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Petroleum Products Pump Price Slightly Increased

By Fatmata Jengbe

The National Petroleum Regulatory Agency has made it public that there has been an increase in the pump price of petroleum products , a statement that came after there were long queues at Filling Stations in the country as there was seemingly a recent shortage of these products especially diesel on the market.

A statement released by the National Petroleum Regulatory Agency reads as follow: Following recent developments in the international market of petroleum products, the Petroleum Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), have jointly reviewed the pump prices of petroleum products to reflect the recent movements in the Platts and here announce the following pump prices with immediate effects.

All OMCs and Fuel Dealers nationwide were urged to adhere to the new pump price. The Government and OMCs also agreed to reform the downstream petroleum way of adjusting fuel pump prices that seek the interest of the general public. Fuel prices per litre have been increased by Le 500.

This new price is far below the rumoured Le 12, 000 which had steadily been increasing worries relating to drastic rise in prices of other commodities. At the current rate of petrol, diesel and kerosene increased from Le 8,500 to Le 9,000. It was said many heaved sighs of relief that the increase is not as bad as it was rumoured.

The recent increase in platt price of fuel globally has expectedly caused this increase in litre price.

Officials of the transport sector including Ministers, union representatives of drivers, Motor cycles, motor tricycles etc have assured that the transport fares from point to point will only be increase by one hundred Leones (Le 100) making it Le 1,600 whilst provincial fares are outlined below.


Sierra Leone & 5 Others Reject use of the Eco

By Sam Pratt

It could be recalled that in one of our recent publications we highlighted that the Central Bank of Sierra Leone stated that for now it will maintain the use of the Leone as opposed to the use of the Eco as the new legal tender until a scheduled meeting of countries belonging to the West African Monetary Zone and thereafter make a final decision.

Well on Thursday January 16 2020, in Abuja, the Ministers of Finance and Central Banks’ Governors of the ECOWAS’ five English-speaking countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and The Gambia), together with Guinea, rejected the ECO – which is supposed to become the single currency used by all ECOWAS member states.

The six members of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) strongly opposed the “unilateral” decision to rename the CFA franc to Eco, by July of this year. Indeed, this announcement was made last December, just after a meeting in Abidjan between French President, Emmanuel Macron, and Ivorian Coast leader, Alassane Ouattara.

Nigeria had always been reluctant regarding the Eco. However, it is surprising to see Ghana join its side, as it recently adopted a more favorable stance towards the currency.

The new turn of event restarts the debate surrounding the Eco, in a context where all WAEMU States (all of which use the CFA) agreed to the switch.

Now, the six countries that rejected the Eco are calling for an urgent meeting of ECOWAS States, to discuss the currency which should regroup all 15 of them.

The adoption of the Eco by seven francophone countries and Guinea Bissau of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has been rejected by the Convergence Council of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ).The meeting of the WAMZ announced this development in a communique issued at the end of the extraordinary meeting of the Ministers of Finance and Governors of the Central Banks of the zone.

The meeting, which was attended by the Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors from The Gambia, Ghana, Republic of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, said in the communique that an extraordinary general meeting of ECOWAS Heads of State and Governments in the West African Monetary Zone was recommended to be convened to discuss the matter.

“The meeting notes with concern, the declaration by the Chairman of the Authority of the Heads of State and Government of the West African Economic and Monetary Union on December 21, 2019, to unilaterally rename the CFA Franc as Eco by 2020,” the communique said.

“WAMZ convergence council wishes to emphasise that this action is not in line with the decision of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS for the adoption of the Eco as the name of an independent ECOWAS single currency.

“WAMZ convergence council reiterates the importance for all ECOWAS member countries to adhere to the decisions of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government towards the implementation of the revised roadmap of the ECOWAS single currency programme,” the communique added.

It will be recalled that on December 21, 2019, eight countries namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo, announced the adoption of the ECO from the CFA Franc through their union, West African Economic and Monetary Union.

NP-SL: Renowned for Operating an Open Door Policy

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone Limited is renowned for operating an open door policy putting premium on Customer Care for which it has earned the company the accolade First for Customer Care. The company is always in a position to welcome enquiries from members of the public on issues which they are dissatisfied with, suggestions on how improvements could be made as well as inputs which are believed could enhance service delivery and the like.

All what are the customers raise are not treated with levity but with utmost importance taking them into consideration when taking vital decisions on the way forward. This strategic stance has placed the company at an enviable position and serves as a way of confronting some of the challenges it is grappling with.

Locally and internationally it has been proven a million plus times that the most outstanding petroleum entity that is seriously functioning in this country is indisputably the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited, a company that many have lauded for its immense and positive contributions towards the country’s development strides.

It is among the few business entities that can boast of successfully opening state of the art branches of Filling Stations in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and the Gambia.

This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various job opportunities to residents in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level. Besides, it is further recorded that it is one of the largest taxpayers to the National Revenue Authority (NRA), financially empowering the Government to roll out various development projects.

Among the outstanding features that NP possesses is its competent managerial team, which from time to time comes up with good initiatives, always ensuring that they are effusively, effectively implemented to create value for money. Since it was established by 35 Sierra Leoneans, who bought shares from the Government years back, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the centrepiece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region.

If you ask those who really know NP, the feedbacks you will receive will definitely border around its commitment to customer care, which it strongly believes must be prioritised to give satisfaction.

The selflessness and commitment of the shareholders have made it possible for the company to empower many Sierra Leoneans and at the same time put it at a vantage position to continue to open more filling stations across the country.

NP has doggedly maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers right within the West African sub-region and most have confessed that they are realizing optimum satisfaction in dealing with NP. The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, Petroleum Directorate, has lauded NP for its efficient service delivery wherever it is operating.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans NP Gas cookers of various sizes, which are affordable, safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country.

When we talk of the serious implementation of the Local Content Policy, NP stands out tall as it is truly has 100% indigenes, particularly in Sierra Leone, as workers. This is one of the pillars that have made the company to be a success story.

The company’s result-oriented managerial team will definitely and sustainably continue to put NP at the top.

In short, NP-SL Ltd is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.


Choithram Memorial Hospital to Hold Paediatric Surgical Camp in February

By Amin Kef Sesay

The ultra-modern Choithram Memorial Hospital in collaboration with Bintumani Association will be conducting a Paediatric Surgical Camp from 28th February to 12th March, 2020.
It was revealed by Management of the hospital that a team of German Paediatric Surgeons, who have been visiting Sierra Leone since 2010, will be performing various surgeries free-of-charge at Choithram Memorial Hospital, on Hill Station, Freetown.
Again it was intimated that patients aged 15 years and below, will be screened at the Choithram Memorial Hospital.

This is not the first time that Choithram Memorial Hospital is organizing a Pediatric Surgical Camp as it has been doing so in a bid to complement Government’s efforts to provide free health services to the less privileged in the country.

Speaking to this medium in an interview, Dr. Gowrinath M. George, Medical Superintendent of Choithram Memorial Hospital said the offer of the free treatment is part of their Corporate Social Responsibility as an institution, adding that the free screening and treatment is geared towards providing qualitative and free treatment. He went on to divulge that the organization of these periodic camps is in line with the aim and objective of the founder of the hospital, Pa Choithram, a philanthropist who had a dream to provide medical succour for the poor and needy who could not afford to pay medical bills.

“I want Sierra Leoneans to be making use of these opportunities as it is very much important for individuals to be regularly doing medical check-ups,” he enjoined.

Please contact +232 76 292082 or visit the Hospital between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm from Monday to Friday to register for screening.

Registration is open till 10th February, 2020.

Education & Development are Bedfellows 

By Brima Sannoh

Tackling inequality within education and achieving universal primary education for both boys and girls is pushed heavily by all levels of society, yet never seems to be put into action nor come to full realization. The richest, most urbanised strata of the population continue to reap its benefits. It’s undisputed that providing quality tertiary education fuels the modern world, but whilst tertiary enrolments increase globally, the less-developed regions struggle most. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reported in its Human Development Report that if left unchecked, much of its progress towards reducing education inequality will be undermined.

Along socioeconomic lines, the gap in basic standards of living is shrinking, lifting unheard-of numbers of people out of extreme poverty. Yet in its place, new inequalities are becoming clear, creating long-term issues for future growth. Despite societal development bringing huge benefits, it’s undeniable that the rural to urban gap in education is creating new forms of poverty, data from China’s National Bureau of Statistics show in a 2005 report that despite massive leaps in modernising the country, the rural and urban gap remained static. Only 1 in 100 rural children have had the chance to obtain tertiary education; whilst urban students have a significant advantage with a 1 in 2 chance; over fifty times more likely entering the modern workforce.

Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced massive improvements in development, with life expectancy increasing by more than 11 years between 1990 and 2018, according to AfricaNews.com. Pedro Conceição, Director for the UNDP’s report recently said “What used to be ‘nice-to-haves’, like going to university or access to broadband, are increasingly important for success, but left only with the basics, people find the rungs knocked out of their ladder to the future’. Despite significant leaps being made in development, UNDP Regional Director for Africa Ahunna Eziakonwa, phrased the existing issue “… the goalposts are moving, and we need to ensure that people are well-positioned today to get ahead tomorrow.”

Despite huge leaps forward, inequality continues to plague Sub-Saharan Africa’s progress in human development; albeit, it’s beyond an economic issue, with quality educations being determined by family income, parenting and the cultures views on education; and with large numbers of cultures holding norms impeding gender inequality especially in regards schooling being considered a privilege, not a right. Resulting in fewer girls going to school and education beyond attendance in secondary education being abnormal.

Appropriate measures are slowly being put in place, tertiary education remains inaccessible for rural poor, and with Sub-Saharan Africa holding the lowest average enrolment in tertiary education at 9% compared to the global average of 38%; scholarship programmes are expanding to address the issue. The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program created in 2012 aims to serve youth with leadership potential and helping those often overlooked e.g. women, rural youth and those economically disadvantaged. Scholarships program are proved to be incredibly effective, with the latest United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals rapidly expanding the number of scholarships for developing countries, it’s clear some form of action is being made.

Inequality will always continue to exist, although it’s possible to reduce the gap; it is important to realize that the goalposts of what constitutes poverty are continually shifting, and we should learn to accommodate those less well-off. It has been concluded that “the good news is that they are not inevitable. Every society has a choice about the level and kind of inequality it is prepared to tolerate”.

Liberian Civil Rights Activist Left Off the Hook

Henry Costa

By Amin Kef Sesay

The vibrant Liberian Civil Rights Activist and Talk Show host, Henry Costa, who was apprehended at the Lungi International Airport by immigration officers and later transported to the Criminal Investigation Department in Freetown for questioning has  reportedly departed Freetown Sierra Leone via Royal Air Maroc yesterday 16 Januray 2020 despite a late official request Wednesday by the George Manneh-led government to have him extradited to Liberia.

Civil and Human Rights activists in Freetown confirmed that Mr. Costa was allowed to leave without further provocation of his right under the international human rights convention, which forbids countries from sending anyone to a country where he thinks his life would be in imminent danger.

The convention protocol relating to refugees under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees subscribes to the core principle of international refugee law, which provides that no one shall expel or return against his or her will, in any manner whatsoever, to a territory where he or she fears threats to life or freedom. The Convention is both a status and rights-based instrument and is underpinned by a number of fundamental principles, most notably non-discrimination, non-penalization and non-refoulement.

It was reported that President Maada Bio had ordered the leader of the Council of Patriot released but Sierra Leone authorities had reportedly delayed his departure due to the late official request from Liberia.

Mr. Mohammed Swaray, appearing on the popular BBC Focus on Africa program Wednesday, said the Bio administration will not take dictation from any government regarding the ongoing saga involving the head of the COP leader. “We just want to ensure that we fulfil his rights, he himself can attest to that, he’s been very well treated, we cannot take dictation from any other government, we’re a democracy, we value that. We have struggled far too long for democracy and this government is noted for its very strong democratic credential so we will not do anything on toward. So, as soon as we have gone through the process, we will do what we have to do.”

Mr. Swaray explained that immigration authorities in Sierra Leone received a call from its Liberia counterparts to cross check a few things regarding Mr. Costa. But the Minister made it clear: “Henry is not in detention, he is enjoying the full human rights, we are a sovereign democracy, we don’t take instructions from other people. I can assure you that Henry’s human rights and basic freedoms will be respected. In fact, he posted something on Facebook that he’s being well-treated, he’s not been coerced, he’s very well protected even though he’s in confinement. So, as a government we are doing everything humanly possible to ensure that we don’t interfere with his basic rights and fundamental freedoms.”

The decision to hold Mr. Costa was reportedly not done at the highest-level of the Sierra Leonean government, evidence by the late push by the Weah administration to officially make the case to its next-door neighbors.

In Liberia, the government’s chief spokesman, Information Minister Lenn Eugene Nagbe, said the push was still on as the government was pressing Sierra Leone to fulfill its international obligations to extradite Mr. Costa on the basis of what Minister Nagbe described as his “criminal activities and not his political activities” in Liberia.

The diplomatic note submitted late Wednesday, Minister Nagbe told the VOA’s Daybreak Africa, in an interview now airing, was trying to make the case for Mr. Costa’s extradition. “The legal paperwork that will include the charges will be forwarded to Sierra Leone. “We want him to come back to face the full weight of the law and we are requesting Sierra Leone to cooperate in keeping with the treaty we have with that friendly country. We are not trying to control the government of Sierra Leone. Why would we want to control the government of Sierra Leone? We don’t want any country to control Liberia so why would we choose to control Sierra Leone. The minister is right. So, we have urged Sierra Leone, in keeping with this treaty to perform its international responsibility to expedite and repatriate Mr. Costa.”

Mr. Costa’s departure early Thursday suggest that the Bio Government did not take the Liberia request seriously.


Health Minister Commissions Two Refrigerated Trucks for Vaccines Distribution 

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with its parts has on Thursday January 16th commissioned two refrigerated trucks for the delivery of vaccines and other temperature sensitive supplies at the Central Medical Drug Stores, New England Ville in Freetown.

While addressing partners before commissioning the trucks, the Honorable Health Minister, Prof. Dr. Alpha Tejan Wurie said that they were commissioning the 2 refrigerators as a step in actualizing Universal Health Coverage and better cold chain system, starting from storage and distribution of vaccines as one can’t talk of vaccine potency and immunization without talking of an effective cold chain system.

Dr. Wurie continued that they had already distributed 200 solar refrigerators to health facilities across the country and have also distributed motorbikes to all the District Health Management Teams (DHMTs) and have also improve the cold rooms at national and district levels to scale up immunization services in the country for the health and survival of children, especially in remote communities. “With the 2 refrigerated vehicles, I believe the cold chain is now complete” Health Minister added.

Dr.  Wurie applauded the Expanded Programme on Immunization (CH/EPI) for the gains already made in 2019 as they have achieved 90% coverage for Pentavelant Vaccine, commonly called Penta 3. He however urged the EPI/CH Programme for 100% coverage, which he was optimistic the programme would achieve in 2020 and the coming year.

He further said that as the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and partners are looking into Vaccines Preventable Diseases, they should also pay some attention to the nutritional status of children and their mothers as poor nutrition can be a contributing factor for ill health in children. “There was no outbreak of vaccines preventable diseases in 2019, and I believe there are some issues in the area of child nutrition. Hon. Minister Noted.

Programme Manager, Child Health and Expanded Programme on Immunization stated that the donated refrigerated trucks is one of many supports from GAVI , through UNICEF & WHO as part of a five year Health Strengthening Grant which will end in 2021, adding that the GAVI grant is consisted of other EPI related activities such as the distributed solar refrigerators, cold rooms improvement,  motor bikes among others.

Dr. Tom Continued that UNICEF is also providing technical support tothe Programme on Supply Chain Management.

He also noted that they were also planning to focus on strengthening  outreach services in Peripheral Health Units (PHU) across the country  to improve the coverage of fully immunized children and they were also going to embark on the  printing  and distribution of Under-Fives Card as the last Demographic and Health Survey notes that the coverage is much higher for children with vaccination documented  in their cards  (U-5 card), due to difficulty they have in recalling the vaccine antigens  that they would have received.

The EPI Manager pointed out that the main objective of the refrigerated trucks is to ensure continuity in the integrity of the cold chain system, ensuring that vaccines are kept safe and potent from the point of storage fit for distribution and use by the beneficiaries. “The potency of vaccines administered is reflected in the fact that this year (2019) we have not recorded any outbreak of measles or other vaccine preventable diseases”, Dr. Boasted.

UNICEF Country Representative, Dr. Suleiman Braimoh stated that in a tropical country like Sierra Leone, Cold Chain is a vital part of the health system and helps to preserve vaccines and other medical supplies.

He continued that UNICEF is aware of the challenges faced by the CH/EPI Programme, noting that key among them was the delivery of EPI supplies to districts and health facilities across the country in good condition and stated that the 2 refrigerated trucks were provided through GAVI grant to address some of the challenges in the storage and distribution of EPI Vaccines and other refrigerated items.

Dr. Briamoh congratulated the MoHS for the introduction of new vaccines in the health system and the gains made in immunization coverage, which he noted has been in the increase over the years.

He expressed WHO’s commitment to continue support the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and the government to save the lives of children in sierra Leone, as it is unacceptable for children to die from vaccine preventable diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Country Representative also commended the Ministry of Health and Sanitation for gains made in immunization coverage and stated that the refrigerated trucks are timely and was optimistic that the trucks will be properly utilized and maintained. He also expressed WHO’s commitment to support the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and the government to prevent diseases and ensure good health.


NOC President receives Taekwando Technical Team from South Korea

By Esther Wright

A Taekewando Technical Team from South Korea headed by Jang Kem Woo paid a courtesy call on the NOC President Dr. Patrick Coker at his office on Howe Street on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 2:30pm to brief him about their visit to Sierra Leone, courtesy of the Sierra Leone Taekewando Association.

The Leader of delegation introduced the rest of his members to the NOC President and gave a brief update of their visit. In response Dr. Patrick Coker welcomed them to Sierra Leone and told them that the President of Taekewando Association, Oness A Johnson, is a hardworking and dynamic President. He said it is the second time to bring such a delegation of Technical Team to the country.

He expressed determination to take Taekewando nationwide in terms of development. “I wish you all the best during your one month stay in my country,” he stated.

In his statement he assured them of his support, should they need any from him and wished them Good Luck and hoped they will come back some other time.

Witnessing the program were Prince Sualley, Alie G Koroma (AG), Unisa Deen Kargbo (UDK), Oness A Johnson etc. The delegation is comprised of two male and two female i.e Jang Kem Woo Leader of delegation, Lee Ba Da, Oh Young Long Han Byul and Kwon Hae Jin.

According to report from the Taekewando President the program starts from the 15th January to the 7th February 2020 at the Siaka Steven Stadium.



Economic Diversification Report Launched

eputy Minister of Finance ll, Mr Sheku Bangura

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Deputy Minister of Finance ll, Mr Sheku Bangura, on 14th January 2020, at the Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel, launched the ‘Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Study’ Report. The Report was launched in a bid to complement the Government’s ongoing economic diversification drive and make the over-reliance on the mining sector a thing of the past.

The World Bank’s report outlines sectoral and firm-level analysis of productivity in Sierra Leone; challenges to growth and productivity; and suggestions of what the Government could do in the short, medium and long term to drive diversification and enhanced productivity into sectors for which Sierra Leone can be competitive globally.

The report does not only look at direct interventions, but it also looks at the wider doing business environment and some of the cross-cutting investments that Government should undertake.

According to the Deputy Minister ll, over the years Sierra Leone’s economy has mostly been driven by the mining and agriculture sectors, noting that the limiting effect of having an economy heavily dependent on the mining sector is widely known, mostly due to the lessons learnt from the twin shocks of the fall in commodity prices and the Ebola epidemic in 2014.

He said whilst labor productivity in this sector is relatively high, the capacity to generate jobs and linkages with the rest of the economy has been limited.

He said the agriculture sector on the other hand, despite accounting for 60.3 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employing about 58 percent of Sierra Leoneans, has the lowest levels of labour productivity, noting that there is clearly a need to change the reality.

The World Bank’s Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Study covered both the macro and micro economy.

“It examined historical growth and labor productivity performance by sector and at firm level; outlines determinants of productivity and challenges faced by firms; provides a rationale for diversification; highlights paths to economic diversification; potential sectoral priorities; and also provides lessons from comparators like Ivory Coast and Rwanda on global competitiveness,” he said.

The Deputy Minister ll said as part of their support to improve access to finance, the Ministry of Finance is working with international financial institutions to create new credit guarantee schemes for targeting sectors, noting that they are already working with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a member of the World Bank Group and have also started discussion with the African Trade Insurance Agency.

He said this year the Government will also re-introduce a national micro credit scheme that will be implemented by commercial banks, micro finance institutions, community banks and Non-Governmental Organisations to support the provision of finance to Small and Medium Enterprises.

Senior Economist and Co-Task Team Lead at the World Bank, Mr. Youssouf Klendrebeogo and Senior Economist at the World Bank, Kemoh Manasaray co-presented the critical findings of the study.

The Team explained that the promotion of economic diversification is important in many respects and not just for economic growth and development, but also crucial for guiding the design of future World Bank engagements in Sierra Leone. They also presented lessons from others that have successfully diversified their economies and possible pathways through which Sierra Leone can replicate appropriate successful strategies.

Representatives from the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the Ministry of Trade and Industry stressed the relevance of the report to their respective Ministries.

A panel discussion was held with participants mainly from the business community to discuss the recommendations in the report.


Foreign Affairs Minister Shines in Dakar

By Fatmata Jengbe

Sierra Leone’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Nabeela Farida Tunis, was the Chair of the 8th Session of the Ministerial-Level Meeting of the African Union Committee of Ten African Heads of State and Government C-10) on the reform of the United Nations Security Council at the King Fahd Place Conference Hall in Dakar, Senegal on Monday 13th January, 2020.

Delivering her statement, the Hon. Minister noted with satisfaction that their presence was a demonstration of the collective commitment of African Heads of State and Government in pursuing the mandate to canvass, promote and advance the Common African Position on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council.

“Allow me, Your Excellency President Macky Sall to convey to you sir, hearty commendations from His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, for Your Excellency’s unflinching personal commitment and that of his other peers C-10 Heads of State and Government to canvassing, promoting and advancing the Common African Position, as well as for upholding the exactness of our position on the reform process,” she stated.

The Minister recalled that several consultative meetings have been held in different African cities including Freetown, Nairobi, Oyo, Livingstone, Windhoek and Malabo and that they are in the historic city of Dakar to continue with the consultations on how to build progress in advancing and canvassing the Common African Position as adopted in the Ezulwini Consensus and Sirte Declaration; and also to explore means to further solidify the cohesiveness and unity among African Union Member States on the reform process of the United Nations Security Council.

Madam Tunis maintained that, the Coordinator, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, has, on few occasions, stated that, the United Nations was designed for a different world, born as a result of the effect of the Second World War, when colonial reign was supreme.

She said the Dakar meeting provided them the opportunity to take stock of the current state of play of the reform process, and accordingly report to their Heads of State and Government on the way forward.

She expressed her profound thanks and appreciation to those member states that have recognized and supported the call for the immediate redress of the demand for an equitable representation in the Security Council.

The Sierra Leone Foreign Minister on behalf of her colleague Foreign Ministers, thanked the Ambassadors from Addis Ababa and New York and their experts for the great commitment they demonstrated at the Senior Officials meeting on Sunday 12th January, 2020.

In her statement, the African Union Commissioner on Political Affairs, Her Excellency Cessouma Minata Samate, thanked and applauded the Government of Senegal for hosting the 8th Ministerial Level Meeting of the Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government (C-10) on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council.

She stressed the need for unity among Africans and encouraged all to hold firm to the Common African Position within the frame work of the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration, which, according to her, will help to address the historic injustices meted out to the African Continent.

In his official opening statement, the President of Senegal, His Excellency Macky Sall, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the delegates for their commitment to the Common African Position and attendance at the meeting.

He thanked his Sierra Leonean counterpart, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio for his unwavering time and efforts in coordinating the C-10.

The Dakar Ministerial Level Meeting, President Macky Sall said, was an opportunity for them to evaluate the ongoing New York negotiations on the Common African Position on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council.

He called on his African counterparts to be firm and steadfast on the Common African Position for 2 Permanent Seats with veto rights and 2 Non-permanent Seats at the UN Security Council.