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With Voting Earnestly in Progress for AWOL’s 2019 Awards… Use 2713 to Send SMS via Africell  

By Amin Kef Sesay

Currently a special committee is working round the clock to put all the necessary arrangements in place to ensure that everything is intact for an eventful 2019 AWOL Awards Ceremony, widely known as the National Achievements Awards (NAAs) slated to take place on the 29th December 2019 at the Bintumani International Conference Centre starting at 7pm with the theme “Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development” under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, when the spotlight will shine on individuals and institutions that have been recognized for their immense contributions to national development and as such bestowed prestigious awards  for their efforts.

Already, on the 22nd November 2019, the launch of the National Achievement Awards was done at the Radisson Blu Hotel and it was graced by individuals from various walks of life including the Chief Minister who on that day described AWOL as an organization which has as its aim and objective to celebrate ‘change-makers’ whom he referred to as those people who are doing their utmost in their little corners to put Sierra Leone first and set bright examples for others to emulate.

During the occasion the President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr informed the audience that AWOL was formed 20 years ago to serve the country in a distinct fashion. He added that coming from an 11 year war, as young people, they decided to form a group with a distinct mission to recognize distinguished Sierra Leoneans, as well as to complement and serve as an auxiliary to government and this they have been doing successfully since the founding of AWOL.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization, which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.
One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and as part of its constitution is the fact that no individual member is bigger than the organization. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:
AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolizes her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering State institutions.

Below is the list of nominees whom could be voted for by sending a text message on Africell line to 2713:



– Njala


– Dele-Peddle International School
– Sierra Leone Grammar School
– Providence International High School


– Gateway Preparatory Primary School
– International Primary School
– Modern Elementary School

– Menjor, Esther Sia (Leone Preparatory Prim. School)

– Hooke Johan Harmonette D. (Providence Int. Snr High, F/Town)
– Taqi Hafeez Othman (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Jalloh Khadijatu (Annie Walsh Memorial Sch., F/Town)


– Saffia Kai (Hermann Gmeiner Int. Sch., F/Town)
– Turay Abdulai S. (Dele-Peddle Int. High, F/Town)

– Russell Affuah (The International School Ltd., Prim)

– Manyeh Kaiwanday Nova (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)
– Koroma Umu B. (Modern High, F/Town)


– Gbakima Aiah (Sierra Leone Grammar Sch., F/Town)


– Mohamed Buya Turay
– John Keister
– National Swimming Team


– Ministry of Health and Sanitation
– Ministry of Tourism and Culture
– Ministry of Information and Communications

– Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
– National Revenue Authority (NRA)
– Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL)

– Hon. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella
– Hon. Abdul Kargbo
– Hon. Ibrahim ‘Tawa’ Conteh


– Awoko
– Sierra Eye Magazine
– Standard Times

– Radio Democracy 98.1 FM
– SLBC Radio
– Kiss 104 FM

– Star TV

– Stella Bangura (AYV TV)
– Zainab Joaque (Awoko Newspaper)
– Khadija Bangura (98.1)

– Amadu Lamrana Bah (AYV TV)
– Mohamed Asmieu Bah (SLBC TV)
– Kemo Cham (Politico Newspaper)


– Rozay Sokota
– Arkman


– Desmond Finnie
– Henrietta Mbawah
– Phebean Swill

– Desmond Beinya
– Kindo Armani
– Richie Obama

– King Dus Art
– Alusine Conteh
– Cyril Oronto-Cole


– Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB)
– Ecobank SL
– Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

– Union Trust Bank (UTB)
– Gento Group


– Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha
– Dr. Francis Lansana
– Dr. Aiah Lebbie


– Sick Pikin Project
– Pikin Bizness
– Melqosh Mission


– Musa Mewa Esq
– Ibrahim Fayia Sawaneh Esq
– Joan Bull Esq.



– Brig Gen Victor Samba
– Lt Col Roland Robin Gbondo

– Mr Francis Musa Hazeley (Chief Supt of Police)
– Mrs Juliette Kumba Kondoh (Supt of Police)
– Mr Edward Tamba Keimbay (Asst Supt of Police)

– Sahr I. Aruna (Sub Officer)
– Abu Bakarr Fofanah (Sub Officer)
– Adebayo Williams (Sub officer)

– Mohamed Santigie Turay (Director of Corrections)
– Rev Mrs. Josephine R.M. Findlay (Chief Supt of Corrections)
– Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Manley (Chief Supt of Corrections)



– Kabia Farm
– Jam Jay Enterprise
– Madam Haja Sundu Marrah


– Campaign for Good Governance


– The Place- Tokeh
– Radisson Blu
– Lagoonda


– Madam Wokie
– Hudsons
– J & F Fashion


–  Isatu (Plasas Seller, Aberdeen Market)
– Abdulai Jalloh (Butcher, Krootown Road)
– Sarian Karimu (Shenge Market, Bo)


– Lara Taylor-Pearce (ASSL)
– Francis Ben Keifala (ACC)
– Micheala Mackay (CAC)


– Orange SL
– Africell SL

Vote now for individuals and institutions you deem deserve the prestigious AWOL Awards.

NP-SL Truly Deserves Profound Commendation

By Amin Kef Sesay

If the majority of residents in the country are today gaining access to high quality petroleum products, including petrol, diesel, gas, kerosene as well as lubricants like Castrol then there is every need to be grateful to the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) for making available those items. Some may want to ask grateful for what when in actual fact the company is only doing business to make profits. But when looked at from the flip side it dawns that to invest and conduct business of such nature in petroleum products is not as easy as selling peanuts because it not only demands huge capital but prudent managerial initiatives.

According to what we were informed from our tender ages, this country is endowed with a huge deposit of crude oil but since time immemorial that deposit has not been meaningfully tapped to bring economic benefits. One could recall some of our elders telling us that at one point in time the Government that was in power wanted to enter into an agreement with an oil company to extract crude oil but gave a condition that whatever they discover while undertaking exploration work will not be accounted for. Knowing that apart from the said oil there are other minerals below the sea beds the President of this nation by then backed out of the negotiation simply because if an agreement is sealed it will be inimical to the economy of the country. That was how and the main reason why the country’s said oil deposit still remains in a virgin state. Whether this is a fable or not will only be known from an authoritative source.

However, what is very certain and true is that Sierra Leone still depends on the importation of refined petroleum products especially when the country’s only oil refinery company was completely vandalized during our 11 years senseless war. For years now the most outstanding oil marketing company that is importing and marketing petroleum products in the country is indisputably the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited and it has been doing so effectively and efficiently to the delight of many.

Established years back by 35 ambitious Sierra Leoneans, former workers of British Petroleum company, who bought shares when that entity was folding up, NP-SL ,through prudent managerial competence and the selflessness of its shareholders, is today one of the most successful indigenous companies that has left its footprints on the sands of time. The success of this enterprising business institution is indeed a living testimony that a small idea could germinate and grow into a cotton tree with branches that will provide shelter for many.

As a mere seed that was planted by the original shareholders, NP-SL has indeed grew up to become an Iroko tree with branches extended to neighbouring Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia. In those countries one will find NP vibrantly alive and kicking. Job opportunities have been provided to those who were hitherto unemployed. National Governments in those countries are deriving timely payment of taxes by the company and lives have been positively transformed by benefitting in one way or the other through the resultant effects of rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility.

Being the most vibrant oil marketing company operating in the country NP-SL is well known for First for Customer Care, as the company has etched its name for what some have described as having the magic wand to capture and impress old customers and making new ones. Our investigation however revealed that there is nothing like a ‘mystical connect’ within this context, but rather the nice manner in which employees of the company are responding to the needs and concerns of customers is always exceptionally unique to such an extent that many are left magnetized and attached to it. It could be said with all amount of certainty that the company operates an open-door-policy, which creates room for business negotiations with private individuals, entities and public institutions in order to enter into a win-win relationship that are less burdensome in more fiscal advantageous ways. Such negotiations may take the form of supply and pay later as well as giving discounts.

With the main objective of enhancing transparency at the company’s countrywide and sub-regional branches, NP-SL ensured that the latest calibrated pumping machines are installed and when in operations, the quantity of fuel bought is displayed as well as the prices. This has reposed much confidence in customers that they are doing business with a very sincere company as against past experiences recounted, whereas customers get less than what were paid for, leaving in its trail, widespread dissatisfaction. But with NP, it is completely a different story.

In the same realm of optimizing customer care, NP-SL puts on offer for sale NP Gas, a modern domestic cooking device, that is fast and environmentally friendly without posing any health hazard as could be encountered when using firewood and charcoal. Manufactured in different cylinder sizes, NP Gas could be accessed at the various filling stations and from authorized dealers all going at affordable prices..

With NP Smart Card, there is the saying that “ Your fuel on your smart card” as  one can get access to fuel at any given time as long as the filling stations are opened. Loaded with cash, these NP Smart Cards could be used to purchase the right quantity of fuel required by customers without producing physical cash. In a world that is gradually becoming cashless, the use of NP Smart Cards brings with it many advantages, one of the greatest being that of avoiding the excruciating pain of queuing, not to talk of the security that it guarantees the user, as it features make it quite difficult for someone else to deceptively use it. Of course it falls among one of the latest technological devices in modern times.

When we talk of implementing the Local Content Policy, then NP-SL is considered to be at the top as the company has always maintained the practice of first considering Sierra Leoneans in terms of offering employment opportunities, unless otherwise.

If presently many continue to enjoy the consumption of high grade petroleum products in the country then such could be largely attributed to the pro-activeness and commitment of NP-SL Ltd ,which  always  ensure that individuals get the best out of the rest despite the fact that all is not smooth riding as the company is contending with certain challenges which it is trying to overcome. Go NP and continue to manifest your patriotism to the Land That We Love.


Regional Validation Workshop on Gender Statistics Ends

By John Marrah

The National Gender Technical Working Group on Gender Statistics has on Wednesday 27th November concluded their maiden inaugural meeting and regional validation workshop for the technical working group members for the “MAKING EVERY WOMAN AND GIRL COUNT” project at the Statistics Conference Room in Freetown.

In his opening remarks, the Deputy Statistician General, Andrew Bob Johnny called on all members present to be committed and make necessary inputs into the Terms of Reference and help to validate the consultant, Ade Renner’s report and to further agree on the next steps for subsequent meetings.

Representative from UN Women, Baindu Massaquoi, a Programme Specialist stated that the UN Women’s flagship programme initiative “Making Every Woman and Girl Child Count”(MEWGCC) is aimed at a radical shift in the availability, accessibility and use of data and statistics on key aspects of gender equality and women empowerment in Sierra Leone.

On his part, the Project Consultant, Ade Renner mentioned that key things among outcome 1/3 in his presentation are to advocate for gender statistics to be systematically included in the all sector strategic plans for Statistics SL at National and District levels and Technical support to the Inter agency Committee on Gender Statistics.

Former Minority Leader of SLPP party in Parliament, Bernadette Lahai, applauded the initiative and maintained that she is committed to working with the group to ensure that their goals are achieved.

The workshop, during which several suggestions were made, was climaxed with the following resolutions which were agreed upon by participants:

-The TWG has been inaugurated as National TWG for Gender Statistics by DSG STATS SL

-STATS SL shall continue to Chair meetings

-Stats SL shall ensure that all relevant documents shall be circulated soon after the meeting

– Next meeting will be announced on the Group’s Whatsapp forum

-The TWG should start work forthwith and make all necessary contributions via e-mail to be set up by Mahawa Kondeh of and whatsapp to be set up by Salieu Jalloh of Stats SL.


Executive Chairman of PMB Presents 250m Cheque to the Eastern University Trust Fund

By John Marrah

The Produce Monitoring Board(PMB) and it partners on Friday 22th November 2019, presented the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Leones (Le 250,000,000) to the Resident Minister- East, Andrew Fatoma at his Head Office in Kenema.

Presenting the Cheque, the Executive Chairman of Produce Monitoring Board (PMB), Dr. James Vibbi recalled that during the launch of the Eastern University Trust Fund by Chief Minister in Kenema for the construction of the proposed University in the Eastern Region, he said during that ceremony he made a pledged of Two Hundred Million Leones (Le200 Million) on behalf of exporters in that part of the country.

He stated that as a responsible institution he was able to engage all exporters in the region and during their engagement they were able to raise the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Leones instead of Two Hundred Million Leones, saying that he was impressed with some of the exporters because they do not only care of doing business but also care about the wellbeing of the Kenema district, adding that the money was easily raised and what they exporters has done is just part of their corporate social responsibility in the district.

Dr. Vibbi disclosed that they exporters are planning to raise the money to Four Hundred Million Leones.

The exporters that donated the money are Commodity Trading Company (CTC), TAS Stores, Fawaz, Trading Organic Cocoa, RH Limited and F.T Saad.

He said the reason for this donation is just to motivate other people to fulfil their pledges they made during the launch of the University Trust Fund. He revealed that the basis for such amount of money is for the people to see their visibility as exporters in the district.

Dr. Vibbi concluded by thanking the exporters and called on other exporters to come on board and do more. Receiving the cheque, on behalf of the University Trust Fund Committee, the Resident Minister-East Andrew Fatoma said he is pleased to receive such an amount of money for the construction of the proposed University in the Eastern Region.

He commended the Executive Chairman of PMB and thanked the exporters for what they have done for the people of Eastern Region, assuring that as Resident Minister he will ensure that he monitors all the funds that will be coming into the University Trust Fund.

He reiterated that there have been a lot of promises for the transformation of Eastern Polytechnic into a University, but this time he said the dream of the people of Kenema will come to reality.

The Minister told the gathering that there have been challenges for students who are coming from Kenema to obtain education in other parts of the country, noting that if the University is established those challenges will be addressed and he used the occasion to call on others to fulfil their pledges they made.

Speaking on behalf of Eastern Polytechnic, the Registrar of the institution, John Juana expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of the institution to PMB and the exporters who raised such amount of money for the transformation of Eastern Polytechnic into a University.

He noted that PMB and the exporters have demonstrated that they have value for education and that they believe in building the knowledge base production of citizens.

He said that Eastern Polytechnic is the only higher institution of learning in the East and also one of the leading technical institutions in the country. He lamented that the establishment of the University is in the heart of everybody in the district including President Julius Maada Bio.

He recommended that the Chief Minister and other stakeholders set up a committee that will manage the University Trust Fund appropriately. He assured PMB and the exporters that they will use the money for its intended propose.

In his statement, the Chief Executive Officer of TAS Stores, Amin Skaikay said that as exporters they have value for education that is why they are ready to support the construction of the proposed University in the Eastern region.

He assured that they are ready to support any project that will benefit the people of region.

2019 Global Leadership Summit ends in Freetown

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Sierra Leone has joined over one hundred and sixty countries globally to host the Global Leadership summit. Last week saw the end of a string of summits throughout the country. The summits had been previously held in Makeni, Kenema and Bo.

The Freetown summit which attracted over four hundred delegates and volunteers was held at the Loko Baptist Church, off Circular road in Freetown. Speaking to our reporter, the National Event Manager, Donald Theo-Harding he said the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) was founded in the USA in 1992 and is now held in 135 countries worldwide and in 60 languages. He pointed out that it is a non-profit Christian organization that exists to maximize transformative power in institutions and communities.

“The GLS started in Sierra Leone in 2010 and has held successful training sessions not only in Freetown but also in the regions; Bo, Kenema and Makeni. Each year, we do our best to provide a world-class leadership training event that changes, inspires and serves the leadership core of every community and institutions,” he said.

Rev Christiana Sutton Koroma who is the National Coordinator and Chairperson of the Global Leadership Summit, Sierra Leone explained that the 2019 summit started in earnest on 25th October in Makeni. “Bo and Kenema had already held their summit and the summit in Freetown rounded up the WOW summit,” she said. She however pointed out that the Global leadership summit is a year round activity and mini summits will be held all year around. She said nationally, the Sierra Leone has attracted over two thousand participants.

For two days, people from all walks of life; pastors, bankers, journalists, executives, youths, university students, teachers as well as pupils were challenged by inspirational international speakers as they dealt with topics that would empower delegates to become better and influential leaders.

Craig Groeschel, the official champion of the Global Leadership Summit, is the founding and most respected leader of Life Church. He speaks frequently at leadership events and conferences worldwide and hosts the Craig Groeschel podcast. He spoke on the topic “Bend The Curve”. He explained that investing more over time eventually brings diminishing returns and there comes a time when the additional cost isn’t worth the additional result. He invited his audience to find the sweet spot of the investment which he called GETMO meaning Get Enough To Move On. Craig ended his talk by sharing a personal practice of how he physically reminds himself to step out of doubts and negative voices and step into calling.

Other speakers included Liz Bohannon, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Sseko designs, a social conscious fashion brand that works to create leadership and educational opportunities for women across the globe; Raja Singh a chartered accountant and a senior partner of the firm R.K. Khanna and Associates. Raja shared at the session the cure for the most talked about leadership crisis globally, which is corruption. He asked the question whether there is a cure for corruption. Raja pointed out that in corrupt societies, living a life of integrity is often faced with challenges to compromise in order to be successful.

“Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked to make an ‘unofficial’ payment in order to be successful in your endeavour?” Raja asked. Leading a life of integrity demands developing the commitment of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Three biblical characters unwilling to compromise their values even if it meant death. Other speakers included a Nigerian Sam Adeyemi, Devon Franklin and Chriss Voss.

Rev Elijah Akibo-Jones who together with Rev. Christiana Sutton-Koroma facilitated the summit said that copies of the teaching are available for sale and institutions could also approach the GLS Sierra Leone for training at their various locations.


Dutch Doctor Succumbs to Lassa Fever

Dr. Wouter Nolet, a medical doctor

By Sam Pratt

The death of a Dutch doctor leading a surgical training program in Sierra Leone died of Lassa Fever on 24th November 2019 has been described by many as a tragic situation.
Dr. Wouter Nolet, a medical doctor who specialized in global health and tropical medicine, got infected when he carried out surgical treatment procedures on two pregnant women. The two women were later diagnosed to carry the disease.

The medic was flown home after being infected in the northern town of Masanga, an area not previously known to have been affected.

Sierra Leone has declared a Lassa Fever outbreak. The disease is prevalent in the Eastern parts of Sierra Leone but a new case of Lassa Fever was recorded in Northern Sierra Leone in 2017, where Dr. Nolet worked.
Dr. Nolet was the Program Coordinator for CapaCare Sierra Leone, an innovative surgical training program that builds the capacity of doctors and community health officers to carry out common emergency surgical and obstetric emergencies.
As of 24th November 2019, a total of 7 cases have been diagnosed with 3 reported deaths. Lassa Fever is similar to Ebola Virus Disease with gradual onset of malaise, fever, headache, sore throat, cough, nausea, but can later progress to vomiting, diarrhoea, myalgia, chest pain hearing loss.

Sierra Leone has the fifth lowest doctor to population ratio in the world at just 2.4 per 100,000 people and with an unmet surgical need of 92.1% in 2012, CapaCare has been working alongside the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to fill the gaps by providing surgical training to community health officers.
“The best part of working in Sierra Leone is that, I can be of real value here and can be part of an important development,” said Dr. Nolet in an old interview. He added “In my country, I am part of a big system which is already in place, but here you are really building a system and creating something essential”.

His death has been a shock to the medical community and many young doctors have offered their commiserations to his family and CapaCare locally.
A press release by the Junior Doctors’ Association of Sierra Leone read: “Dr Nolet was such a kind hearted and spirited person and had always been a great asset to the healthcare sector in the country. He will be remembered for his tremendous contributions in supporting our membership in surgical skills trainings and many more”.

Ten European doctors – Seven Dutch and Three British doctors – were evacuated from Sierra Leone this week. Three were confirmed and the others were said to be “high risk” having come into contact with infected patients.

There is no vaccine for Lassa Fever yet and just like Ebola virus, Lassa virus can be spread through contact with the bodily fluids of those infected. It can also be contracted from food that has been tainted by the urine or faeces of rodents.

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation has initiated case management, surveillance, and social mobilization efforts. A total of 45 contacts have been line listed so far.

Sierra Leone has been having sporadic outbursts of Lassa Fever for more than a decade now and it is hoped, Dr. Notel’s sacrifice, hard work to build the Sierra Leonean health system will not go in vain and more resilient efforts will be put in place to eradicate the disease.

Lassa fever: Key facts

  • Endemic in rodent population in West Africa
  • Spread through exposure to food or household items contaminated with urine or faeces of infected Mastomys rats
  • Person-to-person infections, especially in health facilities, can occur
  • Can affect many organs, and damage the body’s blood vessels
  • Most people have only mild symptoms such as fever, headache and general weakness
  • Fatality rate is about 1%

A Sierra Leonean anaesthetist has also been infected by the virus.


Sir J. Support Dong Hole Cleaning Exercise   

By Fatmata Jengbe

Lamin A. Kamara aka Sir J., one of Sierra Leone’s finest young philanthropic has continued his developmental oriented drive by supporting cleaning exercises in Dong Hole community.

The steps leading to the footpath bridge of Dong Hole along the Congo Bridge was constructed by CSE in that slim community. The road leading to the bridge was blocked by huge garbage preventing pedestrians from getting easy access to the bridge and their community.

Sir J’s timely intervention to support the youths to clean that area was highly welcomed. The community people described him as a true patriot.

According to Lamin A. Kamara aka Sir J. environmental issues should concern everybody.

He said if the environment is clean, people will be free from many diseases. He added that the community people were suffering as they can’t get easy access to their homes especially pregnant women and children.

He promised to do his best for that community and to support their clean environmental drive.

This is not the first venture undertaken by Sir J. He has been working with different communities ranging from road construction, to bridges and health centre and youth empowerment.

Foday Conteh, a youth leader, in that community described Sir J. as a true nationalist that does not work on sentiment or along regional lines but one that cuts across.

He encouraged Sir J to continue his good work as people desperately need help.


Amb Omrie Golley Receives Rousing Welcome in His Hometown

Ambassador Omrie Golley addressing the audience at his official welcoming ceremony

By Abdul Malik Bangura

During the weekend of Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November 2019, Karlu Town in YKK Chiefdom, Pujehun District, Southern Province of Sierra Leone was a place of overwhelming celebration as hundreds of people drawn from far and near gathered to celebrate one of their own, Ambassador Omrie Micheal Golley.

Ambassador Omrie Micheal Golley, who previously served as Sierra Leone Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea has his ancestral roots from Karlu Town where his great – grandmother, Mama Sando Gaye, was a chief in that township.

During the weekend celebration in that part of the country, the Saturday 23rd November 2019 programme saw the arrival of the entourage of Ambassador Omrie Golley for the very first time in Karlu Town as hundreds laid siege on the streets with native dancers leading the Ambassador from the entrance of the village to the house of the Paramount Chief of YKK Chiefdom, Honourable Paramount Chief Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V.

At the residence of the Paramount Chief on the night of Saturday, several cultural dancers gathered with variety of groups playing their native Mende songs. This was also accompanied by a wake keeping ceremony held by both the Muslims and Christians.

Meanwhile, in the morning hours of Sunday 24th November, Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley’s homecoming continued with a church service by Christians in the compound of the Paramount Chief which was held in tandem with Muslim Quran recitation at the Karlu Town Mosque.

In addition, at the official welcoming ceremony held at the Karlu Court Barray, several dignitaries gathered. Many from far chiefdoms and districts like Kenema in the East of Sierra Leone, Bo the provincial headquarters of Southern Sierra Leone, Moyamba and Bonthe both Southern Region districts were present. Paramount Chiefs and their representatives from other chiefdoms in the Pujehun District were also present at the Karlu Town Court Barry to welcome their own.

The official programme was chaired by the iron lady Honourable Paramount Chief Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V of YKK Chiefdom, who also happens to be the Paramount Chief Member of Parliament (PCMP) of Pujehun District in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament. During her opening statement, she spoke about the need for development in what she referred to as the “Waajerian” communities. This she said, Kharlu Town and its environs are on the banks on the River Waanje.

Honourable PC Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V, who has been on her throne since 1986, spoke about the need to shift away from fishing in the Waanje River to people of YKK Chiefdom now embarking on agricultural activities amongst others. She praised Save the Children for its contribution in renovating the schools in Karlu Town and then hailed the Government for the setting-up of a modern hospital facility in that part of the country.

Notwithstanding, however, Honourable PC Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V spoke passionately about the challenges the people are fraught with. She mentioned the unbearable burden of gari processing. She also spoke about the need for developmental collaboration amongst youth and women groups.

The Chiefdom Development Plan was highlighted by Mr. Cecil P.O. Macauley who detailed their main targets in three categories. The categories he said are: agriculture, mechanized farming, and modes of trading.  He called for assistance so that their main targets could be achieved for the development of YKK Chiefdom.

Meanwhile, in his response, Ambassador Omrie Golley assured the people of Karlu Town and by extension YKK Chiefdom and the entire Pujehun District of his fullest support towards their development. He said that he will work with Mr Cecil P.O. Macauley and his team, together with other notables in the district, to actualize the plans for developing the chiefdom within the shortest possible time.

Ambassador Golley also mentioned his ancestral roots traced from that part of the country, detailing that his father had also come to pay libation to their ancestral deceased family members, some 40 years ago.

At the welcoming ceremony, several others spoke including the visiting Paramount Chiefs, the Pujehun District Descendant Association representative, Women’s representative of YKK Chiefdom and the Youths representative of YKK Chiefdom.

Following the welcoming ceremony, the pouring of libation was done by Honourable PC Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V and Ambassador Omrie Golley at the family interment site in Karlu Town, YKK Chiefdom, Pujehun District. Entertainment climaxed the two days event.

Crowd who attended the official welcoming ceremony
PC Matilda Yayu Lansana-Minah V of YKK Chiefdom and Madam Mimie
Ambassador Omire Golley and PC of YKK Chiefdom at his ancestral family grave

Hon. Tawa is Representing the Interest of the People

Hon. Tawa Conteh of Constituency 132

By Amin Kef Sesay

Many Sierra Leoneans have opined that the SLPP MP for Constituency 132 did nothing wrong in going public with his allegation that Parliament is itself non- transparent and non-accountable in the utilization of funds provided for its operations by the Ministry of Finance.

Hon. Tawa Conteh went public with his accusation after the House of Parliament failed to heed to his objection to the inclusion of a non-accountable daily foreign travel imprest for the President, Vice President and the Speaker of Parliament in the 2020 Finance Bill, which he and several other MPs on both sides of the aisle maintain has the possibility to open a flood gate of corruption by the Executive arm of Government.

The SLPP Publicity Secretary has not taken kindly to what he called anti-party activity by Hon. Tawa Conteh and wants him called to quarter deck by the SLPP authorities.

Most unfortunately, even though he is right in stating that Hon. Tawa Conteh must toe the party line, what he fails to realize is that in  democracies,  all  Members  of  Parliament  are  elected  by  groups  of  citizens  of  the  country. Thus, the  roles  that  parliamentarians  fulfil  are summarized  as  representatives,  legislators  and  scrutinizers  of  the  Government.

The  first  refers  to  the  fact  that  MPs  have  been  elected  to  Parliament  as  representatives  of  their  electorates.

The second reflects what most people see as the central responsibility of an MP, to pass legislation, whether original or changes to existing acts.

The third covers the scrutiny or oversight that  parliamentarians are expected  to  exercise  over  the  workings  of  the  Executive,  including  the  implementation  of  laws  passed  by  Parliament. This function also extends to the support or criticism of proposals placed before Parliament by the Government.

Questions  immediately  arise:  Who  does  the  MP  represent,  only  those  who  elected  him  or  also  those  who  opposed  his  election?  What if a piece of legislation proposed by the MP’s own party is contrary to the wishes of his electorate?

MPs will agree that they are representatives, not delegates of the people who elected them. They will try to exercise judgment on behalf of those they represent rather than subordinating their views to the party under whose ticket they entered parliament, on the premise that the interest of the greater good of the people exceeds any other consideration.

MPs  may  sometimes  find  themselves  not  willing  to  be  the  delegates  of  either  their  constituencies  or  their  political  parties, but wanting to take up a position that is their own and to vote according to their conscience on some issue. Parties do allow some latitude to their MPs in certain cases so that they may vote in this manner.

There   is   only one   restriction   that   all   Parliaments   place   upon   their   Members   as   to   representation  and  that  is  they  cannot  appear  before  the  House  or  in  a  parliamentary  committee  to  espouse  any  view  or  to  represent  any  individual,  group  or  organization for a fee or reward.

The SLPP Publicity Secretary needs to understand that in  all  law-making,  MPs  should  remember  that  the  citizens  whom  they  represent  want  transparency  and  accountability  to  be  built  into  all  laws,  to be able to follow what happens in Parliament and how their money is spent.

Thus, in his/her role as scrutinizer, the MP  has  several  opportunities  to  help  people  achieve  their  desire  for  effective,  accountable  Government.

When performing the role of scrutinizer, well-informed MPs can support or criticize draft legislation. If they are supportive of the proposal, they may  convince  the  people  at  large  and  fellow  MPs  of  the  necessity  for  a  particular  measure. They can, in theory, also criticize a weak or badly formulated bill to the extent that the sponsoring Minister may be forced to re-think it.

Very  often  the  whole  management  philosophy  of  a  department  or  enterprise  can be called into question by MPs who are willing to apply themselves to the necessary tasks.

Work  as  a  scrutinizer  enables  MPs  to  examine  whether  the  Government  has  correctly  used  the  funds  released  for  its  Parliamentary  operations.

The  reward  is  that  MPs  help  to  make  the  processes  of  Government more transparent and more accountable to the people who elected them.


Investment potentials of Sierra Leone Demonstrated at Chinese Expo

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Among few African countries that joined the second China International Import Expo was Sierra Leone, which was very enthusiastic to participate as a means of attracting investors for the country.

Sierra Leone participation was made possible through the Sierra Leone Trade Investment Development Limited whose head is the Special Envoy for Trade and Investment Mr Wong.

The second China International Import Expo was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai from the 5th to 10th November, 2019 and was organised and supported by Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, CIIE 2019.

The Expo gives support to trade liberalisation and economic globalisation and open the market to the world. It helps countries around the world to strengthen economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, promote global trade and world economic growth in order to make the world economy more open.

Madam Iye Mary Kowa was among Sierra Leone delegation alongside Edward Saffa and Eric Yeung who is the General Manager of Sierra Leone Trade Investment Development Limited.

Madam Kowa explained that their purpose of participating in that expo was to showcase Sierra Leone investment opportunities and for investors to show interest to invest in the country.

She said the Expo was all about Agriculture but they also showcase the mining industry as a possible area to invest.  She pointed out that such Expo is good for the country as they met investors from around the world that participated in the event.

“For a nation of about 7 Million to found herself in that Expo, it means a lot for us,” she stated.

She commended Sierra Leone Trade Investment Development Limited for taking the bold step for Sierra Leone to participate in such a forum as they too are investors that are not only here to invest but to bring more investors into the country.

Madam Kowa went on to say during their interaction with other foreign investors at the expo, they also marketed Sierra Leone Tourism potential and the Atlantic Lumley Hotel as one of the prestigious hotels in the country.

She said from their interactions, they are very sure more investors will start jetting into the country, which she added will help to boost the economy.