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 Tourism Ministry Holds Freetown Forum on Women Entrepreneurship in Tourism

Minister of Tourism and cross section of the international delegates

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In the bid to celebrate women’s empowerment through Tourism Entrepreneurship in order to enhance the development of women in the tourism sector in Sierra Leone the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in partnership with World Bank, United Nation World Tourism Organizations (UNWTO) has on Thursday 28th November, 2019 hosted a Freetown Forum on Women Entrepreneurship on Tourism at Bintumani Conference Centre Freetown.

In her statement during the ceremony Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt, disclosed that participants are witnessing the first ever Freetown Forum on Women’s Empowerment in Tourism for Sierra Leone, adding that Tourism is a tool to empower women in various aspects underscoring how it has the potential to assist women acquire increasing power and control over national, natural and cultural resources through economic, educational and political empowerment.

She said that the event came at a time when tremendous work have been put into establishing the framework for promoting women’s rights and empowerment in the tourism sector by the Ministry, the World Bank, MDAs and  the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

She noted that prior to this Freetown Forum significant events have been held;

  1. The UNWTO Female Tourism Ministers Leadership meetings in Spain and Accra
  2. The Launch of the Sierra Leone Gender Women and Tourism Programme in October 2019
  3. The First Regional Congress on Women’s Empowerment in Tourism Accra
  1. The Launch of the Gender In Tourism Study by UNWTO, The World Bank and GIZ which have an action plan to be implemented by member states
  2. The Ministry of Tourism and Culture is working in close collaboration with relevant line MDAs but especially with the Ministries of Trade and Gender in promoting women empowerment in Entrepreneurship.

Dr. Memunatu Pratt said that the purpose of the event is to enhance and continue to build on the institutional strategies and activities of their work in mainstreaming gender and promoting gender parity, addressing gender stereotyping, poor education and skills, leadership and disparity between men and women in accessing capital, financial inclusion and decent work in the tourism sector. She added that this also builds on the two fundamental frameworks of the Women in Development, Women and Development and the existing Gender and Development frameworks

She noted that promoting gender equality and women empowerment in tourism matters for two reasons: firstly, the Government of Sierra Leone and international organizations are committed to it through the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and secondly, the implementation of the strategic actions of the Beijing  Declaration and Platform for Action and the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals.

She also indicated that the programme will support and empower women’s skills education and opportunities for socio-economic empowerment in nation building and further raise awareness for sustainable tourism development within the tourism sector and it will also support and promote women’s entrepreneurship, innovations and other employment targets groups in the sector through sensitization and awareness raising activities for effective and proper gender mainstreaming which resonates with the vision of His Excellency the President, Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction Agenda of diversifying our economy through tourism and the other growth sectors.

“His Excellency the President always talks about how hard — working Sierra Leonean women are and indeed we have a lot of potentials. We are investing a lot on women empowerment through tourism because at the end of the day, it is not only women that will benefit but the whole of society benefits if women are empowered,” she maintained.

She emphasized that His Excellency the President gives a lot of prominence to investing in women and girls as they constitute the finest flowers of this country’s population saying we are beginning to see the fruits and that hosting a forum on women and tourism is just the beginning as the Ministry and its sub vented agencies will commence work in giving particular importance to women in the areas of hospitality, travel, SMEs, climate change, beach development and destination promotion, tourism education, entertainment, arts and crafts, agro tourism and business development  in supporting their work in the area of monuments and relics.

She ended by calling on other Development Partners, including the Private Sector to support the tourism sector in this effort.

Senior Private Sector Specialist Markets and Technology Tourism (World Bank), Louise D Twining-Ward on behalf of the Country Manager of the World Bank disclosed that Tourism is a very important economic driver and can create job employment and also serves as an important source for foreign exchange investment, adding that the World Bank has supported about 50 development projects across the world for the past 20 years.

She noted that a very important aspect of Tourism is that it enhances economic diversification and general inclusion in order to provide more opportunities for women entrepreneurship in the normal sector of the economy.

She said that despite the dormancy of women in the tourism sector there is still an important achievement gap, adding that the Freetown Forum on Women Entrepreneurship on Tourism is geared towards discussing other findings on two publications which are the United Nations Board Tourism Organization Global report on Women and Tourism  and the 2019 Women and Tourism Enterprise.

She said that these will enable them expose opportunities and challenges faced by women in tourism and said that with the two publications it will enhance the development and state of women in tourism.

Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Robert Chakanda in his statement on behalf of the Minister said that Government is effectively focused on implementing Sierra Leone’s Medium Term National Development Plan 2019-2023 as well as their Development Partners, who have supported them to implement the Plan since it was launched in February this year, adding that he is particularly happy that the Ministry of Tourism has been very active in ensuring the unlocking of the enormous economic and fiscal potentials of the tourism sector, as that is central to their economic diversification drive towards building a resilient and productive economy.

He said that they are more delighted to note  the strong political leadership they current have in the sector, with laudable foresight to place women at the centre of its activities. He pointed out how it has been increasingly realized across the globe that women’s economic participation is a major determinant of shared and sustainable growth and development.

He assured the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and other Government institutions and their Development Partners to support in ensuring an increased share of Women Entrepreneurship in the Tourism Sector.

He applauded the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, the Deputy Minister and Administrative Leadership and Staff of the Ministry for staying the course of promoting women entrepreneurship in the sector highlighting how they would like to call on other Development Partners, including the Private Sector to support the tourism sector in this effort.

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt
Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Robert Chakanda

Three Plays on Sengbeh Pieh  Launched in Freetown

Cross Section of Participants

By Francess Wright

Professor Matthew Christensen from the University of Texas in the United States  disclosed  at the launch of three plays on the Amistad Revolt at the Miatta Conference Center, Youyi Building in Freetown that the story of Sengbeh Pieh’s return to Sierra Leone was initiated by the Institute of African Studies at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone.

He made the statement while officially launching three plays on the Amistad Revolt co-written by three Sierra Leoneans-Mr. Charlie Haffner, Mr. Raymond De-Souza George and late Professor Ulisa Amadu Pat Maddy intimating that the book on the three plays would be available for sale and in libraries throughout the country asserting that the three authors have put the story of the Amistad Revolt on stage for all to see the heroic past of Sengbeh Pieh and others fighting against tyranny.

He informed that in his play, Professor Ulisa Amadu Pat Maddy looked into the future and sense of responsibility and that the three authors are now part of the global history of writers of the Amistad Revolt recalling that the enslaved were captured in 1839 reiterating that the three plays tell the same story but in different ways.

Professor Matthew Christensen went on to state that Sengbeh Pieh and other captives were captured and sold by their compatriots affirming that it is a story of resistance in a globalized world in addition to fighting for freedom and dignity.

According to the keynote speaker, one of the plays titled the ‘Broken Handcuff’ is a powerful reminder of independence and freedom and enlightened that Sengbeh Pieh and others fought for freedom during which they were recaptured and imprisoned in America after which some of them were sent home in West Africa but that unfortunately they did not meet their relatives whom they left behind as they too had been captured and sent into slavery.

Professor Matthew Christensen further articulated that publication of the plays by the Ohio University Press took a long time, that the press has published other books authored by Sierra Leoneans like Sly Cheney-Coker, that the play on Sengbeh Pieh has been performed over the past 30 years in America, Canada and other parts of the world and that the three generations of plays would last for thousands of years.

The Chairman of the ceremony, Professor Cecil M. Fyle observed that the event is to celebrate an artistic work of great artists and also bring to the fore Sengbeh Pieh who fought for freedom, that his heroism is told all over the world except Sierra Leone where little is known about him citing a huge library in the States devoted to him, that his story is also published in several journals in America and observed that Sengeh Pieh is a neglected hero.

According to Professor Cecil M. Fyle, there is need for Sierra Leone’s cultural values to be incorporated into the school curriculum

Earlier, Mr. Raymond De-Souza George, Special Adviser to the President on Cultural Affairs welcomed all to the ceremony to witness and contribute to making history asserting that Sierra Leone is rich in culture and storytelling that demands an audience adding that the event is about a man who fought for his identity through which he endured hardship but lamented that he is unknown to his people.

Other events lined up for the weeklong celebrations are a symposium at the conference hall of the Ministry of Tourism today, a play at the British Council Hall, Tower Hill in Freetown this Friday and an exhibition of the Amistad Revolt at the Sierra Leone Museum.

Highlights of the event were bidding for the book by the Director of Culture for Le250, 000 minimum, tributes to Professor Ulisa Amadu Pat Maddy by Mr. Raymond De-Souza George, statements by representatives of the Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools in the Western Area, Mr. Salami Carew of Tabulay Theatre and the Director of Culture in the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Mr. Foday Jalloh who assured that the Ministry would ensure that funds are allocated to cultural groups to facilitate their work.

In his vote of thanks, Mr. Charlie Haffner, Chairman of the Monuments and Relics Commission (MRC), underscored that artists in Sierra Leone are people of great minds but divided and appealed for unity, that the country has neglected a lot of heroes adding that the book is on the website and that they would receive royalties for the sale of the book for 30 years.



Citywide Geo-Mapping Project Launched by Mayor Aki-Sawyerr

Mayor Aki-Sawyerr

By Sam Pratt
The Freetown City Council’s citywide property geo-mapping has started after a successful pilot in three wards earlier this year. The geo-mapping initiative, which is funded by DFID, started as a pledge during Mayor Aki-Sawyerr’s Fo Wi Komyuniti, Fo Wi Progress, Fo Wi Fritong campaign. It was launched by the Mayor in the presence of Councillors and staff of FCC, and our partners DFID, IGC, ICTD and WARC.

The property geo-mapping exercise will require FCC’s enumerators to go into the compounds (but not buildings) of all properties to collect data on the physical attributes of the property, the access to public services, and the owner of the property. GPS coordinates and photographs will also be taken.

The geo-mapping exercise serves three purposes for FCC:

1. It will help us develop a comprehensive database of all properties in Freetown so everyone is liable to pay taxes
2. It will help us calculate property tax more fairly
3. It will help us distribute demand notices more efficiently

Capturing information for all properties in the city is crucial to FCC’s #Transform Freetown Revenue Mobilization efforts and will improve our ability to deliver services to residents. (Less than 30% of all properties in the city were previously captured in the FCC property tax database).

The Council is kindly asking residents to allow enumerators into compounds to collect the necessary data and to pay their taxes.

Government Signs Agreement with IATA 

By Cyril Barnes

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) through the Ministry of Transport and Aviation and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have signed the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) Agreement for the establishment of a single standard interface for invoicing and payment between travel agents and airlines.

Operating in 181 countries, the Billing and Settlement Plan is set to facilitate and simplify the selling, reporting and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents, as well as improve financial control and cash flow for its approximately 400 participating airlines.

Signing the agreement, the Minister of Transport and Aviation, Hon. Kabineh Kallon described the initiative as a laudable venture that will create the enabling environment for tourism and trade to blossom, adding further that the Government of Sierra Leone spends an annual fortune on foreign travel due to huge variances in ticket sales to the same destination.

“Having a BSP in Sierra Leone will allow for the domestication of global standards that ensures the security and reliability of funds among participants in the air travel and trade value chain. It will also enhance accountability in revenue management for the National Revenue Authority and the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA),” the Minister said.

In his statement, the Director General of Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA), Moses Tiffa Baio said the signing of the BSP agreement is a testament of government’s commitment to make the aviation industry competitive in the sub-region. He added that the BSP is another step taken to reduce air ticket burden on Sierra Leoneans as it strives to stabilize the fluctuation of the exchange rate.

“I am happy to announce that Sierra Leone is the first country to sign the BSP agreement within the Sub-region. The BSP will provide immense benefit for the government and the people of Sierra Leone in that it provides predictability, certainty and sanity for ticketing, reporting and remittance generated from Foreign Travel Tax (TAX) and other taxes levied on airlines, travel agents and other aviation service providers,” he said.

IATA’s Head of Account Management for West and Central Africa, Dr. Samson Fatokun expressed his appreciation to all players involved, commenting further that the BSP will boost Sierra Leone economy greatly as more jobs will be created, more airlines  and travel agencies would be established which would improve the Freetown International Airport (FNA) and other sectors. He concluded by stating that the Government has already taken the lead to improve the aviation industry which in itself is a great achievement.

While commending the Government for the agreement signed, the Head of Sierra Association of Travel Agencies (SLATA), John Rogers said that Government has demonstrated that in the introduction of BSP, Small and Medium Enterprises have not excluded from the process. “The BSP will not only benefit travel agencies, but also the country and those tourists who would want to visit Sierra Leone. While we commend the SLCAA Boss for his effort, we assure the government of Sierra Leone that the BSP will be a success,” he said.

The Secretary of the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), Mr. Edgar Lacle thanked the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, noting that it is a step in the right direction. He assured the government and the people of Sierra Leone of the board’s continued support to not only BSP initiative, but also any project that seeks to develop the aviation industry.


MRU Sub-Regional Meeting on Peace & Security Ends with signing of a Communique

Officials and members attending the conference

By John Marrah

On the 25th November 2019 the Chief Minister, Professor David Francis opened the four day Mano River Union (MRU) peace and security conference in collaboration with UNOWAS at the Golden Tulip Kimbima hotel.

In his address, he said, the MRU States have often been characterized as volatile and the spillover effects of the past civil wars justified the establishment and operationalization of the joint border security and confidence building units for effective border security, and to prevent illegal movement of weapons, human trafficking, contraband drugs and criminals.

“Therefore, the role of the joint border security and confidence building units is pivotal in maintaining peace and security from the community right to the national and sub-regional level within the MRU states.”

Giving the keynote address, the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr Francis Kaikai said the reason for the formation of MRU was to facilitate trade and social mobilization across the countries.

He said the government of Sierra Leone is looking forward to this joint meeting  to develop proactive and effective policy initiatives to strengthen border security and prevent the movement across the borders of foreign terrorist fighters and their ideologies in the sub-region.

“It should be recalled that, in accordance with the expressed directives of the Heads of States and government, the MRU has adopted a legal and regulatory framework, the 15th Revised Protocol, to deal with and promote all issues related to peace, security and stability within the Member States.”

Dr. Kai Kai said MRU should always promote peace and security because they have gone through conflicts that have affected these countries. He said in 2014 these countries were affected by the Ebola outbreak, but now that they have been able to eradicate these problems but still there are cross border challenges that this meeting will look at and find lasting solutions.

The Mayor of Freetown Yvonne Aki-Sawyer welcomed all the delegates that came for the conference and told them that Freetown is going through a transition as they are pushing to rebuild through the Transform Freetown.

She said the reason why the plans are going on fine is because of peace and security that exists in the country. “Without peace and security there is no development and it is the reason why this conference has been called to strengthen and stabilize the sub-region so that continued growth will be effected.

Minister of Internal Affairs ,Edward Soloku,  said since 2009 UNOWAS with the MRU with a focus on peace and security related initiatives to stabilize the sub-region that has been challenged by the porous nature of its borders that is undesirably facilitating unmerited movement of armed and criminals groups.

“Against this backdrop, the Security Council resolutions 2000, 2062 and 2066 of 2011, 2012 and 2012 respectively encourage ECOWAS and the MRU develop a sub-regional strategy to address the threat of cross-border movements of armed groups and weapons as well as illicit trafficking.”

He said in order for us to improve the functionality of the JBSCBS, emphasis must be placed on the importance of a robust policy on border management at the national and sub-regional levels.

Minister Soloku averred that the continued capacity enhancement of law enforcement agencies and their allied institutions in Member States, and the involvement of border communities in border management processes, since they are a haven for all kinds of criminal activities.

Secretary General of MRU Madam Medina Wesseh told all participants this meeting will enable stakeholders and government entities to draw lessons from more than seven years of existence of the 38 installed JBSCBUs, to identify urgent actions to improve their operational activities, and to review the current socio-political situation of the sub-region in relation to the electoral context of each of the Union’s Member States.

She said the four day conference will definitely strengthen the peace and security in the region so that development will prevail.

Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Madam Ruby Sanghu Rojon said UNOWAS has been mandated to, inter alia, contribute to efforts to promote peace and stability in West Africa and Sahel. She said a key aspect in the implementation of this mandate is the collaboration and support to regional and sub-regional institutions such as ECOWAS and the MRU.

“It is worth noting that the countries in the MRU, blessed with abundant natural resources have, over years, been taking concrete steps to promote democratic consolidation, peace and stability in the region. We have seen the holding of regular elections, putting in place of institutional frameworks to enhance democratic values, human rights and the rule of law and undertaking efforts to promote governance and development, which are all key attributes for sustainable peace, stability and development.”

Mr Sunil Saigal the UN Resident Coordinator said there are significant commodities across all four countries should recognize that the results achieved so far in the sub-region are impressive.

“The four countries have made great strides towards political stability, with legitimate authorities established through democratic elections. This progress has contributed to further consolidate the sub-regional and regional stability as well as to give new impetus to integration across the MRU and ECOWAS.”

The conference is expected to end on Friday 28th November, 2019, after a roadmap for the implementation of the recommendations of the meeting is adopted. A final communiqué was drafted at the end of the meeting.


The Communiqué says the Mano River Union Secretariat (MRU), and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) organized a high level sub regional meeting from 25 to 26 November 2019, in Freetown, Republic of Sierra Leone.

The purpose of the meeting was to review the role of the Joint Border Security and Confidence Building Units (JBSCBUs) In order to draw lessons from the current status of the units and to analyze ways to improve and make them fully operational on a sustained basis, taking into account the socio-economic and political situation of its Member States in the sub-region; as well as to review the various existing MRU peace and security frameworks and make proposals for joint activities.

They called for the conduct of peaceful elections in Guinea and C6te d’Ivoire in 2020.

Secondly, development of a strategic framework of cooperation between the UN system and the MRU that will identify joint initiatives within the peace, security and development nexus;

Thirdly, consideration of upgrading the capacities of the JBSCBUs to function at an optimal level as an early warning and response mechanism, and create a framework for member States to take ownership of these mechanisms, and expanding partnership engagements at multilateral and regional levels that will enable member states to address external threats and other cross-border crimes.

Also they should create a platform to increase advocacy on human rights issues, related to women and youth empowerment, as well as peace building with a particular focus on strengthening the capacity of MARWOPNET.

They further reiterated the strong need to take all measures that would promote regional peace and stability, prevent and reduce tension in pre and post electoral context in Member States, enhance the capacity of the JBSCBUs to address cross border challenges and ensure socio-economic development and regional integration in the sub-region.

Members of the High Table
Officials and members attending the conference
UNOWAS Mme Rojon, MRU Mme Wesseh and Minister Kaikai

MPs Frown at Establishment of Procurement Directorate

Chief Executive Officer, National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) Ibrahim Brima Swarray

By Amin Kef Sesay

APC Member of Parliament Hon. Abdul Kargbo and certain development partners have frowned at a particular clause in the 2020 Finance Bill that was tabled by the Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa, in Parliament which makes provision for the establishment of a Procurement Directorate at the Ministry of Finance arguing that such will really amount or be tantamount to usurping some of the important functions that the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) is legally mandated to perform.

This vociferous school of thought has strongly pointed out that for the removal of vital functions from the NPPA, such as training and recruiting of practicing procurements officers, is completely out of tune with best practice. “What is rather preferable is to fully capacitate the NPPA logistically ,by recruiting more professionals and through conducting  intermittent training programmes for members of staff to raise high the bar of the institution in trying to ensure that due processes are followed by Ministries, Departments and Agencies in conducting procurement processes of goods, services and works,” a top official within the Finance Ministry ,on condition of anonymity, opined adding that to set up a separate Procurement Directorate to perform important functions that the NPPA is currently doing will only leave the latter somehow redundant. He argued that if the mandate of reviewing procurement contracts is removed from the NPPA then there will be little left for the latter to do.

A seasoned lecturer of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) maintained that it will be a big mistake, on the part of the Ministry of Finance and Government as a whole, to shift the authority of granting sole sourcing to the Office of the President. “This could be a recipe for corruption to rear its ugly head in terms of granting procurement contracts as the main legal institution having the wherewithal to do so could have been side-lined,” he added.

An independent investigation mounted by this medium revealed that the NPPA, under the astute leadership of the Chief Executive Officer, Ibrahim Brima Swarray and its Board have been doing extremely well to instil best procurement practices in Ministries, Departments and Agencies. “We have witnessed how of late the NPPA has blocked leakages from taking place through bad procurement processes and by extension saving the country huge sums of money simply because of putting firmness in place in getting things done in the right ways,” Hon.Abdul Kargbo, a Member of Parliament averred furthering how the Authority has made frantic efforts to ensure that some-time next year e-procurement(electronic procurement) commences, how it has succeeded in decentralizing the tasks of the NPPA by opening up offices in the provinces,  uniform price norms were put in place to guide MDAs in determining their procurement plans and how the Authority is collaborating with key stakeholders to ensure that donor confidence is reposed with regards the judicious utilization of public funds.

From feedbacks received so far in as much as President Julius Maada Bio has not yet append his signature on the 2020 Finance Bill in order for it to become law then it is high time that a thorough consideration or look should be given at that particular clause by Parliamentarians so that modifications could be made or for it to be totally expunged.


Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa,

After Hon. Tawa & Hon. Paran’s Outbursts… Public Welcomes ACC Probe Of Parliament

By Amin Kef Sesay

To the ears of the public, it is unbelievable that the country’s anti-graft institution, the ACC, has said that it will look deeper into the allegations made by Hon. Tawa Conteh that Parliament is corrupt. The Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL) and the entire nation welcome the news of a full-scale ACC investigation into alleged mismanagement of public funds by Members of Parliament wholeheartedly.

“It is about time that the fight against corruption was taken to our elected representatives in Parliament”, said Ibrahim Tommy, Executive Director for Centre for Accountability and Rule of Law, adding, “It is commendable that the ACC felt that it was not enough to investigate only the two officials who traded the accusations on public radio, but has chosen to look into the financial management practices of all MPs and the parliamentary administration”.

With both Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh and Hon. Paran Tarawally who were summoned past Monday by the ACC to substantiate their allegations of corruption in the House having made statements to the ACC, CARL urges every person of interest in the ongoing investigation to cooperate fully with the Commission.

Previous efforts to hold MPs and the parliamentary administration accountable for public funds managed by them were either futile or stoutly resisted by the MPs.

Citizens note that, in spite of efforts by former President Koroma and the current Bio administration to fight against corruption, the virus is still endemic in all sectors of the economy, with many maintaining that until the three arms of government are held accountable, public trust in state institutions and public officials will continue to erode.


Orange- SL holds 7th Ethics and Compliance Day

By Foday Moriba Conteh

With the main objective of complementing Government’s efforts in the fight against corruption and raising awareness on ethics and compliance in the private sector one of Sierra Leone’s leading GSM mobile operators, Orange Sierra Leone, has on Wednesday 27th November, 2019 held its 7th Ethics and Compliance day on the theme: “The Management of Conflict of Interests and Whistle Blowing System Within Our Work Environment” at their headquarters on Hill Station in Freetown.

Chief Executive Officer of Orange SL, Aminata Kane, noted that the Ethics and Compliance Day is set aside for the purpose of raising awareness among all employees about Ethics and Compliance challenges and risks and to strengthen the company’s approach to Ethics and Compliance within all Orange operations which will strengthen the momentum of Orange action plans, mitigate the associated risks, build a consistent and structured communication on Ethics and Compliance.

She added that as part of the celebration they will also raise consciousness on the related matter of fraud awareness, adding that as in a matter of corruption, they will have a role to play to create a climate in which any act of fraud will meet zero tolerance and that any instance of fraud will be identified and reported.

She said that as part of their message to show zero tolerance to fraud with everyone being a partner they would believe that- when you see something, you say something and it is against such a backdrop they are pushing to make sure that they focus on their processes as fraud is perpetrated where there is no processes or weak processes.

She stated that businesses all over the world continue to encounter numerous ethics and compliance challenges and are exposed to several risks, adding that there has been an increased pressure on businesses to strengthen their legal and compliance framework in line with international standards to fight corruption.

Underscoring their strengthen on ethics and compliance, she disclosed that Orange as a group has set up a code of ethics and anti-corruption policy adding that Orange is committed to conduct its activities in accordance with set principles and ethical behavior to fight corruption.

She added that Orange-SL therefore undertakes to comply with all national, European and International legal and regulatory provisions applicable to businesses related to fight against corruption, notably amongst others, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, the French “Sapin 11” law.

She revealed that this year’s ethics and compliance day focuses on two prevention themes: “The Management of Conflict of Interests and Whistle Blowing System Within our Work Environment”.

She emphasized their commitment to the fight against corruption, influencing peddling and to lead a working environment with Zero Tolerance to corruption at all levels.

Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Francis Ben Kelfala, in his statement during the occasion expressed appreciation to Orange SL for such a move, adding that GSM Company is the first private sector that has invited him to give a talk on such  sensitive topics.

He maintained that as a Commission they are committed to the fight against corruption in the country furthering that institutions like Orange have their main goal to maximize profits but said in the aspect of achieving that they should not forget to do so within the confines of the laws of the land.

He spoke on the management of conflict of interests which he said in most cases employees are faced with within the process of executing their duties in their various positions, but encouraged them to ensure that they put their country fist while they should be also loyal to their institutions.

The Commissioner also revealed that they are working with key sectors in the fight against corruption saying ethics and compliance are very key and in that regard he applauded the staff of Orange for taking into consideration such key issues giving assurance of their support in developing a policy that will enable a fair equitable system that will promote transparency, accountability etc.

Head of Compliance  at Orange SL ,Gerald Cole, disclosed that the Ethics and Compliance Day is a key event for Orange in its work as a responsible operator, adding that the company is underlining its commitment to create the digital world of the future by building the trust of its stakeholders.

Underscoring the objectives of the ethics and compliance celebration he said it is to raise awareness among all Orange employees regarding ethics and compliance challenges, to highlight the associated risks and control mechanisms implemented by the Ethics and Compliance Networks, to make each employee accountable regarding ethics and compliance programmes and corruption prevention.

Chief Executive Officer of Orange SL, Aminata Kane
Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Francis Ben Kelfala

Sponsored by the International Trade Centre… Five Day Cocoa Quality Workshop Ends

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The International Trade Centre (ITC), in collaboration with the Produce Monitoring Board (PMB), has ended a five day cocoa quality for staff of PMB, development partners, exporters and cooperatives in the cocoa value chain with the main objective of helping to improve the quality of cocoa in Sierra Leone.

The aim of the training was to identify the challenges, opportunities and proffer solutions in enhancing quality in Sierra Leone cocoa.

The training was sponsored by the International Trade Centre and the Government of Sierra Leone. The workshop started from the 14th to the 18th November 2019 at the Dorwaila Inn and Suite Hotel in Kenema. The two consultants were Rupert Day and Graham Laird.

In their power point presentations, the two consultants delivered on different areas like the background of cocoa, cocoa beans processing and handing into semi-finished products, what strategic methods to be used to improve the quality of cocoa to meet international standard  and separation of quality, challenges relating to improve cocoa quality in Sierra Leone, what are the causes of poor quality of cocoa in Sierra Leone, the health benefit of cocoa, cutting of cocoa beans, farm management, cocoa fermentation, how to nurse cocoa, how to use polythene bags and the challenges affecting  cocoa farmers were all discussed.

In his statement, the Executive Chairman of Produce Monitoring Board, Dr. Vibbi said that the training is important to the Board. “Our job is actually to make sure that all produce sectors including cocoa, coffee and other produce get its quality for the international market,” he added, noting that it is very important that they have brought two consultants from United Kingdom with support from ITC to come and train their staff, farmers and exporters on the FCC rules and regulations which deal with quality.

He emphasized that policy that regulates quality is key and as PMB they are trying to review a lot of policies.

Dr. Vibbi underscored that training is a continuous process in the agency because they are dealing with a set of rules that changes every day, so when those changes takes place in the international market, it is our responsible to make sure that our workers, farmers, cooperatives and exporters are in line with those changes that takes place.

He informed that Sierra Leone is working hard to improve on the quality of produce, saying that there are set of rules relating to quality and any exporters that violate those rules will not have exporter’s certificate.

The Director of Produce Monitoring Board, Didan Sankoh, said that the training was mainly focused on quality enhancement of cocoa in the country and how cocoa farmers, exporters and PMB staff will improve on cocoa quality.

He noted that the training is very important because Sierra Leone has been pushing ahead to improve the quality of cocoa, adding that as Produce Monitoring Board they are responsible to ensure that any produce that is going out of the country should have quality, “That is why we thought it fit that our staff should be trained,” he pointed out.

He reiterated that just recently Sierra Leone has been recognized among the best cocoa producing country in the world, stating that this kind of training will help them to improve more on the quality of cocoa so that in 2021 Sierra Leone will be among the best 10 or 20 cocoa producing countries in the world

He disclosed that 45 participants were trained and he assured that they will extend such training to other cooperatives that were not part of the cocoa quality training.

According to one cocoa farmer, Musa Bockarie, the training was timely because it will help them improve their knowledge on cocoa processing and handling in order to improve its quality to meet the requirements of the international market.

He said that research has proven that Sierra Leone has one of the best cocoa beans in the world and appealed to PMB as well as ITC to continue such training for them which he noted will help them greatly.

Brewery is Poised to Make this Festive Season Lively

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) now has a new Managing Director in the person of Laurent Bukasa who replaced Van Dan Tilburg at the helm of affairs of a thriving company that is renowned for manufacturing qualitative alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in pints and cans which many have testified are truly rich, refreshing and very tasty.

Officially, on Wednesday 20th November, 2019 SLBL bade farewell to Daaf Van Tilburg during a ceremony that took place at the Sierra Lighthouse Hotel, Aberdeen in Freetown. Van Tilburg left a buoyant company that recently invested billions of Leones geared towards upgrading its manufacturing plant at the Wellington Industrial Estate to match up with modern standards of manufacturing and to meet the growing demands of both old and new customers. It is the expectation that with the new MD the company will continue to grow by leaps and bounds and to magnanimously contribute to overall socio-economic development.

One honour that the company has bagged long ago is its pro-active rolling out of its Corporate Social Responsibility which has improved communities not only within its operational area of production but even beyond thereby positively impacting lives. It is on record that SLBL, in close collaboration with the Heineken Foundation, has facilitated and championed the construction of state-of-the-art water wells in communities close to its Wellington Industrial Estate where the company is located. These are communities where, hitherto, accessing pure water supply was a serious nightmare as clean water supply points were non-existent giving rise to various societal ills such as teenage pregnancy, children dropping out of the educational system simply because they moved from one place to another just to fetch water and even when they access one they would spend hours on end before finally getting water. At the end of the day they have become so tired to an extent that there is no time for concentration on their studies. The commendations that have been heaped on the company for giving them respite are very overwhelming and speak volumes of how SLBL is giving back to communities and complementing Government’s development interventions.

The company has been doing the same in terms of giving supports to education, health, sports etc thereby beefing up those sectors and help in identifying local talents.

One of the well placed famers’ groups in the country constitutes Sorghum farmers who plant and harvest sorghum which is an essential ingredient that the company is using in its production chain. SLBL buys sorghum from these farmers who have formed an organization that is constantly supplying the Brewery with sorghum with an exponential numerical strength of over 25,000 farm families spread in different parts of the country. These farmers are now benefitting immensely and as a matter of fact SLBL has been embarking on tours just to encourage more people to come on-board and grow sorghum. The relationship between the farmers and SLBL could be best described as symbiotic and is growing from strength to strength.

Timely honouring of taxes to the National Revenue Authority has been done on a regular basis and such is contributing in helping Government to amass the necessary revenue to finance development programmes.

It therefore came as no big surprise for many to understand that SLBL has been nominated for Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among several other institutions and companies nominated for the upcoming National Entertainment Awards (NEA) 2019 slated to take place at the Bintumani International Conference Centre on the 29th December 2019. The nomination comes as the Brewery is gearing itself to provide abundant beverages Star, Guinness, Mutzig etc. for the benefit of its customers during the coming festive season.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) has dispelled rumors that there is going to be shortage of its favorite beverages saying such comes from the figment of the imagination of individuals who have no business with the company. As far as Management of the company is concerned there will be enough manufactured drinks on the market to last over time further assuring the public that there is cause for any mad rush to buy and hoard.

To translate its preparedness, the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) on the 8th November 2019 cleared four massive storage bright beer tanks from the Queen Elizabeth 11 Quay meant to be installed at its Wellington Industrial Estate production site in the East end of Freetown. The four massive storage beer tanks are meant to further expand the company’s capacity as well as to help improve the quality of its beer products.

From what this medium gathered so far the company is set and ripe to receive a plethora of votes and as voting is now in progress esteem customers in particular and members of the public in general should send an SMS to 2713 via Africell. The ball is now in your court.