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Chairman of the National Commission for Privatisation (NCP), Retired Colonel Alhaji Fanday Turay

The newly appointed Chairman of the National Commission for Privatisation (NCP), Retired Colonel Alhaji Fanday Turay and the new Executive Secretary, Josephine Ansumana have hit the ground running with a series of engagements with Public Enterprises under the Commission’s purview.

The new NCP leadership visited  heads of parastatals to listen to presentations on their operations and strategic plans that would be translated into key performance benchmarks for effective service delivery.

In the Parastatals visited, the NCP Chairman and his team outlined their vision on enterprise reform and explained how the Commission’s strategic framework has been realigned with government’s approach to economic development and consequently adaptive to the framework established under the New Direction.

The Chairman encouraged all the heads of Parastatals visited to remain focused in delivering their specific mandates and asked for increased collaboration with his Commission which was established by law to reform, restructure and privatise Public Enterprises slated under the First Schedule of the NCP ACT N012 of 2002.

“It is time we change the narrative in order to maximize our growth potentials. The NCP is evermore committed to attract viable private capital investment into our Public Enterprises without compromising the interest of the State…,”   he said.

At the end of his visits, the NCP Chairman discovered that certain parastatals have done relatively well and can now make profit to be able to pay dividend. He noted that he would require financial resources from government to overhaul and streamline their operations if they should revert to profitability, adding that they would have to be privatised in order to among other things remove contingent liability on government.

The Parastatals visited include the Sierra Leone State Lottery, Guma Valley Water Company, Sierra Leone Ports Authority, Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation, Sierra Leone National Shipping Company, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Rokel Commercial Bank and Sierra Leone Housing Corporation.




Sierra Leone News: C4C Set to Give Education a Boost

Thankful pupils flanked by CEO Patrick K. Saidu (right) and Councilor Abdul Razark Saidu (left) 

Compassion For Children (C4C), a faith-based a non-governmental organization, on Monday 1st July 2019 in Bo City, was launched during a short ceremony. C4C CEO, Patrick M. Saidu, disclosed that the group is poised to heed to Jesus’ call to embrace children and avoid despising them.

Highlight of the official launching of C4C was the distribution of learning materials to pupils of Nwumbe Pre-primary School been graced by the Education Ministry, Bo City Council and media representatives.

In his welcome statement, CEO Saidu bemoaned that, although being classified as the future leaders, most of Sierra Leonean children are subjected to inequalities. With a mission “To show love, care and compassion for the most vulnerable kids in Sierra Leone by providing support and assistance with food, shelter, clothing, educational materials and medical supplies”, CEO Saidu stressed that although C4C is an apolitical organization it is set to collaborate with the current government more especially in unrolling the Free Education Policy. With the theme “No Child Left Behind”, CEO Saidu noted that C4C aims at serving the most vulnerable children from very low socio-economic backgrounds countrywide.

On the genesis of C4C, CEO Saidu said it was formed by a group of Sierra Leoneans who tremendously suffered poverty and ostracization while they were children but are now residing in the United States of America.

CEO Saidu commended the initiators of C4C and called on other citizens in the diaspora to emulate their show of patriotism.

Making a statement Councilor Abdul Razack Saidu opined that the presentation of learning materials was timely and in-line with the government’s priority for children – education. According to him, although the government is doing everything possible to turn its Free Education Policy a reality, there is an urgent need for the intervention of well-meaning organizations. He encouraged the children present to prioritize their education by making best use of the distributed learning materials.

While making a presentation statement, C4C Program Coordinator Pastor David S. S. Bayoh assured that the organization’s launching will be followed by series of children-centered projects with an aim to inject good morals into the beneficiaries. Pastor Bayoh venerated Jesus for teaching his disciples to love children. And this lesson of Jesus, Pastor Bayoh advised must not only stop with the apostles but should be manifested by all adults.

“C4C is starting by boosting education because the future development of every society depends on a knowledgeable population of children,” says Pastor Bayoh and encouraged the children to be resilient in acquiring knowledge.

The Head Boy of Nwumbe Pre-primary School, Mohammed Lamin Jaih thanked C4C for coming to their aid with quality learning materials. Head Boy Jaih lamented that most of the learning materials they have been using were substandard and adversely affecting their learning process. He assured that they will use the learning materials for their intended purposes.


Sierra Leone News: NYSA Onanah Jalloh Enjoins Youths to be Pro-Active

(Middle) National Youth Service Executive Director, Onanah Jalloh speaking

During the 2019 Youth Accountability Forum on Education and Gender Equality, Executive Director of the National Youth Service- Onanah Jalloh, inspired Sierra Leonean youths by enjoining them  not  to hesitate to make their dreams a visible reality.

Speaking on the topic, “TVET and Gender Equality, what could be done to increase the percentage of young women to enroll in training centers for more employment and the importance of gender equality to sustain human rights,” the NYS Executive Director intimated how his institution after the review process will be the perfect solution to achieving the country’s middle level manpower. He said not everyone will become a university graduate stressing how technical vocational education is needed to train young people in architectural design, auto mechanic, plumbing, upholstery, mason, driving and other technical trainings that will help them to be self-reliant.

According to Onanah Jalloh, NYS is currently focusing on university graduates as provided for in the 2016 Act saying plans are currently under way to review the Act in order to absorb those who are not university graduates. He mentioned the Kenyan model which according to him is best suited for Sierra Leone.

He admitted that there are challenges but the available opportunities should be jealously utilized by young people.

“The world is moving and young people are impatient to be part of the development process,” he said, adding that, “President Julius Maada Bio believes in young people and he is convinced that he cannot achieve his development trajectory plan without our involvement. I am now calling on you all to stand up and stop thinking that white collar job is the solution for us as young people.”

The Chairman, Committee on Youth Affairs in Parliament, Hon. Adbul Kargbo said his committee is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and its line agencies especially the National Youth Service to help address the growing challenges young people are confronted with.

He called on university authorities to review their curriculum to match up with the available job market.

“Let us restructure our educational curriculum to fit modernization and avoid offering courses on national integration and mathematical calculation that are not creating the required impact on building the middle level manpower,” Hon. Kargbo averred, noting that education is about solving problems and not just speaking big and impressive grammars.

The Youth Accountability Forum was held on Wednesday, 3rd July, 2019 at the American Corner on Bathurst Street in Freetown.


Sierra Leone Sisters for Development USA

On Wednesday 3rd July, 2019 the Sierra Leone Sisters for Development USA headed by Isatu Shaban, a Sierra Leonean woman based in the United States of America, donated food items to residents of Magbafth Village, Yoni Mabanta Chiefdom.

The donation came barely one year after the establishment of the organization. The Sierra Leone Sisters for Development, USA, is an organization that was established by some Sierra Leonean women in the USA who thought it fit and incumbent to give back to society.

Madam Isatu Shaban, President of the organisation, disclosed that as an entity their aim is to see that they support less privileged Sierra Leoneans in remote communities underscoring how people living in the provinces are in dire need of help,

She intimated that as humanitarians they were galvanized able to save money together which was then used to procure the food items they were donating. She thanked the entire membership for their financial contributions to make the donation becomes a reality.

She ended by calling on other Sierra Leoneans living in the Diaspora to support less privileged communities in the country as a way of giving back to society.

In another development after the donation, Isatu visited the only primary school in the community where she encouraged the pupils to take their studies serious buttressing how education is the key to success

She further made her commitment on behalf of the organization to provide 327 exercise books for pupils as her support to the school.

Pa Kapri Gbla, Section Chief Magbafth Village on behalf of the community thanked the Sierra Leone Sister’s for Development for the gesture which he said is not only important but timely as things are not really easy for them in that part of the country.

He said this is the very first time for them to benefit from such a gesture and called on other Sierra Leoneans living in the Diaspora to follow the foot prints of Sierra Leone Sister’s for Development.

He ended by admonishing the beneficiaries to make good use of the food items donated to them.

Mariama Conteh, a beneficiary, thanked Madam Isatu and other members of the organization for their support as saying how things are not really easy for them in that part of the country pointing out that the community is faced with a lot of challenges like no good health facility, poor harvest, etc.

She ended by calling on the Government of Sierra Leone and other organizations to help them in that part of the country.


Sierra Leone News: Marian Pleasant Kargbo Calls on AU for more Space for Children

Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Pleasant Children’s Foundation, Marian Pleasant Kargbo

One of the country’s youngest but brilliant, ingenious and result-oriented girls, who have been making headlines lately in the news, is the ambitious Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Pleasant Children’s Foundation, Marian Pleasant Kargbo. She was one of the participants at an African Union Conference where she eloquently and vociferously called for creation and making available more development space for children and women. Below was the moving speech she delivered:  

Your Excellences, Honourable members present, our Ministers , the African Union Commission,  Government of Nigeria, our great African champions present in this room I greet you all.

I am Marian Pleasant Kargbo, the CEO/Founder of Pleasant Children’s Foundation and President of the Youth Action Movement -Sierra Leone (YAMSL), the youth body of the Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone (PPASL) which is a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). It will interest you to know that for the past years my engagements have been with Youth, women and children.
I have been asked the questions: “what do you think need to be done to enable the youth to make significant and tangible contributions towards the empowerment of women and girls. How can we involve men and boys in empowerment with specific reference to what obtains in the country?

Before I answer these questions let me start by saying the problem in Africa will not end if we refuse to pay attention to our youth who in turn can empower our women and girls.  In Africa, 80% of the dirty jobs are being left for the youth to do then at the end of the day our leaders will turn around and say the youth are idle.
In answering the questions I will want to start with the empowerment process first and zero in to the involvement of men and boys. Let me start with Education, either formal or informal. For the youth to be able to empower women and girls they need to be educated because through education they can be informed about the issues of women and girls.

Let me make reference to my country Sierra Leone where we have a lot of youth, women and girls that are illiterate and such has placed them in positions where they cannot effectively participate and contribute in/to the empowerment process when they themselves are not empowered.

Nonetheless, we are hopeful because a Free Education initiative from nursery to senior secondary is currently under implementation although it has it challenges but I will say it is a step in the right direction.
With regards the health sector, it is sad to note that youth have not been provided adequate youth friendly spaces and services. These spaces are needed by youth so they in turn can be SRHR champions in order  to be able to combat teenage pregnancy, early and forced marriage  and infant and high child maternal mortality rates. In Sierra Leone we are still struggling with the adoption of CSE in our School curriculum and that’s true for most countries.
Youth should be engaged meaningfully at all levels of policy and decision making. By achieving that they will be able to add their voices and bring out the issues that are affecting women and girls. I live in a country where most times policies are being drafted by our big men (politicians).

In high level gathering involvement of the youth is key for any nation to develop.  Organizations like IPPF centre over 50% of it representation on youth and women .
Also mechanisms should be established for youth participation and equitable representation at all levels. In my country one cannot run for presidency if you’ve not attain the age of 40 years ( Chapter 5 40(C) Act No.6 of 1991 Constitution).

As a young person I see such a law as discriminatory as it is discouraging young people to run for the Presidency. Not only in politics but in public life, in each community and society youth should be involved in the decision making process. In doing so ,they can be able to articulate their concerns and those of women and girls.  If they are not represented how can they empower others? No wonder our youth are being used by politicians seeking the interests of their political parties rather than those affecting young people.
As I conclude on this first phase on what needs to be done to enable our youth to  make significant and tangible contributions toward the empowerment of women and girls I want to suggest that we map out concrete measures that must be translated to improve youth ability to earn income beyond traditional occupations.

Lamentably, we’ve seen youth graduating with excellent degrees yet they are unable to get jobs and because of this most youth are frustrated, how can they serve as agents of empowerment?  A hungry man is an angry man. Young people are facing various limitations in Africa. Let me move to the involvement of men and boys as I start. I want to tell mothers and fathers in this room and the world as a whole that a lot of training has been given to the girls but there is need to focus on the boys.

In my country domestic work is being left in the hands of the girls; we cook, launder, take care of our younger siblings and even wash the dishes whilst our brothers are on the field playing football. Please note that this attitude stays with them even after childhood, no wonder why now men heavily rely solely on their wives to do all the work at home. Please let them work, let them wash the dishes, clean the house, cook, launder etc. They won’t die .Teach them that!!! Boys and men should be taken along in this empowerment process.

Community clubs should be established comprising of both boys and girls. The boys should be engaged in awareness raising – they are most times left behind whilst they themselves are the perpetrators. We need to catch them young.Let’s put them in the spotlight. Let them develop action plans to support girls. Recreational activities in communities where men and women will come together and play together must be fostered. Positions of trust should not only be dominated by men , but there should be equal representation.

As I conclude, I want to recommend for the inclusion of youth in every sphere of decision making in our countries. Give us the platform and see if we cannot serve well. We are passionate, we are strong, we know the issues affecting us and so we want to deal with them for ourselves. Let us have opportunities like access to scholarship and jobs.

To the youth it is high time we come together and tell our leaders what we want as young people. In most cases we don’t even know what we want, no wonder we are always caught up in violence and riotous conduct. If we are to see a better Africa we need to set our priorities right and experience the change that we want to see. I say a big thank you and looking forward to timely implementation of these recommendations which should be included in our mapped out policies.

Sierra Leone News: OMCs in Salone Grapple with Easy Access to Foreign Exchange

Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), operating within the country, are presently going through difficult financial straits   amidst turbulent socio-economic variations. According to a thorough research conducted, one of the most pressing hurdles that these companies have been grappling with is easy accessibility to the dollar. In a country where the legal tender, the Leone, has considerably depreciated such is having serious impact on the viability of the affected companies all using the dollar to procure petroleum products overseas.

Ironically, in spite of this foreign exchange constraint, which had lingered for some time, it was only shortly that fuel price was increased to Le 8,500.00 for petrol and diesel when comparatively it is sold above Le9, 000.00 in Liberia, Guinea, The Gambia.

The oil companies have reportedly recorded massive losses lately and one of them, NP-SL, up to the tune of over Le 96 billion (ninety six billion Leones).

NP-SL General Manager, Kobi Walker during a recent radio interview disclosed that one of the major factors that have been responsible for the present status quo antebellum is the fact that there has been a huge difference between the actual price of PLATTS and the average purchase price of USD $ to the Leone when matched against that of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency Pricing Formula.

According to him this is a big challenge that NP cannot easily handle.

He further divulged that foreign exchange owners are really challenged and for that reason foreign currency is not freely available for them to continue the process of purchasing and selling.

Kobi Walker also stated that looking at the current prices of petroleum products within the context that NP is subsidizing, has further compounded the situation, which he said is a contributory reason why they are encumbered with such huge losses, highlighting how that is not their sole responsibility as a company.

He said that it is not their business to give subsidies and sell below what they are buying,, pinpointing how they are willing to continue to supply their products.

The GM disclosed that Sierra Leone is consuming over 400 million litres of fuel every year.

He added that if the price for fuel remains less competitive and somehow profitable such will pose serious difficulties for the survival of OMCs, but expressed optimism that they are sure to address the issues with the relevant stakeholders.

He postulated how the company cannot determine the increase in price of fuel as there is the Petroleum Regulatory Agency which is the regulatory body of all OMCs operating in the country.

“They have the onus to determine increase of prices having looked at the PLATTS, foreign exchange rates and other variables,” Kobi Walker posited, adding that they as a company cannot continue in the present manner but that the relevant stakeholders are seriously looking into the situation.

Against this background, it should be noted that for any government to successfully govern and manage its economy well anywhere in the world it can only do so by actively engaging oil producing companies and give them the necessary attention and treatment required, because, as the saying goes: without energy, no development.

Needless to say, in Sierra Leone, the state of oil companies is such that they are challenged and if nothing is quickly done by the relevant authorities to address the quagmire in which these companies currently find themselves then the future will be bleak for the very survival of these companies.

It is understandable that the whole country relies on petroleum products for certain activities to be accomplished that lead to development.

But what the oil companies are saying is that they are exposed to a lot of bottlenecks that greatly hamper their profitability margins vis-à-vis  running costs in what is considered to be a highly volatile market that is subject to the vicissitudes of international economic forces.

Without any doubt, we all see how quickly the whole economy grinds to a halt whenever there is no fuel in petrol stations. People can no longer travel easily and cheaply from one place to another. The cost of transportation goes up and food prices shoot up as well, affecting the smooth operations of industries, sometimes causing job losses.

As such, whilst we understand the financial stress that the government is going through, but at the same time, the government must keep in mind that it is a fact that survival of society depends on the availability of petroleum products in the market at all times.

The depreciation in the value of the Leone should not be a factor in the Central Bank prioritizing foreign exchange to oil companies at official exchange rate because fuel has a very huge multiplying effect on the rest of the economy, as well as vital for investor confidence.

Realistically, if the government cannot subsidize, then it should allow market forces to prevail so that the industry does not collapse.

As things now stand, oil marketing companies are suffering at the detriment of its own survival.

“If the current fiscal regime is not reviewed many companies including Sierra Leone’s fully indigenous National Petroleum Company will go down a painful and dreadful route,” stated a seasoned economist.  He added that sound policies must be urgently rolled out to ensure stability.

The economist maintained that it is regrettable that the company finds it extremely difficult to purchase US Dollars in the marketplace currently.

It is recommended therefore that the Central Bank develop a mechanism wherein foreign currency is provided for the oil marketing companies to enable them pay for badly-needed petroleum products.

Of course to promote transparency of goods that are brought into the country and ascertain the required taxes that must be paid to Government, the ASYCUDA digital software was introduced at the Port.

However, what was gathered from the conducted research was that the method of implementation of the ASYCUDA system has been negatively impacting Oil Marketing Companies for which it was recommended that the relevant authorities put in place measures to ensure seamless flow of products free of interruption and long delay at the Quay.

The current pricing formula dictates that the pump price of petroleum products be adjusted upwards or downwards periodically as and when the combined effect of the changes in world market prices (quoted in PLATTS) and the exchange rate (measured by the average selling rates quoted by the Oil Marketing Companies, commercial banks and Bank of Sierra Leone) causing a +/- 5% change in the Leone-based landed cost of the product (s).

It was noted that prices should be changed upwards or downwards in small increments that will not create panic in the market place. The way it is currently, allows for a big jump at any time which makes it difficult for Government to effect change at the right time.

Oil marketing companies are further encumbered with other charges that are not provided for in the price build up formula, and these include: Toll Gate fees, ASYCUDA processing fees, Environmental Protection Agency fees, storage fees and other fees imposed by the Petroleum Regulatory Agency.

Thus, to help the oil companies, government must review some of its policies, especially those affecting vibrant companies in the country, as well as ensuring that economic measures are rolled out in order for the value of the Leone to appreciate.

Failure to take drastic steps to protect locally owned companies will definitely lead to closure or restructuring with dire consequences that could take the form of labour downsizing, no-payment of taxes to government among other salient issues.

NP continues to steadily climb up the development ladder and it is doing so with alacrity.

Sierra Leone News: Brewery Climbs the Ladder Higher

Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL)

The Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL), the country’s premier manufacturer of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in the country, continues to make impressive inroads not only by gaining more customer base but also for rolling out solid developmental projects in certain communities. In other words the company is commendably honouring its corporate social responsibility that is impacting positively on the lives of people.

One remarkable accomplishment that the company is widely extolled for is its excellent implementation of the country’s Local Content Policy. Despite the fact that the company is affiliated with the Heineken Foundation in the Netherlands and has external shareholders it has, however, ensured over the years to have Sierra Leoneans in its employ as long as they possess the requisite qualifications and skills instead of largely importing foreign expatriates.

Even where foreign expatriates are employed it is the company’s policy to have Sierra Leoneans who should understudy them and after a period of time the nationals takes over their positions.

To further deepen its rolling out of the Local Content Policy, SLBL is making use of sorghum, which are locally cultivated, in the brewing of some of its beverages. This has encouraged certain farmers to grow sorghum where it is very ideal to do so and at present the number of sorghum farmers and family has increased exponentially standing over 25,000 in various districts.

SLBL has been steadily supporting these farmers in diverse ways to increase their yields in order to match up with their demand. What this has led to is a symbiotic relationship between SLBL and the sorghum farmers. These farmers have a steady source of income helping to financially take care of various domestic responsibilities.

Distributors of SLBL’s variety of beverages are Sierra Leoneans with an exceptional case of only few foreign business people. .

Coming back to the company’s implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility, SLBL has done a lot and is determined to continue doing so. The company gives priority to residents within the Wellington Industrial Estate where it is situated when it comes to offering of jobs as long as individuals within that locality are qualified. This has helped in poverty reduction through meaningful engagements of young people who were hitherto jobless.

SLBL, in collaboration with Heineken Foundation, has been rolling Water and Sanitation Projects in different communities closer to where it is located. It has constructed solar powered water wells that are benefitting residents in those places who were finding it extremely difficult to access pure and clean water supply.

Added to that, the company has assisted in the construction of health facilities from which locals are receiving medical treatments easing constraints formerly faced.

It has been giving education support to institutions that deserve it.

The company does not discriminate along religious grounds as it has the cardinal principle to cater for all. This was very evident in the last Ramadan month when SLBL shared its happiness through its Maltina brand to the Muslim Community throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan by dishing out Maltina Iftar targeting 60 Mosques and thereby giving solace to over 6000 Muslims right across the country.

By all estimation the Sierra Leone Brewery Limited is acclaimed for timely churning out the Local Content Policy and its Corporate Social Responsibility doing so doggedly and remarkably.



Sierra Leone News: NP-SL: Hailed for Effective Customer Care

National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited

One of the striking features that have made the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited very outstanding and endearing to many is its effective service delivery posture that it has maintained throughout its existence. The company places serious premium on giving its numerous customers the best attention that they deserve.

“We do want to ensure that our and would-be customers enjoy prompt response to their needs so that at the end of the day they derive utmost satisfaction,” one of the company’s Managers intimated.

Having standardised filling stations found in different parts of the country, the company is providing qualitative as well as timely services making it to be rated as one of the most successful indigenous business entities that  always ensures it lives up to expectation. .

The company is very particular that there are high grades of petrol, diesel, kerosene which are easily accessible.

One thing that is indisputable is the fact that Management and shareholders are always on top of situation by ensuring that the required stock of petroleum products are available thereby preventing the occurrence of shortage.

When cognisance is taken of how useful petroleum products are in enhancing conducive living standards then it will be asserted that the relevance of NP cannot in any way be underrated.

Based on sustainable operations and expansion, amidst varying challenges, one of which is the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate to the Leone, NP –SL has offered job opportunities to many who were hitherto jobless and from what was understood, conditions of service are not too bad.

Truly mindful of what could really please their customers, the company did not only rest on its oars of only marketing petroleum products but rather went the extra mile to make available one of the safest gadgets, NP gas, for cooking purposes. It is readily available, cheap and very guarantee to use, a fact that has been corroborated through various interviews conducted to sound the opinions of people around the country. These gas cookers are found in all the filling stations operated by the company.

To keep abreast with latest technological trends the company has availed its customers the opportunity to use Smart Cards for purchasing purpose, meaning that buyers could top-up their cards to the tune of any amount which they can use intermittently to procure petroleum products. This has made it convenient for easy transactions to transpire and many are comfortable with that.

Admirably, as an 100% indigenous company that has stood the test of time going further to establish branches in Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast and The Gambia which are vibrantly operating is indeed no mean feat. It is an accomplishment worth recognition.

The company is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

Timely payment of taxes to Government makes NP to be one of the largest taxpayers to Government.

The Management of NP is well determined to continue to contribute to development and despite the challenges it is currently grappling with, it impressively continues to take commendable strides that are benefitting the majority.



Sierra Leone News: Henrietta Mbawah Wins Sister’s Choice Award 2019

Henrietta Mbawah

Sierra Leone winning actress, TV and Radio personality, Movie Director, Producer, Chief Executive Officer -Sierra Leoneans Lives Matter, a non-governmental organization that advocates for good governance, women and girls empowerment Henrietta Mbawah, who also doubles as Chief Executive Officer Manor River Entertainment Company recently bagged  the prestigious Sister’s Choice Award 2019

The Sister’s Choice Award seeks to inspire and motivate women to work together and accomplish great things; therefore, celebrate those women who have excelled in their fields as they stand as mentors and coaches for the upcoming women leaders empowering the next generation of budding entrepreneurs

Speaking to this medium after receiving the Award, Mbawah, expressed delight underscoring how it is a sign of appreciation in relation to the various activities she has been undertaking geared towards empowering the lives of young people and her great roles in the movie industry

“I felt good to receive such an award because I worked for it,” she proudly stated.

Mbawah dedicated her award to all those who supported her in diverse ways her work in.

This is not the first award Mbawah has received as she has participated in the biggest contest in the world, Miss Manor River Union Entertainment. She was also recognized as one of the 50 most influential youth in Sierra Leone and won 10 other awards as Best Actress, most creative youth in Sierra Leone and her record is still intact.

“I believe in giving back. This is how it was for me when I was growing up and I will continue to empower the lives of young people in Sierra Leone,” she maintained

Her organization, Manor River International Entertainment Company  is very passionate about advocating for women who suffer from gender based violence in their schools, universities, and communities, and continues its drive of supporting the less privileged in Sierra Leone.

Mbawah promised to continue her charity work in and out of Sierra Leone so that she will continue to impact positively the lives of people.


The Sierra Leone Local Content Agency (SLLCA) and the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDA) in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) recently held a two day training session in Kenema Town for participants operating local businesses in the Eastern region including Kailahun, Kenema and Kono districts on the theme: ‘Improve Your Exhibiting Skills (IYES)’.

Giving an overview of the two agencies, Director General of SLLCA, Fodeba Daboh said that the two agencies were simultaneously established by Acts of Parliament in 2016 to create the enabling environment and provide the space for small and medium businesses to thrive.

He said that both the SLLCA and SMEDA Acts give the two agencies the mandate to collaborate in the implementation of their acts stressing that the Acts established several aspects including training, market linkages, job creation and access to finance.

According to him, the training would increase knowledge and enhance development of the participants as well as enable them to do their businesses effectively and efficiently.

Speaking on the outcome of the training he noted that this would create the platform for networks and market access for their products and services locally and internationally.

He added that the training would also provide detailed information- sharing between the two agencies, pinpointing their operations and operations of businesses.

Daphine Foday, Head of Media and Communications disclosed that the training was designed to develop more women businesses in order to boost their skills, partnership through strategic communication.

The training, he said, is in a pilot phase which will be implemented in the four regional headquarter towns of Bo, Makeni, Kenema and Port Loko.

In another engagement, Administrative Officer, Outreach and Public Education, Julius Kandeh Kanu, said the training was developed as part of ILO’s strategy to enhance the contribution of women entrepreneurs in creating meaningful and sustainable business and employment opportunities in reducing poverty.

According to a survey conducted in January 2019  it was realized that SMEs across the board lacks the necessary business skills especially in the areas of record keeping, income and expenditure and business communication skills.