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Prince of Wales Scoops Rokel Bank’s Quiz Prize

By Esther Wright

The Prince of Wales Secondary School has emerged winners of the Rokel Bank National School Quiz Competition. The grand finale which took place at the Victoria Park over the weekend saw POW scoring 37 points to beat the Kenema Government Secondary School (K School) which trailed closely by 35 points.

The Competition which started last year was held at regional level with major public schools competing for a cash grand prize of Le7.5. Million. Rokel Bank’s Public Relations Officer, Rev Spilsbury Williams said the inter secondary school quiz competition was a pilot programme aimed at complementing Government’s quality education initiatives and also to promote financial literacy and financial inclusion in Sierra Leone.

“We selected two major schools at regional level and each region had a straight fight between two competitors. The Semi Finals saw St Francis Secondary of Makeni, Kenema Government Secondary School, the Prince of Wales, the UCC and Holy Rosary Schools in Bo and Kenema.”

He described the competition as a critical eye opener as far as the standards of education in Sierra Leone are concerned and said Rokel Commercial Bank will continue to organize the event every year. “We believe a lot of good things will come out of this…..our focus now is how to make the next inter school quiz competition bigger and better,” he concluded.

16, 000 Jobs to be Created by the Mining Sector

Director General of the National Minerals Agency (NMA), Julius Daniel Mattai

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Director General of the National Minerals Agency (NMA), Julius Daniel Mattai, has assured the general public that by the end of this year the mining sector is poised to provide over 16, 000 jobs for Sierra Leoneans. He made this disclosure during the Ministry of Information and Communications weekly press briefing on Thursday 30th January 2020 at Youyi Building in Freetown.

In his address, the Director General National Mineral Agency (NMA) disclosed that for the past years the country had not been benefiting from the country mineral resources adding that it is against such a backdrop that the Ministry of Mines decided to revisit some Mining License Agreements in order for the country to start benefiting from the wealth of its minerals.

He noted that National Mineral Agency with support from partners has conducted a Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey geared towards providing the country with reliable geo-data, which will help determine the mineralization of Sierra Leone in the most comprehensive way ever and put the country on sound footing to bargain from a position of strength with potential investors, and hence, optimize the benefits of exploration and exploitation of our mineral wealth.

He further disclosed that currently they are registering mining companies and that by the end of this year the mining sector will provide over 16,000 jobs for Sierra Leoneans.

In his statement the Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie, disclosed that a social media post in circulation stating that “SL Government lost the case against Shandong and Sierra Mining companies in an international tribunal and were therefore fined $800 million is totally false and misleading, adding that the Government will continue to defend the people of Sierra Leone in a transparent, open and rule of law-based system they deserve.

He assured all Sierra Leoneans, the International Community that there is no final judgment against the Republic of Sierra Leone in any international tribunal or court and therefore appealed to members of the public to respect the legal process and refrain from publishing news that are untrue and adverse to the interest of the State.

He said when he took up his appointment, he vowed to review all mining contracts in the country and assured the people of Sierra Leone, whom he said have endured protracted suffering for too long that under his watch mining activities would be safeguarded and ultimately revamped to be very beneficial to all Sierra Leoneans. He noted that they are not scaring investors away but they are only revisiting some Mining Licenses Agreements, which in his view the people of Sierra Leone are not benefiting from as expected.

“I need to change that narrative by renegotiating a better deal for the people of Sierra Leone, as it is a sacred obligation owed to the people of Sierra Leone,” the Minister underscored.


Youths Escape Forceful Poro Initiation Upcountry

members of Poro society in Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

As this period marks the season of initiation in several chiefdoms, numerous youths in various villages in the South and Northern provinces of Sierra Leone are presently fleeing their respective chiefdoms for fear of been forcefully initiated into the Poro society.

This customary traditional practice has forced many youths in some chiefdoms in Makeni and Port Loko districts in the Northern Province and in Moyamba and Pujehun districts in the Southern province who fear to be forcefully initiated into the society, to abandon their villages without the consent of their family members.

Their disappearance comes after some youths who were forcefully kidnapped on the orders of traditional heads and initiated into the Poro society against their wish, died in the cause of the ceremony.

Since the whereabouts of these fugitive youths are not known, this has created serious rift between several leading families of various chiefdoms.

In Bawah village in Moyamba district, two leading families, the George and Fahundu engaged in serious battle over forceful initiation of some family members into the society.

In Konsho vllage in Makeni, it was also reported that the Koroma and Turay families are embroiled in serious scuffle over the death of their eight years old son who was forcefully initiation into the society.

This life-threatening act now perpetrated by traditional heads in various chiefdoms has forced many families to secretly escape with their male children from the village.

some captured youths for initiation

Repeal the Criminal Libel Law Now or Never

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Journalists across the country are appealing to Members of Parliament to expediate the process leading to the repeal of  Part V of the Criminal Libel Law which was enacted by the same Parliament in 1965 during the political tenure of Sir Albert Margai, the second Prime Minister of Sierra Leone. At that material point in time the Act was promulgated to silence dissenting and critical voices against the excesses of the then Government. Since then, it has been used 99.9% percent by politicians against journalists.

With support from the British High Commission and the Irish Embassy, in 2016 SLAJ and the Ministry of Information and Communications held a National Symposium on the repeal of the said law, which brought together all stakeholders including politicians, MPs, the SLP, the Human Rights Commission -Sierra Leone, the BAR Association, Law Officers Department, CSOs etc. During that engagement, all these keys stakeholders agreed that the Criminal Law is a bad law and must be repealed. For far too long journalists have suffered under the hands of politicians as the Criminal Law is the only Law in Sierra Leone which presumes one guilty until one is proven innocent by a Court of Law and more repugnantly with this law “Truth is not a Strong Defence or No Defence at all”.

On Thursday 12th December, 2019 during the Ministry of Information and Communications weekly press briefing at Youyi Building in Freetown the Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, reaffirmed Government’s commitment to repeal the Criminal Libel Law. He assured the media that as a Government they are committed and the President is on track as they are working assiduously to make it happen.

It was against such a backdrop that the Bill was tabled on Tuesday 17th December, 2019 in the Well of Parliament where many media practitioners were in attendance to support the drive in the repeal process. Lamentably, after the Bill was tabled in Parliament for over one month now much has not been heard from Parliament thereby giving the impression that the issue of the repealing process has been hidden under the carpet.

During a privileged discussion with some Parliamentarians most of them disclosed that they are still concerned that if the criminal libel Law is repealed journalists will have a field day to practice negative journalism wherein they can just wake up one morning and write negative things about people in order to destroy their characters.

In that regard I want to lay the fear of Parliamentarians and members of the general public to rest by assuring them that even after the repeal of the criminal libel law journalists will practice responsible journalism and for those who may not want to practice responsible journalism we have safeguards or checking barriers like the Independent Media Commission with powers to enforce its provisions in the Code of Practice, the Civil Defamation Law among others.

With this law an offending journalist is required to pay a fine/compensation if found guilty and there is finally Self-Regulation by SLAJ: Enforcement of the SLAJ Code of Ethics and strengthening of the SLAJ Disciplinary Committee.

The criminal Libel Law has been the major reason why the media in Sierra Leone is poor because business people and institutions are afraid to invest in the media and it also scare women away from coming into the media profession.

As this Law has in the past affected journalists and printers alike  as was evident in the Atlantic Printers and the New Breed Newspaper Vs NPRC Government in the mid-1990s and John Love Printers and Paul Kamara of Di People Newspaper Vs the late Justice Tolla Thompson and later Vs ate President Ahmed Tejan Kabba in the early 2000s. Both printing companies were shut down after the journalists were jailed.

Journalist are therefore unanimously calling for the repeal of the criminal libel law in our law books as it is against the spirit of Freedom of Expression and of the Press as provided for in Section 25 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone.

It also contravenes international human rights treaties to which Sierra Leone is a signatory, including Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19(3) of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), all of which condemn limitations to the right to free expression.

Many believe with the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law such would open up the space for business people and institutions to invest in the media landscape in the country which will boost the growth of the media industry in the country and enhance responsible journalism.


Orange SL & UBA Throw Heavy Weight Behind WAFU Female Tournament

By Fatmata Jengbe

One of the telecommunications company operating in the country, Orange SL, on January 24 2020 welcomed WAFU officials, the Secretary General Jammeh E.K. Bojang and Media Expert Ahmadu Abdoul Toure at the company’s headquarters in Freetown as they paid a courtesy call on the Heads of Media and Marketing of Orange to discuss the upcoming WAFU Women’s Tournament to be hosted in Sierra Leone on the 25th February to the 7th March 2020.

Speaking at the meeting in the presence of the Sierra Leone Football Association President, Madam Isha Johansen and WAFU General Secretary, Jammeh E. K. Bojang among others, the Marketing Manager of Orange Alimatou Mbaye said they are committed to help the SLFA in hosting a successful event.

“We are committed to support the WAFU Women’s football tournament in Sierra Leone and will continue to support football as and when necessary,” the ORANGE Marketing Manager said.

Orange will unveil the tournaments Mascot which will be representative of Sierra Leone’s national and traditional heritage of womenfolk.

The Managing Director of the United Bank for Africa (UBA) Mr. Chinedu Obeta in a separate meeting at the bank’s headquarter, registered his unreserved interest to be one of the key sponsors of the Women’s tournament, which he believes will be a turning point for female football in Sierra Leone and will also give UBA more visibility in Africa and the rest of the world.

“UBA is currently operating in twenty countries in Africa and being part of a tournament like this will definitely help us expand our tentacles to more countries the world over,” Mr. Obeta Said.

SLFA President has expressed excitement and optimism over the first ever women’s international tournament being hosted in Sierra Leone and the maiden edition of the WAFU Women’s Tournament. “It means that not only will we set the pace, but we will set standards others will have to match or exceed in our bid to raising our game in women’s football,” SLFA boss said.

When the SLFA-WAFU team visited him at his office, the Director General of the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation, Joseph Egbenda Kapuwa Esq recognised the efforts of the SLFA leadership for creating a link between the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) on the one hand, and the regional football organizers (WAFU) and global media network (CIS tv) on the other hand.

“We are ready to collaborate with SLFA and WAFU to make this event a successful one. The SLBC is ready to start working on this laudable project as soon as possible,” DG Kapuwa assured.

Meanwhile, February 7th has been slated for the 2020 WAFU Women’s Championship draws in Sierra Leone.

Former Pres. Koroma Hosts Schulenburg in Makeni City

By Alim Jalloh

In Makeni City on 25 January 2020 former President of Sierra Leone and one of Africa’s most distinguished statesmen, H.E. Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma hosted Mr. Michael von der Schulenburg at the Koroma Residence in Makeni City. Mr. Schulenburg was the Executive Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Sierra Leone from 2009 until 2012 during the time the former President was in office.

Mr. Schulenburg is visiting Sierra Leone on the invitation of the current President, H.E. President Dr. Julius Maada Bio who has awarded Mr. Schulenburg with a national honour on behalf of Sierra Leone.

Speaking on his arrival in Makeni City on Saturday 25th January 2020, to a warm welcome from the former President, Mr. Schulenburg expressed appreciation to his host for graciously agreeing to see him when Mr. Schulenburg requested for the visit at such a short notice.

Mr. Schulenburg said he drove all the way from Freetown to meet the former President in Makeni as a sign of the abiding respect and the deep admiration he had for former President Ernest Koroma.

Mr. Schulenburg said that it is no surprise that the former President was being utilized so well by the International Community given his credentials built whilst he was in office.

Mr. Schulenburg emphasized on the need for continuous dialogue amongst Sierra Leoneans and reminded of how Africa has very unique conflict resolution traits fashioned as the ‘Palaver Hut Methodology’ and which encouraged and promoted dialogue.

On his part, the former President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, said his doors in Makeni will always be open to Mr. Schulenburg and thanked him for the visit.

Former President Koroma expressed hope that the Peace, Stability, Sustainable Development and the very admirable practice of Democracy which Sierra Leone, as a country, had come to be known for under his leadership when he was President, will continue to be the hallmark that Sierra Leone should be associated with.

Former President Koroma agreed with Mr. Schulenburg on the beauty of dialogue and used the opportunity of his chat with the former U.N. Diplomat to reiterate what has been his position since he retired as President.

“As I stated in my Handing Over notes to H.E. President Bio and which I have re-stated at every opportunity since then, I am always ready to assist in any way possible to promote peace, unity and development in Sierra Leone,” former President Koroma told Mr. Michael von der Schulenburg as he personally escorted his guest back to his vehicle.

Sierra Leone Ambassador to USA Clarifies Embassy’s Role in Deportation

HE Sidique Wai,Sierra Leone Ambassador to the United States and Canada

By Amin Kef Sesay

HE Sidique Wai,Sierra Leone Ambassador to the United States and Canada on January 25, 2020 disclosed that when he assumed office after the 12th September 2019 the Emergency Travel Certificate (ETC) matters that resulted in the video transcript making rounds on social media took place before then. He intimated how appropriate steps have been taken to address these unfortunate situations, while working with US immigration enforcement officers to obey their laws and equally impressing upon them to obey the laws of Sierra Leone.

He pointed out that in that regard the following policy changes have been implemented within their operation as noted below:

1. Anyone perceived to be a Sierra Leonean that is facing deportation and held in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other enforcement custody must present a Sierra Leone Passport and birth certificate to the Embassy before issuance of an ETC.

2. The US enforcement agency and official requesting the ETC must provide a valid deportation order from a US judge certifying that all legal remedies entitled the deportee under US law have been satisfied.

3. A Sierra Leone Embassy official must conduct a personal interview with the alleged deportee to prove that the individual is a bona fide Sierra Leonean.

4. All information collected will be submitted to immigration officials in Sierra Leone for proper vetting and authentication of the documents submitted prior to the Embassy issuance of an ETC to facilitate travel to Sierra Leone.

5. Advance notification provided to Sierra Leone authorities of arrival of deportee before departure to Sierra Leone.

The Ambassador said they have and will continue to refine protocols to ensure that fairness and legal procedures are strictly adhered to prior to deportation to Sierra Leone.

He revealed how he was recently interviewed by Reuters news organization regarding a new set of travel bans directed at several countries in Africa including Sierra Leone. Ambassador Wai assured that he will continue to engage both the US State Department and ICE to lift the travel ban on Sierra Leone noting that hopefully the issue will soon be resolved to the satisfaction of all.

Third Cabinet Retreat Ends in Freetown

Professor David John Francis

By Theresa Kef

The Government of Sierra Leone through the office of the Chief Minister ends the 3rd Cabinet retreat at the Freetown International Conference Center, with Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Parastatals with theme: Consolidating the Foundation for Service delivery.

The chairman for the retreat, _Professor David John Francis_ who is also the Country’s Chief Minister said in his address that the retreat was for Government officials to reflect on the progress made in the 21 months and 21 days  in Governance, and that, the President, Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio was to give a message of delivery to Government officials for the year 2020.

This year’s retreat was organized and facilitated by locals within Government, led by the Office of the Chief Minister and Government retirees  who were able to share their experiences in Governance and how to manage expectations within miniseries and the public.

Professor Francis applauded colleague Ministers and Permanent Secretaries for committing themselves throughout the two days and asked that they use what they have learnt in executing their jobs. He called for collegiality among Ministers, their deputies and Permanent Secretaries.



HRCSL & UNICEF Discuss Areas of Partnership, Collaboration

By Edward Vamboi

On 27 January 2020 Commissioners of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) met with the UNICEF Country Representative in Sierra Leone where they discussed areas of partnership and collaboration.

The Vice Chairperson of HRCSL, Victor I. Lansana while making his statement called for partnership particularly in the area of child protection as the HRCSL is mandated to protect the rights of all in Sierra Leone.

The UNICEF Country Representative, Suleiman Braimoh stated that his institution is a multi-state actor primarily charged with the responsibility to advocate for the rights of children. He further stated that as a right based institution guided by the Convention of the Rights of the Child, his organization is interested in ensuring that every single child enjoys:

-Rights to survival

-Rights to development

-Rights to protection

-Rights to participation

He presented a copy of the New UNICEF Country Programme that runs from 2020 –  2023 to the Commission so that it will be studied and ways identified  of adding value through collaboration.

The HRCSL Director of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Mrs. Gloria Bayoh thanked the Country Representative for his warm welcome and expressed hope for further collaboration.

Among the team from the Commission were Commissioners Hassan Samba Yarjah and Dr. Gassan Abess; Deputy Executive Secretary Frederick Kamara, Director of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Gloria Bayoh and Zenia Thompson, Human Rights Officer.



Minister Kai Kai Commits Govt. Implementation of UNDP Country Program Document

Dr. Francis Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development

By James Samba

Dr. Francis Kai-Kai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development,  addressed participants  on the 27 January 2020at the official opening workshop on the roll-out of the UNDP Sierra Leone Country Program Document (CPD 2020-2023), organized by the UNDP at the Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel in Freetown.

The aim of the roll-out exercise is to re-calibrate efforts and better position the UNDP and its partners to successfully launch and implement the Country Program Document (2020-2023). The exercise will also ensure a common understanding and a clear implementation road-map as well as the skills and tools for designing programs and projects to achieve the CPD results in Sierra Leone over the 4-year period.

In his opening remarks, Samuel Doe, UNDP Resident Representative said the workshop will seek to change the narrative of governance. He said the President Bio-Led government continued to demonstrate the political will in shifting the narrative of governance, especially with the fight against corruption, the effective systems being developed, discipline in governance and with the declaration that at the end of 2023, Sierra Leone will not longer want to be called a fragile state.

Sunil Saigal, UN Resident Coordinator congratulated UNDP on the launch of the new 4-year country program; stating that it will support the Government and people of Sierra Leone in eradicating poverty and build resilient systems and communities. He said in order to ensure that the 2030 Goals are achieved in a truly sustainable manner, the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP 2019-2023), awareness and ownership of the SDGs must be widespread across Sierra Leone and must be brought to local levels.

In his address, the Minister, in welcoming participants, noted that in the next few days they will be looking at the UNDP Country Program Document with the aim of approving the roll-out plan. Dr. Kai-Kai said the plan will guide the implementation of the CPD and by extension the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.

Minister Kai-Kai, who reiterated President Julius Maada Bio’s official declaration of the year 2020 as a year of delivery of the National Development Plan, stated that the timing of the workshop was therefore in sync with Government’s prioritizing effective delivery of programs and projects.

“We are committed to the successful implementation of the programs and projects identified in the Country Development Document. What is key for us as Government is delivery, delivery and delivery”, Dr. Kai-Kai said.

He noted with satisfaction the content of the UNDP Country Development Program Document, as aligned to various clusters of the MTNDP (2019-2023). Dr. Kai-Kai said the alignment demonstrates that the UNDP has been working closely with his Ministry as well as sector Ministries that lead the implementation of Government priority programs in these sectors and thematic areas.

He urged them to be diligent in the deliberations and that he was looking forward to the roll-out plan.