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Pres. Julius Maada Bio Markets Sierra Leone to Potential Investors

By Alim Jalloh

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio on 20 January 2020 has assured investors at the UK-Africa Summit in London that his Government is determined to diversify Sierra Leone’s economy to guarantee a business-friendly ecosystem with a win-win outcome for potential investors.

Speaking at the clean energy transformation session, the President spoke about key reforms his Government had put in place to enhance and promote investments in the resource-rich West African nation, also with a promising tourism industry. He referenced the country’s Investment Board, which he said had been set up to not only be a one-stop-shop for businesses, but also to provide aftercare support that would protect investments in the country.

He further cited the strides that had been made, through support from the British Government to investments in Sierra Leone, to provide off-grid clean energy to communities around the country. That, he said, was among a series of opportunities for potential investors wishing to invest in renewable energy in Sierra Leone.

On the margins of the summit, President Bio also met the World Bank Group’s President, David Malpass, who commended his leadership model of efficient public financial management. He said the Bank would continue to support the Government of Sierra Leone, while also committing to support the Free Quality Education.

In another meeting, the United Kingdom Minister for Africa, Andrew Stephenson MP, informed President Bio that he would visit Sierra Leone to look for projects that the British Government had supported. He added that they would continue to support the Government of Sierra Leone and assured of DfID’s continued support to the country’s flagship free quality education project.

President Bio assured investors that Sierra Leone was open for business, explaining that the narrative of war, Ebola and corruption that reverberated about Sierra Leone had changed, adding that the country, under his leadership, was fighting corruption to make doing business simple and guarantee profit repatriation.

The UK-Africa Investment Summit 2020 is an initiative of the British Government, which brings together investors from around the UK to meet and explore the key investment potentials in Africa. The British Prime Minister, addressing the summit, affirmed that the UK was looking forward to partnering with Africa to achieve prosperity as Britain looked forward to leaving the European Union.





Sierra Leone’s High Commission in Nairobi Warmly Welcomes Zainab Bangura

Madam Zainab Hawa Bangura and H.E. Peter Francis at the High Commission Chancery

By Abdul Malik Bangura

Madam Zainab Hawa Bngura , the newly appointed Director General (DG) of the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) on 21 January 2020 paid a courtesy call on the High Commission of Sierra Leone Chancery in Nairobi, Kenya.

During her visit to the High Commission Chancery at 57 Gigiri Court, Off United Nations Crescent, Nairobi, Kenya, Madam Zainab Hawa Bngura was received by the High Commissioner of Sierra Leone to Kenya, H.E. Peter J. Francis and his staff, who all welcomed her in a very joyful manner.

As normal practice, she paid a courtesy call on H.E. Peter Joseph Francis at the High Commission Chancery. During her brief conversation, she commended the Government of Sierra Leone for establishing a full diplomatic mission in such a strategically placed country.

Madam Zainab Hawa Bangura commented on her previous tenure as Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone when she emphasized on Economic Diplomacy and reiterated that diplomacy is not cheap. She admonished the High Commissioner and staff that in their quest for partnership and cooperation within their diplomatic jurisdiction, they should not ask for too much but for them to concentrate on one or two priority areas that Sierra Leone can learn from Kenya. She mentioned about the white birds in Pujehun and the white rhinos in Kamakwie which have been discovered and can attract tourism like Kenya is doing. She further enquired about the status of Sierra Leoneans in Kenya especially in Nairobi.

In his response, the Sierra Leone High Commissioner to Kenya HE Peter J. Francis gave a summary of steps taken so far in attracting investment. He said as a mission they are keen on attracting investments in areas of Tourism, Infrastructure, Legal and Wildlife and that they are presently working with the Ministry of Tourism, Lands and Wildlife in Sierra Leone.

Madam Zainab Hawa Bangura proudly signed the visitor’s book with a smile, stating that: “What a pride and honor to visit the Sierra Leone High Commission in Nairobi, Kenya. They have received me warmly with open hands and look forward working with them.”

Madam Zainab Hawa Bangura, a Sierra Leonean was in December 2019 appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres to head the UN Regional body based in the Kenyan capital.

Madam Bangura, according to UN official release is a relentless advocate for conflict resolution and reconciliation, and human rights champion. Before her appointment by the UN Secretary General to serve as UNON DG, she was most recently Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict from 2012 to 2017.  She began her United Nations career in the United Nations Mission in Liberia, where she was responsible for the management of the largest civilian component of the Mission, including promoting capacity-building of government institutions and community reconciliation.

She was Minister of Health and Sanitation (2010-2012) and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (2007-2010) for the Government of Sierra Leone.  Madam Bangura has also served as Executive Director of the National Accountability Groups as well as Coordinator and Co-founder of the Campaign for Good Governance.

She holds a bachelor’s degree from Fourah Bay College in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and advanced diplomas in insurance management from the University of London and Nottingham University.

Meanwhile, Madam Bangura’s visit to the Sierra Leone Mission in Nairobi is her first since taking over the UNON diplomatic job. She expressed enthusiasm of working greatly with the High Commission in signposting Sierra Leone’s potentials to the world.

45 YWCA Grandaunts Benefit from Chinese Embassy Support

By Edward Vamboi

On Monday 20th January 2020, 45 trainees graduated from the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) Vocational Institute after benefitting from a three weeks skills training  programme that was supported  by the Chinese Government through its Embassy in Sierra Leone .The graduation ceremony was held at the YWCA Old Hall at Brookfields in Freetown.

It should be recalled that as part of the New Direction Government’s strategic agenda to eradicate joblessness and to empower youths, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in collaboration with the Chinese Embassy supported the skills training programme and also graced the closing and graduation ceremony for the young Sierra Leoneans who benefited from a training programme bordering on stitching and sewing skills.

The Principal of YWCA, Mrs Grace Fullah, applauded and extended gratitude to the Chinese Government for what she termed as their tremendous support not only to the institution but for also enhancing the development of young people in the country. She assured the Chinese Embassy that as an institution they will continue to do their utmost best to further provide future training programmes maintaining how the institute has capacitated many young people over the years.

“We will diligently do the right things that are expected of us,” she said with optimism..

Deputy Minister of Tertiary and Higher Education, Dr. Turad Senesie, in his statement pointed out that as a Ministry they are in a position to collaborate with any foreign organization that is poised to empower the youths of Sierra Leone.

“Government has spent a lot of resources on boosting academic institutions and now we see it as a point of duty to concentrate on enhancing training institutions and empowering youths, giving them working tools all in a bid to support President Julius Maada Bio’s agenda  that is geared towards human capital development,” he intimated.

The Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone , Hu Zhangliang, on his part said  he is extremely happy to work in partnership with the Sierra Leone Government in actualizing the development programmes encapsulated in the Government’s development agenda.

He disclosed that there are various mapped out programmes that will be rolled out in the direction of boosting skills training for young people. He expressed gratitude to the President of the Republic Sierra Leone for upholding the bi-lateral relationship between the two countries which, he said, has spanned over nine decades.

He praised Sierra Leoneans for being very talented in inventing things pinpointing that they will continue to support innovation and entrepreneurship.

Lansana Mohamed Dumbuya, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Security informed that youth empowerment is key in the Government’s development plan adding how they are very grateful for the timely intervention of the Chinese Ambassador further acknowledging the tremendous work and efforts that the Chinese have made towards youth empowerment and the overall development of the nation.

The climax of the occasion was issuance out of certificates to the deserving grandaunts as well as sewing machines as start-up kits.

Africell Gives Meaningful Support to Pupils with Special Needs

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a positive light, Africell’s Brand Ambassador, Bernice Hawa, has  stated that out of a very sincere and dedicated stance to support to enhance and boost education in the country,  the company has extended helping hands to both the National School for the Deaf and the Milton Margai School for the Blind further underscoring how children are our future and so therefore we all need to pay more attention to their upbringing.

“Africell believes that education is the right of every child and no matter how tough it is nothing should stop these children from getting the right education,” she maintained.

The children with special needs from both schools had the chance to meet Ms. Bernice Hawa who presented the company’s donations to the schools which include food items and vital utilities and most importantly school fees covering the 2019/20 academic year for more than 90 children with special needs.

She expressed delight and gratitude to be part of the donation exercise:  “Today is a bright day in my life .I am grateful to Africell for choosing me as the Brand Ambassador; bringing me to my very deep roots. Those children brought joy to my soul. They are ‘Afri-Soul’. I am very proud to have been given the chance by a company which is deeply committed to serving people, touching lives and making differences in communities. Every child has the right to education; that’s Africell’s belief. These children are the future of Sierra Leone and Africell knows that and is helping to make that future great,” she posited.

Accompanying Bernice was Osman Kamara from the ‘Be A Star’ show, an entertainment programme, hosted and supported by Africell. Osman was full of praise for Africell, “I have had many opportunities to showcase my talent, but the’ Be A Star’ platform was the biggest ever stage I have graced. And for that I say thanks to Africell.”

On behalf of the recipients of the donated items, Mariama Kamara, one of the teachers of the pupils with special needs expressed appreciation to Africell for  the display of love to the pupils, adding that for decades now children with disabilities were not considered as  important but with the timely move made by Africell  the children  are now aware that their lives do matter.

She appealed to the parents to embrace Africell as their dependable telecommunications service provider as that will put the company at a vantage position to render more support under its Corporate Social Responsibility.

Africell’s Brand Ambassador, Bernice Hawa with the National School for the Deaf and the Milton Margai School for the Blind pupils
Africell’s Brand Ambassador, Bernice Hawa and the beneficiaries
Africell’s Brand Ambassador, Bernice Hawa handing over one year tuition fees to one of the pupils
Some of the Items donated

NP: A Beacon of Pride in the West African Sub-Region

By Amin Kef Sesay

The erudite and result-oriented Executive Director of the country’s leading petroleum marketing company that has been in active operations in this country for quite a long period of time now, Kobi Walker, in an exclusive interview intimated how the company is doggedly determined and will continue to support the economic aspirations of the Government and people of Sierra Leone, a testament of the company’s enduring determination to stay.

Mr. Walker furthered that NP will continue to grow and sustain its business in a manner completely devoid of any political participation or influence adding that it is a beacon of light and a haven of excellence in customer service.

Walker underscored how NP is a leading oil marketing company in Sierra Leone pinpointing that the company was wholly and exclusively established by 35 Sierra Leoneans, most of whom were former and current staff, including office messengers and janitors.

He revealed that the private sector remains cardinal to the development of the nation. “The public and private sectors work together all around the world. We need the private sector because it’s important in every society to help to build a developing country,” the savvy Management guru postulated.

It is on record that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited apart from it being lauded for being one of Sierra Leone’s biggest tax payers has on various occasions commended by many  for its invaluable contributions towards building the country’s economy.

As a petroleum business entity, NP-SL is proud of having state of the art functioning filling stations in various parts of the country with branches vibrantly rendering various services in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia, all providing qualitative service delivery to its esteemed customers, having bagged prestigious awards and glowing accolades for effectiveness and efficiency in rolling out or marketing high grade fuel and other petroleum products as well as for its immense contributions to nation building.

This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various jobs to residents in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level.

Without mincing the truth, NP has a capable and competent managerial team at the helm of affairs, which from time to time comes up with good initiatives, always ensuring that those initiatives are effusively, effectively implemented to create value for money.

The selflessness and commitment of the shareholders have made it possible for the company to empower many Sierra Leoneans and at the same time put it at a vantage position to continue to open more filling stations across the country.

The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

The company has earned a reputation for offering Sierra Leoneans affordable NP Gas cookers of various sizes, which are safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas cookers could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country and the very gas that is used is also sold for replenishment.

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easily and conveniently.

NP-SL by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents make it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

Since its establishment the company has been growing by leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the centrepiece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region. The synergy that runs through its members of staff has also contributed to the company’s growth.

As Kobi Walker summed it up, “A core aspect of the company’s operations is to positively contribute to the socio-economic development of the country and contribute to poverty alleviation.”


NRM Legal Advisor Says Ernest Bai Koroma also Hired SLPP Lawyers

Legal Advisor of the National Reformation Movement (NRM), Sorie S Tarawally, Esq

By Fatmata Jengbe

The Legal Advisor of the National Reformation Movement (NRM), Sorie S Tarawally, Esq, has intimated that the Selection Clause in the APC Constitution is not the only problem that the party is bedevilled with. He further stated that indeed he is proud that the NRM members and good comrades fought against it in spite of the status quo pretending they were willing to open up consultations.

“We fought that too but the status quo is a hydra and when one manipulation is removed another quickly rise to take its place. The next ploy is to exclude all known reformers including NRM. The next one is to load the constitution with serious ailments; that was why they never wanted to publish the draft constitution in order to know what’s in it,” he maintained.

He said they were aware of the fact that the appointive power of the Chairman of the party was to load NAC with his cronies whose number would out vote the elected members underscoring how NAC is the second highest governance organ in the party.

Justifying his position, he said, there were delegates crying and weeping at the convention-turned conference saying there were specifically selected delegates who were going to do the Caesar thing, “three times we offer you crown.”

He argued that Ernest Koroma and the APC would have emerged out of that convention with a Chairman for life and a renewed mandate for another three years for the status quo executive.

“If you think that was not going to be done must be a joke as the Delegates Conference is the highest law making organ of the APC which can declare a man woman and woman man. Knowing all of this, we had to stop them. For evil to succeed, good people must do nothing. We decided to do something. We enjoined the convention to resist the nefarious machinations of the powers that be,” he postulated.

The Legal Advisor further argued that in hiring a lawyer they followed the blueprint laid by Ernest Koroma whom, he said, hired SLPP lawyers when he was fighting the status quo about twenty years ago to assure that there will be no rack game. “We hired at great expense a lawyer who will get us results and after assurances that although this lawyer has some NAC members as clients, he would not be conflicted,” he said.

He concluded by saying that the party needs a worthy governance body to manage their reformation and lead them to a convention.


The Death is reported of Mrs. Zainab Turay (NEE DEEN)

Late Mrs. Zainab Turay (NEE  DEEN )

The Death is reported of Mrs. Zainab Turay (NEE  DEEN ) of number 20A Lightfoot Boston  Road, Off Wilkinson Road, Freetown and of the Afro Combo 87 Dance Band which sad event  took place on Thursday the 16th January 2020. She is survived by her mother Haja Kadie Deen.

                   Nieces and Nephews:

 N Zainab Buggies, Habibu Deen Jr, Fanta Deen, Sheka Kandeh, Hawa Mahoi, Clarissa Kamara, Makisher Coker, Mariama Bah, Abu Bakarr Turay and Mummy Turay


Habibu Deen

Alhaji Deen

Abdul Tejan Deen in Kambia


Haja Saffie Carew

Hawa Deen

Isatu Deen

Mariam Deen

Hulaimatu Wurie Deen 


Dr. Gassama

Aunty Sainatu Sesay

Ayodeleh Gabbisie 

Hon. Justice Umu Hawa Tejan Jalloh

Hon. Minkailu Mansaray

Madam Kuntume Tejan Jalloh

Abdulrahman Tejan Jalloh

Goudous Jalloh

Haja Kadijatu Yembeh

Abdul Razak Tejan Jalloh

Alpha Tejan Jalloh

Chernor  Maju Jalloh 

Mohamed Yayah Jalloh of {SADAL ENT}

Fatmata Kamara

Mohamed Jalloh

Rakiatu Carew

Hadiatu Koroma

Adama Tejan

Adama Deen Jalloh 

Adama Tijan Jalloh


Alhaji Chernor Sie

Haja Umu Tejan

Alhaji Amadu Possible Deen

Madam Adama Deen

Brima Deen

REV Momodu Deen 

Karimu Deen 


Alhaji Matame Carew

Ronoff Buggies

Madam Hafsatu Jalloh

Mike Coker

Hafiz Koroma


Madam Anie joy Turay and family

Madam Agnes Deen Jalloh {NEE BIO}  and Family

Hon Alhaji Kanja Sesay

Dr. Alpha Tejan Wurie

Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara

Hon. Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella

Mike Conteh

Samuel Feika

Feney Sesay

Miss kargbo

Thomas B Turay {TBT}

Haja Isatu Tejan

The Deen Tejan Jalloh Family of Cline Town , Kabala , Matru Jong , Lowa and abroad. 














 Funeral arrangements will take place at No: 4 Humphrey Lane, Cline Town on Sunday the 19th January 2020 at the Masjid Outhmam. She has already been buried at the Kissy Road Cemetery on the same day after Asri (4:30 pm) Prayer.

 We kindly apologise for the omission of names as all are considered important.

Sierra Leone Is Yet To Tap Into Its Untapped Tourism Potentials

Alfie Barrie (Television Anchor)

By Alfie Barrie (Television Anchor)

There is a body of evidence that shows that Sierra Leone is blessed with natural endowment. While other countries are totally bereft of natural beaches and heritage sites and are busy creating artificial beaches (which we in Sierra Leone marvel at) our own  God given beaches and heritage sites lie in waste. The unclean nature of our beaches should be a major scar on every Sierra Leonean conscience. For far too long successive Governments have heavily banked their revenue mobilization drive on the extractive industry (the mining sector) which has proven to be fickle.

The Government is still reeling from the sharp fall in the price of iron ore on the world market couple of years ago which led to the closure of some mining companies in Sierra Leone. So, any administration that only relies on revenues from the mining sector is virtually playing to this widely used dictum of ‘putting once eggs in one basket’. Therefore, diversification of the economy is the best bet. The recent World Bank report on Sierra Leone heavily drills into the concept of economic diversification and one sector that could serve as a major revenue generating stream for the Government is the Tourism sector which the New Direction manifesto heavily espouses.

Having pristine beaches and making our heritage sites even more appealing to the outside world will not just develop our small and medium enterprises, but it has potential to rebrand the image of Sierra Leone as a country that is at peace with itself countering the notion of Sierra Leone being a war-torn country and a place that is infested with viral diseases and a totally dysfunctional state apparatus.

So, the launch of the national tourism census report by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with Statistic Sierra Leone couldn’t have come sooner. This geospatial survey gives you an impressive insight about our entire tourist sites in all one hundred and ninety chiefdoms.

I am quiet mindful of the toxic political situation Sierra Leone is currently in, and it is very simple for one to be associated with a political party, but I must admit that the current Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Dr. Memunatu Pratt seem to be steering the ship of that Ministry quite well. Thanks to the recently launched visa on arrival and some reasonable steps taken so far to rid off our beaches from sea weeds and the electrification of some of them coupled with her unwavering willingness to engage everyone in the entertainment sector, plus the flurry of international moves she has embarked on since her appointment and also attracting nearly a hundred thousand tourists last year   signals hope. Conversely, this doesn’t mean all is glitz.

There are still some hurdles that need to be overcome such as properly developing our beaches that meets international standards and also, improving on the road infrastructure especially in far flung tourist site.

I am pretty convinced that with effective political leadership and a multi stake holder approach we will be able to turn the corner and transform our tourism sector into a bourgeoning one that will serve as a reliable revenue generation base for the government and at the same time serve as a magnet to foreigners who find delight in monuments and relics of historic countries like Sierra Leone.

As President Bio reiterated… Is there sufficient progress to meet the Agenda’s goals by 2030?

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In 2015 the United Nation adopted the Sustainable Development Goal’s which committed themselves to 17 life-changing goals, which include ending extreme poverty, giving people better healthcare and achieving equality for women with the aim for all countries to work together to ensure no one is left behind.

According to the 2018 Sustainable Development Goals Report it is disclosed that in sub-Saharan Africa, the HIV incidence among women of reproductive age is 10 times the global average. Nine out of 10 people living in cities breathe polluted air. And, while some forms of discrimination against women and girls are declining, gender inequality continues to hold women back and deprive them of basic rights and opportunities.

In Sierra Leone many people still lack access to safe water supply and sanitation facilities. Scarcity of water, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management, gender inequality continue to hold women back and deprive them of basic rights and opportunities, accentuate economic hardship and hunger in the country with peace and stability of the country at stake. All the above are all highlighted in the SDGs to be addressed by countries by 2030

During an interview at the Future Sustainability Summit on the margins of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, President Bio reiterated his Government’s commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals where he spoke about Government’s efforts at consolidating peace and increasing access to justice for ordinary people and told the delegates about his Government’s commitment to establishing an infrastructure for peace through a Commission for Peace and National Cohesion.

The big question somebody might want to ask is if sufficient progress have been made by the Bio-led Government to meet the Agenda’s goals by 2030.

During the International day for Peace and Democracy celebration in Freetown Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh reiterated the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission.

In his address to Parliament, President Julius Maada Bio was very firm on the establishment of a Peace and National Cohesion Commission but up till now little or no effort has been made for its establishment by this Government.

It a nutshell this Government needs to do more if really this country wants to accomplish the 17 pillars in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

ACCF Raises Awareness on Cervical Cancer

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to join the world in celebrating Cervical Health Awareness month and raise the awareness on Cervical Cancer, Archer’s Cervical Cancer Foundation on 18 January 2020 held a one day awareness raising march past from the historical Cotton Tree to the Miatta Conference Centre in the Freetown Municipality.

Speaking to this medium in an interview President of Archer’s Cervical Cancer Foundation, Doreen Archer Campbell ,disclosed that cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix ,which is the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina, adding that various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cervical cancer.

She noted that the United States Congress designated January as Cervical Health Awareness month as nearly 13,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, but noted that the disease is preventable with vaccination and appropriate screening  tests.

She intimated how ACCF is joining the world to raise awareness on Cervical Cancer, adding that as an organization they have been engaging in raising awareness in various secondary schools within the Freetown Municipality and as always the 18th January is characterised by a Cervical Cancer walk out  informing that  it is against such a backdrop that they held a one day walkout which started at the Cotton Tree to the Miatta Conference Centre and  during the process they undertake educating the public about cervical cancer with the distribution of hand bills containing messages about cervical cancer.

Doreen Archer Campbell maintained that Cervical Cancer awareness raising was her platform presentation topic during the Miss COMAHS Beauty Pageant 2019, adding that she assured participants that she will not only present it but she will ensure that it becomes a reality. Having the Cervical Cancer awareness walk is a dream come true for her and her career.

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at PCMH , Dr. Valerie John Cole, said that someone can reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer by having screening tests and receiving a vaccine that protects against HPV infection.

Dilating on the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer she mentioned vaginal bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after menopause, watery, bloody vaginal discharge that may be heavy and have a foul odour and pelvic pain or pain during intercourse

She also highlighted the risk factors associated with cervical cancer which include: many sexual partners and that the greater the number of sexual partners, the greater chance of acquiring the disease, adding that  having sex at an early age increases one’s risk of contracting the disease.

Staff of Rokel Commercial Bank, Alice Raymond,a participant expressed appreciation to Archer’s Cervical Cancer Foundation for joining the world to raise awareness on Cervical Cancer which she described as a disease that kills people slowly, adding that many people are ignorant about Cervical Cancer but said with this awareness raising it is believed many have been enlightened about not only the preventive measures but also the risk factors, signs and symptoms.