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Tourism Minister Engages other Counterparts in Spain

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr Memunatu Pratt who and entourage are currently in Madrid, Spain attending the 11th Tourism Investment and Business Forum for Africa at Fitur 2020. The country has the third largest booth at the fair.

Our indefatigable Tourism Minister is on record for her zest, dogged commitment and pro-active strides she has taken so far in and out of the country to transform the nation’s moribund but highly resourceful tourism sector by fully harnessing the potentials we are endowed with in order to derive appreciable amounts of revenue required by Government to roll out mapped out development programmes.

On Day Three of the Forum, Minister Pratt eloquently reasoned out with and made a passionate plea to her counterpart colleagues and other stakeholders present to see the need to collaboratively work in order to come up with a blueprint and chart the way forward for a smart and better approach to drive tourism for the development of their countries and regions.

Towards that goal she officially met with the Director of Tourism of the Cape Verde Tourism Board and the two held fruitful discussions on how they can partner and share methodologies to improve tourism that could pave the way for positive outcomes.

The Minister also visited the Ghanaian Booth where she met with officials of the Ghanaian tourism sector, held positive talks with them. She was able to learn a lot about what efforts and strides the Ghanaians have taken so far to make their country a prime tourist destination in Africa. There was the consensus that indeed through collaboration much could be achieved economically by the two sister countries.

Immediately after engaging the Ghanaians an invitation was extended to her by the Minister of Tourism of Mauritania, who after holding talks with him was also informed of the importance for the two countries to establish cultural and promotional exchanges.

Her presence at the Ethiopia Stand was brief but she successfully shared her vision of an enhanced African tourism sector through partnership and collaboration via shared ideas and pulling together of resources.

While discussions were ongoing on SITTA she had a warm shake hand with the Tourism Minister of Ivory Coast. During the discussions, the General Manager of the National Tourist Board, Fatmata Abe-Osagie, pointed out that she could not attend this year’s event in April on the grounds that it is during that month the country will be celebrating its Independence celebration and an important moment when tourism booms.

The Minister and team took random photographs at the Cameroon and Mali Booths where she warmly shook hands with officials from those countries and exchanged other courtesies.

Russian and Egyptian tour operators showed keen interest in Sierra Leone’s tourism and provided tips of what they want to achieve from every engagement with Sierra Leone come May or June this year.

In all the aforementioned engagements the Chairman of the National Tourist Board,Tamba Alieu Kokobaye, who was part of the delegation gave professional guidelines as the team moved from booth to booth. The Administrative Manager of Tourist Board, Annmarie Kamara, also gave highlights of the country’s cultural heritage, monuments and other historical sites.

In a related development on the sidelines of Fitur 2020, the Minister and entourage attended the XI Tourism Investment  and Business Forum for Africa (INVESTOUR) hosted by Ifema, United Nations World Tourism Organization and Casa Africa
She engaged her colleagues in a round table discussion on the topic “Creative Industries and Rural Tourism Development: An African Perspective” and sharing Sierra Leone’s institutional strides on preserving cultural heritage and rural tourism development.

It is plausible that Africa can make over 80 million tourists and this can be achieved only through sustained collaborations and increase over the 5 continental previous percentage.

Tourism is a dynamic sector in achieving the AU Agenda 2063 and the global SDG which require government policies across the continent to upscale in this direction.

Stats-SL Mallam O  Proudly Receives ‘Diaspora Focus’ Award

Statistician-General of Stats SL, Prof Osman Sankoh (Mallam O) receiving the Award

By Esther Wright

After what it described as having keenly watched his strides towards nation building and his good inter personal rapport with others, an organization which was established by some Sierra Leoneans residing abroad, Diaspora Focus,  on 21 January 2020 presented an award to the Statistician-General of Stats SL, Prof Osman Sankoh (Mallam O). The citation accompanying the award reads: For Estimable Contribution to National Development.

Presenting the award to the Statistician General of Sierra Leone on behalf of the International Committee Board of Diaspora Focus, The Director of Diaspora Focus, Dr Emmanuel Stafford, described the Diaspora Focus award as Priceless and certainly one of the most credible for service to humanity, community and nation building.

According to him it is the 7th edition of the Diaspora Focus award, the first of which he disclosed was hosted by now First Lady of Sierra Leone, Fatima Jabbie Bio in London back in 2012. Being that the Statistician General was not present at the award ceremony in December last year, he decided to present the award to him now on behalf of the International Committee Board.

Responding to receiving the award, Prof Sankoh expressed delight and honour for the award. He said that he had applied for the Statistician-General role whilst he was outside of Sierra Leone and that the advert had being sent to him by his daughter .He continued that this was because his daughter knew that he had always talked about returning back to Sierra Leone to serve, having spent 10 years as CEO of The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and their Health (INDEPTH) which is a network that operates in over 20 countries around the world with its headquarters in Ghana.

He said that though he had lots of friends back home at the time he had applied, he didn’t call to make any follow up on his application as he believed and wanted the process to be fair. He said he spent three nights researching and reading for the interview and after he was eventually offered the job, a newspaper publication came out expressing doubts and indicating that he might not come because according to the paper, he was earning a huge amount at INDEPTH and therefore there were doubts as to whether he would come.

He said that as a result of those rumours and to demonstrate that  his coming was not predicated on money, he decided to fly back home in February of 2018 just to dispel the rumours and let his employers know that he was still interested and ready to serve his country, before eventually taking up office in April of 2018. He went on to say that money is not all that matters but sometimes people take up some jobs so that they can contribute and touch people’s lives just as he had done. He dedicated the award to the entire Stats SL Management team and staff whom he said believed in his vision for doing the right things for the transformation of the institution

He added that though Sierra Leone is a low income country and one of the least developed in the world, that does not prevent someone who leads a national institution to do the right things and then  show off a little bit with the changes you make which encapsulates his concept of “ Bongology” .

This award is the second major award since Prof Sankoh returned back home. The first was by the African Consulting Group, which was the National Leadership Award 2018/2019 for Outstanding Public Leadership which added to his long array of awards. Whilst he was working outside Sierra Leone, he was awarded amongst others, The National Organisation of Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA) National Community Leadership Award 2007 for Superior and Distinguished Service in Building Community and Enhancing Interconnectedness among Sierra Leoneans throughout North America.

NP-SL Continues to Make Steady Progress

By Amin Kef Sesay

The highly rated company that is vibrantly operating in the country, the National Petroleum (NP) -Sierra Leone Limited continues to make steady progress within the petroleum trade landscape. As a successful indigenous business entity that is sustainably thriving to the admiration of many, there is every need for other entrepreneurs to borrow a leaf from it in order to achieve success to the magnitude of what it has so far achieved over the years.

We cannot deny the truth that in the past some Sierra Leoneans have come together to ambitiously set up business entities but lamentably shortly after they came into existence they collapsed like a pack of cards and disintegrated. Such could most likely be attributed to poor managerial leadership, individual differences and outright financial misappropriation to the chagrin of certain members who had genuine intensions for those businesses to boom.

Originating years back, when 35 former workers of the erstwhile British Petroleum (BP) company ploughed or invested their end of year benefits into establishing NP, steady steering of the nascent company and prudent managerial guidance catapulted this indigenous business entity to the enviable position it presently occupies.

Today, NP is commendably contributing solidly towards economic development and nation building, providing job opportunities for many not only in Sierra Leone but in some other countries within the West African sub-region.

Equally too, timely payments of taxes to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) has been contributing to revenue generation which the Government is using to fund various development projects to improve standards of living.

If the company is exponentially growing by leaps and bounds, one of the prime factors that have been serving as an engine for that growth could be sheer placing of premium on customer care. Management of NP is very mindful of the fact that their customers must be their number one priority and therefore must be given the right attention they deserve. Optimizing customer satisfaction is a key ingredient for any successful business and the leading petroleum company is exactly treading on that path making it endearing to both old and new customers.

NP is admired for its networks both nationally and internationally with the Sierra Leone Petroleum Directorate and external oil producing companies which puts it on a better stead to always have dependable supply of petroleum products such as petrol, diesel, kerosene and lubricants which are then distributed to all its filling stations country-wide. This pro-activeness on the part of the company is contributing largely towards averting shortage on the market that would obviously lead to negative repercussions.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans NP Gas cookers of various sizes which are affordable, safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country.

As it had been established inter alia, serious-minded entrepreneurs who want to set up sound business entities must understudy NP to become au fait with the sound initiatives that were, are being injected that is continually taking the company to the pinnacle of a successful business entity.

NP is indeed worthy of emulation!

As Sierra Leone dropped 18 places down in the GPI… President Bio: Where is our Peace Commission?

President Julius Maada Bio

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In the Global Peace Index 2019 Report that was recently released, Sierra Leone dramatically dropped 18 places down from 34th in the world to 52nd in just one year. According to the just released 2019 Index, it also indicated that the nation moved up from 2nd place in Africa to 6th  position.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) measures the relative position of nations’ and regions’ peacefulness. The GPI ranks 163 independent States and territories (99.7 per cent of the world’s population) according to their levels of peacefulness. In the past decade, the GPI presented trends of increased global violence and less peacefulness.

This is the thirteenth edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI), which ranks 163 independent States and territories according to their level of peacefulness.

Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), the GPI is the world’s leading measure of global peacefulness. This report presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis to date on peace, its economic value, trends, and how to develop peaceful societies.

The GPI covers 99.7 per cent of the world’s population, using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources and measures the state of peace using three thematic domains: the level of Societal Safety and Security; the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict; and the degree of Militarisation.

Seeking the opinions of majority of Sierra Leoneans across the country through a vox pop interview many described the ranking as not good for the image of the country.

According to peace experts in Sierra Leone the reason why Sierra Leone dropped cannot be move away from an upsurge in violent crimes, gangs/clique activities, political violence, political instability, armed robbery and the poor economic situation in the country. This year’s Report also includes analysis of trends in Positive Peace: the attitudes, institutions, and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies.

Many people were also concerned over the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission which was promised by His Excellency President Maada Bio.

In his address to Parliament in May 2019: “Building and Promoting National Cohesion”  he was very firm on the establishment of a Peace and National Cohesion Commission which has long been overdue going by the promises of past leaders in the country.

“Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, I am pleased to report that Government has prepared for the establishment of the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion. A Green Paper has been submitted for consultation on how to achieve inclusive governance and improve on the infrastructure for peace and democratization. Together with the Green Paper on Democratic Consolidation and National Cohesion, we shall host a National Dialogue Conference to be called Bintumani III on Democratic Consolidation for Peace and National Cohesion scheduled for 23-25 May 2019,” he maintained.

After this said National Dialogue Conference called Bintumani III on Democratic Consolidation for Peace and National Cohesion the final communiqué was presented to Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh and in receiving the Communiqué he assured of the Government’s commitment to fully implement the outcome of the just concluded National Peace Conference and the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission.

As we speak we are yet to see any concrete move relating to the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission.

Many believe with the establishment of this Peace and National Cohesion Commission it will help reduce the instability in the country and it will also help us to move up in the global peace index.

It against this backdrop, I want to plead to you to do all within your power to get the Commission established before this year ends. I strongly believe that if this Peace Commission is established Sierra Leone will move up in the next Global Peace Index Report.


Angel to Angel undertakes Capacity building training for Children

Cross Section of the capacity building training beneficiaries

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to enhance the development of children in Sierra Leone, especially girls, Angel to Angel a non-profitable US based entity established by a group of visionary women with the avowed aim of providing educational opportunities for girls particularly in Sierra Leone and Africa in general on Sunday 19th January, 2020 undertook a one day capacity building training for children within the Freetown Municipality at Biz Bazaar in Freetown.

In his address to the beneficiaries, Angels to Angels National Coordinator, Saidu Sankoh, revealed that the one day capacity building training for girls was geared towards building the capacity of children. He lamented that there is a stereotypical belief in Sierra Leone that the girl child cannot fit into male dominated areas, but said with training such will help girls to believe in themselves.

He noted that during the training they also used the opportunity to educate both old and new beneficiaries with the avowed aim of educating them about the various packages Angels to Angels Sierra Leone have in store for them and to make sure that the new beneficiaries emulate the positive attitudes and hard work of old beneficiaries.

He noted that the organization is striving to help break the cycle of poverty through education which provides opportunities for a better future for  girls further underscoring how they seek to empower girls by providing them with educational scholarships which they have been doing for the past years, adding that in this 2019/2020 academic year they will continue to extend more supports to girls across the country, through the support from the United States of America Board members.

He ended by admonishing parents to be aware of their roles and responsibilities towards the development of their children highlighting how they have pivotal roles to play towards the development of their children. In that regard he encouraged them to monitor their children.

Mariatu Conteh, a parent of one the beneficiaries expressed her deepest appreciation to the organization for awarding their children the scholarships, adding that such a gesture is really helping them and their children.

She assured the organization of their commitment as parents to ensure that they monitor their children and promised that they will make good use of the available opportunity.

She called on other humanitarian organizations to support Angels to Angels Sierra Leone as many other girls in Sierra Leone are really challenged in terms of accessing education but said with support they will continue to benefit from programmes or projects that the organization will be implementing.


Statistics Sierra Leone Unveils 2019 Consumer Price Index

Head of Statistics Sierra Leone

By Amin Kef Sesay

The institution that is charged with the responsibility of compiling statistical data in the country, Statistics Sierra Leone has released the 2019 Consumer Price Index.

According to the Report, Headline National Inflation Rate Annual national consumer price inflation (year-on-year) went up by 0.80 percentage point from 13.09 percent in November 2019 to 13.89 percent in December 2019. The monthly national consumer price inflation for December 2019 is 0.41 percent; up by 0.21 percentage point from 0.20 percent in November, 2019.

The national monthly CPI (2008=100) increased from 280.04 in November 2019 to 281.20 in December 2019 resulting to 0.41 percent inflation this month.

This is due to increase in the monthly inflation rate in three regions in December compared with November: Eastern region increased from -2.84 to -0.33 percent in December 2019 comprising Kenema –0.87 and Kono 0.17 percent; Northern region from -2.59 percent in November to -1.25 percent in December 2019 and in the Southern region from 0.17 percent in November to 0.58 percent in December 2019.

Western Area declined from 2.87 percent in November to 1.50 percent in December 2019. The national year-on-year inflation for December 2019 is 13.89 percent, which indicates an upward trend compared to 13.09 percent in November 2019.

Three regions show upward movements: the Western Area from 15.66 percent in November 2019 to 18.76 percent in December 2019; Eastern region from 17.14 percent in November 2019 to 17.19 percent in December 2019; Southern region from 10.62 percent in November 2019 to 11.84 percent in December 2019; while Northern region decreased from 8.21 percent in November 2019 to 5.43 percent in December 2019.

Hands Off Our Girls Campaign to be Taken to another level by Youth Groups

Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Lusine Kallon

By Fatmata Jengbe

On 22 January 2020 the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Lusine Kallon engaged a cross-section of Western Area Youth Councils and Heads of Youth Groups to discuss the way forward after the successful support accorded to the national launch of HE Fatima Bio’s flagship Hands off Our Girls campaign at the Siaka Steven Stadium in December 2019.

According to Mr. Kallon, he is highly grateful to all youth groups for coming out in their thousands to support the initiative. He added that the Ministry of Youth Affairs is proud to have youth groups across the country supporting national initiatives and that the Ministry cannot make any significant headway without the involvement of the youth.

Speaking in his capacity as Chairman of the first dialogue between the Ministry and the various youth groups, Mr. Kallon cited the importance of dialogue which he said bridges the gap between the youth and the Government and enables the Government to draw up plans and come out with policies that can positively affect youth progress. He said the Ministry is determined to ensure that daily dialogue is maintained between the Ministry and the youth groups.

Updates on the previous meeting between the Ministry of Youth Affairs and youth groups was done by Ambassador Foyoh while an update on the Signing up of the Commitment Banner was presented by Sia Comfort Nyukeh, Gender Officer, Ministry of Youth Affairs.

Tejan Z. Kellah, District Youth Council Chairman Western Urban District admonished his colleagues to stay focused and work in tandem with the Ministry of Youth because according to him, the success of the Ministry is ultimately the success of youth in the country. He buttressed the words of the Deputy Minister saying that when they work together the achievements would be great. He also thanked the youth groups that participated in last December’s national launch of the Hands off Our Girls campaign, adding that there is much more youth in this country can do when they are determined to work together for the overall benefit of Sierra Leone.

Ms. Nyukeh said among other things that the Ministry of Youths is planning on implementing a project which has to do with Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence, adding that it seeks to complement the efforts of the First Lady and that the meeting is in continuation of what was started last year; basically seeking to ensure that the girl child enjoys more space to ensure she is able to realize her full potentials and to not be subject to any form of harassment inimical to her growth as a person. She maintained that the move is to complement the efforts of the First Lady in initiating the Hands off Our Girls campaign. She added that the girl child falls within the age bracket of 15-35 and that girls, between15-19 are mostly the ones that are sexually penetrated. She said it is the responsibility and mandate of the Youth Affairs Ministry to ensure that a safer space is created for these girls to actualize their dreams.

Youth leaders from various groups gave their inputs; making suggestions and recommendations on what they believe should be included in their action plan leading to the presentation of an award to the First Lady and presentation of a Commitment Banner with signatures of numerous heads of institutions agreeing to support the Hands off Our Girls Campaign.

Suggestions and recommendations that were floated by the various youth leaders included employment of Social Workers at all schools across the country; establishing a Free Toll line to report sexual abuse and related matters; having school-going girls getting haircuts to identify them easily; opening Virginity Clubs with special inducements such as full scholarship for girls who maintain their virginity until a certain age; getting the police, youth groups, professional groups and other parties to present position papers on the day the award and presentation of the Signed Commitment Banner is made, among several other suggestions and recommendations.

The climax of the meeting was a question and answer session which was professionally handled by the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs, Lusine Kallon who answered most of the questions and provided expert advice on the way forward.

Fix Solution is Poised to undertake Biometric Registration of Inmates in the Provinces

By Cycil Cole-Showers

An institution known as Fix Solution is now set to implement inmates’ biometric registration in Waterloo, Port Loko, Kenema (male & female), Makeni (make & female), Sefadu, Bo (male & female), and Makeni (male & female) Correctional Centres respectively, according to Rita Wright- Director of Admin and Operations Fix Solution.

She made this disclosure in a meeting with the Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service, New England Ville, Freetown.

The data system management for inmates which is named: National Inmates Identity Management Systems (NIIMS) was launched on the 15th January, 2019, and since then, it has been successfully tested in the Pademba road, Female, and Male Re- Integration Centres in Freetown.

The system was developed and deployed by Fix Solution (SL) Ltd in partnership with the Sierra Leone Correctional Service (SLCS) and the Justice Sector Coordination Office (JSCO), with funds from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA).

“All the tools such as computers, internet dongles, finger print scanners, and camera have been made available already for ease of work. However, we still have to install the NIIMS software in all the computers for the Centres up- country,” Rita informed.

She said they are working on setting up a situation room in Freetown for the monitoring of work being done where NIIMS is available, adding that competent people will be identified to manage data processing, records and assurance. The Director of Admin & Ops also mentioned the need for there to be Regional Supervisors and two support staff who are well- versed in I.T to train and monitor NIIMS officers.

“Fix Solution will continue to do the cloud hosting of the data being generated from different Centres, and we will also develop the mobile app for the system as well.”

Joe Pemagbi, who is the Country Officer for OSIWA, pointed out the fact that his institution is not in the “habit” of taking credit for an initiative that did not spring from them, admitting that the idea of inmates’ biometric registration came as an autosuggestion from the SLCS. He said all they came with were funds and provision of the requisite expertise to carry the process forward.

“This initiative has now been taken to the Judiciary and the Police as well, so as to merge the work of the Justice- chain in Sierra Leone”.

Touching on the issue of funding, he said OSIWA “is still trying” to gather more funds to facilitate the training for the would- be- supervisors of the NIIMS.

Extending thanks to OSIWA and Fix Solution, the Director General of the Sierra Leone Correctional Service- Mr. Joseph Lamboi said he was looking forward to “further extension” of the project. He said it was a project that has earned the SLCS a lot of “accolades” from the government and the public.



Sierra Leone Telecommunications Report is Now Out

By Fatmata Jengbe

In a latest report dubbed The Sierra Leone Telecommunications Report – 8th series there is a complete view of the Sierra Leone telecom ecosystem along with trends and growth factors shaping the future of the market.

The future value proposition for telecommunications market in Sierra Leone to 2025 is detailed in the report. It also provides imperatives for gaining market share in the highly competitive telecom industry. It provides unmatched depth and breadth into drivers, challenges, tariffs, competition, subscriber behaviour, infrastructure, regulatory support and others.

The report also presents detailed insights into Sierra Leone’s mobile communication, fixed telephone and fixed broadband markets. Subscriber count and penetration rates are forecast for each of the sub-sectors including cellular, fixed landline and broadband segments from 2005 to 2018 and 2019 to 2025.

With Long Term Evolution (LTE) rapid expansion and slowdown in 2G and 3G services, the Sierra Leone telecom market is evolving rapidly. Embracing mobile connectivity, IoT, cloud services and smartphones has become vital for telecom companies. Operators across the value chain are forced to adapt to these emerging market changes to sustain revenue and profit.

Sierra Leone telecommunication market size, revenues, investment and infrastructure data is also included in the research work. In addition, business environment in the country is compared with five peer markets in the region to analyse Sierra Leone market prominence on regional front.

Telecom operators in Sierra Leone are witnessing wide range of challenges including rapidly changing customer patterns, financial and technological challenges. Identifying the emerging trends and converting them into actionable strategies is vital for sustaining profitability. This report analyses leading telecom companies in Sierra Leone across the value chain, SWOT analysis, tariffs and financial profile.

In addition, the report offers detailed forecasts into the country’s demographic factors such as population by age group, gender and region. Macroeconomic factors that form the base drivers for telecom growth and branding & pricing strategies including GDP and disposable income are included.

The research work also includes detailed SWOT analysis of Sierra Leone telecommunications market to enable users to identify key trends and hidden opportunities. It identifies emerging and new market trends across segments in the industry.

The study also includes recent telecommunication market developments, mergers, acquisitions and new launches, spectrum availability, tenders and other developments.

Key Findings of Sierra Leone Telecommunications market and introduction 2018 include prominent Sierra Leone market trends on sales, tariffs, packages, infrastructure, technologies, regulations and companies.

The report enables clients to boost revenues from new and existing customer base, identify key trends and hidden opportunities, gain clear understanding of the country’s telecommunications value chain.

It also design sustainable and competitive strategies in times of rapid development, promote understanding the paradigm shift in consumer preferences, compare growth in Sierra Leone telecommunications business with its peer markets and insights into the role of legal and regulatory bodies in Sierra Leone.

MP Alex Mattia Rogers Outshines In China

Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers displaying his certificate

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Member of Parliament for Constituency 102 in the Pujehun District, Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers, lifted Sierra Leone to another level in China when he participated in the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Tourism seminar.

The People’s Republic of China Ministry of Commerce and Tourism in collaboration with Sierra Leone Ministry of Tourism and other line ministries across the world conducted the seminar which lasted for a month.

The training targeted 6 continents and 22 countries and focused on tourism, cultural cooperation and trade.

Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers explained that his participation on the seminar came through the invitation that was extended to the Parliamentary Oversight Committee on Tourism.

He said two Members of Parliament from Sierra Leone including the Principal Clerk and representative from the Ministry of Tourism went for the training last month.

Among the 22 countries, Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers was elected leader during the training and during the gradation he was appointed to give the graduation speech.

He described the training as one that means a lot pointing out that the bilateral relationship between the two countries is remarkable.

He said China Tourism sector is well improved which he said Sierra Leone is yearning to have such.

Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers went on to commend the Tourism and Cultural Minister of Sierra Leone as a loyalist to national development. He said President Bio made no mistake in appointing her in that Ministry as with such woman that Ministry will be transformed.

He disclosed that they were going to submit a report to Parliament and the Tourism Ministry for them to implement what they have learned.

“I don’t have any doubt in this Government that they are ready to promote tourism as we have natural beaches that can attract tourists among other things.”

He said the tourism sector is high on the President Bio’s agenda and with such he believes that Sierra Leone will develop and tourism will raise revenue for the Government.

The magnificent showdown of Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers has caused him to uncontestably become a member of that particular institution