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Health Ministry & Partners Review Interactive Radio Programme  

Programme Manager, Health Education Division and Communications Lead at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergency, Harold Thomas

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

In a recent move in order to make its work a little bit easier and efficient, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation together with its partners have reviewed phase six of its UNICEF supported Nationwide Interactive Radio Discussion Programme in Kono and Moyamba Districts on Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th January, respectively.

The Interactive Radio Discussion Programme comprise over 42 radio stations across the country, broadcasting health and other issues of public health concerns/importance to reach different communities and targeted audiences to change behaviours and create demand for the essential health services provided by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and partners. For transparency and accountability, the radio programme was monitored by Civil Society Organization, Health for All Coalition (HfAC), which presented Independent Monitoring Report of each phase of the interactive radio programme in every regional review meeting.

In his opening statement, Programme Manager, Health Education Division and Communications Lead at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergency,  Harold Thomas said that the radio programme  started some time in 2018 with the first phase, and since then, they have progressed onto phase six, which they were reviewing in Kono and Moyamba. “The programme is done in phases and each phase covers a period of three months and each phase is followed with a regional review meeting”, added Mr. Thomas While giving out the key objectives of the review meeting, he said that they were reviewing the phase six radio programme to improve the implementation of subsequent phases of the nationwide interactive radio programme and to develop phase seven district media plans for better  implementation  of  the programme  in the period under review (March –May, 2020).

He also urged radio station Managers to allocate additional slots to the programme, apart from the programme designed, paid for air time, and that they should continue doing their usual radio health discussion programmes, as it will be good for sustainability. Following the completion of phase five media programme in 2019, Civil Society Organization, Health For All Coalition embarked on an Impact Assessment on the Nationwide Interactive Radio Programme, which was to investigate the level of awareness of communities and beneficiaries with regards to certain positive health seeking behaviours that could have been influenced as a result of the nationwide interactive Radio discussions health program and to know the percentage of beneficiaries who can cite some positive change to certain health seeking behaviours, by listening to the radio interactive health discussion program and to determine the percentage of beneficiaries who stated that the interactive radio discussion health programs motivated them to demand for health services.

With that, Health for All Coalition Programme Manager, Alhassan Bakarr Kamara, presented key highlights of the Independent Impact Assessment Findings and stated that Individual awareness of the interactive health radio discussion program stands at 65%, which means a good percentage of individuals (35%) are not aware of the interactive radio discussions conducted.

He continued that an identifiable barrier, especially in rural communities, is access to a radio set, which poses a major barrier to radio listening at community level, which accounts for 47% of participants who claimed that they don’t have access to a radio set and 53% participants claimed that they listen to radio regularly and 47% claimed they don’t listen to radio at all.

Mr. Kamara added that among those who listened to radio regularly, 88% claimed that they have listened to the weekly interactive radio discussion programmes, while 12% claimed that they have never listened to  any of the interactive radio discussion programs.

He continued that majority of those who listened to the radio discussion programmes are male, which accounts for 69%, while 31% are female.

According to Mr. Kamara, women participation and listening to the interactive health radio discussions is a challenge, because of certain cultural barriers, as women in rural communities can’t discuss certain sensitive issues publicly without the consent of their husbands/partners, while low educational level or illiteracy among rural women also plays a part.

“The most listened to health topics are; Immunization/Marklate (75%), Free Health Care (70%), Teenage pregnancy(68%), malaria(65%), maternal death(60%), Diarrhoea and Flooding (57%), Anti Natal Care/Post Natal Care (56%), Sexually Transmitted Infections/HIV (51%) and the least is Caustic Soda egestion, which stands at (33%)”, Mr. Kamara Concluded.

Over Rice Scam… President Bio Throws Alpha Timbo Out

Labour Minister, Alpha Timbo

By Sam Pratt

According to a Press Release issued from State House on Friday 10th January 2020, the Labour Minister, Alpha Timbo and three other senior government officials have been relieved of their respective duties until further notice. This action by State House is in connection with investigations on-going in an alleged corruption case involving a rice donation from China.

President Julius Maada Bio’s office said in a terse statement that Labour Minister Alpha Timbo was suspected of “improper activities” relating to “a huge quantity of rice” donated by Beijing.

The four officials include the Minister of Labour and Social Security Alpha Timbo, formerly of the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Mrs. Emily Kadiatu Gogra, Deputy Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Charles Kamanda, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, and Ms. Mamusu Massaquoi, Director of Nutrition, Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education.

Yusuf  Keketoma Sandi, a spokesman for President Bio, said that the Anti-Corruption Commission was investigating the matter.

“We have to ensure that we once again restore probity in governance in Sierra Leone,” he said. Timbo was not immediately available for comment.

However the removal of the Minister of Labour and Social Security who until recently was Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education has given credence to President Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction government’s sincere commitment to the fight against corruption in the country. Many citizens see this action by State House that nobody is above the law in the government of the ‘Tok and Do’ President, whose strides have earned Sierra Leone the highest scores in the fight against corruption ever in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) indicators in the sub region.

This event involving Minister Timbo, a high ranking SLPP/PAOPA strategist, presents Sierra Leoneans with assurance and indeed optimism that the Government’s determination transcends partisan politics.

Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries and is still recovering nearly two decades after the end of a civil war which claimed some 120,000 lives.

The diamond-rich former British colony is ranked 129 out of 180 in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perception Index.


Govt. to Decide Over Using the Leone or Eco

By Amin Kef Sesay

Government of Sierra Leone has made it categorically clear that the pending decision by member countries of the West African Monetary Zone would determine its position on the West Africa single currency, Eco.

The Bank of Sierra Leone on January 9 made an announcement that the country would continue with the Leone as the legal tender until the meeting of the committee of board of Governors of West African Monetary Zone slated for January 16 is held.

This announcement comes in the wake of reports of the adoption of the Eco as a single currency by member countries of the French speaking West African Bloc, the West African Monetary Union, better known by its French acronym UEMOA. That decision by UEMOA has sparked debate about the fate of the West Africa wide single currency by the same name of Eco, which has been the subject of discussion for the past two decades.

“The public is hereby informed that Sierra Leone’s position on the issue will be announced after the meeting. Meanwhile, until Parliament legislates otherwise, the Leone continues to be the legal tender of Sierra Leone,” the statement, signed by Governor, Kelfala Kallon issued by Bank of Sierra Leone revealed.

The statement also revealed that next week’s meeting being organized by the West African Monetary Institute would discuss the implications of the development and take a central position for the five member English speaking West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) countries.

The Eco is the proposed name for the common currency that the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) plans to introduce in the framework of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will be using. After its introduction, the goal is to replace the West African CFA franc (used by most French-speaking members of ECOWAS since 1945) with the new currency. This will create a common currency for much of West Africa.

Govt. Shows Willingness to Pay Fees for Limkokwing Students – Gilbert Cooper

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Gilbert Cooper,

By Brima Sannoh

The Government of Sierra Leone has expressed its willingness to pay the fees for certain embittered students of Limkokwing University who out of deep frustration on the 9th January 2020, staged a peaceful protest in front of the Ministry of Higher and Technical Education at New England Ville in Freetown.

The protest was precipitated by the marathon negligence of the Government to pay fees for students at the above-mentioned university.

The peaceful gathering, which constituted mainly students of the university, was disrupted by the Sierra Leone Police, who fired tear gas and arrested seventeen students.

The Government of Sierra Leone, under the President Koroma’s led administration, awarded scholarships to over one thousand (1000) students to study various courses at the Malaysia private university in 2014.

Those students intended to register their displeasure through a peaceful protest over the snail pace of the New Direction administration to address their fee constraints.

One of the aggrieved students, Musa Kamara, expressed frustration that they should have resumed classes for semester four (4) and semester eight (8) but because of the snub of the Government to pay their fees, the resumption of their classes have been deferred three consecutive times since September.

He claimed that for the past two years, their fees have been paid by the President and Proprietor of the University, Dr. Paduka LimKokwing, and that a single dime has not been paid by the new Government.

“This New Direction administration should not say because the University was not established under their regime and will not pay our fees. As far as it was the Government of Sierra Leone that awarded us the scholarship, I believe it should be continuity by this current Government, because we are Sierra Leoneans and the flagship programme of this new Government is free quality education,” she said.

However, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Gilbert Cooper, said it was unfortunate on the part of the university administration to have sent the students out of college in the first place, because his Ministry inherited the problem students were now experiencing.

He said that when they assumed office, the university made a presentation to the Ministry that the previous Government owed them twenty-five billion Leones as backlog, but that they negotiated with the university to pay twenty-three billion Leones.

He claimed that the current Government has paid twenty-two billion Leones, remaining one billion Leones.

He said they consented as a Government to continue paying for students that were awarded scholarship, but that the university should cater for the new set of students applying for the same grant-in aid.

“We have other public universities such as Fourah Bay College, IPAM, COMAHS, Njala University, Ernest Bai Koroma University, and the Milton Margai College of Education. All of these universities and colleges still have outstanding subvention which has not been paid to them. All these backlogs since 2015-2019 have not actually been paid by Government and it has accumulated so much,” he said.

He said plans were underway to engage the Ministry of Finance to pay all the backlog subventions to all tertiary institutions and not just Limkokwing.

He said that as a Government, they will engage the Limkokwing Universiy administration to allow students to resume classes.

Pro-Activeness Makes NP-SL the People’s Choice

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone Limited, NP (SL-Ltd) is tirelessly working round the clock, engaging oil producing companies in business discussions, to always ensure that supply is continually flowing or maintained. This pro-activeness, on the part of the company, has made it quite possible for stocks to last over periods of time in order to avert the occurrence of shortages.

Interestingly, NP-SL is not a Government entity or appendage; no politician has a share in it, as its shareholders are mere ordinary Sierra Leoneans, starting with 35 of them, who some time ago, bought shares from the Government out of their end of service benefits to establish what today has become a towering entity (NP-SL) to reckon with in the business landscape.

As had been fallaciously propagated by certain ill-motivated persons, who do not mean well for this country, that there are certain politicians that have vested interests in the company, our investigations have proven otherwise.

NP-SL is a 100% indigenous company to the letter and it has weathered various storms that could have dwarfed it or left it to extinct, save for therapeutic intermittent Managerial injections that has kept it upright and on the right course.

Demonstrating its true Sierra Leonean identity, the company has maintained a policy of strictly adhering to the Local Content Policy; ensuring that it has a maximum indigenous staff in its employ. What this actually means is empowering our brothers and sisters to access employment opportunities and reduce poverty.

As a matter of fact, some of its members continue to benefit from various trainings that have afforded them the conduit to imbibe useful skills to efficiently carry out certain tasks. If we are counting the number of companies that have upheld the Local Content Policy, without any iota of doubt, NP-SL could be seen at the top.

This intrinsic nationalistic posture of the company runs through and it is a sine qua non to overall national development. If such a compliance rate should have been followed by other local companies, willingly, without any pressure from the relevant authorities, then indisputably this country should have been miles away in its development trajectory.

Business Management experts have made it abundantly clear that the way and manner, in which customers are cared for in terms of talking to them, making them feel at ease, go a long way in attracting them. Such should be done sincerely in order to make them more important. NP-SL for a very long period now has mastered that art and executing it so well, which definitely is paying dividends.

1st for Customer Care was earned by the company because it has been widely acclaimed by many for solidly executing such.

In its drive to optimize customer satisfaction the company went the extra mile to install calibrated pumping machines, which are not only modern but trustworthy, as opposed to old pumping machines which certain unscrupulous individuals used to cheat unassuming customers.

This is helping to repose confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent entity. The friendliness of their pump attendants is very impressive and they are always there to timely respond to various concerns.

Still within the purview of 1st for Customer Care, the company is always in position to enter into payment plans with its reliable and dependable customers including Ministries, Departments and Agencies for supplied fuel and lubricants, as long as all the necessary modalities have been put in place.

When cognizance is taken of the fact that some of these institutions receive intermittent budgetary allocations, then such an arrangement is very significant. Its significance in real terms borders on functional continuity of those institutions, as they will be assured of supplies of petroleum products in as much as they keep honoring their obligations.

For those who have not tried NP Gas for the first time, it is now time to give it a try. Designed in sizable varying cylinders and sold at various NP Filling Stations, this cooking device has been rated as one of the best that is on offer for sale. NP Gas is safe, user friendly and portable. Trying it will spur you to recommend it to others.

NP Smart Card is now in vogue and is one of the latest technological devices used to purchase petroleum products. Using it has attendant advantages, as evident in procuring fuel at any time of the day even during times when monies could not be accessed from banks. It is secured, easy to use and very quick. It is now trending.

To crystallize proposed projects into tangible realities on the ground, Government needs the required financial resources to effectively do so and one sure way is from collection of taxes, which is the mandate of the National Revenue Authority (NRA).  NP is one big tax payer to Government and it has been doing so timely.

NP-SL still yearns for the day to come when all public and private indebted debts will be settled, because it will give the company the requisite financial muscle to continue its pro-active stance in ensuring that quality service delivery is sustained. Again it will be in a very more advantageous position to step up its positive contributions to the socio-economic development of the nation.

Kanja Sesay Discusses Energy Transformation at 10th IRENA Assembly

150 Countries gather for discussions on energy transformation at 10th IRENA

By Theresa Kef Sesay

In Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on 11 January 2020 the 10th Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)  brought together decision makers from 150 countries, in total, more than 1,500 delegates that participated in a  meeting held annually by the world’s lead intergovernmental organisation for energy transformation.

The 10th Assembly represents a curtain-raiser to a decade in which the world must achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations and adopt a climate safe energy path. Renewable energy is recognised as playing a central role in the achievement of several goals including energy access (SDG 7), climate safety (SDG 13), sustainable economic growth (SDG 8) and sustainable cities (SDG 11). A report published yesterday by IRENA found that jobs in renewables could reach 40 million by 2050 under a climate-safe energy scenario.

In opening remarks addressing his first Assembly, IRENA Director-General Francesco La Camera, said: “We have ten years left to fulfil the commitment set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This period will also be decisive for the ability to hold the line on rising global temperatures. Transitioning to clean energy systems is at the heart of these global agendas. And renewable energy increasingly plays a major role in national development and climate strategies.”

He continued: “We have renewable energy at our disposal today to make the future more predictable, more prosperous, more inclusive, and more secure. But it is now that we need to make the right decisions, so that the benefits of accelerated deployment can unfold worldwide.  We enter the next decade with confidence because of your support and active engagement.”

He concluded: “United behind IRENA’s mission, we are setting the stage for success.”

Sierra Leone Energy Minister; Alhaji Kanja Sesay will return home with a deep sense of optimism and hopes for a greater future as he restlessly continues to search for a lasting solution to the country’s seriously challenged electricity.


Internal Affairs Minister Launches Police Strategic Development Plan

Minister of Internal Affairs, Edward Soloku

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a bid to properly and judiciously carryout its mandate the Sierra Leone Police on Friday 10 January 2020, launched its strategic development plan for 2020-2024 at its Headquarters on George Street in Freetown.

In his statement while launching the Strategic Development Plan (2020-2024) Minister of Internal Affairs, Edward Soloku, disclosed that his Ministry oversees the Sierra Leone Police, the institution responsible for maintaining the internal security of the State, adding how the Strategic Plan will be a guide and help citizens to know which direction the SLP is moving in discharging their duties

He applauded the Inspector General of Police, Dr. Richard Moigbe and the entire membership of the Force for holding the fort adding that there have been some improvements on the operations of the Police but urged them to double their efforts.

The Minister called on all Sierra Leoneans to support the SLP saying it is the responsibility of everybody to ensure that the State is secured.

He noted that the Plan set out five strategic priority areas for the next five years which he underscored are the core businesses of the Force to carry out their mandate.

Minister Soluku further noted that the accountability framework of the SLP is another strategic area highlighted in the plan which he said is very important for the development of the SLP.

The Internal Affairs Minister assured the SLP that tremendous efforts will be made to ensure that the SLP is adequately resourced in order to roll out the Strategic Development Plan 2020-2014 stressing that it will help the Police to build public confidence and become formidable.

Deputy Head of ISAT, Mark Katta, also expressed appreciation to the Sierra Leone Police for the tremendous work they have been doing over the past years. He said ISAT is proud to have been working alongside the SLP, adding that the Strategic Development Plan represents the views of Sierra Leoneans as before the launch of the plan for 2020-2024 there was a perception survey to seek the views of Sierra Leoneans on the activities and operations of the Police.

He disclosed how ISAT has helped the Police with the printing of three thousand (3.000) copies of the strategic development plan.

Inspector General of Police, Dr. Richard Moigbe, in his statement informed that the strategic development plan 2020-2024 is not only important but timely for the Sierra Leone Police, adding that the document cuts across all sectors of the Police.

He noted that strategic development plan is an embodiment of various views as they were captured widely on how they want to see the Force.

The IG added that the Police assured Sierra Leoneans that at the end of the implementation of the strategic development plan (2020-2024) activities the SLP would have contributed to the achievement of the internal security strategy of the State.

In her presentation, Director of Corporate Affairs, AIG Memunatu Borah Konteh Jalloh, disclosed that the objective of putting together such a Strategic Development Plan (SDP) is to keep the people of Sierra Leone safe by working with partners to prevent crime and to protect the people, underscoring how achieving that could help enhance a very cohesive and fruitful relationship with the communities they serve, and eventually reducing crime and harm across those communities.

She noted that the SDP represents the contributions, views, feedbacks and perceptions of the general public, partners, officers and staff, disclosing that a perception survey was conducted to seek the opinions of Sierra Leoneans across the country about what they think about the Sierra Leone Police and what it should do in the future.

AIG Memunatu Borah Konteh Jalloh extended appreciation to the International Security Advisory for their continuous support to the Sierra Leone Police, and called on other Ministries, Departments and Agencies to support them in achieving what are encapsulated in the strategic development plan.

Desert Flower Foundation Commissions School Today

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Desert Flower Foundation- Sierra Leone, a non-profitable Organisation working on girl’s empowerment and protection against female genital is now poised to commission its first primary school today, 10 January 2020, at Number 2 Community. The disclosure was made during a Press Conference held on Thursday 9th January, 2020 at the Caritas Conference Hall, Kingtom in Freetown.

Speaking during the conference, President of Desert Flower Foundation –Africa, Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh, who also doubles as Executive Director of Caritas disclosed that Caritas -Sierra Leone was established in 1981 by the Catholic Bishops Conference of Sierra Leone with the mandate to serve as the relief and development wing of the Catholic Church in Sierra Leone, adding that since 2014 Caritas has been in partnership with Desert Flower Foundation in order to raise awareness on the effects of Female Genital Mutilation.

He noted that the Foundation believes that education is key as it enlightens and broadens someone’s understanding in order to make informed decisions.

“It with this regards we are targeting communities that are deprived of educational institutions,” he said adding that they have been working with the Number 2 Community where the Foundation has built a library, safe home etc. He pointed out that commissioning of their first school within the community is a fulfillment of commitment as an organization. He noted that since its inception the Foundation has saved over 1,000 girls beneficiaries across the country from ages 0-18 yrs.

He disclosed that the Kiera Chaplin Desert Flower Foundation School that will be commissioned is named after Kiera Chaplin a resident of Desert Foundation in Switzerland and The Netherlands. Therefore, the school is named with her name to honour the good works she has done for the Foundation.

President of Desert Flower Foundation Kiera Chaplin, said  the Foundation is a non-profitable organisation working on girl’s empowerment and protection against female genital cutting until they are 18 as enshrined in the Child Rights Act of Sierra Leone.

He added that in 2014 the Desert Flower Foundation Sierra Leone launched a sponsorship program to save children (girls) from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the country and the Foundation signed sponsorship contracts with the parents of the girls.

She noted that due to the educational constraints of children in the Number River Community, the Foundation thought it fit to build a school that would salvage such a situation in the and the Kiera Chaplin Desert Flower School which is named after her will be officially commissioned on Friday 10th January, 2020 at the River Number 2 Community.

Other personalities present made salient contributions

Saio Koroma Calls on Government for Agricultural Support

During the Harvesting period in Kondembaia village, Diang Chiefdom

By Karifa Kello Thoronka

Saio Koroma, the Chief Executive officer of Malondifeh Farmers Association who is also a senior motor Mechanic in Freetown has revealed that Agriculture is the bed rock of development in any society. He vowed to invest in Agriculture to rescue his people from hunger disclosing such during the rice harvesting by the Malondifeh Farmers Association in Kondembaia village, Diang Chiefdom, Koinadugu district in January this year.

In an exclusive interview with the CEO of Malondifeh Farmers Association Saio Koroma he said  his passion for Agriculture is very high and he is ready to pursue  farming activities in Koinadugu district as a way of complementing the agenda of the new direction in Sierra Leone. He mentioned by saying that one of his reason why he decided to start such project is to encourage his people in Diang Chiefdom to invest in Agriculture as they strongly believe and depend on mining activities rather than farming which he think cannot help them in addressing hunger in the village and the district as a whole.

Outlining some difficulties which the Association is facing the Secretary General, Daniel Kerah, says that though there is a lot of progress ongoing but the Association is facing more constrains with regards having more tractors, combine harvesters and sometimes lack of man power in order to make the work more flexible and productive than before.

Daniel Kerah furthered by noting that they are ready to add more efforts towards the Association. “I studied Agriculture in University so I am prepared to deliver the best for my people,” he says. He ended appealing to individuals and companies to support the project.

Appreciating the good initiative of Saio Koroma, one of the sons of the soil who has also benefited from the farming activities, Fatmata Kamara, expressed her wiliness to always make herself available whenever she is needed to assist on the farm.

Minister Inspires Trainees of HIVC Training at YWCA

Minister Alpha Timbo with students at HIVC YWCA

By Fatmata Jengbe

Labour Minister, Alpha Timbo, on the 8th January, 2020 visited the Hunan International Vocational Centre (HIVC)  at the YWCA to get himself au fait with the training going on there.

The training started before Mr Alpha Timbo became Minister of Labour and it was the first time he met with the organizers and students of the ongoing training.

Addressing the students, the Minister said he is very happy for such a training that is organized by HIVC saying he understands that this is the second time they are organizing such in Sierra Leone.
“Your vision to improve human capital in Sierra Leone is a laudable venture that our Government will support because we believe that if we can capacitate Sierra Leoneans in the middleman area then Sierra Leone will develop at a faster rate. I understand that it is 45 of you now being trained on sewing and embroidery, which is welcoming to the Government,” he inspired.

He said the organizers have briefed him that the students are always punctual and they have been very cooperative in making sure they succeed and go out to be quality dress makers.

The Minister averred that China has always taken the lead to help build Sierra Leone in all spheres of life and this training did not come as a surprise and hope this will not be the last but will continue to help Sierra Leoneans in various vocational training programmes.

Thanking the Minister for his visit to them, student Aiah Koroma said they are very happy that the Minister has visited them, which shows how important this Government puts priority on education.

He said they also want to thank the Chinese Government and the Hunan Training College for doing this training as what they have learnt will be of immense benefits to them because they will be able to start their own tailor shops and what they have learnt will be for them forever.

“Mr. Minister Sir, we want you to empower us to help us develop our shops and give us contracts that are now given to foreigners. As you are talking about Local Content, this is an opportunity for your Government to help us become quality tailors to help meet the demands of Government and other agencies to help them secure quality and cheap uniforms rather than giving it to foreigners or even buying from China,” he furthered.

The Minister in his response said it is a good idea but they must first of all put more efforts to finish the training on the high and make sure that they will be able to perform at the highest level for them to prove to the world that they deserve more Government support.

He said he will allow them to sew for all the Ministers so that they can be assess if they are to be given contracts. This, he said, will happen soon as he is going to put the modalities in place and has asked the team leader to provide him a list of all the tailors and seamstress so that he can start the process.

Thanking the Minister for his visit was the Coordinator of the HIVC, Emma. She thanked the Minister for visiting the training center and said in less than two weeks the training will come to an end.

“We will be inviting you to the closing ceremony that will take place on the 20th of January and we hope you will grace the occasion as these students have done well since the programme started and the former Minister of Labor was on hand during the opening ceremony to spur the students and we expect you to guide them into the world where they will become masters of their own destinies.”