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NP-SL Ltd is a Source of Pride & a Fountain of Inspiration

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is among one of the oldest thriving indigenous companies that have stood the test of time in this country and it is viably moving from one height to another. A committed and dedicated company that is here for real business, NP-SL is an epitome of how selflessness and sincerity of purpose can powerfully transform an initiative into a towering business entity. The original 35 Sierra Leonean shareholders really harnessed those attributes very well and infused them in policies and managerial decisions that contributed immensely to the development of the company.

It is an established fact that certain indigenous companies were ambitiously set up by some individuals with big dreams of turning them into conglomerates. Lamentably, with time some of those business ventures collapsed like a pack of cards as a result of internal pressures and external forces. Unwise managerial decisions, political unrests, inability to strongly compete and sheer lack of perseverance sent some of those companies into oblivion well before consolidating their bases. With particular reference to the 11 year senseless war that wasted lives and properties most locally founded business entities just dissipated into thin air.

Authoritatively, it can be categorically stated that NP-SL is an exception to the norm. Like other business entities, NP-SL was badly shaken by the war but it will interest many to know that though it was seriously affected such did not deter the resolve of NP-SL to continue doing business as it used to do before. With confirmation of relative peace in the country NP-SL bounced back and by putting the right things in place normal transactions in petroleum products gradually took momentum to the utmost satisfaction of many. Today, amidst teething challenges, the company keeps surviving.

Currently, the company has earned a good reputation for enhanced customer service delivery as a result of its pro-active stance in always trying to optimize customer care, which it holds in high esteem with the view that in the absence of its numerous customers then the company’s existence is meaningless. To the shareholders and Management of the company, achieving customer satisfaction is very precious and key which is why it does everything within its reach and reasonably to give customers high grade petroleum products at affordable prices.

Through its pro-activeness and the ultimate need to succeed, latest calibrated pumping machines were installed at the company’s various Filling Stations having the capacity to pump the appropriate quantity of petroleum products paid for. As they are very transparent, these calibrated pumping machines continue to instil confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent company as well as feeling that they are getting their money’s worth.

Within the same ambit of bringing technology closer to its customers for enhanced transactions, the idea of availing its customers the use of NP Smart Card was borne. Today we hear of “fuel on your smart card” which figuratively could be interpreted within the context of using a financially loaded NP Smart Card to purchase the right number of petroleum products one intends to utilize without any physical monetary transactions.

Using NP Smart Card guarantees safety, saves time and gives air of importance to the holders, some considering them as the crème-de la crème of society, when in actual fact anyone can make use of it. It creates a situation where a customer will intermittently know the balance money on his card and use such information to make informed decisions as to further top up or utilize, for example, the quantity of fuel that the balance amount could procure.

With a view to make people gain easy access to a device that could be suitable for various cooking purposes, NP Gas was introduced and since gas is one of the petroleum products that is up for sale then it just falls in place that it will be prudent to make it convenient for people to access them at their filling stations and from authorized dealers, going at affordable prices. It had been undoubtedly proven that they are environmentally friendly and safe to use as well as refill. NP Gas has now become the ubiquitous cooking friend in many households and many are trying not to miss out on it.

Strengthening relevant institutions as it did recently in capacitating the Kissy Branch National Fire Force with a standard water facility to capably respond to fire emergencies is just one way through which NP is complementing efforts being made by both the central and local Governments in fostering development interventions geared towards improving overall standards of living.

When job opportunities are created from time to time, the negative impacts of poverty subside with a corresponding upsurge in peace and tranquillity. Instead of tempers rising, daggers drawn out there will be joy and harmonious co-existence. Through its expansionist drive and to match up with modern trends, NP-SL has been providing various jobs for many who were hitherto at the lower ends of society. Family lives have been transformed for the better and there is room for future positive outcomes.

What is so unique about the company is its policy to have in its employ Sierra Leoneans making it a truly indigenous company that is strictly adhering to the country’s Local content Policy. The company is a 100% indigenous company.

People who intend to set up businesses that they would like to flourish must understudy NP-SL, see how it grew and learn valuable lessons that could serve as a roadmap to higher heights. It is truly a source of pride and inspiration.

US Embassy 2019 Human Rights Report Captures the Media

US Ambassador to Sierra Leone: Maria E. Brewer

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 11th March 2020, the United States Department of State released the 2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (otherwise known as The Human Rights Report) focusing on different aspects of the nation. This medium, over time, will be publishing certain aspects of the Report. In this edition our focus is on Freedom of Expression including that for the Press, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly as well as Movement.

The Report Reads:

The constitution and law provide for freedom of speech and press, and the Government generally respected these rights, but there were exceptions.

Freedom of Expression: Government officials used criminal slander provisions of the law to impede witness testimony in court cases, including anti-corruption matters, and to target persons making statements that the Government considered to be against the national interest. While there is no hate speech law, at times authorities used hate speech as a legal justification for restricting freedom of speech.

The HRCSL and Amnesty International reported no arrests or detentions in relation to freedom of expression.

Press and Media: Most registered newspapers were independent, although several were associated with political parties. Newspapers openly and routinely criticized the Government and its officials as well as opposition parties. While independent broadcast media generally operated without restriction, there were exceptions. International media could operate freely but were required to register with the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Government-funded Independent Media Commission to obtain a license. Acting beyond its mandate, the National Telecommunications Commission of Sierra Leone instructed all community radio stations to register as commercial stations, which requires the payment of a license fee. According to a media rights NGO, the fee requirement would force many stations, particularly in rural areas, to shut down.

Violence and Harassment: There were reports authorities used violence and harassment against journalists. In September presidential bodyguards physically assaulted two female journalists reporting on a sporting event at the national stadium, where President Bio was in attendance. The presidential guards reportedly threatened to shoot the journalists, and one of them was hospitalized. In October an investigative committee composed of civil society, media, and Government officials recommended the removal of one presidential guard from the force, and the Government complied. In October two opposition party members, including a former Mayor of Freetown, were arrested and charged with the 2018 murder of journalist Ibrahim Samura.

Libel/Slander Laws: The law punishes defamatory and seditious libel with imprisonment of up to three years. In September the Cabinet voted to repeal the criminal libel law, but as of November, Parliament had not approved the repeal. According to the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, during the year at least eight journalists were arrested under criminal libel law on allegations of defamation and libel.

In January police arrested and detained for two days the Editor of Nightwatch newspaper, Emmanuel Thorli, for defamatory libel and released him on bail. Police investigators reportedly pressured the journalist to disclose the source of an article about the issuance of diplomatic passports to 300 relatives of President Bio.

On November 3, a comedian was arrested and charged under criminal libel law for allegedly defaming President Bio.

Upon assuming office in 2018, President Bio introduced an executive order lifting the ban on public assembly, including Sunday trading, imposed by his predecessor.

In a few cases, police used excessive force when dealing with demonstrators and used public order law to deny requests for protests and demonstrations. On May 31, police fired teargas canisters into the headquarters building of the opposition APC, which resulted in several injuries.

The constitution and law provide for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights. On February 19, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security indefinitely suspended all overseas labor recruitment. Minister Edward King indicated that the rationale for this ban was to discourage trafficking in persons.

In-country Movement: There were reports that police officers operating security roadblocks nationwide as part of routine security checks often extorted money from motorists. The SLP banned unauthorized vehicular movement during an August 24 parliamentary by-election. All political parties, including the main opposition APC party, welcomed the restriction. The government continued to enforce a ban on civilian individuals and vehicular movement on the first Saturday of each month in order to support a nationwide cleaning exercise. This ban interfered with a religious group’s right to assemble for Saturday morning prayers.

President Bio Receives Communiqué from APPA

By Sam Pratt

At State House on Wednesday 11 March 2020 the Executive Members of the All Political Parties Association, APPA, recently elected,  paid a courtesy call on His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio to present a joint communiqué signed by twelve registered political parties to maintain peace and stability in Sierra Leone.

Outgone Chairperson, Madam Augusta James-Teima, said that they were delighted to have had their first meeting with the President, saying that as an Association they were putting hands together to support any Government in power for the good of the nation. She added that they were proud to support the National Civil Registration exercise, saying that that was a positive thing that would bring development to the country.

The new Chairman, Prince Coker, said that even though they had people with different political ideologies, they were ready to collaborate with Government in the interest of the country. He said that as part of their efforts to support the development process, they had signed the communiqué to maintain peace and stability in the nation. He also thanked the Government for its support to the Association.

In his response, President Bio congratulated the newly elected members and recalled that he created the platform for the creation of the Association in 1995, noting that he was appreciative of the fact that they had been able to keep the Association together. He also stated that development was a collective effort and added that he was pleased that the Association is helping the nation by creating the environment for peace.


Planning Minister Steers UNDP Executive Board Meeting

Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai

By Theresa Kef Sesay

On the 10th March 2020 the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai  chaired the maiden UNDP Country Program Document (CPD 2020-2023) board meeting held with the objective of setting the stage for the reviewing of the UNDP Country Office performance on the CPD implementation.

The CPD Board, which is the highest decision-making body designed to ensure UNDP’s accountability for activities, results, and the judicious use of resources; while fostering national ownership and alignment to national agendas would provide an overall guidance and direction in the implementation of the CPD. This would ensure the core standards of best value for money, fairness, integrity, transparency, accountability and ‘Leave no-one behind’.

Welcoming members of the CPD Board, Minister Kai-Kai expressed his gratitude to colleagues present from key Ministries expected to participate in the implementation of the UNDP Country Program Document; noting that it demonstrated the Government’s commitment to supporting the CPD (2020-2023). He said the Board would guide programming and support development management, which would play a critical role in the country’s road to delivery in year 2020.

Dr. Kai-Kai said the President Bio-led Government is deeply focused in addressing issues within key sectors, targeting Human Capital Development, which he said, was adequately covered by the UNDP CPD (2020-2023), especially within the youth sector.

“This Government is passionate in making sure the youths are focused and continue to be critical in the development process of Sierra Leone. It is crucial for us to empower and strengthen the capacity of young people, as key actors in promoting the National Development Agenda,” he said.

Dr. Samuel Doe, UNDP Resident Representative while thanking the people of Sierra Leone including development partners for their support to the UNDP program cycle in the last 4-years; noted that despite the several tragedies including Ebola, mudslide and flooding their programs proved to be largely successful.

He said the UNDP was hoping the next 4- years would be a period of development and result-orienting, as outlined in the document. Dr. Doe said he was looking forward to working closely with the board to deliver in the ’Year of Delivery’ and the 4-year UNDP program cycle.

The CPD, which is estimated at US$102 million over a 4-year period, would be implemented through two interdependent clusters, which are inclusive democratic governance (IDG) and sustainability and local economic development (SLED). The funds are expected to be mobilised mostly from non-core resources.


Chairman of Padiyath HealthCare Reveals Investment Plan

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Dr. Hazeeb Rahman who happens to be the Chairman of Padiyath HealthCare, paid a visit to Sierra Leone this past weekend to express their interest on National Healthcare Infrastructure Project for the country. Padiyath HealthCare, Technology, Technique and Touch intend to create a world-class healthcare infrastructure at affordable cost.

Dr. Rahman, in a brief discussion, with the Press on his arrival at the Sea Coach terminal, Aberdeen said Padiyath HealthCare based in India are running 23 hospitals in 8 countries currently including Dubai, India and some in Africa.

He disclosed that they are planning to invest in a major way in the healthcare sector of Sierra Leone and what they are going to do will depend on the assurance and support they got from the Sierra Leone Government.

“We are trying to build good healthcare system for the population of the country. We are planning to bring in a low-cost healthcare system which is efficient for the least person and it will benefit them 100%.”

90% of Africans population is outside the reach of the organized healthcare. They are forced to go to quacks or unqualified people treating people and eventually results in loss of life or permanent damage. “Gift of health” is a healthcare programme where in the Government can in a period of 6 months bring the entire population under the purview of organized healthcare.

“By way of this project the Government fixes the healthcare cost of the family and the Government says that it’s the “Gift of Health” to the population from the national Government called “Afro health”.

He emphasized that the project provides complete healthcare including all major surgeries with few exceptions to the population at only $40 per family per month (family of 5 members 2 adults and 3 children). “This scheme includes all Radiography, Laboratory and Surgeries with a very small exception.”

Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers representing Constituency 102 Pujehun District is the focal person for Padiyath HealthCare in Sierra Leone. He said the proposed project is between the Government of Sierra Leone and the group which is a multi-national healthcare group operating in India, Dubai and Africa.

He disclosed that the presence of Padiyath HealthCare in Sierra Leone is through the invitation of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. Hon. Rogers went on to say the healthcare plan will target the poor.

The Chairman of Padiyath HealthCare, Dr. Hazeeb Rahman made a PowerPoint presentation to the two Deputy Ministers of Health and other senior health officials at the Ministry and presented documents to them about their investment plan for Sierra Leone.

He inspected Connaught Hospital to get first-hand information about the hospital but not too happy about the state of the hospital and the facility.

Dr. Rahman expressed interest to take over some of the major hospitals in the country in collaboration with the Health Ministry.

“I am very much impressed when I go through the documents. This is the kind of credible investor we are looking for. Now I am doing a national service not only for my Constituency. I hope the government will welcome it, considering the passion President Bio has for it citizens.”

Hon. Rogers disclosed that Padiyath HealthCare has a vision to construct modern hospitals in Sierra Leone, bring in 40 specialist doctors that will be embarking on surgical operations which cost thousands of Dollars. “They want to discourage people that are spending huge amounts of money to do operations out of the country.”

He also disclosed that $40 million has been set aside for the project in Sierra Leone. They have to refurbish the hospitals they will take over, come with specialists Doctors, Pharmacia among others.

The two Deputy Ministers of Health of Sierra Leone were very much impressed and suggested that Dr. Rahman should develop a concept document and MoU which they will look at.


Waterloo Correctional Inmates Receive Goodies from Ladies With Vision

Cross section members of Ladies with Vision

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

On International Women’s Day, Ladies with Vision interacted and donated certain items amidst words of inspiration to inmates of the Western Area Rural Correctional Service.

The day which was celebrated last Sunday 8th March 2020 saw Ladies with Vision in their full gear interacting with female inmates at the Pre-trial detention and stimulation center in Kissi Town, Waterloo. Ladies with Vision continued their “Each for Equal” activism on that day.

The ladies took along food and non-food items for the female inmates as well as inspired them to be strong despite the fact that their freedom of movement is been restricted which according to them is not end of their lives.

Ladies with Vision’s Founder and President, Madiana Mensah-Gborie expressed the view that they are feeling the way the inmates are feeling underscoring how they are with them to demonstrate love and care.

She expressed thanks to God for enabling them to meet the needs of the female inmates and promised that their visit will not be the first and last but one that will be coming. “We need to celebrate you and we will continue to do more not only on International Women’s Days,” she intimated.

Ladies with Vision is a non-profit organization comprising hardworking and highly motivated females working together to ensure national development by inspiring and empowering vulnerable communities in Sierra Leone.

Ladies with Vision team educated and inspired the inmates saying they believe in women. “We believe in our strength to conquer every situation and we believe that no matter your situation, you deserve equal opportunities to basic needs just like other normal women.”

Kadiatu Bangura took the inmates through nutrition while Mrs. Nanah Kamara spoke about hygiene and Safinatu Hashim spoke on stress management among other speakers.

Mercury International Launches ‘Responsible Gaming Campaign’

General Manager of Mercury International, Martin Michael

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to enhance responsible gaming in the country and to raise awareness to prevent children under the age of eighteen from betting, Mercury International has on Wednesday 11th March, 2020 launched the #StayInControl Responsible Gaming Campaign at their Bathurst Street Office in Freetown.

Speaking during the launch, General Manager of Mercury International, Martin Michael, disclosed that Mercury International is proud to launch the #StayInControl campaign, adding that as an established brand in Sierra Leone that is proud of the work they are doing in communities through the rolling out of its corporate social responsibility the institution takes Responsible Gaming very seriously.

He said that only Mercury International has numerous online betting tools to help its customers ‘Stay In Control’, which include loss, bet, time and deposits limits, as well as self-exclusion options whiles other online firms require someone to contact them before having time-out, but said with Mercury International’s www.mercurybet.com  such allows its customers to do it immediately and manually.

He further disclosed that the Stay In Control campaign sends a clear message; gaming is for those over 18 years of age only and should only be used socially by adults maintaining that Mercury encourages its customers to use their designated tools to keep track of their gaming.

“Responsible Gaming is extremely important to us, which is highlighted by the fact that we lead the industry with protective limits and tools on our website. However, we believe there is more to be done to remind people of what gaming is for. It should be a social experience and one to enjoy,” he stressed.

He said that gaming should never be considered as a source of income, and the Stay in Control Campaign shows this while giving people useful information if they feel they need support.

He noted that as part of the campaign, Mercury International will be training staff and retailers to help them spot signs of problem gaming and act in a responsible manner and to identify anyone below 18 years of age, adding that Mercury staff and retailers will be trained and instructed to ask for identification from any person that seems to be under the age of 21 years old.

Executive Director of Legal Aid Board Honoured

Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles

By Fatmata Jengbe

On Monday, 9 March 2020 the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles was honoured with the opening of the Open-Field Legal Education Exhibition organized by the Lady Ellen Women’s Aid Foundation (LEWAF) as part of celebrations marking International Women’s Day. The exhibition was held at Foamex Field in Calaba Town.

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles called the over one thousand female Community-Based Justice Advocates to use the Legal Education training they have acquired to work with stakeholders to bring peace and respect for human rights in their respective communities.

“You should ensure people know and respect the law,” she said. “You should also ensure women are given the respect they deserve. Man are taking advantage of women despite their immense contributions to the home and the community.”

She emphasized that to become a good advocate, they should first correct themselves before correcting others. “As representatives of the community, you have to lead by example.” Carlton-Hanciles said.

Earlier one, the Executive Director of LEWAF, Mohamed Jalloh said the purpose of the exhibition is for the Community Advocates to showcase the knowledge they have acquired from the Open Society for West Africa (OSIWA) funded project. It is aimed at educating women on the laws that are relevant to protecting and advancing their rights and interest in the home and community.

The keynote speaker, Ms. Simitie Lavaly said the laws must guarantee equality between men and women. She noted that the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone is leading by example as the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Act provides that at least two of the five Commissioners should be female.

She called on the women to know the law and use the law to protect themselves.  She emphasized that Legal Empowerment is about knowing the law, enforcing one’s rights and shaping the law.

Deputy Minister of Social Welfare underscored the commitment of the Government in promoting issues around the women. Other speakers include the Member of Parliament for Calaba Town and its environs, the Head of the Family Support unit at the Calaba Town Police station,  the Representative of Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (SLANGO) and Tribal Authorities.

The event was climaxed with interaction with the Community–Based Justice Advocates as they explain aspects of law relating to the four gender laws using pictures.


AfDB President Commits Bank’s Support to Different Sectors

President of the African Development Bank Group, Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina

By Amin Kef Sesay

For the very first time the President of the African Development Bank Group, Dr. Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina paid a visit to Sierra Leone. He jet in on the 11th March and will depart today, the 13th March, 2020 after a three days successful official visit.
During his visit, he met with the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Rtd. Brig. Julius Maada Bio, Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa and other Ministers of Government, heads of Government agency and other development partners.

“Dr. Adesina had the opportunity to get firsthand information from critical stakeholders of the State on the development priorities, progress and challenges that will allow him to support the financing of projects and programmes that will resonate with the aspirations of the people of Sierra Leone,” Sahr L. Jusu, Financial Secretary said.

On the 12th March 2020, the Minister of Finance held a meeting with the President of the African Development Bank where he thanked him for his visit to the country and also for the interventions of the Bank since 1967. He also took the President through the Macro and Micro economic challenges the country is faced with and what the Government is doing to stabilize the economy, where he highlighted job creation through agriculture and entrepreneurship as major areas the Government is exploring.

Jacob Jusu Saffa called on President Adesina to share his experience as one time Minister of Agriculture in the Federal Republic of Nigeria on how he was able to transform the rice situation in their country, citing the huge rice potentials of Sierra Leone.

He stressed the need for more support in agriculture to attract the private sector in supply chain management for the availability of seeds and fertilizers.
In his response, the AfDB President expressed his delight to be in Sierra Leone and committed the Bank’s support in different sectors with emphasis on agriculture.
President Adesina stressed the need to have private sector players in the agricultural sector and how to use technology and digitization to help farmers access seeds and fertilizers.
He said Government should not be in the business of seeds and fertilizer but rather a strong agro-industry and value chain.
The President commended the strides of the Government towards economic recovery and stability.
Dr Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina is the 8th elected President of the African Development Bank Group. He was elected to the position on May 28, 2015 by the Bank’s Board of Governors at its Annual Meetings in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

Dr. Adesina, 58, is a distinguished development economist and agricultural development expert with 25 years of international experience. He is the first Nigerian to serve as President of the Bank Group.

He served as Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development from 2011 to 2015, during which time he implemented bold policy reforms in the fertilizer sector and pursued innovative agricultural investment programs to expand opportunities for the private sector.

In his entourage were the Director General Marie-Laure Akin-Ologbade, Executive Director Kenyah Barley, AfDB Country Manager for Ethopia, Abdul Kamara and other staff of the Bank.

SLRSA Board Chair Dilates on Merits of Autospec Project

By Edward Vamboi

On the 11th March, 2020, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA), Sheikh Bawoh, told the Management and Staff of the institution that the Autospec Project will serve as a blueprint to address the escalating crisis on our roads.

He made that statement while addressing Board of Directors, Management and staff members during an Emergency General Meeting held at the Authority’s Conference room on Wednesday 11th March 2020.

The Board Chairman noted that the vehicle and drivers’ license system in Sierra Leone has so many loopholes that are hindering the growth of SLRSA. He said it may not be possible to completely eliminate all risks, but it is possible to reduce the exposure to the risk of severe injuries and to minimize its intensity.

To address these weaknesses, he said, there is an urgent need for effective mobilization of resources and redirection of efforts to secure commitment and sustainability for achieving a new set of strategic objectives hence the introduction of the Public Private Partnership.

“The guiding principles underlying the AUTOSPEC/SLRSA deal hinge on the “SAFE SYSTEM” approach which aims at developing a road transportation system that is better able to accommodate human errors and take into consideration the vulnerability of the body. The Autospec deal serves as a blueprint to address the escalating crisis on our roads,” Sheikh Bawoh said. He continued that road safety in Sierra Leone is an issue of concern and there has been a general oversight and neglect with regards to road safety issues at all levels and this is what Autospec has come to put an end to.

Mr. Bawoh intimated all present that Autospec is currently working on the construction of its state of the art vehicle fitness facilities across the country and upon completion that will put an end to the age old problem of ‘Broko-Broko Lorry’ plying our streets and Sierra Leoneans would start to see a drastic reduction in the number of road crashes caused by derelict vehicles. The construction of a state of the art vehicle fitness facility is in line with Part 5 of President Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction Manifesto on Improving Infrastructure on Road Transportation.

Speaking on Safety and Security features of the new products that will be introduced by Autospec, Sheikh M. Bawoh said safety and security form the bedrock or foundation stone on which rest the Autospec/SLRSA deal. Over the years, he said, SLRSA has been grappling with issues of forgery of its products and services by some unscrupulous individuals. Such acts cannot be unconnected with the compromising security features of some SLRSA products (Drivers License, Vehicle License and Registration plates). Issues that has to do with fake or duplication of vehicle registration plates will be a thing of the past as Autospec will introduce products (Vehicle License Plates and Drivers License) with very strong security features that can not be faked or duplicated. This, he said, will in turn see the end of untraceable hit and run drivers on the streets of Freetown because the system will be fully digitalized and leaves no room for forgery.

On revenue generation, the Chairman said the digitalization and introduction of a fully securitized License System can help increase revenue for the SLRSA and by extension the central Government. This, according to him, will in turn usher in more tax returns by the service provider to the central government which will be utilized for the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone.

He admonished staff members to support the initiative with the best of their abilities stressing that no staff would be laid off.