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China to construct new fishing harbor in Sierra Leone

Chinese investors have agreed to cooperate with Sierra Leone on the construction of a new fishing harbor, helping to survey stock numbers and aquaculture development.

Chinese vessels already comprise the majority of the vessels fishing in the waters of the African country. At present, the Chinese fleet in the region consists of 68 vessels — or roughly 75% of Sierra Leone’s industrialized fishers.

The Chinese ambassador, Wu Peng, has stated that the above projects are part of China’s plans to do more in the fisheries sector to strengthen its cooperation with the African nation, which he said has been mutually beneficial.

In particular, he noted that the Chinese fleet provides Sierra Leone’s government with $7 million in licensing fees and $2m-$3m in export fees annually. Additionally, the Chinese fleet supplies the country with roughly 8m metric tons of fish per year, ensuring that the cost of fish remains stable.

Ambassador Peng said that in light of concerns about overfishing off the shores of West Africa, China had not permitted new vessels to fish in Sierra Leone’s waters since 2016. He also stated that Chinese authorities had introduced strict regulatory measures to try and cut out suspected IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing) activities from registered Chinese companies in the region.

SLAJ to Aid Judiciary in Popularizing the New Bail Regulation 2017

The President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalist (SLAJ) Mr Kelvin Lewis and the Executive Director of Legal Aid Board Madam Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles have manifested high-level commitment in popularizing the content of the 2017 Bail regulations.
Mr Lewis, SLAJ President said, his association will ensure that the points below will be effectively popularized:

1. Accused persons are not required to pay money in order to secure bail.

2. Apart from the serious offences of Murder, Robbery with Aggravation and Treason all accused persons shall be entitled to bail.

3. Anyone above 18 years, including women, stand as sureties.

4. Bail may be denied for indictable offences.  However, if the prosecution is objecting to bail, the reasons must be contained in an affidavit.

5. A Court may only ask an accused to deposit money as a guarantee if the matter he /she is accused of involves money. The amount deposited shall not exceed the maximum fine that can be imposed for the offence.

6. Minor offences such as loitering, larceny (stealing), traffic offences (other than those resulting in death) and offences under sections 2 to 15, 26, 27 and 32 of the Public Order Act are entitled to bail. If not granted bail, report should be made to the leadership of the Judiciary of Sierra Leone:

Contact:  +23278244739 or +23279526341.

7. People may be admitted to self-bail provided they have any of the following security documents:

a. Passport or other travelling documents
b. National Identity Card, Voter Identity Card or National Social Security and Insurance Trust Card;
c. Bank Statement;
d. Proof of residence- light and water rate bills etc
e. Title deeds; or
f.  A testimonial from a Chief, a Tribal Authority, a community leader or somebody who is vested with authority in the community.

©Moses Kamara


Chief Dr. Saio S. Marrah

Author: Chief Dr. Saio S. Marrah

Former Director General – Central Intelligence and Security Unit

Former Intelligence and Security Adviser to President Ernest Bai Koroma and President Julius Maada Bio

8th January 2019

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” (Albert Einstein).

Sierra Leone is a post-conflict and fragile state riddled with economic hardship and youth unemployment. According to recent studies, youth protuberance is emerging as a major catalyst for internal violence in the developing world and obviously Sierra Leone isn’t an exception. In most cases however, post-election violence is a quick trigger for intra-state conflict as recently demonstrated in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast. Thankfully to God Almighty, the 2018 General Elections in our beloved country went on smoothly without any major issues.

Having said that, since General Julius Maada Bio was elected President of the Republic of Sierra Leone (some nine months ago), certain individuals especially in the Diaspora have been consistently and persistently calling for war in Sierra Leone. These individuals have deployed inflammatory rhetoric, hate speech and antagonistic tribal incitement aimed at provoking tribal war in Sierra Leone.

Such craving and invocation for war in our beloved country by certain people who call themselves Sierra Leoneans is a key factor why I have decided to raise my voice at this crucial moment of our history. As Albert Einstein argued, “the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” until carnage is unleashed on mankind. Leonardo Da Vinci also argued in similar capillary by maintaining that, “he who does not oppose evil, commands it to be done”. In a rather dramatic rhetoric, Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently stated that “our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” – whiles Plato criminalized “your silence as consent”.

That said I have the moral impetus and authority not to remain silent in the face of such inconceivable and senseless social media frenzy by people who know nothing about war. As a war Veteran and Expert in War, Conflict and Peace Studies, it is my moral responsibility as a peaceful and patriotic citizen to enlighten my people especially the youths; for them not to heed to anybody living in the white man’s land whiles inciting them to stand up against the democratically elected government of Sierra Leone.

These people spewing dangerous, seditious and inflammatory statement are definitely not patriotic by any stretch of imagination; because such act (spewing dangerous, seditious and inflammatory statement) precipitated the Rwandan Genocide which led to the massacre of about a million people in just three months. In light of this therefore, it is very apparent that war can start with mere words. In recent years as was of ancient, it is indicative that it is the older men who declare war but it is the youths that fight and die. My advice to you warmongers is sublime; when your anger arise for any reasons whatsoever, think of the consequences of war. Haven’t you Bellicists learnt enough lessons from our decade long war that affected every facet of our lives?

For the youths and simpleminded, please permit me to proffer this touching meaning of war as espoused by Niko Billic – according to him “war is when the youths and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other” for materialistic and selfish reasons. Fellow Sierra Leoneans, why appease the thirst and hunger of warmongers when at the end – as Plato stated “only the dead can see the end of the war”.

Bellicists and warmongers, why hoist the threshold of revulsion of peace loving Sierra Leoneans to the extent of invoking war in the country? Do we deserve to spend the rest of our lives in such state of high alert and anxiety epitomized by insecurity, uncertainty and recklessness? It is therefore no marvel why Confucius posited that “life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated” by creating unnecessary problems for ourselves by heeding to fake news.

Fake news are not only malevolence in themselves but they contaminate the soul with ill-will hence information received can be easily acted upon consequently leading to the breakdown of law and order. As Aristotle pointed out “that man at his best is the noblest of all animals, separated from law and justice he is the worst” and this was demonstrated during our civil conflict. So please stop polluting the hearts and minds of Sierra Leoneans especially the youths who are our future leaders.

To this end, I call on all Sierra Leoneans to sustain the peace; for without peace and security, development and democracy will be eroded. To achieve peace we must exhibit tolerance and positive thinking – as Confucius once said “the more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large”. It can be said therefore that, peace is not the absence of conflict – rather “it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means” (Ronald Reagan).

Inflammatory rhetoric and socially constructed realities are not only dangerous but overly pricey for the security sector. One thing I want to make crystal clear is that, for any seeming security threat in the state, the appropriate security agency (as expected) will respond proactively. For each and every response, it costs the security sector huge amount of money. The associated problem with this is that, all such responses by the intelligence, police or military as the case maybe, are not budgeted for as they are unforeseen circumstances.

So the tight budget of the security sector especially the intelligence is not only overstretched but creates the possibility of distraction and susceptibility – hence the intelligence calculus will be more inward looking due to the persistent threats emanating from within. It meant therefore that, other serious trans-national organized crimes such as terrorism, cyber attacks, sea piracy, drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundry, human organ trade and many more will attract less attention (deprioritization). This is so because the security sector is already overstretched (financially and otherwise) with socially constructed internal threats which the security sector must respond to as they cannot afford to underestimate any threat. 

Sierra Leone was in 2018 rated the most peaceful country in West Africa, 3rd in Africa and 33rd worldwide. The profound question is, are we not (as a nation) proud with such enviable results? It is inconceivable if not absolutely unthinkable and unimaginable for any right-minded Sierra Leonean to crave for war cognizant of what we went through during our eleven years civil conflict.

The people of Sierra Leone want peace but please be reminded that “a bad peace is worse than war” (Tacitus). It is therefore suggestive if not wholly imperative that, Sierra Leoneans must strive for genuine peace. We do not want illusionary peace or artificial harmony. We hate war! We despise war! Oh yes! We do, because in war, there might be a vanquish but never a winner……because if you win the war you will definitely lose the peace. So why war? “War in Sierra Leone” – Never again!!!

Mariatu Melvina Conteh Trapped in Dubai Fearing Political Reprisal in Sierra Leone

Mariatu Melvina Conteh currently finds herself between the devil and the deep blue sea in Dubai
Mariatu Melvina Conteh currently finds herself between the devil and the deep blue sea in Dubai

By Alpha Sesay

The attention of one of our ace reporters was drawn to a human interest story relating to the plight of a Sierra Leonean lady, Mariatu Melvina Conteh, a native born of Magburaka Town, in the Northern Province of the country, who was residing on Lamina Street. This lady left Sierra Leone in 2018 for Dubai to fend for a living or seek for an employment opportunity since the country was going through harsh economic times and the unemployment rate was rising with no easy solution in sight. Since she left to date she has been in Dubai going through the thick and thin that migrant workers are undergoing in that country.

However, her situation is quite different from other migrant workers and it is indeed a very interesting and pathetic one. As her situation now stands, Mariatu Melvina Conteh, currently falls into the quagmire of not been able to gather the temerity or the zest of returning to her homeland out of an intense fear that she may be politically trapped and probably loses her life.

Her fears are so real to an extent that when our ace reporter conducted a thorough investigation as to what is really making her panicky of returning to her country of origin a lot of revelations materialized.

Our reporter unearthed that prior to and during the 2018 electioneering year, Mariatu’s entire family, especially her father and brothers, were dogged, staunch and diehard supporters of the incumbent political party, the All People’s Congress (APC) Party who were actively campaigning against the opposition political party, the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) that was very determined to take over the governance seat from the APC.

That electioneering year was indeed a very tense one with intermittent skirmishes taking place in different parts of the country between supporters of the rival political parties. Mariatu’s family members were not only very vociferous but extremely active in their campaigns to an extent that they were taken note of, some deeming them as notorious, especially when one of her brothers was allegedly accused of fuelling a violent political confrontation in which some SLPP members sustained serious injuries. Since that skirmish took place her family members became a target of political persecution as some SLPP supporters vowed that they will pay for the serious injuries that they have inflicted on their members, whom they regard as their brothers and sisters.

Things took a different turn when the SLPP emerged victorious when the elections results were announced. That was when hell break lose for Mariatu Melvina Conteh’s family.

However, before the serious manhunt was launched by irate SLPP thugs against family members of Mariatu, in the form of political reprisals, she was lucky to have an opportunity to travel to Dubai but notwithstanding that she has already been blacklisted, with her name on the wanted list.

From the information our reporter gathered, the political harassment on her family members became so tense and unbearable that they were forced to clandestinely depart from Magburaka with different family members going their own separate ways.

Caught in this ugly quagmire, Mariatu Melvina Conteh currently finds herself between the devil and the deep blue sea in Dubai. She is so afraid of returning to Sierra Leone out of the fear that she might be spotted by certain irate SLPP supporters, most of whom it is said are thugs, and that something untoward or unfortunate could happen to her. Furthermore, since she left there had been no form of an effective communication with her family members as she is totally ignorant of their whereabouts.

Fearing for her safety, Mariatu Melvina Conteh’s plight could be likened to a Stateless Person which makes it such an interesting human interest story which we thought needs publication. For now what could be her fate or the best option remains very uncertain.

In Konta Village… Abdulai Jalloh Narrowly Escapes Forceful Secret Society Initiation Attempts

Abdulai Jalloh
Abdulai Jalloh

By Abubakarr Harding

The frequent rate at which cases of forceful initiation into secret societies are occurring, especially in the provinces, has of late prompted human rights activists to call on the Government to put adequate measures in place that could guarantee individuals unfettered exercise of their fundamental human rights to Freedoms of Movement and Association.

A Consortium of Human Rights Organizations in the country have renewed their call when the issue related to the attempted forceful initiation of one Abdulai Jalloh into the Poro Secret Society was discovered, an alarm raised and the issue went viral and has now become very topical.

Abdulai Jalloh was a total stranger in Konta Village, which is situated within the Port Loko District of the country in 2018 as it was the first time of paying a visit to that part of the country. Through persuading the uncle it was decided that on his uncle’s next business trip both of them will travel. Well that was how Abdulai Jalloh ended up being in Konta Village.

As it is natural with young boys, on the second day after sleeping in the village he was eager to explore to areas in order to confirm or corroborate some preconceived ideas he held of the village. After courting the friendship of one of the local farmers son by the name of Foday, Abdulai convinced him to take him around on the 30th September, 2018.

Abdulai drifted into another pathway. It was at this instance that he unassumingly and mistakenly from a distance saw members of a powerful secret society, the Poro Secret Society, dreaded for some not surviving its fearful initiation ordeals, performing some rituals.

Thinking that leaving the scene was a solution but little did the uncle and Abdulai know that it was not the end of a nightmarish experience.

Since some of the residents of the village know where the uncle was residing two botched attempts were made to kidnap Abdulai, who should have been entranced by a powerful ‘juju’ , transported to the village and forcefully initiated since it was a policy that a non-initiate should not see the performance of a ritual and he or she goes free.

Besides, threats were most times sent that the society members will one day come for him and no matter how long it takes they will eventually get him.

It was understood by this medium that due to sound advice Abdulai Jalloh decided to go into hiding and since then no one knows where he is currently residing. However, the fact remains that he is wanted by members of the Poro Secret Society in Konta Village.

Mohamed Seneh Mansaray In Trouble Over Daughter’s Death

Mohamed Seneh Mansaray

By Minkailu Koroma

It has emerged last night that one Mohamed Seneh Mansaray of No: 12 Kainyagba Street, Bo city has on the 3rd October 2018 been declared wanted by the police over the death of his daughter, Kadiatu Mansaray in the secret bondo bush in the township while under going initiation.

Investigation revealed that Kadiatu was forcefully captured on her way to the market and initiated without the consent and approval of the family especially the father.

Family sources state that the father was busy on his official engagement when he heard that his only daughter has been forcefully initiated without informing the parents especially the Dad.

Mr Mansaray who became very furious over this negative development decided to rush to the society bush to stop the women from going ahead with their planned initiation on his daughter.

Nurse Dakowah of Bo government hospital told this medium that there was serious tussle between the women and the father right inside the society bush. The father Nurse Kadiatu said was vehemently opposed to the initiation of his daughter on the grounds hat it was against her wish. For quite a long time, the nurse said the girl was opposed to being initiated.

The source said while the tension was ongoing, the women called for the intervention of members of the poro society since they are working side by side.

She pointed out that immediately the poro members arrived at the scene, Mohamed was handed over to them for him to be initiated  also against his wish for violating their traditional laws.

The father the source said was forcefully taken inside the poro society bush and in the process he (Mr Mansaray) was seriously manhandled and sustained injuries.

Mohamed who was tired and helpless as a result of the manner in which he was forcefully taken to the bush sustained injuries during the fracas.

Family source say while in the poro bush, Mohamed heard that his only daughter has died during the initiation process. This development according to sources provoked more anger between the people and the father. An argument ensued which later resulted to his escape with the help of one of the society members Mr. Gina.

The father was reported to have jumped through the only window in the house of the society bush to escape for his dear life and since then his where about is yet to be unknown. Family members have however expressed fear about the where about of their son.

It could be recalled that Mohamed’s case is not the first in that district. Several young people have abandoned the community over the years to avoid forceful initiation.

Alleged Gay Youth Escapes “Jungle Justice” in Sierra Leone

Christian Momoh Conteh

By Abdul Rahman Kamara

Based on a tip-off we received via telephone call revealing that an incident is taking place, which could be newsworthy, our Editorial Team decided to promptly dispatch one of our ace investigative reporters to the scene in order to get first-hand information of what was really transpiring.

Based on his report, a youth by the name of Christian Momoh Conteh was physically lynched by a group of community residents for allegedly having a sexual affair with Hassan Sesay his gay partner who was 16 years old which happens to be the same age with Christian. According to investigatation this medium learnt that Hassan Sesay is currenlty under police custody whiles police are still on the warrant for Christian Momoh Conteh.

The incident took place at one of the houses on Kissy Road in the East End of Freetown during the evening hours of Monday 8th October 2018.

According to eyewitnesses, Christian Momoh Conteh was prosecuted by his uncle, one Abu Sesay, who raised an alarm that he caught Christian red-handed having sex with his gay partner.

Within a twinkle of an eye, a large group of crowd converged within the small compound of the house where the said incident was said to have occurred. Soon, some irate youths started to indiscriminately and seriously beat Christian with sticks, some pelting stones at him, raining all type of abusive languages on him, calling him all sort of names.

It was a very tense and emotional moment as the crowd kept increasing and some people were overheard saying “Haram, Haram” meaning “Forbidden, Forbidden, Forsaken” which was later learnt to mean condemnation by Muslims against ‘Un-Islamic’ acts or activities. Within the context of the incident, they were totally condemning the act of the alleged bi-sexual act or penetration said to have been committed by Christian.

By a stroke of luck, Christian, who was now bleeding from different parts of his body was saved by another uncle, Michael Koroma, from the clutches of his assailants. The uncle ran away with him to a safe haven. Since we were very much interested in the story we decided to make a follow-up and later understood that Uncle Michael facilitated the travelling of Christian to neighboring Guinea for safety.

From what our reporter further gathered from the family members of the said victim of the sexual penetration was that at any given time that they lay eyes on Christian he must just say his last prayer as they will leave no stone unturned but to kill him instantly.

In a country that suffered one of the worst and brutal rebel war that saw thousands of innocent Sierra Leoneans extra-judicially cold bloodedly murdered by drug-craze rebels totting guns, others having their limbs chopped off and millions of Leones worth of properties, including public infrastructure damaged, the occurrence and recurrence of mob justice or jungle justice is very commonplace.

The psyche of most of the youths who were forcefully conscripted has been attuned to insensitive killings evident in the increase of violent crimes or clashes that most times live in its wake fatalities. Most times before the Police could put such violent situations under control the harm could have already been committed.

As far as many are concerned there are only two religions in this country: Christianity and Islam. Both religions, it is argued, do frown on same sex relationships. Homosexuality, lesbianism are not tolerated. They do not have places in the Sierra Leonean society and any suspicion of a person’s involvement in sexual acts within that context could not only flare up tempers but the so called perpetrator risk losing his or her life.

For now the only plausible thing Christian and particularly his family members must do is to keep him away from ‘harms-way’ or extreme danger otherwise it will be doom, whiles police are still on the warrant for him.

As Police Investigate Mysterious Death of Local Coach… Abdulai kallay Wanted By SLP For Questioning

Abdulai Kallay

By Alim Jalloh

Lesbians, Gay, Bisexuals, Transgender and Intersex activities are considered to be forbidden in both the Holy Quran and the Bible, it is therefore prohibited by Muslims and Christians in Sierra Leone and Africa as a whole. In Sierra Leone LGBTI activities are considered to be state crime, so practitioners have little or no protection from the law, despite pressure from few Civil Rights Activists and Media Houses also become targeted by communities for their stance.

Reports coming from the Rural District of Waterloo state that a young man by the name of Abdulai Kallay, who played for Area Best Foot Ball Club in the Eastern Part of the Capital, Freetown, narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of some angry youths, after being caught in the act of same sex with his coach, a practice that is outlawed in Sierra Leone, and described by both religious faiths in the country as demonic and should not be encouraged.

According to officer M.S Kamara SLP19732, of the Waterloo Police Division, they received a call from the local authorities that there is an altercation involving youths in the community on allegations that Abdul Kallay and Coach Abdul were caught in homosexual act on the 16th September 2018. According to the report, the two men were caught red-handed by other youths, just after a local football match.

According to our investigations, both Coach Alie and Kallay, hail from strong religious background, observing strict Christian and Islamic principles. It was further disclosed that both have been seen regularly in the company of other young people in the community, creating panic and fear in the minds of most parents of their kids being indoctrinated.

The Police say they went to the scene of crime, but were told that the two suspects had fled the community. They furthered that on the following day, they were called again by the authorities and told that the corpse of Coach Alie has been found. The police said that on their arrival at the said crime scene, many residents expressed surprise to know that the victim was one of the young men caught the previous day in a compromising situation by some angry youths in the community.

The death of Coach Alie was received with mixed feelings within the community, with many describing him as a loving young man, who has helped a lot of community youths to excel in football.
Mohamed Saccoh, Manager of Area Best Foot Ball Club, stated that they are shock to receive the news that Coach Alie has been killed. He described Alie as someone who has passion for the development of Football in the country. The Sierra Leone Foot Ball Association (SLFA) issued a statement, calling on the police to investigate the mysterious death of Coach Alie.

The Police are now investigating the cause of the death of Coach Alie, and Kallay is now of high interest to the police, as a leading suspect.
Further sources intimidated to this medium that Kallay is now afraid to face the community and also afraid of being arrested by the police.

Abdulai Kallay, hails from the Limba ethnic group, that are known to uphold culture and tradition, and being accused of practicing gay, has landed him in trouble, as they are vehemently opposed to such practice, terming it as demonic, and could mean death if caught by these traditionalists. This situation now puts Kallay in a dilemma, as he is being looked for by both the police and his ethnic group across the country. Our source say that he has gone into hiding and his whereabouts are not known.


Gay On The Run

Abdullai Barie

By Abdul Rahman Kamara

A gay, Abdullai Barie is reportedly missing for months now, a family source said.

Barie who stayed at 13 Balansama Street, Kabala town in the northern Sierra Leone has been on the run fearing for his life, after he is reported to have been violently attacked by unknown persons.

Reports say he sustained some minor bruises during the attack that led to his eventual disappearance.

The attack, the report continued, came after Abdullai was caught pant down with his gay partner in his home which raised many questions and suspicion and has been seen as a taboo by the community people who have always perceived gay acts or relationship as evil and that it goes  against customs and traditions in many parts of the country especially the rural areas where many human rights abuses are taking place glaringly.

After this incident, Barie is reported to have been chased by some community people who also rained insults on him and threatened his life.

Family sources say the incident occurred on 18th July 2018 when he was caught with his gay partner, Patrick Williams after they had come from a night club and had relaxed in the room having a good time.

Barie’s stepfather was the one who first noticed the couple in the room making love.

The source said.

“The door was not closed, he saw them in motion, they were shocked, they escaped through the window after his uncle raised the alarm’’ an eye witness said.

“It was Williams who jumped through the window and ran immediately but Abdullai was unfortunately rushed at by the neighbours who came to the scene.

They crowd started manhandling him, beat him up; and he shouted for help but no one listened  before he narrowly escaped, of course he sustained some injuries” a relative of Abdullai revealed.

The  report said, Abdullai ended  in taking refuge  in the hands of the paramount chief who later asked his chiefdom police officers to take him to the hospital where he was given a first aid treatment .

Abdullai later escaped in the hospital where he was admitted briefly, the report said; noting that he feared that he will be fined by the traditional authorities who had warned against such gay practices.


Kidnapper Declared Wanted

Ransford Mike

By Amara Samura

Report reaching this medium last night indicates that one Ransford Mike of No: 7 Bombay Lane in the East End part of Freetown has been declared wanted by both Police and secret society members for allegedly kidnapping one Princess Bangura in Freetown.

According to sources close to the lady’s family, the father, Mr. Alie Bangura don’t want the relationship between his daughter Princess and Ransford because they do not come from the same religion. He claimed that they are Muslims while the husband is a Christian.

The father insisted that his daughter should only  marry to her cousin one Albert Bangura who was reported to have raped and impregnated her but Princess stood her grounds that she does not want that relationship because of the manner in which the man treated her.

Sources say Princess threatened to take legal action against her cousin for raping her but her father refused on the grounds that it will seriously affect the family and bring shame and stigma to them in the community.

The source said when Ransford proposed to the family that he wanted to marry Princess, the father refused on the grounds that they are not from the same religion. Because of this ugly development, Princess left his father’s house and ran away to Ransford.

When the father realized that his daughter has escaped to her fiancée, Ransford, he threatened to take drastic action against the man for allegedly kidnapping his daughter. The father is known to be a senior member of the most fearful secret society in that community. Independent sources say, the father in law has been accused of threatening to send members of his society to drastically deal with Ransford if he fails to release his daughter.

While the threat was ongoing both Ransford and Princess tied the knot to be husband and wife at a secret traditional wedding at the residence of the father’s elder brother on Sunday 12 July 2018.

This development according to family sources did not go down well with the father who immediately reported the matter to the East End Police Station.

On Saturday 20 July 2018, the Police sent an invitation letter to Ransford demanding him to report to the station for questioning regarding the kidnapping of his fiancée.

This development prompted both couples to escape to an unknown destination for fear of their lives following series of threats.