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Brewery Commissions 5th Submersible Solar-Powered Water Wells

Sierra Leone’s foremost brewer of beverages, Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) on Tuesday 30th April, 2019 commissioned 2 submersible solar-powered water wells in Kamara Town. This is the fifth out of seven that have been commissioned so far in the Wellington Industrial area.
Speaking at the auspicious occasion, SLBL Corporate Affairs Manager, Albert Ojo Collier, informed his large audience that the investment that Heineken Africa Foundation provided for the project amounted to EUR 69,458, which he said is over Le600M, of which EUR. 57,008 (which is Le503,653,325) has already been received and expended in the first phase for the construction work. He went on to say that the SLBL continues to play an important role in the social and economic growth of Sierra Leone through “our corporate social responsibility agenda, with the support of the Heineken Africa Foundation.” He added that the SLBL recently approved a new project for the support of an improved ultra sound maternity project for Well Woman clinic at Murray Town. He informed his audience that in the past four years, ‘we have traversed the length and breadth of these communities unveiling water and sanitation projects. This is to augment the availability of potable water supply and indeed to keep the taps running, especially to the water constrained communities, who previously never had adequate access to this precious service.
He called on Sierra Leoneans and especially those directly benefitting from the project to ensure they take good care of the facilities and report anyone found damaging or stealing from these facilities.
In his own statement, Councilor Mohamed Jean Tholley, explained about the challenges and sufferings of his people before the intervention of the SLBL. He thanked the sponsors of the project and promised that it would be well taken care of. He warned that anyone found damaging or stealing from these facilities would be arrested and prosecuted and if found guilty sentenced to jail term.
Other speakers were the Chief, Youth Leader, and the Member of Parliament representing the area, Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah, who commended SLBL and Heineken for the gesture. He urged the company to keep up with its good work, adding that SLBL has been a major contributor to the socio-economic stability of the country over the years.
The climax of the ceremony was the formal commissioning of the submersible solar-powered water well done in consonance with Albert Ojo Collier, Hon. Alpha Amadu Bah and others,

Democracy In Crisis… APC Stages Another Walkout In Parliament

That there is something fundamentally flawed in the relationship between the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party and the main opposition All Peoples’ Congress is becoming all the more glaring as the APC has again staged a walkout from parliament during the official opening of the 2nd session of the 5th Parliament by President Bio pursuant to the constitutional provisions.
When The Calabash asked one of the APC Members of Parliament, the reason for their walkout, he said they are tired and fed up with being bullied by the President and his government. Observers saw the APC MPs walking in the vicinity of Parliament with protesting placards in their hands.
Asked to elaborate, he said that as partners in governance with the ruling party, as well as the other political parties in parliament, the APC, he said, believes that the President and his government do not listen to the opposition, but have since the election of the speaker of parliament, rode roughshod over them.
“We cannot go on this way,” the disgruntled APC MP said, adding that in a democracy, the voice of the opposition must be heard by the government, especially when that opposition has the majority in parliament.
He furthered that both the President and NEC have so far failed to listen to their party’s demand for the NEC Chief Commissioner to resign, citing his alleged woeful conduct of the Kambia district council bye-election in Tonko Limba, which he said does not give APC trust and confidence in the current NEC leadership to conduct free, fair, transparent elections.
Whilst a good proportion of the population sympathizes with the APC, others have said that APC must understand that existing political tensions in the country cannot be resolved by staging walkouts from parliament every now and then. This they say, gives the ruling party a free hand to do just what it wants; as happened in the case of the election of the speaker and his deputy last year; as well as passing into law of the emergency Act.
“Boycott is not the way to solve problems and to express different opinions,” one Sierra Leonean living in UK said about the latest APC walkout from parliament.
“We understand APC’s struggle to enforce democratic values in the governance system,” the Sierra Leonean in London said, “we sense that the ruling party is cracking down on the opposition; we understand APC’s mistrust in the President and his government, however running away from the battle is not the answer.”
“Let APC take their grievances to the people through involvement with civil society, the media and international partners,” suggested one sympathizer, adding that, “In Africa generally we know that the party in power always behaves like a tyrant, but with the involvement of the people, civil society and the media, the party in power can be reminded of its role, responsibilities and limitations; failing which the people can always express their grievance against the party in power at the ballot box.”

MASADA To Introduce Waste Transformers In Freetown

Waste management has been a serious problem in Sierra Leone for decades it not only affects the environment, but the health conditions of the citizens.
As part of addressing this problem, Masada an institution that has been working tremendously to mitigate waste in the country is poised to place 40 small-scale digesters, called waste transformers within the Freetown municipality.
These waste transformers will transform organic waste into energy, onsite. And it will also tackle the issue of sanitation, as this will allow communities, schools, and hospitals to turn their waste into value. The waste will not only be turned into energy, but it will also be turned into a high grade natural fertilizer for farming, create and provide employment for young people.

Speaking during the launching ceremony, Chief Executive Officer of Masada, Gibril Wilson, disclosed that this project is aimed at turning organic waste into biagraph that can be used for electricity, cooking Gas, fertilizer etc. He maintained that a demonstration of this new technology will be staged at the Well Woman Clinic at Aberdeen. This will be the pilot phase in anticipation of a 40 consignment, which will be rolled out across Freetown over 5 years. Whilst it will provide a greener way of disposing waste, it will also provide jobs for young people, especially those involve in the collection of waste with push carts and also Masada trained staff. He stressed that the challenges that population growth brings to the waste disposal system of the city will be a thing of the past. The absence of sufficient resources for waste disposal, absence of waste dumping sites, high cost of importing artificial fertilizers will be addressed by the Waste Transformers, as it will transform all organic waste to energy (electricity), turn them into natural fertilizers for farmers, no more will organic waste be seen in landfills, he stressed.
Potential locations for these waste Transformers will be in Industrial Parks, Hospitals, Households, food markets and neighbors. Waste Transformers are a set of shipping containers equipped with latest technologies to generate value from organic waste.

LAB Presents progress on Goal 16 at World Justice Forum

The work of the Legal Aid Board in implementing Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on access to justice has been showcased at a side event at the just concluded World Justice Forum in The Hague, Netherlands. Sierra Leone, South African and Brazil were the only countries to be showcased at the side event.
The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles presented a paper on the topic, ‘Agenda 2030 – Approaches to nationalizing and Implementing Goal 16 and Access to Justice’ at the Forum on Tuesday 30th April 2019.’
She told the Forum that the provision of primary justice services by Paralegals across the country has significantly improved access especially in remote communities, which have very limited access to the Criminal Justice System.
‘We do this through mediation of minor disputes which are of a civil nature; Legal Empowerment through community and school outreach to educate people about the laws, human rights and the legal processes; referral of matters from the Informal to the Formal Courts; monitoring of Local and Informal Courts in terms of the matters they hear and determine and provision of advice and legal assistance to traditional leaders and their subjects,’ she said.
In addition, she noted that the Board has established satellite offices, Community Advisory Bureaus (CAB) in twenty Wards in the capital Freetown, which are aimed at making justice accessible and affordable by empowering local communities to take ownership of their justice needs through the provision of primary justice services to members of the community.
Ms. Carlton-Hanciles intimated the Forum that the Board developed a National Training Manual for Paralegals in 2017. She added that plans are already in place for the introduction of the formal training of Paralegals at the Judicial and Legal Training Institute (JLTI). This will also be introduced in Tertiary and Higher Institutions in the Country in future.
She noted that the Board continues to train partners and traditional leaders on access to justice issues. ‘The Board trained 44 traditional chiefs of the Western Area Council of Tribal Headmen as Paralegals to educate them on their powers in terms of matters they can hear and determine, referrals for matters which fall outside their remit, mediation skills and assistance they can offer to their tribe’s men and women accessing the formal and informal justice system,’ she explained.
She added that the trainings were meant to empower tribal heads, who operate informal courts as to their powers under the law in terms of matters they can hear and determine, referrals for matters which fall outside their remit, mediation and assistance they could provide their tribe’s men and women accessing the formal and informal justice system. ‘These partnerships are important to the work of the Board in terms of collaboration in community outreach events, information sharing, establishment of access to justice structures, community mobilization and resource sharing,’ she said.
On the innovative use of technology to improve access to justice, Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said that WhatsApp groups are used to educate, report on activities on a regular basis, provide support to each other, discuss successes and challenges in a timely and speedy manner. ‘The Forums are crucial to the work of the Board, especially for Paralegals in remote parts of the country with little or no access to the internet in terms of providing instant updates on issues of justice,’ she said
The presentation was climaxed with the presentation of statistical data and criminal justice indicators for Sierra Leone. The cumulative date indicate that 250,499 people including non-Sierra Leoneans, benefited from the scheme from its inception in May 2015 to March 2019, by way of legal advice and Legal representation, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Legal Empowerment/ Legal Education.
106,655 people benefitted from the scheme in 2018. This is up 23,602 in 2017 when 83,053 people benefitted from the scheme. 30,009 females and 39,834 children benefitted from the scheme in 2018. These account for 14% and 19% of beneficiaries respectively. While males accounted for majority (78%) of beneficiaries of legal representation provided by Legal Aid Counsels, females and children accounted for majority (80%) of beneficiaries of the Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation.
She said that the Board has been able to secure the release of 117 inmates by habeas corpus; some of whom had been on remand without trial for seven or more years.

Orange Launches Special Sunakati Promotion

Sierra Leone’s leading mobile operator, Orange SL. on Thursday 2nd May 2019 at the Calaba Town round-about, launched yet again another Ramadan promotion, ‘SUNAKATI WIT ORANGE’, which will see many Sierra Leoneans getting various food items and cash during the month of Ramadan. This promotion is slated to last from the 2nd May to end on the 15th of June 2019.

Speaking during the launching ceremony, the Strategic Marketing and Partnership Manager, Orange Money Department, Madam Abibatu Baxton, said that Orange always gives what matters to its customers, as recently it launched ‘Di Rial 4G’ internet data service, which has changed the face of 4G internet in the country. She also spoke about the reduction of price of data, voice communication clarity, Sunday Kola, Youth Offer (YO) etc. and the extension of their network across the country.

On the promotion during this period, Madam Baxton maintained that this is not the first time to undertake such a promotion. They have always been rolling out new promotions every Ramadan period. The package of the promotion is that 10 customers will win food supply every day for a period of one week; 20 customers will win food supply for a period of one month and at the end of the promotion, 5 people will win food supply for a period of one year and Le5 million cash each. The food supply, she disclosed, includes a bag of rice, gallon of oil, Sugar, Milk etc. and 450 people are expected to win nationwide by the end of the promotion.

Desmond Spaine, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Orange-SL, said that as an institution they always ensure that they work towards their CSR and in this regard stated that over the years they have built schools, taken care of Ebola children and currently they are taking care of some 50 kids at the SOS Freetown, BO and Makeni. As part of the Ramadan promotion, they will ensure that they provide food package to the less privileged across the country for the 30 days period of the Ramadan.

Voice, Data, Device Manager Orange-SL, Felix Z. Macaulay, also added his voice to the promotion, maintaining that they are coming in four different ways, adding that “if you are using GSM you will benefit from all the offers like; weekend kola, data bundle, youth offer (YO) and these offers can also be enjoyed by orange money customers with reduction in the price of the offers. The promotion also includes giving food items to eleven mosques within the country. This revelation was greeted with cheers from on-lookers and passengers awaiting transportation to the city.

President Julius Maada Bio Addresses Parliament on One Year Achievements

President Julius Maada Bio

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has updated Members of Parliament on his Government’s achievements in one year and his future priority policies at this year’s State Opening Parliament in Freetown on Thursday 2nd May 2019.

President Bio told lawmakers in the well and citizens, through a nationwide television and radio broadcast, that although the first year in office had gone so quickly, the achievements his government had made were deliberately meant to lay a solid foundation for sustainable development. He noted that restoring the country’s international reputation was important too, and thanked members of the country’s workforce for their devotion to the development of the country.

He recalled that in his maiden address to Parliament in 2018, he made a commitment to transform the economy, create the ecosystem for investment and private sector growth, and most importantly to invest in human capital development by making wide-ranging institutional and governance reforms. He noted that the country was standing on the threshold of renewed hope and confidence for citizens, investors and development partners.

“Overall, fiscal deficit GDP ratio has dropped from 8.7 percent in 2017 to 5.4 percent in 2018 as a result of ongoing efforts to control expenditure while mobilising domestic revenue. Domestic revenues collected during 2018 increased to Le 4.35 trillion or 14.0 percent of GDP compared to Le 3.34 trillion or 12.6 percent of GDP in 2017, an increase of about Le 1.0 trillion. From April 2018 to March 2019 the Government collected a total of 5.09 trillion of domestic revenues giving a monthly average of Le 424 billion.

“The initial ban of export on timber was lifted in October 2018. A sole exporter was designated to export 13,000 containers of timber that was estimated to be available for export at the time of the ban. Between October 2018 and March 2019, the total amount realised from timber export was $16.5 million. Mindful of the need for environmental management, an additional US$ 2.4 million is now allocated for reforestation,” he said.

President Bio also told Parliament that despite the gains made in fiscal reforms, there had been a depreciation of the Leones over the past 12 months. He cited the lull in iron-ore mining and possible off-shore foreign exchange transactions among the factors that limited foreign exchange inflows into the official banking sector. The President disclosed that iron-ore production would soon resume in the country, adding that the government would clamp down on offshore foreign exchange transactions and compel all remittances and foreign disbursements to be done through the domestic banking system.

He also stated that over the last 12 months his Government recognised the fact that past government strategy was characterised by divisiveness, exclusion, leading to the weakening and subverting of state governing institutions. He recalled that he had promised to launch a Presidential Initiative that would herald a national conference on diversity management and the rebuilding of national cohesion.

“I am pleased to report that Government has prepared the establishment of the Independence Commission for Peace and National Cohesion. A Green Paper has been submitted for consultation on how to achieve inclusive governance and improve on the infrastructure for peace and democratisation. Together, with the Green Paper on Democratic Consolidation and National Cohesion, we shall host a National Dialogue Conference to be called the Bintumani 2,” he said.

He stated that in fulfilment of his manifesto promise, his Government had launched the Free Quality Education programme in August 2018, adding that that initiative had benefitted some 2.14 million pupils in Government-owned and Government-assisted pre-primary, and secondary schools. The planning for the programme, he noted, was informed by data from the National School Census collected with the support of the British Department for International Development and the World Bank.

“To demonstrate our commitment to education, my Government has increased and sustained budgetary allocation to 21% in 2018 Supplementary Budget and 2019 Budget. Government has invested in school infrastructure and feeding. A total of Le 3 billion was provided for the provision of furniture to 90 schools most in need and another Le 3 billion for the rehabilitation of 50 schools.

“Additionally, 210,000 pupils in Koinadugu, Falaba, Kambia, Pujehun and Tonkolili are currently benefitting from the National School Feeding Programme and Le 69 billion is allocated for the remaining 11 districts. The 2019 budget provided for the recruitment of 5,000 additional teachers. The Teaching Service Commission has received and is processing 12,000 applications for recruitment and over 1,075 have been recruited,” he said.

UBA Celebrates 70 years of Excellent Services to customers at its special CEO Awards gala

l-r: CEO, UBA Africa, Mr. Victor Osadolor; GMD/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka; Ogun State Governor-elect, Mr. Dapo Abiodun; Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-olu; Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr Tony Elumelu; Kwara State Governor Elect, Alhaji AbdulRahman Abdulrasaq; Wife of UBA Chairman, Dr Awele Elumelu; Director, UBA Plc, Mrs Onari Duke; Former Governor of Ogun State, Aremo Olusegun Osoba; Director, UBA Plc, Erelu Angela Adebayo; Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade; and Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi; and Representative of Emir of Kano and Sarikin Shanub Kano, Alhaji Shehu Muhammad; at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.

Pan African financial institution, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc with operations in 20 African countries and in the United Kingdom, the USA and Paris, over the weekend, celebrated 70 years of operations in an event that was as exciting as it was nostalgic.

Clients, friends and well-wishers from all works of life joined the UBA Group led by the Chairman Mr Tony O. Elumelu, to commemorate 70 years of legacy with the organisation which has over the decades, emerged as one of Africa’s topmost financial giants.

The platinum anniversary of UBA was combined with the bank’s annual CEO awards ceremony as members of staff from all 23 countries of operations who had excelled over the past year were rewarded in the midst of thousands of guests.

In attendance at the epic night of activities, were royal fathers, captains of industry, political leaders, clients and friends of the bank. Some of the guests present were the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye, Enitan Ogunwusi; the Emir of Kano represented by the Sarkin Shanun of Kano, Alhaji Shehu Mohammed; Former and Present Governors of Cross Rivers State, Donald Duke and Prof Ben Ayade; Governors-elect of Lagos, Ogun and Kwara States, Babajide Sanwo-olu, Dapo Abiodun and AbdulRahman AbdulRazak.

Also present were Pastor Tunde Bakare; Chief Emeka Anyaoku; Otunba Gbenga Daniels; Chief Segun Osoba; Otunba Niyi Adebayo; Dr Jim Ovia; Oba Otudeko; Nnamdi Okonkwo; Rasheed Olaoluwa, amongst many others.

Former Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Ibrahim Babaginda who could not attend the event sent in letters of congratulations to commend the bank on its landmark achievements.

The Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr. Tony Elumelu, accompanied by his wife Dr. Awele, remarked that UBA remains a leading financial institution on the continent and hitting the 70th year mark was a laudable achievement.

He said, “It is a time to celebrate UBA’s rich heritage and legacy over 70 years and to tell everyone who has contributed to what UBA is today, that we appreciate all they have been doing and how they have ensured that the investment put into the bank over the past decades have paid off.”

Tony Elumelu who invited all past chairmen, board members and management as well as senior staff both past and present on stage said “These are cherished moments for us, and we’d like to thank all of you who have made it possible for us to be where we are today. Thank you to everyone, our customers, stakeholders and those who have passed through UBA and worked hard to lay a solid foundation for creating a foremost institution. It is an evening worth celebrating for us all. 70 years is a huge number, a milestone achievement” he enthused.

The Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kennedy Uzoka, spoke about the banks’ achievements over the past 70 years and some of its objectives for the coming years, commending staff for their hard work and resilience that have contributed to UBA retaining its position as Africa’s top bank of choice.

“Every year, it is our tradition to appreciate our people who have put in their very best and gone far and beyond the call of duty to deliver excellent services to our customers and this year is even more exciting as we celebrate 70 years of our existence.

Mr Jim Ovia, Chairman of Zenith bank, commended the management and staff of the bank, adding that “UBA remains one of the greatest banks in Sub Saharan Africa. UBA is built to last. I heartily congratulate all staff and shareholders. I should have bought UBA shares but I guess it is not too late to do that’ he stated.

At the celebrations, the story of UBA was depicted in the Tony Award winning Broadway musical of the Lion King. Serengeti depicts the story of the young cub who grew into a strong Lion, in spite of the odds, and empowered all the other animals in the jungle. Great performances by A-list artists such as ‘science students’ crooner, Olamide, Phyno, Patoranking, Dbanj and female sensation, Tiwa Savage entertained the audience of over 2500 guests. The surprise act which ended the night on a high, was the performance by award winning Nigerian artist, Wizkid who delivered nothing but the best in entertainment.

Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr. Tony Elumelu and Wife Dr Awele Elumelu at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.
GMD/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.
Ooni of Ile-Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi; Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu; Chairman of Zenith Bank Plc, Mr. Jim Ovia; Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr Tony Elumelu; Group Managing Director/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka; and Ogun State Governor-elect, Mr. Dapo Abiodun; at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.
l-r: Ogun State Governor-elect, Mr. Dapo Abiodun; Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu; Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr Tony Elumelu; GMD/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka; Wife of UBA Chairman, Dr Awele Elumelu; Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr. Tony Elumelu; Director, UBA Plc, Mrs Onari Duke; and Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi; at the l UBA CEO Awards and the presentation of art work to UBA by Oba Ogunwusi to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.
l-r: Chairman, UBA Plc, Mr Tony Elumelu; GMD/CEO, UBA Plc, Mr Kennedy Uzoka; Ogun State Governor-elect, Mr. Dapo Abiodun; Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade, at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend.
Overview at the Special UBA CEO Awards to mark the Bank’s 70th Anniversary in Lagos at the Weekend

President Bio Decorates Sierra Leoneans, Foreign Diplomats with National Awards

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has on Saturday 27 April 2019, decorated 58 distinguished Sierra Leoneans, two foreign nationals and two international organisations for their contributions to nation building at the commemoration of the 58th Independence Anniversary of the country.

The investiture and insignia awards to the foreign diplomats, Mr. Amara Essy, former Ivorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Michael Schulenburg, former UN Special Representative in Sierra Leone, as Grand Commanders Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone (GCRSL) for their selfless services in maintaining the peace and development of the country.

The two international organisations, the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for their strive at easing suffering, providing development assistance and fostering charity and justice to all Sierra Leoneans. The other is Medicine Sans Frontiers (MSF), an independent French medical humanitarian charity that has provided medical assistance to Sierra Leoneans affected by war, epidemic, disaster and healthcare support.

The 58 patriots of Sierra Leone who received the awards of Commander of the Order of the Republic of Sierra Leone (CORSL), Grand Officer of the Order of Rokel (GOOR), Officer of the Order of Rokel (OOR) and Member of the Order of Rokel (MOR) were for their collective and individual roles they played in building the solid blocks of Sierra Leone, for which they have been honoured.

Pres. Bio Hob Nobs with Muslims

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has joined members of the Muslim Community to offer prayers for Sierra Leone as part of this year’s 58th Independence Commemoration at a prayer session held at State House.

In his brief remarks after the sermon, President Bio said he was happy to receive Muslim worshippers as they gathered together to reflect on how far the country had come since Independence in 1961. He said the nation had not done well in achieving total independence, considering its reliance on foreign aid and partners.

He mentioned that since he took up office on April 4, 2018, the country had seen great progress and that was indicative of the country heading in the right direction.

“We are working now to build a solid foundation for our country but we cannot do it alone. So, we need to work together in our little ways to make our country better for everyone. As religious leaders, I will encourage you to harmonise your messages as a way of bringing the country together,” he said.

The prayer session was part of series of other events marking this year’s anniversary. On Saturday 27th April, the President recognised and honoured Sierra Leoneans who have made enormous contributions to public service. And the 58th Independence Anniversary will be climaxed by a Christian service on Sunday, 28th April at State House where many Christian leaders are expected to participate.

As part of the 58th Independence Anniversary, President Bio also addressed the nation on Saturday 27th April. President Bio’s decision to mark the Independence Anniversary with prayers by both Muslims and Christians has been commended by many ordinary Sierra Leoneans.

World Meeting of African Tourism to Benefit Salone

SITA over the years has become the largest African Tourism and Hospitality event in the tourism sector. This event is designed to create a unique platform for professionals in the sector and to conduct level businesses.
Through its networks with its unparalleled global reach in Africa. Sierra Leone sees the need to be part of this event, to continue the rebranding and profile-raising for the destination.

SITA is set to create personal and professional opportunities and positive positioning, providing broad based customers with quality contacts, content and communities. For 5 days and on 45,000m², the SITA brings together the biggest names in tourism.