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NP-Sierra Leone Remains Committed to Offer the Best

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited, NP (SL-Ltd) is tirelessly working round the clock, engaging oil producing companies in business discussions, to always ensure that supply is continually flowing in or maintained. This pro-activeness, on the part of the company, has made it quite possible for stocks to last over periods of time in order to avert the occurrence of shortages.

Interestingly, NP-SL is not a Government entity or appendage; no politician has a share in it as its shareholders are mere ordinary Sierra Leoneans, starting with 35 of them who some time ago bought shares from the Government out of their end of service benefits to establish what today has become a towering entity (NP-SL) to reckon with in the business landscape.

As had been fallaciously propagated by certain ill-motivated persons, who do not mean well for this country, that there are certain politicians that have vested interests in the company, our investigations have proven otherwise.

NP-SL is a 100% indigenous company to the letter and it has weathered various storms that could have dwarfed it or left it to extinct save therapeutic intermittent Managerial injections that keep it upright and on the right course.

Demonstrating its true Sierra Leonean identity the company has maintained a policy of strictly adhering to the Local Content Policy ensuring that it has a maximum indigenous staff in its employ. What this actually means is empowering our brothers and sisters to access employment opportunities and reduce poverty.

As a matter of fact some of its members continue to benefit from various trainings that have afforded them the conduit to imbibe useful skills to efficiently carry out certain tasks. If we are counting the number of companies that have upheld the Local Content Policy, without any iota of doubt, NP-SL could be seen at the top.

This intrinsic nationalistic posture of the company runs through and it is a sine qua non to overall national development. If such a compliance rate should have been followed by other local companies, willingly, without any pressure from the relevant authorities then indisputably this country should have been miles away in its development trajectory.

Business Management experts have made it abundantly clear that the way and manner in which customers are cared for in terms of talking to them, making them feel at ease go a long way in attracting them. Such should be done sincerely in order to make them more important. NP-SL for a very long period now has mastered that art and executing it so well which definitely is paying dividends.

1st for Customer Care was earned by the company because it has been widely acclaimed by many for solidly executing such.

In its drive to optimize customer satisfaction the company went the extra mile to install calibrated pumping machines which are not only modern but trustworthy, as opposed to old pumping machines which certain unscrupulous individuals used to cheat unassuming customers.

This is helping to repose confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent entity. The friendliness of their pump attendants is very impressive and they are always there to timely respond to various concerns.

Still within the purview of 1st for Customer Care, the company is always in position to enter into payment plans with its reliable and dependable customers including Ministries, Departments and Agencies for supplied fuel and lubricants as long as all the necessary modalities have been put in place.

When cognizance is taken of the fact that some of these institutions receive intermittent budgetary allocations then such an arrangement is very significant. Its significance in real terms borders on functional continuity of those institutions as they will be assured of supplies of petroleum products in as much as they keep honoring their obligations.

For those who have not tried NP Gas for the first time it is now time to give it a try. Designed in sizable varying cylinders and sold at various NP Filling Stations, this cooking device has been rated as one of the best that is on offer for sale. NP Gas is safe, user friendly and portable. Trying it will spur you to recommend it to others.

NP Smart Card is now in vogue and is one of the latest technological devices used to purchase petroleum products. Using it has attendant advantages as evident in procuring fuel at any time of the day even during times when monies could not be accessed from banks. It is secured, easy to use and very quick. It is now trending.

To crystallize proposed projects into tangible realities on the ground, Government needs the required financial resources to effectively do so and one sure way is from collection of taxes which is the mandate of the National Revenue Authority (NRA).  NP is one big tax payer to Government and it has been doing so timely.

NP-SL remains undaunted, unperturbed amidst all the challenges it is going through and conscientiously it is steadily contributing to the socio-economic development of the country as well as  positively changing communities and lives.





Africell Sierra Leone Bags President Bio’s Warmest Commendation

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a highly impressed and elated mood in the United States of America, His Excellency, The President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio showered profuse praises on Sierra Leone’s leading telecommunications service provider, Africell, for showcasing the country’s potentials that will attract direct foreign investment from the United States of America and other parts of the world.

President Bio lauded Africell for organizing a business platform to inform potential foreign investors about the strong political will that his New Direction Government is demonstrating to provide the enabling environment for various business investments as well as telling them of the friendliness of Sierra Leoneans.

Dr. Julius Maada Bio departed Sierra Leone last month to attend the 74th United Nations General Assembly. While in New York President Bio met with potential investors and the business community in the U. S to persuade them to think of investing in Sierra Leone.

Remarkably, Africell is helping to bring together business people from divergent backgrounds to help in the socio-economic development of the country.

The President hailed the company for hosting a program and used its authentic voice to persuade top companies in the U. S to come and invest in Sierra Leone. “What pleases me most about Africell is that instead of them allowing me to talk about my country, they took the mantle themselves to talk about their experiences, their huge successes and how the country is good for potential investments,” President Bio stated with pride.

He also added that Africell is the most authentic voice to sell the country adding that what they said is as a result of what they are familiar with highlighting how such is the reason why they still remain as the number one telecommunications service provider in Sierra Leone.

“Africell is the only company that has never changed its name. They are still expanding and making progress since it started operations,” Dr. Bio intimated.

President Julius Maada Bio continued that with funding from the U. S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), Africell stands as an example that should spur or serve as an impetus for other U. S. supported companies to take advantage of Sierra Leone business environment.

Africell MD, Shadi Gerjawi

The President was speaking during an exclusive interview with Mustapha Bai Attila from the United States of America.






‘Poor Conditions of service…’  No excuse for teachers to be corrupt in Sierra Leone


By Amin Kef Sesay

When confronted with the allegation that they are the true enemies of standards and progress of the nation’s educational system, teachers are quick to defend them-selves by saying they should not be blamed because they are poorly paid and have miserable conditions of service.

To any sound minded person who knows that teaching and the religious callings are purely sacrificial roles in society that are crucially important for any society’s intellectual upbringing and spiritual growth and development, there is no excuse why teachers on whom the rest of humanity depend on for education should deviate from their calling and put money over vocation.

Nobody, no Government coerces anybody to go into the teaching field. Educated, everybody who chooses to go into the teaching field for whatever reason does so at his/her own volition. If he/she thinks the salary and conditions of service are not good, that person can easily find another job in another field.

That said, actions that a Government and its partners take in education greatly impact the work of teachers because teachers are at the frontline of the movement to achieve quality education for all every single day.

That is why their engagements in the policy and planning process are critical. Their insights, experiences and needs must be central considerations to charting the roadmap for achieving education goals.

It is for example common to enter into a classroom in urban schools and see hundred children of different ages and background hardly focusing and a single teacher.

That teacher standing before that class reminded me of what I see in many schools – heroism.  Faced with what seemed like insurmountable challenges, the teacher who may not be well educated tries to teach what he does not understand.

Education should be available to every child in every village to every poor child in every village, and not just the privileged few. That should be the goal of the entire education system, starting with the availability of enough trained and qualified teachers in the classrooms.

As such, getting children through the classroom door is not enough. Ensuring that they are learning is the critical piece, and more teachers and better teaching lie at the heart of any solution to the learning crisis – meaning many teachers need to be recruited far above the current supply – considering the ratio of trained teachers to students in many schools – particularly village schools.

Achieving equity in education will require a focus on access and learning outcomes, aimed at the hardest to reach children. This goal is about quality, and the quality of an education system cannot rise above the quality of the teachers that stand in the classrooms.

Thus, first and foremost, the Government’s effort to provide free quality education has to prioritize investment in teachers through improved salaries and incentives, the construction of teacher training centers, and teacher training activities.

Government and partners also need to provide funding that supports the engagement of teachers in national processes and research into best practices in teaching and learning. The aim is to engage teachers in discussions around teaching effectiveness, quality of education and the implementation of innovative approaches for teacher training.

Increased investments in the educational sector should result in decrease in classroom sizes and repetition rates, an increase in girls’ enrolment and in primary completion overall.

Improved conditions of service for teachers will result in improved teachers’ effectiveness without which educational outcomes would remaining appalling for the majority that take graduation public exams.



Big Sister Sierra Leone Vol. 2 To Be Launched Soon

Press Release

Big Sister Season 2

No Woman! No Cry

 ZedZee Multimedia Consult & Orange SL

 3rd October, 2019

Freetown, Sierra Leone

The Big Sister reality TV show, Sierra Leone’s total mood enhancer is back with its nerve-wracking drama. ZedZee Multimedia Consul and Orange SL are pleased to present to you Big Sister Season 2, with the theme No Woman! No Cry. The all-female show registered a huge success in 2018 with a viewership of over 7 million within and beyond the boundaries of Sierra Leone.

The women got endorsement from celebrities across the globe, adding spice to a show that is known to be the first of its kind in the continent. The show brought out typically Sierra Leonean behavior patterns and provided an opportunity for Sierra Leoneans and outsiders to weigh in on them. The theme Ella Koblo Gulama Drama was meant to provide an eloquent reminder of the virtues of an empowered Sierra Leonean woman like Madam Ella Koblo herself.

Big Sister Season 2 is taking the race farther afield, with seven countries, namely Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone providing scouting platforms. 25 women from any part of the globe will be selected in these scouting countries to compete for the cash prize, $50,000.

The show will last for seven weeks, during which every week will see the crowning of a new Mammy Na Power after a leadership struggle called the Madam Yoko Drama. The setting will depict an African ambience, in a way that glosses the continent’s rich heritage. Women of all nationalities may apply, only they would have to audition in person in one of the scouting countries.

Applications and auditions can also be made online and on our Mobile App, especially for applicants from outside the scouting countries.

A host of local and international partners have joined ZedZee and Orange to bring this show to your home screens, radios as well as computers and phones through the Big Sister website and Mobile App. Forms will be sold at Le100,000 or $10 at various locations across the country.

Empowering young women for self-advancement is the impulse behind the Big Sister empowerment show, and Season 2 is meant to propel that energy a little further. The show gives the aspiring women the platform to be seen and be heard, in a way that entertains and educate as much as it empowers.

It inspires the notion that women should stay in the loop despite their material circumstances. No woman should remain condemned to the oppressive conditions of modern day society, hence the theme: No Woman! No Cry.

Big Sister Season 2 will be launched at the Bintumani Conference Centre on 25th October, 2019.




China’s development after 70 years is a miracle – Amb, Hu Zhanglaing

Amb. Hu.

By Austin Thomas

In a special interview with Chinese Ambassador Hu Zhangliang at his Wilberforce Loop office on Monday 30th September 2019, on his country’s 70 National Day celebration told Awoko that it’s a miracle for China to have achieved all what they have in just 70 years, whilst many Western Countries too centuries to reach where they are.

Below is the full interview done by Austin Thomas with Ambassador Hu Zhangliang.

Question: Your Excellency sir, thank you for accepting the interview. October 1st, 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 70 years, China has made remarkable achievements and it can be called a miracle in the history of human development. Your Excellency, could you brief us on some of China’s major achievements?

Answer: China’s achievements over the past 70 years belong to the world and mankind. Over the past 70 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have worked hard to make an unprecedented development miracle happen in human history. China has always been working together with the rest of the world and shouldering its global responsibility. China’s achievements are not only its own; they also belong to the world and mankind.

There are stories of ‘Made-in-China,’ poverty alleviation, national unity, ecological civilization, peaceful development, win-win cooperation, and a community with a shared future for mankind. China will continue to seek happiness for its people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and strengthen its cooperation with countries worldwide, no matter how the international situation changes.

China will be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order.

Over the past seven decades, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups (58) to forge ahead and work tenaciously, promoting the economic progress of the country by leaps and bounds.

Question:  You have introduced some of the greatest achievements China has scored. We know that China’s great achievements in the past 70 years cannot be enumerated in just a few minutes. Your Excellency, could you elaborate on the secrets behind China’s great achievements?

Answer: Many people at home and abroad have marveled at China’s industrialization, which took place in the space of just a few decades. They attributed this success to the hard work of China’s people above all else. At the 40th anniversary of the start of China’s reform and opening up policy in December, President Xi said that the achievements made by China over the past four decades “comes from the hard work, wisdom, and courage of all members of the Party and people from all of China’s ethnic groups.”

And in his 2019 New Year message, he summed up China’s progress in developing its economy, protecting its natural environment, improving the people’s livelihood, advancing innovation, and advancing reform and opening up, and stressed once again that China’s successes were due to the hard work of people from all China’s ethnic groups.

We approached our development with steadfast determination, and the world has seen China’s accelerating reform and opening up, and its determination to carry it forward. The struggle of China’s people is aimed at realizing their aspirations for a better life.

In 2018, another 10 million rural residents were raised out of poverty. China reduced the prices of 17 cancer-fighting drugs, and included them on the country’s medical insurance list. Thirteen million people found jobs. Construction began on 5.8 million new homes for people living in dilapidated houses. Many people from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan have resident permits for the mainland, and Hong Kong has been integrated into China’s high-speed railway network.

All of these achievements that President Xi mentioned in his New Year message are vivid examples of the simple truth that “Happiness comes from hard work”, and all are good reasons for China’s people to be proud. China’s achievements over the past four decades are the result of the diligence, wisdom, and courage of innumerable people.

Over the past 70 years, the policy of reform and opening up has combined with the spirit of self-reliance and hard work to achieve something extraordinary. China is ready to run for another 70 years towards its dream of national rejuvenation, and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Question: I know that while pursuing its own development, China has also actively supported the development of African countries and other developing countries, including Sierra Leone. Could you brief us on China’s cooperation with Africa and Sierra Leone? How can African countries like Sierra Leone share China’s success better?

Answer: China has a reputation among African countries for being an actor that respects other cultures and states. This view is widely held by many African heads of state.

China’s unconditional cooperation has allowed African governments to enjoy access to finance, expertise and development aid. In 2016, the trade between China and Africa reached $128bn, a drastic surge from $1bn in 1980. At FOCAC in Beijing last year, China offered $60bn for development financing until 2021. While the financial crises in the US and EU limited their investments in Africa, China committed to investing more in the continent.

China has aided African governments to meet their people’s rapidly growing demands for services and infrastructure more quickly. Many people in Africa are now used to quick delivery of services – such as transportation, education, health and telecommunication – by Chinese companies. This has created, and will continue to create, more appetite for Chinese business in Africa.

China is now also engaged in peace and security projects in Africa. Chinese troops participated in eight UN peacekeeping missions of which five are in Africa. Moreover, China is the second largest financial contributor to UN peacekeeping missions and it also contributed funding to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the IGAD South Sudan mediation.

China’s history of fast and successful economic growth is a model from which many lessons could be learned in Africa. China’s capacity to ensure policy sovereignty remains relevant, and highly attractive to African leaders and scholars. According to the World Bank, in about 40 years, China has lifted about 800 million people out of poverty through its untraditional path of development. Notably, in 2015, it achieved all the Millennium Development Goals.

Austin Thomas and AmbassadorHu Zhangliang

Question: Over the 70 years of success of China, definitely there must have been challenges, could you explained how you overcame these challenges to make China what it is today?

Answer: China has succeeded in building a peaceful and stable country. But it did not come on a platter of gold but it came with challenges that we had to overcome.

China indeed overcame three significant challenges. It moved from rapid growth to high-quality growth. That will require dealing with the bad loans that helped fuel double-digit growth. The country also found a way to double the size of its middle income population from 400m to 800m to generate domestic demand.

China’s second challenge was to complete its reforms and make state assets, amounting to 200 per cent of gross domestic product, compatible with a market economy. The return on state assets rose by as little as 0.5 per cent, the country was be able to eliminate all personal income tax. The third challenge is most imminent. Beijing learns to lead at a time when the US is confused and paranoid.

The CPC has much to celebrate. In the past few centuries the country has never looked as strong as it does today, a consequence of the four-decade economic boom ushered in by the late leader Deng Xiaoping’s free market reforms and opening-up policy.

In those 40 years, China has witnessed something of an economic miracle Growing annually at an average of 9.5 per cent, its GDP went from 367.9 billion yuan in 1978 to 90 trillion yuan (US$13.18 trillion) last year. Meanwhile, per capita GDP rose from just US$200 in 1979 – when 80 per cent of Chinese lived in absolute poverty in rural areas – to around US$10,000 last year, firmly in middle-income territory.

I would like to express warm congratulations on behalf of the Sierra Leonean media and television audience.

China’s government has stressed that reform and opening up will never stop, and that it will always adhere to a people-oriented approach to development that provides a better life for China’s people.

China is at the crux of reforming, professionalizing, and internationalizing its cultural and creative industries. These industries are at the forefront of China’s move towards the status of a developed country.

China development is still incomplete with risk in the finance sector. Protectionism is a challenge for China. 22 years ago China took over Hong Kong and still certain Western countries are behind the protest as a way of causing problem for China.

Also weather conditions have been a challenge for us, SARS also was a challenge that we had to overcome.

China’s successes have been achieved through hard work, a large country with a nearly 1.4 billion population, China cannot achieve prosperity by asking for assistance and waiting. The only option is hard work.

China relied on the solid and unremitting efforts of generations of Chinese people, and on fulfilling its own responsibility in good times and in adversity, without exporting or shifting problems elsewhere, and without seeking development by trading under coercion or exploiting other countries.

The Awoko family and the media landscape want to extend their felicitation to the Ambassador and peoples of China for celebrating its 70 years celebration.


Roots & Shoots Program Launched in Sierra Leone by Chimp Sanctuary

Pupils at the event

By Sumner Kangbap

On Saturday 28th September 2019 the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary (TCS) officially launched the Roots and Shoots program at its Regent sanctuary outside Freetown.

The aim of the project, founded by the world’s renowned primatologist, Dr. Jane Goodall, who visited Sierra Leone early this year, is to catch pupils young so that they can be interested in the environment as well as protect the country’s National Animal, the chimpanzee.

The first set of beneficiaries of the project is the 38 pupils from the Mountain Rural Secondary School who were taken on a conducted tour of the sanctuary. Two videos on climate change, the environment and protection of the National Animal, the chimpanzee, were screened after which the pupils asked questions that were responded to.

The pupils also staged two plays-boys and girls, on how they plan to initiate action programs in their school and community to protect the environment and in the process mitigate climate change as well as protect the chimps.

The girls won the competition.

Most of the pupils interviewed welcomed the initiative that has given them an insight into the operations of the sanctuary that not only rescues and takes care of chimps but also undertakes research, supports communities with alternative sources of income to prevent them destroying trees and other conservation programs.

The pupils also appealed to the sanctuary to continue the project for the benefit of others.

The project will continue with pupils from other schools who will benefit from visiting the sanctuary to learn more about nature and chimps.

The world renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall created Roots & Shoots 25 years ago with 12 Tanzanian high school students who wanted to tackle urgent environmental issues in their community.

Roots & Shoots groups are now making a positive difference for people, other animals and the environment all around the world. Dr. Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots is the youth engagement program of the Jane Goodall Institute and is active in 87 countries. The program inspires and empowers young people to become compassionate leaders who are globally mindful and locally active by guiding them through youth-led, community environment –related projects that help people, other animals and the environment.

On February 2019, Dr. Jane Goodall visited Tacugama and Roots & Shoots programme was official launched in Sierra Leone.

The mission of Roots and Shoots is to empower young people to affect positive change for the environment in their communities: Every individual matters, every individual has a role to play, every individual can help make a difference.

The goal of the Roots and Shoots programme aims to promote in the youth compassion and empathy, leadership skills, inquiry and research skills, critical thinking skills, systems thinking skills, global mindfulness, confidence, respect for diverse perspectives, awareness of local sustainability issues and their root causes, understanding of the interconnectedness of people, other animals and the environment.

The objective of the Roots and Shoots programme is to bring students together from Secondary schools and Universities, and create youth-lead groups to work on understanding and giving possible solutions to environmental and conservation issues by engaging them in proposing fun activities and projects that can help to improve their surroundings and ecosystems.

A lot of young people in schools especially those in high school are believed to spend much of their time in front of screens and on cell phones; they have become disconnected from nature. Engaging students will allow them to connect with nature and learn more on conservation while gaining practical skills that will help them solve the alarming environmental problems in their communities.

Some examples of the possible activities are community mapping, establishing school gardens and further tree planting. Community day (Environmental awareness using posters, movies, community clean up), organizing field trips to National Parks, forest hikes, botanical identification, community beautification, waste management/personal hygiene presentation, school to school sensitization, recycling techniques, cultural activities, movies/painting/music/writing etc), conservation football tournaments and advocacy media approach.

For the implementation of Roots and Shoots projects in schools and communities, a voluntary service from participants is the key. The spirit of Roots and Shoots is volunteering for a better world! Participants are encouraged to assist to make the project a success and school partners are encouraged to support the groups in whatever possible in order to reach the goals. This support can be such as providing material, transport, snacks and access to school grounds or classrooms to the Roots and Shoots School group.

The activities are flexible and can change depending on the new ideas brought by the Roots and Shoots groups.

Tacugama Kids Environmental Programme – (TKEEP) -Tacugama Chimpanzees Sanctuary (TCS) since its inception in 1995 has been working with school children within the Regent community creating a platform for children to learn about nature and wildlife.

The aim of TKEEP is to support environmental education in urban and rural schools. In this regard TCS is a successful model that combines chimpanzee’s protection and environmental education. TKEEP has been successful in both rural and urban schools delivering environmental education using a comprehensive 13 lesson workbook on the environment, wildlife conservation and waste management.

Environmental Days: Each academic term, students participate in tree planting and other hands-on activities to demonstrate their understanding of conservation through dramas, cultural dances and poem recitation.

Wildlife Ambassadors: Wildlife Ambassadors promote leadership amongst students involved in the education programme to go above and beyond conservation in their schools/communities. Two students are voted by their classmates as Wildlife Ambassadors to represent their schools and to implement environmental projects ranging from school gardens, organizing community cleanups, tree nursery establishment, football, drama, and cultural performances.

During 2018-19 school year, TKEEP schools expanded to 14 rural schools and 12 urban primary schools with over 1000 students.


Sidie Tunis calls on CTO to Capacitate NATCOM Sierra Leone

By Abdul Malik Bangura

The erudite Honorable Sidie Mohamed Tunis, Leader of Government Business in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament on Monday 30th September 2019 delivered an impressive speech at the Commonwealth ICT and Telecommunications Forum 2019, which took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from Monday 30th September  and will end today Wednesday 1st October 2019.

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Forum is the premier ICT conference of the Commonwealth, senior policymakers, regulators and industry leaders from across the Commonwealth as they gather to examine the most topical issues in the ICT sectors. The discussions focus on policy, regulation, technologies, operations, investment and multilateral cooperation.

Honourable Tunis, who spoke extensively at the first (1st) session of the programme on the theme: “Toward a digital Commonwealth for all” was joined on the panel discussion by several eminent government officials from around the world. These included: Honourable Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Attorney General and Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications, Republic of Fiji and Chair of Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation; Honourable Mustafa Jabbar, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Honourable Norah Lute Munsu, Member of Parliament Republic of Namibia; and Peter Blaker, Head of Global Internet Governance, Department of Digital Culture, Media and Sports, United Kingdom.

Dilating on the strives made so far by Sierra Leone towards the enhancement of digitalization in the Commonwealth region, Honourable Tunis said as a nation, Sierra Leone over a year ago launched the Free Quality Education (FQE) Programme with the aim of providing education to all pupils in public schools across the country. He said, therefore, building on that, we are trying to ensure that our learning institutions get free internet facilities. He commended SALCAB for the launching of internet installation in schools across the country.

He said, the FQE Programme resonates perfectly with the theme of digitalization in Commonwealth as that can only be achieved if internet facilities are accessible in schools. He said, Sierra Leone is already along that path and  the country must use it.

Furthermore, Mr Tunis spoke about the issue of data protection. He said, Commonwealth is saying that data of citizens must be protected, but forget the fact that not all members of the Commonwealth has the same capacity and capability to protect data. He said for instance, one cannot compare data protection plans in Sierra Leone to that of UK. However, he said for all nations to achieve this, we must first of all work together with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation which can then capacitate our national regulatory body, the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM).

Meanwhile, Commonwealth ICT and Telecommunications Forum 2019, is geared towards discussions on topics like broadband planning for digital transformation, the changing nature of universal service funds, over-the-top operators, the impact of net neutrality regulations, cyber security, general data protection regulation, blockchain and global opportunities.

The conference focuses on the network with international stakeholders, policymakers, regulators and the private sector, discuss the future of mobile technologies and applications, assess the latest funding and investment opportunities in ICTs across the commonwealth, learn how to implement effective regulatory tools and policies.

Representing Sierra Leone at the Commonwealth ICT and Telecommunications Forum 2019 were the NATCOM Chairman, Mohamed Sheriff; Deputy Director General NATCOM, Daniel B. Kaitibi and the Opposition Whip in the House of Parliament, Hon. Hassan Sesay.


GTB Sierra Leone CEO Talks on Development Drives

Mr. Ade Adebiyi, CEO and Managing Director of Guaranty Trust Bank Sierra Leone.

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Guaranty Trust Bank, Sierra Leone Branch, Mr. Ade Adebiyi, has intimated this medium that the Bank is a subsidiary of Guaranty Trust Bank, Nigeria.

Dilating on the humble beginning of Guaranty Trust Bank he revealed how it started with an initial 42 shareholders and an initial capital of $2 million. “The first two of those shareholders was the pioneer Managing Director and the second was the pioneer Deputy Managing Director. One member of the team that started is the current Group Managing Director, Mr. Segun Agbaje,” he further said.

He noted that the idea of Guaranty Trust Bank Nigeria was to create a truly professional organization, kind of like an oasis in a country where things were not being done properly.

The CEO/MD said from the onset, Guaranty Trust Bank Group was set up with the foundation and core values to be based on integrity also disclosing how in 1996, six years after they were listed by introduction on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, subsequently after then, because of the business model of the bank, two prominent business schools—one in the UK here, Cranfield Business School, and the other in the United States, Harvard—did several case studies on Guaranty Trust Bank.

He said between 1990 and 2000, things worked very well. “In 2001, we did our initial public offering and also got our universal banking license. Subsequently, without claiming to really say they have understood Nigeria, they started our regional banking expansion,” he added.

The CEO pointed out that at that juncture they thought they were young and could take risks.  “But even though we are going to do that, we are going to start with a small English speaking country in order to easier  know our mistakes,” he explained saying they decided to settle for The Gambia with a population of  1.2 million population at the time.

According to him the Bank worked very well and subsequently, shortly after, in 2002, they started operations in Sierra Leone to actually take advantage of the economic development in the country.

In 2004, he said they raised additional capital after which they went to Ghana and expanded there.

“We came to UK in 2008. Now, the idea of coming to UK, which was the first subsidiary outside of Africa, was not really to come here to compete with the High Street banks but rather to take advantage of the connectivity between West Africa and the UK. And, so, GTBank (UK) was a mono-branch bank, where they were doing things like trade, correspondent banking and personal banking for the group’s customers that actually commute between Africa and the UK,” he further disclosed.

Mr. Ade Adebiyi said things went pretty well as in 2007 they did their first Euro bond, where they raised $350 million. ‘It was quite successful. Later that year, August 2007, we listed on the London Stock Exchange ,”he also revealed.

He said in 2009, they expanded into Liberia and in 2012 they started with their first francophone country in Cote d’Ivoire. In 2014, subsequently, after completing Anglophone West Africa and one country in Francophone, they started their East African expansion by acquiring a franchise called Fina Bank that had a presence in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.

“In 2017, two years ago, we expanded into Tanzania. And so, over the years, that has been the footprint of the group in Africa, with today over 300 offices in Nigeria, Africa, other African countries and in the UK. And I guess the African footprint still continues,” he expressed optimism..

Dilating on the corporate side, the CEO said what they do is that the relationship-management structure is along industry lines. They have a typical structure of telecommunications, aviation, airlines, shipping, and commodities, commercial. He said what happens over time is that a corporate Manager is able to understand the markets deeply because they deal with the same customers in the same industry on a day-to-day basis.

NaCSA Sierra Leone Doles Le1.5B to Vulnerable Households

By John Fornah

In furtherance of its mandate, the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) through its Social Safety Net Programme has commenced the payment of Cash Transfer to 28,538 households headed by vulnerable women in 506 communities across the country.

With funding from the Government of Sierra Leone and the World Bank, payment commenced on Wednesday, 25th September 2019 in the Western Rural District, targeting 2,666 households with a total of 1.5 billion Leones.

Representing the Commissioner at the Amputee Camp in Grafton, the NaCSA Deputy Commissioner who doubles as the Head of Programmes in the Commission, Dr. Sao-Kpato Hannah Isata Max-Kyne registered her appreciation to the President, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio for his support to the programme as demonstrated in his engagement with the World Bank for additional funding early this year in Washington.

Dr. Max-Kyne reiterated the importance of this particular payment, noting that the event marks the payment of the final Cash Transfer to exiting beneficiary households while setting the stage for the re-targeting of new beneficiaries within the communities or districts for the next phase of the programme. She congratulated the outgoing beneficiary households, whom she noted were able to utilize the support provided to them during their tenure in the programme.

Dr. Max-Kyne pointed out at instances where some beneficiaries have used their monies to build dwelling houses and in other cases to startup businesses from petty trading ‘falamakit’ to well established ventures. While this payment marks the end for their direct benefit in the cash transfer, she assured them of other NaCSA programmes which if they find themselves eligible will coop them.

Representing the World Bank, Dr. Abu Kargbo affirmed the goals of the Bank, which he noted are to reduce poverty in the world and to support government in promoting the wellbeing of its citizens. “It is the belief of the Bank that every citizen has the right to decent living. To ensure that no one goes to bed hungry, the Bank works with the Government to provide these monies for vulnerable households, which without these supports could not have been able to put food on their tables. These monies are meant to provide for food, basic healthcare services as well as to support in the education of the offspring”, he stressed.

The Rokel Commercial Bank Limited Sierra Leone is the new Payment Service Provider charged with the responsibility to do the cash transfer exercise countrywide. Performing the symbolic payment in one of the pay points, the Managing Director of the Bank, Dr. Crispin Williams expressed delight over the trust bestowed upon his institution and assured all of his staff commitment in following the due process.  He further emphasized the need for financial inclusion, which he noted could be of advantage to both the customers and the Bank. “As a bank, we do not only believe in receiving monies and keeping them but to grow the capacity of our customers in order to expand their business horizon”, he assured.

Being the final payment means the money should be used for a remarkable purpose. Madam Fatu Mansaray, a grandma in her late sixties from Grafton Community in the Western Rural has her own plan for this money. As one of the few beneficiaries who could now boast of a reasonable dwelling house and a petty business as a result of the programme, spending the final payment to add on her business as well as on the education of the grandchildren should not be considered wrong.

“I am very grateful to NaCSA for their support so far. This has been my only source of getting money, as no family member could afford to help. Although I am exiting the programme today, I am not leaving without something to point at. For instance, the first One Million Leones I got from this programme was used to change the roof of my house from tarpaulin to iron sheets.

Not only that, I started a petty business which I have managed. So with this final cash of One Million Leones as you could see in my hand, I am going to use part of it on my business while the remaining will go to the education of the grandchildren,” she explained. Like gramma Fatu, every beneficiary has its own individual plan for this money.

The Social Safety Net Programme is one of the biggest projects in NaCSA, aiming at providing unconditional cash transfer to the extreme poor. The Programme, which has already provided unconditional cash transfer to 28,538 beneficiary households in ten districts is expected with the additional funding of USD30, 000,000 (Thirty Million United States Dollars) from the World Bank, to extend to the other outstanding five districts and will target an additional 35,000 new households; making it over 70,000 beneficiary households in the entire country by the end of the Programme.

“Being an Alhaji Can’t Kill My Soccer Dream in Sierra Leone”- Alhaji F.A. Thoronka

Alhaji Foray Amara Thoronka

By Karifa Kello Thoronka

The founder of Foray Football club in Alikalia Town popularly known as Kuranko London, Alhaji Foray Amara Thoronka, has disclosed that he is willing to support his community’s football club.

He revealed this after coming back from Mecca this year. While many was thinking that after coming from Mecca the young man will not be involved in Soccer anymore, he says that being an Alhaji cannot kill his dream for soccer. Alhaji Foray noted that his aim of founding the football club in 2018 is to promote the young talents in Alikalia Town and Koinadugu district at large.

“I have signed two new players for the team on my arrival, Musa Yanka from Bumbumna and Laurence Kanu from Alikalia Town,” he revealed  further  noting that if only the players are serious and focus on the game he is ready to finance the team at all times.

He disclosed plans to register the team at the district level going further to encourage the players to pay more attention to football as that might be their career in life.

The team manager of the team, Foray Messi Thoronka, thanked and appreciated the founder for his good initiative saying such is going to help the boys to develop their careers in football. He added that since the establishment of the club they have been participating in several competitions in both Alikalia and outside Alikalia town. He assured the Management of Foray Football Club, the team captain, Sulaiman Koroma, of good performances and victories at all times. He also appealed to others to start promoting sports in the district.

The President of Alikalia Streams United for Social Action [ASUSA] Kallie Kekura Jalloh endorsed the idea of Alhaji Foray Amara Thoronka, maintaining that he has helped in bringing the youths together in the name of sports as that is also one of the aims and objectives of the ASUSA organization in Alikalia Town. He concluded by encouraging the sons of the soil to help develop and promote the town and the district as a whole.