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Sierra Leone: Eastern Polytechnic to Become University

The Chief Minister of the Republic of Sierra Leone has confirmed that the Eastern Polytechnic in Kenema would be transformed and upgraded into University status.

Prof. David Francis made this disclosure at a stakeholders’ conference in Kenema on Saturday July 27 2019.

At the event, the Chief Minister formally launched a ‘development fund’ to support the process of establishing the ‘University of the East’ and pledged seed money to the tune of One Hundred Million Leones (Le100,000,000).

Pledges as high as two hundred million Leones (Le200,000,000) and as humble as two hundred and fifty thousand Leones (Le250,000) were made by various stakeholders including a company known as First Tricon.

The Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Prof. Aiah Gbakima pledged the sum of twenty million Leones (Le20,000,000) on behalf of the Ministry, while his Deputy, Dr. Turad Senesie pledged the same amount on his personal behalf.

The total amount raised in pledges is estimated around one billion Leones (Le1,000,000,000), and this exceeded the chief minister’s expected goal of raising one billion Leones by December 2019.

However, the challenge to raise 15 billion Leones, as stakeholders’ contribution, within the next two years, while also seeking external financial support, remains in force.

Earlier, the Chief Minister disclosed that work is in progress to actualise the President’s pronouncement made some ten months ago to upgrade the Eastern Polytechnic into a University.

Prof. Francis is optimistic that the transformation project would have received cabinet approval and tabled in parliament by March next year.

He disclosed that the project that will result in the establishment of three campuses is estimated at some 50 million US Dollars.

“There would not have been a better time with the right mobilisation and leadership than now to upgrade the Eastern Polytechnic,” the Chief Minister pointed out.

Kenema stakeholders were unanimous in their resolve for the upgrade, and the higher education minister assured them that the president’s pronouncement would be actualised.

Omrie Golley Procures 50 Tractors for Cacao Production in Sierra Leone

Ambassador Omrie Golley, current CEO/Chairman Board of Directors of Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited based in London, UK

In line with his agenda to provide for the very vulnerable Sierra Leoneans, Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley has successfully procured a total of fifty (50) tractors to support cacao production in Sierra Leone.

A 50 RX35 Sonalika tractor procured to support cacao production in Sierra Leone

This was confirmed by the National Coordinator of Gbotima Seenava Organisation- a fully registered and operational non-governmental organisation (NGO) operating in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone.

Mr. Joseph Brima Kpukumu during their organisation’s three days working visit to their agricultural sites in four (4) communities in Gbane Chiefdom, Kono District, maintained that they are grateful to Mr. Golley for his effort.

Whilst explaining on behalf of Ambassador Omrie Golley who is a major financier in several agricultural projects in that part of the country, Mr. Kpukumu confirmed that the former Ambassador who served under the previous government of Ernest Bai Koroma is a patriot who believes in helping the poor and vulnerable by creating ways for their sustenance.

He said the very renowned UK based lawyer, Ambassador Omrie Golley who is the current CEO/Chairman Board of Directors of Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited based in the London, United Kingdom, is working tirelessly with other colleagues from other countries to revamp the aspect of cocoa production in Sierra Leone.

Dilating on the moves done so far, Mr. Kpukumu said the investors will focus on other agricultural areas, but are prioritising cocoa production for now, and thus the reason why they have bought 50 tractors for now at a cost of USD 8500 (eight thousand five hundred US Dollars) each.

He said the tractors would be used to buy cocoa produce in the villages where they are grown, thus saving poor farmers the excruciating burden for traveling to bigger cities to solicit buyers. He said the project will also involve getting planting seeds to farmers and later on buying from them after they have harvested their produce at more competitive prices to incentivize farmers further.

He added that the project will also reduce the high rate of unemployed youths in the cities because many will return to their communities in the rural areas to indulge in agricultural activities.

On his side, the lead person of the projects in Gbane Chiefdom, Kono District, Mr. Edwin Gongor said Ambassador Omrie Golley is his friend in UK and that it was the latter who urged him to come and invest his time and efforts in agricultural activities in his home chiefdom. He said he has already started an agricultural project with support from Ambassador Omrie Golley to start farming activities in his chiefdom. He said this project is also keen on Gari production in Kono, Bo, Moyamba and Kailahun districts. He said, Ambassador Omrie Golley also sponsor his in the farming of rice, yam, cassava and ginger.

He however raised that the most paramount concern issue for them now is the road infrastructure for the transportation of their products to the cities, but nonetheless expressed optimism that that could be addressed.

Chief Aiah Williams of Wandama Village expressed his joy over the implementation of the project. He said as natives that are willing to expand their farming activities from 12 hectares of land to 30 hectares in the coming year.

Moijoeh Kaikai, Chairman of Gbotima Seenava Organisation said Ambassador Omrie Golley is the sole funder of their agricultural project. He commended Eddie for his relentless effort in carrying on with the project and the successful implementation of the project.

Massa Kallon, Chairlady of Gbotima Seenava Organisation said she is from Nongowa Chiefdom, Kenema District, same Eastern Sierra Leone, but that the group comprises of farmers of all districts in the southern and eastern regions of the country. She called on the women to give their best in actualizing these agricultural projects and urged them to work in tandem with men for the sustenance of agriculture in Sierra Leone.

Meanwhile, it could be recalled that, one of the main opposition All peoples Congress (APC) former ambassadors, Omrie Michael Golley who served as Sierra Leone Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea had earlier promised to reactivate his contacts by bringing on board all of them through his Afric-Asia Asset Holdings Limited to ensure that all key players of Sierra Leone political system work together for the betterment of the people. It is against this backdrop that he is funding several agricultural projects across major areas in Sierra Leone.


Sierra Leone: New Road for Tacugama Soon … Works Minister

Minister of Works and Public Assets, Peter Bayuku Conteh, on Monday, 29th July, 2019, engaged the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in his office in New England Ville, Freetown, where he appealed to him to construct a one-and-half kilometre road leading to Tacugama Sanctuary.

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, which is situated in Regent village in the Western Area Rural District, is one of the touristic attraction sites in Sierra Leone.

Peter Bayuku Conteh told the Chinese Ambassador that the Chinese constructed the Youyi (friendship) Road between Regent and Grafton but have not yet completed a one-and-half kilometre road leading to the Tacugama Sanctuary, which was part of the offer.

“We are appealing to the Chinese government to construct it. Beside that one, we also need support in our engineering sector. We need training and scholarship opportunities for our staff especially the engineers at the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA),” he said.

He noted that his ministry is also in need of support to have a national asset database.

“We will have a national road investment conference because we have a clear idea of the roads we want to improve on but we lack the funds to do so. This conference, which would take place in November 2019, would bring investors together and we could deliberate on how we could improve our roads on a design, build, operate and transfer (DBOT) basis. We want the Chinese to be part of it,” he noted.

He said as a country, it is good to always promote and protect Sierra Leoneans’ interest as well as creating an enabling environment for investment to thrive.

“We inherited the country from a very corrupt government with shabby transactions. As a responsible government that believes in transparency and accountability, we should always embark on everything that has a Sierra Leonean interest,” he said.

Chinese Ambassador, Hu Zhangliang, said China and Sierra Leone have had a very good cooperation in the area of infrastructure, adding that when President Bio met President Xi Jinping in China last year, they laid a blueprint for the future development of both countries.

“Both presidents signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). I want to categorically state here that China takes Sierra Leone as a genuine friend. We will do whatever we can to help this country,” he said.

He noted that Chinese construction works are the best in the world, adding that they do quality construction projects with low cost as opposed to other foreign construction companies.

“We always consider quality, safety and timeliness in our construction works. If there are no funds to embark on infrastructural projects, the government must develop good policies that would attract investors. There should be consistency in those policies as well,” he said.

He noted that they have always encouraged Chinese companies to understand the situation in any host country that they operate, noting that they are also always encouraged to respect local traditions and customs.

Chairman, Board of Directors of SLRA, Joseph S. Kelfala, told the Chinese Ambassador that the agreement of the toll road, which is under construction between Wellington-Masiaka, should be reviewed.

“The universally accepted rule for a toll gate is that the people should start to pay when it is completed. But the Chinese company only did 10 kilometres and started to request for toll payment from motorists. For the sake of transparency, we want to know how much is being collected per day or month, and for what reason is the toll payment collected,” he said.

He noted that they are equally interested to know if the current toll payment is going towards offsetting the debt on the toll road agreement.

“We are also interested to know how much you are spending from what you are collecting from us. We are not discouraging investors, and we will never do so, but we want proper things to be done for the benefits of both Sierra Leoneans and investors,” he noted.

Philip Tetema Tondeneh, Deputy Minister of Works and Public Assets, called on the Chinese Ambassador to encourage Chinese companies, especially those investing on roads, to do their banking with any of the government banks.


Africell Set to Invest Additional $100M in Sierra Leone

Africell CEO Ziad Dalloul
Africell CEO Ziad Dalloul

Africell is set to invest in expanding its network and also growing its financial technology services like Africell money in Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Ziad Dalloul told the media that the money would help fund infrastructure investments for its operations in Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Gambia and Sierra Leone.

He added that in Uganda and in other African subsidiaries, the company plans to spend part of a $100 million investment. This was announced by, Chief Executive Ziad Dalloul during his visit to their Clement Hill Headquarters offices in Uganda.

With over 15 million subscribers across its four African operations about 4 million from Uganda alone, the company secured the loan in May from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. government’s private investment fund.

In his speech to the employees, the Africell CEO was not detailed on how much the company is willing to spend.

Last year, American firm OPIC signed a $35 million (UGX 130 million) contract with Africell. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation said that this is for value addition. OPIC was to invest a total of $59 million (UGX 220 billion).

Ziad Dalloul said this new investment will help the company increase its struggling Africell Money (Mobile Money Service), and its micro-insurance and micro-finance.

Africell also wants to expand to the other two countries in Africa “We are looking only at markets where we can make a difference,” the CEO said, saying this included Angola and Zimbabwe. Africell has $300 million, separate from the OPIC credit line, to spend on a new market.


Sierra Leone: President Bio Honours Market Women

President Julius Maada Bio has launched the National Market Women Secretariat NAMSEC and fund-raising program at the Bintumani Conference Hall at Aberdeen in Freetown, on Sunday 28th July.

The National Market Women Secretariat NAMSEC is an initiative organized by the Market Women of the Republic of Sierra Leone. First Lady Fatima Maada Bio, recognising the pivotal role market women plan in our economy also gave them her full support.

Delivering his keynote address, His Excellency Rtd, Big. Julius Maada Bio, outlined the importance of women in society, which according to President Bio is most times taken for granted or not even recognized.

H.E Bio admonished the market women to invest in their children, as they are their greatest asset, who will benefit their families and the nation. He said his government is committed in ensuring the free quality education is of benefit to every child irrespective of tribe, region or political affiliation.

According to President Bio, women are bread winners in most homes, hence should be should be capacitated; His Excellency made it clear, his obligation is to every Sierra Leonean.

His Excellency encouraged the market women to embrace peace and unity and pay keen attention to his delivery on the promises he made during election. Most politicians make empty promises, but his government is committed to making Sierra Leone a safe haven before the end of his term in office.

Speaking on behalf of the market women, First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio thanked President Julius Maada Bio for making the issues of market women and their launching and fundraising ceremony his top-most priority.

Madam Fatima Maada Bio disclosed that the free medical facility for school children, which the market women have not been utilizing, while taking them through the processes involved in accessing the facility provided by the government through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

The First Lady emphasised on the life insurance policy plan that Africell has introduced and its importance, stating that Africell has paid over one million US Dollar of the policy holders. She promised a whole new system of micro credit, that’ll be organised by the secretariat.

She underscored the importance of having a hygienic and user-friendly market place and promised to work with them through the NAMSEC.

The First Lady concluded by encouraging other market women to register with the National Market Women Secretariat (NAMSEC).

The Women Leader of NAMSEC, Ms. Kadie Winner, stated some of the challenges they faced, but were ready to do what it takes to solve these problems together.

Other highlights of the event include, the fundraising session that was championed by the chief minister, Professor David Francis and Chief of Staff of the First Lady. Shek Salim Fieka was also in attendance.



NP Remains Number One Oil Company in Sierra Leone

National Petroleum (NP) SL Limited

It is on record that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited apart from it being lauded for being one of Sierra Leone’s biggest tax payers is also being lauded for its invaluable contributions towards building the country’s economy.

As a petroleum business entity, NP is proud of having filling stations in various parts of the country and it is vibrantly functioning in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia.

This 100% indigenously-owned company has so far offered various jobs to residents in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing poverty to a considerable level.

Without mincing the truth, NP has a capable and competent managerial team at the helm of affairs, which from time to time comes up with good initiatives, always ensuring that those initiatives are effusively, effectively implemented to create value for money.

Since it was established by 35 Sierra Leoneans, who bought shares from the Government years back, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. But the resolve of its shareholders and Management to succeed has been the centrepiece that has propelled NP to a higher level, equal to none in the sub-region.

The synergy that runs through its members of staff has also contributed to the company’s growth.

Asking those who really know NP, the feedback you get indicate that around its commitment to customer care, NP strongly believes that it must be prioritised to give total satisfaction.

The selflessness and commitment of the shareholders have made it possible for the company to empower many Sierra Leoneans and at the same time put it at a vantage position to continue to open more filling stations across the country.

NP has cordially maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers’ right across the sub-region where it exists and most have confessed that they are realizing optimum satisfaction in dealing with NP.

The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen symbiotic relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry.

The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, Petroleum Directorate, has lauded NP for its efficient service delivery wherever it is operating.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans affordable NP Gas cookers of various sizes, which are safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas cookers could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country and the very gas is also sold to replenish those that have been used.

When we talk of the steady and effective implementation of the Local Content Policy, NP stands out tall as it is truly has 100% indigenes, particularly in Sierra Leone, as workers. This is one of the factors that have made the company to be a success story.

The company’s result-oriented managerial team will definitely and sustainably continue to put NP at the top.

NP-SL Ltd. is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

It can therefore be justifiably asserted that the National Petroleum Limited is the country’s reliable fuel provider as it always ensures that its stockpile is always at an appreciable level.

Lately, NP received many awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Various tests to determine quality and standard indicate that customers of National Petroleum-SL products say they have never had cause to grumble about the products.

It should be noted that customer care is one key element to the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).

Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easily and conveniently.

The public’s recognition of the invaluable contributions of NP both to its numerous customers across the country and to national development has seen it bag meritorious awards from different national and international organisations.

The company always ensures that petroleum products are always available, thereby preventing shortages that could create shocks in many quarters. The level of confidence which overseas business partners have reposed in the company has made it possible for it to enter into payment agreements thereby keeping the demand and supply chain open and running.

NP-SL by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans is a clear indication that it adheres to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents make it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

In addition, the company sells the best cooking gas that is available in hundreds of outlets across the country, thereby contributing to creating cleaner environments, thus aiding the work of EPA.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm.


Nigeria: Empowering Young African Entrepreneurs: African Presidents & Global Leaders Tackle Job Creation for Youth Empowerment

L-r: Prime Minister of Uganda, H.E. (Dr.) Ruhakana Rugunda; President of Democratic Republic of Congo, H.E. Felix Tshisekedi; President of Senegal, H.E. Macky Sall; The Founder, The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Mr. Tony Elumelu; Vice President of Nigeria, H.E. (Prof) Yemi Osibanjo; Wife of the Founder, The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Dr Awele Elumelu; President of Rwanda, H.E. Paul Kagame; Moderator and Host Fareed Zakaria GPS, CNN Presenter, Mr. Fareed Zakaria, during the Founder’s Presidential Dialogue held at the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum 2019, the largest gathering of African entrepreneurs, held in Abuja on Saturday.
l-r: Director General, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, Dr Sidi Tah; Deputy Director General, International Cooperation and Development, European Commission, Mr. Koen Doens; President, Africa Export Import Bank, Professor Benedict Oramah; President, African Development Bank, Dr Akinwunmi Adesina; Founder, The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Mr. Tony Elumelu; Director General, World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus; and Moderator and Host Fareed Zakaria GPS, CNN Presenter, Mr. Fareed Zakaria, during the Founder’s Private Sector Dialogue held during the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum, the largest gathering of African entrepreneur in Abuja on Saturday

Empowering Young African Entrepreneurs is a most topical issue for African presidents and global leaders. This year, global leaders are set to tackle Job Creation, and Youth Empowerment at the 2019 Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum.

  • More than 5,000 participants and 60 speakers across 3 continents converge at the largest gathering of African entrepreneurs
  • 150 SME owners from across 20 African countries exhibit at the UBA Marketplace

At the recently concluded 5th edition of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Entrepreneurship Forum, five African Presidents and thousands of young African entrepreneurs converged at the most influential gathering in the African entrepreneurship ecosystem. Job creation and youth empowerment were the key themes tackled at the Forum.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation, which has been at the forefront of advocating for entrepreneurship as the catalyst for the economic transformation of Africa, convened the 2-day Forum on the 26th and 27th of July at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria’s seat of government. The event convened over 5,000 participants from 54 African countries, including representatives of the 7,521 beneficiaries of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme.

More than 60 global speakers from the public and private sectors across 3 continents participated in interactive masterclasses, plenary sessions and debates geared towards generating ideas and defining concrete steps Africa must take to empower its youth and accelerate the continent’s development. Guests interacted directly with young budding entrepreneurs from across the 20 African UBA-present countries who exhibited their innovative products and solutions at the UBA Marketplace, powered by Africa’s global bank, United Bank for Africa (UBA).

Moderated by American journalist and host of CNN’s show, Fareed Zakaria GPS, the Presidential Debates, which formed the highlight of the two-day event, focused on charting the way forward towards the eradication of poverty in Africa through job creation.  The public sector leaders on the panel include H.E. Paul Kagame, President, Republic of Rwanda; H.E. Macky Sall, President, Republic of Senegal; H.E. Félix Tshisekedi, President, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); H.E. (Prof.) Yemi Osinbajo (SAN), Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria; and Hon (Dr.) Ruhakana Rugunda, Prime Minister, Republic of Uganda, representing the President of Uganda, H.E. Yoweri Museveni.

Healthcare played a dominant role in the conversations as healthcare leaders in the public and private sectors tackled this theme on the plenary session “The Role of Healthcare in Economic Transformation”. Speakers on this panel include Dr. Awele Elumelu, Trustee, Tony Elumelu Foundation and Founder/CEO, Avon Medical Practice; H.E (Mrs.) Aisha Buhari, First Lady, Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E (Mme.) Djena Kaba Condé, First Lady of Guinea; H.E. (Mme.) Keïta Aminata Maiga, First Lady, Mali; Gilles Carbonnier, Vice President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Oulimata Sarr, Regional Director ai, UN Women Central and West Africa; and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, World Health Organisation.

At the Forum, Tony O. Elumelu, (CON), Founder of the Tony Elumelu reiterated the urgency in creating jobs on the continent to catalyse Africa’s development.

He said: “Extremism is a product of poverty and joblessness. Poverty anywhere is a threat to everyone everywhere,” he said. “If our leaders understand the reason and rationale for our youths to succeed, they will do everything they can to support them.”

Elumelu also reiterated the role of technology as a key enabler in accelerating development, citing TEFConnect, the digital networking platform for African entrepreneurs launched by the Tony Elumelu Foundation in 2018. With over 500,000 registered users, the hub provides a platform for entrepreneurs to network and forge business partnerships regardless of their location.

Giving the keynote speech, Vice President of Nigeria, H.E. (Prof.) Yemi Osinbajo commented on the impact of the Tony Elumelu Foundation: “By birthing this particular intervention, Tony Elumelu has compelled us to focus on what really matters, our youth and their dreams. The message to Africa’s emerging business giants is a clear one: How and what can you contribute, like Tony Elumelu, to empowering the next generation, helping them to realize their own dreams?”

The forum ended with a tour of the UBA Marketplace, where entrepreneurs across the continent exhibited their products, as a pitching competition saw the winner walk away with a $5,000 grant from the United Bank for Africa (UBA).


SLCB Managing Director Fidelis Turay 
Deputy Managing Director Bockarie Kalokoh

Under the leadership of Managing Director Fidelis Turay & Deputy Managing Director Bockarie Kalokoh, the nation’s oldest state-owned financial service provider, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB) has once again impressively topped the Central Bank’s second quarterly performance rating.

SLCB also topped this year’s first quarterly performance rating, as it did for the past two years. For 2017, the bank made a pre-tax profit of over Le100 billion.

SLCB’s pride of place in the country’s commercial banking sector derives from the decision of management and board some years back to take a bold leap forward into the age of digitalization, internet banking and taking the bank to the doorsteps of the previously unbanked in the rural and urban areas of Freetown.

A move that will eventually be cascaded countrywide as the bank seeks to dramatically increase its customer base to capture the grassroots. With the new product, Mi Yone Internet banking Kiosk that has taken banking to the people of Adonkia in Goderich, Wilberforce and Jui, SLCB has in the last two years captured thousands of new customers.

The two new digital age products: ‘Mi Yone SLCB Teller’ and ‘Mi Yone SLCB Kiosk’ are SLCB’s stride to supporting the Government of Sierra Leone build a stronger economy through reaching the unbanked with appropriate products. Over the past five years, SLCB has invested immensely towards the digitalization of the Bank.

‘Mi Yone SLCB Kiosk’ is a digital non-brick and mortar banking solution that is designed specifically to target the unbanked population and increase SLCB’s access points to drive financial inclusion in the country.

This will enable the Bank to increase penetration of basic banking services to the doorstep of the people and its customers. Since the kiosks were opened in 2018, the bank has been inundated with new customer accounts and deposits. Staff report that the recent unbeatable performance by SLCB has a lot to do with the cordial relationship shared by the MD, management, board and staff that motivate everybody to work as a team towards the achievement of outlined organizational goals.

As a credible credit worthy financial institution, since its establishment in 1973 by the Government of Sierra Leone as its sole shareholder, SLCB under successive managements and board of directors has maintained a leading position as the country’s largest financial service provider to individuals, SMEs, large corporations, industries and embassies.

Speaking with this reporter, the Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Bockarie Kalokoh revealed that the bank is making all these strides because of team work.

“We are working as a team and we will work very hard to maintain the standard of the bank and top position in the financial industry”. Kalokoh noted.

SLCB with its headquarters on Siaka Stevens Street in Freetown has branches in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Makeni, Koidu, Cline Town, Mobimbi, Njala, and Waterloo.

It offers online banking, current accounts, savings accounts, fixed deposits, foreign currency accounts, loans and advances, investment management, and money transfer services.

Financial Inclusivity

SLCB based on the World Bank and the Central Bank’s recommendation to bring more people into the formal banking sector has responded with Mi Yone banking kiosks in the rural communities of Adonkia in Goderich, Wilberforce and Jui as pilots for taking banking services to the doorsteps of the unbanked. This service is of great help to people in those communities as they no longer have to journey to a branch office or headquarters to do their banking.

Internet Banking

Recently having migrated into the world of digital banking, SLCB customers can now access their SLCB accounts using the Bank’s internet banking service anywhere, anytime, no matter where you are with just the click of a mouse.

With SLCB’s internet banking customers can:

– Check balances

– View transaction information

– View statements up to two months old

–  Transfer money between one’s accounts

– Purchase Bearer Bonds and Treasury Bills

– Order Cheque book for collection at counter

– Order extended statement of account for collection at counter

– Download forms

– Effect Standing Orders

– Stop Payment of Cheques

SLCB also offers other products and services such as transferring fund anywhere both locally and internationally.

SLCB’s commitment to excellence in service delivery is guided by a set of core values and principles.

SLCB offers competitive interest rates and bank charges on interest and foreign exchange rates and various bank charges.

Financing Options for Your Small Business

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur? SLCB can work with you to provide structured financing for your start-up or small enterprise, whatever you need a helping hand with. SLCB is always ready to help you learn about the range of options they offer to help you grow your business which includes:

– Flexible loans

– Overdrafts

– Cash-flow finance

– Lines of credit

Corporate Social Responsibility

SLCB’s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility is built on best practices. SLCB is committed to investing in social programmes in education, sports and environmental challenges for communities countrywide. Our scope of community engagement initiatives are focused on, but not limited to, the following areas:


SLCB is committed to supporting efforts aimed at combating health issues. To achieve this, we have been partnering with local organizations to promote awareness of health issues and providing financial support to projects that fit the Bank’s CSR Strategy.


In education, SLCB’s intervention ranges from providing scholarships, support in school materials and infrastructural development. Adoption of deprived schools in poor rural communities may be undertaken on a case by case basis.


As the ‘People’s Bank’, SLCB’s goal is to have a lasting impact on the communities involved, with a blend of corporate financial contributions with in-kind giving (donations) and volunteering service of our staff who take part in community volunteering.


Barba Koroma, 17, Charged with Murder in Father’s Death in USA

Barba Koroma(Prince George's County Police Department)

A Bowie teenager has been arrested and charged in the murder of his father at a Prince George’s County park Friday 26 July 2019.

Barba Koroma, 17, of Bowie, was charged Saturday morning with first- and second-degree murder in the killing of 62-year-old Barba Koroma, of Bowie.

The younger Koroma is being charged as an adult.

According to Prince George’s County police, the 17-year-old stabbed his father while the latter was driving during a dispute Friday at Allen Pond Park in the 3300 block of Northview Drive in Bowie. The vehicle, an SUV, then crashed into a fence at which time the younger Koroma dragged his father into a nearby wooded area.

Officers who responded to the area around 4:30 p.m. located the elder Koroma on the ground suffering from trauma to the body in the wooded area, where he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Officers also located the younger Koroma on scene walking out of the wooded area. He was transported to a hospital for minor injuries before being taken to the PGPD Homicide Unit for questioning ahead of the filed charges Saturday.

Koroma is being held in custody on a no-bond status.

Anyone with information on this case is asked to call the Homicide Unit at (301) 772-4925. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477), go online at www.pgcrimesolvers.com or use the P3 Tips mobile app.

Sierra Leone Invokes Heavily Armed Soldiers To Protect COI Judges After Robbery Incident

The National Security Coordinator, Brig (Rtd) Jah Tucker says the Military Aid to Civil Power (MAC-P) has been invoked to cover the residence of each of the three judges presiding over the three commissions of inquiry (COI) investigating corrupt former government officials.

Tucker, who heads the Office of National Security (ONS), told journalists that the strand of Mac-P invoked was the “standing” one and not the”emergency”one.

This means soldiers have now taken over the NASSIT Estate residence of the Nigerian, Ghanaian and Sierra Leonean judges who are investigating allegations of corruption under the administration of former president Ernest Bai Koroma.

It follows a burglary at the housing unit of Justice Biobele Georgewill in the early hours of Monday, with thieves carting away his laptop and an external hard drive.

There was another attack on the following day just a few buildings down the street on the home of a presidential adviser, Dr John Tambi, which shares fence with another judge at the Commission of Inquiry. Two laptops and files were also stolen.

Justice Georgewill himself has remained defiant. Resuming work yesterday for the first time since the attack on his residence, the Nigerian judge vowed to move on with vigor to conclude his assignment in the country.

“It is time to move on with greater vigor to take the work of the Commission to its legal logical conclusion, God being my helper,” he said in a statement issued to the press.

In the statement, he thanked Sierra Leoneans from the President to the Vice President and various heads of institutions “for the overwhelming show of concern”and assurances for his safety and security for the remaining days of his stay in the country.

Already investigations on the incident are ongoing, with the police having placed a Le10 Million reward for information leading to any successful prosecution of the culprit.

The COI was instituted in January this year as a result of the recommendations of the Governance Transition Team report in 2018.

Justice Geeorgewill who has been in the country since then, is dealing with some of the most sensitive cases in the commission; these include inquiries into the Ministry of Youths, Ebola funds, unsecured bank loans, Petroleum Directorate and many more.

Some of those cases can directly tie former President, Ernest Bai Koroma and most of his ministers to corrupt practices.

Last week the Nigerian judge opened an inquiry into the Ministry of Sports and Ministry of Trade and Industry. And next week he will be wrapping up inquiries into Ministry of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Health, Mines and Mineral Resources, Petroleum Directorate and Sierra Leone Commercial Bank.