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Sierra Leone Brewery Awarded Factory of the Year for Quality Products 2019

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone Brewery Limited was cited among holders of the ‘Prestigious Certification Ceremony to Deserving Institutions, Agencies and Business Houses which took place at the Civil Service Training College in Sierra Leone, Freetown on Thursday 12th December, 2019. The Consumer Protection Agency-Sierra Leone organized the event.

The portfolio of quality brands from Sierra Leone Brewery Limited – Star lager beer, Star Citron, Mutzig, Guinness Extra Stout, Amstel, Maltina, Salone (100% Sorghum), and Trenk Dark Malt Energy drink – are among the quality products for which the Brewery received a meritorious award by the Consumer Protection Agency.

According to the statement, while speaking at the event, the Corporate Affairs Assistant of Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, Unisa Conteh, said “We couldn’t have won this award without the hard work and dedication of the SLBL team of dedicated workers. Star Lager, Mutzig, Amstel, Guinness and Maltina are some of our most prestigious brands, and we are proud of their startling success in the Sierra Leonean market.”

Conteh added that “over the years, these brands have not only continued to lead the line in the local industry but have been able to cultivate a cult following, with millions of consumers across the country. The growth and evolution of these brands have been a joy to behold and we appreciate our loyal consumers for sticking with us through this historic journey.”

“We appreciate this honour and promise our consumers and stakeholders that we will not only continue to raise the bar but will also set out with innovative and exciting ways to consistently win with our brands.”


CGG launches 2018 Civil Society Index Report

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a bid to assess Civil Society Organization sustainability in Sierra Leone, Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) has on Thursday 12th December, 2019 launched the 2018 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index Report. The launch took place at their Head office on King Street in Freetown.

Programme Manager for Campaign for Good Governance, Shar Kendema, disclosed that the report is a ‘health check’ of the sustainability of civil society organizations, adding that this report do come out on a yearly basis.

He said the report looked at the legal environment, advocacy, service provision, public image etc. which he said are issues raised and will be looked into to enhance the development of civil society in the country.

Presenting the findings of the Report, the Programme Officer, Campaign for Good Governance, Amasara Jalloh, said that the 2018 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index Report is one that looked into the welfare and status of civil societies, adding that the report also looked at the challenges faced by these civil societies in executing their duties.

Underscoring the outcome of the report he said Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Council elections took place smoothly for a transfer of power in March 2018 in Sierra Leone, since the incumbent President, Ernest Bai Koroma, had already served the constitutional limit of two five-year terms, he did not run for a re-election.

“No party crossed the 55 percent threshold in the first round of voting, and after a second round of voting, Julius Maada Bio of the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party was declared the new President,” he noted adding that the Parliamentary elections resulted in an unusual degree of political diversity as four political parties and a number of independent candidates won seats.

Political tensions were high during the elections, and violent protests erupted in some communities, he said.

The CGG Programme Officer said what further exacerbated the turmoil was the release in July of a report by the new government’s transition team, which took stock of the state of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. He also pointed out that soon after assuming power, the new Government initiated a review of the NGO Policy Regulations, which were hurriedly introduced by the previous government in December 2017.

According to him, renaming the policy “Development Cooperation Framework,” the Government has mapped out ways in which to streamline its implementation so as to ensure that CSOs’ projects are in line with Government’s priorities.

He said many analysts have described the policy as draconian, intrusive and aims at closing the space for meaningful CSO engagement and said a revised policy was tabled in Cabinet in December 2018 and was under review for the remainder of the year.

He noted that the overall CSO sustainability was stable in 2018. CSOs’ organizational capacity improved slightly as they broadened their outreach to constituencies beyond urban areas. He said advocacy was moderately stronger as CSOs played a prominent role in ensuring the credibility of the elections. CSOs’ leadership and cooperation with the media during the elections helped boost their public image. At the same time, the legal environment was moderately weakened by implementation of the new NGO Policy, and the sectoral infrastructure suffered slightly from the closure of several resource centers. CSOs’ financial viability and service provision did not change, he maintained.

He noted that the legal environment for CSOs in Sierra Leone deteriorated moderately in 2018 with the introduction of restrictive new regulations under the NGO Policy, which was approved in late 2017. No overarching law governs CSOs in Sierra Leone, he postulated maintaining that CSOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) may operate freely without registration but must register to gain legal status and interact formally with other entities and they may choose to register with a variety of government bodies. Because of the simplicity of its registration processes, most CSOs register with the CAC, which since 2017 no longer demands annual registration renewals, he stated.

Dilating on the area of capacity he said CSOs’ organizational capacity improved slightly in 2018 as many organizations spread their operations beyond urban areas to work with local governments, CBOs, community-led committees, and village groups.

For example, ActionAid Sierra Leone, Campaign for Good Governance (CGG), and Center for the Coordination of Youth Activities formed a coalition to encourage gender-responsive practices by local governments. He noted that the Center for Accountability and Rule of Law, Budget Advocacy Network (BAN), Christian Aid, and Restless Development worked on a public finance management project across several districts to ensure accountability and reduce corruption and that CSOs made strides during the year in building strong relationships with the communities in which they operate, so that even when their projects elapse, beneficiaries can ensure their continuation.

And on the public image he said CSOs’ contributions to the elections led to a moderate improvement in their public image in 2018. The media generally hold CSOs in high esteem and see them as supporting public discussion of national issues. Journalists often cover CSOs’ activities, such as policy dialogues, campaigns against government policies, women’s empowerment, and the monitoring of service delivery and local government and that Media coverage increased in 2018 thanks to CSOs’ involvement in educating and mobilizing citizens, training candidates, and observing polling during the elections.

He said the report contain an aspect in which the media also relied on CSOs to provide credible information on election-related developments and certain CSO leaders were respected for their independent policy analysis and the public looked up to them as trusted and unbiased partners in the country’s development.


“Govt. is committed to repeal the Criminal Libel Law…” -Info. Minister Underscores

Minister of Information and Communications Mohamed Rahman Swaray

By Foday Moriba Conteh                                             

As advocacy for the repeal of Part V of the 1965 Criminal Libel Law intensifies the Minister of Information and Communications Mohamed Rahman Swaray has on Thursday 12th December, 2019 reaffirmed the SLPP Government’s commitment to repeal it. This disclosure was made during the Ministry of Information and Communications weekly press briefing at Youyi Building in Freetown.

The Information Minister  stated that as  they have been part of the repealing process  he is very impressed that it has got cabinet approval and it will not be tabled to Parliament.

He said to show their commitment in repealing the law this is the first time they decided to dedicate an entire press briefing to discuss the repealing process. He assured the media that as a Government they are committed and the President is on track as they are working assiduously to make it happen.

He said they have engaged the Speaker of Parliament, the Minority Leader pointing out that Parliament has assured them that the bill will be tabled on Tuesday 17th December, 2019 and in that regard he called on all media practitioners to support the drive in the repealing process. The Minister expressed belief that they will give an executive representation as a Government and they will have an outcome that will they will be very impressive to the media.

President SLAJ, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla, disclosed that in September, 2016, SLAJ and the Ministry of Information and Communications, with support from the British High Commission and the Irish Embassy, held a National Symposium on the repeal of the said law, adding that the meeting brought together all stakeholders including Politicians, MPs, the SLP, the Human Rights Commission Sierra Leone, the BAR Association, Law Officers Department, CSOs etc. and that all these keys stakeholders agreed that the Criminal Law is a bad law and must be repealed.

Underscoring why the Criminal Law is bad he said it is the only Law in Sierra Leone which presumes you guilty until you are proven innocent by a court of law and with this law Truth is not a Strong Defence, or No Defence at all

He also added that because of this law business people are afraid to invest in the media which he said is one of the major reasons why the media in Sierra Leone is poor.

He said that this Law has in the past affected journalists, printers like the Atlantic Printers and the New Breed Newspaper Vs NPRC Government in mid 1990s and John Love Printers and Paul Kamara of Di People Newspaper Vs the late Justice Tolla Thompson and later Vs Late President Ahmed Tejan Kabba in the early 2000s. Both printing companies were shut down after the journalists were jailed, noting that the Criminal Libel also scares women from coming into the profession and from aspiring for top management positions within the media.

In relation  to the safeguard of the privacy of personalities in the wake of the repeal, he said, the Independent Media Commission has powers to enforce provisions in the Codes of Practice. He added that there is also a Civil Defamation Law in place and with this law an offending journalist or citizen is required to pay a fine or compensation if found guilty further underscoring the self-regulation by SLAJ which is tailored by Code of Ethics and strengthening of the SLAJ Disciplinary Committee.

Chairman of the Independent Media Commission, George Khoryama, said  IMC is the body charged with the statutory authority to monitor, regulate and promote professional ethics in the media in Sierra Leone, adding that the Commission has embarked on a nationwide Meet the Press Tour to prepare the minds and the hearts of media owners, stakeholders, media managers and frontline journalists on the implications of the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law.

He noted that the media in Sierra Leone, which is made up of 200 registered newspapers, 165 registered community, commercial and religious radio broadcasters, a public broadcaster and 29 Televisions stations and DTH services is at the crossroads with the pending repeal of Part V of the Criminal Libel Law which criminalizes libel where not even truth is sufficient as a defense.

“At this momentous threshold in which the media is about to perceive a new found freedom, there are many who still entertain fear that the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law will unleash a spate of unprofessional journalism that will give the media a field day to abuse the rights of citizens in their publications and broadcast. There are others however who feel that this moment should be embraced in all its entirety as it puts us in symphony with the rest of world in international best practices that promote professionalism in the media,” he highlighted.

He maintained that during the national tour, the Commission embarked on compliance monitoring from legal, managerial, financial and technical parameters. It against this backdrop that the Commission urged for basic compliance with the following

  1. Payment of correct wages to media practiontiners above the minimum wage
  2. Payment of correct taxes to NRA
  3. Payment of journalists and media practitioners etc.

He concluded by saying as report generally states a lot of growth has taken pace across the media landscape in Sierra Leone with different stakeholders playing their part in the improvement of the media. The IMC head stated also that there are serious problems around compliance in the payment of the correct salaries for journalists, NASSIT payment by managers, lack of coordination in governance structures in the formation of Boards right across the country.

Orange Sierra Leone Women’s Organization elects Makalay Sesay as President

Makalay Sesay elected President

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a new development, female employees of one of the leading mobile telecoms company in Sierra Leone, Orange-SL, on Monday 2nd December 2019 elected Madam Makalay Sesay as President of the Orange Sierra Leone Women’s Organization to mann the affairs of women within the organization.

Speaking to Mabel Mason, PRO of the organization, she said the formation of the Orange Sierra Leone Women Organization is aimed at enhancing women’s empowerment and fostering positive development amongst women in the company. She maintained that the new administration will work towards strengthening a more cordial and friendly relationship wherein all female staff members will have a voice on issues affecting their wellbeing in the company. The organization’s main focus will be to champion issues affecting women and seeks to find a common ground  to address challenges they face on a daily basis.

Makalay Sesay was elected alongside other Executive members such as Mujama Karimu, Vice President, Sadiatu Njai, Secretary General, Mabel Mason PRO, Augusta Ngobeh Assistant PRO, Elizabeth Walker Assistant Secretary General, Morjama Banya Financial Secretary, Jaratta Ibrahim Whip.
Orange Sierra Leone remains committed to not only providing the best mobile telecoms services with the widest network coverage, but also delights in championing  women’s empowerment. The company happens to be the only telecommunications service provider with a female CEO that is very much passionate about women’s issues in general.

Orange Mobile Company has been seen in recent times championing the causes of women in the society. The company, amongst other things, has recently concluded the distribution of hygiene packs to female girls in 20 secondary schools in Freetown as material support towards the Government’s free quality education project, supported the thinking pink breast cancer foundation, provided start-ups to M-Women to name but a few.
With the new Executive in place, women of this noble institution are optimistic to see this group of formidable women leaders committed to championing the realization of women’s empowerment and equality for all.

Poor Electricity Supply Is The Issue Of The Day  

By Amin Kef Sesay

Despite the challenges, the importance of building on the country’s power sector in order to fast track private sector development to foster overall socioeconomic development cannot be overstated.

Without heat, light and power you cannot build or run the factories and cities that provide goods, jobs and homes, nor enjoy the amenities that make life more comfortable and enjoyable.

As such, energy is the ‘oxygen’ of the economy and the life-blood of growth, particularly in the mass industrialization phase to raise per capita GDP to US$ 5,000 and above – the road to middle income status that the country seeks.

In which direction, by the time the former APC government left power in April 2018, Freetonians were generally satisfied that the electricity problem had been largely addressed. Though there were blackouts, they were not as frequent and annoying as they are now, one and half years into “Paopa, Salone for Betteh” rule.

There are no excuses, the people say, on the basis that Paopa promised to solve all the thorny development problems inherited from the former Government including provision of constant affordable electricity for homes and businesses.

Not only Sierra Leone, because of outdated machines and obsolete power transmission distribution system that waste energy like a basket wastes water, coupled with the high cost of fuel, lubricants and spare parts for the available low capacity generation plants, sub-Saharan Africa is in desperate need of power generation.

Less than 80% of the population has access to on grid electricity. Solving that problem is a huge financial and logistic challenge for the Government and the Ministry of Energy without the intervention of the World Bank and other infrastructural development partners.

Even where it is available, many areas that can boast of electricity access and grid connectivity still face shortages and rolling blackouts due to lack of capacity, hampering growth and economic development.

The issues surrounding the country’s electricity shortages are multifaceted and include decades of neglect in building up country-wide infrastructure, a lack of international investment, poor regulatory frameworks and the difficulty surrounding bankability of power projects.

Ironically, whilst Africa generally grapples with the issue of generating enough electricity to meet growing urban demands, China’s access rate is 100 percent, India’s access rate reached 82 percent in 2016 and Brazil has an access rate of 97 percent.

One country that has dealt impressively with its electricity generation deficit is Kenya. As recently as 2012, Kenya’s power scenario was comparable to its neighbors, with an electricity access rate of just 25 percent.

In the years since, however, Kenya has turned its power sector upside down and inside out — transforming its electricity framework in terms of regulatory policy and investment and strategically building up both generation capacity and transmission infrastructure.

Today, Kenya’s electricity access rate stands at 73 percent and the country is on track to meet its goal of 95 percent access by 2020 — making it one of the world’s greatest power success stories. In comparison, it took the United States more than a decade to accomplish the same task.

And despite having similar access to resources — including renewable sources like hydro, geothermal and wind, as well as non-renewable fuel sources like gas — neighboring Tanzania lags well behind with an access rate of just 32 percent.

Though not specific to the energy sector, many African countries have (at best) inefficient regulatory regimes and (at worst) corrupt bureaucracies. In the energy sector specifically — which is investment-heavy and complex with issues like tariffs, subsidies, supply/demand calculations, fuel supplies and questions of access complicating the sector — many regulatory regimes in Africa are simply insufficient.

The African Development Bank, in its 2018 report on the energy regulations in Africa, said “much work remains in strengthening regulatory independence vis-a-vis the regulated industry and the executive branch of Government, as well as capacity for regulators to be able to effectively regulate the electricity sector and ensure its long-term health and sustainability.” Notably, many African countries lack an independent regulator for pricing, which the private sector views as instrumental for making investment decisions.

An even more complex issue to tackle and part of the overall issue of indebtedness is actual bankability of individual projects due to servicing a poor population. Quite simply, many Africans cannot afford to pay full-price for electricity, which means the price of electricity is often heavily subsidized.

Dr Francis Kaikai assures ACP Heads of States & Government

By Abdul Malik Bangura

Dr Francis Mustapha Kaikai,  who happens to be the leader of the Sierra Leone delegation to the 9th Summit of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Heads of State and Government currently ongoing at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya, has assured that Sierra Leone is firmly committed to multilateralism.

Dr Francis Mustapha Kaikai, who is the country’s Minister of Planning and Economic Development made this statement on Monday 9th December 2019 as part of his keynote address on behalf of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, who was unavoidably absent for the ACP Summit.

Whilst making his remarks, Minister Kaikai said “The theme for this Summit: A Transformed ACP Group: Committed to Multilateralism” is apt and timely for our organisation. In the last decade or so, our world has experienced a shift in international relations; we are experiencing growing advance towards isolationist policies, away from globalisation which once held the key to global prosperity and eradication of extreme poverty; we now hear calls for the global south to rely more and more on itself and its own resources, etc. All this is happening as the world faces more challenges that defy national boundaries – wars, armed conflicts and terrorism, climate change, disease pandemics, global migration, cybercrimes, transnational crimes, money laundering, and trade wars, among others.”

Additionally, on behalf of the government and people of Sierra Leone, Minister Kaikai said that “it is imperative that the ACP Group, as a community of states with shared interests, history, culture and political economies, to deepen our relationships and build a future of solidarity and shared solutions that will transform the lives of our citizens. This calls for an all embracing multilateralism that serves as a cornerstone in our relations; it is also a call for deeper relations with the United Nations and our respective regional and sub-regional organisations; it is a call for stronger South-South, intra-ACP Cooperation in diverse fields, even as we continue to strengthen our support to triangular cooperation with the global North, particularly the European Union.”

Furthermore, Sierra Leone, Minister Kaikai said, is a relatively small state, and that the country knows the value of multilateralism in peace making, peacebuilding, sustaining peace and security, fighting disease pandemics such as Ebola, fighting transnational crimes, fighting extreme poverty and promoting sustainable development.

The Minister therefore assured that Sierra Leone already has a medium term national development plan that focuses on Human Capital Development and inclusive economic growth. He said that Sierra Leone needs multilateral support for its implementation. Therefore he used the opportunity to thank all member states of the ACP that have contributed to and will continue to engage in Sierra Leone’s steady progress.

Against that backdrop he reaffirmed Sierra Leone’s commitment to the ideals and aspirations of a transformed ACP that Sierra Leone “is committed to Multilateralism, a multilateralism that is truly inclusive that leaves none of our peoples, countries or regions behind.”

Earlier on in the day’s programme, the 9th Summit of ACP Heads of State and Government was officially opened by Kenyan President H.E. Uhuru Muigai Kenyetta as the Head of State of the host country, assumed the presidency of the ACP Group, accepting the gavel from outgoing president, the Hon. Davis Madava Steven, Deputy Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea.

Secretary General (SG) of the ACP Group, H.E. Dr. Patrick I Gomes, in his welcome statement, spoke on the theme of the Summit, “A Transformed ACP Committed to Multilateralism”, concluding, “The ACP – transformed and reinvented – looks to the continuation of your renewed guidance and wise counsel, as we enable a multilateralism rooted in everyday life and embedded to principles of justice and democratic governance.”

Seventeen heads of state and 70 of the 79 ACP Member States were in attendance at the Opening. Delegates from across the six ACP Regions and around the world attended the historical ceremony which was dominated by themes of unity and climate change.

First to the podium following the handover was H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, who represented the African region of the ACP Group.  Citing several of the challenges such as poverty and marginalisation facing the ACP Group, the Ghanian President urged a unified approach and a strengthening of the cooperation to successfully address the challenges.

H.E. Ms. Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, representing the Caribbean region, issued her own challenge to the Group, asking them if they wanted to remain a relic of the past or a fast track to the future, cautioning, “We ACP must function on our own terms, not on the terms set by others.”

The Pacific region was represented by the outgoing President, H.E. Davis Madava Steven, who shared thoughts on regionalism and multilateralism in the Pacific.

H.E. Mrs. Hanna Serwaa Tetteh, Special Representative of United Nations Secretary-General to the African Union and Head of the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) again touched on the challenges imposed by climate change and thanked outgoing SG Gomes for his stewardship of the Group.

Representing the European Union (EU), the ACP Group’s long term partner, newly-elected EU Commissioner responsible for International Partnerships, H.E. Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, commenting that it was only in the dictionary that “I” came before “We”, spoke warmly of the value of partnerships and the strength of the unique partnership between the EU and the ACP Group.

In his inaugural statement, President Kenyatta expressed his gratitude to the outgoing chair for his sterling leadership to ensure that the Group remains vibrant and relevant. During his chairmanship, he pledged that the vision and goals of the group would be placed at the centre of all international engagements to ensure that the ACP Group would become “a beacon of hope and multilateralism”.

The Summit, themed was preceded by Ministerial Sessions from 6 – 8 December 2019 at the KICC.

Meanwhile, other members of the Sierra Leonean delegation to the 9th Summit of ACP Heads of State and Governments comprises the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honourable Solomon Jamiru; the Sierra Leone Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium, HE Samuel Tamba Musa; HE Peter Joseph Francis, the Sierra Leone High Commissioner to Kenya; the Director of European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mrs Sia Annie Tejan; the Director of Development Assurance and Coordination Office (DACO), Mr Kawusu Kebbay; the Minister Plenipotentiary Sierra Leone High Commission in Kenya and Delegation Coordinator, Mr Abdul Karim Kargbo; and the Head of Chancery Sierra Leone High Commission in Kenya, Mrs Juliana SH Fallah.

The first ACP Summit was held in Libreville, Gabon, on November 6-7, 1997, during which the ACP leaders undertook to meet on a regular basis. Consequently, ACP heads of state and government have met every two years on average, in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) on November 25-26, 1999; in Nadi (Fiji) on July 18-19, 2002; in Maputo (Mozambique) on June 23-24, 2004; in Khartoum (Sudan) on December 7- 8, 2006; and in Accra (Ghana) on October 2-3, 2008; Equatorial Guinea (Malabo) December 13-14, 2012; Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby) June 31 May to June 1, 2016.

ACP is an organization created by the Georgetown Agreement in 1975. The ACP Group’s main goals centre around the sustainable development of its member states and their gradual integration into the global economy; coordination of the activities of the ACP Group in the framework of the implementation of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreements; consolidation of unity and solidarity among ACP states and establishing and consolidating peace and stability in a free and democratic society.


EMERGENCY Hospital Becomes Goderich Safoes

By Theresa Amin Kef

The EMERGENCY Surgical and Paediatric Centre in Goderich now Goderich Safoes, has been rated by many for its efficient medical services that it has been rendering on a pro bono basis over the years. Besides, rendering specialized medical treatments to the poor and needy the EMERGENCY Centre also implements  programmes bordering  on Training and Health Promotion for the most vulnerable people in Sierra Leone.

Operation of the Goderich Safoes is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and it was created in response to the problems identified by EMERGENCY through its continuous analysis of the needs in Sierra Leone. Started a few months ago, the programme will take place within the EMERGENCY Surgical and Paediatric Centre in Goderich and is part of a long-term project, with the goal of having a lasting impact on the entire national health system.

The aim is to help improve the life conditions of the paediatric population in Sierra Leone and is developed along three closely related lines: to continue guaranteeing free access to basic and special healthcare services for children up to 14 years of age at the Paediatric Centre in Goderich; to implement a health promotion programme which provides people with the appropriate knowledge to recognise various symptoms quickly; to guarantee a future generation of Sierra Leonean healthcare personnel, through dynamic training courses based on international standards.

EMERGENCY has been in Sierra Leone since 2001, the year in which the Surgical Centre opened in Goderich, in the suburbs of Freetown, the capital of the country. Since the very start, the Paediatric Centre has been attached alongside, with the aim of guaranteeing free, high-quality healthcare for children under-14. Both initiatives have received support from the Government and the Ministry of Health, through the allocation of healthcare workers and the implementation of national programmes supporting paediatric health. During the programme, EMERGENCY staff will work closely with the District Health Medical Team, the local health authority, from the Western Area Rural District, the body appointed by the Ministry of Health to monitor and intervene against malnutrition.

EMERGENCY ONG ONLUS is an independent and neutral international organisation founded in 1994 to provide free, high-quality medical and surgical care to victims of wars, anti-personnel mines and poverty. EMERGENCY promotes a culture of peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.

Since 1994, EMERGENCY has worked in 18 countries, treating over 10 million people.

Using 2713 Short Code to SMS via Africell to vote for an AWOL Nominee… Add another Feather to the Cap of your Personality or Institution

By Amin Kef Sesay

The All Walks of Life (AWOL) is now in top gear to host its annual Awards Ceremony which many are eagerly looking forward to with expectations that their nominees will bag one of its prestigious awards , adding another feather to their caps for being honorably recognized for outstanding contributions to humanity and nation building.  This is a day many are waiting for to be part of the crème de la crème of society in a relaxed social atmosphere that will be full of glitz, good music, food exuding an ambience of life worth living.

Indeed, as usual, in the immediate wake of the event indisputably tongues will be left wagging as to whether indeed a particular personality or institution truly deserves to be awarded. But that is natural as we sometimes disagree to agree. But one thing that is really obvious is that AWOL prides itself on selflessness and integrity which is why its award programmes have always been characterized by fairness. It is not AWOL that determines who should be a recipient of an award as a voting process is currently ongoing for people to vote their consciences for nominated personalities and institutions whom they truly believe should be recognized for their immense contributions to humanity and nation-building. You are at liberty to vote now by using 2713 short code to SMS via Africell for an individual or institution whom one believes must clinch the covetous 2019 award.

In just  about three weeks from now, to be specific on the 29th December 2019, all roads will be leading  to the Bintumani International Conference Centre where at 7pm the highly regarded All Walks of Life (AWOL) will commence its programme of dishing out its annual prestigious 2019 awards to deserving personalities and institutions in various categories.

Already,  the Technical and Organizing Committees of the All Walks of Life (AWOL) as both are working doggedly behind the scenes to put all the necessary arrangements together to stage a non-forgettable awards ceremony which will be laced with intriguing moments of fun, laughter, good music, food and drinks. It goes without saying that the after –awards nite feeling will for a long time definitely linger on the minds of many that will take them into a brand new 2020. From all indications and judging from the nominations that have been done for the different categories it seems that this Awards Ceremony is going to be the Mother of all AWOL Awards Ceremonies but as some have already maintained that is yet to be determined.

However, what for now is really certain is that AWOL has etched a name in history for doing BIG THINGS and this time round there will to be an exception nor is it going to be the last as we have been hinted. In order to reiterate the message loud and clear the widely acclaimed National Achievements Awards (NAAs) will be dished out to deserving individuals and institutions on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre starting at 7pm with the theme “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development” under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio.

As it had been over the years it is planned to be an unforgettable ceremony that will be laced with pomp and pageantry bringing together under one roof the crème de la crème of society to socialize. It is going to be a nite of fun, jokes and laughter; a moment that will be lively when the spotlight will shine on individuals and institutions that have been recognized for their exemplary contributions to nation building and as such bestowed prestigious awards for their efforts.

Already, on the 22nd November 2019, the launch of the National Achievement Awards was done at the Radisson Blu Hotel and it was graced by individuals from various walks of life including the Chief Minister who on that day described AWOL as an organization which has as its aim and objective to celebrate ‘change-makers’ whom he referred to as those people who are doing their utmost in their little corners to put Sierra Leone first and set bright examples for others to emulate.

During the occasion the President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr informed the audience that AWOL was formed 20 years ago to serve the country in a distinct fashion. He added that coming from an 11 year war, as young people, they decided to form a group with a distinct mission to recognize distinguished Sierra Leoneans, as well as to complement and serve as an auxiliary to government and this they have been doing successfully since the founding of AWOL.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization, which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.
One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and as part of its constitution is the fact that no individual member is bigger than the organization. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:
AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolizes her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering State institutions.

From all indications, it is going to be an unforgettable nite that will linger in the minds of many here and abroad.

Below is the list of nominees that could be voted for by sending a text message on Africell line to 2713:



– Njala


– Dele-Peddle International School
– Sierra Leone Grammar School
– Providence International High School


– Gateway Preparatory Primary School
– International Primary School
– Modern Elementary School

– Menjor, Esther Sia (Leone Preparatory Prim. School)

– Hooke Johan Harmonette D. (Providence Int. Snr High, F/Town)
– Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Jalloh Khadijatu (Annie Walsh Memorial Sch., F/Town)


– Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch., F/Town)
– Turay Abdulai S. (Dele-Peddle Int. High, F/Town)

– Russell Affuah (The International School Ltd., Prim)

– Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Koroma Umu B. (Modern High, F/Town)


– Gbakima Aiah (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)


– Mohamed Buya Turay
– John Keister
– National Swimming Team


– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– Ministry of Tourism and Culture
– Ministry of Information and Communications

– Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
– National Revenue Authority (NRA)
– Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL)

– Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella
– Hon. Abdul Kargbo
– Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh


– Awoko
– Sierra Eye Magazine
– Standard Times

– Radio Democracy 98.1 FM
– SLBC Radio
– Kiss 104 FM

– Star TV

– Stella Bangura (AYV TV)
– Zainab Joaque (Awoko Newspaper)
– Khadija Bangura (98.1)

– Amadu Lamrana Bah (AYV TV)
– Mohamed Asmieu Bah (SLBC TV)
– Kemo Cham (Politico Newspaper)


– Rozay Sokota
– Arkman


– Desmond Finnie
– Henrietta Mbawah
– Phebean Swill

– Desmond Beinya
– Kindo Armani
– Richie Obama

– King Dus Art
– Alusine Conteh
– Cyril Oronto-Cole


    – Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB)
    – Ecobank SL
    – Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

    – Union Trust Bank (UTB)
    – Gento Group
    – NP-SL


    – Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha
    – Dr. Francis Lansana
    – Dr. Aiah Lebbie


    – Sick Pikin Project
    – Pikin Bizness
    – Melqosh Mission


    – Musa Mewa Esq
    – Ibrahim Fayia Sawaneh Esq
    – Joan Bull Esq.



    – Brig Gen Victor Samba
    – Lt Col Roland Robin Gbondo

    – Mr Francis Musa Hazeley (Chief Supt of Police)
    – Mrs Juliette Kumba Kondoh (Supt of Police)
    – Mr Edward Tamba Keimbay (Asst Supt of Police)

    – Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)
    – Abu Bakarr Fofanah (Sub Officer)
    – Adebayo Williams (Sub officer)

    – Mohamed Santigie Turay (Director of Corrections)
    – Rev Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay (Chief Supt of Corrections)
    – Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Manley (Chief Supt of Corrections)


    32. FARMER OF THE YEAR 2019

    – Kabia Farm
    – Jam Jay Enterprise
    – Madam Haja Sundu Marrah


    33. CSO/CBO OF THE YEAR 2019
    – Campaign for Good Governance
    – CARL- SL
    – CHIRDI- SL


    – The Place- Tokeh
    – Radisson Blu
    – Lagoonda


    – Madam Wokie
    – Hudsons
    – J & F Fashion


    –  Isatu (Plasas Seller, Aberdeen Market)
    – Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Krootown Road)
    – Sarian Karimu (Shenge Market, Bo)


    – Lara Taylor-Pearce (ASSL)
    – Francis Ben Keifala (ACC)
    – Micheala Mackay (CAC)


    – Orange SL
    – Africell SL

Vote now for individuals and institutions you deem deserve the prestigious AWOL Awards.

Amidst Challenges… NP-SL in Top Gear to Continue Marketing of  High Quality Petroleum Products

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) has its footprints solidly planted on the sands of time since its establishment years back by resolute Sierra Leoneans, who at that time had the utmost ambition to succeed within the business landscape not only in this country but even beyond. Indeed, through hard work and the sheer determination to make a successful breakthrough or headway a small entity turned out become a towering company that is greatly contributing to the socio-economic development of the country.

Without any iota of exaggeration, it is a 100% indigenous company that many Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad are very proud of  simply because it is a living testimony of the germination of a simple venture which transformed into an enterprising entity having branches in different parts of the country as well as in some countries within the West African sub-region that are really rendering qualitative services that give utmost satisfaction to those who transact with it.

The mere fact that the shareholders and Management of the company ventured to operate beyond the shores of this country in neighbouring Guinea, Liberia , Ivory Coast and The Gambia speaks volumes of  how aspiring the entity is to serve humanity honestly and sincerely.

NP-SL Ltd is synonymous with 1st for Customer Care as research has proven that it is a top priority which the shakers and movers of the company consider to be very instrumental with regards widening its customer base. The pragmatic application of various platforms geared towards enhancing customer care is yielding fruitful dividends.

To give its numerous and esteemed customers the best the pro-activeness of the company vis-à-vis its importation and distribution of petroleum products cannot be overemphasized as such is done in a timely manner which has ensured that for a very long period of time now there has not been any form of shortage and even when such is imminent the company steps in robustly to address such in collaboration with its partners. This unique attribute that the company possesses has earned it respect and lured many to it which is one of the underlying reasons why NP’s customer base keeps soaring although there is much to be desired for.

The company is on record for dealing with its numerous customers in a very transparent manner which is why modern calibrated pumping machines were installed at the company’s Filling Stations displaying the quantity of fuel required as well as the price. These sophisticated modern machines have been instilling confidence in customers that they are doing business with a very open company devoid of playing games that will cheat them in order to amass as much profits. When customers have such an optimal satisfaction coupled with being treated courteously by the company’s employees then it is obvious that they will stay glued.

In order to be on top of situation, the company thought it very prudent to factor the concerns and suggestions of members of the public into its decision-making processes and such have effectively guided NP-SL Ltd to make the right choices that have helped it in its development.

Going further to give maximum convenience NP-SL Ltd introduced the use of NP Smart Card which is a latest technological gadget or device that customers can use, through financially topping up, to procure the aspired quantity of petroleum products on any working day thus making it possible to get fuel in a quick way without going through the hassle of having to wait in long queues. With this latest device one is assured of having one’s fuel on Smart Card.

Many have attested that they find using NP Gas very convenient saying it is environmentally friendly, quick and could be refilled with gas that could be bought from the company. Manufactured in various cylinders this modern cooking device could be secured at the various NP Filling stations across the country and they are going at affordable prices that can fit the pockets of many households and institutions. Those who are using it recommended it as a very useful household gadget underscoring that there will be no regrets procuring one.

In the area of enhancing the Local Content Policy it is hard to come across a company like NP-SL Ltd that is effectively doing so. This could be justified by pointing out that the company has made it a hard and fast rule that as long as there are competent Sierra Leoneans capable of performing certain tasks then they should be given priority in terms of employment opportunities instead of bringing on board foreigners who at the end of the day move out of the country with large amounts of money creating economic dislocations.

From all indications NP-SL Ltd is a very successful business entity although it is not all smooth riding as there are challenges to be overcome, one of which is recovering debts owed it by other institutions but it is undaunted to forge ahead while trying to surmount them. The strides taken so far by the company are worthy of emulation and which many Sierra Leoneans must be very proud of.

Although the company is presently grappling with accessing the required amount of foreign exchange that it needs to vibrantly continue its importation and marketing of petroleum products coupled with having to recover long outstanding loans yet many are very proud of it for its positive contributions to nation building.



Choithram donates Le100M to 140 Scholarship Beneficiaries

By Amin Kef Sesay

Choithram International Foundation has on Tuesday 10th December, 2019 donated one hundred million Leones to the Choithram Scholarship Fund in order to award 139 scholarships to school going pupils across the country. The handing over ceremony took place at Choithram Office on Wilberforce Street in Freetown.

In his address, the Financial Comptroller of Choithram International Foundation, Harish Agnani ,said the donation is a regular gesture from Choithram International Foundation set up by Late Mr. T. Choithram Pagarani. He pointed out that every year funds are allocated to assist needy school going children in line with the vision of the of the late Mr. T. Choithram Pagarani in order to improve the education & health sectors in Sierra Leone.

He said this year Choithram International Foundation allocated Le 100, 000, 000 Million to the Scholarship Fund and a total of 139 children will benefit from this gesture.

He said that Choithram International Foundation has been regularly funding the Choithram Scholarship Fund since its inception in 1967.

Harish Agnani said prior to this gesture, Choithram & NATCO donated Le 40 Million for the construction of a fence at the Koya Town Health Post in Wellington, noting that this year they have a special case of a medical student from upcountry who needs assistance to pay his fees and they have decided to pay Le 7,500,000.00 as his fees for the 1st year.

“Choithram Int’l Foundation also provides funds not only for the day to day running of the Choithram Memorial Hospital but also to procure modern medical equipment to upgrade the facilities at the hospital to international standards,” he emphasized.

He noted that apart from these gestures Choithram Charity Trust also donates foodstuffs to Old Peoples Home and Children’s home every month all of which is considered as part of their Social Corporate Responsibility by the Choithram group.

He expressed appreciation on behalf of Choithram Int’l Foundation to the members of the Choithram Scholarship Fund Committee for their relentlessly efforts over the years to ensure that their venture is a success.

Commenting after receiving the Cheque, Chairman of the Choithram Scholarship Trust Fund Committee Eastline Palmer expressed appreciation to the Choithram International Foundation for the support the Foundation has been giving them all these years in order to undertake the exercise.

She said that Le 100, 000, 000 Million had been allocated to the Scholarship Fund that will benefit a total of 139 children including  one year fees for the Medical Student, adding that the scholarship caters for all Sierra Leoneans regardless of tribe, region but as long as the individual meets the scholarship criteria it will be awarded.

She said they targeted 32 pupils from different Primary schools and 107 pupils from secondary schools across the country for this year’s scholarship.

She assured the Choithram International Foundation that they will make good use of the Fund and the scholarship will be awarded to the right beneficiaries.