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Sierra Leone: After A ‘Well-Deserved’ Rest: President Bio Arrives Well & Safe

President Julius Maada Bio

President Julius Maada Bio and his family arrived in Freetown on Wednesday 24th July, 2019, to a tumultuous welcome by his ruling party supporters, after almost ten days absence from the country, which prompted wild speculations about his whereabouts and well-being.

The president was met on arrival at the Freetown International Airport and later at the Murray Town Sea Coach dock by a throng of supporters and party loyalists, who formed a long vehicle convoy to accompany the president and his family to their residence at State Lodge, as traffic in the central district of Freetown grounded to a halt.

To prove he was indeed well and hearty, the president stopped his car and came out to wave to the chanting crowd.

Arriving at Freetown International Airport where he was interviewed about his disappearance by a local news reporter.

President Bio informed the reporter that all that had been said about him when he was abroad was ‘fake news’. He added that such has become part of this country but that he prays for those who declared him dead to live long.

‘May God make them live longer to see me prosper and I pray for them to be in good health, because it is for them I am working for; to see every Sierra Leonean smile. But I don’t know where that news came from that I was sick or dead. But you’ve seen me; and when God is ready for me he will call me at his own time and I will answer to his will,’ President Bio told his audience.

He added in response to questions about his vacation to the UK and then to Kenya to discuss tourism issues with his Kenyan counterpart, Uhuru Kenyatta that, he did not find to rest because ‘even though you want to have some rest; I whole-heartedly didn’t concentrate on resting but took time to discuss issues bordering on Kenya’s prowess in tourism.’ President Bio added that he discussed issues about wildlife conservation and other pertinent tourism issues with his counterpart.

President Bio went on to state that: ‘Just as I have detected it, Sierra Leone is far behind. So even when you are on leave, you are really not on leave. You always have to find a way to ensure that good things come to the country. In that venture, I used the opportunity when I was in Kenya to meet with the president to see how we can improve tourism in this country, because tourism is one sector that made Kenya one of the leading economies in the East and Central Africa. And there are lots of things they have done very well, especially the wild life preservation which is something we need; and he assured me that anything we want to do he is in readiness to support us, so we can have the same facilities here.

President Bio added that his message to Sierra Leoneans is: ‘I am back to fulfil my duties to the people of Sierra Leone. That is why they elected me. I don’t have any other thing and I pray to God for those who declared me dead. They have seen me alive and I am praying for them to live long so they will all see the progress inside Sierra Leone.

I believe Sierra Leone will be a better place if we all work hard. Sierra Leone is a small country. It takes a lot of energy, time and planning for us to make Sierra Leone a better country; and gradually we have changed the image and the narrative; and with time we will see the improvements.’




Sierra Leone: Chief Minister Initiates Digital Transformation

Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis

The Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis on 23rd July 2019 addressed the Sierra Leone National Digital Transformation Roadmap Consultative Conference organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication in collaboration with other strategic stakeholders. The event was held at Golden Tulip, Kimbima Hotel and was aimed at promoting the upscaling of the use of digital technologies in Sierra Leone.

In his address, the Chief Minister said there was need to strategically outline Government’s vision on the digital roadmap on critical policy actions, legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional reforms, programs and projects that will be adopted to develop a Digital Economy to support the achievement of the National Development goals.

“This is why His Excellency, President Julius Maada Bio the Digital President fully supports the Ministry of Information and Communication, DSTI, SALCAB and Mobile phone operators to invest and develop a state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure to support the new Digital Economy in Sierra Leone,” he stated.

He added that the conference was timely because, digital economy is now an everyday activity especially in the developed economies and emerging economies, where the economy is now largely based on and conducts business and market transactions through the internet and world-wide web.

He further stated that, the conference will provide the unique opportunity for Sierra Leone to seize the opportunities and benefits of the digital economy for inclusive economic growth and development; and to also increase international competitiveness that will  create new opportunities for entrepreneurship, job creation, increase productivity and reduce the transaction costs for ordinary Sierra Leoneans.

The Chief Minister assured the organizers of the conference of the Government’s fullest support to ensure that the outcome of the conference impacts the lives of the people of Sierra Leone.


Sierra Leone; ACC Signs $110,000 Deal with OSIWA

Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone, Francis Ben Kaifala

The Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Francis Ben Kaifala Esq., on Monday, 22nd July 2019, signed a grant agreement for funding with the Open Society for West Africa (OSIWA) worth one hundred and ten thousand United States Dollars (USD 110,000).

The deal or agreement is an approval for the funding for various departments of the Commission and is in response to a proposal submitted to OSIWA under the heading “Changing the Game Plan in the Fight against Corruption in Sierra Leone.”

The main objective of the funding is to operationalize and mainstream public and social accountability mechanisms in the fight against corruption through enforcement and compliance to systems, procedures and grievance redress systems in ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs).

In addition to its core mandate to suppress and eliminate corruption in Sierra Leone, the ACC is also responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency in public institutions, as well as guaranteeing that these entities mainstream anti-corruption measures and policies in their workplaces.

The Commission in its release thanked OSIWA for this support and the confidence reposed in the ACC as they work together to ensure transparency and accountability in the governance architecture of Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone: President Bio Attends 172nd Independence Anniversary of Liberia

President Dr Julius Maada Bio

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has been invited as Special Guest by his colleague and brother, His Excellency President George M. Weah Sr. to join the people of Liberia at their celebration marking the 172nd Independence Anniversary of the Republic of Liberia on 26th July 2019.

In his letter of invitation to His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, His Excellency President George M. Weah, Sr. stated: “Your positive disposition towards Liberia has won you a special place in the hearts of Liberians and your personal attendance at these ceremonies will serve to further cement relations between our two countries and peoples.”

This year’s Independence Anniversary celebration will be the second since the ascendancy of His Excellency President George M. Weah, Sr. to the Presidency of the Republic of Liberia. The activities for the Independence celebration started on 19th July and will conclude on 26th July 2019.

His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio depart Sierra Leone on Thursday 25th July 2019 for Monrovia, Liberia and he is expected to return Friday 26th July 2019.

Sierra Leone: “We Should Stop The Scandal of Inaction…” – Statistician General Avers

Statistician General, Professor Osman Sankoh

During a one day workshop held on Wednesday 24th July 2019 at the Miatta Conference Centre, Youyi Building in Freetown, organised by Statistics Sierra Leone, the Statistician General, Professor Osman Sankoh said that the ‘scandal of Inaction’ has been responsible for the wrong information in terms of data being sent out about the country’s Human Development Index. Present at the ceremony were the Representative from the UNDP, Director of research in the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Yakama Jones, Deputy Minister of MoPED, Dr. Robert Chakanda, Representatives from NCRA, National Monitoring and Evaluation Department (NaMED), DSTI, NaCCED and the head of Mass Communications at FBC, Williette James, private sector representatives, CSOs and the media.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Chairman of the occasion, Moses Williams said that this workshop was last held in 2014 and it is geared towards improving the operations of the institution. Chairman Williams, who joined SSL in 1984 in the grade 2 category, rose through the ranks to the present position as Chairman of the Statistics Sierra Leone Council and therefore has all what it takes to man the institution as overseer, an apt disclosure by Francis Tommy when introducing him as Chairman of the occasion. The workshop, the chairman explained, brings together those who produce data and those who use it; Adding that the Act setting up SSL came into effect in 2008. Statisticians were recruited, trained and deployed across the country and in different MDAs.

He stressed that in this workshop, they will know whether the venture was fruitful or not, whether accurate, timely and reliable data has been produced.  Statistics Sierra Leone has undergone a lot of transformation in the collection of data. In this digital age, Chairman Williams said that they have also embraced technology with the provision of tablets for the collection and analysis of data from the field.

Throwing a challenge to the audience, Professor Sankoh, giving the keynote address, said that the scandal of inaction has been the reason why statistics given for Sierra Leone has been questioned by many citizens. Many believe that the figures given do not reflect the real situation in the country. The report done by the UNDP are collected from various institutions and compiled and often where data is scarce, there has been procrastination, thus such reports will not reflect the true picture of situation. This is so because Sierra Leoneans have not been active in data collection.

He called for an avoidance of this scandal by joining SSL to give out the right figures. The government is doing all it can to see development in the various sectors like Agriculture, Health, Education etc. He maintained that if serious action is taken to implement all the plans, the Human Development Index will be changed. Statistics Sierra Leone plays a pivotal role in the development process, as the data it produces will help the government to plan its development programs.

Upon taking office over a year ago, the SG said, he developed a winner plan. With serious action and reformation in the institution, he is pleased to announce that Statistics Sierra Leone will be seating in the UN Statistical Council as a member next month. This, he said, is not a mean feat and demands full cooperation from all citizens. He expressed appreciation to both the outgone and the present ministers of MoPED for their work, adding that there is the political will. SSL has been transformed with a functional system in every aspect of the administration and work. The infrastructure has been developed and other facilities are in perfect order now. “Statistics Sierra Leone is different today”, Professor Sankoh stressed.

On the recent recruitment done by the institution, Prof. Sankoh maintained that strict system was put in place to get the right people for the job and in the process those who were unable to meet the requirements, were dropped. In this regard, he was being branded as difficult. He admits being difficult to the extent that he wants the right thing done. If this is achieved, then the expected outcome will reflect in the development of the country, as the government will use the data provided to shape its policies.

The institution, he added, partners with other agencies, including international organisations, for efficiency. He admonished the audience to ask questions any time data is published, whether it was derived from SSL. When leaders of ministries and institutions talk about data, the information is got from SSL, like the Central Bank, MoHS, MBSSE etc. he reiterated.

Professor Sankoh maintained that they promised the government that if given the financial resources, they will do 5 things, one of which is poverty profile. This, he said is being slowly but surely achieved.

SSL coordinates all statistical activities in the country as they want to create a viable National Statistical System (NSS) and make sure every report has some salt from SSL.

In his brief speech at the workshop, the Deputy Minister of MoPED, Dr. Chakanda, said that for the formulation of policies and the implementation of those policies, proper planning is needed and national statistics provide governments with this information. In Sierra Leone the institution that is charged with this responsibility is Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL).

The government, he went on, looks at 3 key issues namely; proper coordination: This puts the government in the position to make informed decisions for national development and its absence will result in poor planning; value adding potential deals with the value that accurate statistical data provides in the decision making process, adding that its absence will limit the government in making appropriate decisions and the formation of policies; and the third being the confidence of making appropriate decisions. In this respect, data is of vital importance in decision making and the choice of Professor Sankoh is a step in the right direction, he averred. Government, he maintained is in full support of the operations of Statistics Sierra Leone.

Several speakers made similar contributions buttressing the view of the Statistician General for collaboration to ensure credible data is produced and utilised for national development and repositioning of the country in the international lenses. The Coordinator of the program was Francis Tommy of SSL.


Media Houses Say: NP-Sierra Leone Is Most Viable & Sustainable Petroleum Company

National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited

Recent research done by various media houses indicates that based on  viability and sustainability tests on oil marketing companies in Sierra Leone, it was found that the operations of the National Petroleum – Sierra Leone make it the most viable and sustainable oil marketing company; apart from it being an internationally approved service deliverer.

It is on record that NP is a company worth its salt and the company has received many awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Being Sierra Leone’s leading and longest serving oil marketing company, the National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited continues to weather the storm gallantly as it endeavours to give optimum satisfaction to millions of customers across the country.

The research included tests on the standard and quality of the National Petroleum-SL products which customers say they have never had cause to grumble about.

It should be noted that customer care is one key element to the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easy and convenient.

The public’s recognition of the invaluable contributions of NP both to its numerous customers across the country and to national development has seen it bag meritorious awards from different national and international organisations.

NP-SL is well anchored in neighbouring Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it operates as a truly multinational Sierra Leone company.

Since its establishment, NP has been meaningfully contributing to economic growth through payment of taxes and rolling out meaningful interventions in the discharge of Corporate Social Responsibility that are transforming lives and improving communities.

The company always ensures that petroleum products are always available, thereby preventing shortages that could create shocks in many quarters. The level of confidence which overseas business partners have reposed in the company has made it possible for it to enter into payment agreements thereby keeping the demand and supply chain open and running.

The company has gained international reputation for offering a variety of managerial and technical jobs to Sierra Leoneans and other individuals throughout the countries it operates.

NP-SL by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents make it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

In addition, the company sells the best cooking gas that is available in hundreds of outlets across the country, thereby contributing to creating cleaner environments, thus aiding the work of EPA.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm.

It should also be mentioned that NP-SL is on record for being the only indigenous company which is paying very dividends to government thereby making the NP-SL one of the best privately-owned companies in Sierra Leone worth its salt.

As $1.5M Assistance Pledged: Orange-SL Supports Pres. Bio’s FQE

Orange SL CEO Aminata Kane Ndiaye

During the launch of Orange-Sierra Leone’s Free Quality Education Projects, the Orange SL CEO Aminata Kane Ndiaye, spoke alongside the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, the Minister of Information & Communication, the Director of DSTI. She gave her message to her audience on the importance of the launch.

Speaking to her audience, Aminata Kane encouraged partners and members of the Fourth Estate, to be supportive of Orange.

She said that the official launch of Orange Free Quality Education projects is designed to complement the government’s free quality education agenda in Sierra Leone.

She said: ‘You will recall that on the 20th of August 2018, the government of Sierra Leone under the leadership of HE President Julius Maada Bio, launched the free quality education as its flagship project for the benefit of all kids in Sierra Leone.’

She maintained that Orange being a responsible corporate institution operating in Sierra Leone and which prides itself in adhering to its corporate social responsibilities towards the country is the only telecommunications company to pledge its support to ensuring the success of the governments agenda.’

She went on to state that Orange has pledged to support the government with $1.5 million in material assistance over a period of five years.

‘In fulfilment of our pledge, we designed 5 projects in consultation with the Ministry of Basic & Senior Secondary Education and with our partners which we hope to launch and execute over a period of five years beginning this 2019.’

Aminata Kane added: ‘Today, we are delighted to invite you all to witness the launch of 3 out of the five projects which includes the following;

  • Super Coder Academy- will provide introductory ICT training on basic coding for 100 Senior Secondary Schools. This will give the senior students an opportunity to learn gaming codes and creating game applications.
  • Hygiene packs for girls –for this project, a total of 10,000 packs including reusable sanitary pads will be distributed to young girls in order to avoid school drop out every month, also, for them to know what basic items are to use for female hygiene and how to use them.
  • Inter Secondary School Competition – this project will see the commencement an annual inter-secondary school competition for which Orange will build 5 fully furnished computer labs for the 5 winning schools over the period of 5

She went on to state that Orange hopes to launch and roll out the remaining two projects; namely Solar kits for school children and open classroom in 2020.

She said: ‘I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Hon. Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education for his generosity in providing expert support and guidance to ensure the success of these projects. And I will also like to thank the Minister of Information and Communication for gracing this occasion and for his astute leadership in the telecommunication sector. And I give my special thanks to our implementing partners from UNICEF, STEM, ST Foundation, and Diamond Challenge for your courage and determination to ensure a successful rollout of these projects.

She conveyed her appreciation to the management and staff of the Ministry of Education and tom Orange, for their tireless and selfless efforts in making the launch reality; adding that without their professionalism, dedication and service, the day would not have come to fruition.

This is another milestone for Orange Sierra Leone as it continues with progress to be the best as a class operator and a major contributor to the well-being of Sierra Leoneans.

According to Kante, ‘At Orange we want not only a competitive advantage in the market, but we pride ourselves in giving back to society and Orange SL partakes extensively in corporate social investment, with our initiatives being a key pillar in the company’s role as a socioeconomic upholder.’

She added: ‘We remain committed to becoming a reliable partner for the development of ICT in Sierra Leone.’

Other speakers at the event included the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Alpha Osman Timbo, Minister of Information and Communication, Mohamed Rahman Swarray, UNICEF Rep. Dr. Hamid E. Bashir Ibrahim, ST Foundation Rep. Mohamed Dumbuya, Organization of African Youth, Ambassador Kalokoh, Teachers Service Commission Rep. Mrs. Scott, Chief Education Officer, Alhaji Mohamed Kamara among other speakers.


They all made similar sentiments geared towards the launch of the Orange projects and its benefit to pupils and students across Sierra Leone.


Bai Shebura On The Run For Being Gay

Bai Shebura

By Mustapha Kamara

Report reaching this medium indicates that one Bai Shebura has been declared wanted by the police on July 1st 2019 for allegedly committing sodomy contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

The law states that any one arrested and charged to court and found guilty for acts related to gayism, will face  life imprisonment with hard labour.

Police sources say Shebura invited his friend Sorie Kargbo to his residence in the evening hours on July 1st 2019 to share ideas on the present situation in the country.

Family sources say Kargbo responded to the call with different intentions to set up Shebura.

On arrival at his residence, Sorie Kargbo immediately rushed to Shebura’s bed room.

Eye witness said, few minutes later Kargbo started romancing with Shebura and in the process, a group of unknown people including the Youth and Mosque Leaders violently forced their way into the bedroom and met them naked making love.

The eye witness said Shebura was forcefully dragged out of the room and seriously manhandled with sticks and stones until he became helpless with blood oozing all over his body including his head and mouth.

The eye witness Fatmata Mansaray told this medium that the timely intervention of one Pastor Samuel John and other members of the Church of Christ saved him from being killed by the angry mobbers.

Bai Shebura was taken to the Church building situated at No: 31 Priscilla Street in Freetown where he was being treated by one Nurse Adama Conteh.

Nurse Conteh told this medium that while responding to medical attention, Shebura received an information that he has been reported to the Police Station for allegedly sodomizing another person contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

At the Church, Bai Shebura pleaded with Pastor John to come to his aid for him to be evacuated to neighbouring Guinea. He accepted to do it to rescue his life.

While responding to medical attention in neighbouring Guinea Pastor Samuel John with his consent contacted one lawyer Lamin Mohamed Bawoh Esq, to defend him but later advised him to leave the country as he has already been declared wanted by the authorities for allegedly committing sodomy and failing to respond to police call.

Family sources say, since then his where about remains unknown for fear of his life.


Justice Biobele Georgewill

The Citizens Advocacy Network (hereinafter referred to as CAN) shares the trepidation expressed by citizens over the alleged burglary at the residence of Justice Biobelle Georgewill (one of the Sole Commissioners of the Commissions of Inquiry).

CAN would like to register its utter and unequivocal condemnation of such devilish act and emphasise that such negative developments are  uncharacteristic of the values we hold as a nation and people. CAN empathises with Justice Biobelle for the shock and stress of waking up to such an ugly recipe of disappointment and insecurity.

CAN has learnt with dismay that the alleged incident which took place on Monday 22nd July, 2019, resulted into the burglar(s) carting away with Justice Georgewill’s laptop computer which according to reports contained classified information or records that are crucial to the work of the Commission he is superintending. CAN notes with grave concern the manner in which the contrived burglary set-off and the ease with which the burglars breached what was expected to be a well-secured residence.

CAN wishes to remind state and security authorities about their fundamental responsibility to provide solid security for a judge of such calibre, especially when the work he is engaged in is so sensitive and of monstrous significance to the people of Sierra Leone. The invasion of his residence and the theft of his computer raises serious questions of the vulnerability of officials of such stature to attacks and security threats.

CAN is therefore calling on the Criminal Investigations Department and other security outfits concerned to mount a speedy but judicious investigation into the issue leading to a logical conclusion to assure Justice Biobelle and all Sierra Leoneans of their safety and security. CAN would like to make a strong commitment that it would follow with keen interest the investigation process in every inch of the way with a view to keeping citizens posted or well informed.

CAN believes that one of the fundamental tenets of a democratic system is the guaranteeing of the safety and security of citizens or public officers in the discharge of their duties. This onus squarely rests on the shoulders of the security forces.

CAN calls for calm and entreats the security apparatus of the state to do the needful in reassuring citizens and non-citizens alike of their security, the supremacy of our laws and the stability of our nation. We look forward to a decent and accurate investigation.

God bless Sierra Leone!

Thomas Moore Conteh
Executive Director

Sierra Leone Works Ministry Ends Familiarisation Visit

Minister of Works and Public Assets, Peter Bayoku Konteh

The Ministry of Works and Public Assets has concluded a nationwide familiarisation tour to assess the status of road works and public assets. The nationwide tour was led by the Minister of Works and Public Assets, Peter Bayoku Konteh. He was accompanied by the top management of the Ministry including the Deputy Minister of Works and Public Assets, Philip Tetema Tondoneh. The team was also comprised of the Board and Management of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority.

The Minister and team inspected public assets and road facilities, including potential spots for flooding in Port Loko, Kambia, Makeni, Kabala, Koidu, Bo, Kenem and Kailahun. In addition to inspection the minister and team also held meetings to engage stakeholders on the various challenges facing the respective communities visited and forging the way forward in addressing these challenges.

The Minister of Works and Public Assets outlined the government policy on the road sector and public assets within the framework of the New Direction. He said that under the new dispensation, it is no longer ‘ business as usual’ and that the government of Julius Maada Bio is firmly committed to upgrading the national roads network that will be devoid of any political undertone.

He said unlike the former regime, the SLPP government will not construct what the minister referred to as, ‘political roads’ but would rather construct roads that will be sustainable and beneficial to the communities. He lambasted the Feeder Roads policy under the APC government which, he described as ‘corrupt and a waste of donor resources’. He disclosed that under the New Direction, all feeder roads projects will be directly supervised by the Ministry through the Sierra Leone Roads Authority.

Speaking on behalf of the management Ing. Abdulai Ansumana, acting Deputy Director General of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority briefly outlined the National Road Master Plan as the working document that captures the vision of the government within the road sector. He pointed out that the master plan has three main components.

Firstly to connect all roads linking Sierra Leone and its immediate neighbours; secondly to transform all manual driven ferries into bridges and of the fifteen manual ferry crossings,  two, Bandasuma Ferry and Mabang Ferry are already being transformed into bridges.  The third component in the master plan is a circumferential road that will go through all the districts.

The tour was lauded by stakeholders, describing it as the first ever venture by the ministry and committed themselves to providing the necessary local support to all road works. They describe the ministry policy of involving them in both inception and implementation of road projects as a step in the right direction.