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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Sierra Leone Health Ministry Warns Against Eating of Dead Pigs

DHSE Director, Dr. Mohamed Vandi, MoHS

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

Following the recent outbreak of suspected African Swine Fever in four Communities in Freetown, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation has cautioned the public to stay away from eating dead pigs, as the cause of death of these pigs is yet unknown, but however stated that the disease does not pose any public health threat, as it cannot transfer to humans. This was made known at a press briefing on Monday 22nd October at the Conference Hall of the Emergency Operation Centre on Wilkinson Road in Freetown.

While addressing journalists, Director at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Mohamed Vandi has said that the Ministry of Health and Sanitations is concerned on the sporadic occurrence of suspected swine fever in four communities in Freetown (Moa Wharf, Kanikay, Kroo Bay and the Kissy Dump Site (Bomeh) as the country is moving towards One Health, as it seeks the health of both humans and animals; thereby preventing and respond to any disease that affects both humans and animals and of public health concern.

Dr. Vandi cautioned that there is no cause for concern as there has not been any prove as to whether the suspected African swine fever can cause illness in humans, but however warned that. He reiterated that there has not been any instance in which the African swine flew has transferred from pigs to humans, even in countries with confirmed cases of African swine fever.

“African swine fever affects pigs and it cannot transfer to the human population because it is not classified as a zoonotic disease”, Stated Dr. Vandi. He observed that pig farmers now fast-kill pigs that have already shown signs and symptoms of the suspected African swine fever, which he noted is a bad practice and thus puts the health of other pigs at risk.

Dr. Vandi continued that the Ministry of Health and Sanitation together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry have heightened surveillance in the affected communities and samples shipped out of the country to ascertained as to whether the disease calming the lives of pigs as a result of the suspected swine fever or otherwise, adding that they were going to embark on a training exercise for the MoHS Community Health Workers and the MAF Community Animal Health Workers to jointly engage these affected communities. “As it stands we are yet to now if the affected pigs are from free range pig firming or those that are in pug pen, all of that we need to know to further plan and protect the lives of other pigs”, Fumed Dr. Vandi.

He stressed that the disease is of no public health threat to human, as the disease is not a zoonotic disease, but however warned the general public to refrain from eating dead pigs or even pigs from the market for now as one can’t ascertain the one the poke that is healthy or not.



Sierra Leone CSOs in the East to Establish a Coalition

Foundation for Gender and Development Initiative (FGDI-SL) and SAVE Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On the 17th October 2019, the Foundation for Gender and Development Initiative (FGDI-SL) and SAVE Sierra Leone collaborated with other Civil Societies in the East End of Freetown at the FGDI-SL office 51 Bai Bureh Roads Kissy, Freetown to form a Coalition.

The meeting was geared towards getting the views from other CSO’s as to the need for an umbrella organization that will be regulating and coordinating the activities of CSO’s in that  part of  the country. It is to enhance better relationship amongst CSO’s in terms of their visibility, credibility and acceptability. A total number of 33 attendees from various CSO’s  showed solidarity and support for the unprecedented idea of having a coalition for all civil society organizations in the East of Freetown.

When established, the coalition aims to provide capacity for CSO’s in implementing projects and producing standard results, Fostering sustainable relationship with line ministries for easy execution of their work, Provide capacity building, partnership and other necessary support for its membership and proffer the much needed solution to the burning issues faced in the different communities.

It is evident that Eastern Freetown is densely populated and thus faced with enormous challenges which include but not limited to sexual and reproductive health issue amongst women and girls, poor health and water facility, barriers with women due to gender disparity, economic crises, high rate of violence and crime rate, drug and substance abuse etc… It is against this backdrop that the thematic focus was to discuss the establishment of a consortium for all civil society organizations in the East End for addressing issues like:

Empowerment of women and girls to break barriers of gender disparity through support of women and girls in their involvement in economic, political and social activities in Sierra Leone, addressing issues of sexual and reproductive health and right which is in line with the SDG 3, 5 and 10, Addressing issues of drug and substance abuse, violence and high crime rate in Eastern Freetown and by extension Sierra Leone.

The meeting ended up with a move to set up a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between FGDI-SL which is the lead organization and other CSO’s in the coalition. Other intending member Organizations must produce all legal documentations as to its legitimacy of operation at the second meeting of the coalition in order to be considered for it membership.


Over Le50 Million Dished by Bollore Sierra Leone in Support of  “Hands Off Our Girls Campaign”

Bollore Transport and Logistics Company

By Abdulraman Sinneh Koroma

It has been established that the Freetown Terminal, a subsidiary of Bollore Transport and Logistics Company in Sierra Leone over the past few days has supported First Lady Fatima Bio’s Hands of Our Girls campaign with a little over fifty million Leones, through the printing of T-shirts, Banners and other priority items needed in the campaign.

The company on October 11th 12th 18th & 19th travelled with the First Lady in Makeni, Kono Moyamba and Pujehun in a bid to help Madam Bio achieve her fight against men who are in the habit of going after young girls in the country.

Gassimu Fofana, Public Relations Officer of Freetown Terminal said the company decided to join the First Lady’s campaign trail because the company believes the Hands of Our Girls campaign is a genuine cause, and that rape, child abuse and early marriage remains high in Sierra Leone.

“We want to join the First Lady in altering the narratives for the better when it comes to rape and child marriage moving forward,” he pointed out.

While delivering her statements across the country, First Lady Fatima Bio emphasized that girls should be girls and not mothers or sexual slaves.

Madam Bio added that many girls have went through lots of constraints due to what she described as “abnormal behavior” of men that lead to the unfortunate deaths of young girls across the country.

“Our girls are dying every day and it’s no secret, Sierra Leone is a nation with a very high mortality rate not just in Africa, but the world at large”, she averred.

Madam Fatima Bio further stated that the aforementioned has been happening due to negligence on the side of some parents and community stakeholders, and that the same wrong doings are repeatedly occurring in various communities across the country in which young girls are impregnated and later die while in labor.

“For far too long our girls have been used and abused by our inconsiderable men and it’s about time we fight together and put this menace to rest,” she mentioned.

Role of Sierra Leone Chief Minister Questioned

Chief Minister – Professor David Francis

By Fatmata Jenbeh

Many have been questioning the defined role of the Chief Minister since that position came to light when the SLPP Government assumed State Governance. The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone, Mr. Simon Mustard and the Head of DfID Serra Leone, Ms  Kobi Bentley, on Monday, 14th October, held talks with Sierra Leone’s Government Chief Minister – Professor David Francis at Statehouse in Freetown, where they discussed the role and office of the Chief Minister, which many in Sierra Leone believe is superfluous to requirements and a waste of public funds.

British High Commissioner, Mr. Simon Mustard, said that the purpose of the talks was to discuss and exchange ideas on how to achieve the objectives of the Office of the Chief Minister and the New Direction Government.

Since the creation of the Office of Chief Minister last year by President Bio, there are accusations of policy and role ambiguity, confusion and duplication of efforts, especially when set against the office and functions of the Vice President.

If there is confusion among many Sierra Leoneans about the roles and functions of these two senior government officials, there is little surprise therefore that the international community and development partners are unclear about the work of the Office of Chief Minister, which is costing the country hundreds of thousands of dollars to maintain, against other key priorities of the Government, such as healthcare and education.

British High Commissioner, Mr. Simon Mustard, said that he and the Head of DfID are in Sierra Leone to work with the Government and people of the country to help promote and support the delivery of effective governance.

Head of DfID, Kobi Bentley acknowledged the government’s efforts in addressing the economic challenges facing the country, and said that the British Government is committed to continuing its support for Sierra Leone.

Speaking about the Government’s priorities, the Chief Minister said that the President has compressed his thirty two manifesto promises into eight key priority areas, ranging from education, health, agriculture, and corruption.

He said that the President’s vision is to transform Sierra Leone through human capital development, and that the Government will continue to work with development partners to achieve this vision.

Speaking about the massive $2.5 Billion Government debt, which is growing alarmingly to over 60% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the Chief Minister said that the Government is currently spending 85% of its revenue on servicing the country’s debt. Why is the Government set on continuing to take on more debt?

Addressing the British High Commissioner and Head of DfID, the Chief Minister said that his Office is a delivery unit that deals with strategic planning and policy leadership, adding further to the current ambiguity, confusion and duplication that many in Sierra Leone are seriously concerned about.
He said that his office is positioned in a way that supports both the Presidency and the ministries.

“My role as the Chief Minister is an ensurer role, and I am also supervised by the Honourable Vice President,” he said.

But ironically, many of his roles and functions are in conflict with those of the Vice President.

The cost of running the Office of Chief Minister in Sierra Leone is costing the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and a key question that must be answered by the President is this: What added value is the Office of Chief Minister bringing to his government and the running of the country, over and above that which the Office of the Vice President is achieving?

The recently published government ministerial performance report did not include the Office of Chief Minister, even though it is led by a cabinet minister and a major vote controller of the public purse.

Is the Office of Chief Minister above public scrutiny and accountability?

Sierra Leone Government secures $68 million to finance varying projects

Jacob Jusu Saffa

By Brima Sannoh

Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa has on Saturday, 19 October 2019, signed an Education Support Project financing agreement of 20 million dollars with the Director General, of OPEC, Dr Abdulhamid Alkhalifa. The signing of the Agreement is part of the 68 million dollars project, which are jointly funded by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa of $20.0 million, Saudi Fund; $25.0 million and Government counterpart fund of $3.0 million.

The project will cover the rehabilitation, expansion and equipment of the Bunumbu Teachers College and Milton Margai College including Tourism College in Goderich, construction of new school blocks, rehabilitation and expansion and equipment including furniture for Bo and EBK Magburaka Boys Schools, Kenema Secondary school and Prince of Wales.

During the signing ceremony, the DG OPEC said that President Bio’s Government has taken the bold steps to prioritize education as its flagship program. Sierra Leone is recognized as one of the global champions of Human Capital Development and therefore OFID is committed to supporting the Government to achieve its aspirations.

On his part, the erudite Minister of Finance, Hon Jacob Jusu Saffa, said, it was no mistake that President Bio made his manifesto commitment to implement Free Quality Education in Sierra Leone. Reflecting on the famous words of President Bio, “If you want to destroy a nation, don’t use guns but destroy the education system”. This is exactly what has happened to Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone that was once known as the ‘Athens of Africa’ is today at the bottom of the education ladder.

Therefore, as a demonstration of Government’s commitment, as articulated in the SLPP Government People’s Manifesto promise, 20% of the Budget in 2018-2019 was allocated to the education sector and this trend will continue in 2020 and beyond. It should be noted that the government education agenda is non-discriminatory; it caters for all, starting from early childhood learning (pre-primary) to primary and secondary schools as wells as technical vocational and tertiary levels. He concluded by saying that the project is not only timely, but “it is in line with our Human Capital Development and the project overall is targeting 6 major institutions of historical importance to Sierra Leone; two teacher training colleges and 4 secondary schools; two of which happens to be schools of noble sierra Leoneans, Magburaka Boys school of former President Ernest Bail Koroma that has remained in ruins for over 12 years, and Bo School of President Julius Maada Bio.

The Minister said, you cannot improve on the quality of education, if you do not improve on the education value chain. The selection of two teacher training institutions is part of the critical element of the education value chain. He re-assured the OPEC Director General that the project administration will not be business as usual, but utilization of project funds will be closely monitored by Government and the community people-that advance procurement has already started.

Immediately following the historic signing ceremony, the Minister of Finance had fruitful engagements and project negotiations with the delegation of the Arab Bank for Economic Development (BADEA) at the wings of the ongoing IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington DC. The Director General of BADEA extended special invitations to Hon Jacob Jusu Saffa to visit their headquarters in November next month to sign a $20.0 million co-financing for the same project.  This will be followed by the signature of Saudi Fund’s component of $25.0 million.

At the Launch of the Free Quality Education in 2018, His Excellency, President Bio said “When I staked my presidential campaign on “human capital development” as one of my national priorities, a few, (very few) opposition politicians thought that I was clueless, too daring, and too brave. When I proposed giving every Sierra Leonean child access to free quality education, they pilloried and laughed at the idea. But the majority of Sierra Leoneans believed in my vision and voted me President. This free quality education programme is for every Sierra Leonean.

It is not for one region, one tribe, one political party; it is for every Sierra Leonean who wants an education.”  The distribution of the education support projects to schools and tertiary institutions across the country is a true reflection of a President who says and stands on his commitment!

Sierra Leone: New King Harman Road Maternal Hospital to reduce maternal and child deaths

President Julius Maada Bio

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In trying to deepen socio-economic transformation, President Julius Maada Bio on Thursday 17th October 2019, officially opened the King Harman Maternal and Child Hospital. The hospital is a comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care health facility constructed by UNFPA, funded by the UK Government, and supported by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio said “The importance of investments in quality care and patient safety is portrayed by Government’s commitment to improving the status of our hospitals across the country. We have invested in and will continue to invest in constructing and equipping new hospitals across the country. One of such is this King Harman Hospital, which provides secondary level care to the people of this community and its environs,”

The hospital will make a vital contribution to reducing maternal deaths in the country, where one in 17 women bear a lifetime risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, and also very high child, infant, and neonatal mortality rates. The hospital will seek to improve this by providing a full range of maternal and newborn care health services, including much-needed, quality comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, British High Commissioner, Mr. Simon Mustard said,

“I am delighted that our partnership with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, and with UNFPA, has led us here today to open the King Harman Maternity and Child Hospital. Every day this hospital will protect and save the lives of mothers and their children, providing the vital expertise and equipment needed.”

The UK Department for International Development’s (DfID) Saving Lives Programme, which works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, has provided £6.5 million to UNFPA to construct, refurbish, and equip eight facilities across Sierra Leone. These facilities, including King Harman Road and Rokupa hospitals, now provide emergency obstetric and newborn care to international standards. The Saving Lives Programme is also supporting the training of midwives in all three midwifery schools in the country.

UNFPA Sierra Leone Country Representative, Dr. Kim Eva Dickson remarked at the event, “UNFPA will continue to provide technical, financial and logistical support to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to improve access to quality sexual and reproductive health services in the country as part of the quest for Universal Health Care.” She added, “I strongly believe that the King Harman maternal and Child Hospital will contribute significantly to improving maternal, newborn and child health outcomes in Sierra Leone.”

Work on King Harman Maternal and Child Hospital is now complete with new consulting rooms, emergency, labour and delivery, postnatal, and surgical wards, and a special baby care unit. Surgical procedures including caesarian sections will take place in the new operating theatre, which is expected to support pregnant women in the hospital’s catchment area and beyond.

UNFPA, with the support of DFID, procured and delivered equipment and supplies including maternity ward and delivery beds, ultrasound machines, and theatre equipment, to ensure good quality maternal, neonatal and child health services.

Sierra Leone Laj-K Bags Africa Young Person of the Year Award

 Alhaji K. Tarawally

By Ibrahim Sorious Samura

One of Sierra Leone’s renowned entertainment gurus in the country, Alhaji K. Tarawally, fondly known as Laj-K will be awarded as AFRICA YOUNG PERSON OF THE YEAR at the 2019 edition of the Young Persons Award and Dinner, which is a segment of the Young Entrepreneurs International Summit (YEIS) to be hosted on the 8th December 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria.

The Young Entrepreneurs International Summit (YEIS) is a gathering of outstanding young entrepreneurs and person from across various parts of the globe. The Young Entrepreneurs International Summit (YEIS) works in accordance with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which shows the inclusion of youths not just as beneficiaries of the agenda, but also playing a Key Role in Policy making and actualization. The policy, amongst others states how Youth policies can help achieve youth-related objectives.

A statement from YEIS reads:

“In a bid to recognise youth development, the Young Entrepreneurs International Summit (YEIS) respectfully writes to request you as a Participant at the Young Persons Award and Dinner (YPAD) scheduled to take place at Oriental Hotel, Lekki, Lagos on the 8th December 2019, 5pm.”

It continues, “…The Advisory Board of Young Entrepreneurs International Summit under the Chairmanship of Prof. Nabhit Kapur PsyD has also decided to celebrate your many achievements as one of the AFRICA YOUNG PERSONS OF THE YEAR at the 2019 edition of the Young Persons Award and Dinner.”

“This award is a testament of your efforts as an OUTSTANDING YOUNG PERSON and commitment to the development of the global economy.”

This year’s theme is “GLOBAL ECONOMY: The Impact and Importance of Diversity amongst Young Entrepreneurs.”

Alhaji K. Tarawally is a distinguished young Sierra Leone who has established himself as a successful entrepreneur and media personality. He is the CEO of LAKE Productions  (SL) Limited, a leading event management, essential service provider, marketing, advertising multimedia production company in Sierra Leone.

As a media mogul, Mr. Tarawally has successfully served some of the biggest media institutions in Sierra Leone in various capacities as a reporter, producer and presenter, and also serving as senior management staff for institutions such as Foundation Hirondelle/CTN (Radio Mount Aureol), Premier Tok Radio, Premier Newspaper, Star Radio, Total News Newspaper, Afri Radio and the African Young Voices Television (AYV TV). At the AYV, Mr. Tarawally served as Head of Communications and Public Relations, and Coordinator of Internship, Volunteers, Industrial Experience Training and Recruitment Programme. He is also the Host of the popular Entertainment TV show – ‘GATEWAY’. He previously served as Head of Programme, Monitoring and Quality Control at the AYV Media Empire for two years.

Mr. Tarawally is a towering figure in the entertainment industry of Sierra Leone, who over the past decade has consistently been organising the top entertainment shows and awards through his company, LAKE Productions. He is also a strong advocate for better reforms in the arts and creative industries for the betterment of all. He was the founding President of the Sierra Leone Radio DJ’s Association (SLeRaDA), now SL DJ’s Union (SLeDU).

Alhaji K. Tarawally holds a B.A (Honours) degree in Mass Communications and a Diploma in Peace and Conflict Resolution at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, plus a Certificate in Entrepreneurship from the YALI Regional Leadership Center, GIMPA University in Accra, Ghana. Mr. Tarawally is a part-time lecturer at LICCSAL Business College – teaching Broadcast Media, Multimedia and Public Relations.

He had contested for a Parliamentary Seat in Constituency 128 under the National Grand Coalition (NGC) in the 2018 General Elections in Sierra Leone.

He has also built a niche in sports, serving as Organising Secretary of Sports Writers Association of Sierra Leone (SWASAL) among others. Currently, Alhaji is the Head of Marketing, Communication and Public Relations for Mighty Blackpool Football Club, the most successful football club in Sierra Leone.

Mr. Tarawally is a recipient of multitudes of awards and recognitions across Sierra Leone and Africa as follows:

✅ Most Outstanding Entertainment Promoter in Sierra Leone’ 2019 by National Youth Led Award.

✅ 100 Most Influential Young Persons in West Africa’, by the Confederation of West Africa Youth Forum in Lagos, Nigeria in 2018.

✅ 100 Most Inspiring Sierra Leoneans Award’, by the United Venture Corporation.

✅ 2018 West Africa Young Leadership Award’, by CWAY/ECOWAS Youth received in Ghana.

✅ 100 Most Influential Young Persons Award’, crowned as Youth Ambassador by the Ministry of Youth Affairs of Sierra Leone in 2018.

✅ Special Recognition and Award by the National Youth Commission and FePyoCAN.

✅ 2018 Honorary Media Personality Award’, by The Queenak-China Foundation  Sierra Leone.

✅ Installed as Youth Ambassador’ for the Confederation of West Africa Youths (CWAY) in 2019.

Mr. Tarawally was profiled in the Sierra Youth and West Africa Youth Magazines as one of the ‘100 Most Influential Young Sierra Leoneans and West Africans’ respectively, in 2018, and many others.

Mr. Tarawally reveals that he is happy for this recognition and assures to always make Sierra Leone proud.

Moyamba Receives Sierra Leone First Lady’s ‘Hands Off Our Girls’ Campaign

Fatima Bio

By John Marrah

The First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Bio, who is fondly referred to as ‘the mother of the nation and girl child defender’, on Friday, 18th October, 2019 in an ongoing national sensitization move, launched the “Hands Off Our Girls Campaign” in the Southern Province town of Moyamba.

Present at the launch were Paramount Chiefs, Members of Parliament, the District Council Head, Ministers, Civil Society activists, students and a host of other stakeholders in the district.

Host Paramount Chief, Foday Momoh Gulama, welcomed the First Lady and entourage to his Chiefdom in particular and Moyamba district in general.

He noted that the program is very essential for sober minded men who would adhere to the message that prohibits them from sexually tampering with young girls and domestically violating women.

“On behalf of the people of Moyamba district, we wholeheartedly welcome you Madam Bio and pray that the message you will disseminate here today will prove to be beneficial for all,” he entreated.

Moyamba District Council Chairman, Joseph Mbogba, in his statement said the people of Moyamba are sick and tired with the persistent reports of rape and domestic violence meted out against women and girls.

“Moyamba District has the highest number of rape cases reported. Violence against women increases every day,” he lamented, adding that as a Council and together with other stakeholders in the district they “will embrace the Hands Off Our Girls initiative,” revealing how they have put certain modalities in place to ensure that the initiative impacts meaningfully in the district.

“As a Council, we have factored the campaign in our 2020 budget, provided an office space in Council that will be overseeing the day to day issues brought forward as complaints,” he affirmed.

Abdul Joe Kamanda, on behalf of Civil Society Organizations in Moyamba, pledged their cooperation to continuously preach against the menace and facilitate the prosecution of perpetrators when necessary.

Longest serving Member of Parliament in the Well of Parliament representing Constituency 061 in Moyamba district, Honourable Veronica Kadie Sesay, said, before the launch of the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign, it has always been her dream and fellow female MPs to see a law set that would put to a halt the regular sexual penetration and sexual violence perpetrated against women and the Girl Child in particular.

She admonished the men present to take the campaign seriously in order not to find themselves behind bars. She reiterated the stance of the President and MPs to eradicate rape and all other forms of sexual offences.

She outlined three major components in the new Sexual Offences Act, which she says would trap offenders, those who compromise and secret solicitors who condone sexual offences against women and girls.

She concluded by admonishing the girls to be modest in their dressing, be steadfast in their educational pursuits and not to allow monetary influence to lead them to become child mothers and dropouts.

In her keynote address, the First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio, stressed the negative aspects of sexual offences on the image of the country, which has turned Sierra Leone into a laughing stock among other nations across the world in terms of the constant rape cases reported.

She called on the Paramount Chiefs of the land to include in their bylaws punitive measures for perpetrators of such crimes as actions by the Judiciary seems to be slow. Madam Fatima Bio further called on the school girls of Moyamba to resist the approaches of men towards them coming in the guise of Good Samaritans.

“Girls, your future is in your hands and your dreams of becoming the next First Lady, Lawyer, Doctor and Minister starts with the firm decisions you make today against the urge for material benefit from sex,” she admonished.

“Thanks to you people of Moyamba for believing in His Excellency’s leadership, but I am here this day to talk against the persistent horror which is befalling our girls,” she noted.

Appreciating the positive contributions of the people of Moyamba, the First Lady on that note took the opportunity to discourage them, especially the men, from the bad habits of sexual violence and rape against the Girl Child.

“As my fathers and traditional elderly people, the fight to put to a stop to sexual penetration and offences is not my fight alone nor his Excellency’s, but the fight of all, and it is on that note I handover the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign for the Moyamba district chapter to my noble Paramount Chiefs of the district,” she enjoined.

Sierra Leone President Discusses Development issues in Russia 

President Julius Maada Bio

By Brima Sannoh

On the 21st October 2019, His Excellency the President, Julius Maada Bio departed Sierra Leone for a week-long visit to the Russian Federation and the United Arab Emirates.

It is understood that in Russia, His Excellency will attend the  maiden Russia–Africa Summit and Economic Forum slated for the 23rd – 24th October in Sochi at the Sirius Park of Science and Art.

According to a State House Press Release, the President will today, the 23rd October, participate in a plenary session of the Russia-Africa Economic Forum, which will provide a detailed discussion of potential growth points of cooperation between Russia and African countries. The theme for the Economic Forum is: “Russia and Africa: Uncovering the Potential for Cooperation”.

It was also reported that on the 24th October, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio will also participate in the Russia-Africa Summit, which will be co-chaired by the President of the Russian Federation, His Excellency Vladimir Putin and the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Chairman of the African Union. The Summit is expected to look at the current state and prospects of Russia’s relations with African countries and the expansion of political, economic, technical and cultural cooperation.

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio is expected to deliver a statement during the Russia-Africa Summit, where he will highlight Russia’s support to Sierra Leone, the opportunities for future trade and investment and commit Sierra Leone to a lasting economic partnership with Russia. Whilst in Russia, he will also engage in several meetings on the margins of the Economic Forum and Summit to attract investment in Sierra Leone.

From Russia, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio will travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where he will visit Elite Agro, a leading producer and distributor of agricultural commodities in UAE. Elite Agro and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are in discussions to sign a Cooperative Agreement for an agricultural project involving 14,000 hectares of arable land at the Rhombe Swamp in Port Loko District. The President is also expected to be taken on a conducted tour of the Elite Agro Farms.

Whilst in United Arab Emirates, His Excellency will also visit Mohammad Omar Bin Haider Holding Group, a leading diversified business conglomerate with diverse interests in real estate, healthcare, education, hotel and tourism, manufacture, infrastructure among others. The meeting between the President and the Chairman of the MOBH Group is expected to focus on the Presidential Infrastructure Initiatives.

President Julius Maada Bio is accompanied by the First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio.

Considered A Strain On The Budget… Office Of Chief Minister Sierra Leone Comes Under Criticism

Chief Minister Prof. David Francis


By Fatmata Jengeh

With the country still under austerity that dates back to the last days of the former APC regime, many Sierra Leoneans are of the opinion that President Bio has not been matching words to action in terms of his election promise to reduce government expenditure whilst increasing national revenue, as a way of reducing both the Government’s recurrent expenditure and reducing the national debt.

His critics, who accuse President Bio of having created too many new offices, some say to satisfy his party people, including that of the Office of Chief Minister, ask, what are the roles and responsibilities of the Chief Minister in a presidential system of government, wherein there is an Office of the Vice President?

In India, which has a parliamentary system of Government, the Chief Minister is the real ruler of the State and his role, status and position is very high. He is the effective Head of the State and Government. It is upon his recommendation that Ministers are appointed. He allocates portfolios to the Ministers.

If a Chief Minister is unhappy with a Minister, he can ask the Minister to resign or he can drop him from the Council by reshuffling it. He can even ask the Governor to dismiss a Minister in extreme cases. As the presiding officer of the Council of Ministers, he greatly influences its deliberations. In India, he controls the whole cabinet, which can collapse if the Chief Minister resigns from his office.

As the chief spokesman of the State Government, he explains the Government policies. In the matter of determining the internal policies of the State, the decision of the Chief Minister is final. He works to reconcile the policy of the party with that of the Government. In India, the popularity of the ruling party largely depends on the personality and efficiency of the Chief Minister.

Miscellaneous functions:

It is an important function of the Chief Minister to maintain contact with the people at large.

He keeps a watchful eye on public opinion at the time of formulating government policy and performing his functions.

He discusses the problems and issues of the State and tries to form public opinion in support of his party or alliance through his speeches in the radio, the T.V., public meetings, etc.

Here in Sierra Leone, many people say they find it hard to see clearly the Chief Minister’s defined roles and responsibilities and how he works to provide the State with effective governance.

The Chief Minister was appointed by the President of Sierra Leone on April 30, 2018 to coordinate the operations of all Ministries in the Government of Sierra Leone. The office became redundant in 1978 when Sierra Leone became a one-party State led by the APC’s Dr Siaka Stevens. The incumbent works under the direction of the President to handle the daily operations of the Government, including oversight and monitoring.

He oversees the implementation of the Government’s goals and priorities across all ministries, departments and agencies. In addition to these responsibilities, the Chief Minister is the chair of three sectoral ministries:

Education and Social Development Sector Ministries

Finance and Economic Development Sector Ministries

Peace, Security, and Justice Sector Ministries