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In Kenema… Information Minister Addresses Joint ICT/Telecom Interactive Meeting

Mohamed Rado Swarray, Minister of Information and Communications

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Mohamed Rado Swarray, Minister of Information and Communications on the 12th March 2020 officially opened a two-day joint ICT/Telecom sector interactive session in Kenema on the theme, “Positioning Digital Transformation at the Heart of the New Direction”.
The aim of the joint sector interactive session is to enhance the Ministry’s medium term strategic goals and objectives, facilitate a more collaborative approach and build on the efforts currently underway to create a conducive policy and predictable regulatory environment for growth in the sector.

In his keynote address, the Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swarray stated that his Ministry, within the context of the New Direction programs of the government, envisions that by 2029, Sierra Leone will become a digitally inclusive society with ICT as the means to unleash the innate potentials of every citizen to leapfrog the country’s socio-economic development.

This vision, the Minister maintained is consistent with the ‘Leave No One Behind’ dream of the United Nations espoused in the Sustainable Development Goals and the ‘Africa we want’ principle of the African Union adopted in its 2063 Vision.
Referencing the 2015 National Population Census findings which indicated that 3.2 million people (46% of the total population), are young people between 6–24 years, the Information Minister stated that the key priority of the New Direction is to take advantage of the country’s youthful population to derive maximum benefit from the demographic dividend of the digital revolution.

Minister Mohamed Rahman Swarray further disclosed that the draft digital transformation policy and roadmap that seek to define the national objectives, strategies and strategic interventions in critical areas based on established thematic pillars of governance and coordination, digital infrastructure and access, digital skills and education, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, electronic governance and cyber security have been completed.
The roadmap, he explained, is aimed at guiding Sierra Leone’s investments, policies, and governance frameworks for the country’s present and future digital development direction.

It also aims at situating Sierra Leone among regional and global leaders in the field of digital governance focusing on effective service delivery, citizens’ engagement and a digital economy driven by innovation and entrepreneurship.
Statements by representatives of the key sector players including, Sierratel, Orange, Africell, Qcell, IMC, NATCOM and the Parliamentary Committee on Information and Communications formed the high points of the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony which attracted participants from all ICT/Telecoms sector, Members of Parliament, CSOs and other stakeholders was chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Communications, Augustine S. Sheku.


ACC Bags Prestigious Commonwealth Africa Summit 2020 Award

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 11th March 2020 the anti-graft institution in the country bagged the Commonwealth Africa Summit 2020 Award for “Outstanding Contribution to the Anti-Corruption campaign in Commonwealth Africa”. The award which was presented to the ACC at the Commonwealth Africa Summit Gala Dinner held at the Holiday Inn, Regent Park – London in the United Kingdom, further shines light on the Commission’s “exemplary efforts in tackling corruption, blocking leakages and promoting good governance”.

The Commonwealth Africa Summit is an assemblage of Government and business leaders from the Commonwealth and allies, constituting a yearly high level, multi-stakeholder event with the aim of facilitating dialogue and action on key and relevant issues ranging from trade and investment, entrepreneurship and job creation, economic development, Security and counter terrorism, Energy and Power amongst other relevant issues in Africa.

The 2020 Summit was held under the theme – “Moving Forward: Stronger. Valuable.”

Receiving news of the award, Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. expressed his gratitude for such an honour, adding that, it is all thanks to God Almighty and the President, His Excellency, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, who reposed great confidence in his leadership and appointed him to a position that has made Africa and the entire globe to follow the work of the ACC and recognize its continued success.

This recent recognition of the Anti-Corruption Commission by the Commonwealth is a further testament to Sierra Leone’s highest ever ranking in the recent Transparency International’s Global Corruption Ranking, which  saw the country move from 129 in 2018, to 119 out of 180 countries surveyed in 2019– moving ten (10) places upwards. The event was attended by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Commission, Miss Margaret Murray, who received the prestigious recognition on behalf of the Commission.

Without Strong Social Accountability Mechanisms, Service Delivery Will Remain Poor

Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay

The 1990s saw the emergence of poverty reduction and governance as key priorities in international development. With the failure of structural adjustments and other [classic] neo-liberal economic reform programs in reducing poverty, development theory and practice emphasized the role of a capable state for effective interaction with markets and citizens.

The economic crisis faced by our country since the late 1970s stress the overarching need for transparency and effective regulatory and legal frameworks for national governance.

Focus on public services and market-friendly growth strategies highlight the need for an effective State and citizen empowerment. As such, this commentary reviews the current literature on social accountability as a means to achieve good governance and increased public participation for improved public service delivery.

Social accountability leads to improvements in the performance of State agencies and actors in varying contexts across the developing countries. Increased donor-led efforts to converge good governance agendas and neo-liberal economics tend to overlook politics that is central to struggles for social accountability.

The complete faith of the neo-liberal development paradigm in market-friendliness, devolution, and working through NGOs often disregards politics within which such policies have to operate and on which they are ultimately dependent.

Notwithstanding the empirical challenges, strong evidence of links between country governance systems and development performance has been noted by the World Bank, 2006. Studies have, for instance, shown that the benefits of public health spending on child and infant mortality rates are greater in countries with better governance.

Similarly, public investments in primary education are more likely to lead to higher education attainment if governance improvements are carried out. ‘Unbundling’ of governance components such as rule of law, voice and accountability, corruption control and state capture, indicate that a greater focus on external accountability can lead to improved governance.

In this context, transparency mechanisms and monitoring tools, as well participatory voice and incentive driven corruption prevention approaches, must be emphasized by the government in increasing inclusivity.

For instance, the 2000/2001 World Development Report and World Bank’s empowerment framework recognizes accountability as an integral component of ‘empowerment’ and hence poverty reduction. With an increased emphasis on accountability, the concept has been defined in different ways from punishment or sanction to answer ability and enforcement.

A working definition of accountability describes it is a “proactive process by which public officials inform and justify their plans of action, their behavior, and results and are sanctioned accordingly”.

Social accountability has been defined as an approach towards building accountability that relies on civic engagement, i.e., in which it is ordinary citizens and/or civil society organizations who participate directly or indirectly in exacting accountability.

Examples of social accountability initiatives include ‘traditional’ forms, such as public demonstrations, advocacy campaigns, investigative journalism; and, the recent ones such as citizen report cards, participatory public policy making, public expenditure tracking, and efforts to improve the effectiveness of “internal” accountability mechanisms of the government, for example by involving citizens in public commissions and hearings and oversight committees.

Accountability mechanisms can broadly be classified as either ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical.’ The former can occur internally (for example, an internal audit within a government agency) and can be among equals (for example, legislators holding each other accountable). Horizontal mechanisms occur externally and involve one party holding another accountable and therefore exercising ‘superior authority’ or greater power.

Among the various mechanisms of promoting accountability, we focus on social accountability, given its role in facilitating civic engagement aimed towards improving the living conditions of the poor.

Sierra Leoneans Hail NP-SL Ltd for Effective Customer Care

By Amin Kef Sesay

In order to maximize objectivity, which is a fundamental attribute of this news medium, we decided to deploy our abled reporters in all the regions of the country to sound the views of people about the operations of the National Petroleum –Sierra Leone Limited. The outcome of that random survey, which captured a large percentage of the populace, was very amazing.

Most of those engaged praised the company for its effectiveness with regards customer care. According to an employee of one of the commercial banks in the country, Abdul Sawaneh, “The Company truly deserves to be tagged as 1st For Customer Care simply because it has really proven that their customers do matter and so they are really doing everything humanely possible to optimize their utmost satisfaction.”

He noted that the calibrated pumping machines which were installed at the company’s Filling Stations do pump the exact quantity of fuel that customers do request for and display the prices simultaneously. According to him such a transparent way of transacting business gives confidence to the company’s numerous customers that indeed they are doing business with a trusted partner. Abdul underscored that contrary to the suppositions that certain pump attendants are cunningly cheating purchasers of petrol and diesel he has proven beyond all reasonable doubts that such do not transpire. He argumentatively confirmed that there is no way that pump attendants could circumvent the system to clandestinely cheat customers simply because the calibrated machines are sophisticatedly programmed to exactly churn out what they are commanded to do.

In Makeni most Kekeh riders commended NP-SL for making it possible to easily access petroleum products. They unanimously stated that the qualities of the company’s petroleum products are of high standard which they endorsed are good for their gadgets or machines. “At this point in time when things are economically tough we cannot afford to be regularly engaging mechanics to repair faults that are caused by bad petroleum products including the lubricants, petrol and diesel we buy,” Mohamed Fornah, a Kekeh rider stated adding that since he has been using petroleum products marketed by NP-SL he has long since not been experiencing major faults.

One of them maintained that their main source of deriving income is from commercially transporting passengers from one location to another stressing that NP’s petroleum products are helping them greatly to maintain sustainability.

When residents of Bo were engaged some of them heaped praises on NP-SL for introducing their Smart Card which could be used to procure petroleum products. They attested that with NP Smart Card they can procure fuel within record time further stating that it enhances their personal security and prevent them from being cheated by fraudulent hired drivers because what is pumped is debited from the Smart Card and what remains is clearly shown when the card is slotted into any of the calibrated pumping machines. One of them revealed that most Executive officials and business people are now using NP Smart Card.

At Wellington, Mammy Fatu, a house wife intimated that she has been using NP Gas for the past two years now. She explained that she never regretted securing one as it is quick in terms of performance, is environmental friendly and non-hazardous compared to using charcoal or wood and very economical with regards consuming gas which can be procured at the company’s Filling Stations and above all is very portable.  She suggested that the company should really advertise it so that many will come to know about its effectiveness and usefulness.

The Chief Fire Officer of the National Fire Force told our reporters that NP is the power house that powers power. He was dilating on the water facility that NP-SL facilitated to be built for them at their Kissy Branch. He averred that what the company did for them with regards providing them the water facility from which they could easily source water to extinguish fire incidents is helping them greatly in their work.

“I want to tell you guys that there are companies and other institutions that are capable of doing the same but they are not doing so. I really have great respect for NP-SL for utilizing millions of Leones to avail us with such an important facility which is a true manifestation that they are really committed to rolling out their Corporate Social Responsibility,” he expressed gratitude.

In Kenema, Dr. Mansaray noted that one striking thing he greatly admires NP SL for is its strict adherence to rolling out the country’s Local Content Policy. He said the posture of the shareholders of the company to have in its employ 100% of Sierra Leoneans is highly commendable stressing how it clearly portrays that the company is really indigenous. “Considering the high level of poverty in the country for a company like NP to be offering jobs to qualified Sierra Leoneans is highly commendable as such puts individuals at vantage positions to take care of basic responsibilities,” he highlighted.

A Civil Society Activist in Kono said the company has made many Sierra Leoneans very proud especially when cognisance is taken of the fact that it has successfully opened branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia which are all vibrantly functioning. He argued that it is not easy to see such an accomplishment by other business entities claiming that indeed it is a true testament that Sierra Leoneans can accomplish big things if they selflessly work towards achieving such.

From all what was gathered it could be safely concluded that NP-Sierra Leone Limited is indeed a great business establishment that is commendably contributing to the socio-economic progression of nations where it is vibrantly operating. The company is really satisfying the petroleum needs of all and sundry.

US Based Journalist & RAIC Tussle over Release of Information

Right to Access Information Chairman, Ibrahim Seaga Shaw

By Amin Kef Sesay

A Sierra Leonean journalist based in the United States, AL MansaraY, has expressed dissatisfaction and criticised the Right to Access Information Chairman, Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, for being ‘unprofessional’ and ‘inefficient’ in the discharge of his statutory duties  in failing to issue a final letter to a Freedom of Information requests complaint to the Commission.

“It’s now over 121 days since the Freedom of Information request was made on November 14, 2019,” he claimed.

AL MansaraY, an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C., USA, who’s working on a research project on human trafficking within the West African sub-region, initially made the request for information – using the RAI Act 2013 to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs (MSWGCA).

He stated in a statement that 83 days later to date, when on December 18, 2019 – after MSWGCA refused to provide him with the requested information, he filed an official complaint to the RAIC, noting that till now his complaint remains unresolved as Commissioner Shaw is yet to issue a final letter to enable him take his case to the High court.

“To this day, Commissioner Shaw, have not  resolved nor issued a final letter on the refusal of the Ministry of Social Welfare to provide me with all of the information requested, or an explanation as to why they are not making available the information and documents sought, as is mandated by the law. Obviously, I need his final order to further seek relief at the High Court of Sierra Leone, and even beyond, if I am not satisfied with the outcome. And his inability to provide this letter is harming my cause and likely victims of human trafficking,” he said.

He said the actions of Commissioner Shaw – for the most part – in the handling of the complaint, has been appalling and thus, disappointing with regards to the length of time it has taken.

He noted the seemingly inappropriate engagement with the other party (the ministry), as it defeats the purpose for which a Freedom of Information Commissioner was appointed.

He said Commissioner Shaw should have been concerned with demanding and making sure that the requested information is provided to him, and in a timely manner and if not, he should make a finding and reasonably issues a final order to be given to each relevant party in the dispute so that the unsatisfied person or entity could take that letter to the high court for review as the law stipulates.

He cited Section 45 and corresponding subsections and paragraphs of Part VII of the RAIC Act 2013 which deals with appeals, provides a timeline to the Commissioner in reviewing a decision when dealing with a complaint under section 43.

He said Section 43, and corresponding paragraphs, is the relevant section of the Act that deals with filing a complaint for review by the Commission if a requestor believes they have been refused or denied access to information they requested.

“It’s so disappointing, and in fact, ironic, and even comical that Commissioner Shaw’s failure to issue a final decision thus, violating the Act…is the very similar behaviour  or illegal action that the Ministry of Social Welfare committed in handling my requests which led me to make the formal complaint to the commission. Now, the Commission is acting the same way!” MansaraY said.

He said the MSWGCA, which  has now been separated into two Ministries: Social Welfare and Gender and Children’s Affairs through its National Task Force on Human Trafficking Coordinator Dehunge Shiaka, had initially refused to provide the requested information within the 15-working-days statutory timeline allowed for by the Act, thereby violating the law.

He said Dehunge Shiaka  only provided lengthy background information 68 days later on January 21, 2020 and needlessly copying the office of Vice President Judah, others – after been reported to the Commissioner on December 18, 2019, and a flurry of ensuing email communications.

‘But even then the information contained in the correspondence was not what I had requested for; and I made that known to Commissioner Shaw.’

He said on February, 5th   after 84 days since the freedom of information request was made, Shiaka (the Ministry of Social Welfare), finally sent a batch of documents, noting that all the documents sent to him did not address the information he was seeking.

He said he particularly took issues with Commissioner Shaw, when after receiving the email with the attached documents – praised the Ministry and wrote: “Many thanks Mr. Shiaka for all your efforts in putting together and sending the requested information. Let us hope that the requester would now be happy with what you have sent so far.”

“It was like a slap in the face! For Commissioner Shaw to say ‘thanks’ to Shiaka (Ministry of Social Welfare) for a job well done after they have clearly violated my rights to access information by not providing the requested information on time, is irresponsible. And, when in fact, the documentation provided was not what I have requested for or was seeking in the first place,” he said.

He noted that the Right to Access Information Commissioner’s job is actually one of the simplest and easiest to perform by anyone with the right academic background as Commissioner Shaw, if only that person isn’t politically corrupted or lazy.

“There is nowhere within the RAIC Act 2013 that the Commissioner or its agents are directed by that law to hold meetings with one party and leaving the other out. That’s not Commissioner Shaw’s job. His job function is primarily to compel compliance of the Act. So, for him to entertain and held a meeting with the Ministry unbeknownst to me, until afterwards  is so egregious and an abuse of authority that leads one to want to believe that he may have been conspiring with the ministry in withholding the information that I requested. For that, I may instruct my attorney to file a court claim against him in his individual capacity,” Journalist MansaraY said.

The meeting he was referencing to above, was requested by Shiaka (Ministry of Social Welfare), and held with Commissioner Shaw and his team, according to emails reviewed and independently verified by this medium.

The essence of the meeting, according to the email communications, and Commissioner Shaw, was for Shiaka (Ministry of Social Welfare) to get further clarifications regarding the RAIC Act 2013.’

However, Journalist MansaraY said he was never made aware of the request for a meeting by Shiaka, nor knew that it was going to be held and subsequently held until after it was already concluded.

He said to date, he was yet to know the time, place, what was specifically discussed, and who were present at the meeting.

He said when he raised issues and requested notes of the meeting held between the Commission and Shiaka (Ministry of Social Welfare), he received a strongly worded response from the legal team of the RAIC that says in part: “I am directed by the RAI Commission to reply to your previous email dated Tuesday 25th February 2020 regarding your request for information.

“The Commission wishes to respectfully inform you that the legal department had no obligation to ask you for permission or seek your approval before accepting a sit down with Mr. Dehunge Shiaka. Further the discussions with Mr. Shiaka were informal and were more about him seeking clarifications on the provisions of the RAI Act 2013 and thus there are no minutes to provide you sir.”

He further stated that in reply to the email above, he wrote, also in part: “What I wrote and expressly concerned about was setting up and holding the meeting without my knowledge. And if Commissioner Shaw, the Commission and yourself think that was, and is appropriate, then, our legal, moral and logical opinions on this cannot be acres divergent.

“Frankly, I could care less who Commissioner Shaw – and the Commission – meets with…it’s their prerogative. What I’m concerned about is the Commission meeting with one party in a dispute on a subject matter – without the knowledge of the other – until afterwards, as it stimulates and gives rise to the perception of impropriety. And blatantly asserting that you ain’t providing those communications – because there are no minutes to give me as the meeting was informal – is very worrisome.”

The response to MansaraY was written by Alan Benjamin – a member of the legal team of Right to Access information Commission.

He further that the Freedom of Information Act is very simple to read and understand especially for someone with the level of education as Shiaka,  a Coordinator for the National Efforts in Eradicating Trafficking in Persons in Sierra Leone.

“It’s bullshit! That so-called meeting is just some of the shenanigans they’re used to in Sierra Leone when they try to indulge in nefarious activities to circumvent the rule of law,” he said firmly.

He said Shiaka, however, later provided what appears to be a second batch of information and documents that almost contained the same documents sent in late January and that though, some of the information was an updated version of the previous, Shiaka, with clarity, made known to MansaraY that information he was requesting specific to Sierra Leone was not been held by the Ministry of Social Welfare, but another agency.

This updated information, MansaraY says, is a partial answer or fulfilment to his Freedom of Information requests made last year, and that not all have been fulfilled.

He said the rest of the unanswered Freedom of Information requests that he seeks and still awaits a final letter for, from Commissioner Shaw, noting that he was hoping the Commissioner would have issued a final letter by then but he did not and has yet to do so.

He said he never intended at escalating thie matter to the Commissioner’s level, and now publicly as he has tried at resolving the issue several times by bringing it to the attention of Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Mohamed Haji-Kella and then, Chair of the Committee on Gender and Children’s Affairs Hon. Zainab Sesay, noting that he said he was ignored by the former.

“I am not required by law to make any request for an internal review, but I decided to do so just to amicably resolve the issue. But apparently, my efforts weren’t appreciated or valued by Hon. Kella because he never responded to my concerns apart from talking to me twice on the phone. And the one person that the constitution says should assist me in obtaining this information, Commissioner Shaw, is now becoming part of the problem. Such a shame for democracy in Sierra Leone!” MansaraY concluded.

Speaking to this medium at his Krootown Road Office, Chairman, Right to Access Information Commission, Dr. Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, said he was aware of the information request made by journalist AL MansaraY.

During the interview, this Press was prevented from doing any audio recording despite several pleas.

The interview was conducted in the presence of one of the members of the RAIC Legal team, the media officer of the Commission and a colleague journalist.

Dr.Shaw  said sometimes in December 2019, AL MansaraY  only wrote an  application to the Commission for an  information he was seeking from the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs.

He said the Commission engaged the Ministry to ensure that the information requested for by Al MansaraY was provided.

He said Al MansaraY was not satisfied with the information he received from the Ministry, stating that what they were about to do now was to review the request and ensure that the information is provided, if not, they will close the matter and allow him to go to the High Court to seek redress.

Also speaking during the interview session, the legal man for the commission, Allen Benjamin, contradicted the statement of the chairman that Al MansaraY only made an application to the Commission and not a complaint.

He said the journalist did file a complaint to the Commission against the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs for information he was seeking that was yet to be provided to him.

He said Al MansaraY made a request to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs for certain information, and that the Commission was only brought into the matter on 18th of December, 2019.

He said the Commission engaged and asked the Ministry to provide the information, but that the Ministry only sent a one line paragraph answer.

He said they later told the Ministry that the information provided was not enough.

He said the Commission never had meeting with the Coordinator of the National Task Force on Human Trafficking, Dehunge Shiaka.

He said the said Coordinator only went to the office to be taken through the Right to Access Information Act of 2013.

He said Al MansaraY was angry with the Commission when he was informed that the National Task Force on Human Trafficking Coordinator went to the Commission, stating that the 121 days Al MansaraY was saying his request has taken includes the 2019 December holiday, other holidays and weekends, and that the Commission started counting working days at the date the formal complaint was made.

Orange SL Brings Communications Closer, Improving Lives & Communities

Chief Executive Officer of Orange-Sierra Leone, Aminata Kane Ndiaye

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The leading telecommunications company operating in the country, Orange Sierra Leone has over the years brought effective communications closer to members of the public at affordable costs. Both voice calls and data bundles for internet browsing are enjoyed by many without much complaints unless during rare times when technological faults rear their ugly heads to cause hitches but even at that the company ensures that they are surmounted and sanity is quickly restored.

Since it started operations in the country the company has successfully penetrated remote parts of the country which were hitherto hard to reach areas. Nationwide connectivity has brought communications to the doorsteps of many and this has contributed greatly to bring people and communities closer.

The company’s financial service is rated as one of the best as it enables people to transfer money to pay for goods and services, salaries as well as pay utility bills. It is on record that Orange Money played a critical role when the Ebola break out in this country as it was used to pay caregivers and from what was learnt it is a good platform as it has accountability and audit trails. As a matter of fact the platform has increased the partnership between Orange Sierra Leone and a good number of International Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations.  This platform has provided job opportunities directly and indirectly for over 5,000 people nationwide.

The company has been identified as one that is truly complementing Government’s development interventions on different fronts. When the SLPP led Government under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio introduced the Free Quality Education Programme targeting primary and secondary school pupils, Orange Sierra Leone was the foremost telecommunications company that came forward to give it a boost. The company pledged the sum of $1.5 million dollars in material support with the objective of ensuring that the initiative becomes successful to benefit many. Putting pledge into action the company decided to dish out sanitary pads to female pupils in targeted schools across the country.

Still in the process of giving a boost to the educational sector, the company in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic Education and ST Foundation Bridge the Digital Divide-Sierra Leone launched the Super Coders Scratch Program which is aimed at helping children make their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art. Scratch has large collections or libraries of cool graphics and fun sounds to play around with, which enables children to solve real life social issues through coding and animation.

At this material time when much emphasis is placed on enhancing science and technology in the country the introduction of the project has been described as a step in the right direction as it has the potential of building the capacities of pupils with regards broadening their horizon on innovation and creating a platform for critical thinking.

Still within the realm of boosting education Orange SL launched the Spak Bundle Project which is otherwise known as the Student Pack. It is a project specifically meant for school going children and those attending tertiary institutions. The project offers pupils and students in both schools and tertiary institutions the opportunity to enjoy cheaper data bundles at affordable prices for research through the internet.

The company is now poised to roll out the remaining aspects encapsulated in the $1.5 million package towards rolling out the Free Quality Education Project.

Indisputably, through its numerous promotions Orange Sierra Leone has positively impacted many lives. Lucky individuals have won various prizes, changing their lives completely.

When it comes to helping communities through its Corporate Social Responsibility, Orange SL has helped different worthy causes and change the face of various communities. The company has helped certain communities to develop through the rolling out of various development projects.

To sum it up the presence and operations of Orange Sierra Leone is indeed a big blessing to this country. It has made communications easily accessible and affordable. Besides, it is improving lives and communities.

Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Storms Sierra Leone

Founder and President of the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church, Inc. (CHRISEM), Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Sr.

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Liberia International Radio and Television Preacher who also doubles as the Founder and President of the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church, Inc. (CHRISEM), Evang. Rev Christian K. Dagadu Sr. has on Sunday 8th March 2020 visited Sierra Leone on his Annual Preaching Tour of Africa.

Rev. Dagadu, who is into a worldwide ministry of teaching, training and evangelism is in the country on a two week “Walking Under an Open Heaven Crusade 2020” hosted by the Christian Evangelistic Pentecostal Church-Sierra Leone situated at 1H Old Railway Line at Tengbeh Town in Freetown which started on Monday 9th and will end on Friday 13th March, 2020 at the Aberdeen Community Playing Field on the theme: “Who is Jesus”.

After his 5days power park crusade at the Aberdeen community playing field he will also be hosting his second crusade at the Sierra Leone Police Playing Field Kingtom from the 16th-20th March 2020 on the theme: “There is power in the name of Jesus”.

Rev. Dagadu is a renowned Servant of God who ministers God’s word with divine power and he is called to breaking curses over nations and setting the captives free through the power of God.

He has traveled extensively on preaching tours in the United States of America, Europe to include Kosovo, England, Spain etc. Asia- South Korea, West, East, North, Southern Africa to include Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, the Holy Land of Israel and his land, Liberia.

He has established 19 churches-16 in Liberia and three (3) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, with two elementary schools and a Bible School – the CHRISEM School of Ministry.

In an interview with Kadiatu Conteh, who was part of his 2019 Crusade hosted at the National Stadium Car Park she described Rev. Dagadu as God’s sent and that after she attended that very crusade last year her life was really blessed, adding that she was suffering from a lot of complications but through his preaching she experienced the power of God in her life.

She urged Sierra Leoneans to be part of this year’s Walking under an Open Heaven Crusade 2020 underscoring that their lives will never be the same.

As Management Affirms that Kao Denero is apolitical… ‘Kiss The Throne’ Album to Hit Salone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Amara Denis Turay, popular on stage as Kao Denero said to be the undisputed King of Africa rap music and the CEO of BLACKLEO Records, is reported to  have placed Sierra Leone music on the African music stage after the release of his latest disc track ‘KENYATTA.’

The rapper has finally got top bloggers, DJs, YouTubers and music fans from across Africa talking about Sierra Leone music. The attention Sierra Leone music has got after Kao’s breakthrough is unprecedented. Day in day out, top blogs are talking about Kao Denero and Sierra Leone music.

Despite social media campaigns against his upcoming show, some would like to assure Salone music lovers that Kao Denero will launch his latest album ‘KISS THE THRONE’ at the Siaka Stevens Stadium in Freetown on the 21st March 2020. The rapper will celebrate with music fans across the country and in the sub-region. This great event will be graced by top media outlets across Africa, the likes of Hip TV, Sound City and more.

In that regard, the Management and organizing team for the upcoming music concert is informing all and sundry that Kao Denero is apolitical. He has no interest in politics. He has moved on with his career and personal life. They are pleading to everyone who still holds grudges against the rapper to forget about the past and appreciate him for what he is currently doing for the music industry. According to them it is the biggest opportunity Sierra Leone music has got to hit the international audience and markets, further appealing not to destroy the golden opportunity in the name of politics. “Let’s not deprive our country from this opportunity. Entertainment is the fastest means of rebranding a country,” they pleaded.

As far as they are concerned his contributions to Sierra Leone music should not be overshadowed by a ‘single mistake’ whatsoever.  They said at this crucial time in industry, we should consider the bigger picture which is Sierra Leone. “We once again extend our sincere apologies to all who were hurt in one way or the other. See you all at the Siaka Stevens Stadium on March 21st 2020 and party with the King of Africa,” they further appealed.

As Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament… Hon. Sidi Tunis Sets Out His Agenda

Honourable Sidie Mohamed Tunis, New ECOWAS Speaker

By Amin Kef Sesay

Following President Bio’s endorsement of the candidacy of Hon. Sidi M. Tunis in a video played to the Extraordinary Session of ECOWAS in Liberia late last year for the position of Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis has been duly elected on the 9th March 2020 at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center in Niamey, capital of Niger.

Hon. Tunis has been successfully elected as the sole candidate from Sierra Leone and was inaugurated as the Speaker of the 5th Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament for a period of four years; following the end of tenure of Senegal’s Moustapha Cisse’ Lo. In light of precedent, Togo is next in line after Sierra Leone.

The Speakership of ECOWAS is non-residential and Hon. Tunis also retains his position as Leader of Government Business in the Fifth Parliament of the Second Republic of Sierra Leone assembled; and now the substantive Speaker of the 5th Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Hon. Tunis has started presiding over deliberations using the Rules of Procedure; noting the election of four Deputy Speakers, and the constitution of both Committees on Selection and Rules of Procedure.

Hon. Tunis was nominated by Hon. Veronica Sesay and seconded by Hon. Shiaka Sama, an Independent Member of Parliament.
In his acceptance speech, Hon. Tunis recognized a 30-Man delegation from Sierra Leone headed by the Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu.
He said that he was proud and grateful to take the mantle of ECOWAS Speakership following the endorsement and confidence reposed in him by President Bio; whilst thanking his supportive wife, the Presidents of Niger and the ECOWAS Commission.
Speaking on his role relative to directing the business of ECOWAS Parliament and its organs, he deeply appreciated past Speakers for their dedicated services to advance the cause of the ECOWAS Community in light of free movement of goods and persons in the Region.

He called for continued monitoring of the situation in Togo, youth empowerment and the need for meeting the convergent criteria for the realization and operationalization of the ECOWAS single currency to facilitate and enhance effective trade in the Region.

He also called for ECOWAS to be accountable through the establishment of a Public Accounts Committee; to guarantee prudent fiscal management of the Community’s funds. He also implored ECOWAS to go closer to the people by utilizing innovative and effective means of communication to reach the very people the Parliament is constituted to represent.

Committing to mediation efforts in conflict prone areas, he talked about counter-terrorism strategies to ameliorate the situations in Mali, Burkina Faso and some parts of Nigeria. On removing the barriers to enhance the free movement of goods and persons, he spoke about respecting the outcomes of elections, peaceful transfer of power, human rights, migration and trafficking.

He particularly called for improved information sharing as a counter-terrorism measure; adding they could not sit idly by and allow bad people to inflict harm on the people; whilst speaking on women’s empowerment and effective preparedness to tackle the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

In his Speech of solidarity by outgoing Speaker, Moustapha Cisse’ Lo, he recognized the President of Niger as a Pan-African who is working assiduously for the advancement of Africa, ECOWAS and the people of Niger. He referred to the ECOWAS Parliament as a representative body charged with the responsibility of maintaining peace, democracy and stability in the Region. He observed that his tenure was not a luxurious one, but one that was purposely full of results; citing other interventions including the ECOWAS mediation Team sent to Sierra Leone after the conduct of the last general elections in 2018; aimed at preventing a re-occurrence of conflict in Sierra Leone; illegal migration; and counter-terrorism efforts in the Sahel Region. Concluding, he called on the new MPs to work closely with the ECOWAS Commission; whilst saying that the Office of the ECOWAS Speakership is fraught with challenges such as no-residency and inadequate funding to execute the duties associated to that Office.

President of ECOWAS Commission, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou described Niamey as the bedrock of regional integration in light of installing the 5th Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament; whilst citing the ECOWAS Supplementary Act authorizing the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government to inaugurate a new Parliament. He recognized the role played by the 4th ECOWAS Parliament in tackling threats by terrorists in the Sahel Region. He also said that inclusive social development is the foundation of democracy; whilst calling on the 5th ECOWAS Parliament, headed by Hon. Tunis to take the necessary initiatives to amplify the cause of ECOWAS by following good precedents.

Before declaring the 5th ECOWAS Parliament open in Niamey, President Mahamadou of Niger observed that since its construction, this is the very first time an event is being hosted in the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center in Niamey; with a capacity of a little over 2000. He also spoke of security, democracy, single currency and infrastructure saying they are representative of a solid foundation for the development of the ECOWAS Community. He also talked about respecting constitutional term limits, the outcomes of elections, strengthening of solidarity and effective tackling of terrorism and conflicts within the ECOWAS Community; whilst noting the coronavirus virus as a threat that should be contained as was done with the deadly Ebola virus in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone few years ago.

He also called on West African Leaders not to seek third terms in spite of constitutional loopholes. He averred that the period of hanging onto power for long is coming to a close by allowing change of power by democratic means. Calling for consensus and a peaceful transfer of power in Guinea; he re-affirmed support for the outcomes of the election in Guinea-Bissau. Speaking on the single currency, he spoke about the reduction of wage bills as one of the convergent criteria for its adoption and launch in Niger; adding the single currency would promote regional integration and foster growth and advancement on the ECOWAS economy.

He referred to the MPs as the souls of democratic representation responsible for creating a coherent integration in the Region by building on the gains of democracy; through the free movement of goods and persons, and upholding human and people’s rights.

Five Members of Sierra Leone Delegation to ECOWAS Parliament have just subscribed to an oath before the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government and President of the Republic of Niger, HE Issoufou Mahamadou at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center in Niger constituting the installation of the 5th Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament.
Members of Sierra Leone Delegation to ECOWAS Parliament include Hon. Chernor Bah, Hon. Sidie Tunis, Hon. Ajibola Manly-Spain, Hon. Veronica Sesay and Hon. Shiaka Sama.

Other Members of the ECOWAS Parliament have already subscribed to same.

Hon. Chernor Bah and Hon. Ajibola Manly-Spain are respectively represented in the newly formed Committees on Selection and the Rules of Procedure.
Hon. Chernor Bah is the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of Sierra Leone’s Delegation to ECOWAS Parliament.
Sierra Leone’s 30-Man Delegation to Niamey is inclusive of the Speaker of Parliament of Sierra Leone, Dr. Abass Bundu, Sierra Leone’s Delegation to ECOWAS Parliament, Hon. Mathew Nyuma, Hon. Hassan Sesay, Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina, Hon. Lahai Marah, Hon.

Momoh Bockarie, Hon. Abubakarr Fofanah, Hon. Boston Munda, Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Financial Secretary, Sierra Leone’s Higher Commissioner to Nigeria, Head of NATCOM, Sheku Lamin Turay, Nancy Magbity-Jalloh, two protocol staff-Fiona and Zainab, Abdul Malik Bangura, 98.1 and Samuel Wise Bangura and Team from AYV Television.

Sierra Leone delegation to ECOWAS Parliament
His Excellency President Issoufou Mahamadou, President of Niger, Chairman of the Authority

SALCAB MD Proposes Collaboration with U-Ton Engineering Company

By Amin Kef Sesay

In order to keep abreast with latest technology the Managing Director of SALCAB, Ishmael Mohamed Kebbay Jr,  has held an important meeting with the Management of U- TON Engineering Limited, a Ghanaian based engineering consortium and fiber optic Company.
It is on record that the company has about five years’ experience operating in the African telecommunications space and has carried out engineering activities mainly in Optical Fibre Networks, Micro-Ducts and Mini-Cables (MDMC), Supply and Installation, OPS and ISP Maintenance among others.

Engaging the SALCAB Managing Director to elucidate on the rationale of the meeting and its outcome he  revealed that the meeting was about a possible partnership with U- TON Engineering Limited aimed at helping SALCAB to land a second Fiber Cable in the country, explore other options, improve on the fiber optical network and to introduce new IT related businesses.

He also mentioned how he discussed the possibility of collaborating with the company to deploy G- Prongter technology, a technology that supports the deployment of fiber to homes and also G- Power Quicker, which is very cost effective and facilities cheaper internet at very faster rate for dwelling homes.

The MD explained further that the overall rationale of these engagements and explorations are to position SALCAB strategically to move in line with international standards and to put it at a vantage position to always deliver qualitative and affordable services.