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CAN Raises Concerns over Limkokwing University Saga

Thomas Moore Conteh Citizens' Advocacy Network (CAN)

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Citizens’ Advocacy Network (CAN) on Thursday 16th January, 2020, in a letter addressed to the Minister of Tertiary and Higher Education, New England Ville, Freetown raised concerns over the deadlock or seeming hampering of the educational future of young Sierra Leoneans at Limkokwing University.

In a Press Release the organization stated that their attention has been drawn to the seeming deadlock in negotiation between your Ministry and the LIMKOKWING UNIVERSITY of Creative Technology adding that a similar situation occurred last year, but said that the office of the Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education did the most conscionable thing by looking at the future of their Sierra Leonean children above all else.

CAN maintained that their engagement was impressive and it rekindled hope and gave great reassurances to many Sierra Leonean students across the country who are benefitting from the quality, top-notch, contemporary and modern education suited for the 21st century delivered at this globalized University.

The organization said it appreciates the strides of the Government to upstage the value of relevant education in transforming the destiny of Sierra Leone, noting that they respect the decency with which agreements of the past government around the corridors of education are being managed and they fervently pray that good conscience prevails in dealing with the future of Sierra Leonean citizens.

“Granting scholarships to students to access the same quality education acquired by students in other European nations at their doorstep, lives true to improving the human resource for quality output, which is in line with President Bio’s vision in delivering transformative education”, CAN maintained.

It registered the belief that registration of students on scholarship has been stalled and it denies them their fundamental right to education enunciated by national, regional or international instruments, lamenting that a good number of Sierra Leonean students that gained scholarships are already on the verge of completion and that the seeming protracted or unending negotiations stand fatal to their employment opportunities and creates room for more disgruntlement and frustration, adding to the already precarious economic condition of the nation.

CAN underscored that they cannot afford to keep repeating the mistakes of the past, which stands inimical to our progress, and the students did not ask for such. It noted that this will generate bad blood and conscript more depressed or disgruntled youths who could be agents of unthinkable atrocities, which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Report spoke wisdom to such situations.
CAN called on the office of the Ministry of Tertiary and Higher Education and all parties involved to resolve this issue and give oxygen to the dreams of Sierra Leoneans who are being choked or suffocated by this deadlock in negotiations.

Electronics Expenditure Management System to take over PETS

By Amin Kef Sesay

In line with the National Innovation and Digital Strategy (NIDS) that was launched by President Julius Maada Bio, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI), have been working on digital interventions to ensure fiscal discipline and the efficient and effective utilization of public funds and one of such interventions is the introduction of the Electronics Expenditure Management System (EEMS).

This system is a web-based system jointly designed and developed by the Ministry of Finance and DSTI to streamline and automate the end-to-end processing of payments in the public service, from the paper-based PETS forms and vouchers.

In rolling out of the EEMS, the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation (DSTI) on the 15th January 2020 at the Miatta Conference Hall in Freetown, trained cabinet Ministers and Deputies on Electronics Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (E-PETS).

The Business Analyst at the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation, Madam Binta Diop, said the new approach to process PETS forms and vouchers has been extensively reviewed and tested so as to reduce processing time for payment and increased users’ convenience, improve on tracking and enhance transparency in public sector transactions.

According to her, some of the key benefits of the system are that it can help vote controllers and other relevant stakeholders to track their forms in real time, both internally within their Ministries, Departments and Agencies and externally in the Ministry of Finance. The app makes it easier for vote controllers to approve forms, and also make auditing purposes much easier.

After the training, the joint team from DSTI and MoF will be conducting training for all users to ensure ease of utilizing the system.

MoF and DSTI are working on the roll out of the EEMS to MDAs including Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) users, and it is expected to be completed by 1st April this year.


Pres. Bio Re-Echoes Commitment to Accomplish SDGs 

By Sam Pratt

During an interview at the Future Sustainability Summit on the margins of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, President Bio reiterated his Government’s commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Speaking on two of the Sustainable Development Goals; Education and Peace and Justice, the President spoke about progress his Government had made in the area of education through the Free Quality Education Programme, providing access to education for over two million children.

He spoke about the importance of investment in education and called for young people to take advantage of accessing quality education so that they could be meaningful to the development process.

He also spoke about Government’s efforts at consolidating peace and increasing access to justice for ordinary people. President Bio also told the delegates about his Government’s commitment to establishing an infrastructure for peace through a Commission for Peace and National Cohesion.

During the interview, the President also spoke about investment opportunities in Sierra Leone, especially in the energy sector. He also advised other African Governments to prioritise the use of science, technology and innovation in governance.


Danny Saad cries for justice

By Abdul Hassan Fackie

Proprietor of the Samjana Pharmacy, situated at 5 Upper East Street in Freetown, has said that he is frustrated that since he appealed against a High Court judgment in early June of 2014, his case has never been called for hearing at the Appeals Court of Sierra Leone.

Narrating his ordeal to this medium, Mr. Danny Saad explained that he appealed against a judgment made against his pharmacy in a matter he brought against the Reliance Insurance Trust Corporation (RITCORP) sometime in 2012 for non-payment in respect of medicines he had supplied the company, which refused to honour its bills.
He revealed that the amount that was owed him by the RITCORP at the time was about one hundred and five million Leones (Le 105,000,000.00), which was equivalent to about thirty thousand Dollars ($30,000) at the time.

He further explained that he was dismayed when on 12th March, 2014, Justice N. C. Browne-Marke dismissed his matter and ordered him to bear the costs.
“This judgment has adversely affected my business to the extent that I have not been able to pay most of my debts,” he tearfully stated, averring that his business is now in a virtual state of collapse.

He pointed out that while he respects the judgment of the High Court, he is of the opinion that he has enough legal grounds to appeal against the judgment and win it.
He lamented that for close to six years now since his Lawyer filed his appeal on 10th June, 2014, his case has not yet been called for hearing.
He concluded by appealing to the Chief Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards to kindly visit his matter and expedite his appeal so that he can be given the opportunity to prove his claims and retrieve his money.

Stats SL Hosts UNFPA Country Rep & Team  

By Theresa Kef Sesay

Statistician General, Prof. Osman Sankoh, received the UNFPA Country Representative to Sierra Leone, Dr Kim Eva Dickson and team including Dr Chris Oyeyipo and David Kanu at his AJ Momoh Street office in Freetown on Tuesday 14th January 2020, when they paid a courtesy call on him.

In his statement to the UNFPA team, Prof. Osman Sankoh said that Stats SL now has a strong governance structure to be proud of with a new Deputy Statistician General and very qualified Directors that are performance driven. He intimated the team that when he took over, there was need to not only right-size the institution, but to also gain credibility by employing qualified staff.

He said, he recommended the creation of new divisions namely: Communications and Public Relations, Operations, National Statistical System and Internal Audit which he said is critical in ensuring internal controls and compliance to processes, procedures and policies.

He told the UNFPA Country Rep that Stats SL is blessed to be keenly supported by Government, adding that the Government through the Ministry of Finance has paid all the allocated budget for 2019, which is an indication that the Government realises the importance of Stats SL.

Prof. Sankoh informed the UNFPA team that as the Central Statistics Office charged by law to coordinate, collect, compile, analyse, accredit and disseminate high quality and objective official Statistics, one major challenge as is the case with almost all over the world, is the upsurge in the proliferation of open data, especially when  a plethora of institutions and research organisations produce data and then feel that they are as well competent, which sometimes challenges the position of the Central Statistics Office.

Concerning the accreditation of all official Statistics Produced within Sierra Leone, he informed the UNFPA team that this will be discussed at the 51st session of the UN Statistical Commission in New York, where Sierra Leone will start sitting as one of only 8 African countries, starting March 2020, for the next four years. He also made it known  that the parliamentary sub-committee on finance had  also backed STATS SL to have a legislation that will coerce every research institution in the country to get accreditation from Stats SL for every research work done. He said that Stats SL is in the process of starting the legislative process.

On using technology solutions in data collection, Prof Sankoh said that recent surveys like the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, the Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey and the recent Demographic and Health Survey were all done using Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI), which is a tablet based data collection. He furthered that the proposed Midterm Census to be undertaken in December 2020 will be with the use of tablets which will be a first in Sierra Leone.

He concluded by assuring the Country Representative that Stats SL is a credible partner that will do all it takes to ensure that the institution delivers on its promise of Credible Data to the populace of Sierra Leone.

In her response, the Country Representative of UNFPA, Dr Kim Eva Dickson, expressed delight at the warm reception accorded her and her team whilst commending the Stats SL team for the incredible facelift that has been given to the Stats SL headquarters, which she said was a far cry from when last visited. She expressed regret that she is only coming to visit now since Prof Sankoh(Mallam O) took over as SG, but is more than happy to meet the new management team. She said she had no doubts when she first heard that Prof Sankoh was the new SG as she had heard commendations and trust for Prof Sankoh since her days as a house officer.

She said another purpose of the visit was to renew UNFPA’s implementing Partner (IP) agreement with Stats SL and present a few office items to management. She expressed UNFPA’s commitment to supporting the Midterm Census, especially because it is of national interest and registered UNFPA’s continued desire to supporting Stats SL.

In few words, the Deputy Statistician General, Andrew Bob Johnny, told the UNFPA Country Rep that he is particularly pleased with the unflinching support that UNFPA has provided over the years to Stats SL through representatives that have come and gone.

The session ended with the presentation of office equipment from the UNFPA team to Stats SL, which included 3 Lenovo Laptops, 3 Lenovo 27 screens, 3 keyboard and mouse, 3 dockstation, 3 carrying Bags (Backpack), 3 MS office user license and 3 HP LaserJet Pro printers.


Pottery Production Techniques at MMCET Gets Chinese Embassy Sponsorship

Cross-section of the audience at the ceremony

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On Tuesday 14th January 2020, the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCET) polytechnic officially opened a training course on Pottery Production Techniques for Sierra Leone sponsored by the Chinese Embassy in Freetown.

The ceremony was held at the Great Hall of the Goderich campus in Freetown.

In his statement, the Principal of MMCET, Dr. Philip John Kanu intimated that the training is commencing at the right time and commended the Governments of Sierra Leone and China for their support to the college, affirming that it is not the first time the Chinese Embassy has supported the college.

The Principal also highlighted that the college is the only institution of higher learning in the country renowned for offering courses in Arts and Crafts, Performing and Practical Arts, Music, Technical and Vocational Education and therefore appealed to the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education to help transform it to a Technical University in the country.

Earlier, the Vice Principal and Director of Studies, Dr. Mohamed Alie Jalloh, revealed that the training for 45 participants, is a technical/vocational skills training program aimed at empowering youths and that it would last for 42 days.

The Economic and Commercial Counselor in the Chinese Embassy, Mr. Zhang Xuequiann asserted that the course is being sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

Formally declaring the ceremony opened, the Director of Technical/Vocational Education in the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Dr. Victor Massaquoi, informed the audience that the Ministry has two major programs: Higher and Technical Education, noting that the training would enhance the technical capacity of the participants to help them become self-reliant, support their communities and in the process reduce crime rate.

Ms. Du Mengyi, Project Manager in the Chinese Embassy and the College’s Registrar, Mr. Sheriffu Bangura, also made salient statements.

Accused of Illegal Acquisition of Properties… Lawyer Kowa ‘Nails’ Ex-Pres. Koroma

Ernest Bai Koroma

By Brima Sannoh

It has become noticeable that most have lost interest in the proceedings of the Commissions of Inquiry that were set up by the current SLPP led Government to look into areas that have to do with financial impropriety by public officials from the period starting 2007 to 2018 and come up with recommendations.

However, it is worthy of note that the three Commissions of Inquiry established are now in the final phase of wrapping up their work.

On Tuesday January 14th 2020, one of the State Counsels in his final submission to the Justice Bankole Thompson expounded on the illegal acquisition of wealth by former President Ernest Bai Koroma.

Lawyer Robert Kowa, taking his time to delve into the assets of the former President, his official salary for the duration of his Presidency and some other startling revelations, divulged to the public that former President Koroma’s salary for the entire duration of his Presidency was around Le 3.9 billion, but he amassed money in excess of Le 103.9 billion – a sum way above his legal earning.

Lawyer Kowa also disclosed that some houses in the country that were subjects of investigation by the Commission have been linked to the former President. He said even after notices had been put out by the Commission for the owners of those houses to produce documents showing ownership of the properties, they never did, adding that they were said to be former President Koroma’s illegally acquired houses in the name of surrogates. State Counsel Kowa recommended the seizure of the properties and a ban on the former President from holding public office.

Lawyer for the former President, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, was at pains to counter Lawyer Kowa’s very strong position on his client. Lawyer Joseph F. Kamara said his client acquired some earnings through his insurance business and that he indicated that in his asset declaration. The former Attorney General said some of the properties attributed to former President Koroma were properties belonging to other persons who are in possession of conveyances speaking to such.


NP-SL: From an humble Beginning to a Towering Petroleum Marketing Company

By Amin Kef Sesay

It has been widely agreed and endorsed that the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is without any iota of doubt one of the companies  that falls within the category of Sierra Leone’s successful indigenous companies.

NP-SL, many have attested, has been hugely contributing towards overall national development, particularly in the areas of job creation, timely payment of taxes to Government via the National Revenue Authority (NRA) as well as the steady and meaningfully rolling out of its Corporate Social Responsibility that are all positively impacting on the socio-economic development of the country.

Indeed, if it has taken quite a considerable period of time since this country has not been experiencing fuel shortage, then such could be largely attributed to the pro-active and sterling initiatives that the Management of NP-SL has been executing with regards timely procurement of petroleum products and making such available on the market for public consumption.

Without holding any brief for NP, it is highly commendable for a well-established and result-producing company like NP to have ascended to such an enviable position, especially when cognizance is taken of the fact that it is exclusively owned by Sierra Leonean shareholders, a typical testimony of how local entrepreneurs could raise the bar high.

Interestingly, the members of staff referred to were workers of the former British Petroleum Company, an entity that later decided to sell its shares to the Government of Sierra Leone at that material period of time.

Things took another dimension when in 1996 the Government sold its 60% shares in NP to some members of staff who were working for the company. Again it was made known that 55 % was paid upfront from the end of service benefits of the workers from BP and the 5% offered to all the other workers. Thus the company known as LEONEOIL was born.

The 55% sale of Government shares to NP came as a result of the World Bank’s advice to privatize the company. It was also revealed that among the 4 companies that bid, which included ELF, LEONOIL won the international competitive bidding conducted by Arthur De Little, a United States based Management consultancy firm hired by the World Bank.

It could be recalled that the World Bank, which advised Government to privatize NP, monitored the bidding process for the three international companies and one local company that competed culminating in LEONEOIL, which metamorphosed to NP, meeting all the set criteria.

Economists this medium had the privilege to talk to noted that the aforementioned members of staff were indeed serious enough to properly manage the company to such an extent that, unlike others, it survived most of the challenges that it had been bedeviled with.

Further digging into the historical background of NP, in a bid to give readers the opportunity to see how it has become so successful, it came out glaringly that the 40% PMMC’s stake in the company, owned by the late Jamil Sahid Mohammed and Tony Yazbeck, was given as collateral for a loan from a Bank by one of the parties.

The controversial and highly influential, Jamil Sahid Mohammed, later sold to Cape Oil PMMC’s 40% shares to offset a fidelity loan, but LEONE OIL was not satisfied with that move and took the matter to court on the grounds that it was in violation of the M and A which dictates that the other side has the first option to buy. The outcome of the matter was that the High Court gave judgement in favour of Leone Oil.

For reasons best known to them, certain individuals have been peddling rumors that NP has a monopoly over the petroleum market in the country, but such have been proven baseless and misleading, as it is factual that there are other Marketing Companies marketing petroleum products that are registered with the Petroleum Regulatory Agency.

It is worthy for readers to note that Petro-Leone is a storage company developed by both Addax and Leone Oil so that petroleum products will always be available in the country and avert shortage. Experts further state that if such a venture is disrupted, the country will relapse to the former state of shortage of fuel and long queues will once more re-surface across the country, causing a lot of inconvenience and national hiccups.

Currently, NP has filling stations in different parts of the country and is even operating in some countries within the West African sub-region namely: Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia, delivering qualitative services and sales.

The company has really etched a name for itself because of its unique ways of rolling out customer care, which has been rated as the best and have earned it the reputation of 1st for customer care. Quick responses to queries and concerns always go like lightening, leaving those trying to find out very satisfied. This proactive stance by the company had placed it at a vantage position to make informed decisions that have contributed greatly to the growth of the business entity.

To make cooking simple the company introduced what has now become a household companion and here we are talking of NP Gas, a device that is in line with best practice, as it is non-hazardous, environmentally friendly and easy to refill. Designed in different cylinder sizes they could be accessed at the company’s Filling Stations and authorized dealers.

Still in a bid to make fuel transaction convenient for its numerous customers, it introduced what today has gained currency, NP Smart Card. With this card, a particular customer could purchase a required quantity of petroleum product, especially diesel and petrol as long as the card contains money. Key advantages of using this device are saving time and providing security from any financial scam.

It could be seen that starting from a humble beginning the NP-SL as an indigenous petroleum marketing company has now become a towering business entity within the West African sub-region.


Over Orange-SL 4.2 Billion Leones Saga… ACC Exonerates Orange

Anti -Corruption Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Anti-Corruption Commission has on Wednesday 15th January, 2020 cleared the air on news making the rounds that the telecommunications giant operating in Sierra Leone that Orange-SL owes the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and by extension the Government of Sierra Leone the whooping sum of 4.2 Billion Leones as tax arrears  highlighted in the 2018 Auditor’s General Report.

Speaking to this medium in an interview at ACC Office on Gloucester Street in Freetown, the Public Relations Officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Margret Morray, she disclosed that the Press Conference convened on the 7th January, 2020 by the Anti- Corruption Commission, the Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala  mentioned the names of entities including Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Telecommunications  Companies etc allegedly said to owe the Government of Sierra Leone public funds and among them he named Orange-SL as one of those entities that fell short of honouring its tax obligations to the NRA.

She noted that after the Press Conference Orange-SL contacted the ACC in relation to the said issue and categorically pointed out that they have honoured all their taxes and so were very surprised to learn about that.

She further intimated how the ACC contacted the NRA to shed light on the issue to which it was abundantly made clear that Orange-SL doesn’t own the Government of Sierra Leone the said 4.2 Billion Leones as inter alia purported.  She also underscored that at the time the Audit Service conducted its audit they could not establish or capture whether Orange-SL had paid the 4.2 Billion Leones in 2018.

The ACC PRO also informed disclosed after conducting a thorough investigation it became glaring that Orange-SL doesn’t owe the Government of Sierra Leone as it is being mooted in certain quarters.




Tourism Ministry & Stats-SL Commission National Tourism Census Report

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt & Minister Internal Affairs Edward Soloku commissioning the report

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a bid to enhance the improvement and the development of the tourism sector in the country, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs in collaboration with Statistics Sierra Leone on Monday 13 January, 2020 launched the first National Tourism Census Report, an event that took place at the Miatta Conference Hall at Brookfields in Freetown.

In her statement, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt expressed appreciation to his Excellency The President for making tourism one of his top priorities in the New Direction manifesto, adding that the tourism sector is very significant to the country’s economy and one of the top priority areas within the development paradigm of the New Direction Government.

She pointed out that the goal of the survey is key and will provide the fundamental basis for the initialization of tourism development and promotion in any country, also adding that one of the key indicators in the New Direction manifesto is for the development of a tourism master plan.

She further stated how this is the first time, since the aftermath of the civil conflict in Sierra Leone, that a comprehensive census of tourism, cultural sites and related establishments was undertaken, noting that such has provided an insight and understanding of the vast array of the natural, cultural and historical resources of the country furthering how the census effectively identified all touristic and cultural assets as well as establishments operating in the country.

She noted that with the launch of the National Tourism Census such will help the Ministry to physically map out the country’s tourism master plan through geospatial data in order to know what are available in the country.

The Minister said that the exercise was conducted in collaboration with Statistics Sierra Leone. Additionally, 150 young men and women were hired together with officials of the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and its sub-vented agencies to visit every nook and cranny of the country including isolated coastal areas. She informed that the main goal is to digitalize the tourism sector through the use of GPS mapping of a wide variety of tourism and cultural assets and establishments countrywide.

Dr. Memunatu Pratt further disclosed that the exercise was conducted over a period of seven (7) days and an impressive result obtained saying it is a demonstration of the high potentials of the tourism and cultural sectors of Sierra Leone. She said the findings, when properly marketed, will lead to an increase in revenue collection within the sector also stating that they are creating opportunities in collaboration with Local Councils to protect, preserve and restore important cultural, historical and natural sites. Minister Pratt underscored how such will generate more interest in local and international visitors to visit urban and rural communities to enjoy and experience the vast array of tourism assets.

She applauded Statistics Sierra Leone, Ministry of Finance, and Staff of the Ministry of Tourism and its agencies for their tireless support in putting the report together.

Underscoring the purpose of the National Census Report, Director of Tourism, Mohamed Jalloh, disclosed that the Tourism Census Report is a resource audit and fundamental ingredient in the development trajectory of any successful tourist destination. He informed that the report clearly spells out the tourism resource base of a destination which, he said, forms a strong appeal in attracting tourists, adding that some tourist destinations make the silly mistake of embarking immediately in glamorous advertisement and promotion of their destinations leading in most cases to a mismatch between tourism demand and supply.

He said the report will help the country to have an incisive knowledge, insight and understanding of what tourism can offer adding how the Tourism Resource Audit has identified, assessed and analysed tourism natural resources such as beaches, important rivers, lakes, mountains, parks, forested areas and reserves.

He noted that cultural resources having to do with historic buildings, heritage sites, shrines, burial sites, ancient mosques and churches, historic monuments and relics, event resources, activity resources, purpose built tourist or leisure attractions such as entertainment centres, parks, shopping spots were captured during the survey.

According to the Director, students from tourism institutions also embarked on the data collection exercise across the country, adding that the survey team were equipped with GPS gadgets that aided them to capture location tourism resources. He said the information and statistics collected are tabulated and analysed with tables, graphs and charts.

Deputy Statistician General, Andrew Bob Johnny, disclosed that the Tourism Census covers each and every region, district, chiefdom and section in the country as long as there is tourist interest in that area, adding that it collected both statistical, geospatial data and they worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism in the preparation of the survey instruments.

He said that several countries in Africa rely on tourism to provide a substantial revenue base and contribution to the GDP, noting that the tourism sector has been identified by His Excellency, President Julius Maada Bio as one of the key sectors for the diversification of the economy to improve Government’s revenue generation and create job opportunities.

Commissioner of Right to Access Information Commission, Ms. Yeama Sarah Thompson, disclosed that over the Christmas period, they witnessed an increased influx of Sierra Leoneans living abroad, tourists, black Americans seeking to return to their roots, including the Gullah Geechee that visited the country to relax at the beach, explore nature, embark on sightseeing or simply to enjoy the country’s hospitality.

She noted that the tourism industry has indeed been experiencing a boom in the past 12 months and is continuously generating increased revenue for the country.

She said that as the Commission responsible for the facilitation and enforcement of freedom of information rights and obligations, they have signalled their commitment to one of their core mandates which is facilitating and strengthening measures that promote openness through the initialization of an open data initiative: a revolution that seeks to foster collaboration for the ultimate improvement of data quality and accessibility.

“We are very pleased that the benefits of open Data re-use are gaining recognition in the tourism sector and pleased to be part of this launch and want to applaud the Ministry of Tourism and Statistics-Sierra Leone as the intended outcomes of the GIS tourism data will support many priority areas,” she underscored.

Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt delivering her statement at the ceremony