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Sierra Leone: Kings’ Empire to Hosts Freetown Zonal Festival

By Foday Moriba Conteh

A group known as Kings’ Empire Sierra Leone Ltd is poised to host the Freetown Zonal Festival 2019 on the theme: Promoting Entertainment, Tourism and Culture. This was disclosed on Thursday 31st October, 2019 at the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Conference Room on Kingharman Road Freetown.

According to the speakers, this initiative was taken to support the entertainment industry in the country by the Multi-Media Company which is working in partnership with the Ministries of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and Youth Affairs.

Chief Executive Officer of Kings’ Empire Valentine Mak King disclosed that Kings Empire Sierra Leone Limited wants to address the overwhelming challenges and numerous opportunities of the country’s entertainment industry. He added that this was principally instituted to project the rich cultural values and touristic potentials of Sierra Leone.

The Freetown Zontal Festival is an event that is being organised to give back to society, there after the organization will undertake community development projects in different communities within the municipality of Freetown.

The festival will target four categories of Music, Dancing, Beauty Pageant and Drama/Comedy with a grand prize One Hundred Forty Million (Le140, 000,000). Each zonal winner per category will receive Le 35,000,000. That is, ten million (Le 10,000,000) cash prize and additional Twenty-five million (Le 25,000,000) for development initiatives like student scholarships, community solar street lights and water tanks etc.

The event is schedule to take place on 30th and 31st December, this year during which two days the contestants there will be eliminations to the finals on Wednesday 1st January, 2020 at Radisson Blue Garden on Kallon Drive, Aberdeen Beach.

Currently, forms were being disclosed are out for sales at a cost of Le 50,000 per category and are availably distributed at different locations in Freetown such as AYV Media Empire on Wesley Street, King’s Café & Electronics.

He applauded the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs for the support to the event’s preparation.

All Stars President Milton Koker, a.k.a. Colabo applauded Kings’ Empire Sierra Leone Limited for the initiative to promote the entertainment industry in the country. He noted the contribution the entertainment industry has made to the country’s development after the civil conflict and called for more efforts towards a stronger industry.

He called on the government to enforce the local content policy in order strengthen the entertainment industry to be financially viable. He also urged for a loans regime from the financial industry for the entertainment industry as they are challenged in organising events.

Tony Elumelu Opens Invest for Growth in Africa Conference in Paris

Tony O. Elumelu, CON, Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation and Chairman, United Bank for Africa (UBA) with Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of Economy and Finance at the Invest for Growth in Africa Conference in France on October 30, 2019

By Mohamed Konneh

The Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and Chairman, of United Bank for Africa (UBA) and Heirs Holdings has been honoured as Guest of Honour to open the “Ambition Africa” conference organised by the France Invest Africa Club in Paris, France.

This happened on Wednesday 30th October 2019 when Tony O. Elumelu delivered the opening address and appealed to French investors to look to Africa for long term investment opportunities.

The French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire introduced Tony Elumelu to the audience stated that France could position itself and direct investment towards Africa to end the cycle of poverty and to accelerate development globally. He commended Elumelu’s stance on strengthening the SMEs in Africa to catalyse development. “We share the same ambition in Supporting African SMEs and entrepreneurs as this is essential for the economic development of Africa,” he said, referring to Elumelu’s passion to create wealth on the African continent.

Reiterating the stance to partner with Africa on long-term investments, Mr. Le Maire said “We will ensure that investments in Africa are sustainable, exemplary and environmentally friendly. We want to go fast, go quickly in the race against poverty and renunciation, throughout the continent”.

On his part, Tony Elumelu stated that “We need to do much better and be much smarter in channelling funds to emerging markets. These markets present huge opportunities – as well as risks for investors, but investors need to fulfil a critical need to catalyse and improve the economy. We salute companies like Total, Bouygues, Accor, Orange, and Bolloré as well as others who have accepted this challenge, but there is room for many more”.

He further stressed the importance of private equity inflow into Africa, with a focus on investing in small and medium scale businesses, the lifeblood of the African economy. He stated that Africa has the youngest workforce in the world, with over 60% of its population below the age of 25. This he said was a potential demographic doom that could be turned around to become the continent’s greatest asset if the youths have jobs and economic opportunities.

According to him, “Africans do not need aid. Rather, our young people need investments. Private equity is a force for positive development in Africa. We have a large youth population, who are eager and innovative. They are looking at solutions to problems in their communities but are hampered by the access to capital and investment, mentoring and training. When done right, this kind of investment can bring not just capital but can also strengthen job creation, corporate governance and help improve sustainable business practices”.

The UBA CEO also cited the impact and growth rate of the beneficiaries the Tony Elumelu Foundation has produced as this evidenced by the potential of SMEs in Africa today. Todate, he said his Foundation has endowed $100 million dollars of his family wealth, to fund over 10,000 African entrepreneurs in ten years.

In appreciation of the honour bestowed on him, Mr. Elumelu commended the French President Emmanuel Macron’s initiatives for strengthening the relationship between France and Africa and concluded by inviting investors to consider investing in Africa for the long term. “The key phrase here is long term investment – no one should come to Africa for short term gain. The time is now to invest in Africa. Private equity has to be part of it. We need it for all,” he concluded.

Sierra Leone Tourism Minister Excels at Tourism Conference in London 

By Amin Kef Sesay

Our proud minister of Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Memunatu Pratt is in high gear right now as she continues to promote the tourism sector as one of the drivers of economic development in Sierra Leone.

Currently, she is in London making giant strides in trying to uplift the sector from the doldrums it were to and make it relevant and profitable for the country. She fully participated at the International Tourism Investment Conference (ITIC) which took place in London from 1st to 2nd November 2019 with other participants from many countries. She deliberated on many issues on the theme: “Global Investment Opportunities in Sustainable Tourism” which focused on Africa, Island nations and emerging destinations.

One key area she contributed greatly including Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis’ paper on “The Global Financial Landscape – Investment Opportunities and Challenges”.  The tourism minister added value to the Director of eTourism Research Lab and Management and Marketing Expert at Bournemouth University presentation on the rebranding process of the sector with succinct contributions and this even changed the narrative story-lines and headlines in international media landscape about Sierra Leone being as a tourist destination, marketing and rebranding strides and targeting its focused smart engagements that attract right audiences.

This year’s WTM was difference compared to previous ones because the World Bank joined the Government and its concerned agencies to rebrand Sierra Leone to the fullest.  With a thorough tourism governance and leadership, coupled with a dynamic and non-stop tourism marketing initiatives, in ensuring the country is set in the tourism global village, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, National Tourist Board and partners have given the right attitude and clear strategy in enlisting Sierra Leone as the newest tourism destination in West Africa.

The country has now been highly promoted; rebranded and advertised of its profiled in an essential way within the core mandate of the National Tourist Board. In an interview by CNN’s Richard Quest following the end of the conference on Sunday 3rd November 2019 Dr. Memunatu Pratt said she will participate in a round-table tourism strategic meeting that is being moderated by Harold Goodwin on the topic “How Effective is tourism as a development strategy” on Monday 4th November. She is expected to give a stronger view on Sierra Leone tourism data which is a central asset in management and marketing of tourism destinations and businesses in the country.

Sierra Leone Internal Affairs Minister Outlines Successes 

Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Edward Amin Soloku

By Abdul Hassan Fackie

The Minister of Internal Affairs Hon. Edward Amin Soloku has spoken about his achievements since he was made minister in President Bio’s administration. This was captured by this medium in an exclusive interview. He said there has been marked improvement in all the departments and agencies of the ministry since the New Direction Government of President Julius Maada Bio assumed office on 4th April, 2018.

Hon. Soloku said the Sierra Leone Police has been strengthened by the Government with new recruitments of two thousand new officers and men of the SLP. This addition, he avers, will help to fill lapses in security where the police was not able to cover across the country’s security porous districts, towns and chiefdoms.

Congestion in prisons too has been scaled up as measures were taken to secure about ninety acres of land at Songo village where a new maximum security prison will be built to transfer the infamous Pademba Road.

The project is currently mobilising resources to start work on the building site. Though it is not yet in actual terms but efforts at transforming the sector from prisons to correctional centres was lauded by Hon. Soloku as a great achievement because it addresses the humane part of the treatment of offenders who are now benefitting from tutorial lessons and other opportunities in prisons so they would be transformed after leaving the centres with the right correctional measures.

”It will interest Sierra Leoneans to know that the inmates in the correctional centres are now given skills and they produce various kinds of items which they sell to the general public,” he disclosed, and pointed that offenders are now gainfully engaged to reduce psychological and emotional trauma.

Inmates also have bank accounts they save the money they make from the sales of items they produce in prison so they can have a start-up when they complete their terms of imprisonment to start a living. The female correctional centres have child-friendly facilities, toys and playgrounds for children who are living with their mothers in the centres.

The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), an arm of the ministry is currently building a Civil Register of all residents in Sierra Leone. The registration exercise is to help Government clean up the payroll register and reduce the wage bill and to help Government save about six million Dollars ($6,000,000.00) annually.

“Now if you want to recruit civil servants you simply go and clarity information about them at the NCRA. From the information at the NCRA all appointment letters that are now issued by the Government to its workers have the date and year in which they should retire. So now no more over staying in Government work,” he stated.

The NCRA, he furthered, is currently busy verifying the remaining people that are being registered and will also start issuing national identity cards to Sierra Leoneans and other residents in the country. In addition, the NCRA which now has offices all over the country will register births and deaths.

On the passport issue, Hon. Soloku maintained that the cost of a Sierra Leonean passport is seven hundred and fifty thousand Leones (Le 750,000.00) which can be acquired within few days. He warned people not to go to agents and give them money for passports, rather advised them to go straight to the Immigration Department and apply for a passport.

The last issue he deliberated on was the Visa on Arrival issue recently declared by Government. Today, travellers especially investors coming to Sierra Leone would require to get a visit at the Lungi International Airport.

This has been celebrated as an achievement as travelling to the country has been made attractive and easy while security checks and revenue collection made more effective.

In conclusion, Hon. Soloku said under his watch, the National Fire Force, the Coroner’s Office, National Fire Force, Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons, and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency have all been upgraded with the equipment, finances, manpower and facilities that they  need to enable them to perform more effectively and efficiently.

President Bio Launches Sierra Leone’s National Innovation and Digitisation Strategy

President of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio

By Alim Jalloh

The President of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio has officially launched Sierra Leone’s National Innovation and Digitalisation Strategy, NIDS, after delivering the keynote address at the Bintumani Conference Hall in Aberdeen in Freetown on Friday 1st November, 2019.

The President said that the launch was a kick-start to the nation’s long journey to digital transformation as part of a series of Government’s innovative efforts, adding that it was critical to the kind of future he was trying to build where technology and innovation would be used to answer the myriad of questions around the development of the country.

“The cost of governance had been deliberately bloated because of fraud, misuse, and corruption. Effectiveness, efficiency and transparency in governance processes, revenue collection, and public service delivery had been severely thwarted by the failure to imagine how we could do all those better. I had pondered for years over issues like how corruption had brought the country’s economy and governance to its knees. I had pondered on using data to understand dimensions of urban housing and poverty, water, sanitation, and health and also using the power of technology to provide improved access to justice, access to information, and access to quality education fit for purpose. And more on education, using technology and innovation to provide quality education and introduce content in innovative ways, present new forms of pedagogy while improving outcomes and achievement levels for our students,’’ he said.

He mentioned that there were more questions, with the overarching question being how to use technology and innovation to fast-track Sierra Leone along the pathway of development. He said that since the establishment of the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation, DSTI, they had made huge efforts in mainstreaming technology and innovation into the workings of government, adding that the launch of the NIDS was indicative of how DSTI had proven to be very instrumental in moving his vision forward.

“We had been excluded in the first and second industrial revolutions by factors of history. For the third industrial revolution, we had been consumers and mere spectators. The fourth industrial revolution is here and I believe that by enhancing the capability and capacity of our population, through comprehensive human capital development, we can achieve real economic growth and real development as a nation. Today, we celebrate collectively, as Sierra Leoneans, a vision for the future and exhort one another to steadfastly pursue that vision for all our sakes. We have digitised governance processes, simplified business registration and revenue collection and therefore reduced the cost of starting and doing business, providing public services, reducing the cost of and instituting more predictability and transparency into governance,’’ he said.

President Bio also said that his government had captured citizen data with unique national insurance numbers and had become the first African country to use Blockchain Technology to establish a national digital platform. 7Chief Innovation Officer, Dr David Moinina Sengeh, said that the event was about the future of a Sierra Leone that would be synonymous with innovation, a future where the children could access quality learning materials through solutions developed by their peers, a future where any farmer would have the information they need at their fingertips to increase the outputs of their farms by several folds and a future where a sick patient would know precisely which health facilities to visit.

“The NIDS is a living document. We know that technology changes so quickly that within a couple of years many things will become redundant and the solutions we are designing for our challenges now, may not even work. That means, as a country, we each have a responsibility to continue to shape it, particularly in how we deploy resources and how we choose to solve our collective challenges,’’ he said.

Kei Kamara honored with Mural in Sierra Leone

By Thaimu Thullah

Very few people (if any) would disagree that Kei Kamara has become a legend in MLS. He joined the league in 2006 and came into his own with Sporting Kansas City in 2009. Since then, the forward has “terrorized MLS defenses with elite athleticism, dominant aerial ability, and superlative one-touch finishing since entering the league in 2006 (90 goals, 36 assists in 268 appearances).

His 22-goal 2015 season was the high watermark for his career, as he finished second to Sebastian Giovinco while also helping Crew SC reach the MLS Cup Final.” Kamara made an immediate impact with the Colorado Rapids this year, with 14 goals and one assist in 29 games.

A native of Sierra Leone, Kamara has earned 29 caps with his home country since 2008, including appearances in the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifiers and the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers. Kamara came to the U.S. when he was 14 as a refugee and has had, at times, a tumultuous relationship with the Sierra Leone Football Association for vocally criticizing the association. But at the end of the day, Kamara is a football legend in Sierra Leone as well, and his portrait was added to the wall at the Siaka Stevens Stadium, the country’s national stadium in the capital city, Freetown.


WAPIS Hands over ICT Equipment to Sierra Leone Police

By Theresa Vamboi

The West African Police Information System (WAPIS) has convened at a well-attended VIP gathering government officers including the Minister of Internal Affairs, Inspector General Police, Deputy Head of Mission European Union in Sierra Leone, Deputy National Security Coordinator and representatives from INTERPOL, Fixed Solution etc to hand over items relevant for police information.

The event which convened on Friday 1st November 2019 at the Police Headquarters in Freetown saw the handing over of quantity of Information Technology Equipment worth over 56,125 Euros equivalent to $ 62,613.89 to the SLP. “This equipment are very timely and necessary in the fight against Transnational Organized Crime such as terrorism, money laundering and other related Cyber offences”, stated Dr. Yansanneh, who is on secondment from the SLP to WAPIS.

He further stated that the equipment will help to strengthen the SLP’s database in terms of data collection, storage and processing, and wholeheartedly expressed thanks and appreciation to the European Union for providing the funds and supporting the project. He also requested for legislation Data Processing.

Hon. Edward Suluku said the government of Sierra Leone will continue to support the WAPIS project and expressed appreciation to the European Union, INTERPOL and WAPIS for the donation. The minister appealed for concerted efforts to eliminate the fear of crime and to neutralize the threat of terrorism in Sierra Leone.

Dr. Richard Moigbeh is the Inspector General Police and was very pleased with the support, coordination and collaboration from the European Union, INTERPOL and WAPIS to the WAPIS Office in Sierra Leone.  On behalf of the SLP Council, the IGP said it was a very unique opportunity to integrate cyber services in the fight against crime at the national, regional and international level. He also thanked the European Union for talking and doing.

The representative of the European Union Madam Jamila indicated that the EU was always ready to support and collaborate with WAPIS and emphasized that there was need for the sustainability of the project.  Other speakers including the Deputy National Security Coordinator and the Director of Crime Services also made meaningful contributions. The ceremony was chaired by the Director of Community Affairs, AIG Kalia Edward Sesay.

Update On Sierra Leone Commission Of Inquiry

By Theresa Vamboi

In Sierra Leone, the long-awaited inquiry into the assets of former President Koroma and other senior public officials in his APC Government, will commence sitting on Monday, 11 November 2019. The inquiry will look into the financial affairs of former president Ernest Bai Koroma, former vice president Victor Bockarie Foh, former ministers, heads of departments and parastatals.

Since 2007 when former president Ernest Bai Koroma and his government took office, after winning presidential and general elections, and then went on to serve two terms before he and his government were voted out in March 2018, there have been serious allegations of rampant corruption and amassing of unexplained wealth that need to be looked into, once and for all to set the record straight and hold them to account fairly.

Many in Sierra Leone believe that former president Koroma was one of the richest presidents on the African continent, alleged to have illegally accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars, stashed away in off-shore accounts and in real estate in Europe.
There are allegations also that the former president owns dozens of real estate properties across the country, especially in Freetown and Makeni – his hometown.

Other former senior government ministers are also alleged to have misappropriated hundreds of millions of dollars from the State. These allegations will be investigated by the Commission of Inquiry set up last year by president Julius Maada Bio, to look into the running of the country by the former president and his ministers.

Sierra Leone is ranked as one of the poorest nations in the world, despite having massive reserves of natural resources and minerals. Average daily income per person in Sierra Leone is less than $1.50, while daily cost of living per household is more than $10.

Over 60% of the adult population are unemployed, with an average life expectancy of less than 50 years. It is estimated that the country loses about $500 million in corruption every year, causing widespread poverty, destitution, illiteracy and poor health among the majority of the population.

A Government Transition Team Committee report published by the Bio-led government last year, said it had found evidence of corruption on a grand scale, estimated at over $2 billion, most of which related to improper public procurement processes, abuse of office, misappropriation of funds, and theft of public property.

What the Commission of Inquiry will seek to do – with the help of the Anti-Corruption Commission is to sift through all the evidence collected by the Transition Team Committee, to match against all allegations of corruption by former government officials.

The Commission will also look into the annual asset declaration forms of former senior government officials, their Bank Account transactions during the period they were in office, in order to identify any mismatch between personal income, expenditure and asset portfolio of each official being investigated.

One thing is certain about this Commission of Inquiry, it may not be liked by the former government officials, but it has set new standards of accountability and probity, for past and present government officials as well as those in the future.

There must be an end to impunity in Sierra Leone. President Bio has started the ball rolling. The Commission of Inquiry into the activities of former government ministers and head of State is enshrined in the country’s laws, and can only be stopped through an Act of Parliament.

The people of Sierra Leone are waiting to hear the truth about corruption in the country, under the presidency of former president Ernest Bai Koroma. Are the allegations of billions of dollars stashed away by the former president and his ministers a myth, or is the nation going to be shocked by what the Commission will find?

This is the statement published by the Commission of Inquiry Secretariat

Sierra Leone: FCC Helps Youth Start Waste Collection Enterprises

By Lahai Daramy

Through the International Organisation for Migration, the Freetown City Council has benefited 20 tricycles, 2 motorbikes to help the Council manage waste in the city and achieve its target of having 60% of solid and liquid waste safely collected and disposed of by 2022.

IOM, as part of its efforts to reduce irregular migration by boosting youth entrepreneurship, supported Council’s efforts to improve waste collection & create jobs in Freetown by providing tricycles, safety gear, and business training for 200 youth. IOM also provided two motorbikes for monitoring the use of the tricycles.

The youth, who make up 20 youth groups, will collect waste from residents right across the city, especially in hard to reach areas and low income communities! Freetown City Council is determined to improve sanitation in Freetown and more tricycles are set to be handed over to young people in the near future for them to start their own waste collection businesses. We kindly ask our residents to make use of their services. Residents can get their contact information, and that of other waste service providers in Freetown, by using findmeinfreetown.com or by calling 030 064 811 or 075 434014.

Tonkolili District Council Calls on Sierra Leone Government and Stakeholders to Monitor Running of School Buses

By Abdul M. Jalloh

The chairperson of Tonkolili District Council, Madam Yabom Sesay has appealed to stakeholders to monitor the running of public buses given to schools in Tonkolili District.

Following the distribution of buses to the district, she has registered deep appreciation to the government over the buses which she acknowledged their importance to the children in easing the transportation challenges in the district and most especially within the township of Magburaka (the headquarter town) and Mathora village which hosts the Government Junior and Senior Secondary School for.

Such facilities will help address the problems faced by the Mathora and other school girls within the district to school and home conveniently. There are challenges though and these were said to be the first amongst is the bad conditions of the road network especially the one for Mathora. The self-help project that is recently launched by the people of Rowalla Village who teamed up with Tonkolili District Council and youths on the road couldn’t help enough. As a result, the government was still being called by her administration to support the efforts of the council to make the road.

Fuel shortage too became another imperil for her administration to pull over from the challenges she faces. The buses are reported short of fuel most times and this was becoming a problem to manage as they use 35-40 litres per day and this is not commensurable to the proceeds collected from pupils per day.

Last but not the least is paying drivers plying with the buses”. Each of the four drivers of the vehicles takes a home pay of Le,1,000,000 monthly and the money raised was not enough to offset their payments, lamented the Council chairman.  As a result, she has appealed to the government to support the initiative by giving government fuel chits to the buses.