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Feasibility Study on-going on First Lady’s Medical Centre in Sierra Leone

By Amin Kef Sesay 13th August 2019

In a recent development, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the United States of America, His Excellency Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai organised  a team of experts to commence feasibility study of First Lady’s Medical Centre in Sierra Leone. When it should have been completed, the Medical Centre will be one of the most advanced Teaching Hospitals in Africa.

It will cater primarily for the Manor River Union (Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone), and will be affiliated to international teaching Hospitals.

The feasibility team was led by Prof. Tunga Demisrarslan and Mrs Mine Anlar. They met with the First Lady and her team to discussed the project. They then met with H. E. President Julius Maada.

In continuing with their fact finding mission ,they met with the Special Adviser  to  the Presidential on Infrastructure, Dr. John Tambi, to have a clear picture of how to synergise the Medical Centre project with the plan of a new city by  the government. The team was taken by Dr. Tommy Koroma (Medical Officer attached to the Office of the First Lady) and Mr. Mohamed Cozie Kosia  from First Lady’s team to visit existing government hospitals.  It was a brief review of strengths and shortcomings of the system. They will come up with a practical strategy on how the new Medical Centre should look like. The feasibility study will also cover the Manor River Union.

President Bio made it clear that the Manor River is long overdue for a major upheaval of the medical state saying it is a welcome project assuring his Government’s full support.

The scale of the project is huge, so the specialists suggested it should be rolled out in stages, with the Women & Children centre recommended as the first stage. Small scale Oncology Centre will be added at the first phase, but will specialise in female based cancer treatment (Breast and cervical). Other specialised areas will be added based on needs assessment.

With sustainability at the core of planning the project will encompass the training of medical personnel, building the hospital and equip it to international standards. Training of Medical practitioners from Sierra Leone will be a top priority.

The Medical centre will be scalable both medically and socially.  A referral system for incoming patients will be operational in the Manor River Union. The referral system will utilise existing hospitals, and where necessary, new referral centres will be built.

The report of the feasibility study will be presented at the United Nations by the First Lady on the 27th of September in the US. The event is being organised by H. E. Sidique Abou-Bakar Wai, the charismatic, community leader, activist, politician, diplomat, and public policy tzar. The Howard University Medical School is also supporting the project by making their students available for residency training as a precursor to a full scale implementation of the medical centre project. The incredible UN event will be co-chaired by the highly experienced  Dr. Fouad Sheriff and Dr. Johnson, the Dean of Howard University Medical School.

The specialist team from Moneta Health have been involved in several projects in Turkey and also in Tanzania and Zanzibar. Prof. Tunga Demirarslan is known internationally as the problem solver of medical establishments. His expertise is in managing, transforming and adopting hospital businesses into profitable and agile organisations. He will bring his vast experience in hospital construction, technical equipment and medical training to the First Lady’s Medical Centre.



Sierra Leone Receives Commendation from ECA’s Chinganya for commitment to Crvs and ID Issues

Oliver Chinganya, Director of the ECA's Africa Centre for Statistics

By Amin Kef Sesay – 13th August 2019

It has been disclosed that the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is committed to supporting the mobilization of resources required to support the implementation of Sierra Leone’s strategic plan which aims to strengthen the country’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) and ID management system.

This will make the system to function efficiently in supporting public administration, good governance and service delivery.

This was said by Oliver Chinganya, Director of the ECA’s Africa Centre for Statistics, at an event commemorating the second Africa Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day which also marked the official launch of the Comprehensive Country Assessment and the costed National CRVS Strategic Plan in Sierra Leone.

The ECA Director praised Sierra Leone’s President, Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio, and his government for their commitment to strengthening the nation’s national CRVS system following the fundamental principles of Africa Programme on Accelerated Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics that have governed CRVS reform in Africa.

“Marking the second Africa CRVS Day with the official launch of the costed national CRVS and ID Management Strategic Plan 2019-2024 and the Comprehensive Country Assessment Report on CRVS System in Sierra Leone that seeks to pursue the very purpose for which this day was set aside is truly gratifying and confirms the significance of the regional initiative set up almost 10 years ago,” said Mr. Chinganya.

Sierra Leone’s CRVS System, he said, is exceptional like in a few other African countries. It has a system integrating CRVS and ID which is in line with the ECA’s guidelines and international best practice.

The programme is country-driven, with oversight by ministers responsible for civil registration.

“This is an initiative of countries that the ECA and other regional bodies such as the African Union and the African Development Bank are facilitating through technical and financial support. At the regional level, we have a truly collaborative effort, with not only our regional organizations but also the United Nations and international NGOs partnering as a core group promoting and supporting the process at regional and country levels,” said Mr. Chinganya.

At international level, he said, the global CRVS Group and the United Nations Statistics Division are supportive of these initiatives, recognizing their importance towards achieving the 2030 Development Agenda.

“CRVS systems, when fully developed, also contribute to the evidence-base for the African Union Agenda 2063 – The Africa We Want. As a result of this partnership, the CRVS systems improvement programme exemplifies the kind of collaboration that makes programming effective and achieve the desired outcome,” the ECA Director added.

At the ECA, Mr. Chinganya said, they follow closely the progress being registered by member States towards the implementation of the regional agenda for improving CRVS and ID management.

“We commend the Government of Sierra Leone for the commitment it has shown since the first Conference of Ministers responsible for civil registration that was held in Addis Ababa, to implement the resolutions of the Ministers. With the assessment and costed plan now completed, the major task of implementation now comes to the fore,” he said.

Mr. Chinganya added that Sierra Leone now needs to take bold steps to advance the programme as envisaged, including substantial investments – human, technical and financial – for smooth implementation and to make it sustainable.

Meanwhile, Togo’s Minister of Territorial Administration of Decentralization and Local Authorities of Togo, Payadowa Boukpessi, has announced at the launch of the Second Africa CRVS Day the extension of the mandatory registration period of births in the country from 30 to 45 days after the delivery.

The fourth Conference of Ministers held in December 2017 in Nouakchott, Mauritania, declared August 10 the African Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day and advised member States to observe the day.

The first CRVS Day was observed on the 10th of August 2018 under the theme; “Promoting Innovative Universal Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System for Good Governance and Better Lives”.

The second CRVS Day will be commemorated on Saturday 10 August under the theme; “Birth Certificate for All: Fundamental for Protecting Human Rights and Promoting Inclusion”.


SLAJ President Dilates on roles the Media could play in Combating Graft in Sierra Leone

President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) Ahmed Sahid Nasralla (De Monk)

By Amin Kef Sesay – 13th August 2019
The President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) Ahmed Sahid Nasralla (De Monk) on the 13th August 2019, during the launch of the 4th Generation National Anti-Corruption Strategy held at the Miatta Conference Centre mentioned the important roles the media could play in the fight against corruption.

He first noted that the absence of corruption is fundamental to the promotion of good governance just as the Anti-Corruption Commission is to the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone.

According to him the ACC is just an institution and it cannot do it alone stressing how it needs help underscoring Political Will but said it should not be centered on the head of His Excellency the President alone. He highlighted the Executive will which he pointed out is the goodwill of the President and his/her Cabinet ministers.

Nasrallah also mentioned Parliamentary will which he said is the goodwill of the Honorable Members of Parliament, Judicial will as the goodwill of those who interpret the laws of the land.

He stated that there should be the Police will which is the goodwill of the Sierra Leone Police, who are constitutionally charged with the responsibility of providing security and maintaining law and order in society.

With regards to Civil Society Will, he said, it is the goodwill of you and me, a well-informed citizenry and civil society organizations.

Coming to the Media will the SLAJ President defined it the goodwill of the media.

“Corruption is the hydra monster that has eaten away our past, our present and is fast swallowing our future,” he said adding that in the fight against corruption there should be no sacred cows.

The President said we all know that the media’s role in social change and development  cannot be overstated stressing how it is something that we all recognize as important.

“We appreciate the efforts made by the ACC to involve the public in the development of this 4th Generation National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2019-2023. I recall that a session was held with the media at the SLAJ Secretariat at Campbell St., Freetown, where journalists contributed their own perspectives in the fight against corruption, including corruption within the media,” he continued further making it known how it is important to highlight the need for continued public ownership of this strategy and support for the fight against corruption generally.

The SLAJ Prezo said there is a need to re-examine the relationship between the State and civil society. “By civil society I mean all of us that are not official state organs, and this include the media. We can all agree that one of the challenges we face in dealing with the scourge of corruption—which seems to have become a culture—is the lack of trust between the public (ordinary people) and the state. There is this ‘us’ versus ‘them’ way of seeing the relationship between the public and the state. We can trace this to the very many years of distrust and lack of confidence in the State’s ability to address the very basic needs of the ordinary people.

The ordinary civil servant or woman in the market (in their misery and suffering) are also witnesses to the sudden social mobility of high-ranking public officials and politicians. People in power or close to power have a good life—with access to good healthcare and private education for their children, while ordinary people struggle to make ends meet. This situation does not support public confidence and trust in the state and a by-product of this is a normalisation of corruption and apathy to the fight against corruption,” he pointed out.

He suggested that we must move on to make people feel that they have a stake and therefore take ownership of the fight against corruption and support the implementation of this strategy.

Highlighting key roles the media could play, he stated: to provide adequate and accurate reporting on anti-corruption efforts by the ACC and its partners as well as to help raise awareness about the new anti-corruption strategy and support efforts that are aimed at nurturing public ownership of the fight against corruption.

He said the Media should be able to help set the agenda and become a serious point of reference for the ACC and other institutions that are involved in the fight against corruption.

“We can only do this by carrying out independent investigative reporting, as well as in-depth analytical reporting on corruption-related issues. We want to continue to hold public institutions and officials accountable and push for better service delivery because inefficient public institutions and lack of basic services is probably one reason the ordinary person doesn’t feel they have a stake in the affairs of the State,” he informed but said as journalists they are constrained with resources and the capacity to take their rightful place in the fight against corruption.

He stated how they are open to working with the ACC, as they have always done stressing the need for renewed partnership between SLAJ and the ACC. The SLAJ President appealed for increased support to the media to enable them report better and do our job.

“As journalists, we are a part of society and we are part of the problem. We do not come from planet Mars. We equally want to be part of the solution and we would not relent in using our profession and the tools at our disposal to move this country forward,” he furthered.

MPIAC Sierra Leone Sub- Committee calls for Urgent Demolition at Mortomeh 

By Foday Moriba Conteh – 13th August 2019

MPIAC Sub- Committee on Friday 9th August 2019 called for an urgent demolition of a house considered to have been constructed unlawfully at the Mortomeh community. This disclosure was made during a press conference held at the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Conference Hall at Kinghaman Road in Freetown.

Dr. Denis M. Sandy Minister of Lands, Housing and Environment disclosed that as a Government, they are ensuring that no new structures are built within Mortomeh adding that the State has paid all those who have built houses in the red zone in order for them to leave those places as a disaster prone area.

He said that the President has also reiterated that no new structure should be built in the Mortomeh community especially within both the yellow, red zones and by extension the entire Sugar Loaf Mountain as they are disaster prone areas.

The Minister said to their dismay when they went on an inspection tour they discovered that Prince Sinoh Allieu has built a house at the Mortomeh Community, adding that the sum of one Billion, five Hundred Million Leones was transferred from the Disaster Relief Fund Account to Prince Sinoh Allieu as compensation payment for the demolition of his property at the Mortomeh Mudslide site.

He said that after receiving the money Prince defiantly went on and built a house at Mortomeh which he said is an affront to the Government stressing how he will ensure that the house is demolished because he was warned not to build in that area but refused to comply.

Memunatu Pratt, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, on her part said that it is the responsibility of the Government to protect lives and properties and the President is committed in doing so. She said it was against such a backdrop that the President maintained that nobody should build new structures.

The Minister said that Prince Sinoh Allieu was the co-chair of MPIAC Sub- committee and  was paid the highest amount of money as compensation for the demolition of his property, adding that the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs has put mechanisms in place to construct a memorial park that will attract tourists in the country saying such will be actualized as soon as possible.

She ended by saying even the proposed Memorial park will not be built within the red or yellow zone but rather on a safer place where tourists can access it.

Executive Director Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Dr. Foday Jaward also lay emphasis on the commitment of the President that nobody should build new structures within disaster prone areas.

He called on the Government to demolish the newly constructed house in the Mortomeh community which he said will be a precedent buttressing that if the house is not demolished other people might be influenced to build houses on both the red and yellow zones.







Orange Sierra Leone Takes ‘Di Real 4G’ to Bo & Kenema

By Foday Moriba Conteh – 13th August 2019

On the 6th and 7th August, 2019 one of Sierra Leone’s notable mobile operators launched ‘Di Real 4G’ in Kenema and Bo respectively.

Speaking during  the launching, the Chief Marketing Officer, Orange Sierra Leone, Alimatou Mbaye disclosed that the launch of Di Real 4G in the two districts is in fulfillment of their promise to the people of Sierra Leone to connect every town and  village for qualitative communication.

She emphasized that subscribers have been enjoying Di Real 4G with the largest mobile network that is more reliable than any other network in Sierra Leone.

She said Orange is a Sierra Leonean company that chooses what makes life easy for them. She encouraged consumers to swap their SIMs to Di Real 4G in order to experience the beauty of the service and wished them a wonderful time with Di Real 4G service.

Paramount Chief Saidu M. Kapuwa Marbe IV on behalf of  the people of Kenema City welcomed Orange Sierra Leone saying that he has been using their network for quite a considerable period of time now.

He applauded Orange Sierra Leone for the tremendous work they are doing in the country stating how he believes that with the launch of the Di Real 4G such will enhance internet connectivity in the district.

General Secretary (Orange SL) Haffie Haffner said the launch of Di Real 4G is in response to what they feel is very important as they believe in providing access to ICT stressing how it is very significant for the socio-economic development of any country.

She disclosed that in 2016 they realized that access to telecom services was limited as they had 55 percent mobile penetration to which she said only 55 percent of Sierra Leoneans have access to mobile phones.

Madam Haffner said at one particular period of time they discovered that their network was in bad shape and in that regard they have so far spent 55 million US dollars to upgrade their network disclosing how they have connected 925 main localities for the very first time in the country. She further highlighted that Orange has proposed to spend another 24 million US dollars in expanding their network and establish new sites as well as giving some 85% of Sierra Leoneans across the country the opportunity to have quality, faster and cheaper services.

Hon. PC Prince Lappia Boima who officially launched the Di Real 4G in Bo City applauded Orange Sierra Leone for making available job opportunities to young people across the country. He said believes that with the Di Real 4G such will give more access to internet connectivity in the district adding how they will now be able to send mails easier.

Regional Police Commander South, Kapr S. Kamara (AIG), revealed that the police have been working tremendously to ensure that they protect lives and properties in that part of the country. He furthered that they have been working with Orange in terms of providing security whenever they have their activities in Bo District

He assured participants that that they will continue to provide security in the district and make it the safest place for people in that part of the country.

Director of Audit, Risk & Internal Control, Alpha S. Bundu, maintained that Orange is committed to connect every part of the country as they are proud to say they cover 41 percent of Africa, adding that they have been working relentlessly in order to expand their network across the country.

He also revealed how they have so far spent 55 million US dollars in order to upgrade their network as a company and highlighted their proposed plan of spending 24 million US dollars in expanding their network.

He stated that the launch of Di Real 4G in Kenema and Bo will complement the launch of Orange’s Digital Revolution. This revolution ensures a truly high-speed broadband mobile internet and an unmatched life changing experience in digital communication.

He added that they are very proud as a company to say they have the widest network in Sierra Leone covering 80 percent of the country’s population and connecting 925 main localities for the very first time in the country with thousands of Sierra Leoneans now accessing data, voice and financial services.




Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone Pledges Support for More Development Projects

His Excellency Hu Zhangliang and President Dr. Julius Maada Bio
His Excellency Hu Zhangliang

By Alim Jalloh – 13th August 2019
In the best interest of this country the new Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, His Excellency Hu Zhangliang, on the 13th August 2019 called on the presidency to discuss bilateral relations and development projects with His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

“I extend warmest greetings from His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, who is very much impressed with your presidency, particularly in areas of territorial integrity, sovereignty and security, diplomacy and development,” the Ambassador said.

He disclosed that feasibility studies for the rehabilitation of Wilberforce Military Barracks, which houses the Hockey Pitch and 34 Military Hospital in Freetown, and that for the construction of the Foreign Service Academy were already complete, adding that the bidding processes would soon commence.

“The Chinese Government has also made special arrangements for the loan application for the Optical Fibre Network phase two project and we have already approved the loan application. Once Ministry of Finance is done with the loan deal, the work will commence within three weeks,” he noted,” he assured.

Ambassador Hu further told the President that his government had promised Sierra Leone some food aid to the needy, adding that the first two consignments of 2,000 tons of that assistance had arrived in Freetown and were being delivered. He said another 1,500 tons of food support would arrive within few days, while 3,400 tons would arrive later.

“In terms of improving the capability of receiving state guests, my government is considering to help your government set up a VVIP Convoy with bikes, cars and support cars. And I believe that all of these will be delivered by February 2020. We are also looking at the rehabilitation of the VIP Lounge at the Lungi International Airport,” he said.

The Chinese Ambassador also said that as a way of improving the human capital development, which is the flagship program of the New Direction government, Chinese universities would have accepted 100 new students from Sierra Leone, more than 30 military officers to study in China and offered over 700 Chinese short courses by end of the year.

In his response President Bio said that he was happy to receive the Chinese Ambassador to discuss issues relating to the two countries’ current and future projects.

“I am happy with the development of ongoing projects, the Fibre Optic extension which is visible, the food aid, VVIP Convoy, the rehabilitation of the Wilberforce Military Barracks, and improving on the number of Sierra Leonean students. We think this falls in line with the government’s human capital development agenda. As true friends we will also work together,” President Bio said.


NP Sierra Leone Continues to Stand Tall Within the Business Landscape  

NP Headquarters

By Amin Kef Sesay – 13th August 2019

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is indeed one successful indigenous company which most of the citizens can boast of especially when consideration is given to the fact that this entity has stood the test of time weathering challenges that may have led to its downfall. For such a commendable feat to be achieved during quite a long period of time now means that the company has been blessed with capable shareholders and Managerial teams that have been providing the requisite ideas and initiatives that continue to take NP from one higher level to another.

Providing its esteemed and cherished customers, right across the country, with rapt and efficient attention by always ensuring that their needs are well satisfied which with all amount of certainty is identified as one of the secrets behind the successes of the company. Management is very keen on prioritizing customer care which is why it is keen to know about their reactions as well as to listen to various concerns raised and always be in a position to address them.

Having amassed the strength and seeing the need to expand appropriately, NP-SL thought it fit to open branches in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia and all of them are extremely functioning well to the utmost satisfaction of Governments plus its ever growing customers. In doing so, the company has been contributing towards job creation and poverty reduction more especially as it is virtually impossible for the Governments of these countries to provide all job opportunities for citizens.

When cognisance is taken of the fact that Governments need revenue to finance development projects it is important to find the sources of generating such. NP, as a company, is one of the biggest taxpayers to Government. Management always  makes it as a point of duty to timely pay taxes and despite battling with existing and unforeseeable challenges there has never been an instance when it has been coerced to do so.

Many have praised NP for making available cookers popularly known as NP Gas which is safe for cooking purposes. These NP Gas cookers are sold at reasonable prices and could be procured in all their filling stations as well as from authorized dealers. At a time like this when it has been recognized that it is advisable, for health reasons, to avoid using firewood or charcoal for cooking purposes the best option could be NP Gas, which is hygienic, clean and quick.

Talking about effective implementation of Local Content Policy, NP-SL stands tall as it is truly the only 100% indigenous company that employs 100% Sierra Leoneans as workers. The company gives preference to employing Sierra Leoneans which is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy as utilizing local talents makes it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through various training programs.

It is important to know that the company deals with individuals and various entities, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. There is a good business strategy in place whereby entities or customers are permitted to use chits to secure fuel and pay later. Such is very advantageous more so when those entities do not always have cash at hand to be purchasing petroleum products from time to time.  This  symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

With regards recognition, the regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, Petroleum Directorate, has also lauded NP in recent time for its efficient service delivery in its areas of operation.

There could be no doubt to authoritatively state that NP-SL Ltd. is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

It therefore came as no big surprise why on the 6th July 2019 it was awarded as the “Best Company of the Year” during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Without mincing the truth NP stands tall within the business landscape in and out of the country growing stronger and stronger as time goes by.



Shareholders’ Selfless Commitment drives NP-SL’s Successes in Sierra Leone

NP Headquarters

By Amin Kef Seasy – 9th August 2019

The selfless commitment of the shareholders of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) is a major factor driving the success of the company resulting to it employing and empowering hundreds if not thousands of Sierra Leoneans.

Talking about effective implementation of Local Content Policy, NP-SL stands tall as it is truly the only 100% indigenous company that employs 100% Sierra Leoneans as workers. This is one of the factors which has made the company a success story.

NP-SL, by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans, gives a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy as utilizing local talents makes it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that the synergy that runs through management, staff and board members of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) company is the reason why the company is contributing greatly to improving the lives of its workers and their dependents and also contributing to the company’s growth and the socio-economic development of the country at large.

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone (NP-SL) is on record for having a capable and competent managerial team of Sierra Leoneans at the helm of affairs, which from time to time comes up with good initiatives, always ensuring that those initiatives are effectively and efficiently implemented to create value for money.

It is also on record that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited, apart from it being lauded for being one of Sierra Leone’s biggest tax payers, is also being lauded for its invaluable contributions towards building the country’s economy.

Apart from it having filling stations in various parts of the country, NP-SL also vibrantly functions in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia.

This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various jobs to residents in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level.

Since it was established by 35 Sierra Leoneans, who bought shares from the Government years back, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the centre-piece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region.

Asking those who really know NP, the feedback you get indicate that around its commitment to customer care, NP strongly believes that it must prioritize the offer of total satisfaction.

NP has maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers’ right across the sub-region where it exists and most consumers have confessed that they are realizing optimum satisfaction in dealing with NP.

The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, the Petroleum Directorate, has also lauded NP in recent time for its efficient service delivery in its areas of operation.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans affordable NP Gas Cookers of various sizes, which are safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas cookers could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country and the very gas is also sold to replenish those that have been used.

The company’s result-oriented managerial team will definitely and sustainably continue to put NP at the top.

NP-SL Ltd. is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

It can therefore be justifiably asserted that the National Petroleum Limited is the country’s reliable fuel provider as it always ensures that its stockpile is always at an appreciable level.

NP has received numerous awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Various tests to determine quality and standard indicate that consumers of National Petroleum-SL products say they have never had cause to grumble about the products.

It should be noted that customer care is one key element to the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easily and conveniently.

The public’s recognition of the invaluable contributions of NP, both to its numerous customers across the country and to national development, has seen it bag meritorious awards from different national and international organizations.

The company always ensures that petroleum products are always available, thereby preventing shortage that could create shocks in many quarters. The level of confidence which overseas business partners have reposed in the company has made it possible for it to enter into payment agreements thereby keeping the demand and supply chain open and running.

In addition, the company sells the best cooking gas that is available in hundreds of outlets across the country, thereby contributing to creating cleaner environments, thus aiding the work of EPA.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm.

To boost Free Quality Education… Pikin Bizness Sierra Leone targets Kids

The three kids Angel Bangura, Mamadu H. Bah and Jonathan During with congenital heart disease

By Amin Kef Sesay – 9th August 2019

Claudius During of No. 37 Milton Street Murray Town, Freetown is an eight years old boy who was terminally ill but after surgery he is now as good as new.
Mabinty Kamara

On February 2nd 2018 Claudius Harding was excited to show his Mum & Dad his new heart.
On May 30th 2018, Mabinty Kamara was flown out for surgery.
Lansana Kamara is a 20 years old boy. He came to PIKIN BIZNESS about 9 years ago with a serious burn.

In a bid to boost the Free Quality Education of President Bio, the Executive Director of Pikin Bizness, Dr. Adonis Aboud has said that the institution is working to get kids off the streets and onto the benches of educational institutions. The institution, he said, is also working to stop child labour among other things.

Pikin Bizness is a child based philanthropist organisations that works to support children by providing health related assistance, economic and educational support to the child survivors of the post conflict period in Sierra Leone. The institution focuses its activities on children, who have the greatest capacity to transcend the conflict of their communities and to bring about change in the future. These children within the society offer the best hope for change, and are increasingly amongst the most vulnerable in conflict situations.

Pikin Bizness works and operates in Sierra Leone to create a safe environment where trained key workers can provide a climate of support and mentoring tailored to the needs of children and their environment.

In January 2001, three people came together; Dr Adonis Aboud, Shellac Sonny Davies and Barbara Bangura, and launched a Charitable Organization called Pikin Bizness.

The first three years, in collaboration with WFP, the US Embassy and UNAMSIL, with sponsorship from DSTV/SL, a helicopter was flown country-wide during the Christmas holiday on each of these years, distributing gifts ranging from sweets, drinks, radio sets, school bags, to educational materials to children. Caritas Makeni [a Catholic NGO], International Medical Corp, [IMC] and other NGOs helped identify the children.

Four years later, in 2005, having spotted a campaign launched by the Exclusive Newspaper, advertising and appealing for help for Abu Bakarr Jalloh, a six year old boy with a hole in his heart, Pikin Bizness embarked on a larger campaign targeting mainly children with heart deficiencies, especially children with holes in their hearts and other related diseases.

After the campaign, Pikin Bizness then embarked on a larger campaign in the country to raise funds in order to save the life of a young boy who was about to die. Because being born in Sierra Leone means that you have no chance of obtaining a heart operation let alone a simple non-intrusive sonogram test needed for detecting and diagnosing not only heart problems but birth defects in pregnant women and other health problems. In order to save this boy, donations were made by some citizens and members of Pikin Bizness to facilitate the trip abroad for an open heart surgery.

Since November 2005 to date, six children have been flown to France for cardiac treatment which cost the organization more than ten (10) thousand Euros per child. Apart from heart cases, the organization has helped other children suffering from other diseases. The organization does not only deal with children suffering from heart deficiencies, it also caters for children suffering from different diseases such as Hydrocephalus, liver, kidney, urinary leakage and other diseases.

Even though the organization is non-governmental it works in collaboration with both the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and that of Gender and Children’s Affairs to help develop the health sector and protecting and promoting the right of children in the country.

Pikin Bizness and the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs have succeeded in reducing the number of street children by giving them scholarships for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels. Some of these children were taken from the streets and are now living a better life.

With the help of this organization a number of six children’s lives have been saved that suffered from holes in their hearts.

Five children were flown from Freetown to France in order for them to have Open Heart surgery while one went to Germany where he was operated on.

Also, young Francis who was suffering from hydrocephalus was flown to Kenya for treatment. In a most recent development Pikin Bizness sent baby Ngauja to Egypt as he was suffering from lower abdominal wall defect. He is back from Egypt and in great form.

The aim of the organization is to provide economic and social well-being for marginalized children and reduce the number of children living on the streets due to the effect of the civil conflict that the country experienced.

By reading this you have shown that you have a heart to reach out and give to children who may never get the chance to say ‘Thank you’ in person. On their behalf we would like to say ‘Thank you’ and ask that you please DONATE to our cause.

Sierra Leone Napoleon Koroma signs Singapore Convention on Mediation 

Umaru Napoleon Koroma

By Amin Kef Sesay – 9th August 2019

Deputy Minister of Justice, Umaru Napoleon Koroma is among representatives from over 70 countries in the signing of the UN Convention on International Settlements Resulting from Mediation in Singapore.

The gathering, dubbed the Singapore Convention, aims to settle cross-border commercial disputes and stabilize trade relationships among member countries. The convention itself was signed by 46 UN members including the United States and China.

It is expected that the convention will create a global framework that will give businesses greater confidence to settle international disputes through mediation rather than resorting to court.

“As Sierra Leone desperately needs foreign direct investment, the convention will significantly boost investor confidence which has been a key pillar in the New Direction’s manifesto on economic development” said Mr. Koroma.

Mediation has been used to settle commercial disputes in jurisdictions like the United States and the United Kingdom. To be globally accepted, the credibility of the process must improve and the convention will no doubt help in this direction.

Mr. Napoleon Koroma, a renowned legal luminary with a big reputation as a successful mediator on corporate matters was apparently considered a worthy representative from Sierra Leone.

The signing will be ratified by the Sierra Leone Parliament in due course.