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Pres. Bio & NERC Strategize Against COVID-19

By Amin Kef Sesay

President Dr Julius Maada Bio engaged members of the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC) at State House on 16 March 2020  as part of Government’s preparedness to tackle any case of Coronavirus, COVID-19, in the country.

During the meeting, Chief Minister Professor David John Francis said that the President had directed the use of the Ebola Response experience to strengthen the Government’s Coronavirus enhanced preparedness, adding that the Ebola Response team was meeting the President to share their experience.

Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr Alpha Wurie, said that the virus is now closer to the country because all the other countries within the Mano River Union (MRU) apart from Sierra Leone had contracted the virus. He said that the country had the experience of the Ebola, noting that it was good to engage those who were at the helm of the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak.

Former Chief Executive Officer of the NERC, Rtd. Major Alfred Paolo Conteh, said that the President and his Government were on the right path for bringing them on board to share their experience. He said that the fight required everyone on board to avoid a repeat of the Ebola outbreak and assured that he was fully ready to serve in the interest of the country.

In his statement, President Julius Maada Bio said that the footprint of the Coronavirus was uncomfortably closer, saying that Sierra Leone is the only country within the MRU without any case of the virus yet. He said that he wanted the country to use its experience from dealing with the Ebola to mobilise every Sierra Leonean to be a fighter against the virus.

“We take the experience of the Ebola very seriously and we want to draw on your experience because this is a national duty. We have quite a lot to gain from your experience and we want you to be part of this effort to prevent this virus. We have done quite a lot with more to be done together,” he said.

It could be remembered that as part of the Government’s preparedness efforts, President Julius Maada Bio had already conducted assessment tours of the facilities at the Infectious Diseases Prevention Centre at Wilberforce, Lungi International Airport and the Kambia Gbalamuya border with the Republic of Guinea.

Govt. Restricts Overseas Travel & Public Gatherings

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a Press Release dated 16th March 2020, the Government of Sierra Leone says it is gravely concerned over the outbreak and spread of the Coronavirus Disease, with its devastating consequences globally.

It furthered that while no case has been reported in Serra Leone, confirmed cases have been reported in both Guinea and Liberia, our immediate neighbours. “In order to prevent the Coronavirus Disease from reaching Sierra Leone, His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio has, among other measures, directed the following, with immediate effect:

A ban on overseas travel for ALL Government Officials. The General Public is also advised to restrain, as far as possible, from overseas travel until further notice. Public gatherings should not be attended by more than One Hundred (100) persons.

Containing the spread of the Coronavirus Disease is the responsibility of every citizen. Therefore, the general public is advised to limit social contacts to the barest minimum, and to alert Healthcare Service Providers of any emergencies,” the Release ended.

In adherence to the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR), the Ministry of Health and Sanitation has activated the Emergency Operation Centre (EOCJ at level 2, to coordinate the emergency preparedness and response activities with the goal of preventing importation of cases and mounting a robust response whenever necessary.

Consequent upon resolutions adopted at the Inter-Ministerial Committee Meeting (IMC) which was conducted on the 2nd March 2020, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation is pleased to inform the general public, diplomatic missions and all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) about the following additional precautionary measures:

  1. All Citizens and residents in Sierra Leone are strongly advised to postpone intended travel to any country, which has reported confirmed case(s) of COVID-19, with or without community transmission until the outbreak is halted, unless it is absolutely necessary. For those who cannot postpone intended travel, we urge you to observe all necessary precautionary measures instituted by the means of travel and the host country.
  2. Travelers arriving at any Point of Entry (POE) in Sierra Leone with any of the following signs and symptoms will be immediately taken into isolation facility for investigation and management:
  3. Fever above 37.5 °c
  4. Persistent cough
  5. Difficult breathing
  6. Travelers from countries with less than SO confirmed cases will be documented and followed-up by designated surveillance officers/contact tracers at home for a period of 14 days to ensure compliance with surveillance procedures.
  7. Travelers arriving at any Point of Entry in Sierra Leone from countries with 5O or more confirmed cases of COVJD-19 will have to undergo either of the two quarantine methods:
  8. Travelers whose embassies/missions/organizations have identified an isolation facility verified by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation will be taken to the facility to be quarantined for a period of 14 days. Embassies/missions/organizations who opt for this method will be responsible for safe transportation from the Point of Entry to the identified facility. The Embassy /mission/organizations should provide the names and expected date of arrival of these travellers at least three days before arrival and will be responsible for all expenses incurred during the quarantine processes.
  9. All other persons will be taken to the MANDATORY QUARANTINE FACILITY managed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and observed for a period of 14 days.
  10. We are strongly recommending that travellers from countries with 200 or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 may only visit Sierra Leone if they have very crucial or essential functions to perform in the country at this critical point in time. You are however, advised to stay in your country during this critical period
  11. All passengers who arrive with a Laissez-passer /emergency travel certificate/ID card will be immediately taken to the quarantine facility for secondary screening. If there is any suspicion of an illegal attempt to undermine the process, such a visitor will be kept in the designated quarantine facility for 14 days.

According to the Ministry of Information, 110 people have so far been quarantined and observed; 85 have tested negative after completing the quarantine period; and 26 are currently under observation.


“AfDB to Deploy African Legal Support Facility…” -President Akinwumi Adesina

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone is working to reinvigorate agribusiness development with a focus on rice production and is depending on the African Development Bank (AfDB) to achieve it.During a two-day visit in Sierra Leone Akinwumi Adesina, President of the AfDB, held meetings to discuss curbing malnutrition, creating skills and jobs for young people, scaling up economic diversification and restoring the country to self-sufficiency in rice production.

“Our Government is working hard to recover the economy, which was on the brink of collapse,” said Maada Bio, President of Sierra Leone. “We want to focus on economic diversification, with agriculture as the main driver. We are serious about developing this country and will appreciate the bank’s support to realize our dreams. Infrastructure is an enabler for development, so we appreciate what the Bank is doing in Sierra Leone.”

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry data, total rice demand in 2018 was 1.6 million tonnes, against local production of 700,000 tonnes. In July 2019, AfDB approved the $11 million Agribusiness and Rice Value Chain Support Project to stimulate agribusiness development in the country with a focus on rice.

“Sierra Leone should not be spending over $200 million yearly importing rice because its climatic conditions are generally favourable for rice production,” Adesina said.

AfDB also expressed interest to support the development of critical infrastructure in the West African country and to open space for greater private sector participation in the economy. Adesina said AfDB would deploy the African Legal Support Facility to help the country better manage its natural resources.

Adesina commended President Bio for his decision to join the African Leaders for Nutrition as a nutrition champion in his country, and for Africa. “Sierra Leone is an important country to the Bank,” Adesina said. “We will support you to build a more robust and resilient economy, to transform the lives of your people. That is our role as a bank, putting people at the heart of development.”

The AfDB is a development finance institute comprised of the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF) and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). On the ground in 37 African countries with an external office in Japan, the AfDB contributes to the economic development and the social progress of its 54 regional member states.

US Embassy Reveals Harsh Conditions in Correctional Centres

US Ambassador to Sierra Leone: Maria E. Brewer

By Amin Kef Sesay

In its latest 2019 Human Rights Report on Sierra Leone, the United States Embassy analyses conditions in the country’s prison and detention centres. This is what the Report says in that direction:

Prison and detention center conditions were harsh and life threatening because of food shortages; gross overcrowding due to an inefficient justice system and lack of sufficient correctional facilities and personnel; physical abuse; lack of clean water; inadequate sanitary conditions; and lack of medical care.

Physical Conditions: The country’s 20 prisons, designed to hold 2,055 inmates, held 4,559 as of August. The most severe example of overcrowding was in the Freetown Male Correctional Center, designed to hold 324 inmates, which held 2,089. Some prison cells measuring six feet by nine feet held nine or more inmates. The NGO Prison Watch (PW) and Sierra Leone Correctional Services (SLCS) reported that 13 prisons and detention centres were moderately overcrowded.

In most cases pre-trial detainees were held with convicted prisoners. The Attorney General reported that as of August, of the 4,559 persons held in prisons and detention centres, 1,941 had been convicted. The SLCS reported that one inmate jailed in 2007 had yet to appear in court.

SLCS authorities and human rights observers reported detention conditions remained below minimum international standards because of unhygienic conditions and insufficient medical attention. Conditions in police station holding cells were poor, especially in small stations outside Freetown. Lack of adequate physical facilities created life-threatening conditions for detainees. Holding cells in some facilities were often dark, with little ventilation, and inmates slept on bare floors, using their own mattresses and clothes as bedding. The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) and PW reported poor toilet facilities in some correctional centres. Inmates were often forced to use buckets as toilets.

Cells often lacked proper lighting, bedding, ventilation, and protection from mosquitoes. For security reasons authorities refused to allow inmates to sleep under mosquito nets, using chemical repellents instead. Most prisons did not have piped water, and some inmates lacked sufficient access to potable drinking water. In September observers reported that in some facilities to avoid overcrowding in the common areas, authorities confined inmates to their cells for long periods without opportunity for movement. An international donor funded the installation of running water, toilets, and septic tanks in the Makeni, Bo, and Kenema correctional centres.

Prison authorities issued bedding, including blankets, to inmates at the Freetown Female and Male Correctional Centres. Some mattresses were on the floor at the Male Correctional Center. Conditions in detention centres, including lighting and ventilation, were generally better for female inmates than for male inmates.

As of August prison authorities reported 40 deaths in prisons and detention facilities due to malaria, respiratory infections, skin infections, hypertension, and typhoid fever. The PW confirmed the causes of death as reported by the SLCS and made a determination that most deaths were directly related to prison conditions, such as overcrowding and poor hygienic conditions. The SLCS reported the Government provided adequate medications for inmates, despite the absence of vital medical equipment in most correctional centres. In cases of medical emergencies, prison authorities transferred inmates to the nearest Government hospitals. Officials referred female inmates to local hospitals for special care, and Government hospitals complied with the requests.

Prison authorities and the HRCSL reported there was no discrimination against inmates with disabilities. The PW reported it had no information regarding abuse of inmates with disabilities.

The PW reported a shortage of prison staff, which resulted in a lack of security that endangered inmates’ safety. The SLCS in Bo reported that in March inmate violence led to the death of one inmate. As of September all 13 inmates who allegedly participated in the killing were standing trial at the High Court in Bo.

As of September the PW reported that no prison or detention center facility held male and female inmates together.

The PW reported 15 juveniles in Kenema Correctional Center and one at the Freetown Maximum Correctional Center, all ages 14 to 17. Nonetheless, it was often difficult to confirm the ages of inmates due to the pervasive lack of official documentation, which resulted in some juveniles being treated as adults.

Authorities sent most offenders younger than 18 to “approved schools” or reformatory institutions. According to the SLCS, although authorities made some effort to avoid detaining juveniles with adults, they frequently detained minors with adults in police cells while waiting to transfer them to juvenile facilities in Freetown.

In juvenile facilities detainees did not have adequate access to food, water, and education and were sometimes unable to attend court hearings due to lack of transportation.

According to SLCS authorities, several prisons held infants, most of whom were born in prison and initially kept there with their mothers. As of September there were eight infants in correctional centres across the country. Once such children were weaned, authorities released them to family members or to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender, and Children’s Affairs, which placed them in foster care. SLCS authorities in Freetown, Bo, and Kenema provided Government-funded child-care centres for children of inmates.

Administration: There was no prison ombudsman, but senior prison officials were available to respond to complaints. Inmates reportedly refrained from filing complaints directly with prison authorities because they believed such actions would spur retaliation by judicial authorities.

Authorities permitted regular family visits and provided a telephone for inmates to communicate with their relatives. The SLCS has visibly painted on murals the hours of inmate visitation and communicated that visits are free of charge.

Prison rights advocacy groups reported that authorities generally investigated credible allegations of mistreatment of inmates.

Independent Monitoring: The Government permitted monitoring by independent non-governmental observers. International monitors had unrestricted access to the detention centres and police holding cells. The HRCSL and PW monitored prisons on a monthly basis. The SLCS also freely allowed other NGOs such as Humanist Watch to monitor prison conditions on a regular basis.

Improvements: Over the past two years, the SLCS has improved its facilities, policies, and practices in an effort to align with international standards for the treatment of inmates. For example, eight of the country’s 20 correctional facilities have been renovated with new roofs, running water, toilets, modern sanitation including septic tanks, and improved lighting. In Mafanta two new cell blocks with the capacity to hold 300 inmates were opened in May. In Waterloo a newly refurbished facility was opened in September with the capacity to hold at least 150 inmates. New SLCS security policies, such as key control, were complemented by expanded inmate programs, including access to information, increased visitation hours, and expanded services such as educational and vocational training opportunities.

NP-SL Bags Hefty Commendations for Qualitative Petroleum Products

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) continues to bag widespread and hefty commendations for timely making available qualitative petroleum products which are utilized on a daily basis for the effective functioning of vehicles, generators machineries of all types and the like. Management of this truly indigenous business entity always ensures that arrangements are well made with its business partners to procure and ship good petroleum products including petrol, diesel as well as lubricants one of which is the most used Castrol oil.

The company is among one of the oldest thriving indigenous companies that have stood the test of time in this country and it is viably moving from one height to another. A committed and dedicated company that is here for real business, NP-SL is an epitome of how selflessness and sincerity of purpose can powerfully transform an initiative into a towering business entity. The original 35 Sierra Leonean shareholders really harnessed those attributes very well and infused them in policies and managerial decisions that contributed immensely to the development of the company.

It is an established fact that certain indigenous companies were ambitiously set up by some individuals with big dreams of turning them into conglomerates. Lamentably, with time some of those business ventures collapsed like a pack of cards as a result of internal pressures and external forces. Unwise managerial decisions, political unrests, inability to strongly compete and sheer lack of perseverance sent some of those companies into oblivion well before consolidating their bases.

Authoritatively, it can be categorically stated that NP-SL is an exception to the norm. Like other business entities, NP-SL was badly shaken by the war but it will interest many to know that though it was seriously affected such did not deter the resolve of NP-SL to continue doing business as it used to do before. With confirmation of relative peace in the country NP-SL bounced back and by putting the right things in place normal transactions in petroleum products gradually took momentum to the utmost satisfaction of many. Today, amidst teething challenges, the company keeps surviving.

Currently, the company has earned a good reputation for enhanced customer service delivery as a result of its pro-active stance in always trying to optimize customer care, which it holds in high esteem with the view that in the absence of its numerous customers then the company’s existence is meaningless. To the shareholders and Management of the company, achieving customer satisfaction is very precious and key which is why it is doing everything within its reach and reasonably to give customers high grade petroleum products at affordable prices.

Through its pro-activeness and the ultimate need to succeed, latest calibrated pumping machines were installed at the company’s various Filling Stations having the capacity to pump the appropriate quantity of petroleum products paid for. As they are very transparent, these calibrated pumping machines continue to instil confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent company as well as feeling that they are getting their money’s worth.

Within the same ambit of bringing technology closer to its customers for enhanced transactions, the idea of availing its customers the use of NP Smart Card was borne. Today we hear of “fuel on your smart card” which figuratively could be interpreted within the context of using a financially loaded NP Smart Card to purchase the right number of petroleum products one intends to utilize without any physical monetary transactions.

Using NP Smart Card guarantees safety, saves time and gives air of importance to the holders, some considering them as the crème-de la crème of society, when in actual fact anyone can make use of it. It creates a situation where a customer will intermittently know the balance money on his card and use such information to make informed decisions as to further top up or utilize, for example, the quantity of fuel that the balance amount could procure.

With a view to make people gain easy access to a device that could be suitable for various cooking purposes, NP Gas was introduced and since gas is one of the petroleum products that is up for sale then it just falls in place that it will be prudent to make it convenient for people to access them at their filling stations and from authorized dealers, going at affordable prices. It had been undoubtedly proven that they are environmentally friendly and safe to use as well as refill. NP Gas has now become the ubiquitous cooking friend in many households and many are trying not to miss out on it.

Strengthening relevant institutions as it did recently in capacitating the Kissy Branch National Fire Force with a standard water facility to capably respond to fire emergencies is just one way through which NP is complementing efforts being made by both the central and local Governments in fostering development interventions geared towards improving overall standards of living.

When job opportunities are created from time to time, the negative impacts of poverty subside with a corresponding upsurge in peace and tranquillity. Instead of tempers rising, daggers drawn out there will be joy and harmonious co-existence. Through its expansionist drive and to match up with modern trends, NP-SL has been providing various jobs for many who were hitherto at the lower ends of society. Family lives have been transformed for the better and there is room for future positive outcomes.

What is so unique about the company is its policy to have in its employ Sierra Leoneans making it a truly indigenous company that is strictly adhering to the country’s Local content Policy. The company is a 100% indigenous company.

People who intend to set up businesses that they would like to see flourish must understudy NP-SL, see how it grew and learn valuable lessons that could serve as a roadmap to higher heights. It is truly a source of pride and inspiration.

Youth Ministry Provides Over 2000 jobs via Car Wash Project

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Ministry of Youth Affairs has employed over 2000 youths nationwide through its car wash project that is being implemented by the Ministry. This disclosure was made on Tuesday 17th March 2020 during a conducted media tour to assess the impact which the Car Wash Project has created since it was implemented in Freetown.

The tour captured Car Wash Centers like Progressive Youth Car Wash on Syke Street, Amount Auroel Car Wash, John Ogoo Car Wash at Regent, Under the Bridge Car Wash at Grafton and the Wellington Car Wash etc.

Speaking to this Press during the tour, the Minister of Youth Affairs, Mohamed Orman Bangura, disclosed that his Ministry has created over 2000 jobs for youths in the car wash service, adding that 35 youths have been employed in each of the car centres across the country and described the project as a scheme that seeks to ensure that youths across the country are trained in entrepreneurial skills.

He added that these youths received training on saving a percentage of their income so that their dependents will also benefit from the venture in the future. He noted that ten car wash structures have already been built in the Western Area and 27 more will be constructed across the country in the not too distant future and they are expected to create more jobs for young people across the country.

Orman stated that it difficult to have someone to repair a flat tire at night  underscoring which is why  the  car wash centers will be equipped with facilities some which will be used to  repair faulty tires and mini marts to help sustain them

He furthered that the Ministry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with all the Centers pinpointing that they are responsible for whatever gets missing in any car that goes to any of the centers for servicing.

“It has always been difficult to start but there is great improvement. Gone are the days when young people are left to lag behind. We are now making them to become partners in development and restore their confidence”.

In the area of sustainability the Minister stated 10% of the income will go to the Ministry for maintenance of equipment and renovation and the remaining will stay with the car wash centers.

He stated that the country has been lagging behind for far too long in terms of empowering young people, but said the step Government has taken is a move in the right direction revealing how the President himself is very committed to improve the lives of young people which he has manifested by appointing young people in positions of trust. He noted that the car wash centers will help to reduce crime rate, drug abuse etc.

The Minister ended by calling on young people to join hands together to adhere to precautionary measures vis-a-vis the Coronavirus stating that they played tremendous roles in the fight against Ebola.

On their part, Chairmen of the different Car Wash Centers visited expressed appreciation to the Government for introducing the project which they have said have not only positively impacted them but also other youths across the country.

They said that in the area of sustainability they are giving 10% to the Ministry for repairing, maintenance and equipment and that the remaining is what they have been using to run the facilities.

They called on other young people to make good use any given opportunity and that as young people they should see themselves as change makers and contributors towards nation building.

We Yone Child Foundation Certifies 17 Teen Mothers as Seamstresses

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to empower women as well as girls in the country and enhance the participation of women in nation building, We Yone Children Foundation, in collaboration with the Paul Hodges Trust UK & Wegdan Foundation in the Netherlands, has on Saturday 14th March, 2020 certified seventeen (17) teen mothers who successfully completed one year skills training in tailoring . The event took place at the Dwarzark Community Centre in Freetown.

In his address, Founder/ Executive Director, We Yone Child Foundation, Santigie Bayo Dumbuya, warmly congratulated the graduates, adding that it is part of their strides to empower women and girls in the country.

He noted that his organization has been working assiduously in order to give support to teen mothers saying in most cases society look down on them, adding that once a girl becomes pregnant and gives birth most people think that is the end adding that his organization believes in giving a second chance to teen mothers which is why they established the ‘We Yone Tailoring School’ as a mechanism to empower girls.

He disclosed that the project aims at empowering women and girls in order to be self-employed or employed to generate income.

He said with the skills given to these girls such will enhance their development and also help them to believe that they do matter in society.

Santigie Bayo Dumbuya said they started the skills training program in 2016 when they commence training on reusable pads and in 2017 they introduced tailoring which has benefited a lot of teen mothers in the Western Rural Area.

He further disclosed that they will be also adding two programs again in the scheme which is catering and ICT as skills acquired in those areas will also help to empower more girls. He said that the 17 graduates will not only receive certificates but also receive startup kits which are one brand new tailoring machine, materials etc. to each of them.

He called on the general populace to see teen mothers as very important people in society and urged institutions and individuals to support the development of women and girls in the country.

Tutor at the We Yone Tailoring School, Alusine Kargbo, expressed appreciation to the Founder/ Executive Director of We Yone Child Foundation, Santigie Bayo Dumbuya for initiating  such an initiative that has benefited a lot of girls in the Western Rural Area.

He expressed appreciation to the graduates for undergoing several months of intensive training and for their relentless dedication to the entire program, which he believes had positively impacted them in that part of the country, noting that he is pleased to see the 17 teen mothers receiving their certificates of completion regardless of the challenges they went through.

He admonished them to be patient and embrace hard work saying the skills they have acquired will bring them more opportunities.

The Honorable Member of Parliament for Constituency 118, Hon. Isaac Tarawalie, also expressed appreciation to ‘We Yone Tailoring School’ for what he termed as a great initiative.

He admonished them to make good use of the opportunity given to them, adding that with what they have learnt skill they have been empowered and will help them to create more jobs for themselves and open more doors for income-generation.

One of the graduates, Unice Reffell, applauded the organization for the gesture which, according to her was not only very important but timely, adding that she is a teen mother narrating that when she got pregnant she dropped out of school and became helpless.

He disclosed that with the knowledge she has so far acquired she believes she has empowered been given to her by ‘We Yone Tailoring School’ which will also create more jobs for her and open more doors for income-generating opportunities.

She called on other girls who think because they are teen mothers all is lost for them to have a re-think and strive to empower themselves.

The event was climaxed by the presentation of certificates to the graduates and one brand new tailoring machine, materials etc. to each of them as startup kits.

Africell Launches Free Web Hosting Support Package

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a bid to give continued support to the media in the country and facilitate the transition of accessing news from a paper based platform to a digitalized one, Sierra Leone’s leading telecommunications company in the country, Africell, has on the 17 March 2020 launched a Free Web Hosting Support Package for print media houses with existing websites in the country. The event took place at the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists Conference Hall on Campbell Street in Freetown.

In his address, Minister of Information and Communications, Hon. Mohamed Rahman Swarray expressed appreciation to Africell for the tremendous support the company had been giving to the media and their strides to support the transition from paper based to digital, adding that as a Government they are very interested in leaving behind a digitalized society and to see a country where citizens are competitively participating in the digital economy underscoring that moving from accessing news from a  paper based platform to a digitalized one is part of the move.

He noted that as a country they have realized that 46 percent of the population is made up of young people stating that is why Governments all around the world are investing in young people.

He urged media practitioners to take advantage of the opportunity revealing how some media houses in the country do not have over two thousand US dollars to pay in order to host websites underscoring that with such a move will definitely enhance the growth of the media.

He disclosed that as a Government they are very concern about what will be hosted online, adding that it is no secret that journalists all over the world hold Government officials accountable but said as the media undergoes a transition from paper base to digital they should be professional in their jobs.

He called on other telecommunications service providers in the country to emulate the foot step of Africell in supporting the media.

Chief Corporate Officer of Africell SL, Joe Abass Bangura, disclosed that Africell has over the years kept a solid and growing relationship with the media in Sierra Leone and that is evident in the support they have been providing in both technical and financial forms, adding that presently, they are supporting over 20 radio stations in the country in the form of collocation and cash for fuel subsidy saying the stations are 9 in Freetown, 3 in Bo, 1 in Daru, 1 in Moyamba, 2 in Kono, 1 in Kenemna, 2 in Kabala, 1 Makeni, 1 in Pujehun and 1 In Magburaka. He disclosed how they have been providing this support to these radio stations for a period spanning from 3 years for some to over 10 years.

He said to ensure equity in Africell’s support to the media, they recognized it was time to look at areas of potential intervention in the Print Media space and they got their Media Manager, John Konteh, to conduct a survey on social media, covering three questions; the result of which has prompted the reason why they are launching the package.
He said the sample size of the survey was quite small and may have been skewed towards the younger generation who are tech and internet savvy, noting that 90% of the respondents said their primary source of news is the internet and less than 10% said hard copies of newspapers and that from the 32 respondents; 24 were male and 8 were female; 56% had not bought a newspaper for more than a year.

“Additionally, according to the “We are Social Digital” report for January 2020, 25% percent of Sierra Leoneans now have access to the internet, which show a leap in penetration from 12% in the previous year, a more than 100% growth rate.
We believe part of the message here for the Print Media is that to ensure your business is sustainable and can grow in the future, you have to tweak your business model to seek ways of publishing online and design relevant revenue streams,” he maintained.

He said they want to support in that direction and as a partner they have always been to the media and in that regard they are pleased to announce the launch of a FREE WEB HOSTING SUPPORT PACKAGE to every newspaper in the country with an existing website, adding that this offer will effectively eliminate the web-hosting operational cost incurred by newspapers yearly and allow them to use these funds for other budgetary expenses.
“In exchange for this, all Africell would be requesting is the negotiation of a discounted rate for adverts and an advert at the bottom right of your web pages to indicate that your website is hosted by Africell. We hope this will further help members of the print media to explore the new business model frontiers that online publications of your newspapers provide,” he intimated.

President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla, disclosed that there were 1.99 million internet users in Sierra Leone in January 2020. The number of internet users in Sierra Leone increased by 149 thousand (+8.1%) between 2019 and 2020. Internet penetration in Sierra Leone stood at 25% in January 2020.

He noted that there were 700.0 thousand social media users in Sierra Leone in January 2020 adding that the number of social media users in Sierra Leone increased by 92 thousand (+15%) between April 2019 and January 2020.

Social media penetration in Sierra Leone stood at 8.9% in January 2020.

In terms of mobile connections there were 6.90 million mobile connections in Sierra Leone in January 2020. The number of mobile connections in Sierra Leone increased by 486 thousand (+7.6%) between January 2019 and January 2020 as well as number of mobile connections in Sierra Leone in January 2020 was equivalent to 87% of the total population.

He said in the future there will be more social media journalists. The SLAJ President commended Africell for the good step they have taken to help the media get internet coverage and help the new media to become active as well as to explore the new business model frontiers that online publications reach. He further encouraged the media to take the opportunity serious saying it will help spread the news all over the world that people could just go online and read their publications.

On Access To Safe Abortion Study, Stats SL Collaborates with APHRC

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Stats SL, the authorised Government body responsible for the coordination, collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of high quality and objective official statistics in Sierra Leone is playing host to the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), an independent research institution based in Kenya, on the Access to Safe Abortion which falls under the “Challenging The Politics Of Social Exclusion (CPSE) Project”, a four year project to be implemented in Sierra Leone.

The engagement which started on the 12th of March 2020 at the Stats SL HQ on Tower Hill in Freetown and will run through to the 18th of March, aims to discuss the work plan for the research as well as review proposals for data collection, data management and storage as well as the dissemination plan for the Access To Safe Abortion Study.

Sierra Leone is one of 7 countries including Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and Liberia in which APHRC, Africa’s premier research think tank institution, will implement the CPSE project with specific focus on one of the layers, which is Access To Safe Abortion. The other two layers of the CPSE project are Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Marginalized groups.

Giving an overview of APHRC at the first day of the initial planning meeting, Boniface Ushie, a  senior researcher from APHRC said, his organization’s overall programmatic focus are: Research Generation and Synthesis of Scientific Knowledge, Research Capacity Strengthening and Policy Engagement and Communications.
He furthered that research has proven that 2 out of 3 abortions in Africa are unsafe and because of the controversy that surrounds the topic of Abortion and its ensuing consequences, Sierra Leone was identified as one of the countries for this project for which Stats SL is to be its official partner so that credible data will be generated during the process.

He cited Unsafe abortion as a major cause of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality whiles indicating that more than 4 in 10 women of reproductive age want to avoid or delay a pregnancy and more than half of that number are not using an effective contraceptive method.

In his talk on behalf of Management of Stats SL, the Technical Assistant to the SG/DSG of Stats SL, Dr Mohamed Korjie, underscored both Government and Private Sector trust in the work that Stats SL does especially under the leadership of Prof Osman Sankoh, who was recently elected as Rapporteur of the UN Statistical Commission and who incidentally is the only African in the UNSC Executive.

He continued that the institution has the expertise to undertake whatever level of research work and that Stats SL has been the prime institution that does research work for both Government and its institutions like the National Commission for Social Action (NACSA) for which Stats SL is implementing the Social Safety Net (SSN),the recent National Tourism Census done by Stats SL on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism as well as an Ongoing Technical Program Baseline Survey implemented by Stats SL on behalf of World Vision.

In addition, Dr Korjie added that the country’s most recent poverty profile status which is the Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey (SLIHS) 2018 ,was done and released last year by Stats SL together with the recent Demographic and Health Survey Key Indicator Report which was also released last year for which a full report is to be published this March, which he says are all works of Stats SL.

The 5 man visiting APHRC team comprising Boniface Ushie, Grace Kibunja, Kenneth Juma, Meggie Mwoka and Winnie Opondo, will hold a nationwide consultative Stakeholders Meeting with Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government, Advocacy NGOS, Civil Society Organisations and Journalists on Access To Safe Abortion on Tuesday 17th March, 2020 at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Freetown, during which Citizens’ participation and involvement in the process will be sought.


During a Women Conference… Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Urges Women to be Influential 

Founder and President of the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church, Inc. (CHRISEM), Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Sr

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On Friday 13th March, 2020 the Liberia International Radio and Television Preacher, who also doubles as the Founder and President of the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church, Inc. (CHRISEM), Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Sr. has urged women to be influential in society. He made this disclosure during a one day Women Conference held at the Mountain of the Lord’s Temple Ministry Church at Aberdeen in Freetown.

In his presentation, Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Sr. disclosed that women are pivotal towards the development of any nation and in that regard they should be given the opportunity to serve. He urged women present at the conference that they should be women of influence and be productive, adding that women should also be contributors and not to just serve as recipients.

He noted that women have contributed much to the ministry of many Churches throughout history but their roles in that area has never been free from controversy saying today society doesn’t appreciate the roles of women, adding that long ago women were usually regarded as subordinates and inferior in virtually every area of life ,that they were to remain at home, to be good wives and mothers, and to take no part in public discourses or acquire education, saying the current roles women are playing globally redefine the negative notions people have about women in those days.

He said Jesus himself believes in women and in that regard he taught women like Mary of Bethany, the Samaritan woman etc. and incorporated them in his group of committed disciples, noting that the women Jesus included became the proclaimers of Jesus as Saviour and risen Lord and that it was women disciples who were the first persons to declare the message of Jesus’s resurrection.

It could be recalled that Rev. Dagadu, who is into a worldwide ministry of teaching, training and evangelism is in the country on a two week “Walking Under an Open Heaven Crusade 2020” hosted by the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church-Sierra Leone situated at 1H Old Railway Line at Tengbeh Town in Freetown. The crusade started on Monday 9th and ended on Friday 13th March, 2020 at the Aberdeen Community Playing Field on the theme: “Who is Jesus”.

After his successful crusade at the Aberdeen community playing field he will also be hosting his second crusade today Monday 16th March 2020 at the Sierra Leone Police Playing Field at Kingtom which will also run to Friday 20th March 2020 on the theme: “There is Power in the Name of Jesus”.

He will also be hosting a four days Leadership Conference for young people in Sierra Leone, which is expected to impact the lives of young people in order to contribute to nation building.

Rev. Dagadu is a renowned Servant of God who ministers God’s word with divine power and he is called to breaking curses over nations and setting the captives free through the power of God.

He has travelled extensively on preaching tours in the United States of America, Europe to include Kosovo, England, Spain etc. Asia- South Korea, West, East, North, Southern Africa to include Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, the Holy Land of Israel and his land, Liberia.

He has established 19 churches-16 in Liberia and three (3) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, with two elementary schools and a Bible School – the CHRISEM School of Ministry.