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First Lady Applauds Africell

Africell MD:  Shadi Gerjawi receiving the Certificate of Appreciation

By Amin Kef Sesay

The First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Mrs. Fatima Maada Bio has commended Africell for supporting the cause of combating and raising awareness on the negative effects of gender and sexual related offenses including  rape, teenage pregnancy, early marriage through the “Hands Off Our Girls” Campaign since awareness campaign commenced.

In her statement during a dinner hosted by the Maada & Fatima Bio Foundation to launch the “free sanitary pads for school-going girls” at the Bintumani Conference Centre, the First Lady disclosed how Africell is the first company that willingly agreed to support the campaign and even took the bold stride to organize the first-ever Hands Off Our Girls Press Conference which, according to her, is a clear manifestation of the company’s determination to take the campaign far and wide.

The First Lady applauded the Management of Africell for going beyond her expectations by providing important items needed to launch the campaign nationwide. “Africell is indeed a force to reckon with,” she showed appreciation.

A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to the Management of Africell and she declared the company as a ‘Champion’ of the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign.

Other entities like AYV, the Sierra Leone Police Force, the Military, the Chinese Embassy, the Ministry of Social Welfare and UNFPA were also recognized for their unwavering support to the campaign.

The President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, was also crowned as the ‘Godfather of the Hands Off Our Girls’ Campaign.

Violation of Human Rights… The Case Of The 2 Deportees At CID Since August 14, 2019

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Immigration Department, Office of National Security and the leadership of the Sierra Leone Police are called upon to immediately investigate the claim by two deportees who claim that they are citizens of Dominica and Bahamas in the Caribbean that since been deported by the American Government, they have been held in custody at the Criminal Investigations Department headquarters in Freetown.

The two deportees maintain that they were forcefully deported to Sierra Leone through connivance between the American Immigration Department and the Sierra Leone authorities.

According to one of them, when they arrived at the Lungi International airport, there were no Immigration Officers to receive them. They told the Police, who took over them to be taken back onboard the American plane that brought them to Sierra Leone, as they are citizens of Sierra Leone.

What is mystifying about the story of the two Caribbean citizens is that since they were brought to Freetown on August 14th, 2019, they have been held in detention at the CID, with the CID, Foreign Affairs officials promising to take up their cases with the American Embassy with nothing done to the effect.

The two also allege that over $300, 000 has been extorted from them by CID, Foreign Affairs and Immigration officials. At the same time, they are not been fed nor have access to medical attention.

Furthermore, they claim that they have Western Union receipts showing that such amount of money has been remitted to them.

The Calabash suspects that there have been gross violations of the rights of the two Caribbean citizens, as apparently they were not deported to Sierra Leone to face trial or to serve jail sentences.

Therefore, it is not understandable why the CID should keep them in detention for the past four months.

Secondly, it is not understandable under what international law the US decided to send the two Caribbean citizens to a third country, Sierra Leone, as they apparently were not extradited to be tried.

Deportation is simply the removal of an alien out of a country because his/her presence is deemed inconsistent with the public welfare and without any punishment being imposed or contemplated either under the laws of the country out of which he/she is sent or of those of the country to which he is taken.

Therefore, the CID boss owes the nation an explanation as to under which condition his office continues to hold the two Caribbean citizens without the Government of Sierra Leone endeavoring to engage the American Government through its Embassy here to determine their exact legal status and under what international law they were deported to Sierra Leone and not to their countries of origin.






Pres. Bio turns sod for a New Hospital & Commissions 1st Community Radio Station in Falaba

President Dr Julius Maada Bio

By Foday Moriba Conteh

On Monday 16 December 2019 at Gbindi in the Falaba District, His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio commissioned Voice of Falaba in Gbindi town, Falaba district, making the community broadcaster the first-ever radio station in the district.

During the ceremony, Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, said that as a Ministry they were mandated to bridge the gap between the Government and its citizens through creating platforms for citizens’ participation in the governance process. He said the 600 megawatts transmission network would cover the entire district and its surroundings.

Member of Parliament for Constituency 39, Honourable Billow Shaw, commended the President for putting Falaba as part of his development agenda. He said they were pleased with the strides his government had made so far, especially in human capital development through the provision of free quality education, improved healthcare facilities and food security. He said they would continue to support the government and its programmes.

In his statement, President Bio said that he was committed to bringing development to every part of the country. He noted that the new radio facility would help to link the district with the rest of the country and also keep the people informed on the activities of the government. He added that that would guarantee citizens’ participation as an important component for effective governance.

The President emphasised that the new facility should be used to inform, educate, entertain and to also preach peace and unity in the district. He, therefore, called on the community to take good care of the facility by using it for the general good.

At the turning of the sod for a new hospital in Sulema Chiefdom, Falaba district, Deputy Minister of Justice, Umaru Napoleon Koroma, said that they were pleased with the President’s development efforts in the district. He said they were also proud of the progress being made by the government. He assured of the people’s continued support.

On his part, President Bio said that the new health facility was part of his government’s drive for providing quality health services for its people. He stated his government’s inclusive approach to governance and their belief in sharing resources to every part of the country. He noted that when completed, the new facility would help to reduce infant and maternal mortality and as well as improve on the wellbeing- g of the people of Falaba.


Iluka Not yet realizing much from its rutile investment

By Sam Pratt

In a latest development, the mineral sands miner, Iluka Resources, has announced an impairment charge of $290-million in the 2019 full year for the carrying value of the assets associated with its Sierra Rutile operation, in Sierra Leone.

Iluka also announced a write-down of some $115-million of deferred tax assets at Sierra Rutile, reflecting a more conservative outlook for the business following the impairment review.

Based on that, the remaining net assets at Sierra Rutile have been reduced to around $50-million, as the mine continue to perform below the acquisition investment case, and the fact that Iluka did not have a defined development approach for the Sembehun deposit,  resulting
in difficulties in ascribing any meaningful value to the asset in the impairment assessment. Iluka acquired the Sierra Rutile operation in 2016 for A$455-million, with the investment case underpinned by the proposed doubling of dry mining operations at Lanti and Gangama, and the development of the Sembehun deposit to increase rutile production capacity from 175 000 Since the acquisition, Iluka has spent approximately $75-million on capacity increases at Gangama and Lanti, and a further $75-million on sustaining capital.

Despite improving production over the second half of 2019 as the mining expansion ramped up, the overall performance of the operation has been less than the original investment case, with rutile production in the full 2019 reaching only 135 000 t. For the 2020 full year, the Sierra Rutile operation is now expected to produce some 170 000 t of rutile, and 175 000 t of total zircon and rutile, with a further 70 000 t of ilmenite also expected, at a cash cost of $125-million and a unit production cost of $715/t of zircon and rutile.

“The strategic rationale for the acquisition was that it provided Iluka access to a long-life rutile asset, in excess of 20 years, with identified production growth potential from expansion projects, which were then at feasibility stage,” said Iluka MD Tom O’Leary. “While production from Sierra Rutile has been improving over 2019 following the completion of the expansion projects at Lanti and Gangama, the acquisition has not lived up to its investment case. This is a disappointing outcome. We remain focused on continuing to improve Sierra Rutile’s existing operations, including in relation to throughput, reliability, production and cost.”

O’Leary said that for the Sembehun development, Iluka’s approach has been to revisit and broaden the project studies to determine a development option that optimizes value. “The impairment announced today does not detract from the potential we see in this world-class rutile deposit. We expect to provide an update by mid-2020,” he added.

Meanwhile, the miner also told shareholders on Tuesday that it was expecting to include a change related to the risk-free discount rate used to calculate rehabilitation provisions, due to the decline in Australian dollar bond rates, which will increase the Australia rehabilitation liability by A$60-million.

Due to the sustained declined in the bond rate to around 1.3%, from the current 3% discount rate, the value of the Australian rehabilitation provision has increased by A$60-million, comprising an A$18-million pre-tax charge to the profit and loss for closed sites in 2019, and a A$42-million increase to the balance sheet for open sites.


Free Regional Roaming Service Launched by NATCOM

By Fatmata Jengbe

In a bid to enhance quality and affordable communication within the African  region, the National Telecommunication Commission (NATCOM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Information & Communications has on Monday 16th December, 2019 launched a free regional roaming call service at the Miatta Conference Center, Brookfields in Freetown.

Speaking during the launch, Director General of the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM), Maxwell Massaquoi, said that in 2016 in Dakar Senegal the West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA) mapped out a road map for the establishment of free international roaming service in West Africa, adding that his predecessors signed up to the agreement {Abidjan protocol} for the implementation of the free roaming system.

He furthered that thereafter they decided to put the signatures behind the iron curtain noting that there are numerous advantages that come along with a regional free roaming initiative. The DG revealed that on the 26th April 2019 he signed on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other Mano River Union member countries for the actualization of the regional free roaming maintaining how the one area network initiative is based on the principles of collective responsibility and best practices.

He also disclosed that since that time they have focused on  collaborative partnership and strategic   engagements with relevant stakeholders that made it possible for the launch. He continued by saying the free  regional roaming  will continue to promote regional integration, bring down high costs of mobile roaming , eliminate charges for receiving voice calls  in Senegal , Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory, Togo, Benin, Guinea and Sierra Leone.

“The realization of the free roaming initiative is in line with the Commission’s objective of promoting Government’s digital revolution programs, expanding and making accessible and affordable telecommunication services in Sierra Leone,” he pointed out and extended bravo to the New NATCOM Team saying they can now keep and use freely their mobile number while travelling to and within the aforementioned countries without extra charges further gingering, “roam like home, Roam like Local”.

He thanked the mobile operators in Sierra Leone for their unflinching collaborative efforts and support to actualize the roaming service.

The Deputy Minister of Information and Communications, Mamadi Gobeh Kamara, in her keynote statement said the launching of regional free roaming is a manifestation of Government’s commitment to ensure that communication services are improved in a way that will contribute to the socio-economic wellbeing of subscribers.

She also said Sierra Leone as a member State of ECOWAS in 2017 signed the signed the ECOWAS regulation aimed at allowing West Africa citizens to enjoy free mobile roaming when traveling within the other 15 ECOWAS Member States.

The Deputy Minister further said the initiative was established to harmonize legal and tariff frameworks in order to eliminate roaming charges in the sub-region. “The effective implementation of the regional free roaming will enhance regional integration efforts which include free movement of persons and goods which is a cardinal objective of the ECOWAS Treaty of free movement of goods and services for all citizens irrespective of their economic status.

She underscored how the access to roaming services is not just about business travels and tourists being able to make calls especially in the border areas because they need to access affordable  roaming service but rather to strive to become a digitally inclusive society.

The Deputy Minister then launched the free regional roaming service and wished everybody a wonderful merry Christmas.

The Director General of the ARPT Guinea, Antigou Cherif, gave a background of the free regional roaming service saying it is geared towards transforming Africa in to a single digital market pointing out that free roaming is the first step and its plays a major role in the vision.

He also said that it was during the 3rd Board Meeting of Smart Africa on the 21st January 2016 in Addis Ababa that the President and other members anchored the important role ICT plays in the social-economic development of various countries and the initiative was formed.

20 Rangers Graduate at TCS Forest Reserve to Enforce Wildlife Laws

By Theresa Vamboi

Refresher training for 20 rangers of the National Protected Area Authority (NPPA), soldiers of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, the Sierra Leone Police and community scouts to enforce wildlife laws in the National Parks of Sierra Leone had been successfully coordinated by the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary (TCS) and partners.

The 20 rangers passed out on Thursday 12th December 2019 at an impressive ceremony at the TCS Forest Reserve in the Western Area Peninsula National Park, Regent in Freetown.

TCS is committed to conducting capacity-building to enhance the NPAA rangers and TCS eco-guards safeguarding the Loma Mountains National Park as part of the USFWS funding-project Loma Mountains National Conservation Project.

The training took place at the TCS, Regent outside Freetown with a series of modules specifically designed to respond to the urgent need to protect wildlife in the country and focused on medical training/first aid, bush camp, observation post, arrest and restrain, armed and unarmed combats, drills, night vision goggles, Global Positioning System (GPS), compass and maps, preparation of patrol reports, basic communications and reporting, navigation, field craft, bush craft and basic patrol tactics.

The training marks the extension of the Tacugama Community Outreach Program (TCOP) activities towards a holistic approach to conservation in Sierra Leone through livelihood, education, research and wildlife law enforcement.

Moreover, the training is an approach to protect the largest populations of the Western Chimpanzees in Sierra Leone in order to further support the NPPA’s mission to ensure the protection of natural eco-systems and threatened biodiversity in Sierra Leone.

The 12-day training was conducted between 1st and 12th December 2019 by the TCS Community Outreach Program, the International Security Advisory Team (ISAT), the Sierra Leone Police and NPAA to assess the skills and capacities of NPAA rangers to equip them with the basic skills and knowledge to safely and efficiently carry out patrols in the Loma Mountains National Park.

The training is also aimed at harmonizing the expertise of the NPAA rangers among the three National Parks (Loma Mountains, Western Area Peninsula and Gola Rainforest National Parks), to consolidate the involvement of law enforcement units and armed forces in the national efforts to protect wildlife as well as tackle poaching and trafficking, assess a model of mixed patrols in Sierra Leone including NPAA rangers, community scouts, paramilitary police officers and soldiers.

Furthermore, the training is to sensitize and engage local communities and build a local constituency for conservation around national parks as well as identify the personal qualities of the participants and suitable attributes required to carry out their wildlife protection activities with and around protected areas and leave each successful participant in a state of irreversible momentum and progression.

The training program was tailored and run by law enforcement and anti-poaching experts from Mellivora Systems for 20 participants: 10 NPAA rangers from three different national parks: Loma Mountains, Western Area Peninsula and Gola Rainforest National Parks respectively, 2 soldiers from the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, 1 police officer, 5 community scouts from Loma and 2 TCS outreach team members thus involving all the prominent conservation organizations, law enforcement units and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

In his statement at the passing out ceremony, the Founder and Director of TCS, Mr. Bala Amarasekaran asserted that this is a proud moment for them, reiterated the need to keep pressing on, that the training is a step in the right direction, commended the exemplary collaboration between the various stakeholders and underlined that no one/institution can do it alone.

He continued that the resources put into the training have been spent the right way, that TCS is protecting the water catchment area in the Western Area in addition to conserving and protecting animals and plants.

Statements were also made by Mr. Baba Turay of the NPAA who enlightened that the Authority was established by an Act of Parliament in 2012 to protect the country’s natural resources in all the 15 protected areas as well as enforce conservation laws but lamented that they are constraint by inadequate resources and capacity underscoring that conservation issues are new in Sierra Leone as they were not very serious, that 70% of the country was covered with forest that has reduced to 10% pointing out that conservation issues are increasing daily.

He also assured that the NPAA would assist in enforcing conservation and wildlife laws and underscored the importance of the training that need not be overemphasized.

Colonel Martin Charles of ISAT said one of their key interests in Sierra Leone is conservation and border security, reaffirmed the need to capacitate the rangers to enforce wildlife and conservation laws and commended the instructors for a job well done.

He further disclosed that they are working on a two-year project for Guinea, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone to develop legislation to support NPAA to train between 80-100 rangers to fight those he described as enemies who steal the resources and threaten the environment in the different countries.

Presentation of certificates to the rangers climaxed the event.


Residents of Koinadugu District Assured by Pres. Bio

President Dr Julius Maada Bio

By Alim Jalloh

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio,  who was on a two-day working visit to Koinadugu and Falaba districts, on Sunday 15 December 2019  assured the people in that part of the country of his Government’s continued support to their development.

In his welcome address, Paramount Chief Alie Balansama Marah III said that they were pleased to receive the President in the district. He said they were also thankful to the President for giving appointments to many of their sons and daughters for the first time ever and assured of their support to the government.

Koinadugu District Council Chairman, Alex Conteh, said that they were pleased with the government’s free quality education programme, adding that they were also appreciative of the President’s inclusive governance policy that would ensure peaceful co-existence.

Speaking at the Kabala Town Field, President Bio said that Koinadugu was part of Sierra Leone and it deserved to be part of the development process. He said that since his election, his government had worked very hard on a lot of initiatives that would help to better the lives of citizens.

“We have done quite a lot within this short period. We have taken education as a priority programme because we care about the future of this country. Investing in our kids is the best way of laying a solid foundation for sustainable development,” he said.

President Bio also said that he was particularly concerned about the welfare of women and girls, saying that as part of the government’s commitment to empowering women, they were working on introducing a micro-credit system that would help women to be self-reliant and independent.

He also used the occasion to condemn early marriage, rape and all forms of violence against women and girls. He noted that women constitute a major part of the country’s population and must be allowed to realise their fullest potentials, adding that if women were educated they could contribute greatly to the development of the nation.

Deforestation Is Real and Needs Urgent Attention The importance of forests

By Amin Kef Sesay

The role of forests in climate change resilience was discussed by the Center for International Forestry Research. Frances Seymour, CIFOR Director General said, “It is urgent to safeguard Africa’s forests, not only because they slow climate change but also because they act as a final barrier to creeping desertification, underpin sustainable agricultural production and support the livelihoods of tens of millions of the rural poor”.

In a previous editorial commentary, The Calabash called on the newly created Ministry of Environment, working in partnership with other line ministries and agencies, to as a matter of urgency put in place policies, strategies, measures and practices to curb the frightening rate at which our forests are disappearing due to causes that were out lined.

Last Friday the NGC leader in Parliament, Dr Kandeh Yumkella raised concern about the devastating impact of on-going timber logging and deforestation in Kailahun, Kono, Koinadugu, Falaba and Karene districts. He raised the issue after recent visits to some of these vulnerable locations in Kamakwie, Fintonia, Samaya, Kuru, Tanenneh, and Sanya, in the Karene District.

What is most times missing in Government action is lack of effective implementation of policies. The NGC leader recalled that over the issue, the Speaker of Parliament invited environmental groups to Parliament to explain the extent of deforestation on the nation.

Needless to say, given the extensive damage done to the country’s environment by shifting cultivation farming, logging and clearing fort new settlements, the Government and its development partners need to take urgent action to mitigate the deforestation of the country’s forest reserves.

The obvious medium to long term solution is for the Forestry Division of the Ministry of Agriculture working in tandem with all the 16 local councils and the 192 chiefdoms to protect the remaining forests and to plant trees in developing a sustainably viable forest and its products industry countrywide.

Generally, deforestation is accelerating across Africa, killing wildlife and weakening the ability of the continent’s ecosystems to withstand climate change, especially in the area of food security.

Thus, the reason why Government must take very serious remedial actions to save and propagate our forests stems from the observation by Global Security that Sierra Leone has been ranked as the third most vulnerable nation after Bangladesh and Guinea Bissau to adverse effects of climate change.

Of note is that vulnerable populations have low capacity to adapt to climate change; with the rural populations the most affected because of their high dependence on rain-fed agriculture and natural resource-based livelihoods.

As such, we must also be reminded of the threats that climate change poses, particularly to developing nations. South Africa’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, noted that, “Climate change threatens to undermine many of the development objectives of countries in Africa and in the rest of the developing world, in particular in the areas of water, energy, health, agriculture and forestry.”

As such, it is high time the Government of Sierra Leone and its development partners put this urgent all-encompassing development matter on the front burner in the designing and implementation of all rural development policies, programs and projects.

AWOL to Shine the Light on those Recognized Come 29th December

By Amin Kef Sesay

 As we are now in the throes of the festive season and few days from now be saying goodbye to 2019 and welcoming 2020, many are now looking forward to D-Day, 29th December 2019, when the All Walks of Life (AWOL) will stage its unforgettable National Achievements Awards at the prestigious Bintumani International Conference Centre in Freetown. Voting is now in earnest progress and the nominees, including personalities and institutions, are working behind the scenes to win as many votes as possible.

It is an indisputable fact that lives and institutions will be inspired and transformed in the wake of the 2019 National Achievements Awards.

Indeed, for an individual or institution to be recognized, appreciated and awarded for doing something very exceptional within the year could be a source from which inspiration is drawn to do more. It could also serve as a springboard to emulate the exemplary footsteps others have taken to meaningfully make meaningful impacts on the lives of others.

For now the All Walks of Life (AWOL) organization is working assiduously behind the scenes to stage its annual event ceremony geared towards recognizing and appreciating the good works of individuals and institutions during 2019. Awards to be dished out are slated for different categories.  As of now the organization is in top gear to host its annual Awards Ceremony which many are eagerly looking forward to with expectations that their nominees will bag one of its prestigious awards , adding another feather to their caps for being honorably recognized for outstanding contributions to humanity and nation building.  This is a day many are waiting for to be part of the crème de la crème of society in a relaxed social atmosphere that will be full of glitz, good music, food, exuding an ambience of life worth living.

Indeed, as usual, in the immediate wake of the event indisputably tongues will be left wagging as to whether indeed a particular personality or institution truly deserves to be awarded. But that is natural as we sometimes disagree to agree. But one thing that is really obvious is that AWOL prides itself on selflessness and integrity which is why its award programmes have always been characterized by fairness. It is not AWOL that determines who should be a recipient of an award as a voting process is currently ongoing for people to vote their consciences for nominated personalities and institutions whom they truly believe should be recognized for their immense contributions to humanity and nation-building. You are at liberty to vote now by using 2713 short code to SMS via Africell for an individual or institution whom one believes must clinch the covetous 2019 award.

In just about three weeks from now, to be specific on the 29th December 2019, all roads will be leading  to the Bintumani International Conference Centre where at 7pm the highly regarded All Walks of Life (AWOL) will commence its programme of dishing out its annual prestigious 2019 awards to deserving personalities and institutions in various categories.

Already,  the Technical and Organizing Committees of the All Walks of Life (AWOL) as both are working doggedly behind the scenes to put all the necessary arrangements together to stage a non-forgettable awards ceremony which will be laced with intriguing moments of fun, laughter, good music, food and drinks. It goes without saying that the after –awards nite feeling will for a long time definitely linger on the minds of many that will take them into a brand new 2020. From all indications and judging from the nominations that have been done for the different categories it seems that this Awards Ceremony is going to be the Mother of all AWOL Awards Ceremonies but as some have already maintained that is yet to be determined. However, what for now is really certain is that AWOL has etched a name in history for doing BIG THINGS and this time round there will to be an exception nor is it going to be the last as we have been hinted.

In order to reiterate the message loud and clear the widely acclaimed National Achievements Awards (NAAs) will be dished out to deserving individuals and institutions on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre starting at 7pm with the theme “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development” under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio.

As it had been over the years it is planned to be an unforgettable ceremony that will be laced with pomp and pageantry bringing together under one roof the crème de la crème of society to socialize. It is going to be a nite of fun, jokes and laughter; a moment that will be lively when the spotlight will shine on individuals and institutions that have been recognized for their exemplary contributions to nation building and as such bestowed prestigious awards for their efforts.

Already, on the 22nd November 2019, the launch of the National Achievement Awards was done at the Radisson Blu Hotel and it was graced by individuals from various walks of life including the Chief Minister who on that day described AWOL as an organization which has as its aim and objective to celebrate ‘change-makers’ whom he referred to as those people who are doing their utmost in their little corners to put Sierra Leone first and set bright examples for others to emulate.

During the occasion the President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr informed the audience that AWOL was formed 20 years ago to serve the country in a distinct fashion. He added that coming from an 11 year war, as young people, they decided to form a group with a distinct mission to recognize distinguished Sierra Leoneans, as well as to complement and serve as an auxiliary to government and this they have been doing successfully since the founding of AWOL.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization, which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.
One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and which is part of its constitution is the fact that no individual member is bigger than the organization. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:
AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolizes her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering State institutions.

From all indications, it is going to be an unforgettable nite that will linger in the minds of many here and abroad.

Below is the list of nominees that could be voted for by sending a text message on Africell line to 2713:



– Njala


– Dele-Peddle International School
– Sierra Leone Grammar School
– Providence International High School


– Gateway Preparatory Primary School
– International Primary School
– Modern Elementary School

– Menjor, Esther Sia (Leone Preparatory Prim. School)

– Hooke Johan Harmonette D. (Providence Int. Snr High, F/Town)
– Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Jalloh Khadijatu (Annie Walsh Memorial Sch., F/Town)


– Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch., F/Town)
– Turay Abdulai S. (Dele-Peddle Int. High, F/Town)

– Russell Affuah (The International School Ltd., Prim)

– Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Koroma Umu B. (Modern High, F/Town)


– Gbakima Aiah (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)


– Mohamed Buya Turay
– John Keister
– National Swimming Team


– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– Ministry of Tourism and Culture
– Ministry of Information and Communications

– Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
– National Revenue Authority (NRA)
– Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL)

– Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella
– Hon. Abdul Kargbo
– Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh


– Awoko
– Sierra Eye Magazine
– Standard Times

– Radio Democracy 98.1 FM
– SLBC Radio
– Kiss 104 FM

– Star TV

– Stella Bangura (AYV TV)
– Zainab Joaque (Awoko Newspaper)
– Khadija Bangura (98.1)

– Amadu Lamrana Bah (AYV TV)
– Mohamed Asmieu Bah (SLBC TV)
– Kemo Cham (Politico Newspaper)


– Rozay Sokota
– Arkman


– Desmond Finnie
– Henrietta Mbawah
– Phebean Swill

– Desmond Beinya
– Kindo Armani
– Richie Obama

– King Dus Art
– Alusine Conteh
– Cyril Oronto-Cole


    – Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB)
    – Ecobank SL
    – Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

    – Union Trust Bank (UTB)
    – Gento Group
    – NP-SL


    – Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha
    – Dr. Francis Lansana
    – Dr. Aiah Lebbie


    – Sick Pikin Project
    – Pikin Bizness
    – Melqosh Mission


    – Musa Mewa Esq
    – Ibrahim Fayia Sawaneh Esq
    – Joan Bull Esq.



    – Brig Gen Victor Samba
    – Lt Col Roland Robin Gbondo

    – Mr Francis Musa Hazeley (Chief Supt of Police)
    – Mrs Juliette Kumba Kondoh (Supt of Police)
    – Mr Edward Tamba Keimbay (Asst Supt of Police)

    – Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)
    – Abu Bakarr Fofanah (Sub Officer)
    – Adebayo Williams (Sub officer)

    – Mohamed Santigie Turay (Director of Corrections)
    – Rev Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay (Chief Supt of Corrections)
    – Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Manley (Chief Supt of Corrections)


    32. FARMER OF THE YEAR 2019

    – Kabia Farm
    – Jam Jay Enterprise
    – Madam Haja Sundu Marrah


    33. CSO/CBO OF THE YEAR 2019
    – Campaign for Good Governance
    – CARL- SL
    – CHIRDI- SL


    – The Place- Tokeh
    – Radisson Blu
    – Lagoonda


    – Madam Wokie
    – Hudsons
    – J & F Fashion


    –  Isatu (Plasas Seller, Aberdeen Market)
    – Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Krootown Road)
    – Sarian Karimu (Shenge Market, Bo)


    – Lara Taylor-Pearce (ASSL)
    – Francis Ben Keifala (ACC)
    – Micheala Mackay (CAC)


    – Orange SL
    – Africell SL

Vote now for individuals and institutions you are convinced deserve the prestigious AWOL Awards.


Support NP-SL Become a Proud AWOL Go-Getter- Send IB3 to short code 2713 via Africell

By Amin Kef Sesay

This medium was reliably informed that the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is now all set to enter into 2020 with a renewed vigour very much determined than ever before to continue providing its numerous customers with the best of petroleum products and ready to encourage others to come on board assuring them of getting quality for their money’s worth. Indeed, it was not an easy ride for the company in 2019 but the fact of the matter is that with dogged commitment and proactive team work it was able to make invaluable inroads on various fronts.

However, the company is still grappling with challenges that have to do with timely access of foreign exchange earnings which it uses to purchase petroleum and other products that it imports and markets. Besides, the company could be on a sound footing if all loans owed it by both public and private institutions are settled. Like all public enterprises, continual survival largely depends on the expansion of its capital base in order to attain the financial muscle to embark on any expansionist move and making use of latest technological devices or systems.

Having become a household name in this country and even beyond for the company’s positive contributions towards overall nation building and in improving standards of living of the vast majority, NP-SL has long gained widespread recognition. That recognition is well established to such an extent that it was nominated as one of the best indigenous companies for the 2019 AWOL National Achievements Awards slated to take place on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre.

It could be recalled that NP-SL Ltd was the proud recipient of the 2018 AWOL Award which was no mean feat but was well deserved as many convincingly voted for the company.

When our team went out to conduct a vox-pop, what came out glaringly was that it seems as if NP is the much talked about nominee in the category of ‘best indigenous company that many are predicting will emerge victorious. According to what was also learnt people are voting for the company by sending IB3 SMS to short code 2713 via Africell. As the situation now stands there is no more sitting on the fence but to come on live and vote NP-SL.

It is on record that the company is 1st for Customer Care as its shareholders and Management are really mindful of the fact that they are there because of their customers which is why in all what they do the customer’s reaction is what matters. Giving utmost satisfaction in terms of making available high grade petroleum products, ensuring that they are readily available, sold at affordable prices and easily accessible have been some of the ways through which satisfaction are given to its customers.

In order to instil confidence among those it is doing business with, the company installed at its major Filling Stations calibrated pumping machines which are very accurate with regards measurement of the amount of fuel put in for by any customer. This transparent manner in which transactions are conducted has paved the way of wooing new customers on board.

For many, the National Petroleum –Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) has been considered to be a big blessing to this country in terms of its unwavering commitment and pro-active stance in always ensuring that members of the general public have easy and ready access to qualitative petroleum products that the company imports and markets.

It is amongst the most successful privately owned and operated business entities this country can boast of that have withstand varying external shocks, within and without, but admirably is steadfast in its service delivery.

A 100% indigenously owned and operated company, SL has over the years, successfully extended its operations country-wide and even beyond to the West African Sub-region in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it is doing extremely well with regards service  delivery, rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, availing job opportunities, offering new products among a host of other things that it is churning out.

Very mindful that without their cherished customers there will be no NP-SL, the shareholders and Management have made customer care a number one priority which is why the company is synonymous with 1st For Customer Care. With the conviction that every experience matters, the Management is very receptive to new initiatives, ideas, suggestions and concerns as long as they could help in shaping the policies that the company outlines from time to time that will be translated into tangibles on the ground.

In order to give maximum and optimal satisfaction to customers, NP-SL has always ensured that it operates in tandem with international standards and best practices so that after any service delivery customers get the good feeling that they have derived value for money.

Their attendants are well mannered, always courteous and ready to assist both old and new customers whenever they are in doubt of what to do. Most have tire repairing sections, shopping marts and relaxation points where they can spend time doing what they think is right to do. All these facilities are made available to make customers feel at home and be comfortable.

“I always carry my NP Smart Card with me just in case my car’s fuel gauge will show red and I may not exactly have the required amount of money to refill or even if I have it such could be for another purpose. With my card I can just breeze into any NP Filling Station and by using my card the attendant will pump the quantity of petrol I need,” Vidal Smith, an engineer intimated adding how the card’s security features are unique and could not be easily falsified.

“When I first heard of ‘Your fuel on Smart Card’ I thought it was a joke but only realized its efficacy when I started making use of it,” he furthered saying he is really finding it very convenient in doing so and as such prevent him from withdrawing big cash from his bank account for purchasing fuel adding how it as well help in also saving him time.

NP Gas is now the talk of the day as numerous individuals are everyday coming to the realization that it is very suitable for cooking purposes without posing any serious health risks. Manufactured in different cylinder sizes NP Gas is marketed at all the company’s filling stations and by authorized dealers going at affordable prices. Advantageously, NP Gas can be refilled with gas that the company imports and markets making them simple for customers to continue their use.

With regards rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, NP-SL Ltd is rated high as it has been contributing effectively in improving lives and communities. The company has been making meaningful interventions, meaningfully supporting entities , like it did lately to the National Fire Force by facilitating the construction of a water facility at the Force’s Kissy Branch, in order to capacitate it with water supply to respond to any fire emergency in that part of the country and in other areas within Greater Freetown.

These interventions, worth millions of Leones, are ways by which the company is magnanimously giving back to society. Lives have indeed changed for the better as a result of NP’s interventions.

Utilizing local skills and talents has been topmost in the agenda of discussions relating to national development. The argument for embracing the Local Content Policy borders around enhancing entrepreneurship, comparatively making use of less financial resources to pay for accomplished tasks and creating job opportunities thereby reducing poverty.

NP-SL has made it an established policy to give priority, in terms of employment, to Sierra Leoneans as long as they are in positions or competent to perform. The same is replicated everywhere the company is operating. Such an acclaimed stance is contributing greatly towards poverty reduction and improving lives.

NP-SL, many have confessed, is indeed a big blessing to Mama Salone and it is indeed really poised to continue to do more and more to foster socio-economic development.

It is now only a matter of time to see whether this year round NP-SL will emerge victorious as a proud Award recipient from AWOL. All you need to do now is to send IB3 SMS to short code 2713 via Africell.