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Tuesday, October 1, 2024
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Family HIV Testing Affected by Certain Barriers

By Theresa Kef

Since its discovery to date, the world has been struggling to fight stigma and discrimination against People Living with HIV/AIDS and the situation in Africa is also worse, making Sierra Leone no different to reduce new infection rates.

Too many children undiagnosed are without access to life saving ART, and it is critical for Government and partners to identify these children and link them to prescribed treatment. The family testing, as an index case finding strategy through which PLHV’s, are systematically screened to identify family members with unknown HIV status.

It is for this reason a two-day orientation on family testing for 75 religious leaders was recently organized at the Christian Health Association Hall in Sierra Leone, (CHASL) to finding ways on how to get communities involved and their role to help health workers achieve target in the Index Case Finding (ICF) a WHO endorsed approach referred to as family HIV testing programme across the country.

This strategy requires active participants to be included and participate with health providers and index patients from the point of screening index patients for HIV testing with unknown status to linking newly identified HIV infected child.

7 districts will be targeted by HAPPY KIDS and Adolescent but the 75 participants who received orientation were from Bombali, Western Area Urban and Western Area Rural Districts. Several topics were discussed during the two-day period, some were new and others the religious leaders had gained knowledge from similar trainings from other organizations interested in the fight to reduce stigma and discrimination on people living with HIV.

“Despite all the advancements to reduce new infection rates, especially among children, only 24% of an estimated 3.2 million children living with HIV were on treatment in 2013, and in Sierra Leone only 340 children were on ART until the end of 2016 when the situation improved a little as 19% was recorded.”

National Coordinator, HAPPY KIDS, Mariama Marco-Conteh added that report also confirms that half of these number die before their second birthday without ART. “There is still a gap to cover and it is the reason why both Muslim and Christian leaders were brought in to assist as their role is significant in the various communities they reside.”

She urged religious leaders to be more proactive to find ways of increasing engagement with community residents to see reason for voluntary counseling and family HIV testing. She added that the issue of family testing should be discussed more often in the different Mosques and Churches maintaining that in Africa tradition and culture for some reason has been responsible for the gap in case finding.

Gaps in case finding is a barrier which is another reason why family testing is important, as the vast majority of pediatric HIV cases are due to vertical transmission, EID programs play a critical role identifying HIV infected children before they become symptomatic.

These were some of the gaps participants brained stormed on, in three groups, shared experiences, discussed and come up with recommendations such as increased universal coverage on ART, identify pregnant and breastfeeding women early and missed opportunities of case finding, to help them work together with the community health workers in communities.

Harolda Sutton-Koroma from Western Urban said voluntary family testing should not be limited to homes but also extended in schools and higher Institutions of learning as a pre-requisite for admission. She emphasized the need for improved counselling and confidentiality after testing.

Pastor Manso Kargbo, an HIV activist underlined the need for family testing for early detection suggested that counselling services be increased in communities as well as the need to attend to children living and orphaned to the virus as a result of late detection.

Both Rev. Daniel Mansaray and Sheik Sowa Sow were very vocal during the different sessions calling on Government to lay emphasis on access to test kits and drugs for children and adults reiterating that most times affected persons complain of poor service from service providers in some facilities. The need for community ownership of family testing, the religious clerics noted, would reduce new infection rates.



Crowned PC Bai Sherbro Kpana Lewis traces his ancestry to Sierra Leone

Dr Michael Victor Roberts crowned PC Bai Sherbro Kpana Lewis

By Mohamed Faray Kargbo

Billionaire Entrepreneur, Dr Michael Victor Roberts whose DNA result confirms his Sierra Leonean lineage has been made honorary Paramount Chief of Sittia Chiefdom, Bonthe District. The ceremony took place in Bonthe Sherbro Island. Here is an account of the event.

His face beams with happiness as he went through the traditional rites. Little did he imagine that after 400 years, he would return to his ancestral home to be crowned Paramount Chief.

The name Dr Michael Victor Roberts soon gave way to PC Bai Sherbro Kpana Lewis.

“They changed our complexion but did not change our minds” remarked the new chief.

Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs,  William IK Robinson while commending Dr Roberts for the visit reassured that his Ministry would continue to create the enabling environment for root tourism to thrive.

According to the son of the Entrepreneur, Michael Victor Roberts Jr they would ensure Bonthe regains its lost glory.

As they transform his physical appearance from an entrepreneur to a PC, the women sang traditional songs. The honorary PC responded by nodding his head.

The event which was coordinated by the National Tourist Board (NTB) was attended by key stakeholders in the Bonthe District who appealed for the refurbishment of their old airfield.
As he boarded the Aberdeen Water Taxi to return to Freetown, Dr Michael Victor Roberts promised to make a second visit.

Dr Roberts is a guru in the hospitality sector and owns over 40% of the hotels in the Bahamas. He also has access to hedge fund to finance various feasible projects in Sierra Leone.

Born on October 24, 1948, in St. Louis, Missouri to Delores Talley Roberts and Victor Roberts. He began his first business selling dashikis and other African merchandise to area bookstores. Roberts studied law at St. Louis University School of Law, and in 1974, earned his J.D. degree and began Roberts-Roberts and Associates, a business and construction management firm headquartered in St. Louis.


DfID Supports Renewable Rural Energy Project in Port Loko

By Alim Jalloh

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio on Tuesday 17 December 2019 has officially commissioned the national Renewable Rural Energy Project, RREP, at Petifu, Lokomasama Chiefdom in Port Loko district.

Petifu is a rural town in northern Sierra Leone that lies about 20 miles to Lungi, home to the international airport that serves the West African nation.

The project, which was designed to target 94 communities across the country, was supported by the Department for International Development, DfID, in the United Kingdom to support mini-grid operators toward the provision of commercially viable energy services in rural communities.

During the symbolic turning-on ceremony of the light, Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, said that the event was a significant milestone that marked the start of the provision of electricity across the country in fulfilment of the President’s pledge to increase energy access through renewables.

Resident Coordinator for the United Nations, Sunil Saigal, said that he was honoured to witness the demonstration of what was a result of effective collaboration between the government and its partners. He said the government had shown commitment to deliver development result which would improve the welfare of Sierra Leoneans.

Head of DfID in Sierra Leone, Kobi Bentley, said that the event was significant because it celebrated the fact that electricity generated through solar power and transmitted through local mini-grids was now available in 54 rural communities across the country. She said that the project would run for the next two years and was expecting mini-grids to be provided in additional 40 larger rural towns and villages across the country.

In his address, President Bio said that the project aligned with his Government’s commitment to producing cleaner, cheaper and more inclusive energy in rural communities across the country, adding that they were also determined to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 – producing modern energy for all.

He said that the project would also support his Government’s human capital development drive by playing an important role in the storage of vaccines and other medications in health centres, increase the study time at schools and homes and also provide additional resources through technology.

“This project will help support small scale enterprises by stimulating economic activities and will also help agricultural activities through the preservation of foodstuffs. We will replicate and promote this RREP model and extend energy access to more Sierra Leoneans,” he assured.

Seawright Mining Aquaculture Project is on Track

By Joenal Sesay

Seawright Mining Company (SMC), in their continuous drive to ease the stress of traditional fishing method, continues their tour to get the best of Aquaculture for Sierra Leone.

A team of the Company’s officials, Government and the private sectors are currently in China to get first-hand information about Aquaculture equipment, demonstration of product and viewing.

The team departed Sierra Leone on the 13th December, 2019 and they are expected to return before the 31st of this month.

SMC Finance Manager, Mohamed Tunkara emphasized that SMC intends to invest in Aquaculture in Sierra Leone as part of its Corporate Social Responsibilities.

He disclosed that the Company intends to purchase Recirculating Aquaculture Systems from China and they are currently engaging Zhongshan eWater Aquaculture Equipment Technology Limited who are one of the producers of the system in China.

He continued to say the purpose of their visit is to further engage the supplier as well as product viewing and demonstration prior to committing huge financial resources.

He said the Chief Executive Officer of SMC Dr. Alfred Seawright   is so passionate about the project which prompted the tour because he wants it to succeed.

On Friday 26th July 2019 Seawright Mining Company (SMC) ended a tour to Nigeria as a follow up to their previous visit in Ghana on Aquaculture with a sixteen man delegation with funding from the Company comprises of staff of SMC, Parliamentarians, Ministries representatives, Lecturers and Students and the media.

Executive Director of Legal Aid Board Assures 1,482 inmates

Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles

By Joseph Dumbuya

In a bid to make them feel belonged and being part of society, the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles and team have held the usual end of year meeting with 1,482 inmates at the Pademba Road Correctional Center in Freetown. 162 inmates who were taken to court for the day were not present at the meeting.

“The inmates started their football league today but have readily accepted to stop the match for some time for the meeting,” the Prison Officer told Ms. Carlton-Hanciles and team as they ushered them into the field.

Amidst thunderous applause, Ms. Carlton-Hanciles told the inmates that the Board has represented and secured the release of many inmates in the past and will continue to do so in the New Year. She added that the Board has held meetings with the Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards to address their justice needs.

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said those without a lawyer will have Legal Aid Counsels to take up their cases. “We have lawyers in the High Courts who will represent you,” she assured them, adding “For those of you in the Magistrate Courts, you will have to bear with us because most of our lawyers are in the High Court. This notwithstanding, the Board will assign more lawyers to the Magistrate Court to represent you.”

She told those who have been on remand for long period without trial due to the fact that the jury has not been constituted, that the Board will discuss the issue with the Chief Justice to look at how they could commence their trial. “I am talking specifically about those charged with Murder and Robbery with Aggravation,” Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said.

She said the Board will be commissioning a study in the New Year to look at the types of offences, length of sentences as against the provisions in the law, age of inmates and the amount of money Government spends on inmates.

She said those who are above 50 years could be released on compassionate grounds if they continue to show good conduct and contrition. Also, condemned inmates stand a chance of having their sentences commuted or could benefit from Presidential Pardon. “As a Board, we will talk to the Committee so that you are pardoned provided you play your own part in showing good conduct and contrition,” she said, adding “Those whose sentences are commuted could also stand a chance of being considered for pardon.”

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles appealed to the inmates to behave and be law abiding in order to make the work of the Board easier.  She noted that there will always be issues between inmates and prison officers which should be channelled through laid down rules and procedures. “The Judges will not feel sorry for you if they are told by a prison officer that you have been causing trouble,” she said, adding “Do not deceive yourself they will take this into consideration in the judgments.”

Speaking on behalf of those who are not on trial particularly those charged with murder, Alfred who claims to be the son of Ex-President Momoh said they have not been on trial, what’s more no time has been set for one. He called for the intervention of the Board to ensure they have their day in Court. He also drew attention to the case of Alexandra who is charged with murder and has been remanded at the Pademba Road Correctional Center since 2012.

Dakiyai who spoke on behalf of those without indictment said he has been remanded at the center since 25 January 2014.  He wants the Board to assist with securing their indictment. Omaska spoke on behalf of Condemned Inmates. He claimed that some of them were convicted without any strong evidence.

Santigie who is serving a 66-year prison term spoke on behalf of those serving long sentences. He said he received such a lengthen sentence even though he was not caught with any weapon not even a knife. He added that there is another inmate serving 95 years.

Among those who claimed to be children but had their ages inflated while they were being investigated by the police include Ibrahim aged 15. He is charged with Murder and has been on remand since March 2015. Also, Aruna 17 is charged with Robbery with Violence, Martin 17 is charged with Robbery with Aggravation and Victor 17 is charged with Robbery and has been remanded at the Pademba Road Correctional Center since April 2018.

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said she does not have time to take all their questions but assured them that come January 2020, Legal Aid Counsels will come to the Correctional Centre to meet with each of them and then bring their issues to the attention of the Chief Justice.

Prior to the meeting Ms. Carlton-Hanciles spoke to three inmates in the reception area before they were released from the Correctional Center after serving a month’s sentence for loitering. He told Santigie, a driver, Mohamed a Tiller driver and Foday a Vehicle Apprentice to be law abiding and focus on their respective trades to rebuild their lives.

As Pres. Bio Unveils his Statute… Women Vocational Centre in Port Loko Receive His Furniture donation

President Dr Julius Maada Bio and Her Excellency the First Lady Madam Fatima Maada Bio

By Alim Jalloh

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio and Her Excellency the First Lady Madam Fatima Maada Bio on Wednesday 18 December 2019,  donated 100 modern chairs-with-desk to the Women in Action Development Project, a vocational center in Port Loko City, Northern Sierra Leone.

Head of Hygiene at the Institute, Mohamed Sultan Turay, said that they were pleased with the generous gesture by the President and his wife, saying that the furniture would help their students in the process of acquiring their various skills. He commended the First Lady for her “Hands Off Our Girls” initiative.

First Lady, Madam Fatima Maada Bio, said that the donation was in line with their vision to support the empowerment of women and girls in the country. She said that President Bio cares for the well-being of women and girls and is ready to provide them a safe and conducive learning environment, adding that the President would like to leave a solid legacy in the country built on education.

On his part, President Bio commended the First Lady for her efforts in the development of women and girls in the country. He said he was pleased with the work done at the center because it would help to improve the lives of women in that part of the country.

He said that women who had had the opportunity of being reintegrated into the society should always serve as agents of change. He, therefore, encouraged them to make good use of the facilities by working harder to become meaningful citizens in the society. He assured that they were ready to develop the center into a well-equipped technical vocational institute.

In another engagement, President Bio unveiled his statue built by the people of Port Loko City in recognition of all his development efforts in the district, especially the introduction of the free quality education initiative.


Parliament Ratifies 2020 Budget

Finance Minister J J Saffa

By Amin Kef Sesay

On Wednesday 18 December 2019, following reports by Seven Sub-Appropriation Committees during the Committee of Supply, Parliament debated and approved with unanimity the Bill entitled: “The Appropriation Act 2020” with some amendments.

The Act is seeking to authorize expenditure from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the services of Sierra Leone for the 2020 financial year and to provide for other related matters. In light of this, Parliament has granted the sum of Le8.6 Trillion to President Julius Maada Bio for the services of the Republic of Sierra Leone effective on the 01st of January 2020.

The Budget is aimed at addressing “Bread and Butter” issues through job creation, innovative financing, increment of minimum wage to Le600, 000.00, increment of salaries effective April 2020, recruitment of teachers, health and police personnel, introducing payment of salaries to mayors/chairpersons, their deputies and core staff of Council.  Overall, the Budget is seeking to consolidate and improve human capital development in the country.

The Auditor General’s Report for 2018 has been tabled in Parliament by the Deputy Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Hon. Abdul Titus Kamara.

The Bill entitled: “The Public Order (Amendment) Act 2019” has been introduced and read the first time in the Parliament of Sierra Leone. It was piloted by the Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray.

The Bill is seeking to amend the Public Order Act of 1965 (Act No. 46 of 1965) by repealing Part V relative to defamatory and seditious libel and for other matters connected thereto.

However, the Leaders of Parliament have pacified the Ministry of Information and Communications to hold wider consultations with relevant stakeholders in light of the proposed amendments.

The Parliament of Sierra Leone stands adjourned to the 30th January 2020 for its Christmas and New Year’s Recess.


Brewery is Set for this Festive Season

By Amin Kef Sesay

This medium can categorically state, based on empirical evidence gathered so far through social interactions at various points, that many are truly enjoying the different beverages that the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) is manufacturing especially during this festive season. With our team moving from one entertainment point to another it was evidently glaring that most are appreciating the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that the company has specialized in producing.

Chatting with some of them they honestly stated how they are indeed really enjoying the refreshing taste of the beverages adding that they are of high quality and standards. They expressed appreciation to the company for making it possible to access their favourite drinks further appealing that efforts must be made to ensure that there is no shortage as the holidays are just around the corner and a lot of social activities are lined up ,times when the company’s beverages go like hot cakes on the market.

As a very pro-active company, the SLBL always think out of the box which was why prior to the commencement of the festive season it imported four massive beer tanks which has already been stored meaning that as far as storage facilities are concerned they have been increased to respond to growing demands. “Shortage during the festive season is as a result of a lot of social events like marriages, outings, office and house parties etc when demands go high. Some retailers hoard drinks thereby creating artificial scarcity just to make more profits. However, with our new strategy there is every likelihood that such will not occur,” Albert Ojo Collier, the Corporate Affairs Manager of SLBL dilated adding that with the company’s new Managing Director, Laurent Bukasa, who is a specialist in marketing there is optimism that there will be enough to drink and spare during this period.

One honour that the company has bagged long ago is its pro-active rolling out of its Corporate Social Responsibility which has improved communities not only within its operational area of production but even beyond thereby positively impacting lives.

It is on record that SLBL, in close collaboration with the Heineken Foundation, has facilitated and championed the construction of state-of-the-art water wells in communities close to its Wellington Industrial Estate where the company is located.These are communities where, hitherto, accessing pure water supply was a serious nightmare as clean water supply points were non-existent giving rise to various societal ills such as teenage pregnancy, children dropping out of the educational system simply because they moved from one place to another just to fetch water and even when they access one they would spend hours on end before finally getting water.

At the end of the day they have become so tired to an extent that there is no time for concentration on their studies. The commendations that have been heaped on the company for giving them respite are very overwhelming and speak volumes of how SLBL is giving back to communities and complementing Government’s development interventions.

The company has been doing the same in terms of giving supports to education, health, sports etc thereby beefing up those sectors and help in identifying local talents.

One of the well placed famers’ groups in the country constitutes Sorghum farmers who plant and harvest sorghum which is an essential ingredient that the company is using in its production chain.

SLBL buys sorghum from these farmers who have formed an organization that is constantly supplying the Brewery with sorghum with an exponential numerical strength of over 25,000 farm families spread in different parts of the country.

These farmers are now benefitting immensely and as a matter of fact SLBL has been embarking on tours just to encourage more people to come on-board and grow sorghum. The relationship between the farmers and SLBL could be best described as symbiotic and is growing from strength to strength.

Timely honouring of taxes to the National Revenue Authority has been done on a regular basis and such is contributing in helping Government to amass the necessary revenue to finance development programmes.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) has assured that there is not going to be any shortage of its favorite beverages. As far as Management of the company is concerned there will be enough manufactured drinks on the market to last over time as there is cause for any mad rush to buy and hoard.

AWOL Set to Thrill on December 29

As it invites Entrepreneurs, Vendors & Craft Exhibitors to Display Products…

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sunday, 29 December 2019 is  D-Day many are now longing and  waiting for. On that day all roads will be leading to the Bintumani Conference Centre in Aberdeen, Freetown to witness another breath-taking Awards Ceremony as the ALL Walks of Life (AWOL) is now set to dish out the National Achievements Awards to deserving individuals and personalities for outstanding performances during  2019 as encapsulated in the different categories.

This year’s Awards ceremony will be slightly different as the All ‘Works’ Of Life Development Organisation (AWOL) has extended invitation to Sierra Leonean Entrepreneurs, Vendors and Craft Exhibitors to showcase their business, products and ideas for free.  The organizers have reiterated that limited space is available.

From a cue that this medium received, on that day, it will be all pomp and pageantry as the crème de la crème of society and people from various walks of life will hob-nob, chatting over drinks, fixing appointments and making new friends. As usual it will be a nite to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere with music at the background and entertaining performances displayed by some of our local artists.

Commencing at 7pm, the AWOL Awards nite will shine the light on those that were overwhelming voted for by members of the public whom they deemed did exceptionally well in improving humanity and contribute meaningfully to the socio-economic development of the country.

Voting is now in process and to vote just send 2713 short code to SMS via Africell for an individual or institution that one believes must clinch the covetous 2019 award.

For an individual or institution to be recognized, appreciated and awarded for doing something very exceptional within the year could be a source from which inspiration is drawn to do more. It could also serve as a springboard to emulate the exemplary footsteps others have taken to meaningfully make meaningful impacts on the lives of others.

Indeed, as usual, in the immediate wake of the event indisputably tongues will be left wagging as to whether indeed a particular personality or institution truly deserves to be awarded. But that is natural as we sometimes disagree to agree. But one thing that is really obvious is that AWOL prides itself on selflessness and integrity which is why its award programmes have always been characterized by fairness. It is not AWOL that determines who should be a recipient of an award as a voting process is currently ongoing for people to vote their consciences for nominated personalities and institutions whom they truly believe should be recognized for their immense contributions to humanity and nation-building. You are at liberty to vote now by using 2713 short code to SMS via Africell for an individual or institution whom one believes must clinch the covetous 2019 award.

From all indications and judging from the nominations that have been done for the different categories it seems that this Awards Ceremony is going to be the Mother of all AWOL Awards Ceremonies but as some have already maintained that is yet to be determined. However, what for now is really certain is that AWOL has etched a name in history for doing BIG THINGS and this time round there will to be an exception nor is it going to be the last as we have been hinted.

In order to reiterate the message loud and clear the widely acclaimed National Achievements Awards (NAAs) will be dished out to deserving individuals and institutions on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre starting at 7pm with the theme “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development” under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio.

As it had been over the years it is planned to be an unforgettable ceremony that will be laced with pomp and pageantry bringing together under one roof the crème de la crème of society to socialize. It is going to be a nite of fun, jokes and laughter; a moment that will be lively when the spotlight will shine on individuals and institutions that have been recognized for their exemplary contributions to nation building and as such bestowed prestigious awards for their efforts.

Already, on the 22nd November 2019, the launch of the National Achievement Awards was done at the Radisson Blu Hotel and it was graced by individuals from various walks of life including the Chief Minister who on that day described AWOL as an organization which has as its aim and objective to celebrate ‘change-makers’ whom he referred to as those people who are doing their utmost in their little corners to put Sierra Leone first and set bright examples for others to emulate.

During the occasion the President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr informed the audience that AWOL was formed 20 years ago to serve the country in a distinct fashion. He added that coming from an 11 year war, as young people, they decided to form a group with a distinct mission to recognize distinguished Sierra Leoneans, as well as to complement and serve as an auxiliary to government and this they have been doing successfully since the founding of AWOL.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization, which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.

One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and which is part of its constitution is the fact that no individual member is bigger than the organization. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth.

AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolizes her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering State institutions.

From all indications, it is going to be an unforgettable nite that will linger in the minds of many here and abroad.

Below is the list of nominees that could be voted for by sending a text message on Africell line to 2713:



– Njala


– Dele-Peddle International School
– Sierra Leone Grammar School
– Providence International High School


– Gateway Preparatory Primary School
– International Primary School
– Modern Elementary School

– Menjor, Esther Sia (Leone Preparatory Prim. School)

– Hooke Johan Harmonette D. (Providence Int. Snr High, F/Town)
– Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Jalloh Khadijatu (Annie Walsh Memorial Sch., F/Town)


– Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch., F/Town)
– Turay Abdulai S. (Dele-Peddle Int. High, F/Town)

– Russell Affuah (The International School Ltd., Prim)

– Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Koroma Umu B. (Modern High, F/Town)


– Gbakima Aiah (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)


– Mohamed Buya Turay
– John Keister
– National Swimming Team


– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– Ministry of Tourism and Culture
– Ministry of Information and Communications

– Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
– National Revenue Authority (NRA)
– Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL)

– Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella
– Hon. Abdul Kargbo
– Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh


– Awoko
– Sierra Eye Magazine
– Standard Times

– Radio Democracy 98.1 FM
– SLBC Radio
– Kiss 104 FM

– Star TV

– Stella Bangura (AYV TV)
– Zainab Joaque (Awoko Newspaper)
– Khadija Bangura (98.1)

– Amadu Lamrana Bah (AYV TV)
– Mohamed Asmieu Bah (SLBC TV)
– Kemo Cham (Politico Newspaper)


– Rozay Sokota
– Arkman


– Desmond Finnie
– Henrietta Mbawah
– Phebean Swill

– Desmond Beinya
– Kindo Armani
– Richie Obama

– King Dus Art
– Alusine Conteh
– Cyril Oronto-Cole


    – Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB)
    – Ecobank SL
    – Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

    – Union Trust Bank (UTB)
    – Gento Group
    – NP-SL


    – Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha
    – Dr. Francis Lansana
    – Dr. Aiah Lebbie


    – Sick Pikin Project
    – Pikin Bizness
    – Melqosh Mission


    – Musa Mewa Esq
    – Ibrahim Fayia Sawaneh Esq
    – Joan Bull Esq.



    – Brig Gen Victor Samba
    – Lt Col Roland Robin Gbondo

    – Mr Francis Musa Hazeley (Chief Supt of Police)
    – Mrs Juliette Kumba Kondoh (Supt of Police)
    – Mr Edward Tamba Keimbay (Asst Supt of Police)

    – Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)
    – Abu Bakarr Fofanah (Sub Officer)
    – Adebayo Williams (Sub officer)

    – Mohamed Santigie Turay (Director of Corrections)
    – Rev Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay (Chief Supt of Corrections)
    – Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Manley (Chief Supt of Corrections)


    32. FARMER OF THE YEAR 2019

    – Kabia Farm
    – Jam Jay Enterprise
    – Madam Haja Sundu Marrah


    33. CSO/CBO OF THE YEAR 2019
    – Campaign for Good Governance
    – CARL- SL
    – CHIRDI- SL


    – The Place- Tokeh
    – Radisson Blu
    – Lagoonda


    – Madam Wokie
    – Hudsons
    – J & F Fashion


    –  Isatu (Plasas Seller, Aberdeen Market)
    – Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Krootown Road)
    – Sarian Karimu (Shenge Market, Bo)


    – Lara Taylor-Pearce (ASSL)
    – Francis Ben Keifala (ACC)
    – Micheala Mackay (CAC)


    – Orange SL
    – Africell SL

Vote now for individuals and institutions you are convinced deserve the prestigious AWOL Awards.



Optimism running High for NP to Clinch 2019 AWOL Award -Send IB3 to Short Code 2713 via Africell

By Amin Kef Sesay

Nine days from now we will witness one of the biggest social events within this festive season which many are expectantly looking forward to be part of. This long awaited event is the 2019 National Achievements Awards to be hosted by the well renowned All Walk of Life (AWOL) at the prestigious Bintumani International Conference Centre at Aberdeen to commence at 7pm. Among one of the institutions that have been nominated for this year’s award, in the category of ‘Best Indigenous Company of the Year’ there is the indomitable National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) which specializes in the importation of high grade qualitative petroleum products and other ancillary items. Proudly, the company was the recipient of the last year (2018) AWOL Award, received by the company’s Managing  Director, Kobi Walker, who dedicated it to the original 35 shareholders that established the company years back.

Taking the conversation to another level, bagging the 2018 Award does not in any way preclude the company from receiving the 2019 Award if it so pleases members of the public to throw their lot behind it. For now, there is a clear indication that the voting process is hyper on-going and to vote for NP-SL Ltd it is just as simple as drinking a glass of water. All what an individual needs to do is to just send IB3 SMS to short code 2713 via Africell. Indeed, your vote can indeed make a big difference.

Undoubtedly, some may want to question what is so special about NP-SL Ltd for people to cast their votes for the company. This may not be a confrontational question but one that maybe coming from those who know little about the immense contributions that the company had and is making towards the socio-economic development of the nation.

The company has carved an enviable reputation as 1st for Customer Care. As a matter of fact, it has so prioritized it to such an extent that it is factored in its business transactions with the avowed objective of giving utmost satisfaction. Towards the achievement of that it ensured that its pumping machines installed at various Filling Stations are well calibrated, displaying prices and quantity in order to enhance transparency. This instils confidence among its numerous customers and encourages others to come on-board.

If today many are gaining easy access to petroleum products at affordable prices then that is largely due to the pro-activeness of the shareholders and various Management teams that have steered and still steering activities within the company. This alacrity, on the part of the company, makes it quite possible for these products to be easily accessed preventing the occurrence of shortage that will give rise to dire consequences and grind overall national development to a halt.

What is so striking about the company is the mere fact that it is truly indigenous , formed by 35 Sierra Leoneans who ploughed their end of service benefits as former workers of the British Petroleum Company by buying shares from the then Government that was in power to form the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited. Since its formation, the shareholders have maintained its indigenous posture. It is the company’s policy to have in its employ indigenes as long as they are competent enough to perform tasks assigned to them instead of bringing expatriates.

This posture by the company has helped in giving job opportunities to those who were hitherto unemployed thereby contributing towards poverty alleviation. Many have applauded the company for such saying it is a true manifestation of adherence to the country’s Local Content Policy.

To make cooking simple, the company has on offer for sale NP Gas, a device used for cooking and is fuelled by gas which it markets. Manufactured in different cylinders, NP Gas is marketed at the company’s various Filling Stations and they are going at affordable prices.

NP Smart Card is a latest technological device used to purchase fuel without the hassle of having physical cash in one’s personal possession. This Smart Card which can be accessed at NP could be uploaded with money which in turn can be used intermittently to procure fuel. Many have confessed that it is a reliable and the quickest way of securing petroleum products and very efficient in that direction.

Impressively, the company is among pacesetters that have expanded its operations beyond its shores as it has branches in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where they are vibrantly operating. This has brought pride to many with some claiming that it shows that with brains and determination Sierra Leoneans can climb higher heights.

With an iota of just some of the good things that the company had been and is still doing many say it is imperative that Sierra Leoneans should vote for an indigenous company that has stood firm during the thick and thin of business transactions. Although it is yearning for debts owed it by both public and private institutions as well as gaining easy access to foreign exchange, however, it is determined to do exceptionally well in 2020.

Vote now: Just send IB3 SMS to short code 2713 via Africell. It has been noted that NP-SL is serving as an inspiration to many and we should be very proud of that.