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Kanja Sesay Brings Sanity to the Energy Sector

Alhaji Kanja Sesay, Minister of Energy

By Edward Vamboi

After Energy Minister, Kanja Sesay took up office at that Ministry he discovered that it was in shambles with uncoordinated approaches made toward the light system in the city. He had to do restructuring before electricity power supply became consistent again in the city which was almost non-existent at the time he took up office but because of the numerous problems he found in that Ministry, there have been a few hitches here and there.

Most citizens were not alarmed though knowing Kanja Sesay as a Minister that actually works and a Minister who not only delegates responsibilities but also monitors to make sure that the work is done.

A fortnight ago when there was a small hitch, the Energy Minister went lengths to make sure that those hitches were put to an end and because of his moves, electricity power supply has become consistent again in the city.

Working with an abled team, the Minister is solving the transmitter problems that were plaguing the whole nation, depriving whole areas of light for long periods in the past but now under his leadership the time between when a transmitter encounters a problem to the time when that problem is solved, has been halved making sure that whole areas do not stay long without light for long periods.

Citizens all over the city and elsewhere in the country are very happy with the way Kanja Sesay is managing things for them to ensure that they enjoy the pleasure which light brings with it.

Ordinary citizens who spoke to this Press said that things are far better now, with one making this remark: “We have become so used to light now that just a few minutes break make us a bit unhappy as light is no longer a luxury but something that we now take for granted since Kanja Sesay took up the mantle of the Minister of Energy.

All around the city citizens are rating the Energy Minister very high and are showering praises on him for a work well done.

In another development, on the 6th March 2020 the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Ministry of Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the aim to strengthening the relationship and collaboration between the two institutions in order to address issues of corruption in electricity supply and electricity theft.

At the historic event which took place at the Commission’s Head Office in Freetown, the Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, said the signing of the MoU is predicated on series of discussions between the ACC Commissioner and himself aimed at boosting Electricity Cost recovery which had been challenging. He added that he had recognized the commendable work the Commission is doing in fighting corruption in the country. He alluded to the Commission’s impressive work in the education sector to curb examination malpractices – something, he said, had motivated him to invite the Commission to similarly look into the energy sector. “I would like to invite you to pay attention to our own sector because there are lot of corrupt practices ongoing,” the Minister said.

The Minister further stated that the Energy sector has been facing many challenges in the area of electricity generation, transmission and distribution; and electricity theft being widespread through illegal connections and diversions.

He said his expectation of both institutions is to bring a difference through injecting transparency and efficiency to the revenue generation within the energy sector.

On his part, the Commissioner of the ACC, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. expressed his utmost joy at the signing of the MoU, describing it as an important day for the Commission to have a Ministry, by itself, to request the attention of the Commission in the fight against corruption and pledge to provide a collaborative support. The Commissioner said, electricity is an important commodity for the livelihood of citizens and that bulk of the funds generated from that sector ought to be accounted for to ensure a sustained supply of that Public Good by the government.

The ACC Boss furthered that the Commission does not have the technical expertise; but will rely on the Ministry of Energy to provide such expertise, equipment and resources to work with a Special Sting Operation Squad of the ACC  to detect corrupt activities, practices and deliberate failures to pay for electricity consumption by especially large electricity consumers like Fishing Companies, Welding Companies, Supermarkets, manufacturing factories, etc. He also said that even though the Commission is limited in manpower supply it will try its best to provide a taskforce to address the challenges in the sector adding that “where there is the will, numbers do not matter”.

The Commissioner ended by assuring the Ministry of Energy of the commitment of the ACC to this new partnership.
In attendance at the signing ceremony were the Deputy Minister of Energy, the Chairmen of the Board of EGTC and EDSA, the Directors -General of the EGTC and the EDSA, various senior staff and stakeholders in the Energy Sector, journalists, etc

Pres. Bio Speaks Tough in Kambia on International Women’s Day

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has bid farewell to about 900 Sierra Leoneans

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In Kambia Town on the 8 March 2020 marking International Women’s Day, President Julius Maada Bio stated that gender is on the agenda of Government pointing out how he believes Sierra Leone can only develop its human capital with women on board.

“Women, who constitute 51% of our population, are fully accounted for and included in our national development. We are also obligated, as a nation, to include, empower, and promote women to escape cycles of poverty and powerlessness. Only then can we be assured as a nation that every girl born in this our beloved nation can achieve her full potential and be all she can be,” he stated.

President Bio also pointed out that Cluster 6, in the country’s National Medium-Term Development Plan (2019-2023), recognised gender equality and women’s empowerment as critical to national development, noting that together with his wife, First Lady Madam Fatima Bio, the Government had worked seamlessly and tirelessly to address issues like early marriage, teenage pregnancy, menstruation, reproductive health and education.

“My Government acknowledges and will endeavour to enhance the immense contributions of our women to our national development – from healthcare (as doctors, midwives, nurses, and community healthcare workers); to education (as administrators, academic faculty, researchers, and teachers); to agriculture (as the key cultivators and producers of food); to business (as entrepreneurs and retail traders); to governance (as judges, ministers, parliamentarians, chiefs, technocrats, and senior administrators); to science and technology (as engineers, technical staff, and solar engineers); to civil society and journalism (where they keep women’s issues on the front burner), and even more.

“We followed my declaration of a National Emergency on Rape and Sexual Violence with a wholesome overhaul of the Sexual Offences Act to make it better for enforcement and tougher on perpetrators. We are resolved and determined as a Government to implement the provisions of all Gender-related Acts of Parliament, policies, and strategies to protect our women and girls.

“But we believe we must do more and we will do more. As we look at the data for Gender-based Violence, it would seem as if the impassioned appeals of our mothers, our sisters, our daughters and aunts, to respect their dignity and protect them from all forms of violence are not being heeded,” he said.

President Bio said his Government recognised that gender-based violence is not always just physical, adding that the nation had witnessed alarming levels of rape, sexual defilement and battering of children, incest and sexual harassment even in institutions of higher learning.

“We see girls forced into prostitution and also trafficked. At the cultural levels, we still see girls removed from school and forced into early marriages…Worse still, there are men and boys who fail to raise a voice in condemnation of those damnable acts. That barbarous culture of impunity must end. The wicked culture of silence and complicity that sustain it must end,” he assured.

In her opening address, Secretary-General of the Female Parliamentary Caucus, Honourable Rebecca Yei Kamara said that empowerment of women and a girl is pivotal to development and crucial for Sierra Leone’s achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. She also commended President Bio for declaring a state of emergency on rape and for the amendment of the Sexual Offences Act, saying that that would help to end the menace.

Minister of Gender, Manty Tarawalli, said that they were meeting on that particular day to sow the seed for male involvement in the development and growth of women in the country. She noted that their strategy was to get men as champions for women’s empowerment, adding that her Ministry is setting up a toll-free number to allow people report cases of violence against women and girls across the country.

United Nations Resident Coordinator, Sunil Saigal, said that gender equality is not only an issue of women but an issue of both men and women because they must walk together. He said that gender equality is a precondition for empowerment and also commended the First Lady Madam, Fatima Maada Bio, for the “Hands Off Our Girls” initiative, which seeks to end early child marriage, rape, gender-based violence in Sierra Leone.

In Celebrating International Women’s Day… Female in S/L & PAN-SL Launch Climate Change Awareness Campaign

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a bid to raise awareness on the negative effects of climate change and to encourage people to engage in afforestation, Female in Sierra Leone in collaboration with Patriotic Advocacy Network (PAN-SL) on Sunday 8th March 2020 launched a nationwide Climate Change Awareness Campaign on the theme: “Each for Equal in Protecting our Environment”. The launch took place at Kallon Drive on Aberdeen Beach in Freetown.

In her address, the Public Relations Officer of Female in Sierra Leone, Madam Blanche, disclosed that Sierra Leone has been named among other countries that are disaster prone furthering how it is against such a backdrop that they decided to embark on a nationwide Climate Change Awareness Campaign in order to promote afforestation and preserve the environment.

She noted that environmental issues are national issues arguing that when disaster occurs it does not only affect a certain percentage of Sierra Leoneans but the nation as a whole. She admonished participants to take proper care of the environment and urged them to stop depositing garbage in the drainages as such is human activity that destroy our environment.

She ended up saying that Sierra Leone must engage in afforestation as that will help in combating climate change in the country and help in preserving the environment.

On his part, Executive Director of Patriotic Advocacy Network, Ansumana Keita, expressed appreciation to Female in Sierra Leone for collaborating with them in the implementation of the nationwide Climate Change Awareness Campaign which he said is not only important but timely as the present situation of climate change is worrisome and if urgent action is not taken such will lead to something else in the future.

He said his organization has been dedicated to the cause of imparting the spirit of patriotism and oneness in the minds of Sierra Leoneans, promoting the ideals of human rights, the rule of law and democratic good governance in our beloved nation.

He assured the participants that they will work with Female in Sierra Leone to raise awareness on climate change and the preservation of the environment.

He said they will ensure that they take the awareness raising to schools and communities disclosing how they will start as soon as possible.

The event was climaxed by storytelling, reading of poems and musical performances.


Dissatisfaction Surfaces with New Passport Acquisition Arrangements  

Chief Immigration Officer, Andrew Jaiah Kai Kai

By Amin Kef Sesay

On the 6th March 2020 some staff members of the Immigration Department allegedly expressed dissatisfaction publicly over the new arrangement by Managements of the Department and SALPOST for passport application forms to be bought at SALPOST which they asserted has dismantled the passport cartel and in the process the extortion enterprise of poor Sierra Leoneans for which they vowed to do all humanly possible to sabotage the new arrangement.

It was observed that the Immigration Department is still populated with none–staff members (agents) who operate in the open in the full view of the public and management of the Department and some even accused SALPOST of plans to hijack their official function.

Some of the staff is negligent to guide applicants to fill the application forms only to wrongly blame SALPOST of not having the wherewithal to do it claiming that they are the experts.

It was further observed that an application form bought and filled on 27th February 2020 and given a serial number was not processed until the applicant visited the Department on 5th March 2020 only to discover that the application forms of those who applied after him had been processed.

However, an official of SALPOST enlightened this medium that they are not mandated to help customers fill the forms stressing that the form is very simple and easy to fill. He said he wished they had the mandate to help customers fill them reiterating that all the excuses from staff of the Immigration Department are to win public sympathy and reiterated that the passport cartel has been dislodged further underscoring, “they just cannot believe that these changes have really happened as they want to continue with business as usual. It must be noted that the passport mafia is well-entrenched and resistant to change.”

It must be noted that recently, the public highly commended the initiative of the Chief Immigration Officer; Mr. Andrew Jiah Kai Kai to relocate the buying and processing of application forms from the Immigration Department to the Sierra Leone Postal Services (SALPOST) that has seen an end to the massive extortion of customers by the passport cartel and turnaround time of processing and receiving a passport from weeks to seven (7) working days.

Some of the passport applicants who have experienced the new arrangement described the initiative of the Chief Immigration Officer as radical, that unlike in the Immigration Department, there are no longer long queues to buy and process application forms for passports highlighting that their greatest joy and satisfaction is the end to extortion of customers by the passport cartel at the Immigration Department and wished the collaboration with SALPOST had started years ago but opined that it is better late than never.

They added that the new location has not only eased congestion, but has also given customers the opportunity to know about the existence of SALPOST as well as experience its various services and products on offer.

According to the applicants, they are delighted with the ground-breaking initiative of the Chief Immigration Officer asserting that the buying of application forms at SALPOST has made the place busy observing that the new arrangement keeps improving daily to the applause and admiration of the public, acclaimed the Immigration Department for resuscitating an ailing institution like SALPOST and appealed to other Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to emulate the genuine example of the Immigration Department by collaborating and supporting each other.

“We are overjoyed to see the Chief Immigration Officer and the management of SALPOST observing the process as the department has been plagued with corruption over the years. We commend the Immigration Department for resuscitating SALPOST,” they further asserted.

The overall objective of SALPOST is to make services available to the public as people now have the opportunity to have their passports free of hassle.

Also, customers who have experienced the new arrangement intimated this medium that SALPOST charges an additional Le2, 500 for postage delivery and that all the passports have serial numbers for which people commended the Chief Immigration Officer and the Director-General of SALPOST for the worthy venture.

In a related development following growing public outcry against the cost of a passport, its quality and for the agreement to be reviewed/renegotiated with immediate effect, in-depth investigations reveal that the Government, through the Ministry of Internal affairs, signed the passport contract with Netpage in 2013 but that the contract is flawed and not in the best interest of Sierra Leone. Throughout the contract, Sierra Leone is mentioned to benefit only by 5% with Netpage (the contractor) and Thomas De La Rue (the producer) dominating the contract agreement.

Reports continue that the passport agreement did not go through the right process including due diligence and that it was an addendum to the previous agreement for which the people are calling on Government to open the process for other interested parties to bid reiterating that the passport has no value for money.

Furthermore, investigations state that the cost of the passport is too high for the masses compared to other West African countries like Nigeria and Ghana where the cost of passports is 30 and 20 dollars respectively and want it decreased to between 300-400 thousand Leones.

Some concerned citizens lamented, “the price of the passport is extortion of the Government of Sierra Leone and its citizens. It is unacceptable. The Government has no share in the agreement. Those who signed the agreement are not good for this country as we are been cheated. The agreement is draconian and was hastily passed by Parliament.”

They further called for the price of the passport to be in Leones and not dollars, decentralization of the Immigration Department, increase in the number of pages in the passport from 38-42 or 48 pages, that the passport must be of international standard according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) criteria underscoring that the passport must be electronic as is now the trend globally.


Thomas Moore Conteh, Freedom of Expression and Democracy

Executive Director Citizen's Advocacy Network Thomas Moore Conteh

By Amin Kef Sesay

One of Sierra Leone’s vibrant Civil Society activist, Thomas Moore Conteh, who arrested on the 5th March 2020 by the Police during a peaceful protest by some disenchanted students of the Limkokwing students who were demanding that the Government should a decision taken not to continue paying their fees was granted a Le150, 000.000 bail by the Magistrate presiding over a jam-packed Magistrate Court in Freetown on Friday 6th March 2020. He is expected to make his next appearance on the 12th March 2020.

Rashid Dumbuya Esq ,the lead Counsel of over fifty legal representatives  who came forward in court to defend Thomas Moore had this to say: “In my almost 10 years of practise as a human rights lawyer defending accused persons in court, I have never felt so timid but for this case. The passion and emotions that was bubbling from within was just uncontrollable. But thank God for divine wisdom and for showing Himself strong on our behalf.”

Indeed, the unity of the legal team and the support from civil society organisations and Linkokwing University students were indeed exemplary.

According to Lawyer Rashid, “while we keep celebrating the release of Thomas Moore Conteh, let us also remember that the issue of Limkokwing University has still not been resolved. We must therefore continue with our constructive engagements with the State so that the Limkokwing University saga will be resolved amicably and in a way that will ultimately guarantee the right to Education of the affected students who have been out of classes for about six months now.”

He noted that we must never allow His Excellency’s free quality education programme, which is a priority under the New Direction manifesto, to be undermined.

He maintained that ours is a democracy and not an autocratic system of Government, hence, the need for absolute respect for fundamental human rights as enshrined in national and international law.

The lead Counsel laid emphasis on this, “Education is an empowerment right and any attempt by the State to deprive an individual of that right is an attempt to render that individual as menace to the society.”

He admonished all to desist from commenting on the case before the court since the matter is now sub- judice.

It must be noted that a fundamental characteristic of modern democratic States is the existence of the right to freedom of expression, which includes the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by the public authority.

The 1991 Constitution provides that everyone has the right to freedom of expression. As such, the approach of the Court is to give the term its literal and linguistic meaning as it applies to natural and legal persons.

The right, under the European Convention on Human Rights is supposed to be interpreted by the Court as being available to a range of natural persons including journalists in Goodwin v United Kingdom (1996), civil servants in Vogt v Germany (1995), serving members of the military in Engel v Netherlands (1976).

It has also been found to apply to publishers in Unabhangige Initiative Informations Viefalt v Austria (2003) and to newspapers in Sunday Times v United Kingdom (1979).

The right to freedom of expression is not only a primary cornerstone of democracy but also prerequisite for the enjoyment of many of the other rights and freedoms ensured in the AU and ECOWAS Convention on Human Rights. However, freedom of expression is subject to certain restrictions that are ‘in accordance with law’ and necessary ‘in a democratic society’.

Generally, the right to freedom of expression includes freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas. It constitutes one of the essential foundations of a society and therefore the right is applicable not only to ‘information’ or ‘ideas’ but also to those that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population.

Any consideration of freedom of expression must therefore recognize not just the underlying principles behind freedom of expression but also the interrelationship between freedom of expression and democracy.

As a general point therefore, when assessing freedom of expression, consideration should be given to the relationship between it and another fundamental constitutional right – the right to freedom of association. However, under Sierra Leone law, the Public Order Act 1965 allows the State to impose limitations on these rights.

Under the law, an interference with freedom of speech and association must satisfy the following criteria: It must be prescribed by law, it must be necessary in a democratic society; should pursue a legitimate aim, any measures taken must be proportionate to the aim being pursued

When all is said and done, in a democracy, the primary obligation of the State is to refrain from unlawful interferences with the exercise of the right to freedom of expression.

The mechanisms of the State, must avoid any legislative, judicial or administrative interference with the rights to freedom of expression and association. As a general rule all restrictions on freedom of expression are to be discouraged.

This further implies that the State is to take positive measures to promote the right to freedom of expression and association.


Hon. Sidi Tunis Becomes Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament

Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis

By Abdul Malik Bangura

Honourable Sidie Mohamed Tunis, the Leader of Government Business representing the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP),  was sworn in yesterday 9th March 2020 as Speaker of the regional Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament at Niamey, Republic of Niger. The event took place at the Mahatma Gandhi Conference Center in Niamey,

According to the astute Parliamentarian, his main source of strength is the people of Sierra Leone. The SLPP MP for Constituency 101 in the Southern Provincial district of Pujehun, made this statement earlier before the swearing in ceremony whilst addressing Sierra Leoneans during a live TV Programme from the Bravia Hotel in Niamey, Republic of Niger.
The now substantive Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament revealed how he was overwhelmed with the massive support he enjoyed from the Government and people of Sierra Leone, specifying most importantly President Bio who nominated him for the ECOWAS top diplomatic position. Hence, he said, he would do everything to make Sierra Leone proud of him.

He further spoke about the importance of his office, which he equates to the President of the ECOWAS Court. He also highlighted that the ECOWAS Parliament is the official Legislative organ of the Commission, whilst the court is the judicial organ. Hence, he said, therefore heads of both organs have similar powers.

Honourable Tunis spoke about pending challenges that would fraught his administration as Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament. He said crisis in the West Africa region has greatly crippled peace in Mali, Guinea, Ivory Coast and others. He added that the imminent insurgencies in the West Africa region are mostly tied to political disagreements, hence the need for a vibrant ECOWAS Parliament.

Honourable Tunis vouched to prioritize the situation in Guinea, which has claimed several lives, and said he is ready to utilize the ECOWAS Parliament’s Human Rights as well as the Political Affairs committees to work in earnest to remedy that situation.

In addition, Honourable Tunis spoke about the initiative of bringing together all the speakers of the various Houses of Assembly in West Africa. “My plan is to convene every year a Conference of Speakers,” Honourable Tunis said, adding that “the Speakers will sell the decisions of the ECOWAS Parliament.” He said, it is not only getting representatives of the people alone, but also getting a Conference of Speakers help to sell the initiatives of the ECOWAS Parliament even to national MPs who are not members of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Honourable Tunis further assured that though he has been sworn in  as Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, he still remains Leader of Government in the Sierra Leone Parliament, adding that his job at the ECOWAS Parliament will be mostly done at home in Sierra Leone.

Meanwhile, dilating on Government’s commitment towards actualizing the vision of Honourable Tunis at the ECOWAS Parliament, Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Umaru Naopleon Koroma who also graced the occasion in Niamey said, “it is a strategic moment for Sierra Leone to get the Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament.” He spoke about the legal evolution of ECOWAS since 1975.

Minister Umaru Napoleon Koroma said President Julius Maada Bio’s nomination of Honourable Tunis for the ECOWAS Speaker position is a right move to show that the New Direction Government is working to strategically showcase Sierra Leone to the world. He assured that Government will support Honourable Tunis because according to the Minister, Hon Tunis will be going to the ECOWAS to represent Sierra Leone and not any political party.

In addition, Minister Koroma spoke about the gains Sierra Leone had when last a Sierra Leonean in the person of Dr Abass Bundu once served the ECOWAS at its most trying stages as Secretary General of the Commission. Today, Dr Abass Bundu is now the Speaker of Sierra Leone House of Parliament.

Honourable Saa Emerson Lamina, Parliamentary Leader of the Coalition for Change (C4C) party in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament said, “when I am outside Sierra Leone I showcase the face of Sierra Leone.” He said that he believes in Honourable Tunis owing to his massive experience. He said, he has no doubt that Honourable Tunis will achieve all is targeted plans.

Honourable Lamina further assured that transparency and accountability would be projected in the ECOWAS Parliament as a reflection of the Sierra Leone’s Public Account Committee (PAC) model. Hence he said that their coming in for the inauguration is a reflection that he is actually firmly in support of Honourable Tunis. He said, “New Renaissance will be taking place at the ECOWAS Parliament with Honourable Tunis at the helm of its leadership.”

Meanwhile, it could be recalled that last year, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio had in a televised video message to Members of the ECOWAS Parliament which was played at the Extra Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament in Monrovia, Republic of Liberia endorsed and weigh in absolute support for Honourable Tunis to serve as Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament.

Hon. Tunis has taken the mantle of leadership and he will serve till 2024, when Togo will be in line to succeed Sierra Leone. The position is rotational in alphabetical manner. The outgoing holder of the ECOWAS Speaker is from Senegal, this means that Sierra Leone is next in line to take up the position.

Meanwhile, as part of his functions as Speaker, Hon Tunis will direct the business of the Parliament and its organs. He will also preside over meetings and conduct debates in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure.

AMNet organizes training for Local Authorities on human trafficking for International Women’s Day celebrations

By Amb Festus J Lahai

On Friday 6th March, 2020, Advocacy Movement Network (AMNet) organized a special training on human trafficking with special emphasis on trafficking of women and girls for local authorities in the Western Area at their Head Office in Freetown.

Welcoming Chiefs and tribal authorities to the meeting, AMNet’s Program Officer, Brima Conteh, disclosed that similar training had been provided to Chiefs in the 7 districts that AMNET operates in across the country and that it was important to do the same for tribal heads and Chiefs in the Western Area.

He noted that the Chiefs and traditional leaders are of immense importance in tackling trafficking, as they play a key role in preventing trafficking and dissuading traffickers who sometimes seek to use them as intermediaries in their quest to traffic especially women and girls to “greener pastures” whether within Sierra Leone or to foreign countries.

Addressing the tribal leaders and Chiefs, Program Manager, Mr. Samuel Bangura, noted that it as important to educate traditional authorities about the dangers involved in human trafficking and how they will contribute in combating this practice in the country. He noted that as most of the traditional leaders and chiefs were men, they should be strong supporters of the ‘HeForShe’ campaign, a solidarity campaign initiated by UN Women and the Ministry of Gender and Children’s affairs with the primary goal of engaging men and boys as agents of change by encouraging them to take action against discrimination faced by women and girls.

He explained that AMNet is providing similar trainings to Chiefs, local authorities and other Government representatives in 7 districts within the country. He urged all Sierra Leoneans to report any act of trafficking. “Don’t encourage traffickers and stop trafficking in your communities,” he stated.

Lead facilitator, Sylvester Laggah, who is the Research Officer, Serious Organized Crime Coordination Directorate, Office of National Security (ONS), defined what trafficking entailed. He outlined several ways to combat human trafficking including the 4 P’s approach namely Prevention, Prosecution, Protection and Partnership. They highlight seek to the need to prevent trafficking from occurring, protect victims of human trafficking, bring its perpetrators to justice and build partnerships domestically and internationally.

In explaining the constituent elements of trafficking, Mr. Laggah noted that the crime of trafficking in persons is substantiated when an “act” (recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons) is committed by way of a “means” (the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability, or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person) for a purpose of exploitation.

He pointed out that traffickers recruit victims largely from rural provinces to urban and mining centres for exploitation in sex trafficking and forced labour in domestic service, artisanal diamond and granite mining, petty trading, rock breaking, street crime, and begging. Traffickers also exploit victims in fishing and agriculture, and sex trafficking or forced labour through customary practices, such as forced marriages. Traffickers typically operate individually, convincing parents to hand over their children and promising to provide an education or better life but instead exploiting the children.

At the end of the training, AMnet Program Officer, Brima Conteh, shared copies of training materials to all local authorities who attended the training and told them to share the knowledge gained during the training with their sub-chief and the people in their local areas.

AMnet CEO, Madam Hawa Sally Samai, thanked the participants for their continuous commitment for standing for women and children and appealed for them to share what they have learnt with their community and ensure they work as a team with the all other stakeholders working on trafficking.  “We are a team and that’s the way to success ” she ended.

The training was funded by International Organization for Migration (IOM) with support from the European Union (EU).

NP-SL Remains the Foremost Oil Marketing Company in the Nation

By Amin Kef Sesay

If today we are talking of successful business establishments in this country, definitely the National Petroleum-Sierra Leone Limited will be mentioned among the first category. Indeed, this is no exaggeration or there is no gainsaying to maintain that stance, when cognisance is seriously taken of how the company originated, the challenges it has weathered over the years and the status it has now attained.

With their end of service benefits being paid by the then British Petroleum Company, thirty-five (35) Sierra Leoneans, who were former employees of that company decided to come together and invest by setting up what is today the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd), the leading petroleum importing and marketing company in the whole country. The selflessness, the passion to succeed and sheer commitment on the part of the shareholders of the company have all contributed in one way or the other to catapult the company to the enviable position it today occupies  within the business landscape of this country.

The name NP is synonymous with 1st For Customer Care as one major thing the company is well renowned for is paying unfettered attention and doing everything reasonable to give ultimate satisfaction to its numerous customers. Mindful of the fact that without giving their best they will definitely lose customers and wanting to attract new ones ,the shareholders of the company, its Board of Directors and Management teams over the years have all ensured that qualitative petroleum products are made available for vehicular use as well as office and domestic consumption. Satisfaction is not only provided through giving qualitative products but the timely availability of these products which many could easily access.

Optimal satisfaction is also derived when customers do have the confidence that they are getting value for money. In other words, when they have trust that they are dealing with a very transparent company such gives them the courage to stay glue to that company. With the installation of calibrated pumping machines at its Filling Stations which have the capacity to pump the exact quantity of fuel that customers request for and at the same time displaying the prices gives the feeling that they are really getting back what they pay for. This trust is more built by the encouraging manner the company’s pump-attendants deal with customers.

When it comes to the implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy, then we can rate NP-SL as one company that has been excellently rolling it out to the letter. From origin, the shareholders of the company made it a laid down policy to give preference, in terms of employment, to Sierra Leoneans except in situations when the expertise to carry out a task could not be sourced locally. This indigenous posture has made it possible for Sierra Leoneans to be gainfully employed by the company putting them at vantage positions to take care of personal and family responsibilities.

With regards rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, NP-SL Ltd does not joke in doing so and as a matter of fact it has contributed to the resilience of other key institutions. One major boost that the company gave recently to the National Fire Force (NFF) was facilitating the construction of a water facility for its Kissy Branch costing millions of Leones. The facility has a kva generation that helps pump water into fire engines meant for usage in extinguishing fire outbreak within Greater Freetown. When cognisance is taken of how it is sometimes difficult to fetch water in Freetown it will dawn that the water facility, which gets water from underneath the earth surface, is very significant to the work that the NFF is doing.

To make it easy to access fuel, petrol or diesel, at Filling Stations the use of NP Smart Card was introduced. With this Card, a particular customer could procure fuel without exchanging tangible cash as long as the card contains money. The customer determines how much he needs which is exactly what will be deducted and the balance will remain. This convenient way of transacting business guarantees security of not losing cash or for it not to be stolen. Besides, it removes the tendency on the part of drivers to cheat when purchasing fuel.

Still with the objective of giving their customers the best, the company came with NP Gas which is now a household name. This cooking device is said to be very environmental friendly as it is less hazardous to health, is portable, easy to refill with gas that could be secured from the company’s dealers and very quick in terms of performance. Many have attested that it is worth trying and having.

The mere fact that NP-SL is successful, as evident in the opening of branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia truly tells of a result-oriented company. These branches are vibrantly thriving offering qualitative and outstanding services to people in those countries.

As a matter of fact in all these countries that the company is operating it is timely paying taxes to the Governments thereby contributing to the revenue baskets of these nations. These taxes form part of the revenue which Governments in turn use to fund various development projects.

To crown it all, NP SL Ltd is truly contributing to the socio-economic developments of all the countries it is operating and by extension  greatly bettering lives.

Choithram Hospital Offers Free Paediatric Treatment

Harish Agnani, Head of the ultra-modern Choithram Memorial Hospital & Host of other Doctors

By Amin Kef Sesay

During a media engagement on the 6th March 2020, Harish Agnani, Head of the ultra-modern Choithram Memorial Hospital, which is situated in the West End of Freetown, informed newsmen that a team of medical personnel from Germany is currently offering a two weeks paediatric treatment for children within the ages of 5 to 16 years old at the hospital up at Hill Station which started on the 28th February 2020 and will end on the 12th March 2020.

He informed newsmen that within the past two months the hospital has made progress citing the expansion of the reception area saying it was small to accommodate the growing number of people who come to the hospital and assured that work will be completed in few months’ time.

He also mentioned how they have shipped equipment worth Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) some which are on the high seas and others will be shipped soon further revealing that they decided to construct a reservoir where water could be stored especially during the rainy season to be used for cleaning purposes, that they have secured additional beds and installed some new equipment.

Harish also intimated that the team performs 10 surgical operations in a day and starts work from 7:30 am and ends at 6:30pm. He mentioned how they intend to target more than 100 patients but deal with the amount they are able to do based on the severity of the cases.

Present also were some members of the team from Germany headed by Dr. Morley Wright and also include Dr. Ibrahim Al-Naieb, Dr. Tilman, Dr Esther Lau, Dr.Sara Al-Naieb, Dr. Kathrin Ruesse, Mrs Esther Kaeuffler and Mrs Madeleine Martin.

According to Dr Wright: “Bintumani DSL in Germany and Choithram Memorial Hospital have been collaborating over the years to roll out the Free Paediatric Camps which are funded through donations solicited in Germany and out of what is raised is what we use to fund the organization of these camps and procure equipment that we do utilize in addition to what Choithram has,” adding they have been able to treat over 43 cases so far and do follow-up treatments but after they return to Germany Choithram continues to deal with the follow-up cases.

He furthered that prior to the surgical treatment of patients during the medical camps notices are put out to members of the public through the social media and other outlets informing interested persons of the upcoming Free Medical Paediatric Camps.

Those who are the successful applicants are first screened before the arrival of the team. He also disclosed that the free medical camps are held once in a year but highlighted that if the resources are available and there is the need it could be done twice in a year.

“We do select cases which we are aware we can treat meaning that we do not treat all types of complication,” he underscored.
It was intimated that the Free Paediatric Camp started since 2014 and the beneficiaries do not pay a single cent, are fed and even given free medicines until completion of their treatment.

According to Dr. Wright since the commencement of the free medical camp more than 500 cases have been dealt with in this country and most have been successful.
On his part, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Naieb, a member of the team stated that they are happy to work here in Sierra Leone by offering free medical treatment to children.

He warmly commended the Management of the Choithram Memorial Hospital for what he termed as doing a marvellous and fantastic work.

Gowrinath M. George, Medical Superintendent of Choithram Memorial Hospital also said the offer of the free treatment is part of their Corporate Social Responsibility as an institution, adding that the free screening and treatment is geared towards providing qualitative and free treatment.

He went on to divulge that the organization of these periodic camps is in line with the aim and objective of the founder of the hospital, Pa Choithram, a philanthropist who had a dream to provide medical succour for the poor and needy who could not afford to pay medical bills.

Responding to a question on how prepared is the hospital to deal with any outbreak of corona virus the Medical Superintendent stated that they have put precautionary measures in place and their medical personnel are using masks, they have introduced hand washing as well as putting other mechanisms intact.

The engagement was climaxed with a media tour of the wards where the patients are undergoing treatment.

With no mining activities taking place… Lunsar Becomes a Ghost Town

By Edward Vamboi

Since Sierra Leone’s largest iron ore mine laid off almost all its workers due to a legal dispute with the Government, the once bustling town of Lunsar has become a shadow of its former self.

In the central market of Lunsar, whose name means “Land of Stones” in the local language, only a few stalls remain open. Taxi drivers and traders say business has ground to a halt. Hundreds, if not thousands, of residents have left altogether.

“I can’t just wait for the mine to restart, because I have five families [to support], my mother and father, brothers, cousins,” said 35-year-old Abdulai Bangura, who like his father had spent much of his adult life working at the Marampa mine.

Since the closure, Bangura has been forced to scrape a living growing corn, cassava, peanuts and potatoes on a plot whose soil shimmers from the abundant iron ore in the ground. In all, 1,700 workers at Marampa were dismissed, nearly 5% of the town’s population and its economic lifeblood.

They are victims of an increasingly acrimonious dispute between President Julius Maada Bio and international iron ore miners that led the Government to revoke their licenses last year, stalling all exports of the mineral which previously generated a quarter of the country’s annual export revenue.

Bio wanted SL Mining, a subsidiary of U.S. commodity trader Gerald Group, to pay higher royalties on its sales of Marampa’s ore. But the tough line has made life difficult for those most dependent on the mines.

Marampa was established in the 1930s and its cycles of boom and bust have shaped Lunsar ever since. The current crisis is among the most serious.

Some residents are on the run from debt collectors they have been unable to repay since the mine closed. Pharmacy owner, Eliza Kanu, is in hiding, wanted by Police for defaulting on a $1,500 loan. Her husband left Lunsar, fleeing his own creditors. “Since the mine closed there are no sales,” Kanu said, sitting on a bench outside a friend’s house. “You can just sit all day without a single customer.”

Until now, Sierra Leone’s Government has ignored international court orders for it to reinstate the license of SL Mining. The company has denied the Government’s accusations it was not paying what it owed. The mines ministry declined to comment.

At the mine, vast un-exportable mounds of ore tower over the conveyor belts and mining machinery, which are thick with dust from lack of use. “There is nothing else in Lunsar to do without the mines,” said SL Mining’s head of community relations and development, Sheik Umar Kamara. “The mine was the source of life.”

Residents are frustrated at what they say is a lack of support from the Government. “Buildings are going to be dilapidated; people are going to move out. So the entire town of Lunsar will become, yet again, another ghost town,” he said.