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Ex-Sierra Leone President Calls on APC to Hold Convention Earlier

Former President Ernest Bai Koroma

By Sheriff Mahmud Ismail

Undoubtedly, the outcome of the 2018 presidential polls shocked the All People’s Congress (APC), punctured the nerve and fibre of the Party, causing dissonance and disorientation among its rank and file. The vast majority of the membership and followership have therefore been demanding constitutional reforms and for a new party leadership. While some have been doing so rather quietly; others have been tempestuous, almost contemptuous. The divergence on how the changes should be brought about constitutes one of the few hindrances to the process.

The outgoing Chairman and Leader, former President Ernest Bai Koroma, on his part, had expressed desire to step down even before the elections results were announced. But as the sage would say, “If the hook didn’t catch the fish, someone should account for the bait”. That accounting process had begun with a nine-man committee to investigate what was responsible for the party’s 2018 electoral performance.

One of the recommendations of that Committee is a reform of the APC Constitution, particularly relating to the filling in of national and other officers of the party. That Constitutional Reform Process itself had been commissioned but understandably, the fallout from the unexpected outcome of the 2018 presidential polls and the lack of magnanimity on the part of those who were announced as winners warranted some amount of delay in the APC’s internal transition process.

About 18 months after the April 2018 presidential run off, that sluggishness has engendered palpable anxiety among a good number of APC faithful. Many agitate that the continued delay in concluding the constitutional reform and the declaration of a timetable for a National Delegates’ Conference (NDC) doesn’t serve the collective interest of reorganising into a formidable party ready to govern once again.

This incontrovertible fact is not lost on the man who has led the APC since 2002. The former president is expected in Freetown this week for an engagement with the Party leadership on the revised constitution and possible timetable for the party’s NDC.

“My position has always been that after being at the helm for this long, it’s really time for fresh heads and hands to carry on with the business of running our beloved APC. Eventually, a new leadership has to emerge – it is inevitable”, said the outgoing chair and leader to a cross section of the APC Northern Region Executives.

The APC leader, who still enjoys considerable goodwill among the party’s rank and file, holds the view that “the Party must go to convention earlier enough to conclude the election of flag bearer, parliamentary and council candidates”.

To achieve this, the Party, especially former flagbearers should close ranks, rein in their many supporters; focus on getting a new leadership under the new Constitution and reenergise the Party ahead of 2023.

Already, the outgoing chair and leader has reiterated that, the Consultation Clause in the Draft Constitution should not stall the process saying: “Whatever that is deemed as controversial and objectionable should, in the interest of the general good, be expunged in order for the process to forge ahead”.

This renewed determination by the outgoing APC chairman and leader to expedite and conclude the reform process in collaboration with his Comrades at Old Railway Line in Freetown, could not have been more reassuring to both the APC and the country at large. It comes amid an increasing national consensus that those who skidded to State House since 2018 appear to be insipid and puerile; suffocated by a dearth of administrative tact and a scandalous detour from nation-building.

Political analysts agree that the current dire governance and socio-economic realities berating the nation, have underscored that the APC was on the right path and if the party were to put its act together and function more effectively in unison, reclaiming State House in 2023 will be less difficult.

That truth, like a cork, remains stubbornly afloat no matter the number of times anyone tries to push it down the water.

DARU BRIDGE : A New Movie in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone's Most Anticipated Movie Is About To Hit Your Scree.

By Mohamed Sow

The most anticipated or eagerly awaited movie would soon be available on the screen. DARU BRIDGE is a movie done by West Africans to depict the menace of the brutal senseless war, wasteful and reckless exploitation of our precious Diamonds by the Revolutionary United Front (R.U.F), the intentions of the Rebel Leader, Foday Sebana Sankoh etc.

The RUF wanted to overpower the Sierra Leone Army (SLA) who were deployed at Daru Battalion, as Daru Barracks was seen as the symbol of the might of the country’s Army. To achieve this aspiration, Foday S. Sankoh hired the service and expertise of a War Criminal called Charles Timber commonly known as RAMBO born of Liberia.

This War Criminal had fought many wars and had proved to be an exceptional Combatant. His agents were contacted and agreements with the RUF were reached. He fought and captured villages, towns, chiefdoms etc, but Daru Town was a very tough nut to crack as the Soldiers were very vigilant and brave. Due to this, “DARU BRIDGE” became the decisive place for the war.

After a thorough research carried out by Mohammed Sow, the story of “Daru Bridge” was developed. Many questions run through the minds of fellow Sierra Leoneans about Rambo, such as:
> Who was Rambo ?
> How was he contacted?
> Who actually killed him?
> How was he killed?
> Was he buried, if yes where?

This movie answers these questions and many other questions about the war and the Daru Attack.

The movie was premiered on the 28th September 2019 at  Club Karima, Combema Road, Kenema City.

This movie starred about 300 actors nation-wide in Sierra Leone” written and directed by Mohammed Sow ( Director Sow 001).

Ultra-modern Hospital at Kingharman Road Commissioned by Sierra Leone President

By Solomon Rogers

The 17 October 2019 marked another landmark intervention by Government of President Julius Maada Bio who has officially opened the newly constructed Ultra-Modern  80 bed Hospital on Kingharman Road, Brookfields in Freetown.

The 80 bedroom Hospital is expected to reduce the high demand on the main referral Connaught Hospital. Thousands of residents in Brookfields, Tengbeh town, New England are expected to benefit from this gesture.

The construction of the facility was supported by DFID through UNFPA in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

President Bio appealed to service providers to focus on patient care , maintain high professional standards, high hygiene and Sanitation maintenance.

He reiterated his Government commitment to a comprehensive health care service delivery.

The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Prof. Alpha Wurie, outlined the various efforts made in the areas of capacity and structural development, free health care services , devolved health service delivery, ambulance services and general transformation of the health system.

The Hospital comprise of a well-equipped Surgical Theatre, Ultra sound Unit ,  Diagnostic Laboratory, Reproductive and Paediatric  Ward ,  Pharmacy, special baby care unit, blood Bank, post-natal unit  among others.

The facility is expected to service pregnant women, lactating mothers and under five children and other paediatric emergency cases for free.

The UNFPA Representative, Kim Dickson, assured Government of maximum support to enhance saving lives and hence universal health coverage.

The British High Commissioner to Sierra Leone confirmed that Ukaid supported the construction of the facility with $2,000,000 towards a lives saving  initiative and are committed to leading more support to the health sector.


To Save The Prince of  Wales School…   Board Chair cum Sierra Leone Rokel Commercial Bank MD Appeals

Chairman of School's Board of Directors, Dr Walton Gilpin

By Samuel Serry Jr.

The Prince of Wales Secondary School at Kingtom cannot be excluded from the club of old prestigious schools with an enviable learning infrastructure and solid academic record since its establishment in 1925. The school was a bastion of science education – producing some of the most brilliant minds in Sierra Leone. Regrettably, this very impressive chapter appears to be waning out.

Chairman of School’s Board of Directors, Dr Walton Gilpin has made a passionate plea to former students of the school to come to the rescue.

On Wednesday 16th October 2019, Dr Gilpin visited the school and discovered the need for a complete overhaul of the school’s facilities including toilets, science and computer labs, the perimeter fence the technology building etc.

Whilst the Physics and Chemistry laboratories can largely boast of equipment and chemical reagents supplied 20 years ago and may  no longer be usable, the computer lab and school library cannot boast of the necessary comforts for learning. Students can hardly use the library where the presence of broken and dusty shelves mean many of the available books have to be piled up and left on the floor like junk.

Security around the school has been compromised by the collapse of large sections of its perimeter fence facing the sea and it is imperative that immediate action is taken to protect the administrative building from future collapse into the sea.

The technology workshop building which is in advanced stages of dilapidation was reported to be used as a private carpentry workshop. Consistently, students who could not access the building have to take classes under a tree.

It is not clear how the school field landed into the hands of the Sierra Leone Cricket Association which is currently transforming it into a cricket ground ahead of an international competition. What is however clear is the fact that, the field can’t be used by students for other sporting disciplines like football as well as for Physical and Health Education sessions.

Hinting on a potential return to the single shift system, Dr Walton Gilpin bemoaned the less appreciable performance by the school in recent public examinations and asked that the school’s administration be empowered to reverse this trend. *Certainly we know, the administration is working under very challenging circumstances and we cannot fault them for all the lapses but  what we have seen here today is unacceptable and there is no way we can settle for less. We owe it to the younger generation to ensure this school returns to its rightful place…It is either now or never…”*    he maintained.

Public Outcry over SOS Sierra Leone Neglect of Mentally Deranged Children

Nathaniel Tucker

By Theresa Vamboi

It has been ascertained that the world is fighting to combat mental health with swift approaches to put a stop to suicide and untimely death.

The Management of SOS Children’s Village is abreast with the case of a former participant (child/youth), Nathaniel Tucker who has been facing mental health challenges, from childhood to present. The organisation has been reluctant to take action, even after it was mandated by their superiors’ SOS Children’s Villages International, Austria, to take action.

SOS Children’s Village Sierra Leone has failed in their existence in the country. For the past two (2) decade to present, the organisation has proven to be perverse, from domestic abuses; sexual exploitation, education abuse, neglect, corporal treatment, to fraud and corruption. International (internal investigations) interventions were made after the abuses were reported in 2016, but was insufficient due to the inclusion of ‘corrupt-minds’.

Apparently, Nathaniel Tucker is 27years old was integrated into SOS CV Sierra Leone as baby. He was a victim of the barbaric administration that inflicted him with domestic abuse; corporal treatment and neglect. He was thrown out of the programme pre-maturely. For the past 3 – 4 years he has been making himself useful doing menial jobs at the Lumley market, beach road, in Freetown.

Most days, he perambulates the streets of Lumley restlessly, posing as a menace to pedestrians. It is ironic that SOS CV Sierra Leone, is situated at the same venue, which should make it easier for Senior and junior staffs to spot him and take action. How can an organisation which claims to support its beneficiaries to their full potential ignore them? After Nathaniel’s story was shared in June-July this year there was optimism that something positive would be done, but to no avail. The International Office claims they have shared the situation report with authorities of SOS CV Sierra Leone to take action.

Photos have been shared with the organisation of the victim in a shabby, and helpless state to show the intensity of the situation. Dramatic as the situation sounds, there are other cases of the same situation as Nathaniel Tucker which is yet to be looked into. Nathaniel is exposed to many hazards; health, bully, and sexual exploit. If we are to differentiate members of society by their sobriety, then we are all perpetrators of the same crime; neglect and negligent.

It seems that the current Management of SOS CV Sierra Leone is been shown humility by their superiors in the International offices, Senegal and Austria.

They (SOS Sierra Leone) have successfully built an unethical relationship with the National Police Force, Lumley Division, to torture beneficiaries who intend to peacefully protest or demonstrate for their rights. Also, Therefore, it would be difficult for change to be permanent in SOS CV Sierra Leone and leaving the beneficiaries to face the wrath of their selfishness.

As a call for action, if we intend to promote sustainable development and combat the mental health epidemic, we should be limitless in our approach to take action.


A bright future for downstream petroleum in Sierra Leone

By Lansana Fofanah

With Dr. Brima Baluwa Koroma at the helm of affairs of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA) there are expectations that there will be marked improvement in the petroleum sector. In a country with a population of 7 million people where consumption rate of 1.3 million litres of oil products has been documented the request for fuel products escalates as the country continues to depend on imports.

It goes without saying that to regulate an industry with only three petroleum distributors, two importers and one petroleum Jetty, is very challenging.

However, the Executive Director of PRA seems to be right on top of situation ensuring that things are done in the way and manner that they should be.

When he was appointed by President Julius Maada Bio nearly all the Oil Marketing Companies operating in the country welcomed the news simply because they consider him to be very knowledgeable with how the sector functions in the country.

Immediately after his appointment, Dr. Koroma convened a stakeholders meeting with Chief Executive Officers of oil marketing companies in the country – a meeting that changed the long-established status quo of doing business as usual.

Dr. Koroma was able to lay bare the mandates of the Agency which includes licensing and regulating the importation, refining, storage, transportation and distribution of petroleum products in a bid to ensure adherence to prices, and effective administration and enforcement of the enactment to downstream petroleum activities.

Hitherto, he was appointed PRA was considered to be an insignificant entity as most of the filling stations operate in the country without knowing the body responsible for regulating them.

He and team popularized the Agency especially meeting with prime oil marketing stakeholders during familiarization tours in the country.

He has laid down professional principles of fairness in the industry for all players which have made the petroleum industry a compelling place for investors to invest, while maintaining health, safety and environmental risk management at all times.

On the 8th of February this year, Chairman Baluwa led Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh on a conducted tour of storage and installation facilities of oil marketing companies at Kissy Terminal, Freetown.

The familiarization visit gave the team an insight into the operations of those companies and how the government could contribute to rebranding the industry.

Dr. Juldeh Jalloh was able to identify the huge untapped opportunities in the downstream sector which investors should take advantage of. 

As a form of bringing the much-needed reforms, Dr, Baluwa developed petroleum guidelines in December 2018 which covers the construction of gas stations, the importation of petroleum products, trader’s license, trans-shipment, and bulk storage.

The establishment of filling stations in dwelling houses has been totally abolished and the use of bulk tankers for storage facilities in hazardous environments is a thing of the past. The agency has made it a must that before any new station is constructed, there must be an inspection of the site by the agency to ascertain the suitability of the location.

From Le475, 282,989,977.46 in 2018, the revenue generated by the Agency is projected to be around Le728, 135.387.963.21 by the end of 2019. Such a big increase has proven that the agency was unable to account for the revenue it generated in the past, thereby causing the government to lose billions of Leones under the past administration.

By all indication, the agency stands to increase such laudable performance in 2020 as more awareness is created.

Festive seasons in the country were once marred by acute fuel shortages due to artificial scarcity. Seeing this as a challenge to trade and movement of people, Dr. Baluwa has been constantly engaging both the Ministry of Trade and Finance and oil marketers in a proactive move to ensure that there is enough fuel in the country.

The sum of Le2 billion was recovered on behalf of the Government as strategic stock funds which have already been transferred immediately to the consolidated revenue funds.

A strategic stock that has been in the possession of some operators worth Le5.7 billion has also been disclosed.

The introduction of district sales return has helped to determine petroleum consumption by the district which has drastically reduced smuggling.

The introduction of the monthly quote price of oil in the world market by the PRA has helped to position the agency in a better way to determine whether the price of fuel should be increased or reduced.

For the first time in the country’s history, when there was a downward movement of price in the world market this year, Dr. Baluwa pushed for a reduction of pump prices which has never happened in the country.

Dr. Baluwa has not only been paying keen attention to the collection of fuel levies but also ensuring that oil marketing companies get an enabling business-friendly environment.

The Environmental Impact Assessment fees levied by the country’s Environmental Protection Agency continues to be a problem for investors as they consider the charges too high. This has led the Chairman to engage relevant authorities as a way of creating a meeting point where a win-win situation could be created.

The smuggling of fuel to neighbouring countries where prices are high has not only deprived Sierra Leone of much needed revenue but also contributed to creating artificial scarcities. As a way of mitigating such menace, the Agency has recruited DMO’s in all fourteen (14) districts in Sierra Leone to support the Agency to enforce its mandate, in terms of price uniformity, anti-smuggling, hoarding, health Safety precautions.

It is expected that this country will benefit immensely from his wealth of experience and as well to reposition oil marketing companies to effectively execute their business activities unfettered.


Review Process of Sierra Leone Local Government Act & Decentralisation Policy Launched

Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh

By Fatmata Jengbe

Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh on the 16 October 2019 launched Government’s review of the Local Government Act (LGA 2004) and the Decentralization Policy (2010).

The review will be conducted by the newly appointed Minister of Local Government – former High Commissioner to the UK, Mr Tamba Lamina.

The review was launched at the Miatta Conference Centre, Youyi Building in Freetown, in response to the need for a bottom-up approach to economic development, greater local accountability, addressing poverty, and build local democracy.

It is on record that the SLPP Government has prioritised the decentralisation of public services and their delivery across the regions; and there are intense expectations for the Government to deliver on their promise.

In other developments, President Julius Maada Bio commissioned the newly constructed Kingharman Maternity and Children Hospital at Kingharman Road in Freetown, yesterday 17th October, 2019.

Next week, the Government will be holding a public hearing on the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority’s (EDSA) application for increased electricity charges.

A statement that was published said: “In accordance with the provisions of Section 45 of the SLEWRC Act of 2011, the Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission invites stakeholders and the general public to review and comment on the proposed tariff submitted by the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) from Tuesday 15th to Wednesday 23rd October 2019 on the EWRC website, www.ewrc.gov.sl.”

The public hearing will take place next Thursday, 24th October 2019, at the National Stadium Hostel at 9.30am, where the Commission will give both EDSA and consumers the opportunity to be heard and their representations taken into account.

The Commission says that the public hearing forms a crucial part of the approval process for any rates or tariff revision application made to the Commission, and will help inform the Commission’s decision to reject or approve the tariff review application.

It says that members of the public and stakeholders, who wish to make an appearance at the hearing to present their views, should communicate their intention to the Commission by Wednesday 23rd October 2019.

Submission of comments in writing by the general public started on Tuesday 15th and will end on Wednesday 23rd October, 2019 at 16:30hrs to the following address:

Sierra Leone Parliament Punches Immigration Boss

Chief Immigration Officer, Andrew Jaiah Kai Kai

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Parliamentary Committee on Internal Affairs on Wednesday 16th October, 2019 stood down the Chief Immigration Officer, Andrew Jaiah Kai Kai and other officials of the Immigration Department ,an appendage of the Internal Affairs Ministry and De La Rue Company, an  international  printing company based in the United Kingdom  which is now the world’s largest commercial security printer and papermaker, for woefully and wilfully failing to produce pertinent documents and the actual contract agreement signed with the Government of Sierra Leone for producing the country’s passports.

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee, Hon. Alusine Kanneh said that the committee also oversees the Immigration Department and has the power to determine whether they should continue or terminate their contract, adding that Sierra Leoneans are concern with the increment in the price of passport in the country. He stressed that the Committee needs detailed information to ascertain whether the rumours making the round that very soon the price of obtaining a passport will go up from the present official price of seven hundred and fifty thousand Leones is anything to believe.

He urged them to unveil the truth to the Committee as far as issues relating to obtaining passport are concern noting that the company should give details as far as the issue of passport is concern.

Disappointedly, the summoned officials failed to produce the requisite documents needed by the Committee which therefore left the Chairman with no other option but for the officials to appear on a later date with all the necessary documents for clarifications.

It could be recalled that just recently the Chief Immigration was on air responding to questions when he denied any proposed increase in the price of a passport nut he was very economical with words only letting the public know that there could be an adjustment. What he really trying to tell the public was not clear and should not be interpreted as being diplomatic.


Mercury International MD Emboldens Customers in Sierra Leone

Managing Director of Mercury International, Mr Martin Edmond Michael

By Alhaji Kumba

Managing Director of Mercury International, Mr Martin Edmond Michael has encouraged the company’s lottery and sports betting customers across the country to always feel free and bet more within their reach to be able to join the long list of daily winners from the company lottery products.

With over Six Billion Leones winning in three different daily lottery draws, the company made a massive payout to an estimated figure of over seven thousand customers, and such a big payout left the Mercury International MD not only in a joyful mood but also reassure his customers to increase their chances of winning more money.

Further building the confidence of his customers, Mr Martin Michael revealed that the draw hall at their Siaka Stevens Street office is always open to everyone to witness how credible and transparent the draws are.

He said: “The draw is accessible for everyone to watch. Let me allay the fears of those who are still in doubt, we cannot play with the machine because we are conducting a 100% fair draws, that is why we do have so many observers from all works of life and different agencies as well as the media who are assigned by their institutions to witness the process of each and every draws.” 

“Mercury International is here to help our customers not to cheat on them. That’s why they are always ready to give winners their money. We are paying every single winner for their winnings,” the Mercury International MD said, and also encouraged the football betters to bet more especially the online betting opportunity because they have more variety than the lottery.




World Food Day Celebrated in Port Loko, Sierra Leone

By Sarah Kallay

As World Food Day was universally observed on the 16th October 2019, Sierra Leone celebrated the event in Port Loko with the theme “Our Actions are Our Future, Healthy Diets for a Zero-Hunger World” it could not be more adequate to describe a direct linkage between what we consume and how healthy we remain. A two-day exhibition was held from the 16 to 17 October 2019 to showcase various agricultural products.

According to the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Sam-King Brima, the exhibition is a trading opportunity for goods normally considered to be too expensive or hard to obtain from other districts, with groups of farmers converging for trade and networking opportunities, whilst discussing new methods proven methods for increasing harvesting speed and quantity.

“The previous strategies of direct support to farmers by availing them seedlings and fertilizers employed by other administrations have not yielded much and hence, new and long-lasting ventures needed to be instituted. Subsistent farming needs to be replaced by large scale farming methods to reduce importation and inflation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in partnership with all Ministries have been ensuring that this becomes a reality,” he underscored.

The medium-term national development plan and other Government policies in the last two years plot a complementary roadmap for food self-sufficiency  include research support (Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation, Statistics Sierra Leone and Ministry of Planning and Economic Development) , road construction and transportation means (four lane Juba-Tokeh bridge, integrated resilient urban mobility project grant of $50million & Lungi bridge), market hubs ( proposed Lumley market, multi-purpose storage and car park, Koindu International markets) and fiscal support for Agro based organizations, all dependent on availability of finances. Some of these ventures already have been completed whilst others are ongoing or will be commencing soon, he noted.

There was an exhibition of foodstuffs and animals, cultivated and reared in the country. It was also a trading opportunity for goods normally considered to be too expensive or hard to obtain from other districts, groups of farmers converging for trade and networking opportunities and new methods for proven methods for increasing harvesting speed and quantity exchanged.

From freshly harvested items (cocoa, carrot, eggplants, palm kernels, fruits, pumpkins, corns and more) to processed ones (tinned fruits and vegetables, palm oil, Gari, cashew juice, cashew oil, and more), to livestock ( chickens, quails, turkeys, rams, rabbits and more), they were all transported from all corners to the hub for showcasing.

In attendance were several dignitaries from all political parties in support of the venture. Key affirmation and plea expressed by all, was the richness and vast variety of all goods shown and how the implementation of all the aforementioned projects will significantly resolve issues of food sufficiency and standard of living.

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture Dr. Kandeh Yumkella and Chairman of the National Grand Coalition lauded the exhibition stating that showcasing will directly link Agribusinesses.

Other important personalities also made salient contributions.