Peace Conference. He said everyone’s view during deliberations over the course of the three days would be taken into account.

He was speaking as he received the Communique from the conference.

“It is with humility that I receive the final communique containing the key highlights of the deliberations over the last three days,” he was quoted saying.

The conference unofficially dubbed Bintumani III, was organized by the Government as part of efforts to unite a country seemed to be divided along political, ethnic and regional lines.

The Government also said the conference is a precursor to the formation of a National Peace Commission.

But the run up to host the event has been dominated by boycott by opposition parties.

The main opposition All Peoples Congress and the Coalition For Change say the organizers did not do enough consultations to incorporate opposition views.

Nonetheless, VP Jalloh believes the deliberations were worth it.

“It is evident that the conference to a large extent responded to the need to stimulate consultations,” he said.

Transparency and accountability, good governance, and equitable distribution of national resources were on top of the issues raised by participants.

The organizers say the Communique, which has not been released to the public, is just a draft. Therefore ordinary Sierra Leoneans still have a few more days to present their views for possible inclusion to the final document.



Sierra Leone News: Isha Johansen Acquitted of Corruption Charges

Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) President Isha Johansen

Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) President Isha Johansen has been acquitted on all counts of corruption by a court in Freetown.

She was acquitted by Justice Reginald Fynn of all corruption charges. Also acquitted is the SLFA’s Secretary General Chris Kamara.

They had been suspended from the SLFA. The charges were brought up in October 2017 by former Anti-Corruption Commissioner Ady Macauley. There were 11 charges in total on misappropriation focusing on the sum of $50,000 given to the SLFA by the African Confederation.

This acquittal means that Johansen and Kamara can resume their roles at the SLFA. It also means the FIFA ban against Sierra Leone will be lifted. It also means that new elections can be held for the SLFA leadership.

Johansen and co. have held their posts since August 2013.

Her acquittal, along with SLFA General Secretary Christopher Kamara, paves the way for the lifting of a ban from global football.

Football’s world governing body, Fifa, suspended Sierra Leone in October last year due to the third-party interference in the running of the SLFA,

Soon after the suspension, Fifa said it would “wait for the completion of the trial before further measures can be considered, including the lifting of the suspension, if deemed appropriate.”

The ban came after the country’s anti-corruption commission (ACC) set aside Johansen and Kamara and handed over control of the SLFA to Vice-President Brima Mazola Kamara and Assistant Secretary General Abdul Rahman Swarray.

The ACC says that under Sierra Leone law, both Johansen and Kamara must vacate their posts until their case on corruption-related charges concludes.

Fifa always maintained that it would only recognise Johansen as the SLFA President.

The original corruption charges against the pair were drastically reduced from ten counts to three, and from four to three for Kamara.

Johansen and Kamara have always denied any wrongdoing.

Sierra Leone’s ban saw them disqualified from the qualifying campaign for next month’s Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt.


Sierra Leone News: Attack on Basita Michael Condemned

Basita Michael Esq

One of the versatile legal luminaries that is widely known and respected for her uprightness and positive disposition, Basita Michael Esq, who happens to be the President of the Sierra Leone Bar Association, has once more come under the spotlight  for her expressed views on national matters.

Few days ago the women of Sierra Leone joined by the Christian Lawyers Centre (LEGAL LINK) to condemn the volume of verbal attacks and frustrations that have been exported on her,  for simply expressing her candid opinion on how sustainable peace and national cohesion can be achieved in the State during the Bintumani 3 Conference.

According to LEGAL LINK, as an organisation that defends the rights of Human Rights Defenders in Sierra Leone, they take the greatest exception to this unsavoury behaviour and the utmost dislike for dissenting voices in a democratic society.

In a release issued out recently, LEGAL LINK states: “We have taken the pains to listen to and critically analyse the statement of Basita Michael at the Peace and National Cohesion Conference (Bintumani 111) for which she is being vilified. It is our candid opinion that her statements were not only factually correct but were also said in good faith and at the right platform whose primary objective was to seek for solutions that will foster lasting peace and social cohesion in the State.”

As a matter of fact, LEGAL LINK went on, the ECOWAS Representative and the Representatives from Kenya and Rwanda also made strong statements and condemnation against policies and practices within a State that marginalizes a particular group of persons on the basis of their tribe, sex, region, colour or political orientation.

LEGAL LINK said there was consensus amongst all the international Representatives present at Bintumani 3 that such political ethnocentricisms, narrow and parochial assumptions should be detested in the State if lasting peace and social cohesion is to be achieved.

But why then the verbal outrage and outburst on Basita Michael’s presentation and not her male counterparts has been one of the perturbing questions asked by LEGAL LINK.

According to them, the reason is simple – dominance; sexism; parochiality and male chauvinistic attitudes at play. It is not a coincidence or a surprise that all the frontline critics of the iron lady have been men. I will explain.

In Sierra Leone, notwithstanding the plausible efforts of past and current governments to put women at the centre of development through the enactment of laws and policies, much cannot be accounted for in terms of real gains and successes.

A cursory look at women’s representation in the legislative, executive and judicial arms of government in Sierra Leone will reveal that challenges still exist in terms of access, equality and non- discrimination.

It is important to emphasize that Basita Michael is not the only victim to the campaign for women’s rising in Sierra Leone. Other notable women that have dared to cross the line have faced similar embarrassments and assassinations of their characters.

Her worship, Yvonne Aki Sawyer, Mayor of the Municipality of Freetown for example has witnessed tough moments of undue criticisms and bashing over her quest to initiate independent policies and programmes to govern the Municipality of Freetown during the first year of her tenure.

Marcella Samba, Head of Campaign for Good Governance has also witnessed her own lots for standing up and speaking out. Her forthrightness and aggressiveness in pushing for the truth has been often misinterpreted to mean disrespect for state officials and protocols. Her recent admonition over 98.1 radio for both President Bio and the former President, Ernest Bai Koroma, to reach out to each other and be seen hand in gloves before the conference was greeted with strong outrage and resentments by critics in many social media platforms.

But notwithstanding the political hullabaloo, alas, ‘chickens have come home to roost’.

From the above points raised, it stands to reason therefore that the verbal outbursts and rhetoric on Basita Michael’s presentation was not just an exception but rather a display of a continued pattern, a rule as well as an optic revealing the gauge and extent to which our society is still in denial of providing the space for women to fully participate in the social, political and decision making processes in Sierra Leone.

To this end, LEGAL LINK called on Governments to do more than just the ordinary if the status quo is to change in fundamental terms.

They recommended the need to embark on smart and concrete solutions that will help demystify rhetoric and nuances that undermines women’s empowerment in Sierra Leone. Like Rwanda, a country reputed as model to the world in terms of Women’s access to political and decision making platforms, Sierra Leone should implement to the fullest the TRC’s 30% minimum quota recommendation in all spheres of public life. This will certainly help in changing attitudes and perceptions of Women in Sierra Leone.

Also, being a party to the CEDAW Convention and the MAPUTO Protocol is good but translating such legislative obligations into real outcomes at the national level is what is desirable.

Finally, from the plethora of attacks that have been levied against women activists both in the past and in the now, it begs for the urgent passing of a law that protects human rights defenders in Sierra Leone.

LEGAL LINK is a non- profit legal advocacy group that seeks to defend the rights of religious communities and vulnerable groups in Sierra Leone through public interest litigation, advocacy, legal and policy reforms and ensuring respect for fundamental human rights in both domestic and international law.


Sierra Leone News: President Bio Receives Trophies from Premier League Board

President Julius Maada Bio

The Sierra Leone Premier League Board presented trophies for the 2018/2019 Premier League to His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio at a meeting held at State House.

Chairman of the Premier League Board, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, said they were meeting with the President to formally present to him the premier league trophies courtesy of the fact that the Premier League Board got substantial support from the Government, out of which they were able to organize the league as well as procure the trophies. He added that it was essential to present the trophies to the President as a show of respect and because of the President’s personal commitment to revive football.

“We want to thank Government very much for supporting us. At the time we were appointed we were scrambling all over the place looking for money but thankfully you came to our aid and we have been making good use of what we got. The league has created quite a number of jobs for young people. Different leagues are being played right across the country and we believe it is the beginning of a fruitful journey,” Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai said.

In his response, President Bio thanked the Board for all the amount of work placed in organizing the league and how well they had been able to organize it. He recalled that before the league started everyone thought football was dead but the Board was able to take up the challenge and had proven that Sierra Leoneans were able to actually organize themselves.

“We are proud of how well you have been able to manage the finance. We want to make sure that Sierra Leoneans continue to love their football and that is what you have done, so I want to thank all of you for making us proud and for keeping us all busy with the league. We will continue to support and work very hard to make sure that Sierra Leoneans continue to love football,” he assured.


Chairman of the Premier League Board, Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai and President Bio


Sierra Leone News: Ghanaian Special Envoy Pays Courtesy Call on President Bio at State House

Ghana, Professor George Gyan-Baffour and President Julius Maada Bio

Special Envoy and Minister of Planning in Ghana, Professor George Gyan-Baffour, on Tuesday 28th May 2019 met with His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio at State House to discuss bilateral relations between the two West African nations.

The two men spoke on a wide range of issues including regional and sub-regional cooperation and talked about deepening the already existing bilateral relations they enjoyed.

In his brief remarks, President Bio said: “Our countries are very close in terms of our relationship and we are open up to further strengthen that. So, it is a pleasure to have you here”.

It could be recalled that in October last year, the Rtd. Brig. General made his first official visit to Accra, the capital of Ghana, as President of Sierra Leone where he was welcomed by his counterpart, President Nana Akufo-Addo.

The two Heads of State had also met at a separate bilateral summit in Accra where they both expressed satisfaction with the warm and cordial relations that existed between the two countries and reaffirmed their determination to widen the ties.


Sierra Leone News: FCC to Construct 5000 Housing Units for slum dwellers

Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyer

Recently, the Mayor of Freetown revealed that she is working on the commencement of work for the construction of 5000 housing units for low earners in Sierra Leonean capital. Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyer said Monday the project is targeted at slum dwellers.

She was speaking as she announced commencement of feasibility study in the slum communities and the potential areas where the housing projects will be hosted.

The World Bank supported project, under it’s Urban Resilience Project, is part of plans to decongest the city which is struggling to meet demands for social services due to over population.

Lack of housing has forced some Sierra Leoneans to live in dangerous locations, like slums, up steep hills and even under bridges.

Residents of the city’s over 70 slum communities are also posing a serious stress on the environment, as illustrated by encroachment into the sea.

Slums are also a major health issue for the Government, as they are susceptible to frequent outbreaks of Cholera and other infectious diseases.

The housing project is also part of Mayor Aki-Sawyer’s ‘Transform Freetown’ agenda.

“We are looking at how to upgrade some of the slum communities, but also there will be some movement,” she said.

She disclosed that three areas in the Western Area Urban and Western Area Rural are being assessed to host the new communities.