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Chinese Foreign Affairs welcomes Alie Kabba to China

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Alie Kabba was warmly welcomed by the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yion on Friday 11 January 2019 .The State Councilor hailed the joint course of justice between China and Africa on Friday. Alie Kabba happens to be, the first foreign envoy China has received this year.
The two met at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing.
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang maintained that China and Africa have a connected future and shared destiny, and both are devoted to a course of justice that has won the support of people from developing countries.
It was highlighted that conditions are favorable for positive China-Africa relations, with the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the joint building of the Belt and Road Initiative. “But relations face headwinds in the form of unilateralism and protectionism,” he said.
Wang added that pushing the development of the global governance system in a more fair and reasonable direction is the joint responsibility of China, Africa and developing countries.
“We need to demonstrate to the International Community the strength of unity and jointly push forward the development of China-Africa relations,” he said.
Wang wrapped up his five-day visit to Africa a few days ago-a continuation of a tradition established in 1991 of Chinese foreign ministers choosing the continent for their first overseas trip of the year. He noted that Kabba choose China for his first foreign visit this year.
“It shows the close friendship between our two countries and between China and Africa. It also indicated that we both make each other a priority in diplomatic relations,” he said.
Wang pointed out that China extended a helping hand to the West African country after it was struck by Ebola, and the two countries conquered the raging epidemic hand in hand, which cemented the brotherhood between the two nations.
He furthered that no matter how the international landscape changes, China and Sierra Leone have remained sincere friends, offering each other equal treatment and support since the two sides established diplomatic ties half a century ago.
Wang called on the two sides to ensure the implementation of the consensuses reached between State leaders, to maintain high level exchanges, enhance mutual political trust and continue to offer mutual understanding and trust on issues related to each other’s core interests and major concerns.
The two sides should work together to ensure the implementation of cooperative programs in areas including infrastructure, medical care, agriculture, fisheries and education, he said.
He also called on the two sides to step up strategic coordination on international affairs, safeguard the joint interests of both nations and developing countries and enable the international order to develop in a more fair and reasonable direction.
Kabba characterized China as a trustworthy, long-term cooperative partner of Sierra Leone. He said Sierra Leone adheres to the one-China policy and has always made relations with China a priority.

The Foreign Affairs Minister expressed thanks for China’s assistance in the social and economic development of Sierra Leone, adding that the country is ready to learn from China’s experience in governance.
China’s Vice-President Wang Qishan also met with Alie Kabba on Friday.

African judge to discuss judicial independence

At the SIU School of Law later this month, Judicial appointments and threats to an independent judiciary in the African nations of Botswana, South Africa and Swaziland.

Honorable Professor Justice Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake will present the 2019 Beatty Jurist-in-Residence lecture at 5 p.m. Jan. 29 in the Hiram H. Lesar Building Courtroom at SIU Carbondale.

“Appointment of Judges and the Threat to Judicial Independence: Case Studies from Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa and Kenya” is free and open to the public.

During his week at the law school, Dingake (Dee-nya-keh) will visit classes and meet with faculty.
Media Availability
Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake (Oo-aa-gh-ee-leh Beth-yoo-el Key Dee-nya-keh) will be available for interviews Jan. 28 at the SIU School of Law. Reporters, photographers and camera crews are welcome to attend the Beatty Jurist-in-Residence lecture at 5 p.m. on Jan. 29 in the SIU School of Law Courtroom. To arrange for interviews, contact Michele Mekel, director of external relations, at mmekel@siu.edu or 618/453-8768.
Christopher W. Behan, a professor at the law school, met Dingake in 2014 while teaching a trial advocacy course in Gaborone, Botswana, with Justice Advocacy Africa. The two maintained contact through the Legal Globalization and Comparative Law: Botswana and South Africa course that Behan and Professor Mark Schultz teach. Behan and Schultz met with Dingake during their most recent visit to Botswana in 2018 to work out preliminary arrangements for the lecture.

Judicial independence under attack

Behan said judicial independence is under attack throughout sub-Saharan Africa in ways not often experienced in the United States, noting there is tension between the executive branch in Botswana and the judiciary. One case involved whether individual judges can criticize the chief judge of the nation’s high court.
Dingake said a “major test case of national importance involving the independence of the judiciary in Botswana” held that the nation’s president could not reject a nominee approved for appointment by the nation’s judicial service commission.

Lecture will highlight the impact of judicial appointments

Dingake said he hopes to highlight how the manner in which judges are appointed may impact the judiciary, either positively or negatively. There is a “real danger” where executives have influence that judges may comply with that executive’s wishes, he said.

One parallel with debates on judicial independence in the United States is that often “the executive … tends to prefer or push for judges who they think would either do their bidding or share a broader political or social outlook, which trend may negatively impact on public confidence in the independence of the judiciary,” Dingake said.

Behan said he hopes the audience gains a greater understanding of issues that judges face in Africa and appreciate the “high degree of structural and cultural independence our judges enjoy at both the state and federal levels here in the United States.”

He also encourages people to work to “preserve judicial independence” in the United States and “do what they can to help achieve judicial independence throughout the world.”

Dingake has served as a judge for more than a decade

Dingake has extensive experience as a judge. He has sat on the High Court in Botswana, the Industrial Court in Botswana, the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone and the Supreme and National Courts of Papua, New Guinea. He is actively involved in judicial leadership efforts relating to HIV and health.

Prior to serving on the bench, Dingake was a lecturer at the University of Botswana teaching in areas including constitutional law and human rights law. He was also a senior partner with the Moupo, Motswagole and Dingake law firm, specializing in administrative, constitutional and labor law.
Dingake has a bachelor of laws degree (L.L.B) from the University of Botswana; a master of laws degree (L.L.M) from the University of London and a doctorate from the University of Cape Town.

Ninth Beatty Jurist-in-Residence lecture

The endowed program honors the late William L. Beatty, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court of Illinois and is an award granted to the law school by U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of Illinois David R. Herndon, a 1977 SIU Law School graduate. The award honors Herndon’s mentor, Beatty, who died in 2001.

Herndon retired from the federal bench earlier this month after 20 years.

AG dilates on Human Rights Commission dissolution

In a response to the various queries regarding the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) and Human Rights Defenders, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice Dr Priscilla Schwartz stated that she wishes to acknowledge the letters of 16 October 2018 by Professor Dr Beate Rudolf, Chairperson of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI); and the letter by Mr. Michael Forst, the UN Human Rights Council (UN/HRC) Special Rapporteur dated 19 October 2018.
She pointed out that she also want to assure the International Community, Donors and Partners, Non-Governmental Organisations and Civil Society Institutions concerned with defending the Human Rights, especially of the poor and vulnerable groups in Sierra Leone, of Government’s commitment to support their work on Human Rights in the country.
The Minister maintained that in a Statement that his Ministry prepared it seeks to explain the context of the Government of Sierra Leone institutional restructuring action affecting the HRCSL and the Commissioners among others. According to her it demonstrates how the dissolution of the HRCSL was necessary to safeguard the principles of pluralism and independence of NHRI and to ensure complicity with due process under domestic law. “The Statement also proffers reason for the delay in responding formally to the queries and reiterates our Government’s commitment to Human rights,” she furthered. This was what the Minister said:
“In March 2018, Sierra Leoneans elected a different political party into government. His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio inherited a depleted economy that was at near collapse. The Governance Transition Team Report (The GTT Report) which entailed a review of the state of the economy under the previous regime uncovered burdensome external and domestic debt, fiscal indiscipline, mismanagement of Ministries, Departments and Agencies, (MDAs), rampant corruption including the award of inflated government contracts. The new administration has a sovereign mandate to ensure continuity in government, to stop leakages in government expenditures, to develop the country and to account for its stewardship of the State and the judicious use of its resources.
Considering the above, the Office of the President issued a Public Notice on 26 June 2018, entitled “Restructuring of Boards, Commissions, Authorities, Agencies”, communicating Government’s ongoing action of restructuring the management and oversight boards of parastatals and other state institutions.
Except for the National Electoral Commission, the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, the Law Reform Commission, the Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission, and the National Council for Technical, Vocational and Other Academic Awards, all other boards, commissions, authorities, and agencies including the HRCSL, together fell to be considered for restructuring.
The HRCSL was neither targeted or singled out in this national restructuring of state institutions. Notwithstanding, the government action provoked a backlash from our international partners and a spate of queries and criticisms regarding only the HRCSL and its commissioners out of a total number of seventy institutions that were affected.
A News Release issued on 23 October 2018 by Mr. Michael Forst captioned “Sierra Leone must respect human rights law, says UN expert” states that:
‘”The Government’s decision to de facto dissolve the Commission’s current membership undermines the rule of law in Sierra Leone and distracts from efforts to promote and protect human rights, and human rights defenders in the country…. The Sierra Leonean authorities should immediately rectify their actions by allowing the commissioners to conclude their five-year term”’.
Mr. Forst requested a response from the Government of Sierra Leone within 60 days and advised that “Government’s response will be made available in a report to be presented to the Human Rights Council for its consideration”. He also promised in his letter that he would “indicate that [he has] been in contact with [GOSL] to clarify the issue/s in question.”
The GOSL expresses regret and concern that Mr. Forst issued a news release in a week within his promised 60-day period in which he requested the GOSL to respond. Also, his news release was issued without having waited to consider the account from the GOSL. Further, the news release failed to indicate that he had contacted the GOSL as he promised. Unfortunately, Mr Forst’s action ensured that the views of the Government and people of Sierra Leone were not reflected in that news release. This is an unfair situation that raises serious questions over his motive and objectivity.
The thrust of the queries that have been raised by the relevant actors against the Governments institutional reform relates to the so called “dismissal” of the Commissioners of the HRCSL.
The Republic of Sierra Leone committed herself to establishing a National Human Rights Institution, the HRCSL, pursuant to the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone Act, No. 9 of 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the HRCSL Act) with guarantees of its independence and effective operations.
The mode of establishing the HRCSL is consistent with the Paris Principles adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 48/134 of 20 December 1993. Central to the Paris Principles is the obligation on all, including national governments, to respect pluralism and independence of national human rights institutions (NHRIs). I shall now explain how and why the government action to dissolve the HRCSL upholds the principles of pluralism and independence.
Section 3(1) of the HRCSL Act provides for the composition of the HRCSL and the powers of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone to appoint Human Rights Commissioners. It provides for five (5) Commissioners of which there shall be a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and three other Commissioners. Section 3(2) of the Act contains a mandatory provision for the composition to include at least two lawyers and two women. This is a fundamental requirement to ensure pluralism and gender equity in the composition of the HRCSL that was not adhered to by the previous government.
Mr. Usman Jesse Fornah, Ms. Grace Coleridge-Taylor, and Mr. Rashid Dumbuya in respect of whom the queries specifically relate were appointed to the HRCSL in 2017. The HRCSL had outstanding vacancies prior to their appointment as Commissioners. The vacancies occurred by the passing of Mr. Bryma V. S. Kebbie on 2 January 2016; and the second and final term of Mrs. Jamesina King and Rev. Moses Khanu ended on 10 December 2016.
When the former government appointed Mr. Fornah, Ms. Coleridge-Taylor, and Mr. Dumbuya presumably to fill the three vacancies, it chose not to renew the appointment of the then Chairperson of the HRCSL, Mr. Brima Abdulai Sheriff and the Vice Chairperson, Ms Daphne Olu-Williams and did not fill their positions with new appointments as mandated by Section 4 of the HRCSL Act. This omission to fill the vacancies left the operation of the HRCSL with only three (3) instead of five (5) commissioners for well over a year in breach of Section 3(1) of the HRCSL Act.
In addition, this composition of only three (3) Commissioners also failed to meet the mandatory pluralism requirement provided for in Section 3(2) of the HRCSL Act, namely that the composition of the Commission shall include at least two lawyers and two women. The requirement of having two lawyers was satisfied but that of two women was not satisfied. Mr. Fornah, Ms. Coleridge-Taylor, and Mr. Dumbuya, being sitting human rights commissioners at the time owed a duty to advise and ensure the Commission has its full composition and plural make-up. The three named
Commissioners failed in this duty.
These failures represent a breach of the constitutive HRCSL Act, and fundamentally undermined the Paris Principles and the obligation to treat women fairly. Thus, the action of the new government to dissolve the HRCSL ushered in an opportunity for a New Direction that would ensure that the HRCSL is fully compliant with its Act and the Paris Principles.
Section137(7) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991 describes the procedure for the removal or dismissal of a Commissioner. This constitutional provision for the removal of a Commissioner is inserted into the HRCSL Act by Section 4(3)(g). Also, Section 3 and the Schedule to the HRCSL Act provide the detailed procedure for the appointment of Commissioners. Together these provisions fulfil the requirements under the Paris Principles to ensure or guarantee the independence of our HRCSL.
The issue of removal or the dismissal of the Commissioners, is the key of queries and criticisms levied against the GOSL action affecting the HRCSL. Our critiques rely on Section137(7) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991, to suggest that the GOSL has departed from laid down procedure on the removal or dismissal of the Human Right Commissioners.
Permit me to clarify with emphasis that the procedure in Section 137(7) of the 1991 Constitution which is inserted in Section 4(3)(g) HRCSL Act, pertaining to “removal” of a Commissioner is not applicable in the circumstances of the action taken by the Government to restructure its institutions including the HRCSL.
I invite you to kindly consider Section 4(3) (a to g) of the HRCSL Act especially section 4(3)(g) which applies section 137 (7) of the 1991 Constitution and produced hereunder. It states:
“A vacancy in the Commission shall occur if:
a) a member’s term expires, whether initially or after reappointment
b) a member dies or is so physically or mentally incapacitated, as or to be unable to perform the functions of his office
c) a member becomes bankrupt or insolvent
d) the member wilfully fails or refused to participate in the work of the Commission without due course
e) the member becomes a member of a political party
f) the member resigns by written notice addressed to the President
g) the member is dismissed or removed in accordance with the conditions stipulated in subsection 7 of Section 137 of the Constitution, as if he were a Judge of the superior court of judicature”.
You would observe from the foregoing, that out of the seven instances by which a vacancy can occur in our Human Rights Commission, it is only in one instance (section 4 (3) (g), that you are required to go by the procedure set out in Section 137 (7) of the Constitution. The remaining six of those instances speak to instances in which vacancies may occur by operation of law including systemic failure.
As mentioned earlier, vacancies that ensued when two of the Commissioners (Brima Sheriff and Daphne Olu-Williams), completed their second and final term by the 31st July, 2017, occurred by operation of law, pursuant to Section 4(3)(a), of the HRCSL Act as matter of course. But the previous government failed to constitute the full complement of 5 Commissioners as required by law.
More importantly, the three appointed Commissioners conducted themselves in manners that contravened Section 4(3)(d)&(e) and thus caused the occurrence of vacancies in their offices. For instance, our investigations reveal that one or more of these commissioners wilfully failed or refused to participate in the work of the Commission. They discontinued on-going investigations and failed to investigate numerous human rights violations, on the instruction of the previous Government. Also, the commissioners became overtly partisan by several conducts during the recent elections that undermines the public confidence in the Commission.
Consequently, the GOSL wishes to inform by the Statement all our partners, donors and civil society groups that its actions did not remove or dismiss any Commissioner of the Human Rights. By operation of law vacancies had occurred in the Commission in respect of all five Commissioners pursuant to Section 4(3)(d) &(e). Also, the HRCSL was non-compliant with the composition requirements of Section 3 of the HRCSL Act. This non-compliance is not merely restricted to the conduct of the individual Commissioners or in their collective capacity as a Commission. It goes to the root of their appointment – a failure on the part of the former administration and a failure on the part of the Commissioners to ensure the Commission had its full membership including two lawyers and women representing the society at large.
For these reasons, the steps needed to rectify this systemic failure must be bold and effective as those taken by the GOSL in the Public Notice of 26 June 2018. Even the NHRI Director in her letter agrees that Governments are free to pursue reforms that they consider necessary with respect for the rule of law and due process (NHRI). No one can doubt that the procedures in the HRCSL Act as elaborated above are fair, objective and impartial.
But for the action of the new Government of His Excellency Julius Maada Bio to restructure our institutions including the HRCSL, such non-compliance of the previous regime and the commissioners would have persisted and remained unrectified thereby undermining the independence of the HRCSL and legal compliance.
We have taken steps to invite applications and nominations for new Commissioners and the setting up of a panel to select and recommend new Commissioners as prescribed by our national law in keeping with due process and the rule of law. Mr. Fornah, Ms. Coleridge-Taylor, and Mr. Dumbuya were entitled to have their names nominated and the GOSL hoped that they took advantage of that opportunity.
The HRCSL was amongst several other institutions that were dissolved for restructuring. We recognise the international and national importance of the HRCSL. However, when the HRCSL is positioned amongst other domestic institutions which also fell for restructuring, to single out the HRCSL or its commissioners as a talking point would have been unfair and partial in relation to the other institutions and their membership. As a government we must behave responsibly with an equal duty to protect and defend all our institutions and not just some.
More importantly, it was strategically important to focus on reconstituting the Commission which required by procedure to maintain plurality and independence.
It was also imperative to maintain a peaceful environment in which to engage with the various entities, that would constitute the panels to interview the applicants and nominees to become Commissioners as provided for under the HRCSL Act. I am pleased to state that this strategic consideration has ensured the maximum cooperation of all concerned entities and to complete the process of the interviews of prospective Commissioners.
I can confirm that we have completed the process of reconstituting the HRCSL within the strict compliance of the requirements of the legislation and recommendations have been made to His Excellency the President for the appointments of the Commissioners subject the approval of Parliament.
The GOSL reiterates its commitment to HRCSL, which it considers to be fundamental to achieving its main goal of developing the country’s human capital. We will endeavour to provide the necessary support for the HRCSL to undertake its core responsibilities including investigating human rights violation nationwide, monitoring of the Free Quality Education and school feeding which is one of the Governments flagship programmes, the monitoring of Health Care facilities, correctional Centres, public education and awareness raising on Human Rights across the country.
We will also undertake a review of the 2004 legislation and structure of the HRCSL among other institutions to make it more efficient and effective to carry out its mandate.
The HRCSL was not targeted or singled out in the Public Notice of 26 June 2018, which aims to restructure several state institutions. The Commissioners Fornah, Coleridge -Taylor and Dumbuya were not “dismissed” or “removed” from office to warrant the application of Section 4(3)(g) HRCSL Act and section 137(7) 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone as has been erroneously misrepresented and canvassed. Vacancies had occurred affecting all the commissioners respectively by operation of law pursuant to Section 4(3)(a),(d) & (e).
The three Commissioners conducted themselves in a manner that contravened Section 4(3)(d)&(e) and thereby caused the occurrence of vacancies in their offices. This is further compounded by the flagrant violation by the previous government and the then commissioners of the composition requirements under the HRCSL Act (i.e. five Commissioners including two women and two lawyers) and thereby undermined the Paris principles of pluralism, independence and legal compliance.


On New Year’s Day, the Leader of the “Third Force” political party, National Grand Alliance (NGC), Alhaji Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella (KKY), gave very salient pieces of advice to both the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the majority party in Parliament, the All Peoples Congress (APC).
In this Editorial cum Commentary, The Calabash has chosen some extracts of what KKY said to the nation on burning prevailing national issues and how he thinks they can be addressed:
The Fight Against Corruption and the Commissions of Inquiry
As true citizens, we should all support the war on corruption and the Commissions of Inquiry (CoI) and make sure they succeed. This requires us to examine our own values and our conscience. As Professor Lumumba recently stated some people want to fight corruption provided it is not against their tribesmen/women, or provided it does not disrupt their own personal access to the loot. Each of us has a role in the fight for the soul of our country. It is basically a fight about our beliefs in and consciousness about, values, morality and justice.

I wish to restate the NGC’s position enunciated on September 2018. To be credible, the Commissions of Inquiry must include all those involved in acts of corruption. They must include those who carried the greatest responsibility for financial management, procurement and decision making rather than just ministers. If this includes Permanent Secretaries, Statutory Vote Controllers, and Chairs of procurement committees, so be it.
To be transformative and curative, the inquiries must also be televised. They must be thorough and fair to allow the innocent to go free and the guilty to face the full penalty of the law. Hence the critical importance of ensuring that the best practices in credible rules of procedure and evidence will prevail.
To prevent abuse of human rights and freedoms, the tenure of the Commissions cannot be open-ended. They must be time bound and completed within six months to a year. We must also protect whistle blowers to ensure that the current Executives do not use the Commissions of Inquiry to go after those who will challenge their own future excesses. Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Ultimately, the execution of the proposed Commission of Inquiry will give us an insight into whether the New Direction is a movement for change and progress. The government bears the greatest responsibility to ensure that the Commission is not a charade and that justice is delivered quickly, for justice delayed is justice denied.
National peace
I wish to reaffirm that in the National Grand Coalition (NGC) we believe that there can be no development without peace, and peace cannot be sustained without development. Both peace and development cannot be achieved in the absence of social cohesion, inclusive governance and respect for human rights. Therefore, the economy will not thrive if half of our society is or feels left out.
We call on the ‘New Direction’ government to right the mistakes of the past. We must see real efforts to lower tensions across the country, and genuine actions to reach out to those who feel left out. The latter will happen when we put Salon FOS.
The NGC will continue to advocate for a culture of “Salon Fos”. We stand by our electoral campaign platform to wage a war on corruption, kleptomania and tribalism.
Advice To APC
In the same vein, the opposition APC has to come to terms with the fact that they lost power and they must understand, and accept, their new responsibility to be a formidable constructive opposition that can provide checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. Democracy works best when there are checks and balances on executive authority. The APC must return to its center-left core values to speak for the poor and promote social inclusion. Many would recall that I regularly campaigned against the accumulation of absolute power at State house, and the penchant for institutions to resort to “orders from above”, or, “supreme executive authority”.
The Economy
We however remain hopeful that in 2019 the government will be more prudent with spending, will invest in expanding the productive sectors, stimulate private sector investments and growth.
There is an urgent need for bringing inflation down and managing the exchange rate. While we understand the need for revenue mobilization, we want to draw the attention of government to the high cost of living due to several factors including higher taxation on private businesses and high import duties.

Public Disgrace for Textbook Thieves

President Julius Maada Bio has officially launched the Free Quality Education (FQE) textbooks’ project worth over Le221 billion. The historic event took place on Wednesday 9th January, 2018, at the Government Secondary Technical School, Main Motor Road, Congo Cross in Freetown.
Speaking to a mammoth gathering of pupils, government Ministers, officials from the Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education and officials from other MDAs, diplomats, partners, members of the Fourth Estate and other distinguished guests, President Bio reminded his audience that when he initially campaigned on the platform of initiating totally free but quality education for primary and secondary school pupils, he was dismissed by his detractors as a man who makes promises he cannot keep, or was a man who makes unachievable promises.
He maintained, however, that through combined efforts of genuine partners and other stakeholders, he has finally delivered on his promise made way back in August 2018. He called on school managements, pupils, parents and the general public to ensure that they monitor the distribution of the textbooks countrywide and to also ensure they protect the textbooks by discouraging theft and mishandling.
President Bio used the opportunity to warn anyone that would attempt to steal the textbooks, saying anyone caught would not only be prosecuted but publicly disgraced.
The core textbook subjects to be distributed are Maths, English Language, Social Studies, Integrated Science and Civic Education to junior secondary school (JSS) pupils. Those in senior secondary school (SSS) will receive Maths and English textbooks.
The President added that apart from the textbooks, the amount of textbooks printed and supplied by the government and its partners is enough to ensure that each pupil gets one exercise book for each subject.
The Country Representative for Department for International Development (DfID) Mary Hunt also explained DfID’s role in the whole process, adding that DfID readily supported the project because it is to boost education in the country.
Other prominent speakers at the occasion were the Minister of Basic and Secondary Education, Alpha Osman Timbo who informed the gathering that the government spent over Le221 billion to produce and the textbooks; the Chief Education Officer, Dr. Alhaji Mohamed Kamara who performed the role of chairman of the event; the Principal of Government Technical Secondary School who delivered a special welcome address; the Mayor of Freetown Aki Sawyerr who informed her audience that the Freetown city Council has 363 government and government-assisted schools under her jurisdiction, among several others.
The keynote address was delivered by President Julius Maada Bio.
The highpoint of the event was a musical show done by Odelia Kamara and official handing over of the textbooks to the GTSS Principal, Mr. Henry Kamara.

Victor Foh let the cat out of the bag

The former Vice President, Victor Bockarie Foh, who was appointed by erstwhile President Ernest Bai Koroma (EBK) yesterday 10th January 2019 said during a radio interview on Radio Democracy 98.1 during the Good Morning Salone programme, stated that the Leader and Chairman of the All People’s Congress, EBK must accept the fact that the current President, Julius Maada Bio is now the President of this country. He furthered that it could be prudent on the part of the former President to go on air and make such a pronouncement. “That could help to mitigate political tension and violence in the country,” Foh suggested.

He went ahead while responding to a question put to him that he had expected EBK to have long ago relinquished his position as Chairman and Leader of the APC contrary to the promise he made in the past to do so. “It is not good that a former President should be thickly involved in politics as such does not augur well for national cohesion,” he maintained.

In a dejected manner he decried and blamed the APC as a party for defaming and setting him up as being part of the Hajj-gate saga saying he is innocent of all the allegations made against him.

He denied paying any money to the Anti-Corruption Commission to the tune of sixty thousand dollars $60,000 as it as alleged as one that the ACC retrieved from him for involvement in fraudulent dealing in the Hajj arrangement. Victor Foh categorically stated that the person who paid that money will be known in due course. The former Vice President said it was a third party that may have paid that money naming Ernest Bai Koroma as one who could probably be in the knowing. He, however, declined to further comment on the issue saying the matter is before the court and does not want to prejudice the case.

He admonished those whose names have appeared in the Governance Transition Team Report to appear before the Commissions of Inquiry to fully comply and not to but up any resistance. Victor Foh emphasized that he is hundred percent in favour of the Commissions of Inquiry.

Marburg Virus Discovered but No Outbreak

Following rumors making the rounds of Marburg Virus Disease Outbreak, the Director at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Mohamed A. Vandi has dispelled that the recent discovery of the deadly Marburg virus in Moyamba, Koinadugu and Kono Districts does not warrant an outbreak of the Marburg Virus Disease in the country, adding that there has not been any confirmed or even suspected cases of the Marburg Virus Disease In the country, meaning there is no outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease. “If there was a confirmed laboratory case, then there should have been an outbreak” he continued “as it is, there is no outbreak” Dr Vandi clarified.

Dr Vandi made the statement at a press briefing held at the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies /Emergency Operation Center (EOC) on Wilkinson Road last Friday to update journalists on the discovery of the Marburg Virus.

Speaking to journalists, Dr Vandi stated that the beauty of the discovery is the fact that they have been able to identify the Marburg Virus in bats before getting to the human population, which he described as proactive. “The discovery is a major public health issue and Public Health seeks to prevent diseases before they occur, and this discovery has put us in a better position.” Dr Vandi Stressed.

He appealed that there is no cause for panic as there is no known case of Marburg virus Disease in the country at the moment and he, however, advised people to avoid contact with bats, as they are the primary host of not only Marburg Virus but also other viruses of other   diseases, like Ebola etc.

“People in certain part of the country use bats as a source of protein, ritual and medicinal purposes or for other delicacies but I want to advise people to avoid not only bats but also other bush animals for preventive purposes to ensure better health” Dr Vandi Advised.

When asked if the ministry of Health and Sanitation is prepared in the event there is an outbreak, Dr Vandi boasted that the Ministry of Health and Sanitation is fully prepared in case there is an outbreak. He continued that they now have Rapid Response and Case Management Teams in every district, adding that Active Case Search and Surveillance is ongoing.

Dr. Vandi further noted that they were going to embark on Community Engagements and Social Mobilization with Districts and Chiefdom stakeholders across the country district stakeholders to orientate them on the new discovery, adding that they had already engaged inter-parastatal stakeholders, involving Ministry of Agriculture, Environment Protection Agency, NGO Partners, CDC, WHO, ONS in Freetown at Kona Lodge.

New partnership to help tackle climate change and deforestation

The Sierra Leone School Green Club (SLSGC) and the Society for Climate Change Communication (S4CCC) have formed a collaborative action-oriented partnership, to implement a climate change mitigation capacity building project for schools and communities in the Western Rural District of Sierra Leone.

The project is aimed at improving environmental governance in schools, using participatory approaches that bring together stakeholders to share experience on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The project will also develop the skills of pupils, promote environmental friendly lifestyles so that pupils can protect their environment and mitigate the impact of climate change.
The project is funded by the Sierra Leone Poverty Alleviation Charity Trust (SALPACT), a registered charity based in the UK.
The Head of SLSGC Alhassan Sesay said: “whilst implementing this project we will establish ten school Green Clubs in the western rural district- with each club comprising of fifty pupils. Also, each participating school to put in place a fully operational waste management system and orchards and plant economical trees within its compound.”
The Director of S4CCC Alfred Fornah registered his commitment to ensure that the project is well implemented and create the required impacts.
“This project is a pilot for possible roll out across Sierra Leone if successful. So we will endeavour to play our own part in order to achieve the expected results” Mr Fornah said.
According to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Sierra Leone Poverty Alleviation Charitable Trust (SALPACT), UK Charity Registration Number 1177207 – Mr Abdul Rashid Thomas, “SALPACT was established in August 2017 after the devastating floods in Freetown, which killed over a thousand people, leaving hundreds of families homeless and several children orphaned.
“The aim of SALPACT is to pursue the advancement of education and the prevention or relief of poverty for children in poverty or need, by the provision of grants to charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty.
“With the generous charitable giving of our donors all over the world, we are working with local communities, schools and NGOs who are taking action to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change and deforestation in Sierra Leone, such as trees planting and school farming.

“The Trustees of SALPACT are pleased to have entered into partnership with the Society for Climate Change Communication – SL (S4CCC) and the Sierra Leone Schools Green Club (SLSGC), to deliver a project aimed at addressing climate change mitigation capacity building for Schools and communities in rural areas of Sierra Leone.
“SALPACT is providing grant-aid to enable the implementation of the pilot project. Following the completion of the pilot, the project will be rolled out across all districts of Sierra Leone. SALPACT will also establish an Annual National Schools Farming Produce Competition, which will be implemented by SLSGC and S4CCC in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture in Sierra Leone.
“The aim is to encourage school children to change their perception of farming and agriculture, and to promote the growing of crops as a business and a way of life. Above all, it is hoped that in so doing, school children can become champions of environmental sustainability in Sierra Leone.”
The first workshop and launching ceremony of the project will take place on the 12th of January, 2019 at the Freetown Teacher’s College.

NGC leader’s New Year Message

Parliamentary Leader of the National Grand Coalition (NGC)

2019 New Year’s Statement

I wish all Sierra Leoneans a happy and prosperous New Year. Though 2018 was a challenging year, our people emerged as winners. They were able to exercise their democratic rights to vote and elect a new government.

As we look ahead to the New Year, I want to highlight a number of key areas that will require our collective action as a nation, namely; responsible leadership and building a just and equitable society, growing our economy and carefully and judiciously managing the war on corruption and the pending Commissions of Inquiry.

Responsible Leadership and Just Society

Following the 2018 elections, our country has a new Government and a Parliament in which the Government is in the minority. This may be seen as a manifestation of democratic progress. Thus, the nation is hoping that Parliament will live up to its sacred responsibility of providing valuable checks and balances as well as oversight on the Government. Therefore, the government must accept and respect separation of powers and allow the judiciary and the legislative branches to exercise their constitutional mandates.

In recent times, we have seen a spate of violent incidents many of them associated with post-election tensions. There is also strong evidence that democracy itself may be under serious threat given the growing polarization of our society and the incessant pandering to tribalism.

We are very concerned about this and the emerging risks to fundamental human rights (guaranteed under our constitution and in international treaties we have ratified) due to a series of arrests/detentions without recourse to Hebeaus Corpus.

The Government needs to heal the nation and endeavour to build an inclusive, open and just society on a foundation of rule of law and respect for the provisions of the constitution. The Government must live up to its party slogan of “One Country, One People” and work towards creating a cohesive and just society based on respect for the protection of human rights of all its citizens. In this regard, we reject sporadic mass firing of people in various institutions without due process.

In the same vein, the opposition APC has to come to terms with the fact that they lost power and they must understand, and accept, their new responsibility to be a formidable constructive opposition that can provide checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. Democracy works best when there are checks and balances on executive authority. The APC must return to its center-left core values to speak for the poor and promote social inclusion. Many would recall that I regularly campaigned against the accumulation of absolute power at State house, and the penchant for institutions to resort to “orders from above”, or, “supreme executive authority”.

The Economy

They say “a sleeping nation either dies, or wakes up as slaves.” Rankanomics overburdened our economy with debt, runaway inflation, kleptomania and enslaved over 70 percent of the population in multidimensional poverty. If our economy continues to decline and there is a concomitant escalation of political tensions and a deterioration of human rights, we will not succeed as a nation.

In his inaugural speech to Parliament, President Bio cited credible data and indicators from various multilateral institutions to clearly illustrate the low level of human development in our country and to elucidate the constraints on economic growth. We should recognize and accept that many of the structural constraints to our country’s growth and development were not just created in the past 10 years; some date back to several decades.

Also some problems such as climate change and global economic shocks may be beyond our control; but others have been caused by poor governance during the tenure of various governments. The bad news about the nation’s economic deterioration was reinforced later by the first New Direction budget for 2019.

As we stated in the budget debate, several indicators presented in this budget suggest that in spite of three Poverty Reduction Strategy programmes during the past two decades (one from the SLPP government, followed by the Agenda for Change, and the Agenda for Prosperity) this nation has either stayed stagnant or retrogressed in terms of human development and economic transformation.

We however remain hopeful that in 2019 the government will be more prudent with spending, will invest in expanding the productive sectors, stimulate private sector investments and growth.

There is an urgent need for bringing inflation down and managing the exchange rate. While we understand the need for revenue mobilization, we want to draw the attention of government to the high cost of living due to several factors including higher taxation on private businesses and high import duties.

We remain hopeful that the government’s fiscal consolidation drive will be backed by a strategy to stimulate growth and job creation and help us attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union Agenda 2063. In this regard, we urge the government to ensure that their projects/programs are consistent with the proposed National Development Plan and are subjected to rigorous vetting before inclusion in the budget.

War on Corruption and pending Commission of Inquiry

As true citizens, we should all support the war on corruption and the Commissions of Inquiry (CoI) and make sure they succeed. This requires us to examine our own values and our conscience. As Professor Lumumba recently stated some people want to fight corruption provided it is not against their tribesmen/women, or provided it does not disrupt their own personal access to the loot. Each of us has a role in the fight for the soul of our country. It is basically a fight about our beliefs in and consciousness about, values, morality and justice.

I wish to restate the NGC’s position enunciated on September 2018. To be credible, the Commissions of Inquiry must include all those involved in acts of corruption. They must include those who carried the greatest responsibility for financial management, procurement and decision making rather than just ministers. If this includes Permanent Secretaries, Statutory Vote Controllers, and Chairs of procurement committees, so be it.

To be transformative and curative, the inquiries must also be televised. They must be thorough and fair to allow the innocent to go free and the guilty to face the full penalty of the law. Hence the critical importance of ensuring that the best practices in credible rules of procedure and evidence will prevail.

To prevent abuse of human rights and freedoms, the tenure of the Commissions cannot be open-ended. They must be time bound and completed within six months to a year. We must also protect whistle blowers to ensure that the current Executives do not use the Commissions of Inquiry to go after those who will challenge their own future excesses. Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Ultimately, the execution of the proposed Commission of Inquiry will give us an insight into whether the New Direction is a movement for change and progress. The government bears the greatest responsibility to ensure that the Commission is not a charade and that justice is delivered quickly, for justice delayed is justice denied.

Our party and values

I wish to reaffirm that in the National Grand Coalition (NGC) we believe that there can be no development without peace, and peace cannot be sustained without development. Both peace and development cannot be achieved in the absence of social cohesion, inclusive governance and respect for human rights. Therefore, the economy will not thrive if half of our society is or feels left out.

We call on the ‘New Direction’ government to right the mistakes of the past. We must see real efforts to lower tensions across the country, and genuine actions to reach out to those who feel left out. The latter will happen when we put Salon FOS.

The NGC will continue to advocate for a culture of “Salon Fos”. We stand by our electoral campaign platform to wage a war on corruption, kleptomania and tribalism.

The NGC showed that a third force can change the status quo and engender transformation. This should embolden our supporters and offer people a new force for good and an alternative political platform.

We have demonstrated to the youth that they should not settle for less, they should not acquiesce to the lowest common denominator, but rather appeal to ’the better angels of our nature.’

The NGC will, therefore, continue to provide the platform for our youth to ask critical questions of their leaders, and we will continue to demonstrate to them that there can be an alternative political ethos and dispensation that will address the real issues of poverty, massive corruption and low human development.

As a party, the NGC vision is for a Sierra Leone in which every citizen deserves provision of essential services, respect for their human rights and can realize their full potential. They can do so regardless of the circumstances of their birth, ethnic group, class, race or connections.

Our vision is for a Sierra Leone that stands tall among nations because each individual member of Team Sierra Leone feels a sense of belonging, self-worth, dignity, and pride. We yearn for nation that understands and appreciates the critical importance of its diaspora in a 21st century global economy. To achieve higher levels of growth and prosperity our nation must embrace its diaspora to harness their Knowledge, Networks and Capital.

As an eternal optimist, I am still full of hope for a better future for our country. On behalf of the NGC, I wish you a peaceful, progressive, and prosperous 2019

China to construct new fishing harbor in Sierra Leone

Chinese investors have agreed to cooperate with Sierra Leone on the construction of a new fishing harbor, helping to survey stock numbers and aquaculture development.

Chinese vessels already comprise the majority of the vessels fishing in the waters of the African country. At present, the Chinese fleet in the region consists of 68 vessels — or roughly 75% of Sierra Leone’s industrialized fishers.

The Chinese ambassador, Wu Peng, has stated that the above projects are part of China’s plans to do more in the fisheries sector to strengthen its cooperation with the African nation, which he said has been mutually beneficial.

In particular, he noted that the Chinese fleet provides Sierra Leone’s government with $7 million in licensing fees and $2m-$3m in export fees annually. Additionally, the Chinese fleet supplies the country with roughly 8m metric tons of fish per year, ensuring that the cost of fish remains stable.

Ambassador Peng said that in light of concerns about overfishing off the shores of West Africa, China had not permitted new vessels to fish in Sierra Leone’s waters since 2016. He also stated that Chinese authorities had introduced strict regulatory measures to try and cut out suspected IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing) activities from registered Chinese companies in the region.