Orange Foundation Offers Digital School Kits to Primary Schools to Boost Digitalization

By Alpha Good Kamara

Five primary schools in Freetown were recipients and beneficiaries of Digital School Kits from Orange Foundation, a gesture that was extended out of the primary objective of boosting digitalization.

It must be noted that the Digital School Kits is part of Orange Foundation Group initiative geared towards providing or giving support to primary schools across the country.

Costing thousands of dollars, the donated digital school kits were presented to a cross section of primary schools across the country, including the Kelmond Pre Primary School, Bethel Temple Preparatory School, Providence International Elementary School, Dele Preparatory School and Chesterton Academy.

The digital school kit package comprises Tablets, Raspberry Pi’s, Laptops, Bluetooth speakers, Projectors and screens, headset extension cables amongst others with the main essence of  boosting digital and technological learning for primary school pupils.


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