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ACC Slams Le2.5M Fine on Ex-Minister of Works

It was disclosed that the High Court of Sierra Leone, holden at Freetown which was presided over by the Honourable Justice Reginald Sydney Fynn Jnr., on Wednesday 24th April 2019, sentenced Mr. Abdul Barrie, former Deputy Minister of Works, Housing and Infrastructure (MWHI) to three (3) years imprisonment or pay a fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Leones (Le 250,000,000), following his conviction for corruption.

Mr. Abdul Barrie was standing trial on seven (7) counts of corruption offences in relation to contracts for the refurbishment of various Government properties which he awarded to Ribar Enterprise, a business he jointly owns with his wife without disclosing his interest.

Mr. Abdul Barrie, had initially entered a ‘not-guilty’ plea at his first court appearance, but later changed his plea to ‘guilty’ for the fifth count of ‘Failure to disclose interest to public body’, contrary to Section 45 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No 12 of 2008.

Hon. Justice Reginald Fynn Jnr. convicted the former Deputy Minister of MWHI on the said count. He ordered that, if the convict chose to pay the fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Leones (Le 250,000,000), he makes a full payment within thirty (30) days, effective 24th April, 2019, or face the three years imprisonment. Trial will continue on the other counts of offences. The matter was adjourned to 20th May, 2019.

In this regard, the Commission wishes to advise all public officers who are in control of public resources to comply with laid down laws and procedures in the handling and disbursement of same.

The Commission was represented by Sariffou Harleston Esq., whilst the convict was represented by I.S. Yillah Esq.

As 2nd Leg Premier League Kicks-Off May 1… Government to Sponsor 2019/2020 Edition

“Government has also confirmed to me that they will sponsor the 2019/2020 edition of the Sierra Leone Premier League.” These were the words of PLB Chairman, Abdulai Saffa Abdulai Esq.
Football loving fans will now know for certainty that the much anticipated date of the start of the second leg of the Sierra Leone Premier League will be on Wednesday, 1st May, 2019 which is the official date set aside for the league’s resumption after a three (3) weeks break.

In a well-attended meeting by the league’s thirteen (13) participating clubs and representatives of the Premier League Board (PLB) on Monday, 22nd April 2019, deliberation and suggestions were made by almost all present as to get the appropriate date for the league’s resumption, and was unanimously agreed by all that, the International Day of Labour is deemed a fitting holiday to restart the nation’s biggest event and in the second opening of the league Anti -Drugs Strikers will host Mighty Blackpool Football Club (the Sierra Leone Premier League’s most decorated club) at the Siaka Stevens Stadium Freetown at 7:00pm.

Speaking exclusively in a buoyant mood, the Chairman of the Sierra Leone Premier League Board (SLPLB), Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai Esq said, the Premier League has been a blessing to the participating clubs and Sierra Leone as a nation. He commended the clubs for their tireless efforts in publicising their matches which has yielded dividends from the large turnouts the league has witnessed so far in the matches.

He outlined important issues to be looked at by all which amongst them is security. He said the PLB will during the second leg of matches be in charge of hiring security personnel for hosting clubs, and the clubs in turn will be paying those charges.

The legal Luminary further revealed that Government has approved the upgrading of three venues within Freetown with artificial turfs and pavilion facilities. Among the venues he mentioned were Parade Grounds at Circular Road, Attouga Mini Stadium at Cline Town and Approved School Complex in Wellington, East of Freetown.

The final date of registration of players by clubs was also discussed and Friday, 26th April was the deadline date reached for the registration of players.

The winner of this edition of the Sierra Leone Premier League would take home One hundred and Fifty Million Leones (Le 150,000,000) and a customised gold trophy, the runners up will take home One hundred Million Leones (Le 100,000,000) and a customised silver trophy as well.

Approximately, the thirteen placed club at the end of the league will take home Ten Million Leones (Le 10,000,000) from the Five Hundred Million Leones (Le 500,000,000) prize money put forward by the Premier League Board for the Premier League.

Fifa bans Obreh for life

Former national captain Ibrahim Kargbo represented Sierra Leone between 2000 and 2013.

It has been revealed that the former Sierra Leone Captain Ibrahim Kargbo popularly known as Obreh is one of four Africans to have been banned from football for life for match manipulation by Fifa which is the Football’s world governing body.
Joining Kargbo are former internationals Seidath Tchomogo from Benin and Hellings Mwakasungula of Malawi .
A 10-year ban was also given to former Kenya international George Owino Audi.
Football’s world governing body said the bans related to attempted match manipulation of international games.
However, Fifa refused to give the details of the matches in question as it also issued a fourth life ban to a players’ agent from Zimbabwe, Kudzanai Shaba.
Owino has already announced his intention to appeal while the others have yet to comment.
Not for the first time, the involvement of Singaporean Raj Perumal – a convicted match-fixer who has been closely linked with several manipulated matches in Africa – has been central to the case.
“The formal disciplinary proceedings into the aforementioned individuals stemmed from an extensive investigation into various international matches that Mr Wilson Raj Perumal attempted to manipulate for betting purposes,” a Fifa statement said.
“This large-scale investigation was conducted by Fifa over several years through its Integrity Department and in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders and authorities.
“The decisions were notified to the individuals concerned on Wednesday 24 April, the date on which the relevant bans came into force.”
Kargbo, who represented Sierra Leone from 2000-2013, has previously been accused of match-fixing by the football associations of Sierra Leone and the Netherlands, where he played for Willem II in 2009, but has denied the charges on both occasions.
It is unclear if his case is linked to a long-standing investigation into potential match-fixing involving Sierra Leone during a World Cup qualifier in 2008.

Former Kenya international George Owino has been handed a 10-year ban by Fifa.
Meanwhile, Owino, who played for Kenya between 2008-2015, denied wrongdoing when Fifa announced in February that it wanted a full investigation into allegations that several Kenya internationals were fixed.
A detailed Fifa report said it had prima facie evidence that both Owino and Perumal conspired to influence the result of several Kenya internationals between 2009-2011, including a World Cup clash against Tunisia.
“We have received the ruling from Fifa but my lawyer is going to appeal,” Owino told BBC Sport.
Tchomogo represented Benin at three different Africa Cup of Nations tournaments – in 2004, 2008 and 2010 – but there is no suggestion that any games at these events were subject to attempted manipulation.
At the time of publication, none of the four Africans to have been sanctioned by Fifa had commented about their punishments.
In addition to the African quartet, Fifa also handed out life bans to former players from Afghanistan, Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago.

NP: Pride of Sierra Leone and Equal to None

The National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited is indisputably large, having etched its name in the sands of time; an enviable position within the business landscape in the West African sub-region with outlets in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where the company is functioning very well.
Being a very successful petroleum entity NP had and still continues to contribute tremendously towards overall national development.
This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various jobs to residents in the afore-mentioned countries thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level. This is also directly linked to it being one of the largest taxpayers to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) financially empowering the Government to roll out various development projects.
One of the most outstanding features that NP has is its competent managerial team which from time to time comes up with good initiatives always ensuring that they are effusively, effectively implemented to create value for money. Since it was established by 35 Sierra Leoneans who bought shares from the government years back, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the centrepiece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region.
If you ask those who really know NP the feedbacks you will get will definitely rally around its commitment to customer care which it strongly believes must be prioritised to give satisfaction.
The selflessness and commitment of the shareholders have made it possible for the company to empower many Sierra Leoneans and at the same time put it at a vantage position to continue to open more filling stations across the country. That again is another lane that the company is pursuing with fruitful dividends realized.
NP has doggedly maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers’ right within the sub-region and most have confessed that they are realizing optimum satisfaction in dealing with NP. The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying dividends always resulting to a win-win scenario making NP very endearing to all and sundry.
The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, Petroleum Directorate, has lauded NP for its efficient service delivery where ever it is operating.
The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans NP Gas cookers of various sizes which are affordable, safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country.
When we talk of the serious implementation of the Local Content Policy NP stands out tall as it is truly an indigenous company having all its indigenes, particularly in Sierra Leone, as its workers. This is one of the pillars that have made the company to turn out to be a success story.
The company’s result-oriented managerial team will definitely and sustainably continue to put NP at the top.
NP-SL Ltd is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

Reflecting On Our 58th Independence: Time to Forge Head

On Saturday 27th April, 2019 Sierra Leone will be celebrating its 58th Independence Anniversary since 1961.
Sierra Leoneans in and out of the country will reflect on how far we have come since we de-linked ourselves from the political yoke of our colonial British masters.
It will definitely be a trip down Memory Lane as we measure the gains we have made so far; and our lapses which should give us the impetus to chart the road map we need to roll-out to push the country forward.
On reflection, in 1961 the new nation known as Sierra Leone was born at the stroke of midnight, when it’s green, white and blue flag was unfurled. A huge crowd, gathered at the then Brookfields Playground in Freetown to watch the historic moment, which broke into tumultuous cheering. The changing of the colours happened on April 26, 1961, with the light of the British flag turned off at exactly 11.59pm and the flag of the new independent Sierra Leone unveiled for the first time at exactly 12 midnight.
Queen Elizabeth II sent her cousin, Prince Edward to stand in her stead. It was him that handed over the constitutional instruments to the then Sierra Leone Prime Minister, Sir Milton Margai, to tumultuous applause from the general public and representatives in Parliament.
This marked the Independence of our nation which formally began as the Duke of Kent handed over royal instruments recognizing Sierra Leone as an independent nation.
Since we became an autonomous nation much water has passed under the bridge with regard the socio-economic and political strides we have so far made. But it is an established fact that despite gaining independence from Britain via neo-colonialism, we were positioned to largely become heavily dependent on British aid.
This is understandable when cognisance is taken of the fact that the British are very interested in exploiting our resources which with all amount of certainty has contributed greatly to catapult them to a First World status and the trend still continues. The umbilical cord that they have diplomatically created has been made so subtle, clothed into giving us the impression that they are genuinely keen in deepening our diplomatic credentials and enhance socio-economic growth but the crux of the matter is that such an interest is bordered on blatant and outright exploitation.
However, we can objectively argue that if our political leaders that assumed political power after the era of the Post-Independence Prime Minister, Sir Milton Margai, have done this beautiful and resourceful country a disservice to the chagrin of the majority of Sierra Leoneans Authoritatively, we can claim that if this country was not somehow cursed with such leaders who were so subservient , always dancing to the tune of our former colonial masters, who manipulated them to suit their selfish aggrandisement, this country would not be in quagmire in which it is today.
Indeed, since we gained Independence it has not been all gloom and doom as indeed we have made some amount of progress on different fronts but the crux of the matter is that bad governance, greed, tribalism and institutionalized, massive corruption have all robbed this country of rising from the doldrums. It is really pathetic to say the least.
To make matters worse and reversing all the gains that we have made an internecine and senseless war reared up its ugly head decimating every facet of the country not to talk of the many lives it consumed leaving in its trail underdevelopment, misery and sorrow further plunging the country into the doldrums.
In celebrating our country’s 58th Independence Anniversary many are pessimistically asking the question: What should we really celebrate? This question keeps coming up from different quarters simply because the vast majority of Sierra Leoneans are wallowing in abject poverty finding it very difficult to make ends meet. The economy is currently in a mess as the dollar exchange rate to the Leone is skyrocketing nearly every week translating in inflation manifest in increases in the prices of basic commodities. Many are disillusioned, only hoping that things will change.
It can be said that there is indeed a glimmer of hope in the horizon as the current political dispensation under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio is pursuing an ambitious New Direction policy geared towards overhauling what it referred to as an “inherited battered” economy. Indeed, we have witnessed the implementation of the Free Education program, a Single Treasury Account to eliminate leakages, a dogged anti-corruption stance, the deepening of women empowerment, taking a tough stance against violence against women, pursuing technology and innovation as well as luring direct foreign investments. Since the government is at an embryonic stage we cannot objectively conclude that it has not added value to us as an Independent State.
Building a sustainable human capital is very much paramount in the journey of a New Direction because when a nation has an enlightened populace there is every likelihood that we will make meaningful inroads to the development we are all aspiring for.
Of essence also, is to put premium on agriculture for self-sufficiency and exportation because the more we export, the more we will earn foreign exchange which will make the Leone very appreciable.
Youth empowerment must be seriously considered as they, the youth, form the bulk of the country’s population but majority of them are not gainfully engaged which has resulted into the surge of hooliganism, cliques and robbery. We need to make them more relevant to the country’s development trajectory and indeed they can be positively transformed.
As we celebrate, let us look back from how far we have come and make solid projections which we must patriotically, genuinely strive towards putting aside selfish interests greed in order to harness the resources we have been endowed with so that standards of living of the vast majority of Sierra Leoneans will improve remarkably. This should not be a matter of politics but must be a national crusade that we must win and indeed win us must.
Happy 58th Independence Anniversary to all and sundry. Sierra Leone will surely rise again!
And as we reflect, let us keep in mind our national anthem and let’s put the words into motion:
High we exalt thee, realm of the free;
Great is the love we have for thee;
Firmly united ever we stand,
Singing thy praise, O native land.
We raise up our hearts and our voices on high,
The hills and the valleys re-echo our cry;
Blessing and peace be ever thine own,
Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.
One with a faith that wisdom inspires,
One with a zeal that never tires;
Ever we seek to honour thy name,
Ours is the labour, thine the fame.
We pray that no harm on thy children may fall,
That blessing and peace may descend on us all;
So may we serve thee ever alone,
Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.
Knowledge and truth our forefathers spread,
Mighty the nations whom they led;
Mighty they made thee, so too may we
Show forth the good that is ever in thee.
We pledge our devotion, our strength and our might,
Thy cause to defend and to stand for thy right;
All that we have be ever thine own,
Land that we love, our Sierra Leone.

MMCE&T Launches Renewable Program

2 of the equipments


In a feat of making further accomplishments, the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCE&T) polytechnic has got a new program. The Acting Principal, Dr. Philip John Kanu on Thursday 18th April 2019 commissioned the renewable energy program at the Congo Cross campus of the polytechnic at which ceremony he asserted that his three main priorities for the college are to return the college to its former glory when its products were very marketable by introducing quality teaching and learning, infrastructural development in all the three campuses of the polytechnic and transform the college to a technical university.
The donate equipments for the renewable energy program include 25 computers, over 1,000 solar panels for practical, wind turbines, 19 multi-meters, solar water heaters and a bicycle that plays music for exercise.
A public lecture was also delivered by Abu Bakarr Bah, a renowned engineer from the United Kingdom, who has worked both in Sierra Leone and the UK.
Dr. Kanu added that the event is very important, that the college would venture into new areas, that his interaction with people over the years resulted to the donation of the equipments by the organization, Bintumani D-SL German–Sierra Leone Society and pledged to be inviting various renowned professionals to deliver public lectures at the college to motivate students, continued that the public lecture would form part of the examination of students stressing that he does not intend to hold on to his position forever and entreated students that the Congo Cross campus is special and close to his heart.
Dr. Kanu also encouraged students to study hard, be responsible underscoring that most of the developments taking place in the college is for them and warned them not to misuse the facilities and bus that would soon be provided for them nor allow people to instigate them to engage in violence or other social vices.
Abu Bakarr Bah, a renowned engineer from the United Kingdom, who has worked in Sierra Leone and the UK, in his public lecture, dilated on health and safety awareness, competencies required for different tasks, hazards and risks in the construction industry, how to prevent accidents asserting that 75% of the laws in the UK are applicable in Sierra Leone although they are not enforced.
He also talked about the Sierra Leone Factories Act 1974, construction design and management, regulations and guidance reiterating that in the UK it is mandatory for a Health and Safety Policy for all construction companies, that it is compulsory for the employer to provide the resources, first aid, emergency procedures, address noise vibration, security, storage, electricity, provide Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs), fire extinguishers, communication as well as address dusts and fumes, movement of vehicles and working from heights, two of the most high risk operations in the industry.
Earlier in his welcome statement, the college’s Registrar, Mr. Sherifu Bangura, who chaired the event, stated that the occasion is a transformation in the history of the college while the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering observed that the day is remarkable in the history and transforming of the college to a technical university enlightening that the laboratory is the first of its kind nationwide for which he is very delighted for the sponsors and hoped other well-wishers would emulate their sterling example.
The Dean of the Congo Cross campus, engineer Ngabai disclosed that the renewable energy laboratory is the number one in the country and that even institutions offering renewable energy courses do not have such a facility recalling that the same organization had earlier in 2006 donated some computers to the college and affirmed that Milton Margai College is moving ahead of other institutions.
The Vice Principal, Dr. M.A. Jalloh pointed out that the commissioning of the renewable energy program is another milestone in the annals of the college, a revolution and highlighted the remarkable achievements of the Acting Principal in just a year underscoring that he is poised to make the college great again and second to none and encouraged all to go along with the development train.
Dr. Wilfred Gibson, Physics and Mathematics graduate, Dr. Suliaman Sow, Food Security and Post-Harvest Specialist, Abu Kamara, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer all from the Scaling–Up Nutrition Secretariat in the Office of the Vice President, staff, lecturers and students also attended the event.
The vote of thanks was rendered by Ibrahim Turay, the Federal President, while the conducted tour of the renewable energy laboratory climaxed the event.
The public lecture will be uploaded on the college’s website.

Online Digital Platform to enter University of Sierra Leone

Cross-section of staff and students at the ceremony

The University of Sierra Leone which consists of Fourah Bay College, IPAM and College of Medicine is set to introduce an online digital platform to run the affairs of its administration. Crest The platform is called the DOT-EDU project, and it is an electronic digital system designed to provide Management of administration in the University of Sierra Leone.

It is delivered via a Web-browser and mobile app to administrative staff, academic faculty, lecturers, students and parents. A third year student of the peace and conflict department Ibrahim Koroma intimated switsalone that students will appreciate this new innovation, as it will help in making registration process simple and fast.
FBC Campus Umu Jalloh lecturer from the social works department expressed delight over the inception of such system at the University. “This system will help improve the University of Sierra Leone to international standards, I feel very happy for such an improvement,” she said. CEO, Mahmud Idriss Speaking to the CEO of Niche Technologies Mahmud Idriss said, his company is a locally based company that is here to digitalise the University of Sierra Leone, and other educational institutions nation wide. “We are here to play a role in improving the educational sector, by modernising and digitalizing the process of education in Sierra Leone. FBC hostel USL is the first institution that was identified to benefit from our services, and we are looking forward to working with other universities, colleges and schools in the country.

This will help improve the standards of education at this age of digital revolution. “It is believed that the system will manage USL’s student admission, student information, course and class management, student attendance, timetable management, exams management and many other services. The CEO revealed that the system is also available to junior and senior secondary schools, that may want to make use of the system. This system is currently on test, and is set to be fully operational by the end of May of this year.

“We are here to Serve Everyone from all communities…” HRC-SL Chair Avers

Mrs Patricia Narsu Ndanema ,who happens to be the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone, relayed an information to Government that while enjoyment of human rights is the collective responsibility of all, they remain optimistic that Government will be committed to their human rights obligations of respecting, protecting and fulfilling human rights thereby ensuring peaceful co-existence of the citizenry and the nation’s development.
The Chairperson was speaking on Wednesday 17th April, 2019 during the maiden Press conference of the Commissioners of HRCSL where she called on the public that ” the human rights Commission is yours. I hereby announce that our doors are wide open to all to address possible human rights violations (within our jurisdiction) without regard to ethnic, regional, political and other discriminatory considerations. We are here to serve everyone from all communities in the East, South, North, North West and the Western Areas Rural and Urban” she said.

Mrs. Ndanema assured the public that they have a mandate to uphold the HRCSL’s established vision which is for a Sierra Leone where the culture of human rights prevails, the people respect the rule of law and live in peace and dignity.

Explaining some of the strategies they will abduct in order to realise that vision, she mentioned about robust resource mobilization to promote their work at various levels, human rights education for duty bearers thereby taking along all duty bearers that have been charged to serve the people, extensive legal literacy on the local, regional and international human rights laws and obligations, extensive community/public awareness on human rights and to ensure the presence of the Commission in all districts and their environs.

“We also uphold our Mission which is to take the lead role in building the culture of human rights (i.e.respect for individual rights and responsibilities) which maintain the human dignity for all in Sierra Leone in full compliance with the constitution, statutes, international and regional instruments through effective partnership and collaboration” she averred.

She thanked the International partners of HRCSL for their financial and technical support to the Commission over the years. They craved their indulgence for their continued support towards the Commission’s effort in ensuring the enjoyment of human rights by all in the country.

To their local partners including civil society Organizations, the Chairperson renewed collaborative partnership in the protection and promotion of rights and in the education of the public on their responsibilities.

Though Rape declared National Emergency more Cases Keep Coming Up

In spite of President Bio having got the Judiciary to declare mandatory life sentence for men found guilty of sexual violence, rape and sexual penetration against minors, the action does not seem to have served as enough deterrence against perpetrators; as almost daily we read in the newspapers reports of acts of sexual crimes against particularly underage girls.
President Bio declared a national emergency over sexual and gender-based violence after recorded cases of rape and assault doubled over the last year, amid public outcry over the issue, triggered by a series of high-profile attacks.
It can be recalled that anger has been mounting over sexual violence against women following a series of high-profile cases, including that of a five-year-old girl left partially paralyzed after an alleged assault by her uncle.
President Bio said attacks on minors – which account for a third of all cases – would be punished with a life sentence, as activists said many assaults are not punished under current laws. Activists said few cases are reported and successfully prosecuted. The recommended sentence for rape – of between five and 15 years’ imprisonment – is often not imposed. Last year, a 56-year-old man who raped a six-year-old girl was sentenced to a year in prison.
More than 8,500 cases were recorded last year – a rise of nearly 4,000 on the figure from the previous year – in a country of 7.5 million people. The factors behind the spike are not yet clear. President Bio also announced the formation of a dedicated police division to investigate reports of sexual violence, as well as a special magistrates’ court that would fast-track cases.
Facts about rape…
There is no typical rapist. People who commit sexual violence come from every economic, ethnic, racial, age and social group. Drugs and alcohol are never the cause of rape or sexual assault. It is the attacker who is committing the crime, not the drugs or alcohol. Stress and depression don’t turn people into rapists or justify sexual violence either.
There are no excuses. Everyone has the legal right to say ‘no’ to sex and to change their mind about having sex at any point of sexual contact; if the other person doesn’t stop, they are committing sexual assault or rape.
Men can control their urges to have sex just as women can; no-one needs to rape someone for sexual satisfaction. Rape is an act of violence and control. It can’t be explained away and there are no excuses.
Most victims and survivors never report to the police. One reason for this is the fear of not being believed. It’s really important we challenge this myth so those who’ve been through sexual violence can get the support and justice they need and deserve.
Only around 10% of rapes are committed by ‘strangers’. Around 90% of rapes are committed by known men, and often by someone who the survivor has previously trusted or even loved. People are raped in their homes, their workplaces and other settings where they previously felt safe. Rapists can be friends, colleagues, clients, neighbours, family members, partners or exes. Risk of rape shouldn’t be used as an excuse to control women’s movements or restrict their rights and freedom.

ACC Gets Special Division in High Court to try Corruption Cases

In an unprecedented evolution and by a Constitutional instrument tabled and passed in Parliament, The Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Desmond Babatunde Edwards has, among other things, established a Special Division of the High Court to try cases charged by the Anti-Corruption Commission expeditiously.

The Anti-Corruption Division within the High Court structure will be exclusively responsible for handling corruption related matters brought before the courts with a view to ensuring that they are handled expeditiously by dedicated judges in a specially equipped court for that purpose.

For now, the Anti-Corruption Court will be located in an isolated part of the Law Courts Building and specifically designed to have its own staff, Registrar and special processes and procedures. Five (5) judges have been assigned to the division: Hon. Justice Reginald Sydney Fynn, Hon. Justice Miatta Maria Samba, Hon. Justice Fatmata Bintu Alhadi, Hon. Justice Cosmotina Jarret and Hon. Justice Simeon Allieu.

One of the persistent criticisms in the fight against corruption has been the delay in the trial of cases brought forward the courts by the ACC. Some cases usually take more than 3 years in court before judgements are passed.

The establishment of the special court for the trial of corruption-related cases is a fulfilment of the President’s promise in the Manifesto and in Parliament, and a major deliverable for the Francis Ben Kaifala-led ACC and the judiciary. Once operational, cases will now move faster and will be better organised; and will further assure the people of Sierra Leone that ACC can secure justice for them within a very limited time frame.
Additionally, significant progress has been made so far with the Anti-Corruption Amendment Act 2019 that was tabled in Parliament (both the first and second readings of the Bill have been completed and committed to the legislative Committee for final consideration). The Act will strengthen the powers of the ACC and ensure greater efficiency in carrying out its mandate. The ACC is determinedly optimistic that these strategic and necessary adjustments, once fully operational, will strengthen the fight against corruption and set the country on a firm trajectory for corruption control within the shortest possible time.