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Energy Minister in Abu Dhabi to attend Renewable Energy Summit

Alhaji Kanja Sesay, Minister of Energy

By Sam Pratt

Alhaji Kanja Sesay, Minister of Energy departed for Abu Dhabi ,United Arab Emirates, on the invitation of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Minister will participate in the agency’s tenth session and related meetings, to be held from 10 to 12 January 2020.

The tenth session of the IRENA Assembly is taking place at a time when renewable energy is widely acknowledged as the key to sustainable economic development and at a time when Sierra Leone is intensifying efforts to securely and permanently fix its national grid, with renewable energy at the very heart of such strides. The Assembly will discuss ways to accelerate renewable energy deployment and examine the latest trends and key drivers for achieving the energy transition.

Mr Sesay will interface and exchange ideas on important issues on the international renewable agenda with other Ministers from other countries in two Ministerial events. These events will provide unique opportunities for the Minister to frankly engage in discussions and knowledge sharing on Decarbonization and Renewable NDGs, and to provide inputs to guide future national and international work on renewables.

The Energy Minister hopes to make a good case for Sierra Leone at the summit as he is poised to share with colleagues the country’s strides in achieving sustainable energy with specific reference to renewable energy which has been one of the cornerstones of his national energy policy. The Minister will also articulately portray Sierra Leone as a country ready and secure for investment in not only the energy sector but in other sectors.

He is expected to return to Sierra Leone with a deep sense of optimism and hopes for a brighter future as he relentlessly and restlessly continues to not only implement impressive energy projects at home  but to search for a lasting solution to the country’s seriously challenged grid.


2018 Auditor General’s Report Could Make or Break the Anti-Corruption Commission

Francis Ben Keifala

By Alfie Barrie: (Television Anchor)

Prior to the appointment of Francis Ben Keifala as the ACC boss by his Excellency President Bio, the ACC was viewed by many as a’ toothless bull dog that backs without biting’. When Ben was appointed that inertia quickly dissipate due to successive convictions and apparent speedy recovery of missing funds that were pillaged from the public purse. He was now been touted as this young, educated and unassuming Anti-Corruption czar that has rekindled public confidence which was at its lowest ebb.

In just one year he was able to recover nearly 7 Billion Leones from corrupt officials. Who will forget high profile convictions such of erstwhile public figures such as Dr. Finda Bendu, Bai Mamoud who was then Minister of Youth under the APC headed by former President Koroma and had to pay back monies he allegedly misappropriated and many more. Those high profiled convictions attracted wide spread approval from the public. In fact our approval ratings in the fight against corruption improved dramatically. Ben wallowed in that fame and at one moment he slightly became complacent and did the unorthodox by parading openly at the land mark country tree a school principal and some teachers who were caught in examination malpractice. That act had the proclivity to muddy the waters of the ACC but thanks to the timely intervention of the President, who apologized on behalf of the Commission, the storm was averted.

Fast forward to today, thanks to social media and a rapidly critical electorate, the conversation about the Ben’s strategy on the fight against corruption has now started to be even more poignant. People are now beginning to ask whether the enthusiasm that Ben had in going after former officials will still be adopted in going after current officials.

Well our industrious Auditor General has clearly cut out the work for the ACC. Even though the Auditor General’s report looks at the activities of the public service from 2015 to 2018 and I most add that most of the egregious infractions occurred under the watch of the then APC Government but there are equally flagrant violations of procurement laws and funds not accounted for that happened under this current dispensation that is worth looking into and it is expected that bigger heads should roll. So, if the ACC decides to adopt a soft ball approach to this day light robbery then the confidence in the fight against corruption will be lost and no other Commissioner will resuscitate it!.

So the ACC needs to tread carefully as the days and months ahead will determine whether the ACC is a people’s Commission or another stooge.

50/50 Group Appeals to Pres. Bio for more Positions of Trust for Women

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone’s foremost Feminine advocacy organization, the 50/50 Group on Wednesday 8 January 2020 paid a courtesy call on His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio at State House to laud his position on women and girls’ empowerment and his policies to protect them.

The non-partisan organisation, advocating and campaigning for increased political participation and equal representation of women in decision-making processes and initiatives at all levels in Sierra Leone, also called on the President to get more women to participate in governance.

Founder and Global President of the Group, Dr. Nemata Majeks-Walker, said that they were appreciative of President Bio, especially given his passion for women in the country, adding that they had also done some good work by training and empowering women in readiness for national responsibilities. She expressed hope that the Government would continue to bring more women in governance.

Outgone President of the Group, Dr Fatou Taqi, said they were grateful that State House had made time to engage them, adding that they were aware of the work of the President in terms of national inclusion. The women’s leader also said they were aware that the Government is getting more women to participate, reviewing laws in order to protect women and girls.

Dr Taqi professed their support and singled out the efforts of the First Lady with the “Hands Off Our Girls” initiative, which has as a common goal to ensure that rape, teenage pregnancy and all forms of abuse against women and girls are completely eliminated.

“We acknowledge that women are in the majority in the country and we see the role women play in various aspects in the country. We are aware of the appointments you have made and we call for more of such. We are partners in development and we will like to work with your Government to see the Sierra Leone that we all envisage,” she said.

President Bio remarked that he was pleased to meet the women’s group to continue the ongoing dialogue. He said that the fundamental issue he had started to address was to provide equal opportunities for girls in schools, saying that when girls are educated they would be able to take up leadership positions in the country.

He said that with the free quality education and the introduction of the STEM programme, which provided access to university education for women, there would be a critical mass of informed and educated women. He mentioned that the Government was committed to the 30% quota for women’s representation and added that they would look at the proposals in the Constitutional Review Process.

“We have shown commitment in terms of the many things we are doing for the girl child. Teenage pregnancy, early marriage and rape are critical issues that we all must pay attention to. We have to pay attention to the next generation of women and we are making a national appeal to save their lives and provide a better future for them. I want us to work together to change the story of our women and make it sustainable,” he said.

Anti-Graft Czar Exhibits Zest to recover Missing Public Funds

Sierra Leone’s Anti-Graft Boss. Francis Ben Kaifala

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone’s Anti-Graft Boss. Francis Ben Kaifala has manifested dogged and renewed determination to ensure that nothing is spared to get at the bottom of missing billions of Leones as encapsulated in the 2018 Auditor General’s report. The 2018 Audit General’s report, which was released late in December 2019, disclosed huge financial indiscipline in the country.

According to the Report a total of Le140 billion (about US$15million), said to be public fund went down the drain unaccounted for. The Auditor General’s report gives an annual account of the Sierra Leone Government’s account, covering all publicly funded institutions.

Past Tuesday, 7th January 2020, the ACC convened a press conference where it raised issues with some of its observations in the 2018 report, particularly areas where there were material losses within the public service which the Commission believes could have been prevented.

According to ACC Commissioner, his institution will prioritize looking at issues at the Ministry of Finance since it has a lot of questions to answer in the 2018 report, notably staff salaries, in light of reports suggesting additional staff without supporting documents; monthly increases in employee’s basic salary; Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) with no supporting documents; as well as lack of evidence of procurement of ICT equipment.

He also made mention of unpaid taxes to the National Revenue Authority stressing that such must be recovered by the NRA and if not the ACC will step in to do so. He also mentioned Le14billion allocated to the Mamamah Airport project, money that was allocated between 2013 and 2018.

“The Ministry of Finance is responsible for fiscal discipline in the country and therefore must live by example,” Kaifala intimated journalists.

Other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) the ACC is focusing on are Local Government and Rural Development; Basic and Senior Secondary Education; Agriculture and Forestry; Transport and Aviation; Information and Communications, and the National Revenue Authority, saying all have been asked to put their house in order.

The 2018 Auditor General’s report is currently in front of the Parliament, which is expected to debate on it before action is taken accordingly.

In the past, the Report had caused friction between the House and the ACC, with the former accusing the latter of usurping its authority by acting on the Report before it’s debated by lawmakers. But this time the two institutions appear to have reached an understanding, so that the ACC has a free hand to look into and act on the Report.

The ACC Boss said it is an indication that the Government is committed to fighting graft. “The current ACC regime doesn’t consider the Auditor General’s report as a mere opinion. We consider it as a source of information which we can investigate and act on,” he stressed.


First Lady Lambasts ‘Hands Off Our Girls’ Critics

By Foday Moriba Conteh

During the festive season, Her Excellency, Madam Fatima Maada Bio, was in Mattru Jong, Bonthe District, where she and her team took the Hands Off Our Girls Campaign to residents in that part of the country. Addressing the mammoth gathering present the First Lady stoutly warned social media bloggers to desist from spreading fake news relating to the initiative in particular and the campaign in general which has already been taken to other districts.

She emphatically hammered home the warning that the so-called bloggers are doing the young people of this country a disservice by unjustifiably blackmailing the campaign, adding that the initiative is not for her personal aggrandisement but the children and the future of the country.

“Unlike what some may want you to believe I did not receive any support from any organization for this cause. All what we have been using is from the Government coffers and not from any individual,” she underscored.

Sending the audience rocking with laughter, Madam Fatima Bio extended an invitation to critics to join her rather than vilify the campaign stressing that all what they are doing is geared towards protecting the country’s future and enhancing the continuity of development.

“What I’m doing is not for selfish reasons, but in the interest of protecting our girls,” she maintained.

The First Lady appealed to the youth of Bonthe District to support the Hands of the Girls initiative further enjoining them to embrace education pointing out how girls should not be carrying babies nor should they be married before the age of 18.

She also called on bike riders and other relevant authorities in the district to hands-off girls, adding that the country’s future will be bright with educated women that will be supporting different spheres of development.

She commended President Bio for making her the face of Hands off our Girls, a campaign, which she said is complementing the Free Quality Education programme.

Officially launching the Campaign on Bonthe mainland, President Julius Maada Bio said the advocacy by the Government to go round the country is for Girl Child empowerment which she believes will culminate into a brighter future for women in Sierra Leone.

He said: “Girls are vulnerable so we must give them special attention if they are to benefit from the Free Quality Education. The children are our future we should all work together to make them better.”

“Because women are disadvantaged, that is why my Government introduced the Hands Off Our Girls campaign,” President Bio stated. He said the law is now in place to deal squarely with men that abuse young girls and branded rapists as ‘beast’ adding that it is only a beast that would think of raping a child.

He told residents that there are no quick fixes to a country’s problem and that his Government is working to build on the foundation, which according to him is quality education for all.

Earlier during the programme, the Bonthe District Council Chairman, Moses J  Probyn said the message is clear and is aimed at empowering women. He assured of his Council’s support to lead the crusade against anyone found wanting in any form of sexual harassment against women and girls in the district.

Speaking on behalf of women’s groups in the district, Isata  Kamara, disclosed that the women in the district have already set up the Hands Off Our Girls group pointing out that it is a demonstration of how much they are determined to support the campaign.

The ceremony ended with the Paramount Chiefs in the district presenting a position paper to the President.

Her Excellency, Madam Fatima Maada Bio

NP is Ever Determined to Offer High Grade Petroleum Products

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL –Ltd) is on course for availing the public with high grade petroleum products to ensure that life continues as normal. The company is very keen to give vehicle owners, drivers, business entities all that they are looking forward in terms of quality petroleum products for good performances and sustainability of their cars, van, motor bikes, generators and other gadgets that are powered by either petrol of diesel.

The shareholders and Management of the company, according to interviews conducted, are working conscientiously to roll out all the necessary arrangements to always timely import petroleum products and market them at affordable prices, a stance that will continue to make it possible for the availability of these products at all times so that the issue of shortage of those products with its attendant negative consequences not to arise leading to widespread national standstill.

It was seriously iterated, during those engagements with the company ,that as at now they are really set and strategizing to roll out effective service delivery to its numerous and esteemed customers everywhere it is operating within the country and beyond. “Despite the fact that we have received numerous accolades for our exemplary performance last year that has not made us to rest on our oars but we deem it as a source of inspiration to continue to step up our activities and give us the determination to continue to serve the public diligently to the best of our ability in order to ensure that all get in return value for money,” a top-notch official of the company pointed out adding that through various strategic interactions they are very optimistic that they will cogently solidly give utmost satisfaction to many.

With regards Customer Care, which is synonymous with NP, the company is now poised to heighten such with the avowed objective of taking their concerns and suggestions very seriously and ensure that they are well addressed and harnessed for the symbiotic relationship to continue, Against such a backdrop the Customer Care outlet of the company is up and running with employees manning it and they are always there to respond to calls and even if they do not do so instantly, however, they will do when the lines are free. It is a laid down policy of the company to reach out to all in a very frank way so that doubts are demystified and proper understanding is enhanced.

As a well-established company that has stood the test of time, NP-SL has taken the petroleum business to another level when it introduced what is now known as NP Smart Card. With a Smart Card a customer can procure or purchase any required quantity of petrol or diesel from the company’s Filling Stations located in different parts of the country. From what many have attested it is a very convenient way of securing fuel without having to go through the hard rigours of  wasting time and carrying huge cash personally  which could be inimical to safety.

The company, as a matter of fact, is renowned for its proper implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility that it has been steadily rolling out. In a country that is economically recovering from deep scars of bad governance and rampant corruption it is understandable that Government alone cannot undertake various development programmes which is why the contribution of the private sector is very much significant.

NP, indeed, has been on the side of the people of this country through thick and thin, always trying to complement the interventions of Government in fostering development. There are numerous things that the company has done in terms of improving standards of living, some of which they do not even want to mention as if they are showing off but doing so sincerely to better humanity.

When it comes to strict adherence to the country’s Local Content Policy the shareholders and Management of the company have made it a matter of must to get in its employ indigenes and even in cases where expatriates are engaged, local members of staff are given the opportunity to understudy them so that at the end of the day they will imbibe the necessary skills to take over. This is very advantageous in the sense that it helps in providing jobs and to develop a crop of competent individuals which the country needs in its development interventions.

Cooking is inextricably linked to human life or existence, whether for domestic or commercial purposes. Man depends on food for survival; individuals invest in food businesses and the like. Very mindful of the hazardous effects of depleting the environment, by using traditional means of cooking, here specifically talking of making use of wood, charcoal, the company deemed it prudent to introduce NP-Gas which is very fast to ignite, quick to perform, safe and highly convenient. NP Gas, which is in different sizable cylinders could be accessed at the company’s filling stations and authorized dealers, going at affordable prices.

The Company has been credited for expanding its operations in countries like Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it is performing remarkably well. The company has provided job opportunities for many in those countries stressing that preference must be given to the nationals of those countries when it comes to employment. Such a policy has helped tremendously in reducing poverty in those countries.

One thing that is certain is that NP is greatly contributing to revenue accumulation or mobilization in those countries when we cognisance is taken of its timely payment of taxes which Governments in those countries are using to fund various development projects.

Regardless of all the teething challenges that stand in the way of NP, one of which is the depreciation of the Leone to the Dollar, as the company purchases petroleum products in dollars, yet still the company is navigating its way through murky economic waters.

Inasmuch as the company is determined to give the best yet it is mindful of the fact that if all those entities that owe it monies running into billions of Leones honour their debts then the company will be in a very good stead to step up its activities. For now it is poised to offer the best of petroleum products.


Africell is 2nd to none with double awards

Cross Section of Staffs of Africell Receiving the Award

By Amin Kef Sesay

Africell, widely acclaimed as the leading telecommunications company in Sierra Leone continued its dominance in 2019 on many fronts placing it at a very vantage position to unprecedentedly emerge as the proud recipient of double awards from two different entities, the National Entertainment Award NEA  and the National Achievement Awards bestowed by the All Walks of Life ( AWOL) social organization for being the best in their category on the 23rd and 29th December 2019 respectively.

Though the feat seems unprecedented, yet to some, it was already a forgone conclusion, considering the seamless track record of Africell as a corporate giant and market leader in Sierra Leone.

At the All Works of Life (AWOL) awards, held at the Bintumani Conference Center, in Freetown, Africell was crowned the “Best Telecommunications Company with the biggest and longest serving investment in Sierra Leone”.

During the event the citation of the company read  that since its establishment in 2005, the company has made remarkable progress in terms of having the biggest and longest serving investors with the largest active subscribers representing the largest market share of the country.

Despite these amazing strides, the citation read: “Africell also provides direct employment for over 1,000 Sierra Leoneans and maintained a very stable network with very high quality of service since inception.”

It added, “Africell has made tremendous impact in the entertainment sector”, adding that the reality show, Housemate Sierra Leone 2019, catapulted ordinarily talented Sierra Leoneans into huge Stars including the ongoing ‘Be a Star’ show where young talents are being unearthed by Africell and exposed to not only the Sierra Leonean audience, but the world at large in seeking out the country’s next generation of music stars.

Furthermore, Africell has taken the lead in supporting the largest number of local artists in the country, signing them as Brand Ambassadors and promoting their talents in every sphere of the entertainment industry. “Providing numerous supports to the media landscape in the country for newspapers, TV and radio stations including the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) amongst many others,” said AWOL, adding that Africell has been the main sponsor for the Miss Sierra Leone Beauty Pageant 2019.

In sport, Africell stands out as the company with the most sponsorship for the 2019 premier league season having sponsored six (6) teams in the 2019 Sierra Leone Premier League season by helping to bring football to life; a league that was hailed as one of the most successful in the country’s recent history.

In promoting education, Africell was recognized as the first company to launch the first ever Result PIN and E-registration PIN for the West African Examination Council, supporting numerous students by eliminating the hassle associated with accessing WAEC scratch cards. Furthermore, Africell had or is also giving huge support to the Free Quality Education by assisting in the construction of schools in communities including the Wilberforce and Juba Communities, Tokeh, Moyamba and the provision of learning materials to NPSE students across various schools in the country.

In technology, Africell took the lead to launch 3G, 3G++ and fastest and cheapest 4G LTE Internet service in the country, providing connectivity to an increased number of Sierra Leoneans not only this year but in the previous years. The company was also the 1st to launch the virtual E-Sim in the country in 2019 and the Mobile Money Wallet to Bank/Bank to Wallet Payment services with Sierra Leonean Commercial Bank Limited.

For rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility, AWOL also recognized the fact that Africell continues to take the Lead in its CSR contribution to support numerous causes in the country including health, education, youth, sports, entertainment, culture and many more.

In expansion and growth, Africell continues to maintain aggressive growth with more cell sites to ensure increased coverage in both urban and rural areas, connecting the underserved communities in the country.

Similarly, the National Entertainment Awards (NEA) also crowned Africell Mobile Company as the “2019 Best Telecommunication Company in Sierra Leone”.  NEA further recognizes the numerous contributions of the Africell Mobile Company in the entertainment industry of the country. Africell has taken the lead in supporting a large number of local artists in the country, signing them as Brand Ambassadors and promoting their talents in every sphere of the entertainment industry.

National Entertainment Awards (NEA) also crowned Africell Mobile Company as the “2019 Best Telecommunication Company in Sierra Leone”. Award
AWOL Best Telecommunication Ward

Sam-Sumana Resigns from C4C Party

Samuel Sam Sumana

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The former founding architect and Leader of the Coalition for Change (C4C) Samuel Sam Sumana has on Saturday 4th January 2020 tendered his resignation letter from the Coalition for Change (C4C) party. This disclosure was made during a press conference held at the party’s office on Edward Lane, in Freetown on Tuesday 7th January, 2020.

According to the latest disclosure, he tendered his resignation with a heavy heart from the Coalition for Change (C4C) party. Sam-Sumana stated that they created the party in order to serve the political will of the people furthering how they envisioned a country where every citizen will be treated with equal opportunity saying he is sadly tendering his resignation from the party for the continuation of his political journey.

He expressed thanks and appreciation to the people of Sierra Leone and especially residents of Kono District for their robust show of loyalty and support in his sojourn and to every single individual, at home and abroad, for their diverse support in his C4C journey.

He also thanked the National Chairman, Mr. Tamba R. Sandi and the National Secretary General, Mr. Koighor Aloysious Foh and the entire Executive for their unflinching support recorded  during his leadership.

“Finally, I would also like to extend my special gratitude to all C4C members and supporters for their devoted support in every election that we conducted, which continues to afford the party a say in national governance,” he maintained.

Speaking at the conference the National Chairman, Coalition for Change (C4C) ,Tamba R. Sandi informed that the former C4C leader officially resigned from the party, but assured the general public that as a party they are more than committed to move the party.

He said the party was founded three months to the 2018 general elections, adding that regardless being a new party they are the third largest party in Parliament with over 8 seats.

He reiterated that regardless the resignation of the leader Samuel Sam Sumana C4C remains to be a political party because they have responsibilities with Honorables and Councilors representing them both in Parliament and Councils, adding that they are ready to participate in all elections that will be conducted including the 2023 election which they believe with their fundable team will march them to State House come 2023.

“We are well prepared to hold our delegates conference this weekend”  – Sidi Yaya Tunis

Acting Publicity Officer of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Sidi Yaya Tunis

By Sam Pratt

The Acting Publicity Officer of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Sidi Yaya Tunis has told Calabash that the party’s weekend delegate’s conference will takes place in Port Loko this weekend of January 11, 12 and 13th.

Mr. Tunis said the arrangements have almost completed as the deputy Leader of the party and the Secretary General were in Port Loko Last week to check the facilities to make sure that they will be able to host all the delegates, observers and journalists during the conference.

He said the Finance committee too has worked relentlessly to raise enough funds to meet the financial demands. He also thanked the former MPs who he said made a Le30 million donation few days ago.

“On the delegates list, we will be using the one we used in the last convention in Makeni as we hope to have over 600 members across the country and the Diaspora who will be present to take the required decision for the better and stronger party.”

When asked the reason for this convention of conference, Sidi Yaya Tunis said they are going to Port Loko for two main reasons – the first he said is to look at the revised constitution and vote on it to be the one the party will be working with and secondly to fix a date for the next delegates conference that they will be able to choose the part executives and flag bearer for 2023.

“During this conference delegates will look at the constitution whether to make more inputs or amend areas that they deem unnecessary, but it is very clear that the constitution will be adopted and becomes the new bible of the party. The new constitution is what will take us to an elective congress and the date will be set as we are looking to towards end of this year.”

He said the current 1995 constitution is what will take them to the convention. Sidi said that members that are yet to pay their dues must do so as the party needs their financial support to get the party on track as he said they are poised to get their acts together and be the formidable opposition.

“Sierra Leoneans say we are not performing our role as opposition party that is not true, we have been playing our role by calling press conference, sending our press releases and also having discussions on radio and TV to constructively criticize the government and we will continue to do that after our convention.”

The acting Publicity Secretary said averred that during the conference they might discuss other items during any other business as there might be many issues to discuss as they are expecting the matter of the nine MPs appeal cases that are yet to be heard, the Constituency 110 election, the terminal leave of the Chief Electoral Commissioner issue, the incarceration of their members etc.

Mr Sidi Yaya Tunis said the party hierarchy understands that this conference is very important to bring all comrades together as the party needs to be united and strong. He said they believe that there are challenges but they are not insurmountable because they are humans and they will definitely unite and be prepared to take over 2023.

He called on all Sierra Leoneans to be patient as everybody is complaining about the hardship and economic problems they are facing, but said things will change when they come back in 2023.

Sulaiman Bangura Wins Orange Le75m Grand Prize

Yulisa Ahmadu and Kindo Armani doing the draw

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The end of year Orange draw came to an end on Saturday with Sulaiman Bangura winning the grand prize of Le75 million.

Receiving the call on Saturday, Sulaiman said he was an Orange Agent and that was the first time he has won such prize. “I am very excited and happy to have been lucky enough to have won the grand prize as I have always loyal to Orange. That call on Saturday changed my life for good and I want to thank Orange for organizing this end of year draw. “

Sulaiman said he has been told that the Le75 million is worth of goods rather than cash as Orange wants to create more business men. He said he will make sure that his agency grew bigger and will do other business to expand his scope.

On the last draw on Saturday, 20 people were also winners winning one million Leones each. 18 subscribers and two Orange money winners made up the 20 winners.

Yulisa Ahmadu who in collaboration with comedian Kindo Armani said they were happy to have organized the draw as over 300 subscribers were able to win prizes and appeal to all subscribers tot continue to use Orange because it is the best mobile with quality network and affordable services.

He said those that have won will understand that Orange always do what they say. “As we start another year, we want to promise all our customers that our services will expand and more goodies will be unveiled for all. We continue to work in the interest of our subscribers and the country, because Orange mobile is the best.”