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The Medical Officer at the Directorate of Non Communicable Diseases and Mental Health, Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Abu Bakarr T. Koroma has disclosed according to a research that 75% of salt is found in what we consume as processed food, adding that only 25% is found naturally in foods or added during cooking or at the table, which he noted puts us at risk to preventable cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, heart attack, dementia etc.
Dr. Koroma made the disclosure at a 2 day material/message development workshop held last week at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies/Emergency Operation Centre on Wilkinson Road. The purpose of the message development workshop was to develop key messages and IEC materials for awareness raising and sensitization campaign in Western Area Urban on the harmful effects of high salt intake and the health benefits of low salt consumption.
While presenting on Message Development, Chief Health Education Officer and Programme Manager, Health Education Division, Lansana A. Conteh stated that they were going to embark on awareness raising/sensitization campaign in Western Area with specific focus on the effects of high salt intake, and the benefits of low salt consumption. Mr. Conteh added that as a pilot, they were going to start off by engaging 200 food handlers in Western Area and he continued that they were also going to do media engagements like interactive radio and TV discussion programmes, broadcast Jingles and develop and disseminate key messages Public Information, Communication and Education, thereby changing attitudes on high salt consumption.
While pointing out the harmful effects of high salt intake, Dr. Koroma noted that high intake of salt leads to high blood pressure, hypertension, Heart failure, Heart Attack, dementia and Stroke.He reiterated thatsome evidence has shown that too much salt in our diet can damage the heart, aorta, Kidneys, bones without increasing the blood pressure, which makes it scary, thus kills slowly.
He continued that people with health conditions like High blood pressure, diabetes and people in their 50s and anyone who fails to imbibe to the recommended dietary standards, by consuming low salt, low sugar etc. is at great risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Nutritionist, Mutivah Kappia at the Directorate of Food and Nutrition, in her presentation hastily cautioned that in as much as they were promoting low salt intake, they were also giving out the health benefits of salt in the human body stating that salt regulates blood pressure and blood volume, helps transmit impulses for nerve functions and muscle contraction, regulates the acid-base balance of blood and body fluids, sodium/salt maintains the water balance within cells.
She continued and noted that theWorld Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume less than 5 g (just under a teaspoon of salt per day and that salt for adults be adjusted downward for children aged two to 15 years based on their energy requirements relative to those of adults.
She cautioned that the recommendation for children does not address the period of exclusive breastfeeding (0–6 months) or the period of complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding (6–24 months).
“All salt that is consumed should be iodized or “fortified” with iodine, which is essential for healthy brain development in the fetus and young child and optimizing people’s mental function in general,” advised Mutivah. She further recommended the removal of salt shakers and soy sauce from tables in restaurants; Introducing product or shelf labels making it clear that certain products are high in sodium; providing targeted dietary advice to people visiting health facilities; advocating for people to limit their intake of products high in salt and advocating that they reduce the amount of salt used for cooking; and educating children and providing a supportive environment for children so that they start early with adopting low salt diets.
She further advised against the excess use of Maggie in our cooking, stating that most of these branded Maggie have in them high percentage of salt which makes it worst and continued that salt is normally added in our rice and the source as well. This ,she noted, is a course to concern, as the 5 gram recommended intake of salt would have surpassed/risen as high percent of salt is already on the Maggie with added salt in the sauce and the rice, which she noted is an old aged practice and that high salt intake kills people slowly without even knowing.
She advised food handlers to reduce the amount of salt and Maggie they use in their cooking as high salt and Maggie in food is not a health dietary practice/behavior and recommends that they either use Maggie alone or salt in their cooking and use spices, pepper, ginger etc. when they flavor fish, meat etc. as it will limit them from using salt, Maggie or any other salt product for flavoring/preserving food.


Sierra Leone will welcome Dr. Jane Goodall (DBE, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace), the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, during her three-day visit to the country, February 27 to March 1st where, 27 years ago, she was instrumental in the founding of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. The three-day visit highlights the emerging conservation movement in Sierra Leone as well as the country’s re-emergence on the world stage as a sustainable tourism destination.

Tacugama, Sierra Leone’s first and only sanctuary plays a critical role in protecting the country’s rich biodiversity, two of Freetown’s main water catchments and the critically endangered chimpanzees. Since its establishment, the sanctuary has become internationally recognized, benefiting Sierra Leone’s people through jobs, wildlife protection, environmental education, ecotourism, research and health initiatives. Dr. Goodall continues to provide inspiration to Tacugama by guiding and inspiring the Sanctuary’s future.

“We look forward to welcoming back Dr. Jane Goodall,” said Her Excellency Fatima Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone. “Her visit allows us to share Sierra Leone’s story with the world and to revitalize the international image of our country, which is critical for the development of sustainable tourism, conservation, and economic development. The beauty of our natural diversity, wildlife and culture is also a story that we want to share.”

Dr. Goodall’s visit comes at a time when wildlife tourism, conservation, and sustainability are taking top billing on the global tourism stage. Her stature as a world-leading-conservationist, provides an important global platform for Sierra Leone’s growth as a new tourism destination. The visit will showcase the country’s sustainable tourism offerings and increase awareness of the need for conservation of these critically endangered species. It will also highlight the clear link between conservation and sustainable tourism.
Dr. Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, commented regarding her upcoming visit, “I’m looking forward to my visit to Sierra Leone and proud of the impact the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary has had on saving the country’s remaining chimpanzees while providing needed jobs for local people. I am particularly excited to meet the children of Sierra Leone and share with them my Roots and Shoots program. They are our future hope.”


The three-day program in Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone, is as follows:

• Wednesday, February 27th- Morning – Dr. Jane Goodall tours the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Press Interview.

• Wednesday, February 27th – Evening – State Dinner hosted by Her Excellency Fatima Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone.

• Thursday, February 28th – 6:00 pm. – Dr. Jane Goodall Speaking Engagement hosted by Ministry of Tourism and attended by Her Excellency Fatima Bio, the First Lady of Sierra Leone – Bintumani Conference Hall.

• Friday, March 1st – Children’s March – 300 children will march from the Youyi Building to the Cotton Tree and then onwards to the British Council where Dr. Jane Goodall will address the children and talk about her Roots and Shoots program. Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyer will speak at this event.

Setting stage for tourism
Jane’s visit to Sierra Leone (a country known in Creole as Salone) comes at the perfect time as the destination prepares to reintroduce itself on the world tourism stage. Most people continue to associate Sierra Leone with its troubled past, so the goal now is to propel the destination into the future, showcasing the results of the its transformation into the next “must visit” location for both leisure and business travelers.
“We are excited to show our “only-in-Sierra Leone” offerings, many of which will surprise world travelers,” said Mrs. Memunatu Pratt, Minister of Tourism, Sierra Leone. “Sierra Leone offers world class beaches, stunning endemic wildlife, rich culture and historical sites, adventure travel, exquisite local cuisine, and a warm and welcoming people, that make our country one of Africa’s most promising new tourism destinations.”
Sierra Leone has one of the highest densities of chimpanzees in the wild anywhere in the world. Adventure travelers can also find little-seen wildlife such as the endangered Diana monkey in the forests of Tiwai Island on the Moa river,three types of colobus monkeys, rare birds and pygmy hippos.
Sierra Leone recently opened a new Tourist Information Office in the capital city of Freetown, near the historic Cotton Tree, the oldest cotton tree in Freetown or possibly in the world and synonymous with freedom of the earlier settlers. That and the launch of a new Tourism In-Flight Traveltainment Magazine and investment in infrastructure are seen as important steps forward for the sector.

Is Guma celebrating Failure?

Guma Valley Water Company is charged with the responsibility to provide safe drinking water for residents within the Freetown municipality.
Lamentably, since its establishment in 1965, year in and out the company has never lived up to the expectations of residents not to talk of even providing 60% of water for domestic consumption.
What is now transpiring now is sale of water the company should be supplying via taps. Every day, there are boozers and tankers loaded with water Guma should be supplying meant for sale to homes leaving the vast majority of Freetonians to wallow in acute water shortage.
Two weeks back the Management of Guma was dishing out awards to some members staff while residents of Freetown were struggling to get even a cup of water. To some this was a manifestation of insensitivity and ineptitude.
The shortage of water has caused lots of inconvenience for an estimated 1.8 million people residing in Freetown.
Various surveys undertaken by certain organizations on the major causes of teenage pregnancy has captured water crisis as one of the major reasons highlighting how young girls are exposed to the unsavory wiles of boys and men luring them into sexual intercourse.
Diseases like cholera, diahorrea are sometimes contracted by drinking contaminated water in the absence of safe drinking water.
Freetown records the highest rainfall in the country during the raining season which therefore means that Guma as a company should be at a vantage position to preserve a lot of water to supply residents in the capital.
Indeed, it is common knowledge that there are certain wicked people who are in the habit of cutting pipes leading to problems in the supply chain but the fact of the matter is that Guma should try its best to be on-top of situation.
Most people are now calling on the Government and especially the Parliament of Sierra Leone to really look into the operations of the Guma Water Company and take appropriate affirmative actions to ensure that it execute its mandate in the best interest of residents of Freetown.

Like NPA, Like EDSA

Even with the privatization of the National Power Authority (NPA) and the emergence of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) the general public is still facing serious challenges with regards accessing and enjoying stable, reliable and dependable power supply in the capital city of Freetown.
The high cost of unit, high cost of meters, forcing people to sometimes bribe before getting meters, delay in installation of meters, poor customer service and the recent tampered code are all serious bottlenecks that are causing undue suffering on customers.
Every day customers will have to queue at Falcon Bridge complaining of Tampered code but nothing serious is been done by EDSA to address it.
Last year, EDSA increased the price of social band to179%, the commercial rate for electricity was increase from Le 1,641kWh, to Le1, 795 which is a 9% increment and the institutional tariff was also increased from Le1, 526kWh to Le1, 678kWh all in the name of raising more revenue to provide better services to customers, but to the annoyance of many much improvement has not been realized. It is a huge burden for someone to electrify a newly built house in Freetown.
With all the funds received from the World Bank, Government and even revenue generated, EDSA is still grappling. Community residents have to spend millions of Leones on their own for to install terminals poles and cables within their areas in order to be connected to the EDSA grid a risk factor which at times leads to fire disasters in the city.
There are some communities within the city where electricity supply cannot even put on a television and in other instances destroy electrical appliances. In some cases the EDSA power will go on and off for the rest of the day.
With just few points mentioned in the story I think EDSA is enjoying extorting money from customers and create more suffering for them. The Ministry of Energy should step up to monitor the activities of EDSA.

Housemates Salone Goes Viral

With the huge and electrifying momentum that the Big Brother Housemates Salone is ascending it has currently become the widely talked about event in the country and has indeed gone viral. Workers, school pupils, students, market women and traders are heatedly discussing it in different circles, even in Ataya Bases, with candour and varying views.
Although some have been arguing that Big Sister was more captivating and entertaining, however, thorough and sustained investigations cum research mounted in different parts of the country revealed that majority of individuals are really commending the organizers of the TV Reality Show, African Young Voices (AYV) and Africell for packaging and rolling out what they described as a very extra-ordinary and breath-taking entertainment show, Big Brother Housemates Salone, which is aired live on AYV Television Channel 34.The conclusion one could draw from the perceptions of the majority that were interviewed is that the ongoing show is BIG and INTERESTING to watch.
Presently, there are 22 Housemates in the House and these talented young female and male competitors are doggedly doing their best by displaying their talents in order to gain the support of viewers who have been offered the opportunity to vote via Africell Number 5500 to determine those Housemates that will reach the climax of the competition and the ultimate winner.

The competing Housemates are expected to display strong language, nudity and humour which must highly impress viewers to vote for them.
From what was learnt this 1st Season of the 2019 Housemates Salone TV Reality Show is becoming interesting and thrilling as the hopeful Housemates continue to delight viewers, displaying humour, ignorance laced by the funny ways of acting and behaving in the House.
It is also expected that the Housemates should endeavour not to be too rude or temperamental but rather comport themselves well even under provocative circumstances.

In a recent development, the organizers 10 contestants were evicted on the Prime Eviction Show past Sunday 24th February 2019 – Live on AYV TV at 8 PM. It was an emotional moment for those that were evicted evident in some of them shedding tears but the good thing is that they have gained exposure and parted with some cash at hand.
What is really at stake for the competitors is the star prizewhich is Le100, 000,000 but for each day a Housemate stays in the House he or she is entitled to bag Le100, 000.
The discussions within various circles around the country continue to gain momentum with the expression of divergent views about different aspects of the Reality Show.
“The Housemates 2019 Reality TV contest is very moving. Indeed, this country has young people who are really creative and well talented,” Foday Dabor a trader on Rawdon Street in Freetown commended furthering that the incorporation of disable competitors, one of them blind, is pointer to the fact that disability is not inability.

“The Reality Show depicts inclusiveness as the Housemates are not only drawn from residents in Freetown which is indeed in the best interest of national cohesion,” Aisha Turay, a young Banker intimated candidly adding that it has indeed put the country on the international spotlight which is very good within the context of rebranding its image.

NP Continues to Make Waves

The National Petroleum (NP) Company is undoubtedly one of the most ‘battle-tested’ but very successful companies that this country should be proud of. Without any iota of exaggeration, it is very incontestable to posit that for a company like NP, which is exclusively owned by Sierra Leonean shareholders, to attain such a status is a feat that is worthy of high commendation.
Interestingly, the owners of NP are mainly staff of the former British Petroleum Company which sold its shares to the Sierra Leonean Government years back. However, in 1996 Government sold its 60% shares in NP to some members of staff who were working for the company. Again it was made known that 55 % was paid upfront from the end of service benefits of workers from BP and the 5% offered to all the other workers. Thus the company known as LEONEOIL was formed.
The 55% sale of Government shares to NP came as a result of the World Bank’s advice to privatize the latter. It was also revealed that among the 4 companies that bided, which include ELF, LEONOIL won the international competitive bidding conducted by Arthur De Little, a United States based Management consultancy firm hired by the World Bank.
It is important to note that World Bank, which advised Government to privatize NP, monitored the bidding process for the three international companies and one local company that competed and noted that LEONEOIL which metamorphosed to NP met all the criteria set.
These members of staff were indeed serious enough to properly manage the company to such an extent that, unlike others, it survived most of the challenges that it had been encountering throughout the years it has been in existence.
Investigations mounted revealedthat the ‘40% PMMC’s stake in the company, owned by the late Jamil Sahid Mohammed and Tony Yazbeck, was given as collateral for a loan from a Bank by one of the parties.
Jamil Sahid Mohammed sold to Cape Oil PMMC’s 40% shares to offset a fidelity loan but LEONE OIL took offence and went to court with the complaint that the move was in violation of the M and A which dictates that the other side has the first option to buy. The High Court subsequently gave judgement in favour of Leone oil.
Rumours making the round that NP has a monopoly over the petroleum market are misleading as there are other Marketing Companies registered with the Petroleum Agency, marketing petroleum products in the country namely.
Petro-Leone is a storage company developed by both Addax and Leone Oil so that petroleum products will always be available in the country and avert shortage. Experts further stated that if such a venture is frustrated the country will return to the former state of shortage of fuel and long queues will once more surface across the country.
The company has provided and is still providing jobs for Sierra Leoneans and it was understood that workers’ conditions of service are very good. Besides, NP is one of the large tax payers to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and by extension is positively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility. We can safely conclude that the company is largely contributing to overall national development
As it now stands NP is operating in neighbouring Liberia and there are plans underway for additional expansion that shall take place both within and outside the country.

Kao Denero’s ‘Green Gold’ Track to Hit ‘You Tube’ Big Time

It is indisputable that the entertainment industry in this country is growing by leaps and bounds as old and new artists continue to produce tantalizing, soul touching and moving musical tracks as well as captivating movies and other entertaining stuffs.
Though the trend is welcoming, however, online streaming is not really fully made use of and disappointedly it is abysmally utilised in Sierra Leone. This kind of situation is obviously bound to affect the popularity of our arts. Our local entertainers are virtually unpopular online, likewise their works. It’s extremely difficult to see a Sierra Leonean music video hit over 500k views on YouTube and other social media channels, least to mention 1 million views.
It is documented that in recent times one music video has enjoyed such popularity. Arkman’s ‘Vanity’ video hit 1 million views on YouTube in November 2018 after 3 years stream.

Within the music landscape it has been established, Denis Amara Turay, aka Kao Denero Kao is a very controversial rapper who is popular among young people.

Recently he, together with Runtown, released a music video titled ‘Green Gold’ which seems to be joining the line of widely viewed video on You Tube. Watched and listened to keenly, one will realize that the main theme and trust of this musical video is centred on medicinal marijuana in which it is highlighted the herb has the potency to cure or mitigate the debilitating effects of certain illnesses.
According to a musical analyst indeed ‘Green Gold’ is fast approaching to 1 million views in just 2 months adding that If this video strikes 1 million views in 3 months, it will be the fastest Sierra Leonean music video to hit 1 million views.
The video, Green Gold, was shot in Freetown in November 2018 by a renowned Nigerian video maker, Patrick Ellis, featuring a notable model, Naomi Kay and others. Kao uploaded the video on YouTube on the 10th December 2018 on his KaoDenero1 channel.
It is hoped that with the success of ‘Green Gold’, many other videos will start trending online.
‘Green Gold’ has just add a feather to Kao Denero’s cap as it is his biggest video ever produced followed by ‘Hakuna Matata’, a video he released 2 years ago, now trailing with 288k.
It has been argued that the video or track he did with Busy Signal ‘Ghetto Struggle’ cannot match this latest video.

Unspoiled Sierra Leone reaches out to ecotourists

White-sand beaches in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

However, this melting pot of colorful cultures with it buzzing capital, tropical rainforest, unforgettable wildlife and white-sand beaches definitely deserves its place in the glossy travel magazines.
The Sierra Leone National Tourist Board and Ministry of Tourism recently told the press at World Travel Market in London that the country wanted to change its narrative and improve its national image. The minister even mentioned the country has high hopes for tourism to become the lead industry.
In an age where travelers are increasingly looking for off-the-beaten-track, unknown and authentic experiences, Sierra Leone truly checks all the boxes. The country features long stretches of empty and uninterrupted beaches, unique cultural experiences and unforgettable wildlife.
The most beautiful beach in Africa can be found near Tokeh, according to Sierra Leone locals. Tokeh is a small coastal village on the Western Area Peninsula. Locals are always happy to invite travelers to join them on a fishing trip, show them how they smoke fish or invite them to have a drink in the Palmwine Bar. Tokeh is home to a large resort called “The Place,” and there are other accommodations available, as well.
Sierra Leone’s 250 miles of pristine Atlantic coastline is dotted with little “hidden” islands: Sherbro is the biggest, while the three Banana Islands lie just across from Freetown. Bunce Island, in Freetown’s massive natural harbor, is the most developed, and the Turtle Islands are the most unspoiled.
Sierra Leone’s islands show incredible potential when it comes to ecotourism. The previously forgotten Tasso Island, for example, lies at the heart of one of Africa’s most precious wetlands, the Sierra Leone River Estuary.
Tasso Island has its own camp, which is run by the Tasso Ecotourism Project, a community business that aims to bring new jobs and livelihoods to the 5,000 islanders who currently rely entirely on fishing. The camp features five wooden beachside chalets and a restaurant built around the trunk of a baobab tree. Tasso Island is a great base for local walks, and exploration of the estuary.
Meanwhile, the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary, in the central-south part of the country, reportedly offers the second-highest concentration of primates in the world. Rare and endangered species such as the Diana monkey and the pygmy hippopotamus can be found in the sanctuary.
Visitors to Tiwai Island can spend a few days hiking through beautiful natural settings, learning about the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Mende people. The Heritage Trail on the island is a community-created and -managed experience that will introduce visitors to the everyday life of the communities that surround the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary.
The Kambama village is usually the starting point for all Heritage Trails on Tiwai Island. In Kambama, there is a blacksmith who is essential to the working life of all villagers, an herbalist who is knowledgeable in herbal medicines, and an eco-campsite that was created and is now run by the town speaker, Chief Hindowa Kamara, and other community members.
The most remote community on the heritage trail, Segbewema can only be accessed by bush trails and has retained some of the mysterious qualities of Sierra Leone’s rural communities. Characterized by its small, tightly built thatch huts, this village is a window into times past. It is possible, on the heritage trail, to enjoy a homestay at Segbewema and experience how people live their daily lives.
The main ecotourism drawcard for Sierra Leone, however, remains the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. It is famous for its rehabilitation efforts for domesticated chimps. The sanctuary opened in 1995, although the story started long before that. In 1988, the owners, Bala and Sharmila Amerasekaran, bought a sick chimpanzee on the street and nursed it back to health. This was a life-altering experience, as their fondness and knowledge of these animals grew. They later discovered the dangers that chimpanzees face in Sierra Leone and how they are treated in captivity, and over the years their hard work transpired into the creation of the sanctuary that stands today.

Today, most chimps that arrive at the sanctuary are less than five years old and would normally still be suckling milk from their mothers. Many are mistreated by their owners, injured, malnourished or disabled; they have been abandoned or illegally sold as pets.
Travelers can visit the sanctuary and see the chimps on a guided forest walk. But the sanctuary offers more than only site visits. Tacugama aims to be at the forefront of preserving Sierra Leone’s remaining wildlife through education, community support and ecotourism. Tacugama has become an eco-tourism hub with six ecolodges and a variety of activities for both tourists and locals. There are many routes around the beautiful surroundings of Tacugama offering hikers a range of day trails and paths to explore, peaks to summit and views to take in.
Sierra Leone won’t stay a secret for long. Advise your clients to visit this beautiful part of Africa before everyone discovers this beautiful country.

A chimpanzee at Sierra Leone’s Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Pres. Bio assures Gambians

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has assured journalists in Banjul, capital of the Republic of The Gambia, that because African leaders are fulfilling their promises he is hopeful of politics in Africa.

He made the statement while he and his host, President Adama Barrow, were addressing a joint press conference as part of his state visit to the West African nation celebrating her fifty-fourth Independence Day this week.

“The dynamics in African politics is gradually changing because leaders are now building powerful institutions that will force them to deliver on their promises of sustainable development. My visit here is to widen, deepen and to further strengthen the relationship that Sierra Leone and The Gambia have enjoyed for a very long time,” he stated.

President Bio also noted that The Gambia was known for her safest destination for tourism and was, therefore, looking at the cultural infrastructure of the country so that he could model some of them to add more value to what the tourism sector in Sierra Leone is offering at the moment.

“My colleague President Barrow and I will be looking at possibilities in areas like fisheries, agriculture, education, trade and industry because the two countries can benefit a lot from these sectors,” he said and urged his counterpart to pay attention to building the future.

He said that Sierra Leone had listened to the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established in 2002 as a condition of the Lomé Peace Accord in the wake of the 11-year civil war, and hoped that injustice and massive corruption would never trigger any other war again.

“To make my governance very effective, I have instituted the Commissions of Inquiry, not just to hold past government officials to the scrutiny of accountability but to also put officials of my administration on their toes so that all of us will not fail to meet the expectations of those who elected us for change,” he said.

His Excellency President Adama Barrow also told newsmen that during his presidency, The Gambia would be open for new ideas and that was why working with the President of Sierra Leone President, Julius Maada Bio, was timely. He confirmed that the country played a major role in resolving the impasse associated with the last elections in The Gambia.

“It is good we are working together because Africa is now speaking with one voice and for a common goal. The Gambia and Sierra Leone are going to focus on education, trade, tourism and agriculture for the development of the two countries. We have to embrace Sierra Leone because they have accepted democracy, having transferred political power democratically for five times now. We should change our mind-sets and learn from other nations,” he said.

President Adama Barrow further explained that Sierra Leone and the Gambia had witnessed a military regime, war and transfer of power, adding that he was pleased with the visit of his colleague and hoped to continue to compare notes for effective governance.

Saffa Abdulai takes Football to a higher Level

Under the astute and capable leadership of Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai, who is the current Chairman of the Premier League Board, football has been elevated to another level after a long period that it was in coma due to wrangling among major stakeholders whose business it was to promote
This dynamic young man has demonstrated the passion, courage and dogged determination to ensure that the game is properly restored and taken to a higher level.
Undoubtedly, the Premier League is going on very smoothly in different parts of the country and there has never been any major incidence of foul play or hitches that might have set it back albeit minor ones which is quite understandable
The premier league is taking place outside of the control of the Sierra Leone Football Association which is presently in turmoil with two of its top executives on trial for corruption and a ban from FIFA.
Saffa has vowed to bring local football back for the fans. The League is getting financial support in the absence of FIFA.
Various matches are broadcast on national TV, radio, and online. “Those who could not be in the stadium, fans in the diaspora are always tuned in online to watch AYV broadcast and stream on its website, mobile app and Facebook,” the PLB Chairman intimated.
The league is a welcome respite from the political issues of the day. As of now the SLPP and APC politicians are supporting the same local teams intermittently taking their attention off politics.

“Indeed what makes football a beautiful game is less about what happens on the pitch but more about the bond it creates amongst people,” Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai mentioned with pride.