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New Kenema clock constructed by Africell due in 4 months

Africell's Chief Operations Officer and Chief Minister

By Amin Kef Sesay

In what has been described as an unprecedented developmental leap, the leading Telecommunications company in Sierra Leone, Africell, has announced that they have heeded to the call of the Chief Minister, Professor David Francis, to facilitate the reconstruction of a new modern digital Clock Tower at the heart of the cocoa-rich Eastern Region Head Quarter town of Kenema.

This pronouncement was made over the weekend by the Chief Operations Officer from Africell, Houssam Jaber, in the presence of the Chief Minister of the Republic of Sierra Leone, at a brief but well attended function by a host of stakeholders in Kenema at the derelict Kenema Clock tower previously completed by PAKBATT- 6 serving UNAMSIL.

Africell is known for leaving indelible corporate social responsibility imprints in around Sierra Leone, and the commitment to the Kenema clock tower, backed by the declaration last weekend, reinforced that their position in the hearts on their loyal subscribers.

Speaking during the announcement, Houssam Jaber said, they were delighted to be in Kenema to convey the message of approval and to commit resources to the reconstruction of the iconic location. He added, the visit was to primarily assess the structure and set the timeline with regards the stipulated completion date which he said would span for four months.

He said, the next two weeks in February, will be used to demolish the existing structure to make way for the implementation. This is one among the many refurbishments of major intersections, clock towers and beautification projects done by Africell as part of their CSR.

Receiving and welcoming the delegation from Africell, the Chief Minister who also doubles as the political head of Kenema, Professor David J. Francis, said, Kenema is a vibrant city and one of the economic centers of Sierra Leone; If Kenema develops, Sierra Leone will benefit, and when Sierra Leone develops, Kenema will benefit.’

He added “Africell takes CSR seriously as demonstrated in their support to the First Lady’s flagship initiative, Hands off our girls.”

The purpose of the visit, he noted, was to court Africell’s commitment for the construction of a purpose built ultra-modern clock tower which will become a center of attraction in a city on the ascendancy.  He noted that he was particularly pleased with the timeframe pegged for the completion of the project which will be executed in collaboration with the local authorities, to ensure the site is safe and doesn’t pose risks to commuters.

The Chief Minister applauded Africell and thanked the delegation from Freetown for visiting the City of Kenema to deliver the good tidings

The Proposed New Kenema Clock Tower
The Old Kenema Clock Tower

Minister Settles Land Disputes Nationwide

Minister of Lands, Dr  Dennis Sandy

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a random interview that was conducted in different parts of the country to gauge the views of citizens relating to the performance of the Minister of Lands, Dr  Dennis Sandy  who was recently rated among the top 6 Minsters in the President Bio’s Government in an Integrity Score Card, most of the responses received stated that  he is doing what no other Minister in that Ministry has ever done over the past 20 years; that he is also treading on grounds where no other Minister before him has ever trod.

Some said before Dr Sandy’s second coming into that Ministry, it was seen as having interest in settling only land disputes within cities in the country but he has showed from recent activities that his Ministry could reach every place within the boundaries of this country.

According to an influential personality in Bo, land owners of Mokonde Town in the Bo District where the main Njala University is based, were made to smile recently by Dr Sandy when he went himself to settle a very serious land dispute involving close to 400 acres piece of land, between the University authorities and the land owners who felt hard done by the University which overstepped its boundaries and took land belonging to the original owners of Mokonde.

“Dr Sandy was able to negotiate with the land owners who accepted cash payments and handed over the said land to the university with no problems at all,” he revealed.

What was also relayed is that Clay factory in the East End of the City of Freetown, over the past years saw land grabbers taking over its environs with impunity and putting up makeshift shacks but Government wants it back. Some intimated that like the good servant, Dr Sandy jumped into action to recover what rightfully belongs to Government.

“Not by force of arms but with decency, Dr Sandy encouraged shack owners who grabbed that land to hand over with the Ministry paying each shack owner Le10M for agreeing to leave without fuss,” Pa Alimamy Sesay who has resided in that community for over three decades intimated this medium. It was also revealed that again, under the leadership of Dr Sandy, leaseholds and free holds of Government property are now carried out in very sanitized manner.

“Before Dr Sandy the Ministry of Lands was a liability to government but since he came to that office Dr Sandy has raised billions of Leones for government through leases of Government property,” an official of an auditing firm asserted giving an example of how revenue is being raised by citing the case of the UMC Pa Loko land dispute where over a thousand land grabbers illegally occupied Government property.

“Now under Dr Sandy, all the illegal occupiers have been made to regularize their documents through leasehold with them now paying for those leases to Government. Over Le4Bn was raised in that venture,” he furthered.

It was further disclosed that before Dr Sandy, the Ministry of Lands used to hear over 25 land cases per month but under his leadership they have dropped to just ten per month.

What was also disclosed is that the Charting Office in the Ministry of Lands has now been converted to electronic charting which makes it easier for Government property to be identified right from the office. Under Dr Sandy the time for processing private land documents has been reduced to just a week instead of the years it used to take before. This is to meet World Bank Standard of Doing Business which recommends for property rights for citizens, this medium learnt.

The Lands Ministry can now boast of drone surveillances to identify Government property and access roads which have been breached.

To stop land owners from disrupting the business of investors like SOCFIN, the Ministry of Lands under the leadership of Dr Sandy has introduced a Country Planning Initiative where Government has been able to acquire large portions of land in the provinces so that investors will no longer have to go through land owners to secure Agriculture areas.

The Integrity Score indeed got it absolutely right to have named Dr Sandy among the top 6 government Ministers in the President Bio Government.

Finance Ministry Assures Payment of January Salaries

Minister of Finance

By Amin Kef Sesay

A Press Release issued by the Ministry of Finance dated 13th February 2020 states that it is informing the general public that salaries (including NASSIT payment) for the month of January 2020 have now been fully paid to all workers on the Accountant General payroll, including those in Foreign Missions, Security Sector, Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Universities and other Tertiary Institutions, Political Class, Consultants and Sub-vented Agencies.

The release furthered that salaries for Foreign Mission officials, Security Forces (Military, Police, Fire Fighters, Correctional Service, Office of National Security), and Teachers accounting for 75% of total wage bill were all paid by 31st January, 2020.

It also stated that the salary payments that slipped into the month of February were only for a few Government institutions including sub-vented agencies.

According to the Ministry of Finance the reason for the slippage was as a result of the need for Government to meet some critical pro-poor service delivery expenditures in January, on Health (Free Health Care Drugs and Hospital Grants), Education (school feeding, subventions to universities and other tertiary institutions), Security, Energy and the National Civil Registration Programme.

In the case of the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions, the information added, an amount of about Le20 billion was paid to them on January 23, 2020 compared to monthly wage bill of about Le10.0 billion stating how there were technical systems challenges at the end of January on the Payroll Management

In addition to the above, the weekly debt service payments as a result of high domestic and external debt stock inherited from the past administration, averaging about Le30 billion; accounting for 25% to 30% of domestic revenue collection also pose a risk to the timely payment of salaries.

“Recent arrears verified by the Auditor General, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the IMF owed to domestic contractors and inherited from the previous administration in April 2018 amounted to Le3.2 trillion (or about US$340 million); of which 90% were accrued in 2016 and 2017. Additionally, external debt is estimated at US$1.5 billion and domestic debt at US$650 million. This brings total liability of Government to an estimated US$2.59 billion,” the release furthered.

It went on to state that despite the above challenges, for the first time in several years, the Ministry of Finance was able to process annual release full year allocations to almost all MDAs in FY2019 and they were also able to pay December 2019 salaries way ahead of the festivities.

The administration is also on record to pay Government workers monthly irrespective of unusual delays, unlike sister countries in the sub-region.

“It is further worthy to note that 75% of public expenditure is funded from domestic revenue, 15 % from Grants and 10% from financing. In particular, since April 2018 to date, we have financed salary payments only from domestic revenue with no recourse to bank borrowing. Bank borrowing has been used to pay some non-salary expenditures,” the Ministry stated.

The Ministry of Finance says it remains committed to increased domestic revenue mobilisation and efficient expenditure management as well as timely payment of salaries and spending on critical pro-poor areas.

In a related development in order to get a better understanding of the current economic challenges that the Government is presently facing and how some of them could be surmounted, this medium contacted a seasoned Economist, Prince Jacob Macauley, to give an insight.
He first stated that the economy is going through a transition further underscoring how the sound economic policies that are being rolled out are not quick fixes since it will take time for them to begin to bear fruits.

The Economist pointed out that University authorities need to understand that salaries cannot be increased just like that since such a provision was never factored salaries in the national budget.

“A Memo was issued to all agencies paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund registering that position,” he revealed adding that it was stated in the Memo that the University authorities should discuss with the Government to determine the rate of such an increase as well as the recruitment procedure otherwise if an increase is made without the resources available to pay such will result to strike actions.

“You may have seen the Social Media bashing of Government for delay in the payment of some segment of workers of their January salaries which the Government has finally cleared,” he recalled.He continued by stating that to address the existing macroeconomic weaknesses and enhance economic growth, the Sierra Leone Government should maintain the fiscal consolidation path, improve debt policy and management and intensify efforts to clear the large stock of arrears.

“The Government plays a key role in developing the financial sector through promoting resilience and stability. One of the key functions that needs to be established is an effective supervision and regulatory regime for financial institutions to address market failures like anti-competitive behavior, market misconduct, information asymmetries and systemic instability, which can negatively impact financial sector development, economic growth and shared prosperity,” he proffered recommendations.

Fatu Quine Sesay Bags 50 Most Influential Women Nomination

Founder/Executive Director of Angels to Angels-Sierra Leone, Fatu Quine Sesay

By Foday Moriba Conteh

As she continues to support less privileged children, especially girls in Sierra Leone, Founder/Executive Director of Angels to Angels-Sierra Leone, Fatu Quine Sesay, has been nominated among several other female personalities for this year’s Fifty Most Influential Sierra Leonean Women Award 2020 which was launched on the 8th February 2020 by the Country Representative of the United Nations Entity for Women (UN Women) Dr. Mary Okumu.

The Grand Awards Ceremony and Dinner is scheduled to take place on Saturday 28th March 2019, at the prestigious Bintumani Conference Center in Freetown.

It indeed came as no surprise that Fatu Quine Sesay was nominated as she has immensely contributed in many ways to the development of children in Sierra Leone as currently her organization is supporting over 100 less privileged girls across the country in 46 different schools in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Tombo and Makeni.

Fatu Quine Sesay is the Founder/ Executive Director of Angels to Angels Sierra Leone (A2A) a US based non-profit organization developed by a group of visionary women with the aim of improving educational opportunities for girls in Sierra Leone which they have been doing for the past 10 years of existence.

Prior to her nomination, her organization was awarded by one of the leading child advocacy organizations in the country, Kids Advocacy Network Sierra Leone (KAN-SL) with the National Child Development Prestigious Award 2019 for the organization’s relentless efforts and excellent service delivery to the children of Sierra Leone.

Many that this medium engaged to comment on the nomination of Fatu Quine Sesay opined that she deserves it based on her tremendous work she has been doing to promote the development of children in the country. Some have even positively predicted that Fatu Quine Sesay will surely emerge victorious to bag the covetous award.

Members of the public can vote for Fatu Quine Sesay by sending 029 to 5353 using Orange or Qcell networks as voting commences today, the 14th February 2020 and ends on the 14th March 2020.

2009-H1N1 virus compared with 2019-nCoV

By Austin Thomas

 China was unfortunate to have novel coronavirus during January when the movement of people is high during the Chinese New Year. If it had occurred any other time, the devastating effect would have been very minimal.

However, with the capacity of China, it will be difficult for them but they will definitely contained it sooner rather than later. Their determination and zeal to combat the spread and continue heal patients have been praised by WHO and the international community. We hope that in the next three months this virus would have been contained and the treatment would have been in circulation to cure all.

I want to look at the 2009-H1N1 virus in the United States in 2009 and 2019-nCov in China, I will want to look at the similarity and effect of them in the world and make my comparisons and opinion on them.

When the United States 2009 H1N1 swine flu emerged, it eventually infected 60 million and initially killed a minimum of 18,449 cases that year. But the final story of the H1N1 global pandemic was far worse than that, with close to 300,000 deaths, according to the final tallies in 2012 reported by the CDC.

Which is why I am scratching my head at how bizarrely negative forces are attacking China and Chinese people as it engages a remarkably aggressive front addressing this Corona virus outbreak which started in Wuhan, central China.

During 2009 H1N1 outbreak, I don’t recall xenophobic anti-America attacks across the globe, do you? In fact, do you recall it took six months for the U.S. to declare a national emergency? Did any government from the onset in April 2009 through the end in April 2010, including the month of June, when H1N1 was declared an international emergency global pandemic, then send out a notice to its citizens that they should leave the United States?

Close their borders to American travelers? No! it never happened. For this novel coronavirus in China,I have been reading hateful messages, negative videos of Chinese eating life rates, so on and so forth. Many people believe these stories, but for those who know what the computer and its software can do, will tell you those are all lies and propaganda.  I am reading hateful vicious attacks on the Chinese government for their supposed intentional conspiracy to intentionally under report the number of infections, yet that is exactly and always the case with such flu outbreaks no matter what country and the CDC reports illustrate that crystal clear.

The U.S. H1N1 swine flu numbers were vastly underestimated and updated three years later, because dear friends, that is the nature of such viral outbreaks which don’t care which country they started in. There is never enough man power, there are never enough test kits, and there is never enough medicine or medical supplies. China is not trying to hide these hardships, they are well known, they are being reported on the news daily in China. There are always people who die thousands of them whom we’ll never know if they actually died because of a particular virus. Those are the facts, not any problem unique to China’s healthcare system or government. For me its not a conspiracy, it’s just tragedy.

According to the June 27, 2012 research report follow-up three years later, it gets much more disturbing when you learn about the CDC’s final estimate of the H1N1 virus global death toll. Go to the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy website, the CDC’s 18,449 total deaths number was “…regarded as WELL BELOW THE TRUE TOTAL, mainly because many people who die of flu-related causes are not tested for the disease.” So during the 2009 outbreak, was anyone accusing the American medical and government authorities of hiding the numbers? Were Americans with hidden cameras strolling into the Mayo Clinic to prove how many people were really dying? The absurdity of these vicious attacks are that whether or not a person specifically does have the coronavirus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway.

Something’s not right here folks. The world should be applauding China’s unprecedented, broad, aggressive response.

“The CDC researchers estimate that the H1N1 2009 pandemic virus caused 201,200 respiratory deaths and another 83,300 deaths from cardiovascular disease associated with H1N1 infections.” Total: 284,000 deaths. Shocking, isn’t it?

Was there a travel ban for any length of time to and from the United States? Did China, Germany, Japan or any other country close their border to American travelers?

Today I noticed in the updates that following the United States Department of State policy suggesting U.S. citizens leave China, the United Kingdom embassy just released the same recommendation to subjects of the kingdom.

In 2009, did UK subjects in America get a notice from their kingdom to leave America? No.

Did the world suggest we isolate America? Close the U.S. borders!? No.

Did Americans get xenophobic attack and targeted by anti-American sentiments like the Chinese are experiencing now? hmmm.

Fascinating and disturbing to say the least. If you’re an expert currently in China, unless you’re in Wuhan, fact is that you’re most likely safer and more peaceful and more stable by simply staying put than by leaving right now. You couldn’t be safer than in this country, where almost everyone is staying home and dutifully isolating themselves with awareness. Not to mention that the Chinese government’s decision to safeguard the society, the families, the people, is coming at a devastating economic cost in the hundreds of billions.

You are in Singapore and you heard there was a virus outbreak in Dallas, Texas in the central United States, it doesn’t mean you would stop going to your favorite local Texas southern BBQ restaurant with the owner from Houston, in Singapore.

There’s a strange senseless bullying extremism and activism in today’s society and you should do your best to avoid it and not be a part of it. It is fomented by a small group of extremist activists while definitely not supported by your average mainstream person who is simply exhausted by their outrage-inducing antics.

Let’s talk about the coronavirus, which started in Wuhan, China. It’s not called the China virus and neither was H1N1 called the America virus. Whether two weeks or two months from now, this flu season type virus will pass and the joy of Spring will arrive. Just like every flu season. However, don’t misunderstand me. The extra caution and the remarkable response by the Chinese governments and people together to quell the spread of this virus was warranted because, yes it is correct that this corona virus is nastier than the usual annual flu bug, as was H1N1 in 2009. As of now, what we can confidently note the following regarding this Corona virus:

This Corona virus is highly contagious, it spreads quite easily. It binds to lung tissue and so in particular, likes to cause pneumonia, that’s what infection of lung tissue is. That’s more severe than a respiratory infection which is only in your throat or bronchial tubes.

The Corona virus currently has a 2% death rate. That’s a lot higher, around 20 times higher, than a more typical annual flu virus with a death rate of 0.1%. However, a 2% death rate is still much lower by comparison to the SARS virus which had a 9% death rate or the MERS virus with a really nasty 37% death rate or the Ebola that had 60% death rate.

The Corona virus is causing severe symptoms in 10-15% of cases. 80% to 90% of deaths from this virus are happening in elderly patients, mostly with other existing health problems, not younger people. That characteristic by the way is in contrast to the America 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus which in fact had a higher death rate amongst younger people including children rather than those over 60 years old.

China identified and shared the Corona virus genome in record times, in only days and of course, immediately shared it with all international health and disease organizations. Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus.

It’s impossible not to marvel at China’s broad and aggressive domestic response directed by the provincial level governments to restrict movement, restrict transportation, restrict business for a period of time combined with the voluntary dutiful cooperation of its 1.3 billion citizens who are in the majority quietly staying at home these weeks to let the virus pass; this model response is already being hailed by the international community as a remarkable unprecedented response setting a new standard in understanding what is possible for future outbreaks in whatever country they may occur. Is it inconvenient and costly. You bet.

Like I said, something’s not right with the way humanity is responding to what’s happening here. I haven’t put my finger on it because well, it’s certainly complex and the world is upside down in many other ways that I also can’t for the life of me understand or explain without ending up writing a very thick book.

But I do know this: It needs to stop. This vicious, political, xenophobic racist attacks and smearing of all things China needs to stop. It’s really not helping anyone in the political corridors of Washington nor is it doing anything to help the man on the street who is just concerned with taking care of his family.

The xenophobia needs to stop now. Whether in a couple of weeks or months later, this nasty flu type Corona virus will begin declining and the joy of Spring will arrive. Between now and then if you don’t have anything good, anything supportive to say about China or Chinese people, how about you just keep your mouth shut.

My thoughts are, of course, first with all the Chinese people who are going through a time of serious stress, and in some cases personal tragedy, faced with the coronavirus. Above all, my thoughts are with the Chinese medical and emergency services that are in the front line for all of humanity against this threat not only to China but to every country.

But faced with such a serious situation above all what is required is realism and clear-headed thinking – there is absolutely no virtue in “optimism,” there is no virtue in “pessimism,” and least of all is a virtue in panic or exaggeration. The most useful thing I can do is to analyze clearly the data which is appearing internationally on the virus.

Some media are engaging in disgraceful attempts to falsify the situation. But fortunately some serious organisations, realizing the threat, are giving the most accurate information possible.

For example, John Hopkins University, the world-renowned U.S. research university, continues to defy anti-China propaganda in U.S. media by publishing objective data on the coronavirus.

As I conclude this my article, a total of 3,996 patients infected with the novel coronavirus had been discharged from hospital after recovery as announced by the Chinese health authorities.

Monday alone saw 716 people walk out of the hospital after recovery, including 427 in Hubei Province and it is expected that hundreds more will be working out on a daily basis.


KKY Joins Rocky Mountain Institute

By Sam Pratt

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Kandeh Yumkella to its board of directors. “Kandeh Yumkella’s global leadership on sustainable energy issues will be a tremendous asset to the Institute as we continue to grow and deepen our existing work to address climate change and secure a clean energy transition worldwide” said RMI CEO Jules Kortenhorst.

Dr. Yumkella is currently a parliamentarian in Sierra Leone where he also ran as a presidential candidate during the last election. Until 2016 he served as the special representative of the United Nations secretary-general for Sustainable Energy for All and CEO of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) Initiative, founded in 2011 under the auspices of then-Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. During Dr. Yumkella’s tenure, SEforAll raised the global profile of sustainable energy—and particularly energy access—as a key development enabler, leading to its inclusion as one of one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015.

“It is an honor to be part of the Rocky Mountain Institute team, a group that has done so much to protect the global commons. I am excited to see how we can operationalize some of their ideas in fragile and vulnerable ecosystems in Africa,” said Dr. Yumkella.

Prior to and partially concurrent with his leadership of SEforAll, Dr. Yumkella served two terms as the director-general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Dr. Yumkella was also the minister for trade and industry of Sierra Leone from 1994-1995.

“Dr. Yumkella’s leadership globally, on behalf of developing economies and in Sierra Leone, has led to sustainable energy finally being recognized as a key enabler for all types of sustainable development, as well as being critical to addressing climate change,” said RMI Empowering Clean Economies Managing Director Richenda Van Leeuwen.

Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) — an independent nonprofit founded in 1982 — transforms global energy use to create a clean, prosperous and secure low-carbon future. It engages businesses, communities, institutions and entrepreneurs to accelerate the adoption of market-based solutions that cost-effectively shift from fossil fuels to efficiency and renewables. RMI has offices in Basalt and Boulder, Colorado; New York City; the San Francisco Bay Area; Washington, D.C.; and Beijing.

NRA Launches Enhancing Tax Compliance Project

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In the quest to beef up an effective administration of the revenue system and facilitation of trade to enhance Government Fiscal space for national development, the National Revenue Authority (NRA) with support from the African Development Bank (ADB) has on Thursday 13th February 2020 launched the “Enhancing Tax Compliance Project” at King Palace Hall on Wellington Street in Freetown.

In his address, Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority, Dr. Samuel S. Jibao, said that any strong and decisive Government is one that envisions financing its public expenditure primarily from domestic revenue rather than depending on the unpredictable and conditional donor funding. He noted that whilst donor budget support still has a strong presence in the Sierra Leone Government Budget they, however, want to make domestic revenue contribution a panacea to the development of Sierra Leone.

He said their commitment in financing the public budget has its consequential impact in promoting long term economic growth and reducing poverty through increased Government spending in public infrastructure and human capital.

The Commissioner General noted that the launch of the “Enhancing Tax Compliance Project in Sierra Leone” reaffirmed their commitment to achieve their mandate as an institution, adding that they are excited to rolling out the project for many reasons in order to meet all their targets, but said they still have to expand their tax base and the low level of compliance in certain sectors in the tax system in Sierra Leone.

Underscoring the aims of the project, he said, it will increase  compliance of GST with the introduction of Electronic Cash Registers (ECRs) saying they have analyzed the potential of ECRs in closing the tax gap with regards domestic GST through the assessment of the change in liabilities of the taxpayers participating in the pilot

He added that it will also increase SMEs’ compliance with their tax obligations with the rolling out of the Domestic Tax Preparers’ Scheme underscoring how the NRA will identify and train up to 60 Tax Advisers (in conjunction with the Institute of Chartered and Certified Accountants of Sierra Leone), as well as provide them with office spaces in Freetown and in all the district towns.

He assured the Africa Development Bank that the NRA will do its best to deliver the objectives of the project in the time allotted to it as they already have a modernization department which will exclusively provide oversight for projects of this nature just to keep in tune with the demands of donor money.

Country Manager, Africa Development Bank, Ms. Peninah Kariuki expressed appreciation to National Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Finance for the launch of the project, adding that the Enhancing Tax Compliance Project was approved in June 2019 worth 1.4 million dollars which was a grant to Sierra Leone and the project speak to the need to raise internal resources.

She also reiterated the objective of the project which she said  will increase compliance of GST with the introduction of Electronic Cash Registers (ECRs) which she reiterated what Commissioner General said that they have analyzed the potential of ECRs in closing the tax gap with regards domestic GST through the assessment of the change in liabilities of the taxpayers participating in the pilot and also increase SMEs’ compliance with their tax obligations with the rolling out of the Domestic Tax Preparers’ Scheme.


SLAJ Commemorates World Radio Day

President of the Association of Journalists (SLAJ), Ahmed Sahid Nasralla,

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On the 13th February 2020 World Radio Day was celebrated. To commemorate the day the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) joined the rest of the world to observe it.
According to the President of the Association of Journalists (SLAJ), Ahmed Sahid Nasralla, the day was set aside to celebrate the role of radio in educating people, providing information, and promoting freedom of expression and democratic dialogue across nations.

He noted that in Sierra Leone, radio remains the most pervasive adding that the bulk of the population, especially in rural Sierra Leone, depend on radio for information.

“Limited technological infrastructure, lack of electricity, expensive data, etc. are real challenges that make radio easily accessible and the cheapest medium of communication for national development,” he underscored.

He pointed out that in this age of growing social media and mis-information, radio has proven to be quite reliable, an avenue for views of ordinary people to be heard and an important platform for democratic dialogue.

The SLAJ President said he wants to especially throw light on Community Radio Stations and the important role they play in informing and educating remote communities.

He furthered that sadly, quite recently, NATCOM closed down a number of radio stations, including community radios, for failure to pay annual regulation or spectrum fees. President Nasralla highlighted that while SLAJ is in the process of engaging NATCOM on that he is calling on regulators to treat community radios as providing a public service, and not treat them as commercial entities.

“Community radios are a valuable development tool and partner and must be regarded as such,” he stated furthering that meanwhile, on behalf of SLAJ, he wants to pay tribute to all station managers holding the fort, especially women station managers like Asmaa James.

Hawa Tucker, Sarah Rogers, Tiana Alpha, Patricia Ganda,Esther Kanneh Kargbo and Aminata Finda Massaquoi who are blazing the trail.
He also recognized the role of the Independent Radio Network (IRN) had played over the years and welcomed in advance the newly formed Sierra Leone Broadcasters Association.

President Bio & GEMS Education Discuss Plans to Improve Education  

By Edward Vamboi

On 12 February 2020, at State Lodge, President Dr Julius Maada Bio met with members of the Global Education Management System, GEMS Education from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and discussed plans on improving the educational sector in the country.

GEMS Education is a global advisory and educational management firm, known for its prominence in operating from kindergarten to high schools across the world. Through its consultancy arms, GEMS Education Solutions, the company works internationally with public and private sector clients on school improvement initiatives. It was founded in 2000 and headquartered in Dubai, UAE.

Presenting the delegation at the State Lodge on Hill Station, Sierra Leone Ambassador to the UAE, Rashid Sesay, said they were in country on a fact-finding mission in the education sector, the Government’s flagship programme. He said that GEMS had expressed interest to assess what is happening in the country and noted that the visit was a highlight of several discussions with their UAE counterparts.

Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Dr Moinina David Sengeh, said that his Ministry had done a lot of preliminary work that was data-driven, underpinning Government’s strategy for education. He stated that his team had done some background and research work in preparation for the visit, while assuring that they were ready to work with the visiting team to have definitive answers at the end of the trip.

GEMS Global Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, Asad Zafar, said that they were pleased with the warm reception accorded them since their arrival into the country, adding that they were delighted to be in country to commence the fact-finding mission.

He expressed excitement about the prospects in Sierra Leone and President Bio’s passion for education and were happy to join the country to make a difference.

Special Adviser to Founder Varkey Foundation and GEMS Education, Shantha Retnasingam, said that: “My prime aim here is to work with the Sierra Leonean team to identify how we can mobilise resources for the various projects which we will be looking at. We are happy to be in this country”.

In his response, President Julius Maada welcomed the visiting team and said that Sierra Leone was once known as a center for quality education and for producing the best personnel across the continent. He noted that over the years, the country had lost its place but assured that they were ready to restore the past glory.

“We know that we cannot be part of the fourth industrial revolution if we do not have a literate population and that is why, as a small nation, we are determined to pre-position ourselves. As a Government, we have resolved that we can change the old narrative. So, we need your knowledge and expertise as we embark on this journey. Education is what we want to give to every child and we are committed to that,’’ he said.

Chief Sahr Quee & Sundu Yongai Trapped by the ACC

By Esther Wright

On 10 February 2020, the Anti-Corruption Commission filed an indictment against Chief Sahr Quee , Town Chief of Kensay Community, Koidu City, Kono District; and Ms. Sundu Yongai , former Councilor of Kensay Community, on three (3) counts of corruption offences bordering on Misappropriation of Donor Property, contrary to Section 37(1), and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.12 of 2008 as Amended.

It could be recalled that in 2018, the former Minister of Lands, Country Planning, and the Environment, Diana Konomanyi, donated Twenty (20) Lengths of Half-Inch Iron Rods and Five Bundles of Zinc, exclusively meant for the rehabilitation of the Kensay Community Barry in Kono.
The ACC said it confirmed that the accused persons received the aforesaid building materials from Hon. Konomanyi but decided to convert same for their personal benefits. It stated that Chief Quee and Ms. Sundu Yonghai with other persons unknown, on a date or dates unknown in 2018, conspired to dishonestly appropriate the said building materials thereby depriving the Kensay Community from enjoying a rehabilitated Community Center.

According to the ACC, Chief Quee and Ms. Sundu Yonghai are expected to make their first appearance at the High Court of Sierra Leone, Holden at Kono, on Thursday 13th February, 2020.

It stated that the Commission wishes to further reassure the public of its undeterred commitment to controlling corruption at all levels.