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Upholding The Rule of Law… APC Cases and Judicial Independence

By Amin Kef Sesay

Universally, it is an indisputable fact that in order to uphold and maintain the rule of law in any State there is the need to have in existence an independent Judiciary that should dispense justice fairly and impartially. When this kind of situation obtains then definitely citizens will have confidence in our court system as the bastion to seek redress. Without any iota of exaggeration, for tranquillity and stability to transpire in any country there must be in existence an independent judiciary to really portray that there is equality before the law.

Truth is, ever since the days of the APC in power, dating back to the mid-1960s, election petitions have been a staple of our judiciary’s diet that since those days has raised widespread concern over judicial independence. Many politicians, as well as ordinary litigants who firmly believe that they have been hard done by the judiciary in its verdicts against them have raised serious concern about the independence of the judiciary which makes a great part of the nation gloomy about the future of the rule of law.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. In these controversial highly controversial political times, it is all the more important for the rule of law to remain the unshakeable bedrock of our society.

Like many of my fellow citizens, we are worried about the increasing political polarization of society today and call for rational discussions about the role of the judiciary in establishing, preserving and promoting of the rule of within the parameters of the Basic Law – with the implication that all judicial matters must be addressed in a timely manner and fashion within the law.

Importantly, under rule of law, an independent judiciary answers to no political masters to ensure the rule of law continues to thrive.

The rule of law upheld firmly and fearlessly by an independent judiciary is universally recognized as a cornerstone of a lawful, peaceful our society. It involves three fundamental principles.

First, under the rule of law, everyone – both those who govern and those who are governed – is subject to the same laws. Secondly, disputes between citizens and between citizens and government are resolved fairly and impartially by an independent judiciary.

Judicial independence is integral to the rule of law, and such independence has two aspects: One, the judiciary is institutionally independent from the executive and the legislature; Two, each judge is independent, whether sitting alone or in a collegiate court consisting of more than one judge.

Thirdly, the rule of law involves the effective protection of human rights. As stated in the preamble to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is essential that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. This distinguishes the rule of law from the concept of “rule by law”.

Significantly and most critical for the impartial dispensation of justice, the judiciary must not be part of the executive. Judges swears to uphold the Basic Law. Under the principle of judicial independence, judges should not be pro or anti anyone or anything.

They should be fair and impartial. Judges have no master, political or otherwise. Their fidelity is to and only to the law. They serve the community by adjudicating disputes fairly and impartially according to law.

The Basic Law provides that judges shall be chosen on the basis of their judicial and professional qualities and that they exercise their judicial power independently of interference.

The legal requirement that they must take the judicial oath is a sufficient and satisfactory arrangement to conscientiously, dutifully, in full accordance with the law, honestly and with integrity, safeguard the law and administer justice without fear or favor, self-interest or deceit, as maintained by Andrew Li Kwok-nang, a former chief justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.

In Sierra Leone the 1991 Constitution states that, “The judicial power of Sierra Leone shall belong to the judiciary of which the chief justice shall be the head.”

Judicial power refers to the power to interpret laws and punish offenders, as well as arbitrating disputes among individuals thereby upholding human rights and justice in society.

To ensure that judicial officers perform their functions without fear or favor, another clause is found in sub section-3 of the same section of the constitution which section grants complete autonomy on the judiciary in the dispensation of their scared functions. It reads:

“In the exercise of its judicial functions, the judiciary shall be subject to only this constitution or any other law and shall not be subject to the control or direction of any other person or authority.”

ACC Boss Set to School IPAM Students

Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala

By Pa Alhaji

The Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala has revealed to this medium that he is very enthusiastic to hit the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), the entity that bagged the AWOL Best Tertiary Institution of the Year, as on the 20 February 2020 he will deliver a powerful Public Lecture as a Guest Speaker on the topic “Fighting Corruption in Public Procurement in Sierra Leone: The Way Forward”. The event will take place at the Miatta conference Centre on the 20th February 2020.

The ACC Boss disclosed that he will grace the Procurement Seminar organized by IPAM  in order to interact with future Procurement Officers in Sierra Leone and to continue to enlighten them on the need to fight  corruption in Public Procurement in Sierra Leone and discuss the way forward.

According to him, young people are very instrumental in the fight against corruption. “I believe we need to teach them about the dangers associated with corruption,” he underscored.

It could be recalled that most of the issues that were unraveled by the Government Transition Report (GTT) centered around breaching procurement processes and procedures. It is also clear from the proceedings of the just concluded Commissions of Inquiry bordered on floating procurement rules.

Against such a backdrop, it is but timely for IPAM to organize such a seminar in order to help shape the thought processes of students pursuing courses in procurement.

Some students perceive the young and pro-active ACC Boss as their mentor and from what was learnt they are all set to give him a rousing welcome.

Hawa Moriba, a DIPS Year 2 student has this to say: “ I believe it will definitely aid me to identify my strengths and weaknesses as an aspiring Chief Procurement Specialist in time to come because key intellectuals, one of which will be Francis Ben Kaifala, will unfold many things some which I only know theoretically. I know that what I will gain will be implemented in the future for the betterment of our nation.”

Mohamed Koroma, a DIPS student from IPAM -Makeni Campus, in stating reasons as to why he is so elated to attend this first ever Seminar are to gain more knowledge from the various guest speakers about the advantages of introducing the e- procurement in S/L in accordance with the Public Procurement Act of 2016, to get a positive result on the approval of a degree course in Procurement and Supply respectively.

Elijah Musa Conteh stated that with this kind of opportunity he strongly believes that they are going to have the Bsc Degree Program introduced. “Our program will be exclusive in the country so that more students will be eager to come on-bound. It is a great pleasure to witness this seminar and I am highly interested. I also want to thank our Heads of Department for coming up with this wonderful initiative,” he furthered.

Janet Alpha said, “we will be happy to receive the no nonsense ACC Boss in our midst not only because his charisma but his penchant to thrill students and for his tremendous contributions to the development of Sierra Leone.”

Meanwhile  Mr. Kollie, the Coordinator of the Seminar said all things have been put in place to host the wonderful seminar further revealing  that the said program is expected to bring together about  one thousand five hundred (1500) students from Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Kono and Makeni IPAM campuses which will be broadcast live by AVY and other broadcast stations.

Kanja Sesay takes Renewable Energy to a Higher Height

Kanja Sesay, Minister of Energy

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Kanja Sesay, said to be an innovative Minister of Energy, has explained that renewable energy is the best answer to this country’s energy supply. He said that considering climate change and the global thirst for renewable energy, Sierra Leone is joining the fray to help protect the Earth.

In his determination to make sure that renewable energy is properly sustained in the country, Mr Sesay recently called in experts from the African Union with whom he will be going to Njala University campus Mokonde  where renewable energy is expected to be used in a big way to ensure that students of the University get sustainable lighting throughout their studies.

Mr Sesay said that Njala University will act as the pilot in this massive drive to attain the sustainability of renewables.

There is already a massive solar plant at the Newton area in the Koya Chiefdom Port Loko Chiefdom North of the country which supplies electricity to a very wide area in that Chiefdom all with the untiring efforts of Mr Kanja Sesay.

In his determination to make sure that all regions in the country enjoy the benefits of light, Mr Sesay recently took a tour to all the major provincial towns in the country. Mr Sesay was to examine infrastructure and identify the areas that are to benefit from renewable energy.

“This New Direction Government is committed to the Millennium Goals which include sustainable power supply to our people,” Mr Sesay said. “We are therefore working towards that end and we believe we shall achieve it,” he concluded.

Dr.Denis Sandy Rescues Lady Patricia Kabba School from Intruders

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Dr. Dennis Sandy, who has been rated as a very hardworking and caring Minister of Lands and Country Planning has given confidence to the school authorities of the Late Lady Patricia Kabba Primary and Junior Secondary School when he paid a visit to the school accompanied by his Deputy, Mr Rex Bonapha which was under siege by land grabbers, last week.

The school which bears the name of the late wife of the late President Kabba and which stands in the Hill Station Area, West of Freetown, was facing a lot of problems from neighbours who were encroaching into the territory of the school and causing much headaches for the school authorities and pupils who attend the school with classes being disrupted on a daily basis.

In order that the fears of the school authorities and those of the pupils themselves, will be allayed, Dr Sandy went along with his able Deputy, Mr Rex Bonapha to assure them that as Minister of Lands he will never allow for President Bio’s flagship of education for all, to be troubled or discouraged by any one through the grabbing of school property. He assured that this will never happen again.

Dr Sandy told teachers and cheering pupils that the rights of the school shall be restored and that in the near future the school’s own perimeter will be properly marked out so that encroachment from outside will be a thing of the past.

Dr Sandy told them that this Government is committed to the Free Quality Education and that includes giving priority to education in the country and protecting property that belong to all schools all over the country.

Kamakwie is more than fit to be Karene District’s HQ

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Tamba Lamina

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Kamakwie Town which is geopolitically, strategically placed and its central location in the new Karene district gives it an edge over any other town to be the District Headquarter Town. Its multi-ethnic character is an ace and the town is well positioned as it stands astride the trade routes between Kambia, Falaba, Koinadugu, Bombali and Port Loko Districts.

Kamakwie offers better educational and healthcare facilities with five secondary schools (two senior and three junior) and a vocational institute. The town has one of the best hospitals in the country, the Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital founded in 1959 by the Wesleyan missionaries and this hospital has not only supported the people of Karene District but the entire country compared to Batkanu that doesn’t have all these facilities to become the Headquarter town for Karene District and that Kamakwie has been completely transformed by rapidly changing economic and social developments as a result of its proximity to Guinea.

Moving the headquarter town to Batkanu primarily because of the tombstones of rogue colonial administrators would invoke the British as a prototype, a point of reference and the symbol of imperial legitimacy and identity. The relics in Batkanu are a reminder of colonial wrongs. We trust the maturity and reasoning of the current political leadership and strongly believe that they would not allow any persons with vested interests to cloud their reason. For those of us who have a long memory we know what consequences there might be when a group of people feels marginalized along political lines. We hope that just weight would be attached to this argument.

It stands to reason, therefore, that the choice of Kamakwie was far from being political. The choice was borne out of sound reasoning and stoutly supported by both national and world history as has been seen above. In a world where life seems to be fast-paced and dynamic, where places are becoming more and more reachable because of their central location, we cannot afford the luxury of having the headquarter town of Karene District moved to Batkanu, an impoverished colonial town on the edge of the new district with limited chances of social advancement. The speed of urbanization would lag behind if it were so, and the cost of building a headquarter town from scratch would be too huge a financial burden for the Government to bear more so when there are more important issues to grapple with. Kamakwie already has the infrastructural foundation which can greatly reduce cost.

A case study was the headquarter town of the new Falaba District is Mongor Town and it was chosen because it is centrally located. Mongor is nearer to all chiefdoms in the district. Although Kulor and Sendugu Chiefdoms are still far away but Mongor is still the mid-point and that any attempt to shift the headquarter town to some other town would be a great disadvantage to other chiefdoms. Our case should be looked into from that standpoint because at the end of the day the overall objective is to spread out much needed social and economic developments to hard-to-reach chiefdoms like Tambakha on the Guinean border.

It could be a greater mischief to the country and its people than propagating wrong notions concerning the country’s colonial past. Many reject with all their might the bold attempt to mislead the country and take the greatest exception to any calculated attempt by a selected few who think they can overtly exploit political affiliations to rewrite the history of the country in order to give life to their unpatriotic whims and aspirations.

NP-SL Ltd Rescues Liberia During Fuel Crisis

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL-Ltd) recently demonstrated that it is really the parent body of all its subsidiary branches in neighbouring Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia when it timely responded to a request in order to assuage the fuel crisis that recently engulfed the sister country of Liberia.

The fuel scarcity that hit Liberia in recent times was so acute that it affected every segment of that country. In order to ameliorate the negative impact such has impinged on that country for three weeks running, the Liberian Government stepped in by providing free buses for students, civil servants and later extended it to cover everyone.

To make the situation even worse was when certain individuals started hoarding fuel which was compounded by raids mounted by the Government to nab the hoarders invariably leading to making the product very expensive as the price shoot up.

Caught in this tight and difficult situation, the Government of Liberia contacted officials of NP-Sierra Leone via the Government of Sierra Leone to see how best all can collaborate to find a temporary solution to the fuel crisis. It was agreed that Sierra Leone will supply 2000 metric tons of gasoline to Liberia. The supply was made in record time. As we go to Press, the fuel situation in that country has been partly addressed as the relevant authorities in that country are making frantic moves to normalise the anomaly.

When this medium went into action and sounded the views of members of the public to know their take on this latest development, what came out clearly is that this was a fine move on the part of NP-SL Ltd most commending the company for coming to the aid of a sister country in time of dire need.

It is worthy to note that NP-Liberia is not the only petroleum company operating in that country and besides the market forces work differently which is why a shortage may occur in one country and in another country it is available despite the presence of branches of the same company, for example, NP-Sierra Leone and NP-Liberia.

One good thing about the National Petroleum Company is that it is always on top of situation with regards the importation of fuel.

Another outstanding attribute that the company is renowned for is that the calibrated pumping machines used in all its Filling Stations are guaranteed to be of high standard having the capability of showing the exact and correct quantity of petrol, diesel or kerosene that is discharged and displays the exact price a buyer should pay. It was a conscious move on the part of the shareholders to install such modern high tech calibrated pumping machines within the context of giving optimal satisfaction to its numerous and esteemed customers, as well as operate in a very transparent manner that continues to instil confidence that they are dealing with a trusted business partner.

The National Petroleum Limited is a very caring company that most people depend on to secure high quality petroleum products. It is on record that its customers have not complained of any unfair treatment. It is an entity that has been making steady headway and progress within the business landscape of the country. Through sheer hard work, selflessness on the part of its shareholders and competent managerial prowess, the company has sketched a good name within the petroleum business landscape, especially for its qualitative service delivery. The shareholders and Managers of the company, therefore, cannot just see things done haphazardly that have the propensity of staining its hard-won reputation and sit idly back.

What has been discerned of late is that there are certain individuals who have taken upon themselves to disingenuously spew baseless castigation against the company bordering on propagating the falsehood that  its pump attendants are criminally defrauding its customers by pumping less of the quantity that unsuspecting customers purchase at different Filling Stations. Coming across such an allegation this medium, known for championing human interest issues, went into swift action and undertook a thorough undercover investigation to ascertain its veracity.

Various Filling Stations in the country were targeted, but at the end of the day, what came out glaringly was that the allegation is totally untrue, baseless and unfounded, as there is no semblance of truth in it.

As for the National Petroleum company, complaints of pumping attendants cheating customers have not been heard for a long time although according to one of the company’s Managers one cannot rule out having bad eggs within its workforce. However, he assured that all their pump attendants are well trained in the aspect of effective service delivery and they are well informed not to get themselves involved in any untoward behaviour that will bring the name of the company into disrepute. Against such a backdrop, coupled with the fact that they are well motivated in terms of remuneration and other conditions of service such employees would not be so foolhardy to do anything messy.

As a caring parent who loves to see his or her children get the best in life so is NP- Ltd, which, besides limiting itself only to selling petroleum products, is also availing its customers other services just to make life comfortable for them. It is along such a line that one could find mini-marts, entertainment corners in some of its Filling Stations, where customers could purchase basic items, avoiding the hassle of leaving other engagements to procure those goods.

NP Gas is exclusively marketed by the company and its authorized agents in different parts of the country and they are manufactured in different cylinder sizes sold at affordable prices. Because of it being environmentally friendly, less hazardous and very quick in terms of performance, NP Gas is going like hot cakes, especially as they are sold at affordable prices.

NP Smart Card is now gaining ascendancy and currency among its numerous customers across the country and has been rated as advantageous in terms of personal safety and transparency. It is good for big business entities, like construction companies, with fleets of vehicles as the Smart Cards that the drivers use to access fuel supply can transparently prove what was expended and what is now left as balance in their stock.

The company’s Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio is indeed very rich and it has been meaningfully rolled out over the years and they are really complementing Government’s development interventions.

Bailing out Liberia of its fuel crisis speaks volume of  a company that is geared towards making affordable petroleum products an always possibility in order to prevent individuals from going through undue hardship.

Chinese experience remains shining light across the globe, despite COVID-19 Virus

By Gunther AB Daramy( Master’s Candidate, International Relations and Diplomacy China Foreign Affairs University)

It is no gainsaying that the world is in bereavement to learn that the sleeping giant of Asia is being confronted by the outbreak of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), which gained global attention late December 2019.

What has actually come to the limelight is the fact that this virus has not only affected the Chinese Government and People, but also millions of people across the world, who are beneficiaries of Chinese approach to global governance- which is centered around mutual and multilateral cooperation, with a win-win result.

Commentaries are the sole opinions of the commentators, but times have proven beyond every reasonable doubt that, the Chinese experience remains a shining light in the global spheres, regardless of the current outbreak, which had unfortunately claimed the lives of thousands of people.

The Chinese soft power, which encapsulates love for all, with mutual respect, has occasioned a speedy transformation of the most populous country in the world within shorter period of time.

This is by no means magic, but hard work, strategic thinking and collective resolve by a country, which knows what it want and it pathway toward sustainable development.

I feel pity for the millions of tourists who had wanted to join the Chinese spring festival to visit the sight scenes across China including the Great Wall, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

I feel pity for the millions of business people whose businesses have been grossly affected by the outbreak, including my close relative who come to Guangzhou every three months to buy goods.

I feel pity, as a victim, including other international students, across China, who considers this great country as their second home. It is with the collective resolve and firm belief that we shall defeat the COVID-19. I note with grave concern an article carried by the Standard Times Newspaper on page 2 on the 12th February titled:  “How Xi Jinping’s ‘Controlocracy’ Lost Control”.

As a trained media professional, I know for sure that such act is an example of the carelessness of the gatekeeper and it certainly cannot be the view of well-meaning media officials of Sierra Leone, including the Standard Times, which is on record to have been publishing the great story of China.

The least China deserves at this moment is love, courage and great felicitations. Some of us who have direct feel of the situation at hand know that the Government of the People’s Republic of China has demonstrated potently the ability to address the virus. We cannot forget in a hurry, how it was China which first came to the aid of Sierra Leoneans when we had the Ebola outbreak in May 2014.

Sierra Leone’s bilateral relation with China has survived several wild propaganda machineries and the above stated article is no exception.

The Standard Times I know is not perfect, like any other media institution in the world, but as we go along, it is necessary that these kinds of subjective articles are given end notes, viewed with a clearer focus on acceptable ethical standards.

At this crucial time in the history of China, all we can do as well-meaning compatriots is show friendship, sympathy or solidarity.

A good number of Sierra Leoneans will not buy into such misleading information about the Chinese people and its leadership. Alice Mamusu Turay Nee Bangura is a graduate of the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM).

She could not express beyond words, how doing business in China has transformed her life. She holds the view that China is the safest place for her to do business, as her security is always assured while in China despite the amount of money in his possession.

The Sierra Leonean community in China is a living testament to the fact that Chinese Government has been undertaking the huge responsibility of dealing with 99% of the cases caused by COVID-19. With a show of huge responsibility, President Xi Jinping has demonstrated huge leadership by encouraging all to bolster huge zest to defeat the virus.

China sustained constant information flow of development regarding the virus with high sense of transparency more than ever before. This has contributed to safeguard global health security at a very high cost.

On our part, the Sierra Leone Government led by President Dr. Julius Maada Bio and the other political class has expressed great solidarity with China.

I have been opportune to study comparative political analysis and I am not in a position to say which political system is the best.

What I can say without winking of the eyes is that China’s political system has worked for its people and so far so good, this is the best thing that had ever happened to a country that had witnessed miraculous transformation, within a shortest possible time.

“Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has long demonstrated their dynamism, strength and effectiveness.” Agreeably!

The Leadership of President Xi Jinping   of CPC Central Committee has made tremendous historical achievements which is even visible  to the blind.

I need not remind the world of the fact that China has grown into the world’s second largest economy.

The once sleeping giant of Asia is the largest industrial country with the largest trader in goods and the biggest holder of foreign exchange reserves.

These feats have been sustained over the years. China is hugely contributing to global economic growth to about 30%. At an impressive pace, China has satisfied the benchmark of the UN by lifting over 800 Million people out of poverty and on the finishing line to eradicate poverty by the end of the year 2020.

China, despite the population, is one of the safest places in the world to live and their contribution to global peace has immensely increased over time.

These are true demonstration of leadership.

If leadership is all about deliverables, then we must applaud the leadership of a country, which has done so well for its people and by extension global relations.

Following the health analysis, there is obviously some sigh of relief as the recovery of people that are affected by the virus has increased considerably with decreasing number of affected people.

The global community of civilized nations should discourage every move by anyone to politicize health issues. Global politics of division and segregation have not helped the world one bit. Being committed to its opening up policy President Xi played host to the Chief of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Beijing Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Dr. Ghebreyesus applauded the openness of the Chinese government in handing the outbreak.

This is the same for several world leaders whom have hailed the speed and scale of China’s response to the outbreak, as well as, the staunch leadership role of the Chinese government.

Even for foreigners, the Chinese government has been very responsible to check every foreigner across mainland China to ensure safety and wellness.

Many students here in China have expressed gratitude to the Chinese government for the pieces of encouragement and the preferential treatment for foreign students amid the outbreak.

No one is oblivious of the fact that the virus is dangerous, but those vile propaganda and negative commentaries are worse than the virus and very inimical to global peace and development.

China will win the fight against this virus and the fact remains that Chinese experience is a shining light across the globe, despite the infamous COVID-19 virus outbreak.


SUN Stakeholders End 3rd Nutrition Trade Fair

By Theresa Kef Sesay

The National Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Secretariat in the Office of the Vice President has ended the third National Nutrition Fair at the forecourt of the Miatta Conference Center in Freetown.

The three-day event, 5th -7th February 2020 on the theme, ‘Together, Nourish Sierra Leone and Build its Human Capital’, was jointly opened by the visiting Ms. Gerda Verburg, the Global Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement and the United Nations Assistant Secretary General and the Vice President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh.

Participants included UN Agencies like UNICEF, WFP and WFP, NGOs –Save the Children, Helen Kella International, Action Against Hunger, Kenema, Moyamba and Kambia District Councils, the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology polytechnic, Market Women, Traditional Healers, Religious Organizations, the Sierra Leone Red Cross and the media.

On Tuesday 28th January 2020, a press conference was held in the conference room of the Office of the Vice President, Tower Hill in Freetown about the visit of Ms. Gerda Verburg to Sierra Leone.

According to the Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Vice President and SUN Focal Person, Mrs. Victoria Sandy, the National Nutrition Fair would among others bring together UN Agencies, donors, a range of civil society partners across the country to showcase their achievements and share common challenges on how they have been contributing to the fight against malnutrition in Sierra Leone.

Mrs. Victoria Sandy continued to say that the National Nutrition Fair would also draw the attention of the government and development partners to the importance of food and nutrition in building the human capital as well as trigger the mobilization of resources for food and nutrition activities in Sierra Leone and went on to disclose that Sierra Leone has made progress in reducing malnutrition between the period (2010-2017) Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), reduced from 8.5% in 2010 to 5.1% in 2017 and new-borns of Low Birth Weight (LBW) reduced from 11% in 2010 to 3.4% in 2017 but however pointed out that the level of reduction has not impacted significantly on the current high levels of malnutrition in the country.

According to her, as outlined in the recent Multi-Sector Strategic Plan to Reduce Malnutrition 2019-2015, some of the key contributing factors to reduce stunting and underweight among under-5 and micro-nutrient deficiency among pregnant and lactating mothers are the low access to and use of safe drinking water and poor hygiene, environmental sanitation, low prevalence of hand washing with soap, poor infant and young child feeding practices and care, low practice of appropriate care seeking behaviours e.g. antennal care, immunization, personal hygiene, deworming of children, use of insecticide treated nets and early referral for common ailments.

She concluded that hundreds of under-five Sierra Leonean children can be saved annually through adequate nutrition as malnutrition is one of the leading causes of all under-five deaths in the country highlighting that it is expected that at the end of the National Nutrition Fair, nutrition would receive priority in the national development agenda.

Around 60 countries and hundreds of stakeholders have come together to change the world so that every woman and child is adequately nourished. They have formed a movement for this purpose with the acronym Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN). This is a global Movement committed to improving on nutrition especially women and children under-five.

In February 2012, Sierra Leone signed up to become a member of SUN and in October of that same year, the Movement was launched at the Miatta Conference Center. The country became the 28th member of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement.

Since the launch of SUN in Sierra Leone, the government and its partners have been making positive strides to put the movement on a firm foundation with the setting up of the SUN Secretariat in the Office of the Vice President, who is the National Focal Point. The SUN Secretariat is headed by a National Coordinator and its mandate includes coordinating for effective collaboration among the key players or networks-government (MDAs), the UN Family, donors, civil society organizations and the business and academic communities.

Highlights of the Nutrition Fair were a conducted tour of the over 50 booths by various dignitaries including the Vice President and Ms. Gerda Verburg, free screening for high blood pressure, temperature, malaria, typhoid and other illnesses, quiz competition for secondary schools, musical performances and talent show.

Abu Bakarr Kamara from Kambia District revealed that due to climate change and erratic weather patterns, plans are underway for the Ministry of Agriculture to embark on large-scale greenhouse agriculture especially for vegetable crops like carrots, lettuce and cabbages.

Other stakeholders who made similar statements at the ceremony included Madam Nenebah Jalloh, SUN National Coordinator, Mrs. Solade Pyne-Bailey of the Directorate of Nutrition in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Hussainou Taal of WFP and Alhaji Mohamed Bailor Jalloh, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FOCUS 1000.


Women Leaders Urged to Engage More In Politics

Cross Section of Participants

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Human Solidarity, a community-based, non-political and non-governmental organization, in collaboration with the British High Commission and CARITAS, on Wednesday 12th February 2020 commenced a two-day capacity building/training workshop aimed at increasing women political participation in Sierra Leone as well as empowering them to contribute to the increase in women’s political participation to enable political parties’ Women’s Wings become competent and skilled to effectively participate in politics.

The two-day capacity building/training workshop for women in politics, which took place from 12th -13th February 2020 at the Saint Anthony’s Parish Hall on Syke Street in Freetown, was officially declared open by a representative of the British High Commission in Freetown.

The 50 participants include the Women’s Wings of the four main political parties in the House of Parliament, who nominated 10 (ten) members each.

At the official opening ceremony, the Executive Director of Human Solidarity, Mr. Idrissa G. Mansaray, articulated that it is a golden opportunity for his organization to develop the human psyche of women and that women are first and religiously magnanimous. He appealed to all to respect women and reiterated the need to educate the girl or woman, underscoring that gender equality and empowerment of women are part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

According to the Executive Director, at the end of the training workshop, follow-up meetings would be made to ensure that participants implement the knowledge gained and described the all women facilitators as experienced, reiterating that they are looking for results through an increase in the percentage of women representatives in politics, especially in Parliament and Local Councils in the 2023 general elections.

He also urged women to hold duty bearers accountable on national issues and commended partners for their support to the training workshop.

Among others, participants highlighted political intimidation, violence, abuse and lack of funds as some of the factors militating against their participation in politics and that there is no woman in the national executive of the APC except the Women’s Leader, adding that women do not support each other, that there are 146 Members of Parliament with only 16 women. They called for safe seats for women, enforcement and implementation of recommendations and policies, referencing Rwanda and Kenya as examples of African countries where a good number of women are in governance and the decision-making process.

Participants also called for the empowerment of young women, create safe space for women in politics, women to support each other, adding that the organizations should not only train but support women during elections, that women must recruit more women into politics through mentorship, that they must work across political parties and that the constitutions of political parties and the national constitution must be reviewed to empower women.

“Women must be protected against violence, gender and human rights are important in any society to sustain development. Gender is central to development; gender mainstreaming is the strategy/means or ways to enhance gender equality, women and men would operate and be valued equally. Furthermore, cultural and traditional practices and religion are some of the factors inhibiting gender equality,” they revealed.

According to the women, government must domesticate treaties, conventions and protocols, that the APC surpassed the 30% quota for women and also has women representatives in its National Advisory Council, the highest decision making-body of the party, and has 26 female councillors in the Western Area Urban, that there are no female Paramount Chiefs in the North and that the training must be replicated to others, both men and women.

Some of the topics covered included Knowledge of Sierra Leone’s Political System,-participants were trained on how Sierra Leone’s political system works lack of women’s representation in politics and governance. The challenges women face and ways to overcome them; Personal Communications, Advocacy and Campaign-participants were trained basic personal communication skills, advocacy skills and how to launch successful campaigns; Cooperating with Other Women and Acting Collectively on Issues of Mutual Concern-participants were also trained how to work together to promote women’s issues with political parties and Institutionalizing Gender Equality in Political Party Policies, Processes and Practices-participants were also trained how to lobby within their political parties to promote gender issues.

Debate Courtesies:

Group A: Political Parties Women Caucuses and Women’s Wings: “Calling on Faith-Based Leaders and Politicians to Increase Women’s Political Participation in Sierra Leone.”

  1. Veronica Sesay – Leader of the Female Caucus in Parliament
  2. Emilia Loloh Tongi – Independent Member of Parliament
  3. Femi C. Cole – Unity Party Presidential Flagbearer
  4. Women’s Leaders (APC, SLPP, NGC, C4C)

Group B: He for She Proponent Speakers “Articulating Your Contribution Towards Increasing Women’s Political Participation and Promoting Women to Become Competent and Skilled to Effectively Participate in Politics.”

  1. Fr. Peter Konteh
  2. Sengepoh Thomas
  3. Dr. Kandeh Yumkella
  4. Chernor Bah

Facilitators at the two-day event include Mrs. Isata Kadija Jalloh, Mrs. Helen Bash–Taqi, Mrs. Marcella Samba Sesay and Hon. Roseline Jenneh Smith.

‘Road Safety is a Human Rights Issue’ – SLRSA, HRCSL

By Fatmata Jengbe

The Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) on Thursday February 13th, 2020 continued its strategic engagement with the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) at their head office at Kissy Road, Freetown.The engagement was about the human rights implications on the use of the road and road safety.

Zeid Ra’ad, Al Hussein, the former UN High Commissioner for   Human Rights in March 2018 spoke about ongoing efforts to promote road safety at the Geneva Motor Show that “Road safety is a human rights issue.

Today, international law imposes affirmative obligations on every State to take all reasonable steps to protect the right to life, the right to personal security, the right to health, and the right to development of all people.”

The perils which road users face on a daily basis can be regarded as a human rights issue. This issue calls for urgent remedial action by the State, which has the constitutional obligation to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the human rights of the people.

The HRCSL and the SLRSA will therefore partner on key areas in the protection and promotion of human rights as it relates to the use of the road and road users.